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Part One: Vocabulary and Structure

1. Key: B.该句意思是“要不是警察来了,他本可能已经被杀死了”。因此B项but for是答案。B项 but for意为“要不是,倘没有”,常用于虚拟语气的句子中。例如:I could not have done it but for your help. 要不是有你的帮助,我不可能做成这件事。

2. Key: B.该句意思是“这些数字与前几次实验所得到的结果不一致”。因此B项with是答案。B项consistent为形容词,意为“和……一致”,后接 with。例如:New goals are not always consistent with the existing policies.新目标并不总是与现行政策一致。consistent 的动词形式为consist,consist with 意为“与……相一致”。consist in意为“在于”,因此其他选项to,for,in 均不符题意。

3. Key: D.该句意思是“这种洗衣机的全部部件都已经标准化了,因而更换部件非常方便”。因此D项standardized是答案。D项standardize意为“使标准化”。例如:Standardized products are usually cheaper than hand-made articles.标准化的产品通常比手工制品便宜。A项normalize意为“使正常化”。例如:Relations were slow to normalize after the war.战后关系正常化进展缓慢。B项modernize意为“使现代化”。例如:They succeeded In modernizing existing hospitals.他们成功地实现了使现有医院现代化。C项mechanize意为“使机械化”。例如: Housework will become highly mechanized in the near future.在不久的将来,家务劳动将会变得高度机械化。

4. Key: C.该句意思是“我被他们的好意感动得流下泪来”。因此C项overwhelmed是答案。C 项 overwhelm意为“淹没,浸没,压倒”,后常接by或with,常用于被动语态句子中。例如:She was overwhelmed with/by grief.她悲痛欲绝。I was overwhelmed with gratitude. 我不胜感激。A项preoccupied意为“全神贯注的”。例如:she became more and more preoccupied with children.她越来越专注孩子们了。B项 embarrass意为“使窘迫,难为情”。D项 counsel意为“劝告,提议”。

5. Key: A.该句意思是“在许多文化群体中,那些被认为具有圆梦能力的人往往十分受尊敬”。因此A项interpret是答案。A项interpret意为“解释,说明”。例如: He interprets Shakespear as no one has ever done before.他对莎士比亚的作品做了前人从未做过的解释。B项intervene意为“干预”。C项 inherit意为“继承”。D项impart意为“传授”。

6. Key: A.该句意思是“开创这项研究的人值得我们称道”。因此A项originated是答案。A项originate意为“开创,创始”。例如:He is believed to have originated this plan.大家认为是他

发起了这项计划。B项 manufacture 意为“生产,制造”。C项generate意为“产生,引起”。D项 estimate 意为“估计,估价”。

7. Key: B.该句意思是“要求这所大学的所有学生都遵守规则”。因此B项comply是答案。B 项 comply with意为“遵守,服从”。例如: Most people comply with the signs stating the speed limits.大部分人都遵守车辆限速标志的规定。C项 submit意为“屈服,服从”,后常接介词 to。例如:They must submit to military discipline.他们必须服从军纪。A项yield后接介词to时,表示“屈服,服从”。D项 consent后接介词to,表示“同意,赞成”。

8. Key: A.该句意思是“我的老板总是亲自参加重要交易活动”。因此A项transaction是答案。A项 transaction意为“交易”。例如:The transaction of the deal took much trouble and long time.这次交易费了很大心血并用了很长时间。B项 stimulation意为“激励,鼓励”。C项transition意为“过渡”。D项 solution意为“解决,解决方法”。

9. Key: D.该句意思是“当他向当地报纸办事处申请一职务时,人们要他去见经理”。因此D 项position是答案。D项 position意为“职位,职务”。例如:He left a career in teaching to take up a position with the Arts Council. 他离开了执教生涯,在艺术委员会谋得了一席职位。A 项location意为“位置,场所”,一般指物体的所在地。例如:The location of the factory is close to the railway.这家工厂的位置靠近铁路。B项profession意为“职业”,一般指需要业务知识或专业知识的职业。C项career意为“职业,事业”,强调长期以至终身的事业。例如: I chose teaching as my career.我选择教书作为我的职业。

10. Key: C.该句意思是“人的行为主要是学习的结果,而动物的行为主要取决于本能”。因此C项instinct是答案。C项instinct意为“本能”。例如:Birds learn to fly by instinct.鸟学飞系出于本能。A项 consciousness意为“意识;知觉”。例如:The blow caused him to lose consciousness.那一击使他失去知觉。B项 impulse意为“冲动”。D项response意为“反应”。

11. Key: B.该句意思是“有一大堆帐单等着付款”。因此B项stack是答案。B项 stack 意为“堆,垛”,a stack of相当于a lot of.例如:I've got a stack of letter to write.我有一大堆信要写。A 项stock意为“库存,备料”,与题意不符。

12. Key: A.该句意思是“要想当发明家,就得有广博的学识和丰富的想象力”。因此A项vivid 是答案。A项vivid意为“生动活泼的”,可修饰 imagination。例如:be vivid with life 生气勃勃;a vivid description生动的描写。其他可修饰 imagination的还有:good, rich, strong, vigorous,active,lively。但 bright,living,colorful都不能修饰 imagination。

13. Key: D.该句意思是“苏格兰跟英国其他地方一样,义务教育从5岁开始,16岁结束”。因

此D项 compulsory是答案。D项compulsory意为“必修的,规定的,强迫的”,强调根据法律或命令必须执行的事。例如:Is military service compulsory in your country?在贵国,服兵役是义务的吗?English is a compulsory subject in many universities. 在许多大学里英语是必修课。A项 compelling,B项 forced,C项 obliged 意为“迫使的,强制的”,均含有强制之意,因此不符题意。

14. Key: C.该句意思是“许多科幻故事都有一个常见的主题:世界有朝一日被昆虫所侵占”。因此C项 taken over是答案。C项 take over意为“接管,接替”。例如: When he retired,his son took over the business from him.他退休后,由他儿子接管他的生意。A项break in 意为“强行进入”。B项 run over意为“溢出”,相当于 overflow。D项 fill in 意为“填充,填满”。

15. Key: A.该句意思是“大部分人类活动,尤其是与周围环境有关的活动,是对情况或事件做出的反应”。因此A项in response to是答案。A项in response to意为“反应,回应”。例如:Certainly, they did it in response to external pressures.他们这么做肯定是受到了外部压力。C项 in contrast to 意为“与……形成对照”。例如:His white hair was in sharp conrast to his dark skin.他的白发与他黝黑的皮肤形成鲜明对照。D项in excess of意为“超过”。例如:Never spend in excess of your income.花钱决不要超出你的收入。B项in favor of意为“支持,赞同”。

16. Key: D.该句意思是“David喜欢乡村生活,因此决定从事农业”。因此D项go in for是答案。D项go in for意为“从事”。例如:He thought of going in for politics。他曾打算从政。B 项 go back on意为“背弃,不守诺言”。例如:We won't go back on my promise.我们绝不食言。A项 get along with 意为“与……相处融洽;干某事得心应手”。C项get hold of意为“抓住,把握住”。

17. Key: C.该句意思是“我们不可避免地要承认:人口增加意味着生活水平降低”。因此C项inevitably是答案。C项 inevitably意为“不可避免地”。例如:Death inevitably comes to everyone.人总是要死的。A项readily 意为“乐意地,容易地”。例如If you want me to help you,I will readily come.如果你要我帮忙,我乐意效劳。B项 smoothly意为“顺利地,平稳地”。D项 deliberately意为“故意地”。

18. Key: A.该句意思是“有些人批评家庭医生为一点小病就开许多药”。因此A项 prescribing 是答案。A项prescribe 意为“开(药方)”。例如:After an exmination,the doctor prescribed cough medicine for me.检查以后,医生给我开了咳嗽药。B项 order意为“订购”,常指订货等。例如:It's time we ordered dinner.订饭菜的时间到了。C项 advise 意为“劝告,建议”。D


19. Key: A.该句意思是“通讯是将信息通过某种渠道从来源处传送到听众的过程”。因此A项transmitting是答案。A项 transmit意为“传送,传递”。例如:transmit a message by radio由无线电传送信息;transmit a disease 传播疾病。B项 submit 意为“提交,呈送”。例如:She submitted her term paper ahead of time .她提前交了学期论文。C项 transform意为“改变”,后常接介词 into。例如:An electic motor transforms electricity into mechanical energy.电动机将电能转变成机械能。D项switch意为“改变,转移”。例如:He is always switching from one job to another.他总是在改换工作。

20. Key: B.该句意思是“狗经常因为忠实而受到称赞;狗几乎从来不背弃自己的主人”。因此B项loyalty是答案。B项 loyalty意为“忠诚,忠实”。例如:loyalty to the people 忠于人民。A项 faith意为“信任,信心”。C项 trust意为“信任,信赖”。D项 truthfulness意为“诚实,说真话”。

21. Key: B.该句意思是“因为有个急诊,要求医生回医院去”。因此B项 an emergency是答案。B项emergency意为“紧急情况”,这里是名词做定语修饰case。又如:an emergeny exit 紧急出口;an emengency meeting 紧急会议;In case of emergency 在紧急情况下。A项 operation 意为“手术”。C项treatment意为“治疗”。D项 incident意为“事件”。A、C、D三项都不与 case 搭配。

22. Key: A.该句意思是“Lackey太太床边的电话把她从睡梦中惊醒,那是在她丈夫的船失事后12 小时”。因此A项wrecked是答案。A 项 wreck意为“(使)船、火车等失事,(使)遭难”。例如:My car was completely wrecked in the accident.在这次事故中,我的车完全撞坏了。B项decay意为“腐烂,衰退”。C项collapse意为“倒塌,崩溃”。D项fire意为“放火烧”。

23. Key: B.该句意思是“在遵从自己的习俗时,谁也不必感到不自在”。因此B项following 是答案。B项follow one's customs意为“遵守习惯,服从习俗”。A项 pursue,C项 chase,D项 seek都有“追求,追逐,追赶”之意,但都不与 customs搭配。

24. Key: D.该句意思是“孩子们玩过了玩具,就要把拿出来的玩具都放好”。因此D项put away 是答案。D项 put away意为“把……收起来,放好”。例如:The workers put away their tools after work.工人工作完毕后把工具收拾好。A项put off意为“推迟,延迟”。例如:Don't put off until tomorrow what can be donetoday.今日事,今仅毕。B项 put out意为“熄灭”。例如:put out a fire扑灭火灾。C项 put up意为“住宿;得到食宿”。例如:You can put up here for the


25. Key: D.该句意思是“现今有一种拍摄暴力影片的不良倾向”。因此D项trend是正确答案。D项trend意为“倾向,趋势”。例如: There is a trend to replace metal by plastics.有用塑料代替金属的趋势。A项 direction意为“方向”。B项 tradition 意为“传统”。C项 phenomenon 意为“现象”。

26. Key: B.该句意思是“大多数因公出差的人都领到出差津贴”。因此B项 allowances是答案。B项allowance意为“津贴,补助费”。例如: a traffic allowance 交通补助费。A项 income 意为“收入”。C项 wage 意为“工资,报酬”。D项 pay 意为“工资,薪金”。

27. Key: C.该句意思是“他无法提供与在审案有关的事实”。因此C项 to 是答案。Relevant 后接介词to,意为“与……有关”。例如:All data relevant to the project are stored in the computer.与工程有关的所有数据都存储在计算机里。

28. Key: D.该句意思是“年轻人所处的社会环境对他们在学术上的进步有深远影响”。因此D 项 profound是答案。D项 profound意为“深刻的,深远的”。例如:The scientist's dicovery will have a profound influence on mankind.这位科学家的发现将对人类产生深远的影响。A 项 gross意为“全部的,总的,毛的”。例如:gross industrial output value业总产值; gross national product 国民生产总值; gross weight 毛重;gross profit 毛利。B项 solid意为“稳固的,可靠的”。例如:on solid ground在稳固的基础上; solid arguments理由充分的论点。C项complete意为“完整的,完全的”。

29. Key: D.该句意思是“在英国以及欧洲大陆,日本人有时被看成对当地实业的威胁”。因此D项as是答案。D项 view… as意为“把……看做”。例如:I view the whole thing as a joke.我把整件事看成是一个笑话。B项 view… with意为“以……看待”。例如:His father viewed his talent with a mixture of pride and worry.他的父亲怀着既骄傲又担心的复杂心情看待他的天才。没有view…like和view…for这两种固定搭配。

The service operates 36 libraries throughout the country, while six ______ libraries specially serve the coutryside.A. mobileB. driftingC. shiftingD. Rotating

Part Two: Chinese-English Translation


1 The shop assistant has never the kind of shoes I wanted.

2 Soon the fog became very dense, so that I was forced to get of the bike and walk home.

3 He thought that the bad working conditions would result in the strike of the workers.

4 Who do you think is responsible for the failure of the experiment?

5 It was not until yesterday afternoon that they began to discuss / talk over the major problem with us.

Part Three: Reading Comprehension and Engliosh-Chinese Translation


Text 1. Time is tangible 1-5 A C B D B




3.该题在文中明显可找到答案,“drop by”意思是未打招呼突然来访。所以选B。

4.该题在文中可找到答案, 见第二段第一句话。所以选D。


1. (Para.1)


2. (Para.2)


Text 2. The weather and Englishmen’s personality 1-5 C D B A C



2.该题很简单,很简单只要把第二段的“For example”前后两句话联系起来看就可得到该体






1. (Para.1)


2. (Para.3)



2019年安徽省普通高校专升本招生考试试题 英语 注意事项: 1.试卷共8页,请用黑色签字笔答题,答案写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效。 2.答题前请将答题纸上密封线内的项目填写完整。 PartI Vocabulary and Structure(1point each;30point in all) Directions:There are30incomplete sentences.You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the four choices marked A,B,C and D,and then write the write the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet. 1.—Hello,____Kate? —Yes,speaking. A.is this B.is that C.are you D.is it 2.By the time I got home,my mother____to bed. A.went B.was getting C.had gone D.has gone 3____everything____,it was not a bad holiday. A.brining--into effects B.learning--by heart C.petting--into practice D.taking--into account 4.When waiting at a bus stop for a long time,most people often look____and asleep. A.bored B.surprised C.excited D.amused 5.____the effective method,I answered all the questions correctly. A.Thanks to B.In case of C.As well as D.Apart from 6.If you are like most people,your intelligence____from season to season. A.turns B.change C.varies D.ranges 7.No cream hot me,thanks.I am____a diet. A.in B.on C.from D.off 8.____really worries George is that his parents expect too much of him. A.What B.This C.Whichever D.It 9.Mary loves Jazz,and she has played____for years. A.piano B.a piano C.one piano D.the piano 10.Ted made up has mind soon and accepted the invitation____. A.without hesitation B.without doubt C.without understanding D.without exception 11.It is good manners____help to others when they are in need. A.to obtain B.obtaining C.to offer D.offering 12.____you've grown your favorite flowers,the following job is to take care.


2017年成人高考专升本英语真题及参考答案 第1卷(选择题,共125分) I.Phonetics ( 5 points) Directions:In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and iden-tify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answerby blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. A. penalty B. moment C. quarrel D. absent 2. A. sympathy B. material C. courage D. analysis 3. A. starvation B. suggestion C. satisfaction D. situation 4. A. donkey B. turkey C. money D. obey 5. A. revise B. consist C. advertise D. visit Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure ( 15 points ) Directions : There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 6. Jonathan and Joe left the house to go for__ after supper. A. walk B. the walk C. wallks D. a walk 7. He pointed at the new car and asked, "___ is it? Have you ever seen it before?" A. Why B. Where C. Who D. Whose


2018专升本专升本英语考试模拟试题及答案 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1718780545.html,work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR

一、语音知识(5 points) 第1题请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()。 A.practice B.possible C.physical D.pacific 答案:B 第2题请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()。 A. arm B. party C. warm D. farther 答案:C 第3题请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()。 A.energy B.engineer C.encourage D.entrance 答案:C 第4题请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()。 A. great B. league C. peace D. neat 答案:A 第5题请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()。 A. theory B. throgh C. birth D. there 答案:D 二、词汇与语法知识(15 points) 第6题She kept a close eye__________the sick child and didn’t sleep the whole night. A.at B.in C.for D.on答案:D第7题The effect of TV__________the life of average people is incalculable. A.in B.for C.about D.on答案:D第8题Jim is the most intelligent,of __________ A.four US https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1718780545.html, four C.the four US https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1718780545.html, of four答案:B第9题I like all kinds of fruit,but my __________is banana. A.favorite B.favored C.favorable D.preferred 答案:A第10题We were overjoyed at the news of China__________ another man-made satel1ite. A.starting B.1aunching C.fighting D.shouting答案:B 第11题The headmaster wanted the classroom building__________as soon as possible. A.to set up B.to have been set up C.to be set up D.being set up 答案:C 第12题__________they who did the thorough cleaning to the classroom yesterday. A.These were B.That was C.It was D.Those were


2014年英语试题 Part I Listening Comprehension (20 points, 1 point each) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 7 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) , and decide which is the best answer. 1. A) To the bank. B) To a book store. C) To a shoe store. D) To the grocer’s. 2. A) Near the train station. B) In the countryside. C) In the city. D) Near the workplace 3. A) the choice of courses B) a day course C) an evening course D) their work 4. A) The pear. B) The weather. C) The sea food. D) The cold. 5. A) George’s wife.B) George’s father. C) George’s brother D) George’s wife’s father.


重庆普通专升本《大学英语》语法与词汇复习题(一)时间:2011-02-14 来源:重庆专升本考试信息网整理阅读 1262 次 1. He offered to _____ her a hand as the suitcase was too heavy for her to A. borrow B. help C. lend D. show 2. The textbook is for the _______ students, not for the beginners. A. foreign B. blind C. advanced D. deaf 3. A sudden idea _____ to him that he might try the new method. A. occurred B. happened C. took place D. took part 4. We tried to _____ what he meant. A. make for B. make out C. make of D. make from 5. Although the weather was very bad, the buses still ran on _____. A. time B. plan C. schedule D. arrangement 6. I should like to _____ touch with old friends but I have so little time. A. get into B. be in C. keep in D. lose


2018年成人高考专升本英语模拟卷 第1卷(选择题,共125分) I.Phonetics ( 5 points) Directions:In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and iden-tify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answerby blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. A. penalty B. moment C. quarrel D. absent 2. A. sympathy B. material C. courage D. analysis 3. A. starvation B. suggestion C. satisfaction D. situation 4. A. donkey B. turkey C. money D. obey 5. A. revise B. consist C. advertise D. visit Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure ( 15 points ) Directions : There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 6. Jonathan and Joe left the house to go for__ after supper.() A. walk B. the walk C. wallks D. a walk 7. He pointed at the new car and asked, "___ is it? Have you ever seen it before?"() A. Why B. Where C. Who D. Whose 8. My father asked __ to help with his work.() A. I and Tom B. Tom and me C. me and Tom D. Tom and I 9. Nowadays little knowledge __ to be a dangerous thing.() A. seem B. seemed C. does seem D. do seem 10. If their marketing team succeeds, they __ their profits by 20 percent.() A. will increase B. would be increasing C. will have increased D. would have been increasing 11. You'd better take these documents with you __ you need them for the meeting.() A. unless B. in case C. until D. so that 12. I haven' t been to a pop festival before and Mike hasn' t __() A. too B. as well C. neither D. either 13.__ is known to the world, Mark Twain was a great American writer.() A. As B. Once C. That D. It 14. John complained to the bookseller that there were several pages______ in the dictionary.() A. lacking B. losing C. missing D. dropping 15. Not until the game had begun __ at the sports ground.() A. should he have arrived B. would he have arrived C. did he arrive D. had he arrived 16. Moviegoers know that many special effects are created by computers, they often don' tknow is that these scenes still require a lot of work.() A. That B. Whom C. What D. How 17. The president is to give a formal __ at the opening ceremony.() A. speech B. debate C. discussion D. argument 18. When I am confronted with such questions, my mind goes __, and I can hardly remember myown date of


模拟题四 第一部分:交际用语 此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话是未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母涂黑。 1. ---Do you mind if I sit here? --- _____A_________. A. Not at all. There is plenty of room. B. Of course. Do sit down, please. C. Never mind. I’d like to have some companion. D. Sure. I’d like to have someone to talk to 2. –Why do you always tell me what to do? To be frank, I don’t like it. --- I know, but _C__. A. I don’t like it either. B. How do I do for you? C. I just want the best for you. D. Obviously. You are right. 3. ----That was a delicious dinner. ----_D_. A. Thank you. Don’t mention it. B. You’re welcome. C. Not so delicious, I’m afraid. D. I’m glad you enjoyed it. 4. --- You are most beautiful in that red sweater. --- __C___. A. Oh, no. It’s just an old one, and I have had it for years. B. Yes. I think it goes nicely with my pants. C. Thank you. My mom knitted it for me some years ago. D. Oh, but I’m not sure if it suits me. 5. ---I missed Prof. Wang’s linguistics class again yesterday. ----_____C_____. A. Congratulations! B. How nice you are! C. What a pity! D. Have a nice weekend. 第二部分:阅读理解 此部分共有2篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题。请从每个问题后的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母涂黑。 Passage 1 Many countries face a somewhat more serious economic problem in the form of an unfavorable trade balance with other nations. Such an imbalance exists when the total value of a country’s imports exceeds that of its exports. For example, if a country buys $25 billion of products from other countries, yet sells only $10 billion of its own products overseas, its trade deficit(贸易逆差)is $15 billion. Many underdeveloped nations find themselves in this position because they lack natural resources or the industrial capacity to use these resources, and thus have to import


河南省 2016 年普通高等学校 专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试 公共英语 Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure ( 1 x 40 ) Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.- 1. Jane hadn't been to London before. ______ had her husband. A. Neither B. Either C. So D. Or 2. No sooner had he arrived in Rome ______ he heard of the good news. A. when B. than C. then D. until 3. I’m for the suggestion that a special board_____to examine the problem. A. be set up B. will be set up C.must be set up D.has to be set up 4. The disabled children need many things, but____ , they need love. A. first of all B.not at all C.after all D. All in all 5. The coal industry in the north of China is now barely half its ____size. A. Formal B.former https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1718780545.html,tter D. later 6. The football player is hoping to____ to another team soon. A. Transfer B.transport C.transplant D. transact 7. ____the garden, the old man went to have a rest. A. Having been watered B. Watering C. Having watered D. Being watered 8. Her_____to the job left her with very little free time. A. devotion B.faith C.trust D.interest 9. The children have been ____since their father left. A.out of style B.under control C.out of control D.in style 10. It is reported _____ great changes have been made with the application of the new policy. A.which B. that C. while D.what 11. The manager promised to keep me _____ of how the project was going on. A. be informed B. Informed C. inform https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1718780545.html,rming


安徽省2009年普通高等学校专升本招生考试英语试题 注意事项: 1.试卷共8页,用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试题卷上。 2.答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (1 point each, 30 points in all) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A,B,C and D, then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1.Will you speak louder so as make people _____ you? A.to hear B.heard C.hearing D.hear 2.The car industry can’t survive ______ the government help. A.without B.with C.besides D.except 3.I had considerable difficulty ________ her to go out for a drink with me. A.to persuade B.to have persuaded C.persuade D.persuading 4.Mr. Black, our new English teacher, is strict _________ kind. A.or B.but C.with D.as well 5._______ China Today is a good way of improving our English. A.Having read B.Have read C.Reading D.Read 6.If I ________ you, I wouldn’t miss the chance tomorrow morning. A.be B.will be C.am D.were 7.Those who want to attend the meeting should _______ the form. A.fill in B.fill up C.fill with D.fill of 8.After ______ for the job, the interviewees will be required to take a health check. A.to interview B.being interviewed C.interviewing D.having interviewed 9.Compared ________ our small flat, Bill’s house seemed like a palace. A.in B.for C.with D.as 10.——Each of the hard-working students ________ to go to college. ——So do we. A.hope B.hoping C.hoped D.hopes 11.He says ______ clearly ________ beginners understand most of his words. A.such…that B.so…that C.such a …that D.so a …that 12.Language is a tool _________ people communicate with each other. A.by all means B.by means of C.by means of which D.by means of that 13.Julia didn’t have enough clothes ________ a week. A.to last B.last C.lasted D.last for 14.He is pleased ________ what you have given him. A.of B.to C.with D.in 15.Scarcely had he fallen ________ when a knock at the door awakened him. A.sleeping B.asleep C.sleepy D.sleeper 16.It is strongly recommended that teachers _______ computers in their teaching. A.will use B.shall use C.use D.used 17.The more careful they are, _________ A.the less mistakes will they make B.the less mistakes they’ll make C.the fewer mistakes will they make D.the fewer mistakes they’ll make 18.John will get the money from his aunt _______ her death. A.with the help of B.in the event of C.according to D.in face of 19.We didn’t know what to do _______ the money had gone. A.once B.whether C.though D.then 20.——Mr. Jiang, long time no see. How are you? ——Fine, thanks. How are you _____ your teaching?


2005年陕西省高校在校生专升本英语考试试题 注意事项: 1.本卷满分为150分。考试时间为150分钟。 2.本卷分试卷I和试卷II,均用钢笔或圆珠笔答卷。第I卷为客观题,考生必须把答案用大写字母写在答题纸上;第II卷为主观题,考生直接把答案写在试卷上。 3.答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。 试卷I I. Vocabulary and structure (40分) Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then write your answer on the Answer Sheet. 1. The professor needs an assistant that he can to take care of problems in his absence. A. count in B. count up C. count on D. count out 2.I am not sure whether l can get any profit from the business, so I can't make a(n) decision about what to do next. A. exact B. denied C. sure D. definite 3. Because of the cold weather, they through the night in the camp. A. kept the burning fire B. kept the fire burning C. kept the fire burnt D. kept burning the fire 4. Convenience foods which are already prepared for cooking are in stores. A. ready B. available C. probable D. approachable 5. Many people are reported in the natural disaster. A. being killed B. to be killed C. to have killed D. to have been killed 6. If the whole surgery beforehand carefully, there would have been a better result. A. was planned B. has been planned C. had been planned D. were planned 7. Jane has said little so far, responding only briefly when A. spoken B. speaking to C. speaking D. spoken to 8. to finish quickly. A. Not every worker want B. No every workers want C. Not every worker wants D. No every workers wants 9. The photos on the wall grandma of those happy, old days when a large family lived together. A. recall B. retain C. remember D. remind


英语试题(专升本) 学号:姓名:____________ 一、选择填空,每题1分,共10分。 1. What you said reminds me ______ something I read a few days ago. [A] for [B] by [C] from [D] of 2. Another worry is that telecommunication systems may isolate people ______ each other. [A] from [B] for [C] with [D] to 3. The smog is due ______ invisible gases, mostly from automobile exhaust. [A] from [B] to [C] for [D] with 4. ______ is accepted as true is relatively, and not absolutely, true. [A] It [B] That [C] What [D] That it 5. There are many children and adolescents ______ behavior is generally unacceptable. [A] their [B] Who [C] Whom [D] Whose 6. Edison failed ______ times before he succeeded in producing the first electric lamp. [A] thousand [B] thousands [C] a thousand of [D] thousands of 7. Water ______ the digestive juices flow more freely and helps to digest the food. [A] makes [B] causes [C] pushes [D] turns 8. The panic attacks may ______ for only a few minutes;some, however, continue for several hours. [A] happen [B] begin [C] last [D] end 9. Let us see how dictionaries are made and how the editors ______ definitions. [A] lead to [B] arrive at [C] reach for [D] approach to 10. The nurse took ______ of my blood to test. [A] an example [B] an instance [C] a case [D] a sample 二、完形填空,每题1分,共10分。 Earth's animals are disappearing faster than they reproduce. Because there is too __11__ research and too much ignorance, __12__ is aware of how much we are losing. Many different kinds of plants and animals __13__ extinct. Every year, 0.5 percent of the __14 __things in the tropical rain forests become extinct. Some disappear __15__ they are found and named. No one has time __16__ them before they are gone. The disappearance of species __17 __scientists. They want the U.S. Endangered Species Act of 1973 to be made __18__ . This act was formed to protect endangered species. __19__ , land developers, and factory owners disagree. They want changes that will make the act weaker. They think the act is not working. They believe it is not __20__ to private landowners. They want the act to consider people more.


模拟题四 第一部分:交际用语 此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话是未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母涂黑。1.---Doyou mind if I sithere? ---_____A_________. A. Notat all. There is plentyofroom. B. Of course. Dosit down, please. C. Nevermind. I’d like to havesomecompanion. D. Sure. I’d like tohave someone to talkto 2. –Why do you always tellme what todo?To be frank,I don’tlike it. ---I know, but _C__. A.I don’t like it either. B. How do I doforyou? C. Ijustwantthe bestfor you. D. Obviously. Youare right. 3. ----Thatwas adelicious dinner. ----_D_. A.Thank you.Don’tmentionit. B.You’rewelcome. C.Notsodelicious,I’m afraid. D. I’m glad you enjoyed it. 4. ---You aremost beautiful in thatredsweater. --- __C___. A.Oh, no.It’s justan old one, and I have had itfor years. B. Yes. Ithink it goesnicely with mypants. C.Thankyou.My mom knitted it for me some years ago. D. Oh,but I’m not sure if itsuits me. 5.---I missed Prof. Wang’slinguisticsclass againyesterday. ----_____C_____. A. Congratulations! B. Hownice you are! C.What a pity! D.Haveaniceweekend. 第二部分:阅读理解 此部分共有2篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题。请从每个问题后的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母涂黑。 Passage 1 Manycountries face a somewhat more serious economic problem in theform of an unfavorable tradebalance with other nations. Such animbalanceexists when thetotal value of a country’s importsexceeds thatof its exports. For example,if acountry buys $25 billion ofproducts fromother countries,yet sells only$10billionof its own products overs

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