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Electronic filters are electronic circuits which perform signal processing functions, specifically to remove unwanted frequency components from the signal, to enhance wanted ones, or both. Electronic filters can be passive or active.

A passive filter is a kind of electronic filter that is made only from passive elements - in contrast to an active filter, it does not require an external power source (beyond the signal). most filters are linear. in most cases, passive filters are composed of just the four basic elements - resistors, capacitors, inductors, and transformers. More complex passive filters may nonlinear elements, or more complex linear elements, such as transmission lines.

Television signal splitter consisting of a passive high-pass filter and a passive low-pass filter. The antenna is connected to the screw terminals to the left of center.

A passive filter has several advantages over an active filter:

Guaranteed stability .

Scale better to large signals (tens of amperes, hundreds of volts), where active devices are often impractical

No power supply needed

Often less expensive in discrete designs (unless large coils are required)

For linear filters, potentially greater linearity depending on components required

They are commonly used in speaker crossover design (due to the moderately large voltages and currents, and the lack of easy access to a power supply), filters in power distribution networks (due to the large voltages and currents), power supply bypassing (due to low cost, and in some cases, power requirements), as well as a variety of discrete and home brew circuits (for low-cost and simplicity). Passive filters are uncommon in monolithic integrated circuit design, where active devices are inexpensive compared to resistors and capacitors, and inductors are prohibitively expensive. Passive filters are still found, however, in hybrid integrated circuits. Indeed, it may be the desire to incorporate a passive filter that leads the designer to use the hybrid format.

An active filter is a type of analog electronic filter that uses active components such as an amplifier. Amplifiers included in a filter design can be used to improve the performance and predictability of a filter, while avoiding the need for inductors (which are typically expensive compared to other components). An amplifier prevents the load impedance of the following stage from affecting the characteristics of the filter. An active filter can have complex poles and zeros without using a bulky or expensive inductor. The shape of the response, the Q (quality factor). and the tuned frequency can often be set with inexpensive variable resistors. In some active filter circuits, one parameter can be adjusted without affecting the others.

Using active elements has some limitations. Basic filter design equations neglect the finite bandwidth of amplifiers. Available active devices have limited bandwidth, so they are often impractical at high frequencies. Amplifiers consume power and inject noise into a system. Certain circuit topologies may be impractical if no DC path is provided for bias current to the amplifier elements. Power handling capability is limited by the amplifier stages.

Active filters can implement the same transfer functions as passive filters.













The root causes of electrical machines failures initiate the failure sequence and are detectable by condition monitoring if the degrading process is slow. Such root causes are: - defective design or manufacture,

- improper ambient conditions,

- overload,

- over-speed,

- fatigue,

- excessive vibration.

The failure modes accomplish the degrading process started by the root causes. Such failure modes are:

-core insulation failure,

-stator winding failure,

-bearing failure,

-rotor and stator mechanical integrity failure

An effective condition monitoring strategy must concentrate on root causes and failure modes that show a slow failure sequence. For rotating electrical machines, the primary root causes for failures are bearing related, followed closely by winding and rotor related causes.

For small induction electrical machines, because of the low voltages used, the stator windings are rarely affected by faults. Also, thanks to the rugged design of the squirrel cage, there are few cage faults. The main factor that causes faults in this case is the improper bearings maintenance.

For large, high-voltage electrical machines, because of the dielectric stress and increased vibration, the percentage of stator windings faults is larger than in the case of small machines. Also. the bearings are large, which makes them more impervious to wear and tear. In order to identify possible machine faults a number of parameters that give a qualitative measure of the motor condition, can be monitored. As shown in Fig.3.14, such parameters are: motor temperature, wear of components, mechanical vibrations levels, stator current harmonic components, rotor shaft flux or voltage and current. stator winding insulation condition.

Temperature monitoring techniques aim to ensure that the temperature of the different components of the motor does not exceed the limits prescribed by the standards. Wear monitoring techniques aim to ensure that the values of such parameters like the electric resistance of the isolation material of the stator winding or the dimensions of certain moving parts are situated within acceptable operating limits as stated by the operating standards. Mechanical vibrations levels monitoring techniques aim to ensure that the excitation of the support structure of the electrical machine, by the air gap electromagnetic field and torque spectrum. at natural and other frequencies, does not exceed the levels prescribed by the operating standards.

Electrical flux, current and discharge monitoring techniques aim to predict possible faults by analyzing the frequency spectra of the supply system current and voltage.

A fuzzy logic approach may be the key solution for a complete fault monitoring system. Such a method may combine not only the electrical but all monitoring techniques into a complete

























电气专业英语一览英文全称缩写中文【S-Z】 (2009-05-20 15:21:08) 分类:闲谈 标签: 电气专业英语 S Safe 安全的、可靠的、稳定的 Safe potential 安全电压 Safety 安全 Safety cap 安全帽 Safety measure 安全措施 Safety rules 安全规程 Safety valve 安全线 Sample 取样、举例 Sampler 取样器 Saturate 饱和 Saturate condition 饱和条件、饱和状态 Saturated steam SAT STM 饱和蒸汽 Scale 铁锈水垢 Scan 扫描 Schedule 时间表、计划表 Schematic 图解的、简图 Scoop 勺管

Scr controller 屏幕控制器Screen 屏幕 Screw 螺杆、螺丝Screwdriver 螺丝刀 Scroll 滚屏 Sea 海 Seal 密封 Seal air 密封风 Sealing gland 密封盖 Seal oil 密封油 Seal steam SEAL STM 密封蒸汽Search 寻找、查找 Seawater 海水 Second 秒、第二 Second air SEC AIR 二次风Secondary 二次的 Seep 渗出、渗漏 Seepage 渗漏现象 Select 选择 Self 自己、自我、本人 Self-hold 自保持 Self-running 自启动

Sensor 传感器 Sensitive 灵敏器 Sensitiveness 灵敏性 Separator 分离器 Sequence 顺序、序列 Sequence of emergence SOE 事故追忆Sequential control system SCS 顺序控制系统Series-longitudinal layout 串联纵向布置Service 服务、伺服 Service power 厂用电 Servomotor 伺服电机 Set 设定 Setpoint 设定点 Set up 安装、调整、建立 Severity 刚度、硬度、严重 Sewage treatment 废水处理 Shadow 影子、屏蔽 Shaft 轴、烟囱 Shaft seal 轴封 Shake 摇动、振动 Shakeproof 防振 Shaft 轴、手柄、矿井


电气工程及其自动化专业英语 考试题型:选择10*2 单词翻译10*2 短句翻译5*4 长句翻译4*10 Exercise All the simple circuit elements that will be 在下面进行的工作中我们要研究的简单电路元件,可以根据流过元件的电流与元件两端的电压的关系进行分类。例如,如果元件两端的电压正比于流过元件的电流,即u=ki,我们就把元件称为电阻器。其他的类型的简单电路元件的端电压正比于电流对时间的导数或正比于电流关于时间的积分。还有一些元件的电压完全独立于电流或电流完全独立于电压,这些是独立源。此外,我们还要定义一些特殊类型的电源,这些电源的电压或电流取决于电路中其他的电流或电压,这样的电源将被称为非独立源或受控源。 It must be emphasized that the linear 必须强调的是线性电阻器是一个理想的电路元件;它是物理元件的数学模型。我们可以很容易地买到或制造电阻器,但很快我们发现这种物理元件只有当电流、电压或者功率处于特定范围时其电压——电流之比才是恒定的,并且这个比值也取决于温度以及其它环境因素。我们通常应当把线性电阻器仅仅称为电阻器。只有当需要强调元件性质的时候才使用更长的形式称呼它。而对于任何非线性电阻器我们应当始终这么称呼它,非线性电阻器不应当必然地被视为不需要的元件。 If a circuit has two or more independent 如果一个电路有两个或多个独立源,求出具体变量值(电流或电压)的一种方法是使用节点分析法或网孔分析法。另一种方法是求出每个独立源对变量的作用然后把它们进行叠加。而这种方法被称为叠加法。叠加法原理表明线性电路某个元件两端的电压(或流过元件的电流)等于每个独立源单独作用时该元件两端的电压(或流过元件的电流)的代数和。 The ratio of the phase voltage to the 相电压与相电流之比等于电路的阻抗,符号为字母Z,阻抗是一个具有量纲为欧姆的复数量。阻抗不是一个相量,因此不能通过把它乘以e jωt,并取其实部把它转换成时域形式。但是,我们把电感器看作是通过其电感量L表现为时域形式而通过其阻抗jωL表现为频域形式,电容在时域里为电容量C而在频域里为1/jωc,阻抗是某种程度 上的频域变量而非时域变量。 Both wye and delta source connections 无论是星型连接的电源还是三角形连接的电源都有重要的实际应用意义。星型连接的电源用于长距离电力传输,此时电阻损耗(I2R)将达到最小。这是由于星型连接的线电压是三角形连接的线电压的√3倍,于是,对于相同的功率来说,三角型连接的线电流是星形连接的线电流的√3倍。三角形连接的电源使用在根据三相电源而需要的三个单相电路中。这种从三相到单相的转变用在住宅布线中因为家用照明和设备使用单相电源。三相电源用在需要大功率的工业布线中。在某些应用场合,无论负载是星形连接还是三角形连接并不重要。


专业英语大作业 一:英译汉 翻译范围TCP/IP Illustrated, V olume 1: The Protocols 5.1~5.5 15.1~15.2 第5章RARP:逆地址解析协议 5.1简介 5.2 RARP报文格式 5.3 RARP示例 5.4 RARP服务的设计 5.5小结 练习 5.1简介 一个拥有本地磁盘的系统通常是从磁盘文件读取配置文件中获取其IP地址。但一个没有磁盘的系统,如X终端或无盘工作站,需要一些其它方式去获得其IP地址。 每个系统在网络上都有一个唯一的硬件地址,由网络接口的制造商分配。 RARP的原则是无盘系统从接口卡上读取其独特的硬件地址,并发送RARP请求(网络上的广播帧)要求别人对无盘系统的IP地址(使用RARP回应)进行应答。 虽然这个概念很简单,执行往往比ARP更难,在本章后面会描述其原因。 RARP的正式规范是RFC 903。 5.2 RARP报文格式 RARP报文的格式几乎与ARP报文是相同的(图4.3)。唯一的区别是,RARP 的请求或应答帧类型为0×8035,并且在操作层RARP请求值为3、RARP应答值为4。 图4-3 ARP在网络上请求与应答报文的格式 与ARP一样,RARP服务器请求是广播和RARP应答通常是单播。 5.3 RARP示例 在我们的网络,我们可以强制sun主机从网络引导,而不是它的本地磁盘。 如果我们在主机bsdi上运行RARP服务器和tcpdump,我们得到如图5.1所示的输出。我们使用-e参数去标记tcpdump的打印硬件地址:

图5.1 RARP请求和应答。 该RARP请求是广播(1号线)的,第2行的RARP应答是单播的。第2行的输出,“at sun”,意味着RARP应答包含了主机sun(的IP地址。 在第3行,我们看到,一旦sun接收其IP地址,它会发出一个TFTP读请求(RRQ)的文件8CFCOD21.SUN4C。(TFTP是简单文件传输协议,我们在第15章进行详细描述)。在文件名中的8个十六进制数字是sun主机的IP地址140.252.13.33的十六进制表示形式。这是在RARP应答中返回的IP地址。该文件名的其余部分,后缀SUN4C表示系统正在引导的类型。 Tcpdump表示第3行是一个长度为65的IP数据报,而不是一个UDP数据报(实际上它确实是),因为我们运行tcpdump命令使用-e参数,看硬件级别的地址。另一点,在图5.1要注意的是在第2行的以太网帧的长度似乎比最小较短(我们所说的是在4.5节60字节)。原因是我们的系统,该系统上运行的tcpdump 发送该以太网帧(BSDI)。该应用程序rarpd,写42字节到BSD分组过滤器装置(14字节的以太网报头和28字节的RARP应答),这是什么的tcpdump收到的副本。但以太网设备驱动程序垫这个短帧的最小尺寸为传输(60 )。如果我们在另一个系统上已经运行的tcpdump ,长度会是60。 我们可以看到在这个例子,当这种无盘系统接收在RARP应答它的IP地址,它会发出一个TFTP请求来读取一个引导映像。在这一点上,我们不会进入其他详细介绍无盘系统是如何引导自己。(第16章介绍了使用RARP ,BOOTP和TFTP无盘X终端的引导顺序。) 图5.2表示出了如果有在网络上没有RARP服务器所得到的数据包。每个数据包的目的地址为以太网的广播地址。以太网地址跟随的是目标硬件地址,并按照发送端的硬件地址发送。


电气工程常见英文缩写、全称(随查-有用) AC alternating current 交流电 AC automatic control 自动控制 ACA accident consequence assessment 事故后果评价 ACB air circuit breaker 空气断路器 ACC accident 故障、事故 ACCUM accumulate accumulate 累计、蓄电池 ACDS acourtic crack detection system 声裂纹检测系统 ACT/S active side 带电部件、有功部件 ACW anti-clockwise 反时针方向 ACW anti-clockwise 反时针方向 AD analog-digital 模拟-数字 AEOD analysis and evaluation of operational data 运行数据分析和管理 AFC automatic frequency control automatic following control 自动频率控制:自动跟踪控制AI artificial intelligence 人工智能 ALT alternate 交变的、交替的 ALTNTR alternator 同步发电机 AM ammeter 电流表 AMP ampere 安培 AN air natural cooled 空气自然冷却

AOC automatic overload control 自动过载控制 APC automatic plant coordinate control automatic power control 机组自动协调控制:自动功率控制APP appendix auxiliary power plant 附录:辅助电源设备 APS acessory power supply 辅助电源 APU auxiliary power unit 辅助动力装置:辅助电源设备 ARM armature 电枢、衔铁 ASR automatic speed run up 自动升速 ASU automatic synchronizing unit 自动同步系统 AT auxiliary transformer 辅助变压器 AUS auxiliary switch 辅助开关 AUX auxiliany 辅助、备用 AVL automatic voltage control 自动电压控制 AVR automatic voltage regulator 自动调压器 BAT battery 电池 BD block decrease 闭锁减 BDUC bus duct 母线导管、母线沟 BDV blowdown voltage 击穿电压 BF back feed 反馈 BHP brake horse power 制动马力


电路electric circuit 电气工程electrical engineering 电机electric machine 自然科学physical science 电气设备electrical device 电器元件electrical element 正电荷positive charge 负电荷negative charge 直流direct current 交流alternating current 电压voltage 导体conductor 功work 电动势electromotiveforce 电势差potential difference 功率power 极性polarity 能量守恒定律the law of conservation energy 变量variable 电阻resistance 电阻率resistivity 绝缘体insulator 电阻器resistor 无源元件passive element 常数constant 电导conductance 短路short circuit 开路open circuit 线性的linear 串联series 并联parallel 电压降voltage drop 等效电阻equivalent resistance 电容器capacitor 电感器inductor 储能元件storage element 电场electric field 充电charge 放电discharge 动态的dynamic 电介质dielectric

电容capacitance 磁场magnetic field 电源power supplu 变压器transformer 电机electric motor 线圈coil 电感inductance 导线conducting wire 绕组wingding 漏电阻leakage resistance 电子系统electronic system 结构图block diagram 功能模块functional block 放大器amplifier 滤波器filter 整形电路wave-shaping circuit 振荡器oscillator 增益gain 输入阻抗input impedance 带宽bandwidth 晶体管transistor 集成电路integrated circuit 电力电子power electronics 数字信号处理digital signal-processing 输出装置output device 模拟信号analog signal 数字信号digital signal 传感器transducer 采样值sample value 模数转换器analog-to-digital converter 频谱frequency content 采样频率sampling rate or frequendy 扰动disturbance 分立电路discrete circuit 数字化信号digitized signal 运算放大器operational amplifier 有源电路active circuit 电子部件electronic unit 封装package 管脚pin 同相端noninverting terminal 反相输入inverting input


《自动化专业英语》翻译大作业 所选文字出处:选自论文《PLC的发展和应用》 班级:学号:姓名:成绩: PLC全名为可编程控制器,定义是种数字运算操作的电子系统,专为在工业环境应用而设计的,主要结构由电源,中央处理单元,存储器,输入输出接口电路,功能模块,通信模块组成。PLC具有通用性强、使用方便、适应面广、抗干扰性强、编程简单等特点,在军事、国防、航空航天、交通、工业生产中的地位,在可预见的将来中是无法取代的。PLC有很多流派,我国的PLC研发、生产和应用发展很快,尤其在应用方面更为突出。 PLC的发展历程和主要流派 在工业生产过程中,大量的开关量顺序控制,它按照逻辑条件进行顺序动作,并按照逻辑关系进行连锁保护动作的控制,及大量离散量的数据采集。传统上,这些功能是通过气动或电气控制系统来实现的。1968年美国GM(通用汽车)公司提出取代继电气控制装置的要求,第二年,美国数字公司研制出了基于集成电路和电子技术的控制装置,首次采用程序化的手段应用于电气控制,这就是第一代可编程序控制器,称Programmable Controller(PC)。个人计算机(简称PC)发展起来后,为了方便,也为了反映可编程控制器的功能特点,可编程序控制器定名为Programmable Logic Controller(PLC),现在,仍常常将PLC简称PC。PLC的定义有许多种。国际电工委员会(IEC)对PLC的定义是:可编程控制器是一种数字运算操作的电子系统,专为在工业环境下应用而设计。它采用可编程序的存贮器,用来在其内部存贮执行逻辑运算、顺序控制、定时、计数和算术运算等操作的指令,并通过数字的、模拟的输入和输出,控制各种类型的机械或生产过程。可编程序控制器及其有关设备,都应按易于与工业控制系统形成一个整体,易于扩充其功能的原则设计。上世纪80年代至90年代中期,是PLC发展最快的时期,年增长率一直保持为30~40%。在这时期,PLC在处理模拟量能力、数字运算能力、人机接口能力和网络能力得到大幅度提高,PLC逐渐进入过程控制领域,在某些应用上取代了在过程控制领域处于统治地位的DCS系统。在世界上200多家PLC厂商,400多品种的PLC产品大体可以按地域分成三个流派:一个流派是美国产品,一个流派是欧洲产品,还有一个流派是日本产品。同一地区的产品相互借鉴的比较多,相互影响比较大,技术参透比较深,面临的主要市场相同,拥护要求接近,这一切就使得同一地域的PLC产品表现出比较多的相似性。美国PLC技术的形成与欧洲PLC技术的形成是在相互隔离的情况下,独自研究开发获得的,因此美国的PLC产品与欧洲的PLC产品常表现出来明显的差异性。日本的PLC技术是由美国引进的,因此日本的产品对美国的产品有一定的继承性。世界上比较先进的PLC生产厂家有德国的的西门子、日本的三菱、美国的A-B公司等等。


自动化专业英语常用词汇 acceleration transducer 加速度传感器 accumulated error 累积误差 AC-DC-AC frequency converter交-直-交变频器 AC (alternating current) electric drive 交流电子传动 active attitude stabilization 主动姿态稳定 adjoint operator 伴随算子 admissible error 容许误差 amplifying element 放大环节 analog-digital conversion 模数转换 operational amplifiers运算放大器 aperiodic decomposition 非周期分解 approximate reasoning 近似推理 a priori estimate 先验估计 articulated robot 关节型机器人 asymptotic stability 渐进稳定性 attained pose drift 实际位姿漂移 attitude acquisition 姿态捕获 AOCS (attitude and orbit control system) 姿态轨道控制系统attitude angular velocity 姿态角速度 attitude disturbance 姿态扰动 automatic manual station 自动-手动操作器 automaton 自动机 base coordinate system 基座坐标系 bellows pressure gauge 波纹管压力表 gauge测量仪器


电力系统power system 发电机generator 励磁excitation 励磁器excitor 电压voltage 电流current 升压变压器step-up transformer 母线bus 变压器transformer 空载损耗no-load loss 铁损iron loss 铜损copper loss 空载电流no-load current 有功损耗active loss 无功损耗reactive loss 输电系统power transmission system 高压侧high side 输电线transmission line 高压high voltage 低压low voltage 中压middle voltage 功角稳定angle stability 稳定stability 电压稳定voltage stability 暂态稳定transient stability 电厂power plant 能量输送power transfer 交流AC 直流DC 电网power system 落点drop point 开关站switch station 调节regulation 高抗high voltage shunt reactor 并列的apposable 裕度margin 故障fault 三相故障three phase fault 分接头tap 切机generator triping 高顶值high limited value 静态static (state) 动态dynamic (state) 机端电压控制AVR 电抗reactance 电阻resistance 功角power angle 有功(功率)active power 电容器Capacitor 电抗器Reactor 断路器Breaker 电动机motor 功率因数power-factor 定子stator 阻抗impedance 功角power-angle 电压等级voltage grade 有功负载: active load PLoad 无功负载reactive load 档位tap position 电阻resistor 电抗reactance 电导conductance 电纳susceptance 上限upper limit 下限lower limit 正序阻抗positive sequence impedance 负序阻抗negative sequence impedance 零序阻抗zero sequence impedance 无功(功率)reactive power 功率因数power factor 无功电流reactive current 斜率slope 额定rating 变比ratio 参考值reference value 电压互感器PT 分接头tap 仿真分析simulation analysis 下降率droop rate 传递函数transfer function 框图block diagram 受端receive-side


电气工程师专业英语词汇汇总 10kV distribution substation 10kV配电所abrupt change of voltage 电压突变accumulation of electric energy 电能存储actuating coil 动作线圈adjustment diagram 调整图 alarm 报警 alarm signal 报警信号alternating light 变光灯 ammeter 电流表 apparent energy consumption unit 单位视在能耗 arc furnace 电弧炉 armature 电枢 arrester; lighting arrester; surge diverters 避雷器 automatic voltage regulator 电压自动调整器backlighting; background illumination 背景照明 battery box 电池箱 battery charger 电池充电器battery contactor 电池接触器battery fuse 电池保险丝battery resistor 电池电阻器 blow-out coil 磁吹线圈 boom 吊杆 bracket (OCS) 底座(接触网); 支架;托架bracket for headspan wire 定位索底座bridge 电桥 brush 电刷 built-in wardrobe; built-in closet; closet 壁灯 bulb; light(lamp) bulb; electric bulb 灯泡 butterfly valve with electric actuator 电动蝶阀 button 电钮 cable and accessories 电缆及附件 cable armour 电缆铠装 cable bays 电缆电线间隔cable box 电缆箱 cable bracket; cable tray 电缆托架 cable continuity test 电路复测 cable differential protection 电缆差动保护

网络教育英语专业 [西南大学网络教育《大学英语一》大作业答案]

1、(5) Which of the following is not true? ADick stayed at a nice hotel in the center of the city. BDick didn't work on the first night of his arrival. CDick forgot to send his wife a telegram. DDick wanted to go back to his hotel in a taxi. 正确答案C 2、题目Reading comprehension 1(4) Who would send him the name and address of his hotel? AThe manager of his hotel. BThe police office. CThe taxi driver. DHis wife.

正确答案D 3、题目Reading comprehension 1(3)Where did Dick stay in New York? A In the center of the city. BIn a hotel. CIn a restaurant. DAt his friend's house. 正确答案B 4、题目Reading comprehension 1(2) Why did his wife want a telegram from him? ABecause she didn’t know his address yet

BBecause she wanted to go to New York, too CBecause she might send him another telegram DBecause she couldn't leave her husband by himself in New York. 正确答案A 5、1) Dick flew to New York because _________. Ahe went there for a holiday Bhe had work there Che went there for sightseeing D his home was there 正确答案B


电气英语单词缩写 A AC alternating current交流电 ACB air circuit breaker空气断路器 ACSR aluminum-conductor steel-reinforced钢芯铝线 ADP adapter连接器、接头 AE(1)absolute error绝对误差 (2)aerial天线,架空线 AEG Allgemeine Elektrizitats-Gesellschaft西德通用电气公司AES(1)American Electromechanical Society美国机电学会 (2)American Electronical Society美国电子学会 AJ anti-jamming抗干扰 ALT altitude海拔、标高 AMB.(amb.)ambient周围的,环境 API American Petroleum Institue美国石油学会 Appro.approximate近似的 APS asistant power supply辅助电源 ANSI American National Standard Institute美国国家标准协会ASB.asbestos石棉 ASSY.assembly组合、装配 ATA(1)air turbine alternator气轮交流发电机 (2)atmospheric absolute绝对大气压 ATM atmosphere大气压、大气 ATS auto transfer system自动切换系统 AUTO automatic自动化 AUX.aux.auxiliary辅助的、附件、辅助装置 AVG.avg.average平均值、平均的 AVC automatic voltage control自动电压控制 AVR automatic voltage regulator自动电压调整器 B BEMF back electromotive force反电动势 BF back-feed反馈 BIL(1)basic impulse insulation level冲击绝缘标准 (2)basic insulation level绝缘基本冲击耐压水平 BJT Bipolar Junction Transistor双极晶体管 B.L battery limits界区线 BM brake magnet制动电磁铁 BS(1)British Standard英国标准

电气工程专业英语 (1)

电路 electric circuit 电气工程electrical engineering 电机electric machine 自然科学physical science 电气设备 electrical device 电器元件 electrical element 正电荷positive charge 负电荷negative charge 直流direct current 交流alternating current 电压voltage 导体conductor 功work 电动势electromotiveforce 电势差potential difference 功率power

极性polarity 能量守恒定律the law of conservation energy 变量variable 电阻 resistance 电阻率resistivity 绝缘体insulator 电阻器resistor 无源元件passive element 常数constant 电导conductance 短路short circuit 开路open circuit 线性的linear 串联series 并联parallel 电压降voltage drop

等效电阻equivalent resistance 电容器capacitor 电感器inductor 储能元件storage element 电场electric field 充电 charge 放电discharge 动态的dynamic 电介质dielectric 电容capacitance 磁场magnetic field 电源power supplu 变压器transformer 电机electric motor 线圈coil 电感inductance


lesson 10 P1 P2 The mould designer is frequently confronted with a component design that incorporates a recess or projection which prevents the simple removal of the molding from the mould. The mould design for this type of component is inevitably more complex than for the in line of draw component, as it necessitates the removal of that part of the impression which forms the undercut prior to ejection ①. The splits can be incorporated in the mould design in several ways. The designer considers more complex systems where the splits are retained on the mould plate and actuated automatically. There are two basic designs: sliding and angled-lift splits. In both designs there are moving parts and it is necessary to arrange for (i) guiding the splits in the desired direction, (ii) actuating the splits, and (iii) securely locking the splits in position prior to the material being injection into the moul d②. 模具设计师经常面临的一个组成部分的设计,包括凹槽或投影,防止简单去除成型模具。因为脱模前要先抽出形成侧型芯的那部分型腔,这类零件的模具设计比直接脱模的零件复杂的多。 滑块可纳入模具设计的几种方法。设计师认为,更复杂的系统,滑块将自动保留并驱动在模板中。有两个个基本的设计思路:滑动和斜滑块。 在两者的设计中都有活动零件,而且有必要安排:沿着正确方向导向滑块,驱动滑块,在材料注射进模具之前安全地锁紧滑块。 Lesson 1 The injection molding and machine 1.1The injection molding 2Injection molding is principally used for the production of the thermoplastic parts, although some progress has been made in developing a method for injection molding some thermosetting materials. The problem of injecting a melted plastic into a mold cavity from a reservoir of melted material has been extremely difficult to solve for thermosetting plastics which cure and harden under such conditions within a few minute s①. The principle of injection molding is quite similar to that of die-casting. The process consists of feeding a plastic compound in powdered or granular from a hopper through metering and melting stages and then injecting it into a mol d②. After a brief cooling period, the mold is opened and the solidified part ejected. Injection-molding machines can be arranged for manual operation, automatic single-cycle operation, and full automatic operation. The advantage of injection molding are: (i) a high molding speed adapted for mass production is possible; (ii) there is a wide choice of thermoplastic materials providing a variety of useful properties; (iii) it is


《自动化专业英语教程》-王宏文主编-全文翻译 PART 1Electrical and Electronic Engineering Basics UNIT 1A Electrical Networks ————————————3 B Three-phase Circuits UNIT 2A The Operational Amplifier ———————————5 B Transistors UNIT 3A Logical Variables and Flip-flop ——————————8 B Binary Number System UNIT 4A Power Semiconductor Devices ——————————11 B Power Electronic Converters UNIT 5A Types of DC Motors —————————————15 B Closed-loop Control of D C Drivers UNIT 6A AC Machines ———————————————19 B Induction Motor Drive UNIT 7A Electric Power System ————————————22 B Power System Automation PART 2Control Theory UNIT 1A The World of Control ————————————27 B The Transfer Function and the Laplace Transformation —————29 UNIT 2A Stability and the Time Response —————————30 B Steady State—————————————————31 UNIT 3A The Root Locus —————————————32 B The Frequency Response Methods: Nyquist Diagrams —————33 UNIT 4A The Frequency Response Methods: Bode Piots —————34 B Nonlinear Control System 37 UNIT 5 A Introduction to Modern Control Theory 38 B State Equations 40 UNIT 6 A Controllability, Observability, and Stability B Optimum Control Systems UNIT 7 A Conventional and Intelligent Control B Artificial Neural Network PART 3 Computer Control Technology UNIT 1 A Computer Structure and Function 42 B Fundamentals of Computer and Networks 43 UNIT 2 A Interfaces to External Signals and Devices 44 B The Applications of Computers 46 UNIT 3 A PLC Overview B PACs for Industrial Control, the Future of Control


电气常用英文缩写(2009-02-05 11:24:28) 标签:杂谈 缩写全称中文 AC alternating current 交流电['?:lt?:,n?t??]交互的、交替的['k?r?nt]电流AC automatic control 自动控制[,?:t?'m?tik]自动的[k?n'tr?ul]控制ACA accident consequence assessment 事故后果评价 ACB air circuit breaker 空气断路器[??] ['s?:kit] ['breik?] ACC accident 故障、事故['?ksid?nt] ACCUM accumulate accumulate 累计、蓄电池 ACDS acourtic crack detection system 声裂纹检测系统 ACT/S active side 带电部件、有功部件 ACW anti-clockwise 反时针方向 ACW anti-clockwise 反时针方向 AD analog-digital 模拟-数字 AEOD analysis and evaluation of operational data 运行数据分析和管理AFC automatic frequency control automatic following control 自动频率控制:自动跟踪控制 AI artificial intelligence 人工智能 ALT alternate 交变的、交替的 ALTNTR alternator 同步发电机 AM ammeter 电流表 AMP ampere 安培 AN air natural cooled 空气自然冷却 AOC automatic overload control 自动过载控制 APC automatic plant coordinate control automatic power control 机组自动协调控制:自动功率控制 APP appendix auxiliary power plant 附录:辅助电源设备 APS acessory power supply 辅助电源 APU auxiliary power unit 辅助动力装置:辅助电源设备 ARM armature 电枢、衔铁 ASR automatic speed run up 自动升速 ASU automatic synchronizing unit 自动同步系统 AT auxiliary transformer 辅助变压器 AUS auxiliary switch 辅助开关 AUX auxiliany 辅助、备用 AVL automatic voltage control 自动电压控制 AVR automatic voltage regulator 自动调压器 BAT battery 电池 BD block decrease 闭锁减

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