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Book 6

MARTA: Airports are sad places. 飞机场是令人伤感的地方.
MIGUEL: Sometimes, I guess. But, we'll write. You'll come down at Christmas. 有时候大概是吧. 但是 我们会写信的. 在圣诞节你会来这里的.
MARTA: If we can find the money. 如果能凑够钱的话.
MIGUEL: Don't worry, Marta. 玛它你放心好了,
MIGUEL: Everything will be taken care of. 一切都会安排好的.
MIGUEL: They say that fares are going to be reduced in the next six months. And when I graduate, well... 听说机票在六个月以内会减价. 而且当我毕业后, 就...
MARTA: That's two years from now. 那是两年以后的事.
MIGUEL: Two years is a long time. 两年是一段很长的时间.
MIGUEL: The time will pass quickly. 时间会过得很快.
MIGUEL: You'll see. I might even be able to come back to New York next summer. 说不定. 我明年夏天也许能够再回到纽约来也不一定.
MARTA: Oh, Miguel, you'll forget all about me. Your mother will find you a nice girl, you'll get married, and live happily ever after. 米盖尔, 你会把我抛到九霄云外. 你妈妈会替你找一个合适的女孩子, 然后你会结婚, 并且以后会有幸福美满的生活.
MIGUEL: No, I won't. I swear I won't. Don't you believe me? 我不会的. 我发誓不会. 你不相信我吗?
MARTA: I don't want to talk about it. All I know is that you are going to be taken away from me. 我不想谈. 我只知道, 你要被别人抢走了.
MIGUEL: That's ridiculous! I'll write every day, whether you answer me or not. 胡说! 我每天都会写信, 不管你回信不回信.
MARTA: Don't be silly. You'll have other things to do. 别说傻话. 你会有别的事情够你忙的了.
MIGUEL: Don't cry, Marta, please. 玛它, 不要哭, 我求你.
MIGUEL: Look, here come Mrs. Ortega and Pedro. 你看, 欧特迦太太和佩德罗来了.
MARTA: I wish they would go away. 我真希望他们走远一点.
MIGUEL: You don't really mean that, Marta. 玛它, 你不是真的这样想吧.
PEDR I hope we're not interrupting anything. We want to say good-bye, too. 希望我们没有打扰你们. 我们也想道别一下.
MRS.ORTEGA: Let me give you a kiss, my boy. Remember me to your mother and father. 孩子, 让我亲你一下. 替我问候令堂令尊.
MRS.ORTEGA: I hope to see them again. I'll miss you, Miguel. 我希望能再看到他们. 米盖尔, 我会想你.
MIGUEL: I'll miss you, too. It's been a wonderful summer. Thank you. Take care of Pedro. He still needs his mama. 我也会想您. 这个夏天过得可真愉快. 谢谢您. 您要照顾佩德罗. 他还需要妈妈.
PEDR Good-bye, kid. 再见, 老弟.
LOUSPEAKER: Last call for Flight 629 for Bogota, leaving from Gate 10. 搭乘六二九次班机飞往波哥大的乘客请到十号登机处, 这是最后一次广播.
MARTA: You'd better hurry, Miguel. 米盖尔, 要快一点.
MIGUEL: Don't cry, Marta. 玛它, 不要哭了.

iss. 这位小姐, 很抱歉.
OFFICER: Only passengers are allowed beyond this point. 只有乘客才可以过去.
MIGUEL: Marta?... 玛它?...
MARTA: Good-bye, Miguel. 米盖尔, 再见.
ALI: How many days to my birthday? 我的生日还有几天到?
MRS.NIKZAD: Five. 五天.
ALI: Are we going to invite Mr. Yamamoto, the vegetable man, to my party? 我们要不要邀请山本先生, 卖菜的, 参加我的派对?
MRS.NIKZAD: I don't think so, dear. 我想不邀请他, 孩子.
MRS.NIKZAD: We don't know him very well, 我们和他不很熟,
MRS.NIKZAD: and he might be too busy to come. 而且他可能太忙.
MRS.NIKZAD: I understand his store is being renovated next week. 我听说他的商店下个星期要整修内部.
ALI: Oh. And what about Mr. O'Neill? Is he coming? 噢, 那欧尼尔先生呢? 他来不来?
MRS.NIKZAD: He's been invited. 他已经被邀请了.
ALI: But is he coming? 但是他会来吗?
MRS.NIKZAD: We haven't heard from him yet, Ali. 阿里, 他还没有答覆我们呢.
ALI: I hope he comes. 我希望他能来.
MRS.NIKZAD: Don't worry, Ali. I'm sure he'll try his best. 阿里, 你放心好了. 我相信他会尽量赶来的.
ALI: What about Mr. Yamamoto? 那么山本先生呢?
MRS.NIKZAD: I don't know, dear. 我不知道, 孩子.
ALI: But I want to invite him. 我要请他来嘛.
MRS.NIKZAD: Let's wait and ask your father. 我们等一下问你爸爸好了.
ALI: Do we have to wait? 我们一定要等吗?
MRS.NIKZAD: Of course, Ali. But don't be upset. The invitation can be sent out first thing in the morning. 阿里, 当然要等. 但是不要那么烦恼了. 明天早上第一件事就是将请帖寄出去.
ALI: I'm going outside. OK? 我要到外面走走. 好不好?
MRS.NIKZAD: All right, dear. Don't be too long. It's almost lunch time. 好的, 孩子. 别出去太久. 快要吃午餐的了.
MRS.NIKZAD: Hello, Simon. Have you seen Ali this afternoon? 塞门你好. 你今天下午有没有看到阿里?
MR.NIKZAD: No, Zahra. Why? 没有, 萨拉. 出了什么事吗?
MRS.NIKZAD: Oh, dear. I can't find him anywhere. I thought he might have gone to the Fair. I've looked all over. 噢, 亲爱的. 我到处都找不到他. 我以为他可能是到万博会去了. 我已经到处找过了.
MRS.NIKZAD: I don't know what to do. 我不知道怎么办才好.
MRS.NIKZAD: He should have been back an hour ago. 他一个钟头前就应该回来了.
MR.NIKZAD: Don't worry, Zahra. Probably, he's visiting a friend and forgot about the time. 萨拉, 别着急. 大概 他去找朋友而忘了时间.
MRS.NIKZAD: But an hour and a half? 但会一个半钟头吗?
MRS.NIKZAD: That's not like him. 这不像他.
MRS.NIKZAD: He could have had an accident. 他可能发生了意外.
MR.NIKZAD: Yes, he could have, Zahra, but he probably didn't. Did anything happen this morning? What were you talking about before he left? 可能是可能, 萨拉, 但他也可能没发生什么事. 今天早

上有没有发生什么事情? 他走以前你们谈了些什么?
MRS.NIKZAD: His birthday party. 他生日派对的事.
MRS.NIKZAD: It's all he talks about lately. 最近他所谈到的就是这件事.
MR.NIKZAD: Is it possible you said something to upset him? 可不可能是你说了些什么话, 使他不高兴?
MRS.NIKZAD: I must have. I know he was upset because we haven't received Mr. O'Neill's reply to our invitation, and... 一定是这样子. 我们邀请了欧尼尔先生, 但还没收到他的答覆我知道他有点难过, 还有...
MR.NIKZAD: And? 还有什么?
MRS.NIKZAD: And because we haven't invited Mr. Yamamoto. 还有, 因为我们没有邀请山本先生.
MR.NIKZAD: Anything else? 还有别的吗?
MRS.NIKZAD: No. He left the house right after that. I suppose I should have called you earlier. 没有了. 谈过这些以后他就出去了. 我应该早一点打电话给你的.
MR.NIKZAD: Zahra, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. He's probably on his way to the Fair to see Mr. O'Neill, or else he's with Mr. Yamamoto. 萨拉, 我想我们没有什么好担心的. 他大概到万博会去探望欧尼尔先生, 或者在山本先生那边.
MRS.NIKZAD: Oh, wait! Here he is! And Mr. Yamamoto is with him. You were right, Simon. He must have gone to Mr. Yamamoto's. 噢, 等一下! 他来了! 山本先生跟他一道. 塞门, 你说对了. 他一定是到山本先生那里去了.
MRS. NIKZAD: Ali, my little Martian. Where were you? Why didn't you tell me where you were going? You've been gone three hours! 阿里, 我的小火星人, 你到哪里去了? 你为什么不告诉我你要去哪里? 你已出去三个钟头了!
MRS. NIKZAD: Mr. Yamamoto, I can't thank you enough for bringing him back. What happened, Ali? Where were you? I was so worried. 山本先生, 你把他带回来了, 我真感激不尽. 阿里, 到底发生了什么事? 你到哪里去了? 我多么耽心.
ALI: Don't cry, Mommy. I won't do it again. I promise. Don't cry. I just went to Mr. Yamamoto's store to invite him to my party. 不要哭了, 妈! 我不会再犯了. 我答应你. 不要哭了. 我只是到山本先生的店里去请他参加我的派对.
ALI: It takes too long to invite people by mail. I got lost. 因为写信邀请人太慢. 我迷路了.
ALI: I started walking, and then I didn't know where I was. So I asked people to help me find Mr. Yamamoto's store. 我开始走路, 然后不知道自己在哪里. 所以我请别人帮助我找山本先生的商店.
ALI: Some people said, "Turn left," and some people said, "Turn right," and sometimes I forgot what they said. But I didn't get scared! 有的人说: "往左转," 也有的人说: "往右转," 有时候我忘了他们说什么. 可是我并不害怕!
ALI: I kept saying to myself, "You're almost seven!" Anyway, all of a sudden, I was right there in front of Mr. Yamamoto's store. 我一直对自己说: "你快七岁了!" 反正我忽然间, 来到了山本先生

ALI: It was like magic! And Mr. Yamamoto can come to my party. I asked him. 就像在变魔术一样! 山本先生可以参加我的派对, 我已经问过他了.
MR. YAMAMOT You should have seen him, Mrs. Nikzad. 可惜你没有看到, 尼克萨德太太.
MR. YAMAMOT When Ali found the store, he may have been shaking a little, but he wouldn't cry. He's a brave boy. 当阿里找到我的店的时候, 虽然似乎有一点发抖, 但他坚决不哭. 他是个很勇敢的小男孩.
: Dear Pedro, 佩德罗,
: I've been back over a week now. 我已经回来一个多星期了.
: I expected to have trouble adjusting to life in New York, but no one ever told me that I would have trouble readjusting to my old life! 刚到纽约时会住不惯, 这是我预料中的事, 但从来没有人告诉我重新适应我以往的生活会有困难!
: I don't understand it. 我真搞不懂.
: I get angry at things that never used to get me angry. 一向不会让我生气的事, 现在竟让我生气.
: I lose patience with my family. 我对家人也没有了耐性.
: And unless I calm down, I'm going to lose my friends, too. 而且, 除非我情绪能冷静下来, 不然我还将会失去我的朋友们.
: I must have changed. Everybody says I have. 我必须改一改. 每个人都说我必须改.
: I know I see the world differently now, but I don't want to be the person I was before I went away. 我知道我各方面的眼光跟以前不一样, 但是, 我不愿意再作离开以前的那个我.
: What do I do now, Pedro? 佩德罗, 我现在应该怎么办才好?
: I miss Marta every minute, but I won't say any more about that because I can just hear you making fun of me. 我时时刻刻地想念玛它, 但是, 关于这一点我似乎可以听到你在嘲笑我, 所以不多说了.
: I even miss you! 我连你都想念!
: Which reminds me, how did your interview go? 说起你的事, 我几乎忘了, 你面试的经过如何?
: Did you get the assistant manager position? 你获得助理经理的职位了吗?
: You know, Pedro, there is no way I can repay the kindness that you and your family have shown me. 你知道吗, 佩德罗, 你和你的家人对我的恩情我没有办法还报你们.
: All I can say is thank you, and I hope that someday soon you will visit us. 我唯一能说的是谢谢你, 而且我希望很快的有一天你就会来看我们.
: Our house is your house. 我们的家就是你的家.
: Miguel PS I know you don't write letters, but you could send a postcard every now and then. 米盖尔附记: 我知道你是不写信的, 不过有时候你可以寄张明信片来.
: PPS I must have been in a daze when I left New York. 再附记: 我离开纽约的时候一定是昏了头.
: You know my sweater, the one you always used to borrow? 你以前老跟我借的那件毛衣,
: I must have left it at your apartment. 我大概遗放在你家.
: If you find it, keep it for me until I

return. 你要是找到的话, 帮我保留到等我回到纽约.
: It looks good on you. 它穿在你的身上看起来不错.
: Attention young artists! 年轻的艺术家们请注意!
: The Brazilian Pavilion of the World's Fair is sponsoring an international art competition. 万国博览会巴西馆将举办一项国际性艺术比赛.
$10,000 a year grant to?: The winner will receive a live and study for two years at the institution of his choice anywhere in Brazil. 第一名将获得一年一万美元的奖学金以作为赴巴西就读其所选择之任何大专院校为期二年的生活费及学费.
: All men and women under thirty years of age are cordially invited to enter the competition. 诚请未满三十岁之青年男女报名参加.
: During December we will be exhibiting as many entries as possible at the World's Fair Museum of Modern Art. 巴西馆将在十二月份尽可能将所有的参赛作品陈列于万国博览会现代艺术馆供大众观赏.
: But, as the judges, all internationally famous artists, 但因为裁判必须在元月一日前作决定,
: must make their decision before January 1, the Brazilian Pavilion must receive your entry by December 1. 所以所有参选的作品必须在十二月一日前送至巴西馆本比赛的裁判, 均为举世闻名的艺术家.
: On January 1 the Brazilian Pavilion will have the pleasure of announcing the results of the competition. 在元月一日, 巴西馆将十分荣幸地宣布比赛的结果.
: The ceremony will take place in the Grand Gallery of the Museum at 4:30 PM. 仪式将于该日下午四时三十分假现代艺术馆大陈列厅举行.
: All works of art remain your property and will be returned after the first of the year. 各作品之所有权将属于作者所拥有作品于元月一日后将归还原主.
: As we cannot be liable for paintings submitted to us, please insure your entry against loss, damage, or destruction. 作品若有遗失, 损害或毁损等情形, 巴西馆无法负责任, 敬请各位自行投保为盼.
: Persons related to the staff of the Brazilian Pavilion are not eligible to enter the competition. 凡与巴西馆工作人员有亲戚关系的人不得参与比赛.
EVERYONE: Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, dear Ali, Happy Birthday to you. 祝你生日快乐, 祝你生日快乐, 亲爱的阿里生日快乐, 祝你生日快乐.
MRS.NIKZAD: Blow out the candles, Ali, but first make a wish. 把腊烛吹熄, 阿里, 先许个愿,
ALI: What should I wish for? 我应许什么愿?
BILL: Anything you want, but don't tell us. If you tell your wish, it won't come true. 任何你想要的都可以, 但不要告诉我们. 你的愿望如果告诉了别人, 就不会实现了.
HUSSEIN: Here comes the ice cream! 冰淇淋来了!
ALI: Wow, look at it all! Gallons and gallons of it! 哇, 大家看! 好几桶啊!
MRS.NIKZAD: You know, Mr. O'Neill, by the time we left the house, Al

i had asked for ice cream at least half a dozen times. I'm glad I didn't let him have any. 鸥尼尔先生, 你可知道, 今天出门的时候, 阿里已经有六次以上要求吃冰淇淋. 我很高兴我没让他吃.
WAITER: Here you are. And here's a big spoon. 来, 这个大调羹也给你.
REPORTER: Hold it. Just like that! Now another one, Ali. 别动, 就这样子! 阿里, 再来一个.
REPORTER: Hold that spoon up. 拿着调羹.
REPORTER: Good. Thank you. 好. 谢谢.
REPORTER: I hadn't expected such a big turnout. 想不到有这么多人来.
REPORTER: Thanks for the story. 这个题材很好, 谢谢你通知我.
ALI: Who is that, Dad? 爸, 那是谁?
MR.NIKZAD: A reporter for The World's Fair Newsletter. 万国博览会通讯报的记者.
ALI: Wow! Will my picture be in the papers? 哇! 我的照片会不会登在报纸上?
MR.NIKZAD: I hope so. 我希望会.
ALI: I wish I hadn't eaten dinner last night. 我真希望我昨天晚上没有吃晚餐.
MRS.NIKZAD: Why, Ali? Don't you feel well? 为什么, 阿里? 你不舒服吗?
ALI: Oh, no! I feel fine. But I wish I had room for more ice cream. 噢, 不是! 我很好. 我只是恨不能吃更多的冰淇淋.
MRS.NIKZAD: I hope you don't get sick. 我希望你不会吃坏肚子.
ALI: I won't. But even if I do, I won't be sorry. 不会的啦. 但是就算吃坏了肚子 我也不会后悔的.
HUSSEIN: I wish I had known about this place for my birthday. Ali, open your presents. Here's one from Mr. Yamamoto. 我上次过生日的时候, 如果知道有这个地方, 多好. 阿里, 拆开你的礼物. 这?是山本先生送的.
ALI: OK. Wow! A baseball and a bat. Gee, thank you, Mr. Yamamoto. 好. 哇! 是一个棒球和一支球棒! 谢谢您, 山本先生.
HUSSEIN: Here's one from Mr. O'Neill. I wonder if it's a giant ice cream sandwich! 这个是欧尼尔先生送的. 你看会不会是一个巨大的冰淇淋三明治!
ALI: Oh, boy! 噢, 老天!
ALI: I wish it were my birthday every day! 我真希望天天过生日!
MR.NIKZAD: I'm glad it's not. 我真高兴不是.

ALI: Wow, a mitt! 哇, 一副棒球手套!
HUSSEIN: Here's a note. I'll read it to you. 这里有一张纸条, 我念给你听.
HUSSEIN: Dear Ali, You don't know me, but my father says you're an okay kid, and you want to learn to play baseball.
亲爱的阿里, 你不认识我, 但我爸爸说你是个很好的孩子, 还说你想学打棒球.
HUSSEIN: OK., I'll teach you. Happy birthday. Bill, PS I wish I could have come to your party. 好, 我教你. 祝你生日快乐.
小比尔, 附记: 真希望能够参加你的派对.
ALI: wow! I wish we had invited everybody in the world! 哇! 我真希望我们能邀请全世界的每个人.
MICHAEL: Do you like it? 喜不喜欢?
PEDRO: It's brilliant! 出类拔萃!
MICHAEL: I hope the judges think so. 但愿评审们也这样认为.
PEDRO: I hate to tell you, but I heard through a friend of a friend that Leo v

an der Zee is entering the competition.
我不太想告诉你, 但是, 我一个朋友的朋友说利欧·泛·德·西要参加比赛.
MICHAEL: I wish you hadn't told me. 但愿你没跟我说.
PEDRO: Oh, come on. Your painting is great. 别这样子嘛! 你的画非常好.
MICHAEL: Sure, but van der Zee is a fine painter, 画是不错, 但是泛·德·西是一个很出色的画家,
MICHAEL: and he's much better known than I. 而且他比我出名得多.
PEDRO: So what? 那又怎么样?
MICHAEL: I guess you'reright. But I wish I knew if I was wasting my time. 你大概说得对, 我只是想知道我是不是浪费时
PEDRO: If you knew what the future was going to be like, life would be boring. 人要是知道将来会怎么样, 人生会显得太
MICHAEL: I didn't know that you had become a philosopher. 我还不知道你已经变成一个哲学家了.
PEDRO: And I had forgotten that you could be such a pain in the neck. 而我都忘了你是个令人头痛的家伙.
MICHAEL: You're right. I'm sorry. I'm driving everyone crazy. 你说得对. 很抱歉, 我令大家都无耐,
MICHAEL: Let's change the subject. 我们换一个话题吧!
MICHAEL: Do you have and more bad news? 你还有没有坏消息?
PEDRO: No. That's all for today. 没有了. 今天就是这么多.
PEDRO: Miguel called Marta from Colombia. He loves her. He misses her. 米盖尔从哥伦比亚打电话给玛它. 他爱她, 想念她,
PEDRO: He thinks about her every minute, 时时刻刻都在想她,
PEDRO: and he can't live without her. He says. 没有她, 他就不能活下去. 他说
MICHAEL: He's a nice guy. 他人很好.
PEDRO: He's young and inexperienced. If he knew what I know... 他年轻而缺乏经验, 他要是懂得我懂的...
MICHAEL: He'd be cynical, old, and unhappy, like you. 他愤世嫉俗, 苍老 而不快乐. 就会像你一样
MICHAEL: Leave him alone. 不要干涉他,
MICHAEL: If you could find a girl like Marta, you'd be a lucky man. 你如果有本事找到一个女孩子像玛它那样, 你就会是个幸运
PEDRO: That may be. In any case, he wishes you the best of luck in the competition. 或许如此. 不管怎么样, 他祝你比
MICHAEL: Thank him for me if you get a chance. 有机会的话, 代我谢谢他.
MICHAEL: By the way, why are you so dressed up today? 对了, 你今天怎么打扮得这么漂亮?
MICHAEL: It couldn't be just for the unveiling of my painting. 不会是专为了参加我这幅画的揭幕典礼吧!
PEDRO: Very funny. Actually, I had an interview at a photographic supply house. 真好笑, 其实, 我今天是去一家摄影器材
MICH AEL: I'm impressed. 有作为, 有作为.
PEDRO: They want me to be the assistant manager of their camera department? 他们要我担任相机部的助理经理.
MICHAEL: You? In a nine to five job? I can't believe it. Pedro in a jacket an tie?

I never thought I'd live to see the day.
你? 每天九点到五点上班? 难以置信. 佩德罗竟然穿西装打领带! 我还以为一辈子都见不到这么一天.
PEDRO: Hey, give me a break! 嘿, 少揶揄了!
MICHAEL: Pedro, I think it's great. Congratulations. 佩德罗, 这是大好的消息, 恭喜你了.
PEDRO: Thanks. I guess. 谢谢你, 我想我该这么说.
MICHAEL: You don't seem very happy about it. 你好像对这件事不太高兴.
PEDRO: I have to get used to the idea. 我还没进入状况.
LAURA: Hello, Bill. 哈罗, 比尔.
BILL: How are you, Laura? 罗拉, 你好吗?
BILL: Have you found a job yet? 找到工作没有?
CUSTOMER: Do you have vanilla cones? 有没有香草甜筒?
BILL: Certainly. Here you are. Now, where were we? Oh, yes. 当然有的, 这就是. 我们刚刚谈到哪里了? 噢, 对了,
BILL: I asked if you had found a job yet. 我问你有没有找到工作.
LAURA: No, not yet, but I've been doing a lot of thinking. 没, 还没有, 不过我最近想了很多.
BILL: Well, you know Paulo Farias, the nice- looking young man at the Brazilian Pavilion? 嗯, 你认识保罗·法瑞斯? 就是在巴
西馆工作, 仪容很讨人喜欢的那位青年.
LAURA: Yes, I remember him. 认识, 我记得他.
BILL: I told him that you had resigned. 我已经告诉他说你辞职了.
LAURA: You did? 真的?
BILL: And that you were looking for a new position. 我还告诉他说你要找新的职位.
LAURA: What did he say? 他怎么说?
BILL: He said that he re membered you. 他说他记得你.
LAURA: That's nice, What else did he say? 那好, 他还说什么?
BILL: He said he was looking for a secretary. But he also said he didn't think he could hire you. 他说他正在找秘书, 可
LAURA: Oh, why? 噢, 为什么?
BILL: Because he does a lot of work with Mr. Crawford's office. 因为他跟郭佛先生的公司经常有生意来往.
LAURA: Yes, of course. Oh, well, thanks for trying. 对了, 那当然. 噢! 谢谢你帮我打听.
BILL: Wait, don't give up yet. 慢点, 别那么快放弃希望,
BILL: He said he might be able to find you a job in another department. 他说他可能在别的部门帮你找个工作.
LAURA: Oh, Bill. You're wonderful. Thank you. 比尔, 你真好, 谢谢你.
LAURA: You should open up an employment agency. 你应该开一家职业介绍所才对.
BILL: That's what my wife says. That reminds me, 我太太也这样说. 这倒提醒了我,
BILL: she asked me to pick up a few things on the way home. 她叫我在回家的路上买些东西.
LAURA: Does your wife work, too? 你太太也上班吗?
BILL: Yes, she's a florist. 是, 她在鲜花店做事.
LAURA: Does she like it? 她喜不喜欢?
BILL: Yes, she was saying just last night that she had never enjoyed a job more. 喜欢. 她昨天晚上才说从来没有那么喜欢

BILL: So now, what are we going to do about you? You said that you had been doing a lot of thinking. 好了 , 你的事怎
么办? 你说你最近想了很多.
LAURA: Yes, I was thinking that maybe I needed a change. 对, 我在想或许我需要换别种工作.
BILL: Have you ever thought about being a tour guide? 你以前有没有考虑过当导游?
LAURA: A tour g uide? 导游?
BILL: Someone told me that he had heard that they needed another Spanish-English tour guide. Even though they haven't
announced the opening yet, I'd apply now. 有人告诉我他听说他们需要再请一位会讲西班牙语和英语的导游. 这个空缺虽
然还没公布, 可是最好现在就申请.
LAURA: Maybe I should. You really are a sweetheart. 也许我应该去申请, 你真是个古道热肠的好人.
BILL: Good luck. 祝你幸运.
JOANA: There's quite a crowd here. 这里人很多.
MICHAEL: Everybody in the art world is here. Artists, critics, collectors, everybody. I want to go home. There's Leo van der
Zee! 艺术界所有的人都来了, 艺术家、 评论家、 收藏家, 谁都来了. 我想回家了, 那边那个是利欧·泛·德·西.
PEDRO: Which painting is his? 哪一幅是他的画?
MICHAEL: The large one to the left of mine. 在我的画左边,
MICHAEL: It's very good. Very good. 很大的那幅, 画得很好, 非常好.
JOANA: I don't like it. 我不喜欢.
MICHAEL: I would be proud to say that I had done it. 我如果能够说是我画的, 我会很骄傲.
PEDRO: I don't like it, either. 我也不喜欢.
MICHAEL: Ssh, There's Paulo. Did anyone tell him that I entered the competition under another name? 嘘 , 保罗在哪里
了, 有没有人告诉他我用别人的名字参加?
JOANA: I don't know. But even if he had found out, he certainly wouldn't have told me. Paulo can be very discreet.
我不晓得. 不过, 就算他发现, 也绝对不会跟我说, 保罗说话很谨慎.
PAULO: Ladies an gentlemen... 各位先生女士...
MICHAEL: Why doesn't he get on with it? 为什么他不说下去?
JOANA: Be patient, Michael. 麦可, 要有耐心.
PEDRO: ... The Brazilian Pavilion has been pleased and honored to have as judges persons of such distinction that...
... 巴西馆能够请到这么出名的几位评审, 感到非常的高兴和荣幸. 因此...
MICHAEL: If I had known there were going to be a lot of speeches, I would have come later. 早知道会有那么多演讲的话,
JOANA: It'll all be ove r soon, Michael. 麦可, 很快就会结束的.
PAULO: The judges, as you can imagine, had a very difficult time choosing a winner. The quality of the paintings....
评审 各位可想而知, 在选择优胜者时所感到的困难, 作品的水准...
MICHAEL: Paulo, shut up. Or say something original. Say something like, 保罗闭嘴, 要不然说一点新鲜的话, 譬如说一句
"MICHAEL: ""Most

of the paintings were garbage.""" 「大多数的作品像垃圾」 的话.
PAULO: And if I had been one of the judges, I don't think I could have come to any decision at all; but, fortunately...
如果我是评审之一, 我想我根本没有办法决定; 不过, 幸好...
MICHAEL: I've got to step outside. I need some fresh air. 我必须出去走走, 我要呼吸一点新鲜的空气.
JOANA: Don't leave now, Michael, they're... 麦可你现在不要走, 他们就要...
MICHAEL: I've got to. I'm too nervous. 我不能不出去, 我太紧张了.
ALI: Hello, Are you an artist? 你好. 你是不是艺术家?
MICHAEL: I don't know. 我不晓得,
MICHAEL: The judges are making up their minds. 评审正在下决定.
MICHAEL: Watch it, your ice cream is dripping. 小心, 你的冰淇淋正在滴下来.
ALI: Thanks. 谢谢.
ALI: Speeches are really boring, aren't they? 演讲真无聊, 对不对?
MICHAEL: You can say that again. That ice cream looks good. 可不是吗? 那个冰淇淋看起来很好吃,
MICHAEL: Where did you get it? 你是在哪里买的?
ALI: Here, Have a bite. 来, 吃一口.
MICHAEL: Uh...嗯...
ALI: Go ahead. I don't mind. 吃嘛! 我不介意.
JOANA: Michael, quick! They're about to announce the winner. 麦可快一点, 他们就要宣布得胜名单了.
MICHAEL: Excuse me. Thanksfor the offer. 对不起, 我有事. 谢谢你的好意.
ALI: Sure. 不谢.
PAULO: ... And now it is my pleasure to announce the winner. For personal reasons, the artist chose to enter the
competition under another name... 现在我十分荣幸地宣布优胜者, 由于私人的理由, 这位艺术家决定用另外一个名字参加比
JOANA: It's yo u! You won! I can't believe... 是你! 你赢了! 我不能相信...
MICHAEL: It could be someone else, too. 也可能是别的人.
PAULO: ... But whatever his name, there can be no doubt that he is a master. The world can expect great things from his
brush... 但是不管他叫什么名字, 他是一位艺术大师是无可置疑的. 世人可期望从他的画笔下看到许多伟大的作品...
MICHAEL: Enough. Enough. 够了, 够了.
PAULO: The winner, Pedro Ortega. I hope he is here. 第一名, 佩德罗·欧特迦, 希望他在场.
JOANA: I'm so happy. I don't know what I would have done if Paulo had said some other name. 我多么高兴, 如果保罗
宣布另外一个人的名字, 我不知道我会怎么样.
ALI: I was talking to that man. 我刚刚跟那个人说过话.
MRS.NIKZAD: He's a great painter. 他是个画家.
ALI: He likes ice cream, too. 而且他也喜欢冰淇淋.
: A BIRTHDAY AT THE FAIR by Henry leeds 博览会上的一个生日派对 亨利·利德斯着
: Today was animportant day at the Fair. 今天在万博会是很重要的一天.
: A guy is seven only once and Ali Nikzad made the mo

st of it.每个人只能过一次七岁, 而阿里·尼克萨德今天藉此机会尽情地享
: What is closer to a boy's heart than ice cream and baseball? 除了棒球和冰淇淋以外, 还有什么东西更讨小男孩喜欢?
: Nothing. And so, at Ali 's birthday party there was plenty of ice cream and lost of baseball equipment 一个都没有 . 因
此, 在阿里的生日派对上, 有吃不完的冰淇淋和一大堆棒球器具.
: Ali, the son of Mr. Simon Nikzad, a vice - president of the International Bank, has always loved the Fair and spends all his
free time he re. 阿里是国际银行副理塞门·尼克萨德先生的儿子, 他一向都非常喜欢我们万博会, 把空闲的时间全部花在这里.
: He is an independent guy and insists on exploring the world by himself. 他有很独立的个性, 而且坚持一个人去探究世
: Ali told this reporter that he'd been dreaming of his birthday for weeks. 阿里向本刊记者表示, 他梦想这一天已经好几
: Had his birthday been everything he could have hoped for? 问及他生日所希望的是否都能实现时,
: Absolutely. 他答覆说全部实现了.
: Had he been given everything his heart desired? Definitely. 问及他是否得到心里想得到的一切时, 他回答说都得到.
: And what about friends? They were all there. 而他的朋友呢? 他们都来了.
:One of Ali's best friends, Mr. Bill O'Neill, an ice cream vendor here at the Fair, was at the big party. 阿里最好的朋友
之一, 万博会冰淇淋摊贩比尔·欧尼尔参加了这次盛大聚会.
: So was Mr. Kenji Yamamoto, whose well- known vegetable market is near the Fair.还有万博会附近一家出名果菜店的店主山
: Naturall y Mr. and Mrs. Nikzad were there, and so was Hussein, Ali's older brother. 当然, 尼克萨德先生和尼克萨德太太也来
了, 阿里的哥哥赫仙也在,
: Some of Ali's classmates were there, too, but no girls. 阿里的一些同学也参加了, 但是没有女孩子.
": When I asked Ali about this, he said, ""I don't know anything abo ut girls yet, but I am going to learn about them this
year.""" 记者问及这点时, 阿里说: 「我对任何事关女孩子的事还不明了; 不过今年我将要去了解她们. 」
: Position Available 诚徵人才
: The World's Fair, Inc. is seeking a bilingual (Span. - Eng.) tour guide, male or female, 万国博览会股份有限公司诚徵双语
(西班牙语及英语) 导游一名, 男女不拘,
: to conduct visitors through the major exhibition halls and Pavilions. 负责向导来宾参观各主要陈列大楼与各馆.
: This individual should be energetic, enthusiastic, and enjoy meeting and working with new people. 应徵者应具备下
列条件: 热心、有活力、喜欢接触与帮助人;
: In addition, the applicant m ust be mature, tactful, and poised. 此外须成熟、

: Above all, a tour guide must be self- reliant and able to think on his/her feet. 最重要的是, 必须能自恃, 即采决定的能
: Tour guides must be in excellent health and be fluently bilingual. 应徵者须身体健康, 能操流利的英语和西班牙两种语言.
:Applicants who have had previous experience in group management are preferred. 应徵者以具团体管理经验为佳.
: The salary is $200 pre wk. including full benefits and vacation. 周薪两百美元, 包括全部福利及假期.
: Please submit all inquiries, together with resumes and letters of referen ce, to: 意者请附简历表与介绍信寄到:
: Ms. Lucille Green, Asst. Dir., Personnel World's Fair, Inc. PO Box 1549- WFP Flushing, Queens, NY. 纽约市皇后区法拉盛里
邮政信箱1549- WFP 万国博览会股份有限公司人事处副主任露西尔·格林女士收

: Dear Michael, 亲爱的麦克:
: I'm sure you thought you'd never hear from me again. 我想你一定以为永远不会有我的音信了,
: But, quite by chance, I read of your triumph in the newspapers here. 但是我恰好从这里的报纸得悉你的胜利,
: For an instant I wished the things had happened differently and that I could have been there to witness my brother's
victory. 一刹那间我恨不能改变过去的一切, 而我可以目睹你的胜利,
: I'm glad you made it. 我很高兴你成功了.
: I am not going to apologize for leaving as I did. 我不打算因为那样离开而道歉.
: And, knowing you, you probably wouldn't ask me to. 而且我了解你, 你也不会要求我道歉.
: Nevertheless, I wanted you to know that I think about you. 无论如何, 我想告诉你我常常想你,
: I hope one day we can sit down together and talk about all those things that were on our minds, but remained unspoken.
: In the meantime, I would like to ask you to do me one favor. 同时, 我有一件事想麻烦你一下,
: Tell Mother I am married, that she is a grandmother, and that for first time in many years, I am happy. 请你告诉妈
我已经结婚了, 她也当了祖母, 而且那是我很多年以来第一次感到很快慰.
: As you see, there is no return address on this letter, but I will write again, sooner. 你也看到了, 信上没有我的地址,
: Your brother, 兄
: Gary 贾
