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The Princess Diary

The Princess Diary
The Princess Diary

The Princess Diary



best friend-----------------------------贾雯婷

the boy--------------------------袁雯

Queen (my grandmother)---------------------张方倩

Say this story-------------------------------------- 肖芬

The story is like the Cinderella, it tells a common girl whose name is Miya is a little country’s princess. And her grandmother, who is a very kind and has the great foresight, wants her granddaughter to back to control the city. But the girl is too common to be as a princess, and the grandma do a lot of to reform the girl. There are a lot of story between them. It’s not easy for them to accept the other’s way of life because the culture is so different. And the girl makes a lot of jokes. There was a time the girl wants to give up, and also her grandma, encouraged her, and she keep on. Ant last, she came to her own country and become a princess.

The story begins in the 2,001 century. Between a town in USA and a little countr y------Gionvia.

The beginning

马:Time for school, Miya.

瑶:I got it, mom.

马:Your grandmother has called. She wants to see you after school.

瑶:why? I mean I have never seen her before and it never happens to her to co me to see me.

马:who knows? Maybe she has regretted about it. So she wants to make it up for you.

瑶:OK. I’ll see her after school.

Sheryl: Here, in the palace.

倩: Welcome, my granddaughter.(with a smile)

瑶: Who are you?

倩: I’m your grandmother.(say with a little[/post]surprise).

瑶: Oh, hello, grandmother.

倩:oh, you look so…young.

瑶:and you look so….clean.

倩: I beg you pardon?

瑶: oh, just forget about it. Well, what are you going to talk to me.You know, I…I just want to going shopping with my friends after finishing our talk.

倩: Shall we go to the garden to talk.

瑶: You have a garden?(with a little surprise)

倩: Shall we?(with a little angry)

瑶: Oh, sure. I…I just say OK.

肖: In the garden.

倩: listen, my dear, I’m going to tell you an very important thing. Maybe you’ll be s o surprised, but remember that every word out of my mouth is true. Do…do you know, You are a princess?

瑶: Me?a princess. Oh, shout up.

倩: Miya, be polite. We are talking about formal things.

瑶: But why am I? Or you just say my mother is an empress and my father is a king?

倩: Some thing likes that.

瑶: But it can’t be. You know my father had died when I was just two years old. So I didn’t remember I have a father.

倩: No, your father has just died for a month, and his country needs a new king. 瑶: You means I am going to be a Queen of a country.

倩: Yes, a country------- Gionvia.

瑶: You must be joking. It can’t be true, it must be a dream.

倩: But it’s true. Don’t be afraid. I’ll help you and teach you how to be a Queen. 瑶:But what will I do first?

倩: I’ll let you know how to be polite in talking, walking, eating……

瑶: Stop, Stop, Stop. I just want to be myself, OK? I don’t want to force myself to learn some formal things, and…I don’t want to be a princess, or a Queen. I just want to be Miya.

肖: She goes out from the palace. Then, at home.

瑶: Mother, can you tell me if I am a priness?

马: I afraid it is true.

瑶: For 15 years... You couldn't find a spare minute... to tell me that my father is a royal? 马: I thought I was doing the right thing.

瑶: The right thing for who, Mom?

马: For all of us. Your dad and I met in college! I was young! I wanted to paint.

Can you see me walking one step behind someone... for the rest of my Iife? with rules and regulations... regulation,and the waving and the bowing and the scraping? I was scared! 瑶: Living with a mother... who lied to me for 15 years scares me.

马: Where are you going?

瑶: To straighten up the royal bedchamber.

马: Well, drink your soup.

瑶: I'm not really hungry.

马: I want to give you one thing.

瑶: A diary book?

马: It’s from your father.

肖: Because I’m a king, I can’t see you since you are a little girl, I’m so sorry I can’t give you a father’s love. But I think pleasure that I can give all the habitants in our county love. Remember love is more than a people’s life. Be confident with yourself! Remember, rather I can’t with you. God is with you forever.

Your father give your as a 16 years old present.

肖: The next day.

贾: Good morning, everyone. Welcome to school broadcast station. I’m canny. Now we’ll come into today’s news broadcast. ------a 16—years—old girl Miya in Los Angeles will be the person who is going to be a Queen in Gionvia.

贾: You are a princess.?But you have never tell me that before.(with a little surprise)

瑶: Because I don’t know before.

贾:you know what? Maybe in your heart I’m not your best friend as what you are in my heart. I told all my secrets to you. I thought you would do the same with me. But you did’t. what a “good” friend are you!

瑶:sorry, canny.

贾:no matter what happened, I’ll always be with you, you know that..

瑶:thank you, my friend

Sheryl: At the corridor.

甲: Excuse me, can you borrow your English notebook?

瑶: Sure, here you are.

甲: Thanks.

乙takes a photo.

乙: Look at this: the princess fall in love with a bad boy.

丙: Oh,dear. Is her a bad girl?

乙: maybe.

丙: The princess writes a love letter in her notebook and gives it to a boy.

乙: Oh, the boy is so handsome, but the princess is ugly!

丙:I hate this girl.Ugly,rudy. Why does he love her???

Sheryl: In the classroom. Miya is crying.

袁:are you alright, Miya? Why are you crying?

瑶:I just don’t understand why does everybody gossip behind me? It’s unfair

袁:just forget about it. Be yourself.

瑶:I can’t be a good princess. I’m so common and urgly.

袁:no, don’t say that. You are a kind pretty girl and I believe that you’ll be a good princess in the future,too. You are special and just believe in yourself.

瑶:thank you, Dave. Would you like to come to my party this evening?

袁:why me?

瑶:because you can see me when I’m invisible.

Sheryl: In the palace.

倩:I prefer to announce that Miya is the real princess in Gionvia. And she will become the Queen in Gionvia when her is 18.

瑶:I am so exciting. Because my dream come true! Thank you my friends and think you my Dad (see the sky). I think you should proud of myself, would you?

韶时尽攻略 橙光游戏韶时尽攻略

韶时尽攻略橙光游戏韶时尽攻略 韶时尽攻略,小编为大家带来橙光游戏韶时尽攻略,希望这橙光游戏韶时尽攻略对大家有帮助~ 第一章 推开傅郡望-10 退后属性不变 询问自己的情况谋略+5 让他退下谋略-5 表示感谢君夜+5 反唇相讥君夜 -5 半推半就君夜+5 拒绝好感不变 抓君夜+5 不抓好感不变 杀手属性不变小姐、歌姬谋略-5 沉默不语君夜-5 道谢君夜+5 与你无关君夜-5 解释君夜+5 当前健康值40 五周养成 休息健康+20 打听局势线索+1 健康-10 打听局势线索+1 找君夜健康+20 君夜+10 打听局势线索+1

健康值70,君夜+10 (通过方式不唯一) 开门君夜+5 不开门好感不变 邀他一起出去玩 买吃的——(选这个) 表示欣喜君夜+5 似乎算不上特别好君夜-5 担心不让他去君夜+10 叮嘱他小心君夜+5 期待君夜-5 不在意上去君夜 -5 害羞不上去君夜+5 赞同好感不变反对君夜-5 留步君夜+5 离开君夜-5 不愿意(短线BE 君夜好感≥55) 身不由己(选这个继续主线剧情) 失落君夜+5 没什么感觉君夜-5 我会尽快回来的君夜+5 礼貌道别君夜好感不变 走出宿鸠:东,西南,西北 (按照这个攻略出宿鸠君夜好感75,但是之前的五周养成多来几遍貌似可以刷属性和好感0.0) 打探消息谋略+5 先休息谋略-5 承认谋略+5 否认(妹纸你守着节操该怎么攻略男主) 反正他是傻的白裔-5 推辞白裔+5 选择最佳躲避位置:树上右上角树上谋略+5 其他谋略-5 继续求饶白裔-5 勇气-5 认栽白裔+5 勇气+5 讲道理谋略+5 卖萌谋略-5 吐槽人心-5 默默忍受人心+5 白无生属性不变白裔白裔+5 用行动抗议白裔+5 破口大骂白裔-5 五日养成:第二日:厨房选梯子左边遇到白无生 感动白裔+5 君夜-5 只是触动好感不变 忍气吞声人心+5 果断吐槽勇气+5


橙光游戏《橙光兄弟战争》攻略 橙光游戏《橙光兄弟战争》攻略,小编为大家分享橙光游戏《橙光兄弟战争》攻略,希望这篇攻略可以帮助到大家。 只要专一点.基本上都可以攻略到自己喜欢的兄弟. 晚上和约会找自己喜欢的人多存档差不多就OK了 风斗:不要说他可爱放学找他一起(如果还没去学校要自己回家)不要去拿手机对话的时候一直沉默看电影的时候选择“你好厉害 ” 侑介: 问你觉不觉的不安选择“有” 找他一起放学不让椿喂蛋糕.不要和风斗太接近 椿:拥抱不要动去客厅第一次偷听对话邀请一起睡觉选择"不" 让他喂蛋糕被昴推到要解释每次亲吻都要闭眼约会要选择“你为什么骗我 ” 梓:去客厅被昴推到要解释找你练剧本选择“ 我不是专业的可以吗” 问你为什么换发型要选择 “因为有生日会” 要梓的照片被椿推到要拒绝医院看到和椿对话要继续听 琉生:让琉生随意摆弄自己的头发- -! 问他是不是身体不舒服晚上找他选择不想他走 昴:去浴室买蛋糕要转身会偶遇哦梓问你为什么换发型要选择 “因为是昴的生日” 结束后去拿手机被强吻后要沉默.问你想法时选择“把我和篮球分开想.” 祈织:去花园看星星的时候不要松手偷听的时候要继续听哦很简单相信都会通关- -! 双子线:椿拥抱不要动去客厅第一次偷听对话椿邀请一起睡觉选择"不" 让椿喂蛋糕梓问你为什么换发型要选“因为是生日派对” 去拿手机被昴推到要解释之前的晚上一直找椿接吻要闭眼.要梓的照片梓第一次倒下之后晚上去找梓之后要一直找梓包括约会(约会被椿亲选“椿...”)去医院看梓梓问你对椿的看法选择“我...” 医院偷听他们说话结局选择最后最下面有选择图片因为是双 子嘛肯定有难度哈一定要慢慢来别心急哦
