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Unit 5 单元测试


1. n, o, t, m, t ______ ______

2. o, v, m, e, r, N, e, b ______ ______

3. e, a, y, r ______ _______

4. i, r, h, t, b, a, d, y ________ ________

5. e, g, h, i, h, t _______ _________


6. nine(序数词)_______

7. holiday(复数)__________

8. month(复数)__________ 9. first(对应词)_________

10. twleve(序数词)__________


( )11.A. August B. November C. year

( )12.A. Christmas B. Sunday C. Thanksgiving ( )13.A. seventh B..nine C. tenth

( )14.A. year B. clever C. month

( )15.A. clean B. holiday C. festival


16. —What festival is in September? —T______ Day.

17. The People’s Liberation Army Day is in A________.

18. —When is Thanksgiving Day? —I t’s on the fourth Thursday of


19. December is the t______ month of the year.

20. Our National Day is on O_______ 1st.


( )21. In August, school is ________.

A. on

B. in

C. out

( )22. Army Day is in _______.

A. July

B. August

C. October

( )23. There are _____months in a year.

A. twelfth

B. twelve

C. eleven

( )24. They celebrate______ Day on September 10th.

A. teachers’

B. Teacher’s

C. Teachers’

( )25. The students are giving their teachers flowers _______ show their love.

A. to

B. for

C. and


( )26. September is the nine month of the year. _________


( )27. Look! The children are dance in the park. ________


( )28. National Day is in October 1st._________


( )29. In March, the children plants trees. ______


( )30. On Easter, the children have presents from Santa Claus. ________



31. October is the tenth month of the year. (用December改写句


32. 看看咪咪的房子。(译成汉语)__________________________

33. Let’s give our teacher a present.(写出同义


34. is, the, celebrating, family, Thanksgiving (.) (连词成


35. Christmas is on December 25th. (就画线部分提问



October is the tenth month of the year. China’s National Day is on October 1st. Look! The children are celebrating the festival. Some of them are singing and some of them are dancing. A woman teacher is taking photos of them. Everyong is happy.

( )36. October is the tenth month of the year.

( )37. China’s National Day is on October 10th.

( )38. Some of the children are singing.

( )39. A man teacher is taking photos.

( )40. All the people are happy.



_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________


六年级英语暑期期末测试题 一、听录音,圈出你所听到的字母组合。 1. 2 . 3 . bad bap HJK HIK srt str 4. 5 . mnl nml AHGK AJGK 二、听录音,圈出与你听到的内容相符的图片。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 三、听录音,选出你所听到的单词,把代表该单词的字母序号写在右边括号里 A B C ( ) ship train bus A B C ( ) stop wait go A B C ( ) traffic lights traffic rules green light A B C ( ) red light yellow light green light A B C ( ) far near fast 四、下面 5 个小对话,在与对话内容相符的图片下面打“√”,不相符的图片下打“×” 1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5.

()() 五、写出下列单词。 1、火车 2 、飞机 3 、步行 4 、交通灯 5 、等待 6. 电影院 7. 书店 8. 右转 9. 北10. 自行车 六、找出一个不同类的词 ( )1. A. on foot B. by bike C. by train D. by a car ( )2. A. stop B. wait C. bus D. go

( )3. A. Canada B. England C. the USA D. Chinese ( )4. A. library B. school C. bookstore D. subway ( )5. A. yellow B. rule C. red D. Green ( ) 6. A. library B. hospital C. cinema D. party. ( ) 7. A. north B. party C. south D. east ( ) 8. A. wait B. bus C. train D. bike ( )9. A. museum B. post office C. music D. library ( )10. A. plane B. cinema C.bike D. bus 七.单选 ()1. A: How do you go to the USA? B:I go ____ A. on foot B. by bike C. by bus D. by plane ()2. Remember the traffic rules. ___at a yellow light. A. stop B. wait C. go D. go straight ()3. How can I get to _______park? A. Zhongshan B. the Zhongshan C. a Zhongshan ()4. Is it far _______here? A. for B. of C. from ( ) 5. How do you go to school? I often go to school_____ foot. A. by B. on C. in ( ) 6. Go straight for two minutes. Then ________ left. A. go B. turn C. on ( ) 7. If you want to buy some books, you can go to the ______. A. book shop B. shoe shop C. post office ()8. You see a red light, You must ______. A. go B. wait C. stop ()9 当询问对方上学用什么交通工具时,应该问: A、How old are you ? B 、How do you go to school ? ()10、当对方说谢谢的时候,你应该怎么回答: A、You're welcome. B 、No,thanks. 四、情景会话。选出合适的句子将序号填在划线处,完成对话。 A. next to B. Thank you C. Excuse me D. Go straight E. You’re welcome Amy: Excuse me. Where is the post office? Mike: I'm sorry. I am new here. You can ask the policeman. Amy: Thank you all the same. Amy: ___________. Can you tell me the way to the post office? Policeman: ___________. You can see the hospital. Amy: And then? Policeman: It's ___________ the hospital. Amy: Oh, I see. ___________ Policeman: __________ 五、从A栏选出B栏的正确答语 ( )1.How can I go to the ZhongShan Park? A.No,it ’s not far. ( )2.Can I go on foot? B.You can go by bus ( )3.Where is the library? C. It ’s near the post office.


6年级英语 教学计划 一、学情分析: 本校的六年级学生有两个班,在人数上较多于五年级,六(1)班有学生45人,男生26人,女生19人,分别来自张家沥、樊浦、村头、三条娄等自然村。男生大部分比较调皮,学习态度不够端正;有部分学生自觉性不够,上课注意力不集中;不能及时完成作业等;还有10个左右学生基础知识掌握不够扎实,学习有很大困难。所以在新的学期里,在端正学生学习态度的同时,应加强培养他们的各种学习数学的能力,利用小组讨论的学习方式,使学生在讨论中人人参与,各抒己见,互相启发, 自己找出解决问题的方法,体验学习数学的快乐。女孩子比较文静,数学基础比男孩子好很多。我们六2班本学期共有学生44人,其中男生22人,女生22人。我班学生总的说来集体荣誉感还不是太强,活动能力也不太好,师生关系还算比较融洽。班上同学成绩较为平衡,只有几个不合格现象。不少同学在学习上好胜心强,乐于学习,勇于克服学习上的困难,思维活跃,有较好的学习习惯,有较有成效的学习方法;但也有不少同学厌倦学习,畏惧困难,或是学习方法不当,或是学习习惯较差,积年累月,致使学习基础薄弱。六年级学生已经接触了三年英语,有一定的英语基础。他们活泼好动,对新事物有着强烈的好奇心,探索知识的欲望很强烈,并且有着很强的表现欲。但六年级的学生对英语学习兴趣整体有所下降,两极分化比较严重。所以本学期我将面向全体学生,以学生的发展为宗旨,因材施教,分层教学,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。 二、教材分析: 1、教学内容分析

本教材的设计体现了“以人为本”的教育思想,形式多样活泼,很符合该年龄阶段的儿童。教材以话题为纲,以交际功能和语言结构为主线,逐步引导学生运用英语完成有实际意义的语言任务。体现了交际教学思想,注重学生语言应用能力的培养。在整体构思、内容安排、活动设计和教学方法选用上都紧密联系学生的生活实际、贯彻了语言的交际功能和语言应用的基本原则。这册课本的话题包括means of transportation & traffic rules; locations & directions; spare time activities; hobbies & daily routine; jobs; water cycle & plants。 2、学期教学目标: 根据小学生的心理和生理特征以及发展需求,小学阶段的英语课程的目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的英语学习的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好语音、语调基础。六年级的学生已经有一定的英语基础,本学年应达到以下目标: 1、能按四会、三会的要求掌握所学单词。 2、能按四会要求掌握所学句型。 3、能使用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,做到大胆开口,发音正确。 4、能在图片、手势、情境等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录音。 5、进一步养成良好的书写习惯。 6、进一步养成听英语、读英语和说英语的良好习惯。 7、能运用相关的语言知识和技能,完成某项任务。 8、能演唱已学过的英语歌曲,诵读已学过的歌谣。 3、教材重点和难点 1、能按四会、三会的要求掌握所学单词。 2、能按四会要求掌握所学句型。 3、能使用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,做到大胆开口,发音正确。 4、能在图片、手势、情境等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录音。 4.单元教学目标 UNIT 1 How tall are you ? 单元教学目标: 1、学会用形容词的比较级来谈论自己、朋友及其他人或事物,如:I’m taller than you ,but you are stronger than me . 等。 2、学会用英文的长度和重量单位来描述人、物或动物的身高、长度和体重等。如:“I’m 160cm tall.I’m 51kg . A sperm shale is 35 ton.”等。并能借助长度及重量单位进行精确比较,如:You’re 4 cm taller than me . I’m one year older than you .等。 3、学会用本单元的目标语言分析比较调查的结果并做汇报。


小学英语人教精通版六年级上册重点归纳 1 2 第一单元 Unit 1 I go to school at 8:00 3 重点词组: 4 1. daily life 日常生5 活 2. get up 起床 6 3. in the morning 在早晨\上7 午 4. in the afternoon 在下午 8 5. in the evening 在晚9 上 6. have breakfast 吃早餐 10 7. have lunch 吃午11 餐 8. have dinner 吃晚餐 12 9. go to school 去上13 学 10. go home 回家 14 11. watch TV 看电15 视 12. do some reading 阅读 16 13. go to bed 睡17 觉 14. cook breakfast 做早餐 18 15. take a walk 散19 步 16. teach English 教英语 20 17. read stories 读故21 事 18. every morning 每天早晨

22 19. on Saturdays 在星期 23 六 20. on Sundays 在星期日 24 21. see a film 看电25 影 22. have piano lessons 上钢琴课 26 23. play the piano 弹钢琴24. at home 在27 家 28 25. help sb. to do the housework 帮助某人做家务 29 26. clean the door 擦30 门 27. clean the window 擦窗户 31 28. clean the floor 擦地板 29. eat lunch 吃32 午餐 33 重点句型: 34 1.I don’t have breakfast at 7:00 in the morning . 我不35 是在早上七点钟吃早餐。 36 2.She gets up at 6:00 in the morning . 她在早上六点钟起37 床。 38 3.She doesn’t get up at 6:30 in the morning . 她不是在39 早上6:30起床。 40 4.What does Kate do on Saturdays? 凯特在周六做什么? 41 5.She usually plays the piano. 她通常弹钢琴。 42 6.I have breakfast at 7:30. 我在7:30吃早饭。


闽教版小学英语六年级毕业班英语测试卷 班级:姓名: Ⅰ. 写出与下列字母相邻的两个字母(写出大小写并注意书写格式)。4分 Ee Ii Mm Vv Ⅱ. 从右栏中选择正确的翻译,并将序号写在题前的括号里。 10分 (A) ()1.go swimming A. 在秋天 ()2.a red sweater B. 吃早餐 ()3.turn on the TV C. 去游泳 ()4.in fall D. 一件红色的毛衣 ()5.have breakfast E. 开电视 (B) ()1.下雨天 A.play basketball ()2. 起床 B.on Sunday ()3. 打篮球 C. get up ()4. 在星期日 D. on duty ()5. 值日 E. a rainy day Ⅲ. 情景问答,从右栏中选择合适的答语,并将序号写在题前的括号里。8分 (A) ()1. Can you run? A. I like apples. ()2. Happy birthday! B. I’m from China. ()3. What do you like? C. Thank you. ()4. Where are you from? D. Yes, I can. (B) ()1. What are they doing? A. It’s eighty yuan. ()2. How is the weather today? B. My name is Sally. ()3. How much is it? C. It’s a sunny day. ()4. What’s your name? D. They are running. Ⅳ. 给下列图片选择正确的单词、词组或句子,并将序号写在相应图片下的括号里。 5分 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )


(人教PEP)六年级英语上册入学测试题 笔试部分 一、完成单词。8分 postc_ _d th_ _s_ _d m_ll_on r_ _lly squ_ _ _ c_ ll_ ct w_m_n an_ther 二、词形变化。8分 1.dance(动名) 2.hobby(复数) 3.north(反义词) 4.are(第三人称单数) 5.photo(复数) 6.women(单数) 7.man(复数) 8.Canada(形容词) 三、英汉互译。10分 1.such a big country 2.lots of stamps 3.长城 4.在东部 5.骑自行车 6.墨西哥邮票 7.收集邮票8.send an email to... 9.a map of America 10.八百万人口 四、连词成句。8分 1.from China you got have any stamps ? 2 . my hobby riding is bikes . 3. from Canada are these stamps some . 4 . lots of beautiful lakes in China are there . 五、用动词适当形式填空。5分 1.We all______(love)our hobbies.

2.Has he______(get)any stamps from China? 3.Now you can________(have)another Chinese stamps. 4._________(collect)dolls is my hobby. 5.There_____(be)many famous mountains in China. 六、选择。10分 ( )1 I s there a lake in your city? A Yes,there is. B Yes,it is. ( )2 Do cats_____fish? A likes B like ( )3 ____you ride a horse? No, I can't. A Can B Do ( )4______is the Great Wall? A How many B How long ( )5 Please tell me ______about your city. A many B more ( )6____big city it is! A What a B Such a ( )7 I am _______Beijing! A visits B visiting ( )8 Do you want______Beijing? A go B to go ( )9 Let's _______a picnic. A to have B have ( )10 Are there______postcards from China? A some B any 七、填空。5分 (There's are play lots restaurants )


2016/9/4 六年级上册Name: 一、默写 在一个寒冷的夜晚秒分钟小时周周末第一第二第三第四第五第六第七第八第九第十第十一第十二时间之后然后,那么 月年一月二月三月四月星形蛋糕 五月和你的朋友们庆祝你的生日心形蛋糕六月七月 邀请你的朋友去你的派对给你的朋友一张生日卡片你想要哪种蛋糕?点蜡烛唱生日歌许愿吹灭蜡烛切蛋糕吃蛋糕这是送给你的蛋糕。我能买一些冰淇淋吗? 二、(一般现在时、现在进行时和一般将来时)用动词的正确形式填空 1. He (go) swimming in the river every day in summer. 2. Look, the children(play) basketball in the playground. 3. I need需要 some paper, I (bring) some to you. 4. I (go) with you if如果 I have time. 5. We will go to the cinema if it (be) fine. 6. I will tell her the news when she (come) to see me next week. 7. The bike is nice. How much it(cost价值) ? 8. David (wash) his face and (brush) his teeth every morning. 9. Tom often (play) chess象棋 after school? 10. Look, someone (sit坐) on the floor. 11. They (plant) trees on the hill. Do you see? 12. the teacher often (tell) us not to play on the street? 13.Light (travel行动) much faster than sound. 14. you (watch)TV now? Yes, I am. 15. every one (know) the Great Wall in the world? 三、选择题 ( ) 1. We will go swimming if the weather fine tomorrow. A. is B. was C. will be D. is going to be ( ) 2. Listen! Some in the next room. A. cried. B. crying C. is crying D. cries ( ) 3. He often his clothes on Sunday. A. washing B. washs C. washes D. is washing ( ) 4. I my homework now. A. am doing B. do C. does D. will do ( ) 5. When ,I’ll talk to him. A. does Peter come B. Peter will come C. Peter comes D. can Peter come ( ) 6. There a talk show on CCTV at nine in the evening. A. will have B. is going to be C. is going to have D. is having ( ) 7. Tina often her homework in the evening. But at the moment this evening She TV. A. does; watches B. is doing; is watching C. does; is watching D. is doing; watches


最新六年级英语毕业考试卷及答案 一、根据读音规则,判断下列各组单词中,那一个单词划线部分的读音与其他三个划线部分的读音不同,请选出.(10分) 1.A.hand B. gave C. map D. plan 2. A. went B. bed C. me D. get 3. A. heavy B. sleep C. weekend D. meet 4. A. car B. father C. warm D. hard 5. A. start B. car C. father D. swam 二、翻译下来短语.(10分) 1.全世界 the world 2.制定计划 a 3.去游泳 4.长城 the 5.起床 三、单项选择.(10分) 1. Your pen is newer than . A. mine B. me C. her 2. Zhuhai is than Guangzhou, I think. A. most beautiful B. beautiful C. more beautiful A. to draw B. draw C. drew 4. How she go to school in the morning? A. is B. does C. do

5. That is American national flag. There fifty stars on it. A. a, is B. an, are C. an, is 6. What film are you going to ? A. see B. watch C. look 7. Rome than Paris. A. are warmer B. is warmer C. is warmer 8. My grandfather usually the flowers in the morning. A. watering B. is watering C. waters 9. Listen! Xiaoling in her classroom. A. sings B. singing C. is singing 10. Yesterday my parents and I our house. A. are cleaning B. cleaned C. are going to clean 四、按照要求改写下列句子.(15分) 1. It‘s nine thirty in the morning.(对划线部分提问) ? 2. The Olympic Center is in the north of Beijing.(对划线部分提问) ? 3. I am a Chinese girl.(用she 改写) 4. What are you going to be when you grow up? (自由回答)


六年级英语入学测试 Ⅱ. 选择词填空,并把正确答案写在题中横线上,注意大小写. A. has got B.have got C.there are D.there is 1. some beautiful squares in Dalian . 2. a book and a pen on her desk . 3. They a lovely dog . 4. She some photos . 5. The desk four legs . Ⅲ.用所给动词的适当形式填空. 1.Daming ( visit ) America now . 2. ( tell ) me more about the Great Wall . 3.China and Japan ( be ) in the east and Mexico ( be )in the south. 4. you ( miss ) China ? Sometimes . 5. We ( go ) to Chinatown tomorrow . 6.They ( collect ) lots of great stamps last year . 7.Girls like ( dance ) and ( play ) football is boys’ hobby . 8.Let’s ( go ) to Chinatown now . Ⅰ. 阅读理解 Jack and Li Xuan are good friends. On Sunday they are in Li Xuan’s room . Li Xuan’s room is very clean and tidy .There are two windows in his room. Near the window there is a desk . On the desk there is an ink bottle, a lamp and some books .Beside the desk there is a bed .On the wall there is a phone of Li Xuan’s family . True (T) or False (F) ( ) 1 Jack and Jane are good friends. ( ) 2 Li Xuan’s room is clean but not tidy. ( ) 3 There are no windows in Li Xuan’s room. ( ) 4 There is a chair and a table in Li Xuan’s room. Ⅰ. 情景交际:根据情境从下面的选项中选择适当的句子完成对话,并将相应句子的序号写在题目中横线上。 Daming: Look at this postcard . It’s a picture of the Great Wall . Simon : Daming: It’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometers . Simon : Wow ! Daming: Tell me something about New York . Simon : It’s very big . It’s got eight million people . Daming:That is big .


Unit1Igotoschoolat8:00. 一、核心词汇 1.描述日常活动的词汇 cleanthewindow擦窗户cleanthedoor擦门cleanthefloor擦地板 2.描述三餐的词汇 breakfast早餐lunch午餐dinner晚餐 3.描述时间的词汇 morning早晨afternoon下午evening晚上; 傍晚 4.频率副词 often时常; 常常 5.其他 walk走; 步行every每一个easy容易difficult困难 二、拓展词组 描述日常活动的词组 getup起床havebreakfast吃早餐gotoschool去上学havelunch吃午饭 gohome回家havedinner吃晚饭watchTV看电视gotobed睡觉cookbreakfast做早餐teachEnglish教英语takeawalk散步readstories读故事seeafilm看电影playthepiano弹钢琴 三、核心句型 1.Igetupat7:30inthemorning. 我早晨七点半起床。 解读:此句是一个陈述句, 用来描述我在某一时刻所做的事情。 举一反三:Igotoschoolat8:00inthemorning. 我早晨八点去上学。 2.Shedoesn’tgetupat6:30inthemorning.她不在上午六点半起床。 解读: 此句是一个否定句, 用来描述某人在某一时刻没有做的事情。 举一反三:Shedoesn’tgetupat6:40.她不在六点四十分起床。 3.— WhatdoyoudoonSaturdays? 你星期六做什么?


用所给词的适当形式填空。 1) —Where _________ (be) they during the Christmas holidays last year? —They________ ( be) at home. 2) —_________ (be) Peter at the cinema yesterday afternoon? —Yes, he_________ (be). 3) The students _________ (not have) an English party the day before yesterday. 4) Lily_________ (do) tasks just now, but now she _________(be not do) tasks. 5) ________she _________ (watch) TV last Saturday? Yes, she _________. 6) Does your sister enjoy _________in Beijing? (sunbathe) 7) February is the _________month of the year. (two) 8) You_________ (be) thirteen years old last year. 9) _________ (be) you late for school yesterday morning? No, I ________. 10) We_________ (begin) to learn some English songs last week. 11) How ________ you ________(get) there yesterday? I_______(go) there by plane. 12) My parents are interested in our English. She often __________(ask) us to practise __________(listen). 13) Now we can_________(play) games and ________(do) exercises in English. 14) you (go) to see the new tower last Sunday? 15) I want (make) my house more beautiful. 16) You can (go) down this street. 17) There (be) some orange juice in the bottle. 18) There (be) a lot of trees in the park. 19) She_______________ (visit) the science museum next week. 20) Don’t (do) your homework now. It’s time for dinner. 21) I (see ) him at the shopping center last Sunday. 22) The Great wall is (long) wall in the world. 23) Would you like (swim) with us? 24) The animals are having a ___________(meet). 25) They (play) football next Sunday. 26) Thank you for (invite) me to your house. 27) Look! The boy (drive) a car. 28) The capital city of America is (call) Washington D.C. 29) I (be) at home yesterday evening. 30) The panda wants to enjoy __________(she) at Disneyland. 31) The CN Tower is one of the tallest __________(tower) in the world. 32) Lisa wants to see all __________(that) famous places. 33) Disneyland in America is the _______________ (famous) one in the world.


人教版小学六年级英语下册期末试题及答案 姓名学校班级 听力部分(共30分) 一、听句子选出句中所包含的单词:(5分) ( ) 1. A. B. C. D. ( ) 2. A. B. C. D. ( )3. A. B. C. ( )4. A. B. C. D. ( )5. A. B. C. D. 二、听问句选答语:(5分) ( ) 1. ’m . ’m . ’m 50. ( ) 2. A. . B. . ( ) 3. ’m a . C. I . ( ) 4. A. , I . B. , I . C. , I . ( ) 5. A. ’s . B. ’s a . C. ’s o’. 三、听短文判断正误:(10分) ( ) 1. ’s . ( ) 2. . ( ) 3. . ( ) 4. . ( ) 5. a . 四、听短文补全对话:(10分) a . , I ’s . , a . , . . 笔试部分

一、按要求写词语:(15分) 1 (序数词) 2 (反义词) 3 (比较级) 4 (复数) 5 (现在分词) 6 (第三人称单数以及过去式) 7 (过去式) 8’t (完全形式) 9 (复数) 10 (过去分词) 11 (名词) 12. (最高级) 13. (反义词) 14 (基数词) 二、选择:(15分) ( ) 1. ? A. , B. , C. , ( ) 2. . A. B. C. ( ) 3. a . A. B. C. ( ) 4. I . I . A. B. C. . ( ) 5. ? I’m . A. B. C. ( ) 6. ’s . . A. B. C. ( ) 7. ? I . A. B. C.


小学六年级英语入学测试 一、请你选择划线部分发音不同的单词(10分)。 ( )1、A、book 、、B、good C 、cool ( )2 、A、speak 、、B、breakfast C、spread ( )3、A、doctor 、B、horse C、for ( )4、A、same B、bake C、have ( )5、A、bike B、kite C、give 二、请你按要求写单词(10分)。 1、they(名词性物主代词)_______ 2、carry(单三式)________ 3、sheep(复数形式)_____ 4、two(同音词)____ 5、put(现在分词)_______ 6.right(反义词)______7、short (反义词) ____ 8、.sing(职业) _______ 9.let us(缩写形式)____10.slowly(形容词)_______三、选择填空(20分) ( )1、Are there ____ apples in the box ? A、an B、any C 、a D、the ( )2、There are many ______ in the classroom. A、woman B、womans C、women D、womens ()3、Whose bird are these ? _______ are yours. A、They B、Their C 、Those D、Theirs ( )4、May I take a message _____ you ? A、to B、for C、from D、of ( )5、There is no water on ____ Mars.


小学六年级英语毕业测试题 一、找出不属于同一类的选(5分) 2.swim (现在分词形式) ____

3.big (形容词比较级)________ 4.go (过去式)_____ 5.read (过去式) ____ 评卷人 单项选择(20 分) 得分 ()1.1s your sister playing now ? _______ A. Yes, she i sn B. No, she isn C. No, he i sn ()2. Which season do you like best ? I like _______ best. A. fish B. Fall C. Blue ()3. Where does the rain come from ? It comes from the ___________ . A. water B. Clouds C. Sun

()4. The traffic light is yellow,

so you may ________ . A. stop B. Wait C. Go ()5. I my grandparents last Sunday . A. visiting B. Visited C. Visit ()6.My grandfather is than me . A. tall B. Taller C. Tallest ()7. She often ____________ Tv on Sunday morning . A. watch B. Watchs C. Watches ()8.My mother is doing the __________________ . A. a dish B. Dishes C. Dish ()9. We are doing _______________________________ e xperiment . A. a B. An C. / ()10. What did you do yesterday ? I ____ the flowers. A. water B. Waters C. Watered 评卷人 得分四、连词成句,注意标点符号。(10分)


小学六年级英语入学测试卷 班级姓名分数 笔试部分:(共100分) 一、按英文字母顺序默写Gg —Zz (10分) 二、选出不同类的单词。(10分) ()1 A、winter B、cool C、spring D、summer ()2 A、cool B、cold C、warm D、walk ()3 A、skate B、swim C、climb D、season ()4 A、first B、two C、second D、third ()5 A、May B、July C、Sunday D、June 三、找出单词的正确译文,将其标号填入前面的括号内。(10分) ( ) 1.spring A.春天B.季节C.夏天 ( ) 2.morning A.下午B.中午C.上午 ( ) 3.May A.五月B.三月C.六月 ( ) 4.write a letter A.写报告B.写信C.写电子邮件( ) 5.swim A.游泳B.荡秋千C.跑步 ( ) 6.usually A.通常B.一般C.经常 ( ) 7.evening A.晚上B.早上C.中午

( ) 8.have a picnic A.数昆虫B.举行野餐C.做实验 ( ) 9.drink water A.打架B.讲话C.喝水 ( ) 10.twelfth A.十二B.第十二C.第二十 四、选择填空。(共20分) ( )1.My parents usually get up ________ 6:40. A.on B.in C.at ( )2.----What's the date today? ----____________ A.It's Tuesday. B.It's cool C.It's April 1st. ( )3.----Is Amy answering the phone? ----____________ A.Yes, he does. B.No, she is writing a letter. C.No, he isn't. ( )4.There is a call ____ you. A.for B.on C.at ( )5.----__________? ----They are listening to music. A.What do they do? B.What are you doing? C.What are your grandparents doing? ( ) 6.This is __________________duck. A.my B.an C.you ( ) 7.He’s __________________ an e-mail. A.writing B.write C.written ( ) 8.__________________ they playing sports? A.Are B.Is C.Am ( ) 9.Winter __________. Zoom and Zip don’t skate. They sleep. A.coming B.come C.comes

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