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当前位置:文档库 › 英语四六级翻译常用搭配讲解



1. K e e p u p w i t h 1.跟上

T h ey w al ke d so f as t th at I c o ul d no t ke ep u p wi t h t he m.

他们走得那么快,我没法跟上。 2.和...保持联系

S h e ha s ke pt u p w it h so me o f h er f ri en ds s in ce

h e r re ti re me nt.


2. C at ch u p wi t h 1.赶上

h u rr y an d ca tch up w it h th e g ro up a he ad.



S m ok in g wi ll ca t ch u p wi th y o u so on er o r l at er.


3. C o me u p w i t h(六级考试考过5次,重点注意)赶上

a We c am e u p w it h a gr ou p o f to ur is ts.



H e c am e up w it h g oo d id ea s f or t he p ro du c t pr om o t i on.


H e c ou ld n ot c o me u p wi th a pr op er a ns wer.



Y o u mu st c om e u p wi th t he m o ne y by t om orr o w ni gh t.


4. End up with




end up with


5. Put up with忍受;容忍

I don't know how his parents put up with h i s a n t i c s.


She could hardly put up with t h a t f e l l o w a n y l o n g e r.


6. Make up for补偿

Nothing can make up for w h a t t h e y h a v e s u f f e r e d.


7. Live up to实践;不辜负

You must live up to y o u r p r o m i s e.


8. Turn up a出现;出席;被找到,发现;将(声,光等)调大;查字典;发生(情况


c出现;放大(灯光,收音机,煤气等)9. Turn down拒绝

His proposal was turned down.



四六级常考词组19, 翻译兼职, 找翻译,... turn down / / 关小,调低;拒绝





turn down拒绝采纳;拒绝考虑




Teacher Wu 的英语空间

10. Turn over翻倒;倾覆

The car was turned over a n d t h e d r i v e r s e r i o u s l y i n j u r e d.



国家英语四级考试词组 2 - 【四六级考试】...

turn over翻过来,翻倒;移交,交;仔细考虑

11. Turn in交上;归还

Turn in all the tools after use.



? 12. Have access to sth接近,使用

1 have access to接近,使用 2.接近(或进入)的方


3.have access to接近(或进入)的方法(或权

利、机会等)https://www.wendangku.net/doc/265590092.html,- 4.可以使用.h a v e a c c e s s t o可以使用5h a v e a c c e s s t o可以获得或使用

13. Be used to doing sth

14. Look forward to doing sth/sth盼望期待做某事

15. Get down to sth.开始认真对待开始认真(做某事)

16. Lead to/contribute to…/attribute to…

17. Be superior to比……优越,比好优于,胜过

18. Be inferior to低于……,劣等于(质量等)比…差劣于,次于

19. Be sen ior to较 ...年

长H e i s s e n i o r t o m e b y s e v e n y e a r s.他比我年长七岁较 ...年长H e i s s e n i o r t o m e b y s e v e n y e a r s.


He inclined his ear to the wise old man.


? 20. Be junior to 1. 年龄小于b e s e n i o r t o(年龄长于……),be junior to(年龄小于……),

be equal to(和……相等),...

2. 年幼于b e p r e v i o u s t o在……之前...b e j u n i o r t o年幼

于...b e s e n i o r t o年长于 3.比……年少或低级j u d g i n g f r o m从……


21. Prior to sth.在某事发生之前

22.R a n g e f r o m…t o…在一定幅度或范围内)变动,变化r a n g i n g f r o m c o m p u t e r s a n d M P4s t o m o b i l e t e l e p h o n e s a n d d i g i t a l c a

m e r a s

范围包括从电脑,M P4播放器以及移动电话到数码相机

23. Be busy in

24. Be busy doing sth

25. Can’t help doing

26. Feel like doing想要做某事想要…;感觉要

27. Have a good time (in )

28. Have difficulty( trouble) (in)

29. Spend /waste time(in)

30. It’s no use doing sth

31. There’s no point in没有意义、没有必要做....事情

32. In the way/by the way/ in no way

33. It’s the first/second time that

34. Catch sb doing sth . 抓到某人做某事 .逮住某人做某事

35. Call off=cancel

36. Have an influence on sth/sb

37. Impose sth on sb.强加于某人某事物把……强加于某人

38. But for sth=.w i t h o u t要不是假设

39. Risk doing sth.

40. Escape doing sth.躲避干某事

41. Accuse sb of sth.控告(某人某事)

42. Charge sb with sth.控告某人犯有

43. Be innocent of sth.清白的无辜的i n n o c e n t清白的无辜的

44. Be alert to sth对某物警惕

45. play a role/part in sth./doing sth

46. be worth doing sth

47. be worthy of doing sth

48. keep/lose contact with sb.

49. be second to none(首)最好的T h e a i r l i n e i s c o n s i d e r e d t o b e s e c o n d t o n o n e这条航线是最好的

50. not to speak of/not to mention/let alone+名词/代词/动名词更不用说且不提

51. delay/ mind/ admit/ avoid/ anticipate/ consider/ contem plate/

deny/ dislike/ fancy/ finish/ involve/ permit/ practice/ quit/ risk


52. adapt oneself to…使自己适应或习惯于使适应;使适合

53. have no objection to doing sth不反对做某事.o b j e c t反对异议缺点

54. be/get used to doing

55. confess to承认坦白,坦承

56. contribute to捐助;帮助

H o w m u c h d i d y o u c o n t r i b u t e t o t h e r e l i e f f u n d你为那笔救济金捐了多少

促成Your suggestion has greatly c o n t r i b u t e d t o t h e a c c o m p l i s h m e n t o f o u r w o r k.



She has been contributing to t h e p a p e r f o r5y e a r s.


57. devote to献身于…;致力于将…奉献给;把…专用(于)

58. object to对...反对

59. be opposed to反对(某事)

60. resort to依靠,求助于W h e n h i s w i f e l e f t h i m,h e r e s o r t e d t o d r i n k.妻子离去后,他借酒消愁。

2. 光顾;常去(某地)W e r e s o r t e d t o t h e h o t e l f o r s o m e c o f f e e.我们去那家宾馆喝咖啡。

61. stick to忠于;信守H e i s a m a n w h o s t i c k s t o h i s f r i e n d s.他是个忠于朋友的人。

62. take to开始从事H e t o o k t o s t u d y i n g E n g l i s h5y e a r s a g o.他五年前开始学英语。

2. 喜欢M a r y t o o k t o h e r n e w t e a c h e r t h e f i r s t t i m e t h e y m e t.

63. turn out 生产/证明是

64. a sheet of paper一张纸一页纸sheet床单薄板纸张

65. throw/cast light on 使明白/阐明

66. response/ reply/ key/ attitude/ approach/ answer/ introd uction

/access /exposure /objection+to

67. interfere in干涉

68. interfere with妨碍

interfere with妨碍

69. What if…?陈述语序倘若怎么样?

70. be accustomed to/习惯于,适应于

71. adhere to粘附坚持拥护;支持

72. abide by遵守;信守承担...的后果;承受

73. cooperate with合作,协作,相配合和……合作

74. conform to遵守,依照,符合,顺应与……一致,与……相符合,符合,遵照,遵守遵守法律、法规;符合一种需要,标准

75. dispose of a解决,处理(一件事)b.让或卖掉c除去,扔掉

76. apology to sb for sth.

77. be thankful to/be grateful to sb

78. restrain/ keep/ prevent /restrict /stop /protect /prohibit s b

from sth/doing sth

79. specialize in sth/doing sth.专门从事专业干什么

80. queue up排成队(等候)

81. acquaint sb with sth.通知某人,让某人了解

82. familiarize sb with sth.使熟悉;使亲近[(+with)]

83. correspond to sth符合,一致(to ith)相当,相应[(+t o)]通信[(+w i t h)]

84. correspond with sb.通信[(+with)]

85. congratulate sb on sth

86. dependence/dependant on sth依靠;依赖;信赖

87. be independent of sth. 1.独立的,自治的,自主的[(+of)]

Many colonies in Africa became independent n a t i o n s i n t h e1950's.


2. 有独立心的;自立的[(+of)]

My elder sisters and brothers have moved awa y from home and are now independent.


3. 单独的;分开的[(+of)]a n i n d e p e n d e n t f o o d s t o r e单独经营的食品店

4. 无党派的[Z]O n e t h i r d o f v o t e s w e n t t o t h e i n d e p e n d e n t c a n d i d a t e.


88. participate in sth

89. be bound to肯定,注定;一定要; 决心一定会…,必然定,必定

90. cure sb of sth消除某人弊端纠正某人缺陷

91. be of importance /significance/ value/

92.beyond reach/power

93. be lacking in缺乏

94. be beneficial/ advantageous to sb.有益的

95. be attached to sth

96. be assigned to被分配给... 归属于

97. find fault with sb

98. in memory of sb.在某人的记忆中

99. be absorbed in sth/doing sth专心致力于沉浸于(做某事),专心于(做某事)全神贯注于

100. be abundant in sth充足的

101. take sth into account /consideration考虑顾及到

102. relate sth to sb.

103. remark on sth谈论

E v e r y o n e r e m a r k e d l o u d l y o n h i s a b s e n c e.人人都在高声谈论他的缺席。

104. none other than不是别人而正是

105. so much as that到这样程度以致

106. Could have done

107. Must have done

108. Should have done

109. Never/ seldom/ rarely/ hardly/ barely/ scarcely/ little/ few位于句首引起主谓部分倒装。

110. Lest/ in case/unless /suppose /as if/for fear that/on

condition等词引导的目的状语从句中,谓语动词多用虚拟语气,(s h o u l d)+动词原形

111. Not so much…as与其说…不如说

112. It’s time that (过去式—)

113. May just as well不如,等于是,还是……好

114. see to it that请注意要;记得...;别忘记...

115. see to doing sth

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