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The Basics of Job Analysis

The Basics of Job Analysis
The Basics of Job Analysis

The Basics of Job Analysis(P126)


Organizations consist of jobs that have to be staffed. Job analysis is the procedure through which you determine the duties of these positions and the characteristics of the people to hire for them.组织为组成工作配备人员。工作分析是通过它您确定这些职位的职责和任职人员特点的过程。

Job analysis produces information used for writing job descriptions (a list of what the job entails ) and job specifications (what kind of people to hire for the job).


The supervisor or HR specialist normally collects one or more of the following types of information via the job analysis:


Work activities. First, he or she collects information about the job’s actual work activities, such as cleaning, selling, teaching, or painting. This list may also include how, why, and when the worker performs each activity.


Human behaviors. The specialist may also collect information about human behaviors like sensing, communicating, deciding, and writing. Included here would be information regarding job demands such as lifting weights or walking long distances.


Machines, tools, equipment, and work aids. This category includes information regarding tools used, materials processed, knowledge dealt with or applied (such as finance or law), and services rendered (such as counseling or repairing).


Performance standards. The employer may also want information about the job’s performance standards (in terms of quantity or quality levels for each job duty, for instance). Management will use these standards to appraise employees.


Job context. Included here is information about such matters as physical working conditions, work schedule, and the organizational and social context – for instance, the number of people with whom the employee would normally interact. Information regarding incentives might also be included here.


Human requirements. This includes inf ormation regarding the job’s human requirements, such as job – related knowledge or skills (education, training, work experience) and required personal attributes (aptitudes, physical characteristics, personality, interests).


Use of Job Analysis Information(P126)


As Figure 4-1 summarizes, employers use job analysis information to support several human resource management activities.


Recruitment and Selection 招聘和选拔

Job analysis provides information about what the job entails and what human characteristics are required to perform these activities.


This information, in the form of job descriptions and specifications, helps managers decide what sort of people to recruit and hire.



Job analysis information is indispensable for estimating the value of each job and its appropriate compensation.


Compensation (such as salary and bonus) usually depends on the job’s required skill and education level, safety hazards, degree of responsibility, and so on – all factors you can assess through job analysis.


Furthermore, many employers group jobs into classes (say, secretary Ⅲ and Ⅳ). Job analysis provides the information to determine the relative worth of each job– and thus its appropriate class.

此外,许多雇主成组类的工作(例如,秘书Ⅲ和Ⅳ)。工作分析提供的信息来确定每个作业的相对价值- 因而其相应的类。

Training 培训

The job description lists the activities and skills – and therefore the training– that the job requires.

职位描述列出的活动和技能- 因此培训-工作需要。

Performance Appraisal绩效评估

A performance appraisal compare s each employee’s actual performance with his or her performance standards.


Doing so requires knowledge of the job’s duties and standards. Managers use job analysis to find out what these duties and performance standards are.


Discovering Unassigned Duties


Job analysis can also help reveal unassigned duties. For example, your company’s production manager says she’s responsible for a dozen or so duties, such as production schedul ing and raw material purchasing. Missing, however, is any reference to managing raw material inventories.


On further study, you learn that none of the other manufacturing people are responsible for inventory management, either.


You know from your review of other jobs like these that someone should be managing inventories. You’ve uncovered an essential unassigned duty, thanks to job analysis.


Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information(P129)


(P129)There are various ways (interviews, or questionnaires, for instance) to collect information on the duties, responsibilities, and activities of a job, and we discuss the most important ones in this section. In practice, you could use any one of them, or combine several.


Thus, an interview might be appropriate for creating a listing of job duties and job description, whereas the more quantitative Position Analysis Questionnaire may be best for quantifying each job’s relative worth for compensation purposes.


Some Job Analysis Guidelines


In any event, there are several practical considerations to keep in mind.


First, conducting the job analysis usually involves a joint effort by a HR specialist, the worker(实际任职者), and the worker’s su pervisor.


The HR specialist (perhaps a HR manager, job analysis, or consultant) might observe and analyze the job and then develop a job description and specification.


Often the supervisor and worker fill out questionnaires listing the subordinate’s duties and activities.


The supervisor and worker may then review and verify the job analyst’s conclusions regarding the job’s

activities and duties.


Second, job analysis almost always requires collecting job analysis information from several people familiar with the job (called “subject matter experts”主题内容专家) such as job incumbents(任职者) and their supervisors, using questionnaires and interviews.For example the job incumbent or his or her supervisor alone will not suffice.


Third, if there are several employees doing the same job (as you might find for instance with the jobs of “programmer,” “assembler,” or “sales clerk”), it is typical to collect job analysis information from several of them from different departments, and then average up your results to determine how much time a typical employee on that job spends on each job duty.


The caveat(警告,附加说明)is that employees who have the same job title(相同工作职称)but work in different departments may experience very different pressures. Therefore, simply adding up and averaging the amount of time that, say, recruiters in the engineering office and assembly plant each need to devote to “interviewing candidates” could end in misleading results.


The point is that you must understand the job’s departmental context: The way someone with a particular job title spends his or her time is not necessarily the same from department to department.


Fourth, make sure the questions and surveys are clear and understandable to the respondents.


Fifth, if possible, observe and question respondents(调查对象)early enough in the job analysis process to catch any problems while there’s still time to correct the job analysis procedure (such as the questions) you’re using.


Interviews, questionnaires, observations, and diary/logs are the most popular methods for gathering job analysis data.


They all provide realistic information about what job incumbents actually do. Managers use them for developing job descriptions and job specifications.


The Interview(P129)面试

Interviews are popular methods for obtaining job-related information.


They may range from completely unstructured interviews (“Tell me about your job”) to highly structured ones in which job analysts follow detailed questionnaires in asking their questions


Managers may conduct individual interviews with each employee, group interviews with groups of employees who have the same job, and/or supervisor interviews with one or more supervisors who

know the job.



They use group interviews when a large number of employees are performing similar or identical work, since it can be a quick and inexpensive way(一种多快好省的方法)to gather information.


As a rule, the workers’ immediate supervisor(雇员的直接上级主管)attends the group session; if not, you can interview the supervis or separately to get that person’s perspective on the job’s duties and




Whichever kind of interview you use, you need to be sure the interviewee fully understands the reason for the in terview, because there’s a tendency for such interviews to be viewed, rightly or wrongly,as “efficiency evaluations.” If so, interviewees may hesitate to describe their jobs accurately.



Pros and Cons(P130)优点和缺点

The interview is probably the most widely used method for identifying a job’s duties and responsibilities, and its wide use reflects its advantages.


It’s a simple and quick way to collect information, including information that might never appear on a written form.


For instance, a skilled interviewer can unearth (发掘)important activities that occur only occasionally, or informal contacts (非正式联系)that wouldn’t be obvious from the organization chart.

举例来说,一个熟练的面试官可以发掘的重要活动,只是偶尔发生,或非正式联系不会明显从组织结构图。The interview also provides an opportunity to explain the need for and functions of (必要性和作用)the job analysis. And the employee can vent frustrations that might otherwise go unnoticed by management.采访中还提供了一个机会解释的必要性和作用工作分析和雇员可以发泄,否则可能会去管理被忽视的挫折。Distortion of information (信息失真)is the main problem – whether due to outright falsification(有意弄虚作假)or honest misunderstanding(诚实的误解).


Job analysis is often a prelude(前奏)to changing a job’s pay rate(职位工资率). Employees therefore may

legitimately(正当地,合理地)view the interview as some sort of “efficiency evaluation”(效率评价)that may

affect their pay.


They may then tend to exaggerate(夸大)certain responsibilities while minimizing(缩小)others.


In one study researchers listed possible job duties either as simple task statements (“record phone messages and other routine information”), or as ability statements (“ability to record phone messages and other routine information”).


Respondents were much more likely to include the ability based versions of the statements than they were to include the simple task statements.


There may be a tendency for people to inflate their job’s importance when abili ties are involved, so as to impress the perceptions of others.

有可能是一个趋势,人夸大他们的工作的重要性,涉及能力时,这样才能打动别人的看法。Obtaining valid information can thus be a slow process(一个缓慢的过程), and prudent analysis gets multiple inputs.从而获取有效的信息可以是一个缓慢的过程,而审慎的分析获取多个输入。

Typical Questions(P130)典型问题

Despite their drawbacks, interviews are widely used. Some typical interview questions include:


What is the job being performed?


What are the major duties of your position? What exactly do you do?


What physical locations (物理环境)do you work in?


What are the education, experience, skill, and [where applicable] certification(证书)and licensing requirements (工作许可证)?


In what activities do you participate?


What are the job’s responsibilities and duties?


What are the basic accountabilities(基本经济责任)or performance standards(工作绩效标准)that typify your work?


What are your responsibilities? What are the environmental and working conditions involved?


What are the job’s physical demands(身体要求)? The emotional and mental demands(情绪和智力要求)?


What are the health and safety conditions?


Are you exposed to any hazards(冒着危险)or unusual working conditions(在非正常工作条件下工作)?


Structured interviews(P130)结构化面试

Many interviewers follow structured or checklist formats(结构化问卷或清单格式). Figure 4-3(pagers 131-132) presents one example, in this case, a job analysis questionnaire.


It includes a series of detailed questions regarding matters like the general purpose of the job; supervisory responsibilities; job duties; and education, experience, and skills required.


Of course, structured lists are not just for interviewers: Job analysis who collect information by personally observing the work or by using questionnaires–two methods explained below – can also use lists like these.


Interview Guidelines(P133)面试指南

Keep several things in mind when conducting a job analysis interview.


First, the job analyst and supervisor should work together to identify the workers who know the job best – and preferably those who’ll be most objective in describing (非常客观的描述)their duties and responsibilities.


Second, quickly establish rapport(融洽、和谐)with the interviewee. Know the person’s name, speak in easily

understood language, briefly review the interview’s purpose, and explain how the person was chosen for the interview.二,迅速与受访者建立关系(融洽,和谐)。知道的人的名字,讲容易理解的语言,简要地回顾了采访的目的,并解释如何选择采访的人。

Third, follow a structured guide or checklist, one that lists questions and provides space for answers.


This ensures you’ll identify(确认)crucial questions ahead of time and that all interviewees (if there’s more than one) cover all the required questions(回答所有应该回答的问题).


(However, also make sure to give the worker some leeway(灵活性,随意处置的余地)in answering questions, and provide some open – ended questions like, “Was there anything we didn’t cover with our questions?”)

(不过,也确保给工人一些余地(灵活性,随意处置的余地)在回答问题,并提供一些开放 -像结束的问题,“有什么我们没有涉及我们的问题吗?”)

Fourth, when duties are not performed in a regular manner–for instance, when the worker doesn’t perform the

same duties over and over again many times a day – ask the worker to list his or her duties in order of importance and frequency of occurrence.


This will ensure that you don’t overlook(遗漏)crucial but infrequently performed activities –like a nurse’s occasional emergency room(急诊室)duties.


Fifth, after completing the interview, review and verify the data. Specifically, review the information with the worker’s imm ediate supervisor and with the interviewee.



Having employees fill out questionnaires to describe their job-related duties and responsibilities is another popular way to obtain job analysis information.


Here, you have to decide how structured the questionnaire should be and what questions to include. Some questionnaires are very structured checklists.


Each employee gets an inventory of perhaps hundreds of specific duties or tasks(such as “change and splice wire”


He or she is asked to indicate whether or not he or she performs each task and, if so, how much time is normally spent on each.


At the other extreme the questionnaire can be open-ended and simply ask the employee to “describe the major duties of your job.”


In practice, the best questionnaire often falls between these two extremes.As illustrated in Figure 4-3, a typical job analysis questionnaire might have several open-ended questions(such as “state your jobs’ overall purpose”) as well as structured questions (concerning, for instance, previous education required). Figure 4-4 is another example.


Whether structured or unstructured, questionnaires have both pros and cons.


A questionnaire is a quick and efficient way to obtain information from a large number of employees; it’s less costly than interviewing hundreds of workers, for instance.


However, developing the questionnaire and testing it (perhaps by making sure the workers understand the questions) can be expensive and time consuming(费钱费时).



Direct observation is especially useful when jobs consist mainly of observable physical

activities– assembly-line worker and accounting clerk are examples.


On the other hand, observation is usually not appropriate when the job entails a lot of mental activity (lawyer,

design engineer). Nor is it useful if the employee only occasionally engages in important activities, such as a nurse who handles emergencies.


And reactivity –the worker’s changing what he or she normally does because you are watching –can also be a problem.


Managers often use direct observation and interviewing together.


One approach is to observe the worker on the job during a complete work cycle. (The cycle is the time it takes to complete the job; it could be a minute for an assembly-line worker or an hour, a day, or longer for complex jobs.)


Here you take notes of all the job activities. Then, after accumulating as much information as possible, you interview the worker.


Ask the person to clarify points not understood and to explain what other activities he or she performs that you didn’t observe.You can also observe and interview simultaneously, asking questions while the worker performs his or her job.


Participant Diary/Logs(P136)参与者的日记/日志

Another approach is to ask workers to keep a diary/log of what they do during the day. For every activity he or she engages in, the employee records the activity (along with the time) in a log.


This can produce a very complete picture of the job, especially when supplemented with subsequent interviews with the worker and the supervisor. The employee, of course, might try to exaggerate some activities and underplay others.


However, the detailed, chronological(按时间的前后顺序排列的)nature of the log tends to mediate against



Diary/logs have gone high-tech. Some firms give employees pocket dictating machines(袖珍指示器) and pagers(寻呼机). Then at random times during the day, they page the workers, who dictate what they are doing at that time.


This approach can avoid one pitfall of the traditional diary/log method: relying on workers to remember what they did hours earlier when they complete their logs at the end of the day.

