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(Stative vs.Dynamic)


Broadly speaking, nouns can be characterized naturally as ‘stative’in that they refer to entities that are regarded as stable.whether these are concrete (physical) like house,table,paper,or abstract (of the mind)like hope,botany,length.At the opposite pole,verbs can be equally naturally characterized as ‘dynamic’:they are fitted (by their capacity to show tense and aspect,for example) to indicate action,activity and temporary or changing conditions.These relations between the open classes can be summarized thus:

STA TIVE noun ? adjective

DYNAMIC verb adverb



名词化主要指用名词来表达原来属于动词(或形容词)所表达的概念,如用抽象名词来表达动作、行为、变化、状态、品质、情感等概念。S.Potter在“Changing English”一书中曾指出英语“名词优势于动词”的倾向(preponderance of nouns over verbs)。这种名词优势往往可以使表达比较简洁,造句比较灵活,行文比较自然,也便于表达较为复杂的思想内容。试比较:

The doctor arrived extremely quickly and examined the patient uncommonly carefully; the result was that he recovered very speedily.

The doctor’s extremely quick arrival and uncommonly careful examination of the patient brought about his very speedy recovery.


Freedom-loving people everywhere condemned them because they violated the agreement reached at Helsinki and abused basic human rights in their own country.The abuse of basic human rights in their own country in violation of the agreement reached at Helsinki earned them the condemnation of freedom-loving people everywhere.


运用名词化表达法(nominal style)可以使叙述较为准确,贴切,但也会使语言抽象、难解。O.Jespersen指出:

It seems possible to express ideas with greater precision and adequacy by means of nouns than by means of the more pictorial verbs.…When we express by means of nouns what is generally expressed by finite verbs,our language becomes not only more abstract, but more abstruse, owing among other things to the fact that in the verbal substantive some of the life-giving elements of the verb (time,mood,person)disappear.While the nominal style may therefore serve the purposes of philosophy,where,however,it now and then does nothing but disguise simple thoughts in the garb of profound wisdom,it does not lend itself so well to the purposes of everyday life.

英美不少语言学者都指出英语有过分使用名词的习惯(noun habit).名词使用多了,与之相随的介词(尤其是of短语)也必然增多,与此同时,富有活力和生气的动词也就相应减少,弱化动词be的各种形式成了hard workers和heavy-duty words,这就使英语的静态倾向更加明显。如;

The effect of the overuse of nouns in writing is the placing of too much strain upon the verbs and the resultant prevention of movement of the thought.


One who overuses nouns in writing places too much strain upon the verbs and as a result prevents the thought from moving along.


过分使用名词会使文句冗长(wordy)、含糊(vague),缺乏活力(1ifeless),许多英语文体学家都反对滥用名词化表达法,主张通过多用生动活泼的动词来简化句子结构。试比较:Integrated into the circulation of national life much more completely than any other modern literature,American belles—lettres also give a much more faithful and adequate picture of the entire civilization to which they belong than literature abroad, whose very compliance with一or willful opposition to一traditions that have long lost their anchorage in the depths of their respective national civilizations, renders them unable to keep abreast of the rejuvenated spirit of their epoch.


American belles—lettres circulate in the national life much more than other modern literatures do; they picture the entire civilization to which they belong more faithfully and adequately.The spirit of the times has become young again,and literatures abroad cannot keep abreast with it because of certain traditions they comply with or willfully oppose.These traditions were once anchored in the depths of their national civilizations.but have 1ost that anchor—age long ago.

二、用名词表示施事者(Agentive noun),以代替动词。


a hard worker—someone who works hard工作勤奋的人

a slow walker—someone who walks slowly走路很慢的人

a good thief—someone who thieves well很会偷窃的人

a bad sailor—someone who often gets seasick会晕船的人


1)He is a good eater and a good sleeper.(C.Eckersley)


2)He is a young and rapid writer. (S.Coleridge)


3)He was a nonsmoker and a teetotaler.(E.Snow)


4)You must be a very bad learner,or else you must be going to a very bad teacher. (C.Eckersley) 你一定很不善于学习,要不然就是教你的人很不会教。

5)She is the best hater I’ve ever known.How she got to hate me so much!


6)I used to be a bit of a fancier myself.


7)That boy is a master complicator.


8)You’re all clock-watchers today!


9)since he lost his job,he’s been a loner.


1o)The computer is a far more careful and industrious inspector than human beings.


11)Every country is the best judge of what is required to safeguard its national security.


12)He was a clever man;a pleasant companion; a careless student;with a great propensity for running into debt,and a partiality for the tavern.(‘‘V anity Fair”)

他是个聪明人,很好相处,可是学习不肯用功; 他老是东挪西借, 又喜欢上酒店喝酒。


1)The real shocker was that things dragged on well beyond the two weeks I had anticipated.


2)Litmus paper can be used as an indicator of the presence or not of acid in a solution.


三、用名词代替形容词,构成标题式短语(Headline phrase)。

报刊标题为了节约版面,尽量略去虚词和其他次要的词,把具有刺激性的词语(stimulating words)挤压在一起,因而名词连用便成了一种“free-and-easy habit”。如:Sino-American Trade Review Talks Start


January Crude Oil Output Beats Target


5oo-Metre-Long Flood Prevention Dyke Built


这种名词连用的短语结构简化,表达方便,词数少而信息量大,其使用范围已大大超出了报刊标题,在现代英语里几乎俯拾即是。B.Foster指出,“The whole tendency of the modern language is towards doing away with adjectives, or at least,using nouns as epithets”如:gold reserve黄金储备

generation gap两代人之间的隔阂

figure control problem保持优美身材的问题

job opportunity discrimination(因种族或性别而异的)就业机会歧视


space shuttle flight test program航天飞机试飞计划

computer programming teaching device manual计算机程序编制教学方法手册

satellite communications ground station equipment repairer卫星通信地面站设备修理人员

名词连用加强了英语的名词优势,也反映了现代英语追求简洁的总趋势,但不少语言学者反对过分堆彻名词(noun pileups),认为这会使语言失去活力,缺乏动态感,有时还会造成语意含混,甚至产生歧义。E.Gowers指出:“The constant use of headline phrases is usually a sign either of unclear thinking or of unwillingness to say things as briskly and simply as possible.A headline phrase consisting of more than two words should be treated with suspicion,and things tend to get even more awkward if the phrase includes an adjective as well as a number of nouns}it is not always obvious on first reading which noun the adjective qualifies,and tiresome problems of hyphenation sometimes arise.”例如:

1. British history teachers

(1) teachers of British history教英国历史的教师

(2) British teachers of history教历史的英国教师

2. A small car factory

(1) a factory of small cars制造小汽车的工厂

(2) a small factory of cars制造轿车的小工厂

3. an old man’s bicycle

(1) an old + (man’s bicycle) 一辆旧的男式自行车

(2) (an old man) +bicycle) 一个老人的自行车

4. Excessive headline phrase condemnation is, of course, a possibility.

(= It is possible, of course, to go too far in condemning headline phrases.)


(=It is possible,of course,to condemn the overuse of headline phrases.)


名词连用或用名词代替形容词(noun adjectives)在现代英语里是一种盛行的文风。H.W.Fowler也指出,“These tricks,when allowed to affect literary style,destroy both precision and elegance;sentences stumble along painfully and obscurely in synthetic lumps instead of running easily and lucidly with analytical grace.The corruption has gone far,affecting especially political speeches,official writing,and commercialese.”例如:

1)Major vehicle expansion projects must depend on steel availability.

(= Major projects for expanding the production of vehicles must depend on how much steel is available.)

2)Where retirement dissatisfaction existed advance activity programming had been insignificant.(=The people who were unhappy after retirement were those who had taken little trouble to plan their activities beforehand.)

3)This compulsion is much regretted,but a large vehicle fleet operator restriction in mileage has

now been made imperative in meeting the demand for petrol economy.

(=We much regret having to do this,but we have been obliged to restrict greatly the operation of our large fleet of vehicles [or to restrict the operation of our fleet of large vehicles?]to meet the demand for economy in petro1.)




Adequate clearance between the rear face of the last stack in the load and inside surface of the rear doors was provided to enable the refrigerated air flowing from the front to he rear of the trailer to enter the longitudinal air channels through the load which opened on the rear of the load at this point.


1)He is at his books.(He is reading books)


2)He has someone behind him.(Someone supports him)


3)The machine is in operation.(The machine is working)


4)Is this train for Chicago?(Is this train going to Chicago?)


5)Shall we go to the theater?(Shall we go to see a play in the theater?)


6)With these words she went away (After saying these,she went away)


7)They immediately set out in pursuit of the enemy. (They immediately set out to pursue the enemy)


介词与名词结合,组成介词短语。成串的介词短语又常常与弱化动词(如be,seem,1ook,become等)和“沉闷的名词”(ponderous nouns)连用:

In view of the fact that Mr. Jones is not very well, I am taking the opportunity of replying on his behalf.

Our compa ny’s well—defined position is that it stands ready at all times to cooperate with your firm whenever it is called upon to do so. The majority of stockholders are in complete sympathy with your company’s goals and objectives in regard to the co nstruction of a new plant. It may be within your recollection that prior to 1963,this company tendered your company a loan consisting of a large amount of money in order to put it in a solvent and strong financial position.The occasion was the time of your company's most ambitious retooling operation,when it was hardly in a position to utilize existing resources.Despite the fact that the company had many obstacles to overcome,it did not wait until such time as the situation would improve.The

loan was repaid in short order.It is because of this fact that our company continually displays the utmost confidence in the operations of your company.


I am replying for Mr.Jones,who is ill.

Our company is always ready to co-operate.Most of our stockholders sympathize with your aim to build a new plant.You will recall that before 1963,we loaned you large sums of money to put you in a strong financial position.It was during the ambitious retooling operation' when you couldn’t use existing funds.Although you had many difficulties,you didn’t wait until the situation improved.You repaid the loan.Our company has faith in your operations.


give rise to(arouse)

make contact with(meet)

arrive at a decision(decide)

bring to a conclusion(finish)

undertake a study of(study)

take into consideration(consider)

afford an opportunity to(allow)

carry out experiments(experiment)

conduct an investigation into(investigate)

of a kindly nature(kind)

of an unusual character(unusual)

beyond the shadow of a doubt(certain)

due to the fact that(because)

on two separate occasions(twice)

in view of the foregoing circumstances(therefore)

英语文体学家认为滥用这种弱化表达法(debilitated style);一种不良的文风。这类短语往往使表达显得罗嗦(wordy)、累赘(verbose)、缺乏生气(1ifeless),因而不宜提倡。H.W.Fowler 指出,“Strings of nouns depending on one another and the use m compound prepositions are the most conspicuous symptoms m the periphrastic malady,and writers should be on the watch for these in their own composition”.许多学者主张多用平易(plain)、活泼(1ively)、具体(concrete)和直接了当的(direct)词,以减少英语的静态倾向。


英语里最常用的动词正是动作意味最弱的动词——to be,其各种形式(包括must be,may be,should have been等)都缺乏动态感。由“it”或“there”与be构成的句式,其静态意味更加明显,试比较:

There was a tropical storm off the east coast of Florida.


A tropical storm lashed the east coast of Florida.


It was the finding of the committee that there had been bribed paid by company managers to foreign officials.

The committee found that company managers had bribed foreign officials.


除了be之外,have,become,grow,feel,go,come,get,do等也是英语常用的弱式动词(verbs of feeble phenomenality)。

英语还常常把动词转化或派生成名词,置于虚化动词(如have,make,take,do等)之后作其宾语,如have a 1ook,take a walk,make attempts,pay visits,do some damages,put up a proposal等。这类动词短语往往显得虚弱而平淡无味(colorless)。试比较:After he had a quarrel with his boss, Jack quit.

After he quarreled with his boss, Jack quit.


A distinction must be made between “economic”and “economical”.

You must distinguish between “economic” and “economical”


此外,用动名词作虚化动词do的宾语,如do shopping,do some washing等,也很常见:The combine does the harvesting of the grain.

The combine harvests the grain.




1)I am doubtful whether he is still alive.(doubt,live)


2)The teacher thanked her pupils because they are very cooperative.(cooperate well)


3)The doctor felt sympathetic with his patients.(sympathize)




1)A postman is not afraid of dogs.


2)He was unaware of my presence.


3) John seems content just to sit in front of the television all night.



1)I’m afraid Mr.Brown is out,but he’ll be in soon.


2)He’ll be home in half an hour.


3)The newspaper was down at six yesterday.


4)Down with the old and up with the new.






He thought his way out of the dilemma.


We asked her to sing.


Go to the classroom and call him back.


I invited her here to do some typing.


I was called to the office by the teacher to make a self-criticism.

6)我去叫他们派一个会计到这儿来帮助你算账吧。(=我去叫他们+ 他们派一个会计+一个会计到这儿来帮助你算账,兼语式与连动式套叠)

Let me go and ask them to send an accountant here to help you with your accounts.




To translate ideals into reality needs hard work.


The best way to solve the problem is to conduct investigations.


He kept on walking back and forth,being too excited to say a single word.


Revolution is not a dinner party.


They enjoy traveling by train.


他来(去)借书。/ 他借书来(去)了。/ 他来(去)借书来(去)了。

He’s come (gone) to borrow books.



I’ve brought a dictionary.


You should think a way out to help me (him).


用词典(动词。to use a dictionary)

用英语写(介词,to write in English)

他在教室。(动词,He is in the classroom)

他在教室学习。(介词,He is studying in the classroom)

人们来来往往。(动词,People are corning and going)

他往东走去。(介词,He went in an eastward direction)

葵花朵朵向太阳。(动词,sunflowers turn towards the sun)

向自然开战。(介词,to wage a battle against nature)





Some come here and others go away.


Some say “yes”, and others “no”; I don’t know whom to follow.


Talking and laughing,running and jumping,the children had a good time.


You will have enough to eat and sufficient to put on.


I have made proposals,but in vain;I have made attempts.but without Success.


Learning by rote will be unprofitable.

7)学问,学问,要学要问; 边学边问,才有学问。

Acquisition of knowledge entails learning and seeking for explanation.


I waited with growing impatience to get on my way,not for one minute but for quite a considerable time.


We talked of ourselves,of our prospects,of the journey,of the weather。of each other—of everything but our host and hostess.
















指控(=指责+控诉) 搜捕(=搜查+逮捕) 封存(=封闭+保存)

辨析(=辨别+分析) 抗击(=抵抗+反击) 宣讲(=宣传+讲解)







1)Ford’s first pledge was, “Mr. President, you have my support and my loyalty.”


2)It came not as a Nixon revelation,but rather as a confirmation of the “New York Times”story.这不能算是尼克松透露了什么新东西,而是证实了“纽约时报”的报道。

3)Harvard,despite its own estimate of itself,was ultimately an academic haven where an error of interpretation could result only in loss of face, not in extinction.(“Kissinger”)


4)only the early himself kept up a sly occasional acquaintance with her,when out of the jurisdiction of his ladies.("Vanity Fair")


5)A spirit prevailed then which was quintessentially American:that problems are a challenge, not an alibi; that men are measured not only by their success but also by their striving,that it is better to aim grandly than to wallow in mediocre comfort.(“Kissinger)

那时的风气还是符合地地道道的美国精神的:有问题,只能上,不能躲, 衡量一个人,不但看他的成败,也看他的努力程度,宁愿好大喜功,也不甘庸闲遣日。



Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe.


All peace-loving people demand the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons.


It was only my capacity for hard work that saved me from early dismissal.


Roofs require special consideration to ensure adequate durability in relation to the exposure to the sun and rain.


He is in the full conviction that real knowledge is the end product of a thorough study of the history.


Aggression took many forms: the unilateral denunciation of treaties and international commitments, interference in the internal affairs of other states, the use of threats against weaker neighbors, the imposition of unequal relationships, outright armed attack against the territories of other states and their dismemberment,the subjugation of colonial peoples and the denial of the

right self-determination and fundamental human rights.

英语与汉语——静态与动态的转换翻译 (1)

从词类运用和遣词造句的方法来看,英语和汉语有一个显著的差异:英语呈静态,汉语呈动态。也就是说,英语中有一种少用动词,或用其他手段表示动作意义的自然倾向;而汉语动词十分丰富,应用广泛而自由。这是因为汉语动词没有人称与数的限制,没有严格意义上的时态、语态、语气的变化,没有谓语动词谓语动词的区别,所以使用频率非常高。 英语的静态特征主要表现在句法方式和词汇方式两方面:句法方式是指用非谓语动词(分词、不定式、动名词);词汇方式是指用动词的同源名词、同源形容词、副词及介词短语等等。 英译汉——化静为动(在译文中强化汉语的动态色彩) 1. 英语名词与汉语的动词的转换 名词是英语的优势词,在英语中大量被使用,特别是常用抽象名词来表达各种动作概念。由于英语名词具有很强的表意功能,很多汉语中的动词功能在英语中是用名词来行使的。而动词是汉语的优势词,在汉语中随处可见,动词可以充当句子的多种成分,没有太多的限制。因此在进行英汉互译时,有大量的英语名词可以对应成汉语的动词。 例(1) The sight and sound of our jet plane filled me with special longing. 译文:看到我国的喷气式飞机,听见隆隆的飞机声,令我特别神往。 例(2) She has a great taste for music. 译文:她十分爱好音乐。 例(1)中的sight 和sound两个名词充当句子的主语,在翻译时对应成两个动词“看到”和“听到”。例(2)中的“taste”本是名词词性,在汉语中对应成动词词性。两例十分典型地体现出英汉静态与动态的语言特征。 2. 英语形容词与汉语动词的转换 在进行英译汉时,英语中的形容词也常常译成汉语的动词,其中最为典型的是“系表结构”中用来表达情感、思维、知觉等意义的形容词,常常被译成相应的动词。同理,汉语中用来表达这种意义的动词也可以译成英语的这种结构。请看一下几例。 例(5) We are very grateful to you for meeting us at the airport. 译文:我们非常感谢你来机场接我们。 例(6) I am doubtful whether she is still alive. 译文:我怀疑她是否还活着。 3. 英语介词与汉语动词的转换 介词是英语特有的词类,使用频率非常高。英语常用介词短语取代动词短语,实现以“静”代“动”,使英语的静态特征尤为显著。许孟雄教授曾在《英语介词在汉译英中的作用》一文中明确指出“在某些情况下, 英语介词是能够用来代替汉语动词的。”因此在英汉互译时,可以将英语介词或介词短语与汉语动词或动词短语直接进行转换,使得译文更加地道。 例(9) Many more visitors than it can comfortably hold pour into it, off the regular streamers, off chattered motorboats and off yachts, all day they amble up the towpath, looking for what? 译文:来客多了,这个小地方就拥挤不堪。搭班船的,坐包船的,驾游艇的,一批批涌到,从早到晚,通过那条纤路,漫步进村观光,想看什么呢? 例(10) He came to me with a smile. 译文:他带着微笑向我走来。


英语中的汉语词 汇 - Chinese Loan Words in the English Language There are few English words with a Chinese origin. Most of these loan words refer to Chinese objects and concepts such as feng shui and coolie. However, a few, such as gung ho and tycoon have evolved into mainstream usage. Many of the Chinese loan words made into the English language as pronounced in the Cantonese or Amoy dialect because the early contact between the two cultures happened along the southern Chinese ports of call or through the mostly Cantonese immigrants. In addition many of the Japanese words, such as judo or shinto, that were adopted into the English language have a Chinese origin. English Chinese Source Literal Meaning Remarks Bok choy: 白菜 White vegetable (Via Cantonese baak choi) Bonsai: 盆栽 Bowl plant (Via Japanese) Cheongsam: 長衫 Long dress (Via Cantonese cheung sam) The same dress is known as a qipao (旗袍) in Mandarin China: 秦 Name of the Qin dynasty The West appears to have named China after the first dynasty to unify the country.The Chinese call their country zhong guo (中國) or Central Country. Chop chop: 急 Hurried (Via Cantonese gap) Chop suey: 雜碎 Miscellaneous bits (Via Cantonese jaap seui) Chow: 炒 Fried (food) Chow chow: 狗狗 Doggie A dog breed Chow mein: 炒麵 Fried noodle (Via Cantonese chaau mein) Coolie: 苦力 Bitter power Cumshaw: 感謝 Grateful thanks (Via Amoy dialect) Dimsum: 點心 Pointing to the heart (Via Cantonese dim sam) Feng shui: 風水 Wind and water Gingkgo: 銀杏 (Via Japanese) Ginseng: 人葠 (Via Cantonese yan sam) Gung ho: 工和 Work together in harmony From motto of some US Marine forces in Asia during WW II Japan: 日本 Source of the sun J-particle: 丁 (A surname) The J-particle is a subatomic particle named after its discoverer, Samuel C.C. Ting (丁肇中). The letter J resembles the shape of Ting's last name (丁). Judo: 柔道 Gentle Way (Via Japanese) Junk: 船 Boat (Via Malay)


汉语与英语的差别(一): 《再寄小读者》英译文赏析 张培基先生的《英译中国现代散文选》(1-4册)(Selected Modern Chinese Essays),一直作为我翻译学习使用的精读教材。此前,我曾写了该书第四册中《美国的男女》和《斯诺精神》两篇文章英译文赏析,只是时间已过了修改的期限,无法把那两篇文章收录到此系列中来。 汉语与英语的差别系列是以我赏析的文章开始的,并无章节的先后顺序,这也是我的一个习惯,有时并不完全按照页码或文章编排顺序来读。 该书收入的汉语文章皆出自名人大家之手,原汁原味,汉语言文化浓厚;英译文出自张培基教授,地道精确,淋漓尽致,符合译入语的习惯。 我一路拉杂写来,读到哪,写到哪,并无一定的顺序,而且汉语与英语的区别也无一定的编排,只是从所选的文章中来看两种语言的不同,可以说还是英译文的赏析。 本期的赏析是冰心的《再寄小读者》的英译文。 一、汉语多用主动,英语多用被动 三四百座大大小小的桥,将这些小岛上的一簇一簇的楼屋,穿连了起来。 And clusters of buildings on the small islands are linked by some 400 bridges of various sizes.

这种热切的呼声,是我们到处可以听到的。 The same urgent voice is heard throughout the country. 二、汉语的迂回绕弯,英语的直抒胸臆 夜间一行行一串串的灯火,倒影在颤摇的水光里,真是静美极了! What a wonderful sight it is when strings of their lights are reflected in the quivering water at nights! 在雪光之中,看到融融的春景,在我还是第一次! It was the first time for me to see a warm snow-covered spring scene. 这两个汉语句子的重点都在最后一句——“美极了”、“第一次”,是在描述、感慨了一番后,最后才说出自己的真实想法。正如同汉语写文章时,写了一大通周边的环境,无非就是引出一个人物。而英语就不是这样的表达,先写出自己的感受或观点,然后再描述说明。 三、汉语的咬文爵字,英语的避虚就实 昨天在帕都瓦城,遇见大雪,那里本已是桃红似锦,柳碧如茵,而天空中的雪片,确是错棉扯絮一般,纷纷落下。 Yesterday,snow fell in large flakes on Padova when the city was at the height of its beauty with pink peach blossoms and green willows. 桃红似锦,柳碧如茵。这种四字成语是我们典型的汉语表达方式,无非就是红的桃花和绿的柳枝。译成英语时,往往只取


汉英语言对比 ——静态与动态(Stative vs.Dynamic)

比较是人类认识世界的重要方法,也是语言研究的基本方法之一。中国语言学大师赵元任先生说:“所谓语言学理论,实际上就是语言的比较,就是世界各民族综合比较研究得出的科学结论。”语言研究中的比较,可以是在同一种语言内部进行的,也可以是在不同的语言之间开展的;可以是历时的,也可以是共时的。我们这学期开设的汉英语言对比课程,我认为是在不同语言中进行的共时研究。这门课的开设有很重要的意义,因为我们一般接触的课程里都是比较基础性的课程,比如精读,泛读,听力,口语,这些科目培养的是我们某一个具体方面的能力,这让英语的的确确变成了一门“工具型”学科,而没有展现出它作为一门语言独特的魅力。而英汉语言对比却使我得以站在一个高度,好好的审视“英语艺术”。 英汉语言可对比之处有很多,我所写的论文研究的是静态与动态(Stative vs.Dynamic)。 英语是静态的语言,主要体现在有少用动词而用其他手段表示动作意义的倾向,倾向于多用名词,形容词,副词,介词,因而叙述呈静态(stative);汉语是动态的语言,主要体现在汉语有一种多用动词的习惯,因而叙述呈动态(dynamic)。造成英语呈静态的原因是英语句子中的谓语动词要受很多形态变化规则的约束,使用时有很多不便, 所以一般每个句子只有一个谓语动词。而对动词的需要有不至于此,于是只能采取名词化的方法。也就是说英语是屈折语,英语动词的使用受到形态规则的严格限制,一个句子结构通常只用一个谓语动词,或者至多是几个动词并列作谓语。大量原来应该用动词表达的概念除了用非谓语动词表达外,必须借助于动词以外的词类,其中主要是名词和介词,以及形容词和副词,名词和形容词等可以由动词派生或转化而来。这种使用优势不仅降低了动词出现的频率,而且削弱了动词所表达的意义,产生了动词的虚化和弱化,这就使得英语的表达呈现“静态”倾向。而且我认为英语多用名词会使语言显得更加正式和地道;而汉语呈动态的原因是它是分析性的,所以词类界限并不明显,但动词距离人的体验最近,又无需形态变化,故而最具优势。也就是说汉语不是屈折语,汉语动词没有形态变化的约束。在使用中,由于对动词的约束不像英语那样死板,没有英语那样多时态,人称的变化,所以我们使用起来十分灵活,方便。汉语同时也没有谓语动词和非谓语动词的形式之分,原形动词可以充当句子的各种成分,可以在句中多次连用,甚至重复,重叠,合成并用,这无疑会使汉语动态意味更浓。因此汉语除了部分句子没有动词以外。大量的句子都不止使用一个动词,动词的优势必然使汉语的表达呈“动态”倾向。”这就使得现代汉语显得优美而舒缓。 因此我们在翻译时也要注意到语言的特点。举几个例子: (1)He was a nonsmoker and a teetotaler. 他既不抽烟也不喝酒。 (2)Vietnamese war is a drain on American resource.


八年级上英语单词(汉语) 1. 翻译v. 翻译n. 改正将….配对 给……标号码重复语法 语音、发音写作标点符号 拼写学期建议写下,记下错误笔记本其他收音机报纸信息笔友每个不同的人互相好极了管弦乐队发送语言提高主要的注视猜测请,就你自己过得快乐害羞的谈话深的 呼吸微笑记住忘记 一张放置数总是 口音祝愿借组 分数俱乐部创办一起 听见 2. 经历曾经竞争机场客舱乘务员机长国家

起飞以前问题绝妙的奖品考虑听起来好极了梦想某人种类西方的成为现实在国外极好的任何地方中国城意大利的美味的比萨饼三明治超过卖卖光 乐手匕首座位在…..旁边 品尝仅仅还、尚石头 爬烤鸭宫殿又一的海鲜娱乐次说出…..的名字 3. 地球火星已经刚刚模型站、所感到惶恐最近的几个的月发现最近航天飞机展示多于行星 太阳系同样没有一个空气生长部分星系十亿宇宙光线在…..之外孤单的 入口花费更喜爱日记

甚至木星秘密真实的两次勘探任务不载人的4. 学习教校长从……以来与….相处相同的听说贫穷的计划仍然筹集参加 描述扔退学重要的 生病的照顾支付农村 培训电听说也许 几乎幸运地点,分组织 健康护理传单 5. 布鲁斯经典的爵士乐流行音乐摇滚乐电子音乐美丽的有戏剧性的有趣的事活泼的悲伤的严肃的慢的传统的肯定的德语奥地利的作曲家狂热爱好者 说唱乐究竟吵闹的中心鼓吉他管风琴小号小提琴年长的华尔兹年幼的死添加除……以外也许

剩余部分电话事实上乐器当然种类响亮的福音音乐弦兼职的送牛奶的人录音室录(音)自己的艺术家人物世纪 6. 突然兔聚会下落 洞奇怪的携带劳累的 没有什么一次雏菊项圈粉色经、由口袋越过 田地在…..下面树篱熄火暴风雨在外面跳尖叫在….期间中午书店全体职员穿、戴鼓掌欢呼表演 黄金戒指大厅跟随 停止A滑水运动婴儿鲸大洋令人高兴的思念 7. 情绪印象闻、嗅感觉安静的咸的酸的过紧的鞋汤哎呀伙伴


浅谈现代汉语和英语 在语音、语汇、语法方面特点的比较 2012级学科英语:王忠文随着世界性汉语热的影响,学习汉语的人越来越多,而在交际交流中,中、英文的交叉使用现象也越来越多,那么对现代汉语和现代英语之间在语音、语汇、语法方面做一个比较也显得尤其必要。 一、语音即语言的声音,它是指人类通过发音器官发出来的,具有一定意义的,用来进行社会交际的声音。语音是语言的物质外壳,人们是通过语音来感知语言的存在的。 现代汉语语音属于汉藏语系,和印欧语相比有许多显著的特点。在语音方面,现代汉语的总体特点是音节界限分明,乐音较多,加上声调的高低变化和语调的抑扬顿挫,现代汉语语音的音乐性较强,具体表现为: 1.汉语音节中没有复辅音,都是一个辅音,而且不会出现在音节开始,即使是在词尾也只限辅音[n]和辅音群[ng],如[an]案和[hong]红。而英语中的辅音或辅音群是常见的,他们可以出现在词首或词尾,常常两三个辅音放在一起。 2. 元音占优势。现代汉语中可以没有辅音,但元音是必不可少的成分,并且是乐音,听起来比较悦耳。而英语的音节中最少须有一个元音,最多可以有8个元音。闭音节多,开音节少;音节中以辅音占优势,而且在元音的前或后都可以有辅音

群出现。 3.音节有声调。语音中超音段表达的主要手段是音高、音强和音长。而音高的使用又最为广泛,它的语音物质表现形式为旋律(melody),当旋律以单个的音节或词作为基本载体时,被称作声调(tone);当旋律以短语和句子作为基本载体时,被称作语调(intonation)。声调或语调是体现音高变化的单位。 汉语是声调语言,音高变化分布在字,即音节上,汉语中每个音节都是由声,调和韵组成,一个汉字即一个音节。不仅有区别意义的作用,还可以使汉语音节界限分明,又富于高低升降的变化,从而形成了现代汉语语音音乐性强的特殊风格。而英语是语调语言,音高变化分布在短语和句子上。英语句子语调由句子的最后一个重读音节即语调核心表现出来,句子中的语调由语调群表现出来。而语调群分为调头、调体和调尾组成。英语中语调的特点如下:一般地说,低调冠,高调头,调身用平调且依次渐变滑动降低。语调核心接受句子语调,有调的变化,或升调或降调。由此,汉、英两种语言的语音对比,主要是音高变化的对比。 二、语汇是语言中语词的总汇。它是语言的建筑材料,是语言的构成要素之一。语汇的含义有广义和狭义之分:广义的语汇,指的地语言中的语和词(简称语词)的总汇;狭义的语汇,指的是语言中的语的总汇。我们这里所说的语汇,其含义是广义的,即指的是语言中语和词的总汇,与传统的包括语和


第二讲 原句:I seized the largest brush and fell upon my wretched victim with wild fury. 译文:我抓起那支最大的画笔,势不可挡扑向那全无招架之力的画布。 原文:There is a definite link between smoking and lung cancer. But this doesn’t make you too uncomfortable because you are in good company. 译文:吸烟肯定与肺癌有关,但这并不能使你感到太不舒服,因为吸烟的人不止你一个。 原文:Derek fancies himself as a ladies' man, but he spends too much time admiring himself in the mirror for my liking. 译文:德里克自以为是个讨女人喜欢的人,可是我不喜欢他花那么多的时间在镜子面前自我欣赏。 He is the last man to come. He is the last man to do it. He is the last person for such a job. He should be the last (man) to blame. 原文:John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game. 译文:约翰为人可靠,他既忠诚又正直。 Literal translation takes sentences as its basic units and the whole text into consideration at the same time in the course of translation. It strives to reproduce both the ideological content and the style of the entire literary work and retain as much as possible the figures of speech. 死译:one-to-one translation: each SL word has a corresponding TL word. 硬译:word-for-word translation: Transfers SL grammar and word order, as well as the primary meanings of all the SL words, into translation. It is normally effective only for brief simple neutral sentences. Literal translation goes beyond one-to-one translation, ranges from one word to one word, through group to group, collocation to collocation, clause to clause, to sentence to sentence. Literal translation is the basic translation procedure both in communicative and semantic translation, in that translation starts from there. ---by Newmark Liberal Translation mainly conveys the meaning and spirit of the original without trying to reproduce its sentence pattern or figures of speech. 原文:我们的朋友遍天下。 错译:Our friends are all over the world. 译文: We have friends all over the world. 单词


英文的中文借词 ============= 来自中文的英文词(在大英文字典拥有的历史悠久的英文词)有大约三十个,其中少于十个常用。大部分是18世纪之后来自汉语,通常非现代系统化的罗马化中文或拼音。 官话借词 kung fu —(1966年来自“功夫”) yin yang —(1671年来自“阴阳”) kowtow —(1804年来自“叩头”) tofu —(1880年来自“豆腐”) lychee或litche —(1588年来自“荔枝”) en|gung ho或gung-ho —(1939年来自“工合”或“共好”) mahjong或mah-jong —(1920年来自“麻将”) feng shui —(1797年来自“风水”) tai chi —(1736年来自“太极”) yamen —(1747年来自“衙门”) kaolin —(1727年来自“高岭”) kylin —(1857年来自“麒麟”) longan —(1732年来自“龙眼”) pe-tsai —(1795年来自“白菜”) petuntse —(1727年来自“白墩子”) sampan —(1620年来自“舢板”) suan-pan —(1736年来自“算盘”) Tao —(1736年来自“道”) taipan(大商行的总经理) —(1834年来自“大班”) toumingdu(透明度) —(来自1980年代中英谈判期间用语“透明度”)typhoon —(来自“台风”) tuchun —(1917年来自“督军”) tung(油桐属) —(1788年来自“桐”) Ho-ho bird —(1901年来自“凤凰”) wampee(一种果) —(1830年来自“黄皮”) whangee(一种竹) —(1790年来自“黄藜”) mandarin(官话) —(来自“满大人(中国清朝的官吏)”) qi bo —(来自“情报”)


一、英语重形合(句子间通过连接词,比如连词、关系代词、关系副词、介词等,进行有形连接),汉语重意合(不注重句子外在的有形连接,而是靠内在结构和语义来连接) 随手找一些例子我们来阐述一下。 爱情也罢,灾难也罢,无论影片会拍成何样,能触及到那样一场夹杂在家国情仇动荡年代的“旧事”,已经是对悲情历史的一次打捞与情绪,甚至是反省,就像那艘被命名为“太平”的轮船,永远承载着中国人对太平的巨大渴望。 这段话的句与句之间,除了“无论”以外,没有其他有形的外在连接,可以说相当松散,但其内在的语义仍然是清清楚楚的。这就是典型的中文句式。 那我们来看看典型的英文句式是怎么写的:

The feeling of affinity, the participation in a common culture and traditions, the awareness of a common destiny, which are of the essence of national sentiment and patriotism, are transformed by nationalism into a political mysticism in which the national community and the state become super human entities, apart from and superior to their individual members, entitled to absolute loyalty and, like the idols of old, deserving of the sacrifice of men and goods. 上面句子中出现了大量的连接词,如果没有它们,我们很难想象一句英文句子能够成立。 我们举一个简单的例子: 我很负责任地告诉你,黎叔很生气,后果很严重。


1 1.中西方文化的差异 . Culture plays a very important role in communication, especially cross-cultural communication. 2 Culture, language and communication It is well known that culture is one of those words that people use all the time but have trouble defin ing. It’s used in widely different contexts in the social science, anthropology as well as in the humanities. One of the most common points is that culture includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. Culture and language are closely related. Language is the carrier of culture, which not only embodies and reflects culture, but also is influenced and shaped by culture. Therefore, the use of language is restricted by the rules of culture. Communication and culture are also inseparable. People learn to communicate through the influence of culture .Intercultural communication is more difficult than communication among people with the same culture. 2英语和汉语的差异 在实践中,由于受不同的传统习惯、思维方式、历史文化等的影响,英语和汉语都具有自己独特的表达方式,并不能简单地直接转化。 一、英语重形合汉语重意合 就整体结构和表达方式而言,英语是一种形合性的语言,而汉语则是一种意合性的语言。英语的句子一般是按照固定的结构和方式来组织和表达的,偏重于形式;汉语的句子则是按照其字词的含义来组合和连接的,表达方式灵活多变,偏重于语意。英语句子之间的关系可以通过时态、标点符号、连接词等表示得一清二楚;而汉语句子之间的关系则要靠句子本身的语意来表现。 【例1】 Another attempt, and you'll succeed. 【译文】再试一次,你就会成功。 或:只要再试一次,你就会成功。 【分析】本句是一个由and连接的简单并列句,一般将来时态明确表明了两句间的动作关系。但汉语译文就比较灵活,句子之间的关系主要靠语意来表达,关联词可译(括号内译文)也可不译,习惯于不译。 【例2】 Now the integrated circuit has reduced by many times the size of the computer of which it forms a part, thus creating a new generation of portable minicomputer. 【译文】现在集成电路成了计算机的组成部分,使计算机的体积大大缩小,从而产生了新一代的可携式微型计算机。 【分析】本句是由一个主句、一个定语从句和一个分词状语组成的主从复合句。主句用现在完成时,定语从句用一般现在时,再加一个由thus连接的现在分词短语作状语,通过时态、逗号、关联词和现在分词短语把各句之间的关系表达得非常清楚。而汉语则在对各句简单陈述的基础上,通过调整语序和运用"使"、"从而"的词意把各句之间的层层递进的因果关系表达出来。 掌握"英语重形合、汉语重意合"的差异是做好英汉互译的核心。英译汉时,要尽量在理清英语各句关系的基础上,打乱其原有的句式结构,按照"汉语重意合"的表达习惯和方式,重新组织句序;相反,在汉译英时,要把汉语各个分句的关系尽量用连接词、时态和标点符号等予以表示,最后按照英语的


人大考研详解与指导 基础英语: 新东方英语专八词汇(推荐红皮顺序版) GRE核心词汇考法精解(再要你命300)陈琦群言出版社 英语专业考研基础英语高分突破吴中东世界图书出版社 英语专业考研名校全真试卷——基础英语(全新精华版)张光明 星火英语英语专业考研名校全真试卷(基础英语)郭棲庆 星火英语英语专业八级考试五大题源报刊阅读100篇 星火英语英语专业八级考试改错满分突破60篇 冲击波系列:英语专业八级改错 星火英语英语专业考研考点精梳与精练(基础英语) 英语笔译综合能力2级外文出版社(这本书里有无选项完型,可以拿来练习) (环球时代和星火出版的英语专业考研的书都很不错,大家可以根据自己的方向有选择性地去买)翻译: 当代西方翻译理论探索廖七一 翻译学词典中英两版Mark&Moira原著,谭载喜译著 西方翻译理论流派研究李文革 (以上三本貌似都已经绝版了,可以到爱问知识人等下载PDF) 中国翻译史资料百度文库中有很多共享 英语笔译实务(三级)外文出版社

英语笔译实务(二级)外文出版社 英汉翻译简明教程庄译传外研社 高级英汉翻译理论与实践叶子南清华大学出版社 英汉翻译教程(修订本)张培基外教社 星火英语.英语专业考研名校全真试题精解(英汉互译) 法语: 法语1.2.3马晓红外研社 1800个最有用的法语词汇东华大学出版社 大学法语考研必备世界图书出版社 圣才全国名校外国语学院二外法语考研真题详解中石化出版社 法语语法系统解读张德富外研社 法语语法练习800东华大学出版社 一般性备考:总结常见热门话题 无论参加哪种形式的口语考试,说一口流利、准确的英语都是通过考试的关键所在。因此,语言的基本功与长期的口语素材积累至关重要。一般性备考可以分为以下几部分: 1.应试材料的准备:为了准备口语考试,可以准备一些材料,如《英语中级口语教程》、《四、六级英语口语应试》等。当然如果确定参加哪种英语口试,又了解其口语考试的形式与内容,选择针对其考试的口语材料更为有效,如雅思口语、托福口语等。 除一般性备考外还要注意:关注与自己专业相关的热点问题,注意阅读报纸或杂志上相关的文章,适当积累一些专业词汇;如果学过英文原版教材,注意其中的专业词汇。 考研复试面试导师常问问题及对策考研复试中,面试不仅考查专业知识,还涉及相关的语言表达、修养和谈吐。有的考生在笔试中很占上风,但是遇到面试就偃旗息鼓,如何克服这尴尬的


“对于中国学生最有用的帮助是让他认识英语和汉语的差别。”不要以为,汉语是我们的母语,从牙牙学语开始,便开始接触汉语,因此,就想象自己很了解汉语。其实,这是一种误解。汉语到底有什么特点?就汉语论汉语,因为没有距离,就看不真切,因为没有比较,就看不明白!只有当汉语和英语比肩而立,碰撞交流,两者之差异,才会赫然呈现。随着社会的发展,越来越多的人意识到英语写作的重要性,英语写作能力的高低能体现出其英语综合素质。由于中英文化背景的差异所造成的思维方式的不同以及写作角度、方法、用词等的不同,使得学习者在英语写作时出现了许多错误。只有弄明白英汉的差异,英语写作能力才能做到不断提高,才能写出让人喝彩的文章。因此下面列举英汉表达一些差异。 英汉差异,影响分析 .

语重形合(Hypotaxis),汉语重意合(parataxis) . 汉语重意合,结构松弛,多以意思连接的积累式分句(Accumulative Cl ause)或独立的单句(Independent sentence),其彼此的逻辑关系多以句序之先后加以暗示。如:An Englishman who could not speak C hinese was once travelling in China.译文一个英国人,不会说中国话,有一次在中国旅行。英语原句是一个典型的型合句,而响应的汉译则是意合句。假如,将英语原句改成意合句就是:There was an Englishman. He could not speak Chinese. He was once traveling in China.这样一来就没有英语味。 . . 英语前重心;汉语后重心。

英语基础词汇 含中文

形容词和副词 able有可能的 about大约 absolutely 完全的across 横过的 active 积极的 actually 实际的 African 非洲的 after 后来在…后面again 又再 ahead 在前 all 全部的 almost 几乎 alone 单独的 along 沿着 already 已经 also 也 alternative 两选一的always 总是 American 美国的another 其他的 any 一些 anyway 无论如何 apart 分开 around 在周围 as 一样 Asian 亚洲的 available 可用的average 平均的 aware 知道 away 知道 back 后面的 bad(worse, worst) 坏的basic 基本的 beautiful 美丽的 before 在…以前 behind 在…后面Best wishes, better最好的 beyond超过 big 大的 blue 蓝色的 born 出生 both 二者都 brief 简短的短暂的 bright 明亮的 British 英国的 broad 宽敞的 brown 棕色的 Canadian 加拿大的 careful 仔细的 central 中心的 certainly 当然 cheap 便宜的 chemical 化学的 chief 主要的 civil 文明的 clean 干净的 clear 清楚的 clearly 明确的 close亲密的 cold 冷的 commercial 商业的 common 公共的普通的 complete全部的 complex 复杂的 cool 凉快的 correct 正确的 criminal 犯罪的 cross 穿过 daily 每日的 dangerous危险的 dark黑暗的 dead死的 deep 深的 different不同的 difficult困难的 double二倍的 down向下的 dry 干燥的 due到期的 each 各自的 early早的 east东方的 eastern东部的 easy容易的 either两者之一 else其它的 English 英国的 enough足够的 entire完全的全部的 environmental环境的 essential不可缺少的 even同等的甚至 eventually 最后 ever曾经 every每个 exact准确 excellent优秀的 expensive昂贵的 extra额外的 extremely非常的 fair公正的 famous著名的 far遥远的 farmer农民 fast快的 fat胖的 favourite喜欢的 fellow 同伴 female 女性 festival节日


?语篇思维模式 ?作者:韩红梅王京华杨馥卿 ?汉语和英语思维方式的差异 ?一、语句表达的差异1.指称——人称与物称在中国人的主体思维习惯的影响下,汉语语句表达主观性较强,多采用第一人称,且习惯上用人做主语。英国人倾向于进行客体思维,语句表达注重客观性,因此以物做主语的情况比较多。例如: ?(1)Recognition and sadness flooded her face. ?(2)Hisweariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade. ?而中国的英语学习者由于受到母语的习惯影响,将同样的意思表达为:(3)She recognized me and her face was filled with sadness.(他认出我了,于是一脸悲伤。) ?(4)He was tired and it‘s getting increasingly hot,so he decided to sit down in the first convenient shade.(他疲惫不堪,天气也越来越热。他于是下了决心,一碰到舒适的阴凉处就坐下休息。) ?在英语母语者看来,这样的表达客观性意味较弱,句式缺少变化和起伏,在对人物心理的描绘上不及(1)和(2)生动形象。 ?2.语法结构——话题型与主谓型汉语受整体综合思维模式的影响,注重先表达信息中心(话题),然后进行对话体的阐述、说明、铺叙等。赵元任先生认为,50%以上的汉语句子结构是话题说明框架,属于典型的话题型语言。 ?而西方人习惯于进行逻辑思维,因此英语语言结构严谨,逻辑性极强,一般遵循主语+谓语(主谓型)的基本框架,辅之以其他修饰、限制、补充成分,构成层层搭架的语句结构。中国学生用英语写作时,容易受到整体思维模式的影响,以话题+述题结构去构建英语句子。 ? ?例如:(1)Our policies 0f reform and opening to the outside world have won great success. ?(2)To make good impressions on the interviewer Should make good preparations for the job interview. ?这两个句子是以主语作为话题为中心构建的,其他成分用来进一步阐述话题的内容。 如果按照英语的写作思维模式来进行分析。会发现句中主语与谓语之间并不存在逻辑上的主谓关系,真正的主语被省略掉了,造成句子结构错误,概念表述含混不清。 二、语篇铺排的差异1.段落发展方式——螺旋式与直线式“汉语的篇章发展往往采用迂回的方式,不直截了当地阐述主题,而是以一种螺旋式的反复暗示逐步引出主题。”西方人习惯于抽象思维,因此英语语篇“在写作手法上就注重开宗明义,有的放矢,言简意赅,一语中的”。一般作者在文章的开头明确设定论述的主题;阐述和证明论点时毫不旁顾,或解释原因,或举例论证;最后的结论水到渠成,戛然而止,或重申主题,或提出建议,语言简明扼要,决不拖泥带水。有些中国学生在写作时,总是不自觉地使用汉语的段落发展方法,通过间接迂回的方式表达自己的观点。下面是中国学生写的一篇以The key to Success为题的文章的开头段: ?There is no doubt that everyone wants to be a success.Winning a great success bring us a


翻译理论与实践试题 一、选择题(在四个选项中选择一个正确答案):20% 1.中国古代佛经翻译家------提出了“既须求真,又须喻俗”的翻译思想。 A. 鸠摩罗什 B. 玄奘 C.安世高D。释道安 2.严复说的“一名之立,旬月踟躇”是指---------------------。 A.翻译一部书要化一个月时间作准备 B 翻译一个术语往往要考虑很久 C. 只有化苦功才能翻译成一部名著 D. 书名的翻译颇费思量 3..下列四句,----句的表述是不正确的。 A.鲁迅提出过“宁信而不顺”的翻译观点。 B. 马建忠主张“善译”的翻译标准。 C. 钱钟书认为文学翻译的最高标准是“化”。 D. 傅雷认为文学翻译的最高境界是“形似”。 4.下列四位翻译家中,英译《红楼梦》的是------。 A.林语堂 B. 杨宪益 C. 杨必 D. 鲁迅 5.英国语言学家M.A.K.Halliday提出的构成语境三要素中,fields of discourse指---------------------------。 A.交际内容 B. 交际方式 C. 交际风格 D. 交际地点 6.多用被动语态是----------的一个比较明显的语法特点。 A.广告英语 B. 科技英语 C. 新闻英语 D. 法律英语 7.“意译”是指译文从意义出发,要求将原文的意义正确表达出来,不必拘泥于------的形式。 A.词句 B. 词句和比喻 C. 各种修辞手段 D. 词、句、以及各种修辞手段 8.. ------翻译了莎士比亚的全部戏剧作品。 A.朱生豪 B. 卞之琳 C. 梁实秋 D. 林语堂 9.fast, firm, secure三个同义词中,firm的正规程度介于前后两者之间,由此可以判定,它最有可能源自------。 A.法语 B. 拉丁语 C. 盎格鲁-撒克逊语 D. 德语 10.下列四种“语体”中,--------的语言最为正规。 A.广告英语 B. 法律英语 C. 新闻英语 D. 科技英语 二、问答题:30% 1.为什么严复要在他的翻译标准中加上一个“雅”字?你认为现在我们应该怎样理解这个“雅”字?

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