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Unit 1 Cultural relics


第一组:rare, valuable, survive, dynasty, amaze, select, design, decorate, jewel, troop, reception, wooden

1 It was a miracle that three persons ________ that big fire.

2 It was my father who _________the bridge.

3 Li Bai, a great ancient Chinese poet, lived in the Tang _________.

4 If you want to buy a house, you may come into the _________ room for further information.

5 Our company deals in kinds of ________.

6 Currently people ________ go to movies. Instead, they watch DVDs at home.

7 To our great ________, he fell behind all the others in the math exam this time.

8 It is said that the stolen paiting is of great _________.

9 If you want to read something, you may ________ one from those books.

10 Our house looks much more modern after being _________ again.

11 Don’t cross the _________ bridge over the river. It is very dangerous.

12 American ________ invaded that country and very soon conquered it.

第二组:doubt, former, worth, castle, trial, evidence, explode, entrance, sink, informal, debate, sailor

13 The murderer was finally sentenced to death after a few _________.

14 Do you ________ that our class will beat theirs at the basketball match?

15 Your dream is nothing but “_________ in the air”.

16 There is convincing _________ of a link between exposure to the sun and skin cancer.

17 Smith used to be a _________ in his twenties. He travelled to quite a few countries.

18 A bomb ________ right next to the local municipal government.

19 The sign at the _______ to the building reads, “No entry without a pass(许可证)”.

20 While doing window shopping yesterday afternoon I met a _________ classmate of mine.

21 You come up with a good plan and it is __________ discussing.

22 After a long ________ the Congress(国会) approved the proposal.

23 It is a grand party. How can you wear such _________ clothes?

24 My brother just sat there, _________ in thought.


1 That black suitcase on the floor _________ me.

2 China was __________ with Japan at that time.

3 I gave him a nice gift _________ for his help.

4 All of us __________ Mary’s spoken English.

5 Groups of people went out ___________ the missing child.

6 We had to _________ the engine piece by piece for transport.

Unit 2 The Olympic Games


第一组:ancient, compete, medal, magical, volunteer, regular, basis, athlete,

admit, stadium, gymnasium, responsibility

1 Little Tom never _______ having broken the window last night.

2 They are __________ against each other for the new contract(合同).

3 There is to be a football match at the City _________ this coming weekend.

4 In _______ times, people used abacuses to calculate, which was quite slow.

5 Her words had a ________ effect on us all.

6 To some players their goals is not only for a gold _________.

7 After work I usually go to the _________ to work out.

8 More ________ than ever before took part in the 29th Beijing Olympic Games.

9 She feels a strong sense of ________ towards her employees.

10 The ________ of a good friendship is mutual trust.

11 Are there any ________ to help clear up?

12 I am a _________ visitor to that restaurant; all the waiters there know me well.

第二组:replace, motto, charge, physical, poster, advertise, glory, bargain, deserve, fine

13 What is written on that _________? Let’s go and have a look.

14 We’ll _________ for a part-time secretary, for Lily has asked for a one-month sick leave.

15 Can you find an appropriate word to _________the underlined one?

16 My sister bought this T-shirt at such a low price. She was really good at ________.

17 To keep fit, we should do __________ exercise every day.

18 Johnson was _________ because he was caught driving without a driving license.

19 “Swifter, Higher and Stronger” is the _________ of the Olympics.

20 He ________ to lose the game because he never trained hard.

21 When you check into our hotel, the breakfast is free of ________.

22 He came home a rich man, covered in _________.


1 The students present at the lecture asked the professor questions _________.

2 I’d like to have a talk with whoever is _________.

3 He is a famous scientist and a well known writer ________.

4 What do the five rings on the Olympic flag _________?

5 Only five students were chosen to __________ the national math competition.

Unit 3 Computers


第一组:calculate, universal, simplify, operator, logical, technology, revolution, artificial, intelligence, reality, personal, tube, character

1 Every morning I go to work by _________ instead of by bus.

2 We often talk of IT, which is short for information __________.

3 It is _________ accepted that English is an international language in the world.

4 Those ___________ flowers look like real ones.

5 It was between 196

6 and 1976 that the Cultural __________ took place in China.

6 _________, I think this article is well written except for its sharp remarks.

7 This child is clever and quick-minded, and he is of high _________.

8 An abacus is the oldest type of __________ tool in China.

9 In Taiwan and Hong Kong of China, people use traditional Chinese rather than _________Chinese.

10 Computer programming needs someone with a _________ mind.

11 The _________ is that we don't have enough money for this project.

12 A computer _________ is wanted in our office.

13 The twin brothers are different in ________, although they look alike so much.

第二组:totally, application, finance, mobile, explore, goal, download, virus, signal, coach, arise, electronic, appearance, niece

14 You are __________ wrong on that point. Nobody agrees with you.

15 We keep them informed of any changes as they _________.

16 You’d better find a _________ for one-to-one training to better your skills.

17 With the computer I can easily _________ information from the Internet.

18 My computer doesn’t work now; an unknown _________ attacked it yesterday.

19 Many new ___________ have been found for the computer since the early 1980s.

20 While in hospital Mr Smith’s nephew and _________ visited him.

21 I achieved my _________ after years of hard work.

22 After graduation from a college I found a job as an __________ engineer.

23 A _________ phone is also called cellphone.

24 She has never been greatly concerned about her ___________.

25 As soon as we arrived at the island we were eager to _________.

26 Four years later I got a diploma(文凭) in banking and __________.

27 When I dialled his number all I got was a busy __________.


1 Will you please _________ my child while I am out?

2 __________, he has been very successful.

3 I cannot think of ways to __________ the salesman at the door.

4 I made great progress in English ___________ Mr. Lin.

5 I left home very late. ___________, I missed the bus.

6 I intend to listen to BBC every day to improve my listening ________ now _______.

Unit 4 Wildlife protection


第一组:protection, decrease, reserve, zone, carpet, respond, distant, mercy, importance, mosquito, insect, contain, affect

1 Wolong Nature ________ , Sichuan Province is one home to pandas.

2 Sunglasses can be a _________ to your eyes against the strong sunlight on hot summer days.

3 Shenzhen Special Economic _________ was founded in 1980.

4 _________ are small creatures with six legs and a body divided into three parts.

5 Sex and violence in TV plays __________ the development of a child.

6 Fresh fruit and vegetables ________ plentiful Vitamin C.

7 Why not hang a ________ net over a bed to keep them away from you?

8 The number of the wildlife is _________ as a result of being hunted these days.

9 Since the reform and opening to the outside world people have realized the __________ of learning a foreign language.

10 The train pulled out and soon disappeared in the _________.

11 We should never show __________ to our enemies.

12 I wrote her a few letters but she didn’t __________ to th em.

13 The _________ we bought yesterday was good quality and cheap as well. 第二组:appreciate, succeed, secure, income, employ, bite, harm, inspect, incident, fierce, dinosaur, ending

14 People say that barking dogs don’t ________ .

15 A tiger is a very _________ kind of animal. However, it won’t attack you if you don’t.

16 I _________ it if you can teach me how to play computer games.

17 I find it so hard to support a family of three on such a low _________.

18 Obama __________ George W Bush as President of the US as of January 20,2020.

19 Reading in dim light does great __________ to your eyes.

20 Scientists don’t know for sure why __________ died out suddenly 65 million years ago.

21 There was a shooting _________ near my apartment last night.

22 The novel gave its readers an unexpected __________.

23 The police had to __________ force to enter the building where the hostage was kidnapped.

24 Information must be stored so that it is _________ from accidental deletion(删除).

25 All the milk must be _________ to see if there exists melamine(三聚氰胺).


1 The new country _________ only two years ago.

2 At the story everyone __________.

3 The government is doing its best to _______ those rare animals _______ being hunted.

4 I had warned him of the possible danger, but he didn’t _______ it.

5 Elephants would _________ if men are allowed to shoot as many as they wished.

6 Children’s lives are _________ every time they cross the road.

7 The two communities live together _________.

8 You’ve been absent from class six times __________ my records.

Unit 5 Music


第一组:roll, folk, musician, pretend, form, passer-by, earn, instrument, perform, studio, millionaire, broadcast

1 The doctors are ________ an operation trying to save the dying man.

2 At college I majored in(主修) _________ literature.

3 Ten years of work in the country ________ the basis of his writing.

4 Beethoven, a great German _________, lived between 1770 and 1827.

5 My sister takes an interest in music and she can play some musical ________.

6 The old couple ________ their living by collecting and selling used plastic bottles.

7 Sorry, I don’t know where the post office is. I am a _________.

8 When I passed by he _________ not to see me.

9 I bought a ________ of film(胶卷) for my camera.

10 Some __________ were born poor but became wealthy after years of hard work.

11 We watched the live __________ of the exciting football match.

12 This blockbuster(电影大片) was made at a Hollywood _________.

第二组:humorous, attractive, dip, confident, devotion, invitation, beard, sensitive, painful, brief

13 At the start of the class Mr. Wang asked every one of us to give a __________ self introduction.

14 I received a letter of __________ to the meeting but I am afraid that I cannot spare time for it.

15 We all admire Old Li, a senior teacher for his __________ to teaching.

16 His ___________ speech made all present at the party laugh.

17 I like that girl because I find her so __________.

18 My teeth are very __________ to cold food.

19 The teacher asked the children to feel __________ about asking questions when they don’t understand.

20 My ankle is still too __________ to walk on.

21 ___________ your hand in to see how hot the water is.

22 He decided to grow a ___________ and a moustache.


1 The watch costs 200 yuan ________.

2 Will you pay _________ or by credit card?

3 ________, make sure you keep in touch.

4 It is the kind of trip that most of us can only ________.

5 __________, I dislike the way he talks.

6 I am too tired to go there. __________, it’s gett ing dark.

7 The boys _________ Tom. They hid his shoes and he couldn’t find them.

8 Sentences can be ________ into phrases and phrases into words.

9 Please ________ the things you want to keep and throw everything else away.

10 He is that kind of person you can really _________.

11 The little girl _________ very much __________ her brother.

12 I ____________ the set of computer software they use.


Unit 1

一第一组: 1 survived 2 designed 3 Dynasty 4 reception 5 jewels 6 rarely 7 amazement 8 value 9 select 10 decorated 11 wooden 12 troops 第二组:13 trials 14 doubt 15 castles 16 evidence 17 sailor 18 exploded

19 entrance 20 former 21 worth 22 debate 23 informal 24 sunk

二 1 belongs to 2 at war 3 in return 4 think highly of 5 in search of

6 take apart

Unit 2

一第一组:1 admitted 2 competing 3 Stadium 4 ancient 5 magical 6 medal 7 gymnasium 8 athletes 9 responsibility 10 basis 11 volunteers 12 regular

第二组:13 poster 14 advertise 15 replace 16 bargaining 17 physical 18 fined 19 motto 20 deserved 21 charge 22 glory

二 1 one after another 2 in charge 3 as well 4 stand for 5 take part in

Unit 3

一第一组:1 tube 2 technology 3 universally 4 artificial 5 Revolution 6 Personally 7 intelligence 8 calculating 9 simplified 10 logical 11 reality 12 operator 13 character

第二组:14 totally 15 arise 16 coach 17 download 18 virus 19 applications 20 niece 21 goal 22 electronic 23 mobile 24 appearance

25 explore 26 finance 27 signal

二 1 watch over 2 In a way 3 deal with 4 with the help of 5 A a result

6 from…on

Unit 4

一第一组:1 Reserve 2 protection 3 Zone 4 Insects 5 affect 6 contain 7 mosquito 8 decreasing 9 importance 10 distance 11 mercy 12 respond 13 carpet

第二组:14 bite 15 fierce 16 appreciate 17 income 18 succeeded 19 harm

20 dinosaurs 21 incident 22 ending 23 employ 24 secure 25 inspected

二 1 came into being 2 burst into laughter 3 protect…from 4 pay attention to 5 die out 6 in danger 7 in peace 8 according to

Unit 5

一第一组:1 performing 2 folk 3 formed 4 musician 5 instruments 6 earn 7 passer-by 8 pretended 9 roll 10 millionaires 11 broadcast 12 studio 第二组:13 brief 14 invitation 15 devotion 16 humorous 17 attractive 18 sensitive 19 confident 20 painful 21 Dip 22 beard

二1 or so 2 in cash 3 To be honest 4 dream of 5 To be honest 6 In addition 7 played jokes on 8 broken up 9 sort out 10 rely on 11

is…attached to

12 am familiar with


高一英语必修二单词表 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits 英文音标词性中文 1 diet ['da??t] n. vi. 饮食,日常食物;照医生的规定饮食 2 fat [f?t] n. 脂肪 3 fit [f?t] adj. 健康的;强健的 4 flu [flu:] n. (=influenza) 流行性感冒 5 rare [re?] adj. 稀少的;罕有的 6 toothache ['tu:θe?k] n. 牙痛 7 unhealthy [?n'helθi]adj. 不健康的;有碍健康的 8 wealthy ['welθi]adj. 富裕的;有钱的 9 rarely ['re?li] adv. 稀少地;极少地 10 proverb ['pr?v?:b] n. 谚语 11 anxious ['??k??s] adj. 焦虑的;不安的;渴望的 12 captain ['k?pt?n] n. 队长 13 injure ['?nd??] vt. 伤害 14 injury ['?nd??ri] n. 伤害;损伤;受伤处 15 pain [pe?n] n. 疼痛 16 painful ['pe?nfl] adj. 疼痛的 17 normal ['n?:ml] adj. 正常的;一般的 18 lifestyle ['la?f?sta?l] n. 生活方式 19 head [hed] vi. 朝……方向前进 20 eye [a?] vt. 注视;观看 21 overweight [???v?'we?t] adj. (人)太胖的;超重的 22 lung [l??]n. 肺 23 throat [θr??t] n. 喉咙;咽喉;嗓子 24 breathe [bri:e] vi. 呼吸 25 pneumonia [nju:'m??ni?] n. 肺炎 26 prescription [pr?'skr?p??n] n. 处方 27 symptom ['s?mpt?m] n. 症状 28 X-ray ['eks?re?] n. X光 29 awful ['?:fl] adj. 可怕的;吓人的 30 insurance [?n'???r?ns] n. 保险


----词组归纳高中英语必修二…………16. addto到添加Unit 1 worldof the 17. great wonders 世界 1. look into 调查war be at 18. 处于交上的伟大奇迹2. insist on/upon sth/doing 坚持做,战状态坚决做 19. less than 少于 3. belong to 属于20. no doubt 毫无疑问4. get /be lost ; be missing丢失迷路,21. remain a mystery 仍然是个迷 5. do with 处理;对付22. take apart 拆开'search s 6. in search of ;in the/one , 23. rather than而不是胜于for寻找25. tell the truth 说实话7. be used to do sth. 被用来做某事26. pretend to do sth 假装做某事8. be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事own example from your 27. give an 9. be made into . . 被制成;life 举一个你生活中的例子…(be made of /from 看得见原制成用28. think highly of 看重,重视) /看不见原材料材料29. search for =look for …be made for制作为30. agree with sb同意某人的意见…be made up of 组成由/must 31.(could /might 词动情态=be+of 10. be +该词的形容抽象名词 /should)+have done 词表示对过去发生的事情的推测,批评,”“)of be +(表示主语的某种名词词组反悔等意思形状或特征“done have sth. 32. 请人做某表示“, be of a(n) / the / the same归属于”“”) (事情事使遭遇某种不幸的”于Unit 2 be of the size / weight / height / age / 1 take part in/join in 参加…colour / kind 2 the spirit of精神、宗旨、灵魂 . 11. work of amber art 琥珀艺术品 3 used to 过去常常…12. as a gift of的礼物作为4 find out 查明,找出13. in return 作为报答 5 every four years每四年,每隔三年…14. become part of 的一部分成为6 two sets of 两套,两组15. serve as 充当,用作 7 allow sb. in(out) 30 one after another 一个接一个允许进入(出去)31 make sure +that clause do sth. sb. 8 allow to 确定允许某人做某事9 allow doing sth. 允许干某事。with) be/get married to(10 Unit 3 不能用+......sb 1. sound simple 听起来简单结婚和revolution a 11 a set of technological 2. 2. 技术一套,一组 (12) compete in 革命在某方面竞争………13 compete for 3. artificial intelligence 人工智能为而竞争……… 4. 4. begin as 14 compete with/against开始竞争作为与5. solve/settle a problem 15 be admitted to 解决问题获准做某事…mansimple-minded 6. 16 be admitted as a 一个头脑简作为被接受……17 reach the standard单的人水平、达到 7.mathematical problem 数学问题标准…18 play an important role/part in8. be totally changed被完全改变了在…9. share information with 信息共方面扮演重要角色(起重要作用)与……19 as well as 享一样和time thank 20 you for your 10. serve the human race为人类服务感谢您…… 11. common knowledge常识(能抽空)12. deal with 21 come from the same root处理同根13. in my opinion 22 have (no) chance of doing sth/在我看来有...14. public opinion 公众舆论没做的机会 (15) an analytical method 23 go with ` 分析法与搭配伴随,……………



外研版高中英语必修二的所有单词 单元一 diet 饮食;日常食物 fat 脂肪 fit 健康的;强壮的 flu 流行性感冒 rare 稀少的;罕有的 toothache 牙痛 unhealthy 不健康的 wealthy 富裕的 rarely 稀少的 proverb 谚语 anxious 焦虑的 captain 队长 ingure 伤害 ingury 伤害 pain 疼痛 painfur 疼痛的 normal 正常的 lifestyle 生活方式 head 朝~~方向前进 eye 注视;观看 overweight 太胖的;超重的

lung 肺子 throat 喉咙;咽喉;嗓子 breathe 呼吸 pneumonra 肺炎 prescription 处方 symptom 症状 X-ray X-光 awfur 可怕的;吓人的 insurance 保险 questionnaire 问卷调查;调查表 单元二 drug 毒品;药品bronchitis 支气管炎 cancer 癌症 cigarette 香烟 tobacco 烟草;烟丝addictive (药物等)上瘾的cannabis 大麻 cocaine 可卡因 danger 危险 addict 对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子inject 注射

needle (注射用的)针;针管powerful 有力的;(药等)有功效的reduce 减少nearby 附近的burglary 盗窃;窃案;盗窃罪 crime 罪行;犯罪行为criminal 罪犯connection 联系;关系;关联illegal 违法的;不合法的 ratio 比;比率shoplifting 逛商店时偷窃商品的行为treatment 治疗 likely 可能的 adult 成人 cafe 咖啡馆;餐馆disagree 不同意;意见不合 ban 禁止horrible 令人不快的;极讨厌的 affect 影响;对~~有坏影响participant 参与者;参加者recognise 认识;认知;认出leaflet 传单;印刷品distraction 分心;分散注意力


高中英语必修二重点词组归纳 Unit1 Cultural relics 1)in search of = in the search for 寻找search for sb/ sth 寻找某人/物 search … for sb/ sth 搜查…以寻找某人/物 2)decorate sth with 用…装饰decorate sth in/after…style按照…风格装饰 decorate for 为…装饰 3)belong to 属于 4)in return for 作为回报,作为报答(原因) 5)no doubt 无疑地,很可能without (a) doubt 无疑地beyond doubt 毫无疑问 (常作插入语)in doubt 感到怀疑的 6)be worth doing sth 值得做某事 7)take apart 拆开come/ fall apart 崩溃,瓦解apart from 除了…以外都,除去 8)in evidence 明显的,显而易见的 9)at the entrance to 去…的入口 10)think highly/much/a lot of 高度赞扬/评价think little/poorly of 忽视,不重视 11)in the fancy style 流行式样 12)at war 处于交战状态 13)more/ less than 多/少于 14)such an amazing history如此神奇的一段历史=so amazing a history 15)cultural relics 文化遗产 16)develop an interest in… 培养对…的兴趣 17)remain a mystery 仍然是一个谜 18)a troop of his best soldiers他最好的一队士兵 19)celebrate the 300th birthday庆祝第300个生日 20)agree with this opinion 赞同这个观点agree with sb 同意某人的观点 21)see sth by the light of the moon借着光看见某物 22)the entrance to the mine 矿洞的入口处 23)be used to do sth 被用来做某事 24)in fact =as matter of fact 事实上 25)add more details to… 添加更多细节到… 26)care about 关心 27)rather than 而不是 28)at midnight 在午夜 29)to one’s surprise 令某人感到惊喜 Unit2 The Olympic Game 1)compete with/ against 与…进行竞争compete for 为…而竞 compete in 参加…比赛 2)take part in 参加,参与(+活动) 3)stand for 代表,象征,表示stand aside/by 袖手旁观,待命 stand against 靠在…上stand out 突出,显眼 4)keep regular hours 过着有规律的生活 5)on a regular basis 有规律地


必修二Module 1 重点词组: 1. be crazy about / like crazy / drive sb. crazy 2. be on diet / go on diet节食 3. be connected with / connect with / connect to/ in connection with/ have no / some connection with 4. begin / start with以…开始 5. lose weight / put on weight 6. take exercise= exercise 7. lie down 躺下 8. take turns to do / at doing sth./in turn/by t urns 9. put…into…将…投入… 11. keep…away使离开12. have a sweet tooth好吃甜食 15. or anything / anything but / if anything或者怎么的/绝不/若要说 16. be anxious for / be eager for / be thirsty for渴望be anxious/worried about / be anxious to do 担忧 17. a bit (of) / a little / not a bit=not…at all / not a little=very much 19. contribute (…) to (doing) sth./ make contributions / a contribution to (doing) sth. 20. breath in (out) / out of breath / hold one’s breath/ catch one’s breath/breathe deeply(踹口气) 21. in need (of) / meet (satisfy) one’s need(s) 22. pick up / pick out 23. imagine (sb./ sb.’s) doing sth. / beyond imagination 24. the problem (matter / wrong) with…/ have problems with……的问题/有…的问题 25. result in / result from / as a result / as a result of 26. make a prediction 27. have a temperature/fever 发烧28. take in 29. head towards/to/for…朝……前进30 miss school 缺课 31 return to normal/ above normal/ below normal恢复正常/超过正常标准/低于正常标准 32 be off work/be out of work// be at work不工作,休息/失业在上班 33 a free health care system/免费医疗体系34. kind of 稍微 35. at least / not in the least (= not at all, not a bit) 36. pay off还清 知识要点: 1.See/hear+宾语+ doing (正在做) / do (全过程) / done (被动) 2. fit adj: 健康的keep fit; 合适的be fit for/ to do V: 适合,合身(大小, 形状) fit in Suit 适合(颜色, 款式, 时间)


高中英语必修 2 词汇表(新课标人教版)英语必修 2 Book 2 Unit 1 △ cultural /'k ?lt ??r?l/ adj. 文化的 △ relic /'relik/ n. 遗物;遗迹;纪念物 rare /r ε/? adj. 稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的 valuable /'v? lju?bl/ adj. 贵重的;有价值的 survive /s?'vaiv/ vi. 幸免;幸存;生还 vase /vɑ:z/ n. 花瓶;瓶 dynasty /'din ?sti, 'dai-/ n. 朝代;王朝 △ Taj Mahal /ta:d ? m?'ha:l/ 泰姬陵 △ ivory /'aiv ?ri/ n. 象牙 △ dragon /'dr? ɡ?n/ n. 龙 △ amber /'? mb?/ n. 琥珀;琥珀色 in search of 寻找 △Frederick William I /'fredrik 'wilj ?m e? 'f?:st/ 腓特烈·威廉一世(普鲁士国王) △Prussia /'pr ???/ n .(史)普鲁士(位于北欧) amaze /?'meiz/ vt. 使吃惊;惊讶 amazing / ?'meizi?/ adj. 令人吃惊的 select /si'lekt/ vt. 挑选;选择 honey /'h ?ni/ n. 蜜;蜂蜜 design /di'zain/ n. 设计;图案;构思 vt. 设计;计划;构思 fancy /'f? nsi/ adj. 奇特的;异样的 vt. 想象;设想;爱好 style /stail/ n. 风格;风度;类型 decorate /'dek ?reit/ v. 装饰;装修 jewel /'d ?u:?l/ n. 珠宝;宝石 artist /' ɑ:tist/ n. 艺术家


v1.0 可编辑可修改 高一英语必修二词汇表 Unit 1 1、 adj. 文化的 2、 n. 遗物;遗迹;纪念物 3、 adj. 稀罕的;稀有的;贵重的 4、 adj. 贵重的;有价值的 5、 vi. 幸免;幸存;生还 6、 n. 花瓶;瓶 7、 n. 朝代;王朝 8、 n. 龙 9、泰姬陵 10、 n. 象牙 11、 n. 琥珀;琥珀色 12、寻找 13、 vt. 使吃惊;惊讶 14、 adj. 令人吃惊的 15、 vt. 挑选;选择 16、 n. 蜜;蜂蜜 17、 n. 设计;图案;构思 vt. 设计;计划;构思 18、 adj. 奇异的;异样的 vt. 想象;设想;爱好 19、 n. 风格;风度;类型 20、 v. 装饰;装修 21、 n. 珠宝;宝石 22、 n. 艺术家 23、 vi. 属于;为...的一员 24、属于 25、作为报答;回报 26、 n. 群;组;军队 27、 n. 接待;招待会;接收 28、处于交战状态 29、 vt. 移动;搬开 30、少于 31、 adj. 木制的 32、 n. 怀疑;疑惑 vt. 怀疑;不信 33、 n. 神秘;神秘的事物 34、 adj, 以前的;从前的 35、 prep. 值得的;相称于…的价 值 n. 价值;作用 ;adj. [古]值钱的 36、vt. 重建

v1.0 可编辑可修改 37、 adj, 本地的;当地的 38、 adv. 分离地;分别地 39、拆开 40、 n. 绘画;画 41、 n. 城堡 42、 n. 审判;审讯;试验 43、 n. 目击者;证人 44、 n. 根据;证据 45、 vi. 爆炸 46、 n. 入口 47、 n. 水手;海员;船员 48、vi. (sank,sunk; sunk,sunken)下沉;沉下 49、 n. 少女;女仆 50、 n. 柏林(德国首都) 51、看重;器重 52、 adj. 非正式的 53、 n. 争论;辩论 vi. 争论;辩论



必修2 Unit1 重点单词: 1. c ultural adj文化的 2. s urvive v. 幸免于;幸存;生还 3. r emain vi.保持;仍是 4. s tate n. 国家;政府;州;状态 5. r are adj. 稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的 6. d ynasty n.朝代;王朝 7. b elong vi.属于;为….的一员 8. h eat n. 热;热度 vt.把…加热; 使激动 9. d esign n.图案;vt。构思;设计 10. fancy adj奇特的;异样的 vt 想象;设想;爱好 11. jewel n. 珠宝;宝石 12. reception n.接待;招待会;接收 13. light vt.&vi. 点火;点燃;照亮 14. wonder n.奇迹;惊奇 15. remove vt.移动;搬开

16. furniture n. 家具(总称) 17. secretly adv.秘密地;背地里 18. wooden adj木制的 19. doubt n怀疑;疑惑 vt怀疑;不信 20. apart adv. 分离;分别地 21. trial n.审判;审讯;试验 22. consider vt. 考虑;照顾;认为 23. opinion n.意见;看法;判断 24. evidence n. 根据;证据;证物 25. prove vi 原来是;证明是 vt证明;证实 26. pretend vt. 假装;装扮 27. treasure n. 财宝;财富;珍品 28. besides adv此外 prep 除…之外 重点短语 29. look into 调查 30. serve as 作…之用,担任,供职 31. take apart 拆开 32. rather than 而不是,与其 33. think highly of 着重,器重 34. belong to 属于


高一英语必修二重点词 组归纳 集团标准化小组:[VVOPPT-JOPP28-JPPTL98-LOPPNN]

高中英语必修二重点词组归纳 Unit1 Cultural relics 1)in search of = in the search for 寻找search for sb/ sth 寻找某人/物 search … for sb/ sth 搜查…以寻找某人/物 2)decorate sth with 用…装饰decorate sth in/after…style按照…风格装饰decorate for 为…装饰 3)belong to 属于 4)in return for 作为回报,作为报答(原因) 5)no doubt 无疑地,很可能 without (a) doubt 无疑地beyond doubt 毫无疑问(常作插入 语)in doubt 感到怀疑的 6)be worth doing sth 值得做某事 7)take apart 拆开 come/ fall apart 崩溃,瓦解 apart from 除了…以外都,除去 8)in evidence 明显的,显而易见的 9)at the entrance to 去…的入口 10)think highly/much/a lot of 高度赞扬/评价 think little/poorly of 忽视,不重视 11)in the fancy style 流行式样 12)at war 处于交战状态 13)more/ less than 多/少于 14)such an amazing history如此神奇的一段历史=so amazing a history 15)cultural relics 文化遗产 16)develop an interest in… 培养对…的兴趣 17)remain a mystery 仍然是一个谜 18)a troop of his best soldiers他最好的一队士兵 19)celebrate the 300th birthday庆祝第300个生日 20)agree with this opinion 赞同这个观点agree with sb 同意某人的观点 21)see sth by the light of the moon借着光看见某物 22)the entrance to the mine 矿洞的入口处 23)be used to do sth 被用来做某事 24)in fact =as matter of fact 事实上 25)add more details to… 添加更多细节到… 26)care about 关心 27)rather than 而不是 28)at midnight 在午夜 29)to one’s surprise 令某人感到惊喜 Unit2 The Olympic Game 1)compete with/ against 与…进行竞争 compete for 为…而竞 compete in 参加…比赛 2)take part in 参加,参与(+活动) 3)stand for 代表,象征,表示stand aside/by 袖手旁观,待命 stand against 靠在…上 stand out 突出,显眼 4)keep regular hours 过着有规律的生活 5)on a regular basis 有规律地 6)regular customers/visitors 常客,老主顾regular meeting 定期会议 7)admit that…承认…admit (to) doing 承认做某事 8)admit sb/sth to be 承认某人/某事是


必修二 Module 1 1.be connected with=be related to sth. 和……有联系 2.take exercise=exercise 锻炼 3.be crazy about 迷恋 go crazy 变得疯狂 4.have a temperature/fever 发烧 5.lie down 躺下 6.begin with 以……开始 7.put…into…将……投 入…… 8.become/fall ill 生病 9.head towards/to/for… 朝……前进 10.catch/get a cold 感冒 11. get flu 染上流感 12. have a sweet tooth 好吃甜 食 13. get/be injured 受伤 14. return to normal 恢复正常 15. above normal 超过正常标准 16. below normal 低于正常标准 17. breathe deeply=take a deep breath 深呼吸 18. out of breath 上气不接下 气 catch one’s breath 踹口气hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸 19. keep fit/healthy 保持健 康 20. keep us fit/healthy 保持我们的身体健康 21. be fit for 适合 22. be off work 不工作,休息 23. be out of work 失业 24. be at work 在上班 25. keep…away使离开 26. at least 至少 27. at most 至多 28. be worried/anxious about 为……而担忧 29. be anxious for …渴望… 30. be anxious for sb to do 渴望sb做 31. see sb doing 看到sb正在做 32. make sure 确保,确实 33. would rather do sth 宁愿做 would rather sb did sth. 宁愿某人做某事(过去时表示现在和将来的情况) would rather sb had done宁愿某人做某事(过去完成时表示过去情况) 34. go/be on a diet 节食 35. a bit of 一点儿,有点儿 36. miss school 缺课 37. pay for… 支付 38. a free health care system 免费医疗体系 39. the problem with …的问题 40. have problems with… 有…的问题 41 pick sb up (用车)接某人 42 be privately owned. 私人拥有


高中英语必修二----词组归纳Unit 1 1. look into 调查 2. insist on/upon sth /doing 坚持做,坚决做 3. belong to属于 4. get /be lost ; be missing迷路,丢失 5. do with 处理;对付 6. in search of ;in the/one’s search for寻找 7. be used to do sth. 被用来做某事 8. be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事 9. be made into被制成be made of /from用…制成(看得见原材料/看不见原材料)be made for为…制作,be made up of由…组成10. be of +抽象名词=be+该词的形容词“be of +名词(词组)”表示主语的某种形状或特征be of a(n) / the / the same“属于, 归于” be of the size / weight / height / age / colour / kind… 11. work of amber art琥珀艺术品 12. as a gift of作为…的礼物 13. in return 作为报答 14. become part of成为…的一部分 15. serve as充当,用作16. add…to…添加…到… 17. great wonders of the world世界上的伟大奇迹 18. be at war 处于交战状态 19. less than少于 20. no doubt 毫无疑问 21. remain a mystery 仍然是个迷 22. take apart拆开 23. rather than胜于, 而不是 24. tell the truth说实话 25. pretend to do sth 假装做某事 26. give an example from your own life 举一个你生活中的例子 27. think highly of看重,重视 28. search for =look for 29. agree with sb同意某人的意见 30.情态动词(could /might /must /should)+have done 表示对过去发生的事情的推测,批评,反悔等意思 31. have sth. done 表示“请人做某事” “使遭遇某种(不幸的)事情” Unit 2 1 take part in/join in 参加 2 the spirit of精神、宗旨、灵魂 3 used to过去常常 4 find out 查明,找出 5 every four years每四年,每隔三年 6 two sets of 两套,两组 7 allow sb. in(out)允许进入(出去) 8 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 9 allow doing sth. 允许干某事。 10 be/get married+to(不能用with) sb 和……结婚 11 a set of 一套,一组 12 compete in… 在某方面竞争 13 compete for…为……而竞争 14 compete with/against与……竞争 15 be admitted to获准做某事 16 be admitted as作为…被接受 17 reach the standard达到……水平、标准18 play an important role/part in在…方面扮演重要角色(起重要作用) 19 as well as和……一样 20 thank you for your time 感谢您(能抽空……) 21 come from the same root同根 22 have (no) chance of doing sth有/没做…的机会 23 go with… 伴随,与……搭配 24 relate…to… 把……与关联起来 25 relate with和……有关 26 run against…和……赛跑 27 hear of听说 28 make sure 确定 29 take turn轮流 30 one after another 一个接一个 31 make sure +that clause 确定


高一英语人教新课标必修2重点单词词组归纳总结 必修2 Unit1 重点单词: 1. cultural adj文化的 2. survive v. 幸免于;幸存;生还 3. remain vi.保持;仍是 4. state n. 国家;政府;州;状态 5. rare adj. 稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的 6. dynasty n.朝代;王朝 7. belong vi.属于;为….的一员 8. heat n. 热;热度vt.把…加热; 使激动 9. design n.图案;vt。构思;设计 10. fancy adj奇特的;异样的vt想象;设想;爱好 11. jewel n. 珠宝;宝石 12. reception n.接待;招待会;接收 13. light vt.&vi. 点火;点燃;照亮 14. wonder n.奇迹;惊奇 15. remove vt.移动;搬开 16. furniture n. 家具(总称) 17. secretly adv.秘密地;背地里 18. wooden adj木制的 19. doubt n怀疑;疑惑vt怀疑;不信 20. apart adv. 分离;分别地 21. trial n.审判;审讯;试验 22. consider vt. 考虑;照顾;认为 23. opinion n.意见;看法;判断 24. evidence n. 根据;证据;证物 25. prove vi 原来是;证明是vt证明;证实 26. pretend vt. 假装;装扮 27. treasure n. 财宝;财富;珍品 28. besides adv此外prep 除…之外 重点短语 29. look into 调查 30. serve as 作…之用,担任,供职 31. take apart 拆开 32. rather than 而不是,与其 33. think highly of 着重,器重 34. belong to 属于 35. in search of 寻找 36. in return 作为报答 37. at war 处于交战之中 38. remove…from..将..从…移开 39. care about 关心,在乎 40. agree with 同意;与…相符,一致;(事物,气候等)合适 必修2 Unit2 重点单词 1. Honest adj. 诚实的 2. ancient adj.古代的 3. Compete vi. 比赛 4. competitor n.竞争者 5. Medal n.奖章


必修2 Unit1 重点单词: 1. cultural adj文化的 2. survive v. 幸免于;幸存;生还 3. remain vi.保持;仍是 4. state n. 国家;政府;州;状态 5. rare adj. 稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的 6. dynasty n.朝代;王朝 7. belong vi.属于;为….的一员 8. heat n. 热;热度vt.把…加热; 使激动 9. design n.图案;vt。构思;设计 10. fancy adj奇特的;异样的vt想象;设想;爱好 11. jewel n. 珠宝;宝石 12. reception n.接待;招待会;接收 13. lightvt.&vi. 点火;点燃;照亮 14. wonder n.奇迹;惊奇 15. remove vt.移动;搬开 16. furniture n. 家具(总称) 17. secretly adv.秘密地;背地里 18. wooden adj木制的 19. doubt n怀疑;疑惑vt怀疑;不信 20. apart adv. 分离;分别地 21. trial n.审判;审讯;试验 22. considervt.考虑;照顾;认为 23. opinion n.意见;看法;判断 24. evidence n. 根据;证据;证物 25. prove vi 原来是;证明是vt证明;证实 26. pretendvt.假装;装扮 27. treasure n. 财宝;财富;珍品 28. besides adv此外prep 除…之外 重点短语 29. look into 调查 30. serve as 作…之用,担任,供职 31. take apart 拆开 32. rather than 而不是,与其 33. think highly of 着重,器重 34. belong to 属于 35. in search of 寻找 36. in return 作为报答 37. at war 处于交战之中 38. remove…from.. 将..从…移开 39. care about 关心,在乎 40. agree with 同意;与…相符,一致;(事物,气候等)合适 必修2 Unit2 重点单词 1. honest adj. 诚实的


高中英语 必修Ⅱ 重点单词、短语和句型 Unit 1 Cultural relics 重点单词和短语 1. in search of 寻找、搜寻 in the/one ’s search for 寻找,搜寻 search for= look for 搜寻 search ... for 为了找……而搜查…… 2. could never have imagined 绝不可能想到 “情态动词+have done ” may/might have done 过去可能做过 表推测 must have done 过去一定做过 表后悔、 need ’t have done 过去本没有必要做(实际上做了) 责备、遗 should/ought to have done 过去本应该做(实际上未做) 憾等语气 shouldn ’t/oughtn ’t to have done 过去本不该做(实际上做了) 3. select vt.挑选,选择;选择 select sb. to do sth. 选择某人做某事 select ... as 挑选……作为…… select ... from 从……中选出…… 4. design n. & vt. 设计,图案,构思;计划 make designs for 为……设计 to do 目的是做 in design 在设计上 be designed for 专为……而设计的 by design=on purpose 故意地 as 打算当做 5. fancy adj. 奇异的,异样的;时髦的 vt. 想象,设想;爱好,喜欢 fancy (one ’s) doing sth. 想象(某人)做某事 Fancy meeting so many television actiors! 居然能见到那么多电视演员! n. 喜爱,想要 take a fancy to 喜欢上;爱上 6. decorate vt. 装饰;装修,装潢 decorate ... with ...用……装饰…… 7. in return (for) (1)作为(对……的)回报/报答(=in reward for ) If you give me your photo, I ’ll give you mine in return. 你若送我一张照片,我便回赠一张给你。 He didn ’t expect anything in return for his help. 他帮助人并不期待任何回报。 (2)作为回应 I asked his opinion, but he just asked me a question in return. 我征求他的意见,他却只是反问了我一个问题。 (1)使某事被做(主语有意识的行为,可能是主语自己做的,也可能是让别人做) I must have my homework done before going to bed. 上床睡觉前我必须做完作业。(由自己完成)


人教版高一英语必修二单词表打印版unit 1 cultral 文化的 relic 遗物,遗迹,纪念品 rare 稀罕的,珍贵的 valuable 贵重的,有价值的 survive 幸免,幸存 vase 花瓶 dynasty 朝代 Taj Mahal 泰姬陵 ivory 象牙 dragon 龙 amber 琥珀,琥珀色 in search of 寻找 Frederick William 腓特烈威廉一世 Prussia 普鲁士 amaze 使吃惊,惊讶 amazing 令人吃惊 select 挑选,选择 honey 蜜,蜂蜜 design 设计,图案,构思 fancy 奇特的,异样的

style 风格,风度,类型decorated 装饰,装修jewels 珠宝宝石 artist 艺术家 belong 属于。为...的一员belong to 属于 Peter the Great 彼得大帝 in return 作为报答,回报Czar 沙皇 troop 群,组军队 St petersburg 圣彼得堡reception 接待招待会接收Catherine 叶卡捷琳娜二世at war 处于交战状态remove 移动,搬开 less than 少于 wooden 木制的 doubt 怀疑,疑惑Konigsberg 格尼斯堡 the Baltic sea 菠罗的海mystery 神秘,神秘的食物former 以前的,从前的

worth 值得的,相当于....的价值rebuild 重建 local 本地的,当地的 apart 分离地,分别地 take apart 拆开 Leningrad 列宁格勒 painting 绘画,画 castle 城堡 Windsor 温莎城堡 trial 审判,审讯,试验eyewitness 目击者,证人evidence 根据,证据 jan Hasek 简,哈兹克 Czech Republic 捷克共和国exploded 爆炸 entrance 入口 Hans Braun 汉斯,布郎 sailor 水手,海员,船员 sink 下沉,沉下 Anna petrov 安娜.帕特罗夫maid 少女,女仆 Berlin 柏林

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