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Free Protocol

Free Protocol
Free Protocol







由于工业控制设备多样化,为避免EB8000可提供的通讯驱动的不足,使用者可利用[宏指令]编辑自定的通讯协议封包,来发送通讯命令格式并操控外部设备,以提升设备控制的效率。[宏指令]以OUTPORT 和INPORT做为封包发送与接收的主要两个函数命令,其中封包格式内容必须按照外部设备的通讯协议来定义。


1.新建设备类型在设备列表中,此设备选择为[Free Protocol]并取名为

[MODBUS RTU device]。(此范例利用MODBUS PROTOCO做为设计范

例,故取名为MODBUS RTU device)






[数值输入元件LW100 & 101]则会显示设备中对应4x1 & 4x2的实际数值状态。

5.设置[功能键]触发[宏指令]列表中ID1 & ID2,则可对设备地址0x1做写

入ON或OFF,以改变设备中对应bit地址的实际状态。同理,建立[数值输入元件LW30 & 31]及[功能键]来触发ID3,当ID3被触发时,LW30 & 31的数据则会写入设备对应的4x1 & 4x2地址中。





人教版(新起点)英语四年级下册Unit《FreeTime》(FunTime) 教学设计 【内容来源】(一起点)四年级下册Unit5 【主题】Free Time 【课时】第6课时:Fun Time 一、本课教学目标 1. 能够借助图片读懂有关课余活动介绍的短文: 2. 能够模仿范例进行小制作。 3. 能够跟着录音欣赏并演唱C项的歌曲。 教学建议 A. Good to know. 1.热身活动。 (1) 头脑风暴(Brainstorming)。教师说出一个动词,如:go,play等,要求学生尽量多地说出由这个动词构成的短语。教师将这些短语快速记录在黑板上,也可以邀请几个能力较强的学生帮助记录。 (2) 小组讨论。小组根据头脑风暴活动形成的板书,谈一谈自己经常做哪些活动,活动的频率等。 2. 学习A项内容。 (1) 导入。教师通过语言引发学生阅读兴趣:We often do many interesting activities in our free time. Today we will read to find out four interesting activities. Read and choose your favourite one from the four. (2) 呈现A项图片,让学生根据图片想一想图片中的小朋友正在做什么。学生如果不会说其中的关键词,教师可以板书这些词在黑板上,如:pet, cook, gardening, knit。 (3) 学生独立阅读A项四个小语段,借助图片猜测生词的意思,并了解每个语段

的大意。 (4) 教师引导学生说一说自己最喜欢这四种活动的哪一种及其理由。根据学生 的答案依次引导学生聚焦这四个活动。 (5) 播放录音,帮助学生理解语段。 新词汇学习 pet: 宠物,一般指家养的动物,如猫、狗等,也可以是其他动物,如:pet rabbits, pet birds。可以组成pet shop (宠物商店)和pet food (宠物食品)等短语。 take care of: 照顾。常用动词短语,可以让学生多多练习这个非常有用的短语。如果必要,还可以让他们举出—些以前学过的take的搭配,建立动词搭配的概念。 feed: 喂食。可以用这个词练习直拼法,注意回忆字母组合ee发长音的规律。这个词此处用作及物动词。 a lot of fun: 很多乐趣。不同以前学过的... is fun的形容词用法,这里是不可数名词。fun的用法教材已出现多个表达方式,教师可以帮助学生总结并用好这个词。together: 副词,注意这个词多出现在句尾。 cook: 做,做饭。既可以作及物动词也可以用作不及物动词,课文中这两种用法都出现了,如:learning to cook, cook dinner。 gardening: 园艺。是从动词原形garden转变而来,同形词garden是“花园”的意思,园丁是gardener。 knit: 编织。在这个单词中k是不发音的。这个动词也是既能当及物动词也可当不及物动词用。凡是遇到这样的词,教师即使不和学生讲解详细的语法规则,也要特别让学生注意这些动词的前后左右,都有哪些词与它连用,帮助学生建立对于搭配的概念。 scarf: 围巾。这个单词的辅音发音有些难度,教师要指导学生准确发音。也可以借助课文里出现的hat和scarf等词复习以前学过的有关服装的词汇。 文化背景知识


Mold Demo Creating Parting Line: Load the included Vampire Boy model. Go to Tab > Moldable Part Create a parting line curve by activating the mold toolbar feature by selecting the Moldable Part tab. Then click on the Parting Line Curve icon on the toolbar and Freeform Mold Demo -1-

click on the Show Parting Line Color icon to show the parting line. The arrow on the screen indicates the mold pull direction. You can change the direction by clicking on the Set Direction icon to check the best parting line solution. Once everything is set, click on Apply to create the parting line curve. The parting line curve direction is already set for this model, but be sure the parting line draft angle is set to zero. To check if the draft angle is set to zero for this evaluation, go to Tools > Option > Parting line draft angle. For using the Parting Line tool, always set the draft to zero so that you will get a clear blue line. If the draft is not set to zero, the parting line curve will not be created in the correct location. Currently, the mold pull direction is already set correctly. If you want to show people the different pull direction, click on the Set Direction icon to change the setting. Showing Curvature Plot Freeform Mold Demo -2-


Unit5 单元测试卷 一、根据汉语意思,选择正确的字母或字母组合补全单词。 ( ) 1. p__cn__c (野餐) A. a, i B. i, a C. i, i ( ) 2. v____lin (小提琴) A. io B. on C. oi ( ) 3. fr____ (空闲的) A. ea B. ar C. ee ( ) 4. n__v__r (从不) A. e, a B. a, e C. e, e 二、判断下列每组单词画线部分发音是(√)否(×)相同。 ( ) 1. A. chair B. school ( ) 2. A. wash B. she ( ) 3. A. see B. keep ( ) 4. A. this B. birthday ( ) 5. A. up B. number ( ) 6. A. fast B. have 三、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。 ( ) 1. A. one B. once C. twice ( ) 2. A. month B. week C. play ( ) 3. A. skating B. sing C. camping ( ) 4. A. often B. read C. never ( ) 5. A. want B. with C. for 四、为下列词组选择正确的汉语意思。 (1) go skating A. 做家务 (2) go camping B. 一周三次 (3) do the housework C. 去滑冰 (4) go for a picnic D. 去野营 (5) three times a week E. 去野餐 五、选择填空。 ( ) 1. —__________ do you go skating?


Nowadays, more and more young people are becoming too proud and over-confident. They think they can do everything. So they simply ignore their old parents, and believe that their parents’ experienced thoughts are out of date. Actually I used to be one of them, but after hearing a story told by my father, I changed my mind completely. Now I would like to share it with all of you. Once, there’s a young man who look down on the old. He always thought that the old were just nuisances in your busy life, a useless life that was going to wither. He also did this to his father. One day, the father and the son happened to meet each other in the grove. The son suggested that they should take a walk together.As they walked, a beautiful garden came into their sight. The son pointed to one of the prettiest flower and said:” We young people are like this fragrant flower, so healthy, so vigorous, and full of spirit. What about you oldsters? Just like the falling leaves from a dying tree.” Hearing this, the father smiled butsaid nothing. They continued the walking in silence. When they passed a grocery, the father stopped and went in, he bought a walnut and show it to his son, slow and gracious, he said:”we old are like this walnut. We’ve experienced many hard events in life.So we built up such a firm shell, and at the same time we also built up a pure inner world. Every fruit is so full-grown.’ ‘But every fruitwasborn by flower” Refutedthe son. ‘Yes, but not every flower can bear fruit….’ From then on, I always keep this story in my mind. It has taught me a lot. We should try to be a flower that can bear fruit. We also have to know that our parents aren’t nuisances, Useless lives or falling leaves but are experienced walnuts, masterpiece of nature. They are the ones we should appreciate forever.


Unit5 Lesson1教学设计 【内容来源】人民教育出版社(一起点)四年级下册 Unit5 【主题】Free Time 【课时】第1课时:Lesson1 一、本课教学目标 1. 能够听懂、会说go for a picnic, play the violin, go camping, go skating, do the housework等有关课余生活的动词短语;能够根据语境恰当使用它们,并能借助拼读规律认读并识记单词和短语。 2. 能够用:What do you do in your free time? I often ... 询问、回答有关课余生活的信息。 3. 能够根据自己的实际情况,选择本课所学词汇或运用已学词汇完成句子填空。同时强化良好的英文书写习惯。 4. 能够通过课堂交流了解课余活动可以丰富我们的生活。 教学建议 A. Look, listen and repeat. 1. 热身活动。 (1) 演唱歌曲。教师播放录音,师生同唱第四单元Hobbies学习的歌曲,以复习前一单元所学的重点词句。 (2) 创编新歌曲。教师先利用单词卡片快速帮助学生复习与本话题相关的已学词汇。然后学生两人一组演唱依据前面歌曲的曲调所创编新歌曲,与同伴唱一唱。 2. 导入A项学习。 教师通过提问的方式引发学生思考,如:We’ve talked about your hobbies before. I know you like doing many activities. When do you do these things? 学生根据自己的实际情况回答问题。 教师总结道:We do the things we like after school, on the weekend or during vacations.帮助学生理解free time的含义:Free time is the time you have for hobbies and other activities that you enjoy. 并在黑板上板书单元主题。


Construct Clay-造型功能 Construct Clay-工具栏 一、 -Basic Shapes 基本形狀 Basic Shapes 指令是创建某个简单的图形,如:圆;椭圆;圆柱等。

二、Wire Cut Clay形体切割功能 01.当2D 平面上有绘制任何的2D线段,我们可以使用Wire Cut Clay来挖除所需的深度。 02.点选Wire Cut Clay后,再点选2D Sketch上的线条。 03.请在下列的对应工具栏中,输入所要挖除的深度。 输入所要挖除的深度Raise Lower 04.再点选Lower指令,即可完成挖除的动作。 ※亦可选择Raise来长出对象。 使用Wire Cut Clay設定深度,完成切割動作。

05.选择距离的计算方式。 边界的斜度 依据两个平面的距离计算依据第一个平面与粘土之间的距离计算 06.Wire Cut Clay除了可以切割深度外,也可以切割对象外观。 Create Inside在线段范围内长出材料 Cut Inside切除线段范围内的材料 Cut Outside切除线段范围外的材料 三、Spin Clay依2D线旋转粘土功能 制作在另外一个层制作在当前层长出粘土切除粘土隐藏/显示2D平板 01.开启新的绘图平板,并在上面绘制欲建构模型的断面线及中轴线。 02.点选Spin Clay功能,选择Create Inside选项,以建构出所要的模型。 ※斷面線必須為封閉線段,中心轴必须是直线。

四、Loft造型功能 點選繪圖平板載入導引線預覽 載入斷面調整導引線取消 01. 使用Loft功能時,必須先使用2張以上的繪圖平板繪製出輪廓斷面線,並設定距離。 02. 點選Select Ste p,選擇上一步驟所定義的輪廓線,將出現下圖的預覽結果。


人教新起点六年级英语下册教案 Unit 12 Free Time 教学目标: 1.知识目标:复习有关课余活动和爱好的词汇,如:hobby,read storybooks,make model planes,go skiing,play basketball,go swimming,play football,go roller-skating,paint dance,play drums etc. 2.复习有关课余活动和爱好的句型,如 What’s your hobby? What do you like to do in your free time? What do you usually do after school? What kind of after-school activity clubs do you go to? What do you do in the club? 能力目标: 1.学习各种课余活动小组的英语表达法。 2.能够就有关爱好、课外活动等话题进行问答。 情感态度价值观: 1.在活动中培养学生新旧知识整合、归纳总结的能力,使学生内容系统化。2.通过多种教学活动激发学生口语交际愿望,增强参与意识,培养合作能力。教学重点: 1.复习有关课余活动和爱好的词汇,如:hobby,read storybooks,make model planes,go skiing,play basketball,go swimming,play football,go roller-skating,paint dance,play drums etc. 2.复习有关课余活动和爱好的句型,如 What’s your hobby? What do you like to do in your free time? What do you usually do after school? What kind of after-school activity clubs do you go to? What do you do in the club? 教学难点: 1.学习各种课余活动小组的英语表达法。 2、能够就有关爱好、课外活动等话题进行问答。 3、句型like to do sth. And like doing sth.的熟练运用。 教具准备:多媒体课件power point,课文录音,录音机。 教学活动:


Unit5 Story Time 【内容来源】人民教育出版社(一起点)四年级下册 Unit5 【主题】Free Time 【课时】第7课时:Story Time 一、本课教学目标 1. 能够借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂故事,完成故事后的表格。 2. 能够在教师的指导下朗读故事;能够复述或表演故事。 3. 能够通过阅读故事明白单单喜欢一件事是不够的,还要经常去做,让这项活动对自己的生活产生正面的影响。 教学建议 1. 热身活动。 (1) 唱歌曲。师生共同演唱本单元歌曲。 (2) 海报展示。学生展示并介绍前一节课制作的海报。 (3) 趣味活动分享。提前请学生从网络搜集一些国外小朋友经常进行的课余活动,与中国小朋友经常从事的课余活动对比,从中找一找相同点和不同点,在课堂上简单以图片等方式与同学分享。 2. 阅读故事; (1) 预测。 教师出示本故事的第一张图片,让学生思考:What do you see in the picture? What’s wrong with the boy? Why does he feel tired? 引导学生根据自己的生活经验猜一猜小男孩为什么会感觉身体不适。教师将学生的猜测简单记录在黑板上。 (2) 图片环游。 教师依次出示故事图片,以提问的方式引发学生思考讨论。

图片①参考提问:What’s the boy’s name? What’s wrong with him? 然后请学生尝试自行阅读图下方的文字。其余图片环游过程都依据图片①的教学步骤进行。 图片②参考提问: What’s the boy’s problem? Does the boy like exercise? Do you often feel tired? What will you do when you are tired? 在讨论图②时,两个主人公说的语言都不是非常直接,学生可能在理解上存在一定困难。教师可以从女生的话语“Why? We are walking, not running.”入手,引导学生思考:Why does the girl say that they are walking, not running? Why does the boy feel tired even when he is walking? 帮助学生理解walking是一项很平缓的运动,男生却仍感觉疲劳,这可能是因为他不经常运动造成的。也可以问问学生: What does the girl think of the boy? What do you think of the boy? What should he do? 自然过渡到 He needs more exercise, 图片③参考提问: Does the boy like exercise? What sports does he like? j Do you like these sports? What sports do you like to do? How often do you do sports? 图片④参考提问: What other sports does the boy like? How often do they have a dance class? Do you like dancing? How often do you go to a dance class? 图片⑤参考提问: Why does the girl feel confused?


ENJOY OUR FREE TIME享受自由时光 In our daily life, many of us spend free time doing the homework and taking various lessons. Then we have no time for ourselves. In my opinion, we should have more time to develop ourselves and enjoy our free time. First, we shoul d have some time to relax and play. This doesn’t mean that we will waste time. We can also study and learn from the play. If we do homework for a long time, it is necessary to have some time to relax. No play and no games makes Jack a dull boy. We don’t wa nt to be dull boys. We want to be good students in many ways. Second, we can have our free time in order to make our body strong enough. It’s better for our further study. After all, we should use our free time in a right way. We should study and develop ourselves at the same time.


Unit 4 Free Time 【学习目标】 1.学会听、说、读下列词汇:go to the zoo、buy an ice cream、call my friend、borrow a book、watch TV、listen to a song。 与答句“Yes, please/No, you may not. 2.学会使用:问句“May I have...?” 来进行交际。 Sorry.” 【学习重难点】 重点: 1.单词的认读。 2.功能句的理解。 3.对课文的理解。 难点: 1.运用“询问是否能做某事”的功能句型进行表述。 2.句型: (1)May I have...? (2)Yes, please/No, you may not. Sorry. 【学习过程】 一、新知学习。 1.课文预习。阅读课文,将自己不认识的单词写下来。 ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

2.学习单词和句型。(1)朗读词汇:go to the zoo、buy an ice cream、call my friend、borrow a book、watch TV、listen to a song。 (2)朗读句型: ①May I have...? ②Yes, please/No, you may not. Sorry. (3)小组活动,练习上述句型。 S1: May I have...? S2: Yes, please/No, you may not. Sorry. 二、达标检测。 1.根据题目中的中文信息,完成句子。 (1)你向Ben借一支铅笔,Ben同意了。 —May I _____ _____ _____, Ben? —_____, here you are. (2)你询问妈妈是否能买一支冰淇淋,妈妈拒绝了。 —May I _____ _____ _____ ____, mom? —_____, _____ _____ _____. Sorry. (3)你想要一个红色气球,售货员给了你。 —_____ _____ _____ a red balloon? —Sure. _____ _____ _____. 2.选出最佳选项。 (1)当你想借一本书,你可以说:_____.

初二年级英语作文:free time

三一文库(https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d5508888.html,) 〔初二年级英语作文:free time〕 ▲参考范文: As a middle school student, I don't have much free time, but I still have a lot of things to do. I like listening to music and reading, so in my free time, I always listening to music and search the Internet for about half-hour. It's a good way to relax myself. I always do some reading before go to bed. Besides, I always go to swimming after school. Exercises help me to keep healthy and do good to my study. As the same as other students, I often watch TV in the evening, but I have to finish my homework first. At the weekends, I will help my mother with the housework, such as clean the house, do some washing. And, it's a time to visit my friends. We are always happy together. 第1 页共2 页

雅思口语Part1常考话题:Free time

雅思口语Part1常考话题:Free time 本文为大家收集整理了雅思口语Part1常考话题:Free time。雅思口语Part1的话题内容相对比较生活化,同学们在备考阶段可以注意多积累素材,平时多模仿多练习,这样在考试中才不至于无话可说。 What do you enjoy doing in your free time? What do you usually do in your spare time? How much time do you have each week for doing these things? Why do you like doing these activities? How did you start doing this activity at first? Is there some other hobby or sport you would like to try? Why? What is the balance of work/study and free time in your normal day? How has the way people spend their free time changed over the years? What leisure activities are popular in your country? What do people do in your town in their free time?

Where can people go out for entertainment,or to enjoy themselves?

free time教学反思

free time教学反思 我设计的Unit 12 Free Time是一节听说展示课,重点在于通过形式多样的展示活动培养学生的英语听说能力和交际运用能力。从实际教学效果来看,还是很成功的。 一、值得继续发扬之处: 1.继续坚持对学生口语能力的培养。 学生在进行词汇展示和句型展示时,全班六个组49人全部参与展示活动。看到孩子们大方、自信、活泼的表演,听到孩子们熟练、流畅的口语表达,我感到很欣慰不积跬步,无以至千里。正是平时学生们在听说方面积极努力的付出,才形成了良好的英语语感和英语思维能力,并为他们的自主学习和长远发展奠定了基础。 今后我会继续坚持课堂上的开火车认读、快速翻译、自由会话、小组对话挑战赛等练习形式,尽力将学生们的口语水平再提高一个层次。 继续加强对小组长的培养。 可以说,本节课各组学生的展示都很出色。尤其是柴思锦小组的拍手唱歌谣,康文奕和吴桐小组的对话表演,由于巧妙运用了道具,他们的展示更加精彩。 我认为小组展示成功的关键在于组长。若组长能力强,他在组织、设计、协调、分工等方面自然更有创意,小组学习效率也会更高。今后我会继续加强对小组长们的培养,从而整体提高学生的英语素养。 二、需要改进之处:

1.需要加强对学困生的指导与帮助。 通过本节课学生的表现,可以看得出学生与学生之间还是有差距的。有的学生声音响亮、反应迅速,非常自信。而有的学生声音含糊不清,很少主动发言,默默地当背景。他们的不自信来源于知识的不熟练、不扎实。这需要我平时对那些学习有困难的孩子多加关注,不仅是学法上,还有心理上,要加以积极的引导和激励。尽量缩小学生间的差距,减少他们的自卑感。 要充分考虑学情,设计难度适宜的练习。 在学生已经掌握本课重难点的基础上,我设计了一项拓展练习:观看学生日常活动图片,进行自主造句。由于此项练习涉及到动词的第三人称单数形式,语法变化比较复杂,对学生来说有一定的难度,所以学生们的反应并不是非常积极热烈。 现在想来,如果当时我转换一下教学策略,将练习方式改为小组讨论交流再汇报的形式,相信学习效果会更好一些。或者教师精讲难点,出示例句,再由学生进行替换练习,效果应该也不错。 总之,教无定法。教师的专业成长就应该是在不断的实践、反思、学习、交流中进步的。我会继续努力的! 反思二:free time教学反思 本节课之所以能取得较好的教学效果,主要有以下几个原因: 1.创设民主、愉悦的教学氛围 在教学中我注意使用极具亲和力的语言,课堂中始终保持一种与学生交流的状态,注重学生的情感体验和培养学生积极的学习态度,让学生充分感受到教师的尊重与关爱。 2.选取恰当,有趣的教学材料


Unit 1 Free Time 【模拟试题】(答题时间:15分钟) (一)用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Does she like (make) noodles? 2. My father (work) in a store. 3. He (meet ) his friends now. 4. I don’t like (work) in a bank. 5. Did you (come) here by bus? 6.Bob (go) to Paris with his family last summer. 7. Lucy (not take) a computer course last month. 8. How (be) your vacation? 9. I (have) a terrible time. 10. What are you doing now? I (play) the guitar. (二)根据上下文完成对话。 A: How your vacation, Tim? B: It was . I stayed at my uncle’s farm. I milk the cows and everything. I had a time. And you? A: I went on vacation my family. We drove across the country. I had a good time. 【试题答案】 (一) 1.making 2.works 3. is meeting 4. working 5. come 6.went 7. didn’t take 8. was 9. had 10. am playing (二) 1.was 2.good/ great/ fantastic 3. helped 4. good 5. with 【模拟试题】(答题时间:20分钟) 一. 1. Bob to Paris with his family last summer. 2. Lucy a computer course last month. 3. —What does he do every Sunday? —Every Sunday he his mother clean the room. 4. —How your vacation? —I a terrible time. 5. —When did Sarah back? —Last night. 6. —What are you doing now? – I the guitar. 二. 根据提示,完成中译英练习。 1. 我弟弟每星期玩一次电脑游戏。 My brother .

My free time activities

My free time activities I have many hobbies. I like reading. I enjoy dancing and playing the piano. But I’m crazy about collecting stamps, which is my favorite activity in my free time. I started to collect stamps when I was six years old. Now I have hundreds of stamps. Most of them are given by my grandpa and his friends in other countries. Why are these small pieces of paper so attracting? The answer is that I can learn a lot from stamps. They can make school subjects interesting. Pictures of many countries and their history are shown on stamps. I can also find out about famous people and events on stamps such as the Eiffel Tower, the Great Wall and many woks of well-known artists. “You might become a millionaire one day if you collect the right stamp!”My grandpa always jokes with me. “I don’t expect to be a millionaire. But I do dream to be a collector of millions of stamps!”I answer seriously every time. 我有很多爱好。我喜欢阅读。我喜欢跳舞和弹钢琴。但是我非常喜欢收集邮票,这是我最喜欢的活动在我的空闲时间。我开始收集邮票我六岁的时候。现在我有成百上千的邮票。它们中的大多数都是由我爷爷和他的朋友在其他国家。为什么这些小纸片吸引呢?答案是,我可以从邮票中学到很多。他们可以学习科目很有趣。许多国家和他们


DJFocus 使用手册 第一版

目录 第一章介绍 (3) 欢迎使用DJFocus! (3) 如何在本手册中寻找答案 (3) 部署DJFocus (3) 第二章您的第一个DJFocus项目 (6) 定义一个数据库连接 (6) 什么是DataView,什么是DataObject? (8) 使用DJFocus Designer创建DataObject (11) 在您的JSP网页中使用DataView (24) DataView的事件和方法 (25)

第一章介绍 欢迎使用DJFocus! DJFocus是一个基于Java的WEB开发组件,程序开发人员可借助DJFocus快速开发Web应用。 如何在本手册中寻找答案 本手册为您提供了关于如何使用DJFocus开发组件的说明。此手册假设您已经具备了基本的基于WEB开发能力。 本章的其余部分将告诉您如何部署DJFocus。 第二章将告诉您DJFocus的基本使用方法,帮助您快速了解并掌握DJFocus,并帮您建立第一个实用项目。 另行参见《DJFocus开发手册》。 部署DJFocus DJFocus组件的部署分为以下步骤: 1.进入https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d5508888.html,下载软件开发包 2.将开发包所带的jar文件全部部署到web应用的WEB-INF/lib目录下 3.将djfocus.tld部署到WEB-INF/tlds目录下

标签项所指定的路径下,如:/djfocus 7.重新启动web服务,运行http:////getDJCode,该页 面将显示一个特征码,将特征码提交给DJFocus开发商,将获得正式的注册文件。 8.将注册文件djfocus.lic部署到WEB-INF/lib路径下,重新启动web服务,即完成部 署与注册,可以开始使用。 9.为提高效率,可配置应用服务器的压缩选项。如:tomcat下conf/server.xml文件 中标签可添加如下属性

FreeForm V11新增功能说明-FreeForm Modeling Plus软件教程

FreeForm Modeling Plus V11 新增功能中文说明 概述:FreeForm Modeling Plus V11.0 版本新增了15项新功能(下图以红线圈起的图标为完全新功能),其次在原有指令的基础上加强并改进了功能,使新版本使用更方便,快捷,整体造型能力更加强大。 一、新增指令: 1、 Construct Clay a、curve network to clay(依曲线网格转换黏土); b、Pattern piece(依曲线复制物件); c、Extrude to plane(延伸黏土至2D平面); 2、 Sculpt Clay a、Smooth with Curve(依曲面填充黏土) 3、 Deform Clay a、Lattice Deform(依网格框架变形黏土); 4、Select/Move Clay a、Select Objects with box框选物件; b、Align to path(使黏土依路径排列); c、Select clay with Patch(依曲面选择黏土) 5、 Patches/Solids

a 、Create Ring Patch(依两条环形曲线建曲面); b 、 Curve network to Solid(依曲线网格转换实体); 6、Analysis Tools a 、Analysze Fit (分析黏土贴附程度) ; b 、Analysze Inter s ection (分析相交黏土); c 、 Analysze Thickness (分析黏土厚度) d 、Dimensional Bounding Box (显示黏土的空间边界); e 、Ruler(3D 测试); 二、新增指令功能详细说明: 1 、curve network to clay(依曲线网格转换黏土);

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