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1、Promise kept


My father was not a sentimental man .I don’t remember him ever oohing or aahing over something I made as a child .Don’t get me wrong. I knew that my Dad loved me, but getting all mushy—eyed was not his thing .I learned that he showed me he loved me in other ways . There was one particular moment when this became real to me…



I have a box in my home that I call the“Dad box ”. In it are so many things that

remind me of my Dad. I pull that picture out every once in a while and remember.I remembera promise that was made many years ago between a young man and his bride on their wedding day. And I remember the unspoken promise that was made between a father and his daughter. . .


2、the traditional place of the farm woman


However,the law that all property belonged to the husband, including property that had belonged to the wife before her marriage ,left women with no independent social status. If a woman left her husband or was driven away by him.

She could take nothing with her but the clothes on her back, however much she had brought to the marriage. If she earned money outside the home, her husband could collect her pay .This law was changed in many nations in the late nineteenth century ,but there was no serious change in attitudes toward women’s place in society until the Second World War.




After World War I there was a general rebellion of youth against “old fashioned”

ideas ,particularly patriarchal family relationships .The Depression further broke up and displaced families, even in socially stable rural areas. The workload in

house and on farm was more and more reduced by modern conveniences, so that a farmer no longer needed a large family to provide labor power .This lessened the wife’s task in child bearing and child rearing, and enabled farm youth to finish high school before taking up full—time farm work, Modern technology and marketing also required that they learn a wider variety of skills.


3、The 175—dollar Bill


“Y ou little cheat!”I said, lookingdown ,the words coming slow and burning. ”I know what you bought; a home really doesn’t mean anything to you .All you want is a pile of fancy clothes! I thought you were the kind of wife I wanted, but you had me fooled .Y ou’re like a lot of others, a loose spender, that’s what you are. A spendthrift.”Janet’s eyes narrowed to slits and her face showed horror and amazement, and I enjoyed seeing it .It was exactly what I wanted, to see her suffer

a little ,too. She got out of bed and stood before me. ”Is that what you think of

me?”Her own anger sent mine up higher. ”Y ou’re damned right, itis !”I exploded.”I just wish Ihad known in time.” Now her anger was as hot as mine. We stood on equal ground.



4、Life in the International Space Station


Personal hygiene, something we all take for granted ,turns out to be a tricky thing for astronauts in the International Space Station ,with weightlessness being the number one floating freely but also all their personal items. This calls for a nuisance :if astronauts do not properly store their combs or toothbrushes ,they might never find them again .In addition to these practical hurdles, microgravity also has physical costs for the men and women aboard the ISS. For instance, you sweat more, and reduced salivation leads to a higher risk of dental problems.




The European Space Organization is searching for commercial cooperation with high —profile European hygiene and cosmetic companies .Imagine your product not only getting the highest grades from customers worldwide but also beyond .Of course, not every product will make the grade, only those that will satisfy the strict safety a nd functional requirements imported by the space environment .ESO is looking for innovative firms who share its drive for innovation and excellence, its sophisticated visions, ambitions and values. Y our company could be one of the few to conquer the high ground that is truly out of this world :the International Space Station.


5、Antibiotics Too Much of a Good Thing


Superbugs emerge when an antibiotic fails to kill all of the bacteria it targets ,and the surviving bacteria become resistant to that particular drug .Doctors then prescribe a stronger antibiotic ,but the bacteria quickly learn to withstand the more potent drug as well ,perpetuating a cycle in which increasingly powerful drugs are required to treat infections ,superbugs also can exchange survival information with other bacteria—even different species—allowing additional drug—resistant organism to emerge.



When you abuse antibiotics ,the resistant microorganisms that you help create can become widely established ,causing newand hand—to—treat infections .That’s why the decisions you make about antibiotic use—unlike almost any other medicine you take—extend far beyond your reach .Responsible antibiotic use protects the health of your family ,neighbors and ultimately the global community.



6、Genetically Modified Foods: Harmful or Helpful


The term GM foods is most commonly used to refer to crop plants created for human or animal consumption using the latest molecular biology techniques, These plants have been modified in the laboratory to enhance desired traits such as increased resistance to herbicides or improved nutritional content .The enhancement of desired traits has traditionally been undertaken through breeding ,but conventional plant breeding methods can be very time consuming and are often not very accurate .Genetic engineering, on the other hand ,can create plants with the exact desired trait very rapidly and with great accuracy. For example ,plant geneticists can isolate a gene responsible for drought tolerance and insert that gene into a different plant .The new genetically—modified plant will drought tolerance as well .Not only can genes be transferred from one plant to another ,but genes from non—plant organisms also can be used.



Genetically—modified foods have the potential to solve many of the world’s hunger and malnutrition problems ,and to help protect the environment by increasing yield and reducing reliance upon chemical pesticides and herbicides .Y et there are many challenges ahead for governments ,especially in the areas of safety testing ,regulation ,international policy and food labeling .Many people feel that genetic engineering is the inevitable wave of the future and that we cannot afford to ignore a technology that has such enormous potential benefits .However ,we must proceed with caution to avoid causing unintended harm to human health and the environment as a result of our enthusiasm for this powerful technology.




学士学位证书及毕业证英文翻译模板 附录:今天老师给我们留了个作业,让我们把本科毕业证书翻译成英文的,怎么翻译啊~所以请大家帮帮忙吧~谁能给我提供一个毕业证书的英文模版啊~本科毕业证书的啊~越快越好,如果老师满意,多少钱我都不在乎~包括专升本证书,能有工商管理硕士的最好!学士学位证书英语翻译与毕业证英文翻译模板,为爱大学本科生及研究生提供英文毕业证翻译样本。首先请看《办理中英文成绩单、英文毕业证学位证书的须知》。涉及中文或英文成绩单翻译,含英文毕业证书学位证书的证明。学生学位证书英文翻译模板BACHELOR’S DEGREE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Ms. Wang Danli, born in October 1977, has studied in the Department of Law, xxx University with a specialty of Law from September 1996 to June 2000. Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation. In accordance with the academic degree act of the People’s Republic of China, the aforesaid student is awarded the Bachelor’s Degree in Law. xxx Chairman of Degree Appraising Committee of xx University June 30, 2000 Certificate No.: 103354003888 本科毕业证书翻译模板DIPLOMA This is to certify that Ms. Wang Lan, born on February 29, 1980, has studied in the Department of Foreign Languages,xxxUniversity with a specialty of English from September 1997 to June 2000. Upon completing and passing all the required


浙大远程入门第1次 答案

单选题 1.远程学习的模式是______________。 A 以课件自主学习为主,辅以必要的教学辅导 2.课程学习应以 _____内容为主。 A 视频课件 3.用于了解学校一学期或一学年的教学活动日程安排(包括开学日期、报到注册日期、开始上课日期、考试日期、学期结束日期、开始放假日期等,以及还规定了重要活动和重要节假日的安排的教学指导文件是________________。 C 院历 单选题 4.按教育部规定,专升本和大专层次的最低修业年限均为______年。 B 2.5 5.学生个人学习计划由______制订。 C 学生个人 6.学生一年选课次数为________。 B 2 7.教师讲课视频课件可以从学习平台-“在修课程”-“教学内容”-“视频课件下载”外,可以到学习中心下载外,还可以登录______下载。 D ftp://https://www.wendangku.net/doc/254378096.html,

8.考试过程中违规使用通讯工具(如手机等)和电子工具(如笔记本电脑、掌上电脑等),给予处分。 A 记过 9. 阅卷时,经阅卷组评定,经审核组最后审核判定为雷同卷、异常卷等,给予处分。 A 记过 10.下列描述符合统考免考条件错误的是()。 D 非英语类专业,2006年1月之后大学英语等级CET四级成绩达到420分或更高成绩的,可以免考“大学英语B” 11.用于了解要完成学业需学习哪些课程、课程的开课学期、每门课程的教学环节构成(有否实验)、每门课程的性质(学位课、必修课、选修课等)、每门课程的教学时数安排、以及每门课程的考核方式(考试或考查)的教学指导文件是_____________。 B 专业教学计划 12.教师根据其进行教学,且按照其规定的教学要求范围进行命题,学生用其可了解一门课程的教学要求、教学进度、作业计划(题目、时间、方式)、实验计划等,同时可以起到课程考试复习提纲的教学指导文件是_____________。 A 课程导学 13.教学计划的查看,以______为准。 C 学院网上教学资源


学士学位证书及毕业证英文翻译模板 BACHELOR’S DE GREE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Ms. Wang Danli, born in October 1977, has studied in the Department of Law, xxx University with a specialty of Law from September 1996 to June 2000. Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation. In accordance with the academic degree act of the People’s Republic of China, the aforesaid student is awarded the Bachelor’s Degree in Law. xxx Chairman of Degree Appraising Committee of xx University June 30, 2000 Certificate No.: 103354003888 [ Last edited by rachel4176 on 2005-6-22 at 21:14 ] 毕业证书翻译模板 DIPLOMA This is to certify that Ms. Wang Lan, born on February 29, 1980, has studied in the Department of Foreign Languages,xxxUniversity with a specialty of English from September 1997 to June 2000. Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation. xx President of xx University Registration No.: 298168015 Date Issued: June 30, 2000



College English Test Form B November, 2003 Part I Listening Comprehension (20 points) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. You will hear the conversation and the question only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example: You will hear: Man: Hello, Mary. This is John Smith at the office. Is Bill feeling any better today? Woman: Oh, yes, John. He's feeling much better now. But the doctor says he'll have to stay in bed until Monday. Question: Where is Bill now? You will read: A) At the office C) Home in bed B) On his way to work D) Away on vacation From the conversation, we know that Bill has to stay in bed until Monday. Therefore, C) “Home in bed” is the best answer. You should choose answer [C] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre. 1. A) He doesn’t have enough money to buy a car. B) He really doesn’t want to buy a car. C) He will have enough money for a car soon. D) He plans to buy a little car in a while. 2. A) $1 3.5. B) $9.00. C) $5.00. D) $ 4. 5. 3. A) At a restaurant. C) In a cafeteria. B) In the kitchen. D) At a market. 4. A) She thinks she’s a stranger here in New York. B) New York is a wonderful city. C) She thinks New York is not good. D) She doesn’t like it at all.



各种奖项、证书(七大类) 一、国家及校级奖项、称号 国家奖学金 National Scholarship 国家励志奖学金 National Encouragement scholarship 三好学生标兵 Pacemaker to Merit Student 三好学生 Merit Student 学习优秀生 Model Student of Academic Records 突出才能奖 Model Student of Outstanding Capacity 先进个人 Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student 优秀工作者 Excellent staff 优秀学生干部 Excellent Student Cadre 优秀共青团员 Excellent League Member 优秀毕业生 Outstanding Graduates 优秀志愿者 Outstanding Volunteer 先进班集体 Advanced Class 优秀团干 Outstanding League Cadres 学生协会优秀干部 Outstanding cadres of Student Association 学生协会工作优秀个人 Outstanding Individual of Student Association 精神文明先进个人 Spiritual Advanced Individual 社会工作先进个人 Advanced Individual of Social Work 文体活动先进个人 Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities 道德风尚奖 Ethic Award 精神文明奖 High Morality Prize 最佳组织奖 Prize for The Best Organization 突出贡献奖 Prize for The Outstanding Contribution 工作创新奖 Prize for The Creative Working 团队建设奖 Prize for The Team Contribution


浙江大学学位英语考试指导 一、考试内容和形式 浙江大学学位英语考试包括六个部分,考试时间为120分钟。试卷分主观题和客观题。 1. 听力理解(20%) 共20 题,考试时间为20 分钟,分值为20%。听力理解由两节组成(Section A 和 Section B)。A节有10 道题,每题含一组对话,共两句,对话后有一个问句。每组 对话只读一遍。B节有三篇听力材料, 每篇材料读两遍。每篇听力材料后有3--4个 问题。听力部分每个问题后有约15秒的间隙,要求考生从所给的四个选项中选出 一个最佳答案。 2. 词汇(10%) 共20题,考试时间为15分钟。每题有一空格,要求考生从四个答案中选出一个最佳答案填空。这一部分主要测试学生认识和掌握词汇及常用词组的能力。 3. 语法结构(10%) 共20题,考试时间为15分钟。每题有一空格,要求考生从四个答案中选出一个最 佳答案填空。这一部分主要测试学生理解和运用语法结构的能力。 4.阅读理解(30%) 共15题,考试时间为30分钟。共三篇文章,每篇文章约有300个词左右。每篇文 章后有5个问题,考生根据文章内容从四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 5.英译汉(15%) 考试时间为20分钟。要求考生将一篇实用性的短文划线的5个英语句子译成汉语。 主要测试学生的理解、表达和实际应用能力。 6.汉译英(15%) 考试时间为20分钟。要求考生将5个汉语句子译成英语。主要测试学生的理解和应 用能力。 二、应试指导 1. 听力应试指导 对话部分:在简短对话部分,对话是在特定的语言环境中进行的,具有一定的情节;而由第三者提出的问题及所给的4个选项又使学生明确了选择范围。因此,考生只要在听音时善于捕捉关键词和关键信息,就能做出正确的选择。在此考生应注意以下几个方面:(1)要辩明谈话者之间的关系。如医生与病人大多谈论疾病有关的话题;夫妻之间大多谈论与家庭有关的话题等。 (2)要善于抓关键词。如对话中出现了menu, order, table for three, bill等词,则谈话的地点一定是与饭店有关。 (3) 预测提问的方式很重要。利用每段对话后的几秒时间迅速浏览下一个问题的四个选 项,通过四个选项的内容去预测听力内容和第三者的提问方式,从而在听时将注意力集中在与所提问题有关的关键词和关键信息上。 (4)要善于推测言外之意。 对话部分大体上分为五个类型:数字与计算;职业身份;地点,场所与方向;比较题; 推理判断。 数字与计算是浙江大学学位英语考试中最常考的考项之一,听力测试计算型的试题往往要求进行简单的加、减、乘、除四则运算,以加减为主。提问方式是:How much---? How


各类证书的中英文对照 各种奖项、证书(七大类) 一、国家及校级奖项、称号 国家奖学金National Scholarship 国家励志奖学金National Encouragement scholarship 三好学生标兵Pacemaker to Merit Student 三好学生Merit Student 学习优秀生Model Student of Academic Records 突出才能奖Model Student of Outstanding Capacity 先进个人Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student 优秀工作者Excellent staff 优秀学生干部Excellent Student Cadre 优秀共青团员Excellent League Member 优秀毕业生Outstanding Graduates 优秀志愿者Outstanding Volunteer

先进班集体Advanced Class 优秀团干Outstanding League Cadres 学生协会优秀干部Outstanding cadres of Student Association 学生协会工作优秀个人Outstanding Individual of Student Association 精神文明先进个人Spiritual Advanced Individual 社会工作先进个人Advanced Individual of Social Work 文体活动先进个人Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities 道德风尚奖Ethic Award 精神文明奖High Morality Prize 最佳组织奖Prize for The Best Organization 突出贡献奖Prize for The Outstanding Contribution 工作创新奖Prize for The Creative Working 团队建设奖Prize for The Team Contribution 二、各系比赛与奖项 外语系(Foreign Language Department):


浙江大学学位英语考试--中翻英部分15% 2009-04-12 00:49 由于学位英语是浙江大学自己出卷的,题型是于省三级考试是一致的,所以可以参考一下历年省三的卷子。 可以将一下的短句当作范文,背一下。 02-1 81.如果你在阅读中碰到生词,有时候你可以不查字典。 your answer: key: When you come across new words in reading, sometimes you may not consult dictionaries for them. 82.她正在找工作,我想她可能已从大学毕业了。 your answer: key:She is looking for a job. I think she may have graduated from college. 83.学习英语需要耐心和努力;若想在几个月内掌握一门外语是不可能的。 your answer: key:Learning English needs patience and efforts; it is impossible to have a good command of a foreign language within a few months. 84.我昨晚兴奋得睡不着觉,因为我的设计被采纳了。 your answer: key:I was too excited to fall asleep last night because my design had been accepted. 85.――你们什么时候熄灯就寝?――10点半,但周末例外。 your answer: key:-When do you turn off the light and go to bed?- At half past ten except on weekend. 02-6 81.我感到喘不过气来;我开窗你会介意吗? your answer: key: I can hardly breathe. Would you mind my (me) opening the windows? 82.你们应该理论联系实际,培养应用语言的能力。 your answer: key:You should combine theory with practice and develop the ability to use the language. 83.他将永远记得家乡解放的那一天。 your answer: key:He will always remember the day (when) his hometown was liberated.

毕业证书 学位证书翻译件样本

毕业证书、学位证书翻译件样本 毕业证书、学位证书翻译件样本 学历、学位证明,主要是指大学、研究生毕业证书、硕士学位证书及博士学位证书等,其翻译件通常用于申请国外大学,以下提供部分翻译件样本(仅供参考):范例1:大学毕业证书 Let it be known that Mr. Wen Huang, native of Jiangsu Province, born on August 30, 1973, having specialized in Marketing in the Department of Economics & Management from Sept.1995 to July 1998 and having completed the four year undergraduate program with qualified standing, is hereby awarded this Certificate of Graduation. 范例2:大学学位证书 This is to certify that Mr. Wen Huang, born in Jiangsu Province on August 30, 1973 has studied for 4 years (from Sept.1995 to July 1998) in the department of Economics & Management majoring in Marketing, has completed all the courses prescribed in the Teaching Program, and has passed all the exams necessary for graduation from Nanjing University. Having fulfilled the requirements stipulated by the Academic Degree Regulations of the People's Republic of China, he/she is awarded the degree of Bachelor of Business. 范例3:硕士学位证书


学士学位英语知识库 Give相关短语: Give up放弃,也可以衍生为投降、把…..让给等意思。 If you give up something ,you stop doing it or having it.如果你放弃某事,你就停止做或拥有它。 Give in屈服,也可以衍生成让步、投降等意思。 I refuse to give up,and I refuse to give in.我拒绝放弃,也拒绝屈服。 Give off放出,也可以衍生出发出、散射出、发射出等意思。(主要侧重于发出“某种气体或气味”) The apples give off a very sweet smell.这些苹果散发出非常香甜的味道。 Give out 发出,可以衍生出公布、付出等意思。(主要侧重于发出“某种光、声、热、信号等”) The must important thing in life is to learn how to give out love ,and to let it come in。生命中最重要的事情就是学习如何付,以及接受爱。 Give back归还 All energy is only borrowed,and one day you have to give it back。所有的能量都是借来的,早晚有一天都是要还的。Give away赠送、泄露、失去等意思。 Who will be willing to give away any loved ones。哪有人会舍得把深爱的人拱手让人? “看”的相关动词短语: Look 看,侧重于看的“动作” Look!he is over here。看,他在那儿。 See 看,侧重于看的“内容和结果” How many words can you see in the sentence。在你能看到这个句子里有多少单词? Watch 看,,侧重于专注、仔细的观看电视、比赛等,强调看的“过程” Watch TV/ watch a movie/watch a match Read 看,侧重于实际的“读” Read books/read newspapers/read novels “break”的相关动词短语: Break up结束、分手、破碎等跟分开的相关意思。 Clearly a hug can solve the problem.it is said to break up.明明一个拥抱就可以解决问题,偏偏说分手。 Break down向下,表示损坏、身体垮掉等看起来倒掉的意思。 Will you break down these walls and full me through。你能推到这些墙,帮我度过难关吗? Break in进入,表示打断、闯入等意思。 If you break in on someone’s conversation,you interrupt them.如果别人交谈的时你插嘴,你就打断他们了。 Break out战争火灾的爆发、逃出等 He was young when the war broke out。 “bring”的相关动词短语: Bring forward:将…..提出,建议 Bring out:使出现、使显明 Bring up :抚养、教育、提出问题 Bring about:使发生、发表、拿出 “bring”的相关动词短语: Take up从事、继续、拿起 Take on承担、呈现、现有、流行、接纳、雇佣 Take after 与……像,追赶 Take off脱下、离开、起飞 “-titude”结尾的单词 Your attitude determines your and altitude and your aptitude.态度决定高度和能力。 Attitude 态度、看法 Our attitude is clear。我们态度明确。 Altitude海拔、高度


本科毕业生毕业、学位证书英文模板(模板中的红字需按证书实际信息修改并还原成黑色字体,其他模板类同): (要求:一张A4大小的纸,上半页为英文翻译件,下半页为证书的复印件) 关于姓名的英文格式的说明:1.姓在前名在后; 2.姓和名中间空一格; 3.姓的字母全部大写,名的首字母大 写,如张三为ZHANG San。 毕业证书英文模板: DIPLOMA This is to certify that Mr. (Ms.) ×××,born on July 5, 1977, has studied in the Department(如证书上为学院,请改成College)of Computer Science & Engineering, Zhejiang University with a speciality of Computer & Application from September 2007 to June 2011. Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, he (she)is granted graduation. YANG Wei President of Zhejiang University Registration No.: 103351201105005163(学校编号或电子注册号) Date Issued: June 30, 2011 (注:上一行自行修改为毕业证书上日期) 此处放毕业证书的复印件

学位证书英文模板(适用于2015届及以前的毕业生): BAC HELOR’S DEGREE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr. (Ms.) ×××, born on July 5, 1977, has studied in the Department(如证书上为学院,请改成College) of Computer Science & Engineering, Zhejiang University with a speciality of Computer & Application from September 2007 to June 2011. Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, he(she) is granted graduation. In accordance with the academic degree act of the People’s Republic of China, the aforesaid student is awarded the Ba chelor’s Degree in Engineering. YANG Wei Chairman of Degree Appraising Committee of Zhejiang University June 30, 2011 (注:上一行自行修改为学位证书上日期)Certificate No.: 1033542011005808(证书编号) 此处放学位证书的复印件


以下是本科生出国留学各类证书的英文翻译模板,对应下载后可根据个人信息修改模板中相应的红色部分。 要求:A4纸的上半页为证书的复印件(毕业证书约80%缩印,2008届之后学位证书约70%缩印),下半页为英文翻译。字的大小可以调整,要做到美观清晰。 (毕业证书模板) DIPLOMA OF GRADUATION Name: XXX Sex: Male Date of Birth: 26/09/1989 Dates of Attendance: Sep. 2007 to June. 2011 Major: Statistics Department: School of Mathematical Sciences Certificate No: 证书编号(学校编号)Issued Date : June 25, 2011 This is to certify that the student has completed the requirements of the undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation. GONG Ke President of Nankai University (学位证书模板) DIPLOMA OF BACHELOR DEGREE Name: XXX Sex:Male Date of Birth: 26/09/1989 Dates of Attendance: Sep. 2007 to June. 2011 Major: Statistics Department: School of Mathematical Sciences Degree Awarded:Bachelor of Science Certificate No: 证书编号Issued Date : June 25, 2011 This is to certify that the student has completed the requirements of the undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation. Having passed the examination in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Regulations on Academic Degrees of the Peo ple’s Republic of China, the student is awarded the degree. GONG Ke Chairman of the Committee of Academic Degree s of Nankai University


1、Promise kept 第一段: My father was not a sentimental man .I don’t remember him ever oohing or aahing over something I made as a child .Don’t get me wrong. I knew that my Dad loved me, but getting all mushy—eyed was not his thing .I learned that he showed me he loved me in other ways . There was one particular moment when this became real to me… 我父亲不是个易动感情的人,我不记得,他曾对我小时候做的任何事情表示过什么惊奇或赞叹之情。但别误会,我知道爸爸是爱我的,但含情脉脉可不是他的特点。我知道他以别的方式表达对我的爱,这一点在一个特殊时刻真的发生在我身上了。 第十五段: I have a box in my home that I call the“Dad box ”. In it are so many things that remind me of my Dad. I pull that picture out every once in a while and remember.I remembera promise that was made many years ago between a young man and his bride on their wedding day. And I remember the unspoken promise that was made between a father and his daughter. . . 我的家里有个盒子,我称之为“爸爸盒”。里面有许多东西都唤起我对爸爸的怀念。我不时会把那张照片拿出来回忆一番。我想起许多年前一位年轻人和他的新娘在新婚之日所作的承诺,我也记得一位父亲和他的女儿之间未曾说出的承诺。。。 2、the traditional place of the farm woman 第二段: However,the law that all property belonged to the husband, including property that had belonged to the wife before her marriage ,left women with no independent social status. If a woman left her husband or was driven away by him. She could take nothing with her but the clothes on her back, however much she had brought to the marriage. If she earned money outside the home, her husband could collect her pay .This law was changed in many nations in the late nineteenth century ,but there was no serious change in attitudes toward women’s place in society until the Second World War. 但是,法律规定,一切财产,包括在结婚前属于妻子的财产,都属于丈夫的。 这种法律使妇女失去了独立的社会地位。如果一个女人离开丈夫,或者被丈夫赶出了家门,她除了身上穿的衣服外,什么也不能带走。不管她为这个家庭带来了多少财富。如果她在外上班赚钱,她的丈夫可以领取她的工资。十九世纪后期,这一法律在很多国家中都作了修改。但是,二次世界大战前,在对待妇女的社会地位的态度上却没有多大变化。 第八段: After World War I there was a general rebellion of youth against “old fashioned” ideas ,particularly patriarchal family relationships .The Depression further broke up and displaced families, even in socially stable rural areas. The workload in


ACCA注册毕业证书翻译样本 Graduation Certificate Certificate No. _____________ This is to certify that ___________,born on __________, native of _________ _,has been majoring in the specialty of ________________ at our university/inst itute from September ________ to July _________. Upon completion of all the cou rses specified by the four-year undergraduate teaching programme with qualified score, he/she is hereby qualified for graduation. (signature) President University (seal) XX July XXXX Adult Higher Education Graduation Certificate Under Supervision of The Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China

Authorized Document No.: (84)Jiao Cheng ZI 004 No. 00929116 Student Zhang Yin, male, born in Sept. 1976, has studied in the major of Clinical Medicine in the form of be released from production to take on other duty from Sept. 1996 to July 1999 at this university. Upon accomplishing all courses stipulated in college teaching program with eligible achievements for three years, passed all examinations, the person above was permitted to graduate. President: Wu Yiming (Seal) University: Henan Medical University (Seal) July 16, 1999 University No.: 995120136


关于西安交通大学成人高等教育本科 毕业生申请学士学位主干课程考试的通知 按照《西安交通大学成人高等教育及高等教育自学考试本科毕业生学士学位授予实施细则》文件精神,凡我校成人高等教育本科毕业生申请学士学位时,除参加陕西省学位办组织的外语统考以外,还需参加由校教务处和继续教育学院共同组织的三门主干课程的考试,现将具体考试事宜通知如下: 一、考试时间及地点 1、考试时间:陕西省学位英语考试结束当天下午和第二天安排进行。 2、考试地点:西安交通大学,详见准考证。 二、报名办法 凡符合申请学位条件的成人高等教育本科毕业生,均可申请参加主干课程考试。校内业余和函授教育本科毕业生由班主任统一组织报名并填写报名表,报学院继续教育中心学籍科;校外教学站点毕业学生由各教学站点统一组织报名并填写报名表,汇总后将学生报名表及电子版数据库报学院继续教育中心学籍科。经继续教育学院和学校教务处审核后,由继续教育学院继续教育中心向考生发放准考证。 西安交通大学继续教育学院 2010年5月19日

【附件一】 西安交通大学文件 西交教〔2009〕102号 关于印发《西安交通大学成人高等教育 及高等教育自学考试本科毕业生学士学位授 予实施细则》的通知 继续教育学院及有关单位: 《西安交通大学成人高等教育及高等教育自学考试本科毕业生学士学位授予实施细则》已于2009年9月24日经校学位评定委员会修订通过,现予印发,自印发之日起施行。 西安交通大学 二○○九年十一月四日 主题词:成人高教高教自考学位授予规章印发通知抄送:继续教育学院分党委,学校党政领导、总务长、校长助理。 校长办公室 2009年11月4日印发


信号与信息处理 一、专业介绍 1、学科简介 信号与信息处理是一级学科信息与通信工程下设的二级学科。此专业是当今发展最快的热点学科之一,随着信号与信息处理理论与技术的发展已使世界科技形势发生了很大的变革。信息处理科学与技术已渗透到计算机、通信、交通运输、医学、物理、化学、生物学、军事、经济等各个领域。它作为当前信息技术的核心学科,为通信、计算机应用、以及各类信息处理技术提供基础理论、基本方法、实用算法和实现方案。它探索信号的基本表示、分析和合成方法,研究从信号中提取信息的基本途径及实用算法,发展各类信号和信息的编解码的新理论及技术,提高信号传输存储的有效性和可靠性。 在当前网络时代条件下,研究信号传输、加密、隐蔽及恢复等最新技术,均属于信号与信息处理学科的范畴。积极开辟新的研究领域,不断地吸收新理论,在科学研究中运用交叉、融合、借鉴移植的方法不断地完善和充实本学科的理论,使之逐步形成自身的理论体系也是本学科的特点。 2、主要研究方向 01图象处理、计算机视觉与模式识别 02 语音信息处理与计算机听觉 03 虚拟现实与计算机图形学 04 现代信号处理与通信

05 网络多媒体与信息安全 06 嵌入式技术及应用 07 无线传感网技术及其应用 08 信息隐藏与数字水印技术 09 普适计算技术与应用 10 新一代通信网技术 3、考试科目 ①101政治②201英语③301 数学一④913通信系统原理或920 数字信号处理 (注:各招生单位研究方向和考试科目不同,在此以西安电子科技大学为例) 二、就业前景 1、就业方向 此专业的毕业生可从事电子与通信、金融、商贸等企业的信息技术管理及电脑软硬件研发工作;进入通信与信息技术科研机构和教学部门从事科研与教学工作,政府公务员等。 2、就业前景 进入21世纪,以信息技术为代表的科技革命使人们的生产、生活和思维方式发生了巨大改变。随着信息技术在经济和社会各领域的应用和渗透,各行各业对信息类人才的需求也大大增加。据权威人士预测,未来5年我国信息化人才需求可达1500万~2000万人。在我国,电子信息产业以高于经济发展两倍的速度快速发展,信息类高端

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