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The Shaw shank Redemption 影评

The Shaw shank Redemption 影评
The Shaw shank Redemption 影评

The Shawshank Redemption

Fear can hole you prisoner, hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself; a great man can save another.

——The Shawshank Redemption This film The Shawshank Redemption that Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman acted in the leading roles was put on the screen in 1994. Here is a captivating story of a redemption that shows us the value of hope and perseverance and is nearly another version of The Count of Monte Cristo. The story happened in 1947: Andy, a banker in America, accused of killing his wife and her lover after he drank too much due to his wife’s illegal love affair, was sentenced to life imprisonment, which meant that he had to spend the rest of his life in prison——The Shawshank.

In the Shawshank, there was another prisoner named Red, who was also sentenced to life imprisonment in 1927 and failed many times to be released on parole. Over time he nearly became “a person of authority” in Shaw shank that meant that if you could afford him, he could get anything for you. On the first day of Andy’s coming, Red lost his bet that Andy would cry as the first one, even though Andy looked extremely delicate.

After a month, he asked Red to get him a pickaxe and a big picture of Rita Hayworth that he put on the wall.

One time, when working outside the cell, Andy heard that some guards talking about paying taxes. Andy told them that he could help them get away from paying taxes and in exchange, he got 3 bottles of beer for everyone he was working with. Having a good command of the knowledge of financial affairs, Andy even became a tool for the Shawshank’s governor to launder his illegal income.

At the same time, Andy kept writing to the governor of the state for many years to ask money to build a small library in the prison and at last he succeeded.

One time, intending to show the charm of music to the prisoners, Andy broadcast a piece of music against the rules of the prison and he got punished then.

A young man's coming broke the silence, which claimed that he knew who killed Andy's wife and her lover. Of course, the murderer was not Andy. Can you imagine what happened then? When Andy asked the governor of the prison to help him to get released on parole, the governor killed the new man,the witness,secretly. Facing with such cruel reality, Andy got very depressed. Then one day, he told Red,“ If one day you can get released on parole, to make one of my wishes come true, you must go to a place where

I proposed to my wife, dig out a box which is under the big oak and there is something I want to give you.”That night, Andy broke out of the prison. During the past 20 years, Andy used the pickaxe to dig a hole in the wall under the picture of Rita Hayworth's covering and made a fictitious person named Stephen to help the governor with his illegal income. Now, when he got out, he became Stephen, got the entire governor's money and didn’t forget to accuse the governor of his illegal acts. At last, the governor killed himself when he heard the sound of the patrol wagon. Not too long after these things happened, Red got released on parole, found that box, took the money, and went to Andy's place——a beautiful seaside in Mexico.

In the film, there are three times of redemption:

The first time was when Andy helped a guard Hadley to get away from paying taxes, he got three bottles of beer for every prisoner who worked with him. "We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders, and felt like free men. We couldn't be tarring the roof of one of our own houses. We were the Lords of all Creation." At this time, you can see Andy smiled for the first time. After all, freedom always means being happy and making oneself valuable.

The second time which Andy broadcasted Le Nozzles de Figaro was the best part in the film. This episode seemed to be nothing interesting, but it was really full of passions and made you influenced. "I tell you, those voices soared. Higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made these walls dissolved away...And for the briefest of moments —every last man at Shaw shank felt free." This time, Andy's smile looked successful. Clever as he was, he managed to get trust from the guards, which he used to take the feeling of freedom back to his friends—even though it was only a moment.

The third time was when he wanted to build a library for the prison, in order to get some books, he kept writing one letter to the governor of the state every week for the first 6 years and then two letters every week for the last 12 years until the library was built. This time was a big success.

Treasure your freedom. This is also what the film wants to teach us. Red once assessed himself, "I'm the only guilty man in Shaw shank." The last time when he was talking in the Hearings Room, he said, "There's not a day goes by I don't feel regret. Not because I'm in here or because you think I should. I look back on myself the way I was then, a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. I want to try and talk some sense

to him. Tell him the way things are. But I can't. That kid's long gone and this old man is all that's left. I got to live with that. Rehabilitated? It's just a bullshit word."

In fact, the life is a prison and every one of us is the product of the institutionalization of society. But do you know what the word "institutionalized" means? Red said, "These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, and then you get used to them. Enough time passed, and you find that you have already depended on them. That's institutionalized."

But there is really something beautiful, that's the hope for life and future. We are often obsessed by darkness and sadness, while hiking in the journey of life, when hope is the only way out. Hope is a good thing, maybe one of the best things, and no good thing ever dies. Believing in you, never giving up hope, waiting for the glorious period of yourselves with patience, that's the Sh aw shank’s redemptions. With hope, everyone can find the road to paradise, even though the road is full of frustrations.

the kite runner读书报告读后感

Brother or Betrayer? -the Kite Runner I have spent half a month reading The Kite Runner,on the bestseller list as a paperback for 101 weeks. It is the first novel by Khaled Hosseini, who is an Afghan-born American novelist and physician.After graduating from college, he worked as a doctor in California. He has published three novels, most notably his 2003 debut The Kite Runner, all of which are at least partially set in Afghanistan and feature an Afghan as the protagonist. Following the success of The Kite Runner, he decided to stop practicing medicine and became a full-time writer. It tells a story between two boys. A rich boy Amir at the age of 12 and his servant Hasan are brotherly loved. Nevertheless, after a kite game, something miserable happens. Amir feels grievous and guilty for his cowardice and he cannot confront Hassan, using something contemptible to let Hassan and his father leave his home. Not long, Afghanistan breaks out a war, Amir and his father have to flee to America. After his grown-up, he cannot forgive what he had done to Hassan before. And to atone for himself, he returns his hometown, which is destroyed badly by the war. When he comes back, he is astonished by the information that Hassan is his brother and he and his wife have already died. Rahim requests him to rescue Sohrab, the son of Hassan. This time he fights for Sohrab and finally get Sohrab back and takes him to America. Because of many unexpected matters, Sohrab becomes silent and never smiled. Amir regards him as his own son and does everything for him. There are two conflicts roles in this novel, Amir and Hassan, Amir’s father and Ali. The relationship between Amir’s father and Ali is of great similarity with that of Amir and Hassan. Amir’s father is brother and betrayer for Ali while Amir is the same for Hassan. Ali was adopted by Amir’s grandfather the year Amir’s father was born. Naturally, the two boys become childhood playmates just like Amir and Hassan. Amir and Hassan are always told the mischief that his father and Ali used to play. Then after they grow up, Ali becomes the primary servant in the house, spending all his life on serving Amir’s father, until Amir betrays Hassan and they leave. By that time, they have been fully participated in each other’s life for more than forty years. They grow


《上帝也疯狂2》观后感 政史学院历史09班梁燕学号:200902405153 这部影片讲了在沙漠中生活的卡拉哈里人远离现代世界,在干旱的环境里自有一套谋生方式。卡拉哈里人奇哥的两个幼子奇沙与奇尔在父亲寻找食物时被车厢的露水吸引,登上了偷猎者的卡车,却被不知情的偷猎者带走。奇哥自此踏上了追寻孩子的旅途……来自美国的法学博士安泰勒经一位心血来潮的飞行员邀请,登上了他的飞机,却为恶劣的天气影响,和动物学家马歇尔一同被困在沙漠的深处,两位博士术业有专攻,但野外生存肯定不是安泰勒的强项,女博士忙乱的表现为这次历险平添了轻松的气氛……古巴战士与非洲士兵为双方阵营而战,两个人一把枪传来传去,他们也先后做着对方的俘虏……这群人在沙漠深处的动物天堂穿插互动,上演了一出温馨轻松的喜剧。下面我将从感受深的几点来进行理论结合。 从影片来看,沙漠中的卡拉哈里人远离现代世界,他们的观点不同。卡拉哈里人信仰上帝,相信一切都是上帝的赏赐,他们懂得如何在沙漠里生存,懂得如何利用沙漠里一切,如辨别动物的脚印说明沙漠中发生的事、在没有降水的时候如何利用植物来获取水、、、、、、而这一切对于沙漠外的人来说是不可思议的,代表就是女主角法学博士安泰勒。从世界的物质性而言,我们可以看到物质世界是客观实在的,无论是沙漠世界还是现代世界,且不以人的意识为转移。社会生活本质是实践的,体现在实践是社会关系形成的基础,实践形成了社会生活的基本领域,实践构成了社会发展的动力。卡拉哈里人生活在沙漠的内部,在沙漠的时间构成了他们的社会关系,形成了他们社会生活得基本领域,也促成了他们发展的动力;而生活在现代世界的人来说,在没有实践的沙漠地带他们没办法有自己的社会关系,生活领域,这些他们只能在他们实践的现代社会里才能实现,也才能构成他们的社会生活。当然,事物是普遍联系和相互发展的,虽然卡拉哈里人远离现代世界,但是从总个社会来说,他们还是相互联系的,而且是发展着的。 从认识的本质来理解这部影片,我了解到: 实践是认识的基础; 认识是主体对客体的能动反映; 认识要一切从实际出发,在实践中坚持和发展真理。 在影片中卡拉哈里人和研究动物的动物学博士马歇尔在沙漠的实践中认识到沙漠的现象,他们知道动物的脚印代表什么意思,知道沙漠中动物的习性,它们怕什么,要怎样去防范他们的攻击,最典型的就是土狼这种胆小又怯懦的动物了。而影片中的女主角法学博士安泰勒由于对沙漠中的一切没有充分的实践以致对沙漠没有充分认识,在影片中表现的一惊一乍的,充分的展示了人在危急时刻爆发出来的潜力,给影片带来了很多的笑点。除了生活在现代社会中的女主角,还有奇哥的两个小孩被没有见过轮胎的印子还有那一箱的水吸引,从而登上了偷猎者的卡车,却被不知情的偷猎者带走。还有影片中女主角由于自己的惊吓把载她的卡拉哈里人的自行车撞坏之后,硬塞给他美元的镜头,给我印象很深。女主没有从实际出发,没有认识到卡拉哈里人是不需要到钱币的,要把客观存在的事物作为观察和处理问题的根本出发点,并在实践中坚持发展真理。只有真正的在沙漠中实践过,才能坚持和发展真理。 以前看电影从来没有这样的想过要理论结合,经过候老师这么要求反而觉得能学以致用,加深对所学知识的理解,让认识与实践相结合,从而加深了对知识的理解。


好看的爱情电影 悲伤电影(看名字就知道了。不过很不错) 雏菊(全智贤的。很好看) 我脑海中的橡皮擦(感人啊感人) 恋空(哭。纯纯的校园爱情) 蜥蜴(以上是让你又哭又笑的感情片) 触不到的恋人 情书 四月物语(和上面都是岩井俊二的片子) 现在只想爱你(以上主讲爱情,也叫只是爱着你)在世界的中心呼唤爱(励志的爱情片。感人) 两小无猜(画面非常漂亮,最后的场景超经典) 傲慢与偏见 恋恋笔记本 花样年华 甜蜜蜜(和上面一样,国产的经典) 秒速五厘米 穿越时空的少女(两部动画电影,有文艺片的味道) ps:以下不以爱情为主,但也非常棒 奥罗拉公主(这个有点悬疑惊悚,但是很好看) 天使爱美丽 大鱼(主讲亲情,漂亮) 放牛班的春天(还不错) 西西里的美丽传说(意大利风情) 海上钢琴师(和上面那部是同个导演,好看) 天堂电影院 美丽人生 当幸福来敲门(无敌的威廉史密斯) 日本十部经典电影 1、《七武士》 (1954)导演:黑泽明主演:三船敏郎志村乔 2、《浮云》 (1955)导演:成濑已喜男主演:高峰秀子森雅之 3、《饥饿海峡》 (1963)导演:内田吐梦主演:三国连太郎左幸子高仓健 4、《东京物语》 (1953)导演:小津安二郎主演:原节子 5、《幕末太阳传》 导演:川岛雄三主演:石原裕次郎 6、《罗生门》 (1950)导演:黑泽明主演:三船敏郎京町子

7、《红色杀机》 (1964)导演:今村昌平主演:春川增美西村晃露口茂 8、《非仁义的战斗》 (1—5集) (1973—1974)导演:深作欣二主演:原文太松方弘树金子信雄田中邦卫 9、《24只眼睛》 (1954)导演:木下惠介主演:高峰秀子田村高广月丘梦路笠智众 10、《雨月物语》 (1953)导演:沟口健二主演:京町子田中绢代森雅之日本经典爱情电影 <四月物语><花和爱丝斯> <情书><东京爱情故事><美丽人生>《爱情白皮书》 《恋爱世纪》《悠长假期》 《等你说爱我》《东京电梯小姐》 《美丽人生》《钢琴物语》 1.情书(柏原崇中山美穗如果相爱就像他们) 2.恋爱写真(松田龙平广末凉子) 3.JOSE与虎与鱼们(妻夫木聪池胁千鹤) 4.在世界的中心呼唤爱(森山未来长泽雅美) 5.大约在雨季(中村狮童竹内结子) 6.东京铁塔(天空之城李志黑木瞳冈田准一) 7.下弦之月(成宫宽贵栗山千明) 8.海猫(伊东美咲仲村亨) 9.日正当中的星空(铃木京香王力宏) 10.阿修罗城之瞳(宫泽理惠市川染五天空软件站郎) 11.春之雪(妻夫木聪竹内结子) 12.彩虹老人院(小田切让柴崎幸) 13.甲贺忍法帖(小田切让仲间由纪惠) 14.变身(苍井优日本十大爱情电影玉木宏) 15.13月(柏原崇大冢宁宁) 16.等待,只为与你相遇(山田孝之长泽雅美) 17.太阳之歌(YUI冢本高史) 18.现在,只想爱你(宫崎葵玉木宏) 19.泪光闪闪(妻夫木聪长泽雅美) 20.初雪(宫崎葵李俊基) 21.Little~DJ小小恋爱物语(神木隆之介福田麻由子) 22.恋空(三浦春马新垣结衣) 23.恋爱情结(小池澈平水岛宏) 24.我的女友是机器人(绫那时的他们电影濑遥小出惠介) 25.花样男子Final(井上真央松本润) 26.东京少女(夏帆佐野和真) 27.妹妹恋人(松本润荣仓奈奈) 28.砂时记(夏帆松下奈绪)


上帝也疯狂电影观后感范文 《上帝也疯狂》系列讲述的是在非洲的卡拉哈里地区,生活着一群生性乐观、知足自在的布希族土人,两万年来过着与世隔绝的生活.这里给大家整理了一些有关上帝也疯狂的观后感,希望对大家有所帮助. 上帝也疯狂观后感1 看完电影我真的十分震撼,在捧腹之余,我觉得人类很有必要审视一下此刻的“所谓礼貌”。“那里看起来像人间天堂,却是世界上最个性的沙漠。”开头这句话看似像是在给人们说这片沙漠的神奇、与众不一样。其实不然,接下来的一系列片段讲述了住在这片沙漠的布依人。他们十分知足、十分和善、甚至不懂得什么是礼貌。在他们看来,一切都是上帝的恩赐。更可贵的是他们没有所有权意识。但这一切被飞行员投下的一个玻璃瓶打破了,他们认为那是上帝在跟他们开玩笑,是不祥之物,由历苏送到“世界的尽头”扔掉 这部影片很巧妙的利用了比较,在南方600里的城市,这是一个现代化十分发达的城市。但那里的人们并不快乐,他们过着死板的生活,周一早上八点去上班,中间十点半有十五分钟的休息时刻。他们像是时刻的奴隶,那里的学生被迫理解十几年的教

育,那里的上班族受到上司的刁难。而在北方2000里的地方发生了一场政治刺杀,他们为了权力宁愿舍弃生命 其实,每个人的心灵深处都住着善意,只是在追逐名利中、在征服自然中失去了本性,造就了所谓的现代礼貌——现代礼貌的背后,是对资源的疯狂掠夺,是硝烟弥漫的战争,是追逐名利的勾心斗角,是篡改历史,是强权霸权主义的盛行 当历苏站在那个美丽的悬崖边上,一扬手,可乐瓶子在空中划出一道完美的抛物线,然后不见。当时我就在想:或许,人类真的需要给心灵找一个居所,让它能够得到净化的憩居。像布依人那样随心所欲的生活,与世无争,与自然和谐相处。哪怕是回归原始,又有何不可? 上帝也疯狂观后感2 一个布希族人凯捡到了一个可乐瓶,开始布希族觉得这是上帝赠给他们的礼物。世事难料,因为这个瓶子,布希族人开始闹起了矛盾。他们觉得这是“不祥之物”,凯决定把瓶子扔到天涯海角去。他遇到了安德鲁史帝,和他一起保护了一群孩子和凯特,并且抓住了恐怖的人波哈。最后凯扔掉了瓶子,返回布希族。 在这部电影中我十分佩服凯。凯射杀了一只羊,而被告上法庭时,他的表情居然是微笑的,还想与法庭上的人交流。我原本以为他胆子很大,很冷静。但是看到下面凯用涂了镇定剂的针射


我脑中的橡皮擦经典台词集锦 经典台词: 记忆到底是什么?原来,我们什么都战胜不了,之前是命运,之后是回忆。 我想在我还能记得你的时候告诉你我有多么的爱你=) 我不需要去想起你 我的身上有你的影子 我的一颦一笑,都有你的痕迹 也许有一天我会忘了你 但这个世界上 没有什么东西能把我和你分开 尽管你从没对我说过你爱我 但我知道,你也是深深的爱着我的 请原谅我的离去... 亲爱的,你要知道,纵然你会从我的记忆里消失,可在我心里,你永远无法被任何东西驱逐。只有相信,就会有奇迹,哪怕记忆消失了,但爱情一定会留下。 一点一点,一秒一秒,我会渐渐失去所有的记忆,我

不再记得你,不记得我们之间的一切,我脑海里有个橡皮擦,擦掉我们之间所有,所有。 你独自的来,就独自的走,这就是生活。 原来失去记忆就等于失去灵魂。 如果那天我不曾和你相遇,那么我将不会拥有那份痛苦、那份悲伤和那份饱含泪水的回忆然而,若不是遇见你,我也无法体会到这份愉悦、这份心动、这份珍贵、这份温暖而我们都对了还是错了,我们都爱了但是忘了。走的时候你哭了还是怎了,我只是疼了但还是笑了。 我有一定要说的话,得在你把我完全忘记之前说。如果没能说出来,我的人生也再没有任何意义,我爱你。 我不想忘记你,我也不能忘记,你能感受我的想法?我的心意吗?我很怕那些短暂的记忆什么时候又会悄悄溜走,在这之前我必须告诉你一切,我很爱你,非常抱歉,因为我的健忘我遇到了你,也是因为我的健忘我要离开你,你是我生命中最绚烂的篇章,我是多么的感谢上帝把你赐给了我,我不需要去想起你,我的身上有你的影子,我的一颦一笑,都有你的痕迹,也许有一天我会忘了你,但这个世界上,没有什么东西能把我和你分开,尽管你从没对我说过你爱我,但我知道,你也是深深的爱着我的,请原谅我的离去,我最后的请求,请去见一见我的父亲 我不想忘记你,我也不能忘记你能感受我的想法?


被偷走的那五年的观后感 《被偷走的那五年》首映见面会上有两个小插曲,值得说一说。首先,主持人连续两次称本片为十年以来首部入围上海国际电影节的中国电影。其次,是有片方工作人员或志愿者给每位观众发送小卡片,内容与电影构成很巧妙的同构反应。黄真真导演并参与编剧的《那五年》,质量远远超过她的近作,前半部分充满悬疑和搞笑,中间部分又讲述专业人士中高层的工作艰辛与对自我实现的强烈追求,对于白百合和张孝全饰演的角色过往和现在的情感描摹的很是精准。白百合一觉醒来,发现五年的记忆全部失落,与张孝全也早已经离婚,而记忆还保留在蜜月旅行。如此残酷的局面,令观众与白百合一样迫切想知道过去发生了什么。电影第三部分,在揭开秘密之后,以煽情又失控的处理方式,给予白百合与张孝全以及观众更严重的考验,我们必须思索“人活着是为了什么”,为了谁,幸福如何成为现实中的可能。 不必讳言,《那五年》的人设有些许问题,更以连续翻转又击落常规治愈系电影的走向,很有力量的冲击了观众的惯性期待,从而阐发出特别意味的小清新电影。本片以东亚影视剧喜欢的重病为叙事推动力,白百合脑海中的橡皮擦先是突变,不可逆的失忆、痴呆令其回到曾经幸福、简单、纯粹、清新的五年之前。五年之前,人生还是那么美好。五年之间,白百合从少妇成为女魔头,一再成功的品牌重生让她成为强势的创意总监,并延续到家庭生活中,在疑

神疑鬼之后,又背叛了张孝全,然后与亲朋好友们纷纷决裂,最终执意离婚。也许她的创意能力与她的病本身便有相关,然而电影更多是在讲五年时间差之后,男女感情如何重新开始。张孝全在电影中某些镜头有些貌似梁朝伟,这也是白百合打趣的笑点所在,黄真真的打点也正是当年张国荣和梁朝伟之间那句著名的台词。本片故事全盘发生在台湾,而白百合内地、黄真真香港,剧本又不希望做两岸三地的对话,在地化书写不必做其他猜想。 记忆储存在大脑的特定位置,前额及两侧的上脑皮层中有种人类各种公开或隐秘的记忆。事物、事件已经发现、发生,便会被储存在相关单元里。正常情况下,遗忘会有发生,然而五年时光的失去只能是重大病情导致。在工作人员发放的提醒卡片里,有一句是“本片将于八月份暑期档在全国上映,在此之前,请勿将本片剧情,图片,视频以任何形式储存及传播。”这注定是无法完成的任务,本片属于公开放映,片方无法单方面与观众达成保密协议,而观众已经对本片观看完毕,至少在脑海里已然怀念了。正如张孝全和他的朋友,先是惊愕于白百合的失忆,再就是要与其配合演出“穿越”,白百合的懵懂与对真爱的向往,观众和过去被其伤害过的人,都会感触到人生的岔路绝非是“假如可以重新来过那么简单”。对于幸福、理想、情感的要求不同,人生的路就会出现迥然的差异。


从传播学角度分析《上帝也疯狂》 当我看到片名为《上帝也疯狂》时,心里顿时产生些许猜疑:上帝也疯狂?他是怎样一个疯狂?是喜剧片吗?……?它和传播学能有什么关系?一连串的猜疑在我看完影片后边不觉为奇了。原来上帝真的疯狂了,而且和人类间的传播有着密切的关系,也明白了这部影片为何能成为一部经典的喜剧片。 我们都知道,符号是人类传播的介质,人类只有借助通过符号才能互相沟通信息,从而符号的基本功能也是不容忽视的,它具有表达和理解功能、传达功能和思考功能,只有达到这三种符号的功能,人类间把符号作为沟通的障碍就会减少了。而在影片中,这些功能表现的并不突出,只是从间接方面来表达各自的功能。 在影片中,每一个人物的对话都在传递着共通的信息。尽管在某个方面存在着隔阂,可是他们之间的动作、表情、状态都可以作为符号起到互通的作用。在片中,主人公基代表了原始社会的人物的特点,对于现代文明的事物感到及至陌生,当他来到现代文明的世界里,他的思想似乎没有受到想象中的冲击,而是表现出一种无知与好奇。在非语言符号的体系下,基通过动作、手势、表情、视线等等表现出他的庸俗与好奇。首先,基对事物的认识观不同。当基把人类认为危险的产物“枪”看成是树枝时,现代人却反映出危险的存在而不欢而逃,对此基表现出满脸的疑惑。观众们在此发笑无疑是正常的,而对于对陌生事物的人来说自然会感觉到不解,这就是一种沟通的障碍,是两个世界人的认识观的不同,对此人类在此时的沟通自然会产生制约与影响。其次是行为方式的不同。基把猎捕羊群中的羊作为晚餐,甚至把它与人类分享,然而作为现代文明世界的我们自然会觉得他违法了,可是基却不解他的行为受到了制裁,这种隔阂是显而易见的,作为观众的我们无疑会为他的无知而感到同情。最后,当基融入现代人的生活中时,他为史蒂在荒野中考察方式做出了很大的贡献。基的动作与姿势都与现代人产生了差异性,表现出很多的喜剧成分。然而,影片中最突出的障碍无非是语言符号了,对于基的语音符号与现代人的交流中是不相通的,因此只能借助第三方的转述,不乏会出现些许语言表达与内容的障碍。 人类间的传播并不是孤立存在的,他需要五个要素构成,即传播者、受传者、讯息、媒介和反馈的过程,在人类传播的过程中,如果缺少一方,不仅会使信息不能传达,而且会出现另一种传达效果。在影片中,基与史蒂在与布哈一伙的斗智中表现的比较突出。史蒂作为传播者向基受传者发出讯息,但是由于语言符号的不相通,必须通过史蒂的朋友作转述。他的朋友在其间转述的作用是相当大的,他不仅作为媒介的话语者,而且作为反馈传达讯息的回应者,讯息的精确性也需要通过媒介与反馈给史蒂传播者和基受传者。在这一传播过程中,基与史蒂及他的朋友表现得很一致,并不存在太大的隔阂,以至最后成功的打败布哈一伙,救出凯特小姐和孩子们,也最终以胜利的结局为此影片落下帷幕,符合观众们的心理。 人类间的传播是一种交流和交换信息的行为。影片中出现的两个不同时代人的交流,即原始人和现代人的交流,他们之间的交流也并不是人们想象中的困难,各种符号为彼此的交流画上了等号。因此,我认为影片能够如此完美,能受到大众的欣赏,在这一方面也是被大家赞同的,它为观众传播了优秀的文化。

Book report-The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini was born in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. His father, a diplomat, moved the whole family from Iran back to Kabul in 1973.In the same year,his mother gave birth to his younger brother and Khaled’s childhood came to an end due to the coup in the country. In the light of unstability in Afghanistan,they eventually emigrated to California and have never gone back since then. In 2003, Khaled published his first book named “The Kite Runner”,impressing millions of readers. The book debuted at No. 1 on the New York Times’ bestseller list and has remained at the top of the list for more than 80 weeks. The Kite Runnner, which has been filmed,is considered to be a book people’re willing to share most all over the world. Born in a rich family ,Amir was the son of a prestigious local businessman.Amir had a sevant as well as close friend named Hassan who was the steward’s son.The two boys shared a lot of things in common.They were both raised in the same household and neither of them had mothers.And most importantly,they were both fond of flying kites.But on the other hand,there were also some aspects in which they were totally different.Hassan was courageous and loyal while Amir was coward. Amir always wanted to get all his father’s love so that he became envious of his father’s kindness to Hassan.Amir’s selfishness led to Hassan’s rove in the foreign lands.Half year later,the war broke out ,Amir and his father were forced to leave for America.There,Amir became a well-known writer,completely forgetting what he had done to Hassan.It was a call from his father’s friend that changed Amir’s life. From the man,he knew a big secret about his father and the nearly forgotten friend Hassan.Hassan wasn’t the steward’s son and they had the same father.The man encouraged Amir to go back to his hometown,finding the orphan of Hassan and making up for what he had down.Eventully Amir ,together with his guiltiness ,returned to Afghanistan which was a hell controlled by the Taliban.At the end of the story,Amir found Hassan’s son at the risk of losing his life,taking him back to America and bringing him up. ”For you, a thousand times over,”the story ended with this word said by Amir to his nephew,leaving great imagination to the audience. After I read the whole story,I was absolutely shocked by the friendship between the two boys.Hassan was so loyal to Amir that he even didn’t mind Amir’s harm and died for protecting Amir’s house.Maybe Amir was the most fortunate person in the world for he had such a perfect friend who was willing to do anything for him. I am ashamed of Amir’s cowardliness as well as admire Hassan’s loyalness.Personally speaking,the ending of the story is imperfect.Nevertheless,the transformation of Amir has left great impression on me.”For you,a thousand times over,”Amir tried his best to compensate for Hassan. Love,fear,guiltiness,salvation are all mixed in the novel which covers most of the important topics in the literature.So theret’s no wonder that the book has won too many awards and the write has become famous overnight. At last,I want to say,we should cherish what we have and appreciate those


阅读下面文字,完成小题 父亲脑海中的橡皮擦 郭娟 ①从客厅到厨房,再到阳台,现在是父亲的疆域。 ②自从前年冬天在酷寒的夜里险些找不到家,父亲就很少下楼了。家里空荡荡的。上班上学的走了,从早6点半到晚 6点半,父亲在他的疆域里巡视,无人说话。电视渐渐也想 不起打开看。报纸,从看报,到叠报,叠得整整齐齐,码成一摞儿。渐渐地,父亲的脚步慢了,一点一点地挪动。沙发矮,他一次一次地试图起来,又一次次跌坐,像发动马达似的,最后,使很大劲,头和身子费力地向前探,屁股撅着,才能慢慢从沙发里站起来,直起腰。刚站起来还有一些摇晃,父亲伸着两只胳膊维持着平衡,停片刻,感觉稳当了,才小心地挪出一小步。一点一点挪,有可以扶的桌、柜、墙,他都依靠着;无所依靠时,就摆动着胳膊,迈着京剧里老员外的那种步子,慢慢地晃着、挪着。我知道以后打电话,要等着多响几声,等父亲从沙发里艰难起身,一步一步来接电话。 ③父亲一步一步挪过长长的客厅,到他转进厨房,我可以看完两页书。我悄悄起身,跟过去,看见父亲在厨房里这儿摸

摸,那儿摸摸,又挪到阳台上,不知要干什么,也是摸摸,抚抚。然后转回来,站在卧室门口,停下,半天一动不动,茫然,后来伸手弄了弄门边角柜上摆着的零零碎碎,就退出来,还把卧室门关上了。父亲一生勤劳,白天从不肯上床睡一会儿,虽然现在他更多的时候是坐在沙发里打盹。 ④睡着的父亲还像是原来的父亲。他脑中的那块橡皮擦是一刻不停地擦着,还是也有时停一下?最初,擦去一点记忆时,谁也没有察觉;等到又擦去一些,父亲就失去了对时间的感知,常常把一日当成几天;渐渐地,在亲人的错愕和轻忽中,父亲对于自己的记忆失去了自信。当我在电话中问他,姑姑最近来了没有?宝宝还上课外班吗?他不再给出肯定回答,经常是说“好像吧”,“我没怎么注意”,还爽朗地抱歉似的笑两声,到被我问到第四问、第五问时,他干脆投降,诚恳地说:“我记不清了。”这样考问他,我常常觉得伤了他的自尊。 ⑤那块橡皮擦一直擦,擦,当父亲失去了他的大部分能力或者说失去了他的部分自我,他还能保持自尊吗?目前,父亲爱整洁的习惯还在,他经常费劲地收拾烟灰缸、垃圾桶, 地板上有一粒黑点或水迹,他都要撕块卫生纸,弓着腰去擦 干净;饭后,他总表示要自己去刷碗。目前,父亲还认得大


最单纯快乐的人 ——《上帝也疯狂》观后感 为了表达自己的真实感情,我这篇观后感会多使用一些口语,望老师谅解。 说真的,如果是让我自己去选择,我是绝对不会去看这种类型的片子的,无论是比我还老的发行时间,还是对比现在电影简直是“渣”的画质。都不可能让我在第一时间提起兴趣。但是在一天的疲劳奔波后静静坐下来观赏这部片,我不得不说,那份在“大片”中难以寻觅的纯真实实在在的感动了我。那份来自灵魂的,上帝给予的难得的纯真。 在看这部电影前,The God Must Be crazy这个名字真的让我想多了,我甚至想到了这部电影会不会是深刻的剖析了人性的罪恶什么的,但是当电影一开始那纪录片般的拍摄风格证明了我确实想多了。不得不说,这部电影的拍摄风格与电影的内容二者完美的契合了。在没有经过处理的实景记录的画面上,一切都显得真实而质朴。 “上帝一定是疯了”是影片名称的字面翻译,这应该是以“男主角”(我认为的)基的口吻发出的感叹。一个对于都市生活的人熟悉不过的可乐瓶子,却在布希族小小的族群中引起“轩然大波”。这份“上帝”“赠予”的礼物打破了族人平静的生活。从初时发现这个“礼物”的惊喜,到不断发掘出其妙用的快乐,再到希望独占这份礼物的欲望的衍生。这俨然是对人类社会从原始社会向氏族社会,甚至阶级社会的过程的映射。“瓶子”是个好东西,就像权力,就像金钱。但在人们享受到它所带来的好处的时候,一些负面的东西悄然而生,它就像潘多拉的盒子。潘多拉是无罪的,瓶子也是无辜的,真正为祸的,是人们无法逃避的本性中的黑暗。 但事情并没有恶化,因为我们的男主角(还是我认为)明智的判断出,“瓶子”并不是上帝的礼物,这也许是上帝不小心掉下的,或者是上帝丢弃的不喜欢的东西。这个东西为他的族人带来了灾难,是不祥之物。上帝一定是疯了,才会把这个不祥之物丢下来。所以他决定到世界尽头去,把它还给上帝。 当看到这里,我想到一个问题,基认为他们是上帝的儿女,因此上帝一定不会给予他们不好的东西。为什么他们这么自信且单纯的认为上帝会一直对他们好呢? 也许就是因为他们是单纯而知足的一个民族吧,他们所生存的卡拉哈里是一个特别的地方,雨季短暂且降水会被干涸的沙地吸收,水源的极度缺乏使人类难以维持生存,但我们可爱,小巧又优雅的布希族(我喜欢这个形容)却快乐而惬意的生活着。食用树根块茎和昆虫,饮用昼夜温差形成的稀少的露水。这才是真正的“吸天地之灵气”吧。但他们相信这是母亲在以他自己的方式关爱他们,晴空闷雷是上帝在打嗝,飞机飞过的轰鸣声是上帝的肚子在咕噜咕噜叫。他们生活在母亲的注视下,他们与母亲亲密无间,这份亲近是我们这些疲于追求“接近自然”的都市人永远也无法感受到的情意。 回到故事中,基开始了去往世界尽头的旅程,我还记得在基走之前,他的小女儿一直在哭泣,有些人说那是因为她被瓶子砸着了,但我更愿意认为那是她对即将踏上未知旅程的父亲的担忧。基是个勇者,不加引号的,即使在我们来看这短旅程毫无挑战性可言,但对于布希族来说,这个壮举大概与哥伦布出航寻找新大陆可媲美吧。 值得注意的是,影片将布希族单纯而快乐的生活与距他们仅六百里的大城市中的人的生活进行了对比,在那里,人们想尽一切办法脱离自然,压制自然。人们指定规则并被规则束缚。当报社总编强调只能在报纸上刊登健康及美丽的文字时,我真的很好奇什么才是真正的“健康及美丽的”事物,也许只有布希族人那太阳赐予的肤色和自然赐予的强健的身体才算得上吧。 影片以基的旅程作为引子,引出了动物学博士与女老师有趣的爱情故事。但我不想对这个

A book review of The Kite Runner

A book review of The Kite Runner Class 1 马凌峰0131124025 “For you, a thousand times over.” This is the most famous sentence in the book The Kite Runner, and this is the reason why I want to read this book, because I think this sentence is really beautiful. And this is the first time for me to read a book written by an author from Afghanistan. By coincidence, this book is the Afghan-American author Khaled Hosseini’s maiden work. The story is about two Afghani boys: Amir, a well-to-do Pashtun boy, and Hassan, a Hazara who is the son of Ali, Amir's father's servant. Although Hassan’s father was a servant, they were like brothers. They spent their days kite fighting in the hitherto peaceful city of Kabul. Hassan was a successful “kite runner” for Amir; he knew where the kite would land without watching it. Amir's father, a wealthy merchant Amir affectionately refers to as Baba, loves both boys, but is often critical of Amir, considering him weak and lacking in courage. Amir finds a kinder fatherly figure in Rahim Khan, Baba's closest friend, who understands him and supports his interest in writing. Assef, a notorious violent older boy, mocks Amir for socializing with a Hazara, which is, according to Assef, an inferior race whose members belong only in Hazarajat. One day, he prepares to attack Amir with brass knuckles, but Hassan defends Amir, threatening to shoot out

上帝也疯狂 英文观后感

Review of the Moive The Gods must be crazy First I will give a brief introduction of this film. The film is a collision of three separate stories—the journey of a Ju'hoansi bushman to the end of the earth to get rid of a Coca-Cola bottle, the romance between a bumbling scientist and a schoolteacher, and a band of guerrillas on the run. Xi and his band of San/Bushmen relatives are living well off the land in the Kalahari Desert. They are happy because the gods have provided plenty of everything, and no one in the tribe has unfulfilled wants. One day, a glass Coke bottle is thrown out of an aeroplane and falls to earth unbroken. Initially, this strange artifact seems to be another boon from the gods—-Xi's people find many uses for it. But unlike anything that they have had before, there is only one bottle to go around. This exposes the tribe to a hitherto unknown phenomenon, property, and they soon find themselves experiencing things they never had before: jealousy, envy, anger, hatred, even violence. Since it has caused the band unhappiness on two occasions, Xi decides that the bottle is an evil thing and must be thrown off of the edge of the world. He sets out alone on his quest and encounters Western civilization for the first time. The film presents an interesting interpretation of civilization as viewed through Xi's perceptions. There are also plot lines about shy biologist Andrew Steyn (Marius Weyers) who is studying the local animals (which, because of his nervousness around women, he once described as "manure-collecting"); the newly hired village school teacher, a former newspaper reporter named Kate Thompson (Sandra Prinsloo); and some guerrillas led by Sam Boga (Louw Verwey), who are being pursued by government troops after an unsuccessful attempt to massacre the Cabinet of the fictional African country of Burani. Also taking a share of the limelight is Steyn's Land Rover, dubbed the Antichrist (also "son of a mlakka") by his assistant and mechanic, M'pudi
