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关于描写莫奈和莫奈作品的英语作文关于描写莫奈和莫奈作品的英语作文my idol

monet, claude (b. nov. 14, 1840, paris, fr.--d. dec. 5, 1926, giverny) french painter, initiator, leader, and unswerving advocate of the impressionist style. he is regarded as the archetypal impressionist in that his devotion to the ideals of the movement was unwavering throughout his long career, and it is fitting that one of his pictures--impression: sunrise (mus e marmottan, paris; 1872)--gave the group his name. his youth was spent in le havre, where he first excelled as a caricaturist but was then converted to landscape painting by his early mentor boudin, from whom he derived his firm predilection for painting out of doors. in 1859 he studied in paris at the atelier suisse and formed a friendship with pissarro. after two years' military service in algiers, he returned to le havre and met jongkind, to whom he said he owed `the definitive education of my eye'. he then, in 1862, entered the studio of gleyre in paris and there met renoir, sisley, and bazille, with whom he was to form the nucleus of the impressionist

group. monet's devotion to painting out of doors is illustrated by the famous story concerning one of his most ambitious early works, women in the garden (mus e d'orsay, paris; 1866-67). the picture is about 2.5 meters high and to enable him to paint all of it outside he had a trench dug in the garden so that the canvas could be raised or lowered by pulleys to the height he required. courbet visited him when he was working on it and said monet would not paint even the leaves in the background unless the lighting conditions were exactly right.


朋友 Forever Friendship In you life,you will make so many friends.But what’s is the ture friends and forever friendship.Someone who changes your life just by being part of it. Someone who makes you laugh until you can’t stop. Someone who make you believe the whole world full of sunshine.This is forever friendship. As the saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed.It has become the teaching for true friend.But everyone has thier own standard in making friend.Some view it important to make friends with whom they may share similar interest or hobbies with.These are true friends.But someone to make friend in order to gain some favors or privileges.These are not true friends. If you turn and walk away, Your forever friend follows, If you lose you way, Your forever friend guides you and cheers you on.Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. And if you find such a friend,You feel happy and complete,Because you need not worry,Your have a forever friend for life, And forever has no end.


写荷花的作文大全 Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT

美丽的荷花作文400字 炎炎夏日,太阳不再像春天是那样温柔,而是像一个大火球,毫不留情的烘烤着大地,似乎要散发出它所有的热量。 中午,艳阳高照,蓝蓝的天空万里无云,微风轻拂,正是出游的好时机。最近,我听说林则徐公园内有一池美丽的荷花,于是,我决定前往观赏这池美丽的荷花。 刚一踏进公园的大门,一阵阵诱人的荷花香就扑鼻而来,我被这花香深深吸引住,跟随着这花香,放眼望去,一片碧海隐隐约约呈现在我的眼前,我加快了脚步,向荷花池走去。眼前的一幕把我吓呆了,一大堆人围在同一个地方,有说有笑,完全没有埋怨太阳的意思。看来,大家都是为了看荷花而来的。这荷花还真讨人喜爱,令人向往。我也急忙挤进人群中,想亲眼目睹荷花的美姿。 映入眼帘的是一个荷花池满载着一大片荷花在嬉戏玩耍,一片片荷叶犹如翡翠般翠绿,像一个大圆盘,你挤我,我挤你,严严实实的,不留一点儿缝隙。一点都不逊色于小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上头的早春景色。荷叶间,各色各样的莲花争奇斗艳,亭亭玉立,有的刚冒出淤泥,花骨朵儿,有的蓓蕾初绽,还有的欣然绽放。一片生机勃勃。风轻轻吹过,荷花舞动着它优雅的舞姿。啊!多么美丽,动人,的一幅图画!让我不禁想起《忆莲》这首诗中婀娜似仙子,清风送香远这诗句...... 曾几何时,这片充满诗情画意的荷花常常浮现在我的脑海中。 荷花作文600字 梅花有不怕寒冷,在风雪中挺立,不与别的花争奇斗艳的品质;茉莉花的香气怡人;鸡冠花颜色鲜艳&而在这么多的名贵花中,我更加喜爱荷花。 荷花长成后,大片大片粉红颜色的花瓣上透出一点淡白,让人看上去那么美丽,那么动人。荷花的花瓣不仅看上去美丽,而且摸上去也是一种享受。那柔滑的表面透出亮丽的光泽,花瓣条索纤纤,摸了后让人有陶醉的感觉。 清晨,朝阳初生,荷花又迎来了新的一天。荷花上粘满了露珠,在阳光映照下,一颗颗的水珠像粒粒透明的珍珠嵌在花瓣上,透亮欲滴。 荷花代表正直、光明正大。当年包公的官府壁画上也画着一幅荷花图,上面也有光明正大几个字。 荷花还代表善良、真诚的意思。相传远古有如来佛祖和观世音,他们坐的便是荷花宝座。 荷花不仅美丽,其果实莲子还可以食用,莲子的果肉营养丰富,果肉甜美,中医上称可补气养血。俗话说的好红花还得绿叶衬,如果没有荷叶,荷花也就不会是这样生机勃勃了。荷叶宽大,呈深绿色,让人看了有陶醉在大自然的感觉。

描写朋友高中英语作文1000字:My friends

描写朋友高中英语作文1000字:My friends I have lots of friends.Sometimes they play with me,sometimes they help me do my homework and sometimes we study English together.Let me tell you about my friends. Zhang Xiaoyong is my best friend.He is twelve years old.He comes from Wenzhou,Zhejiang.But he lives in Zhuzhou with his family.I like to talk with him very much.And he knows lots of things.He knows the mosquito how to eat food.And he likes watching TV show.He says his favourite TV show is MythBusters.He thinks it is very interesting and useful. Zhu Haoping is my good friend,too. He just turned 12- year-old.He comes from Changsha,Hunan.He is very good at P.E. Although he is short, he loves sports.He likes playing basketball and football.We usually plays football after school.He is good at playing football and basketball.He is really clever.His favorite subject is English and math. He likes to do math exercises. He Weican is my good friend.He is twelve years old.He is from Chenzhou,Hunan.He tell us lots of jokes every day.It is really funny.And He weican is cleverer than me.His favorite subject is P.E and math.He thinks P.E. is exciting and math is interesting.He likes playing basketball and every day he plays basketball on the playground. They are my good friends.I hope our friendship can be forever.And I will be your friend for age!


How to introduce a place in English 一、可以考虑从以下几个方面着手: 1.location (位置) 2.area (面积) 3.surroundings (周边环境) 4.transport ( 交通) 5.population(人口) 6.history (历史) 7.places of interest (名胜) 8.something special (特色) 二、常用句式和语言: 1. location(位置) 1). Our school lies near /behind / in front of / by the side of…/ between / among… 2). There stands an old temple near the river. 3). Our city is located in…, 4). The city stretches itself lazily along….. 2. area (面积) 1). The size of our city is …square kilometers; 2). Tiananmen Square, the largest square in the world, covers / has an area of … 3). Tiananmen Square, with / covering an area of…, is the largest square in the world. 4). Our school , which takes up… thousand square meters, is very large in size. 3. surroundings (周边环境) 1). The beautiful town is located /situated on the west of the lake / to the west of the mountain / in the west of the province. 2). West of the city stands a tall building. 3). Surrounded by mountains on three sides, the small village faces a clear river on the east. 4. transport ( 交通) 1). It is very convenient for you to come to our city… 2). The best way to experience…is to take a bus tour. 3). It takes …(time) to take a bus from…to… 4). …is only a few bus stops from downtown. 5). …is within easy reach. 5. population(人口) 1). Japan has a small population of… 2). China is a developing country, with a population of 1.3 billion. 3). The population of our city is increasing year by year. 4). Eighty percent of the population here are farmers… 6. history (历史) 1). China has a history of over 5000 years. 2). Egypt is an Arabian country with a long history. 3). Built in the16th century, the castle has witnessed too much coming and going in history. 7. places of interest (名胜) 1). The places around our city are rich in natural resources. 2). The city, known as…, attracts millions of visitors from all over the world. 3). The city is well-known / famous for its…/as… 4). The city is home/birthplace to … 5). …is a must-see for tourists, as… 6). The city offers visitors a moment’s rest from the busy city. 7) You are sure to have a wonderful time in… 8) Few visitors leave the city feeling disappointed. 9) Sydney is the biggest city in Australia, which has many places of interest, among which is the Opera House. 10) A walk around …is a feast for the mind as well as the eye.


同学们开始练习状物作文,一般都是先从写植物开始的,因为它观察方便,符合作文应从身边的事物写起这个原则。观察是写作的前提。怎样观察?怎样描写呢?下面看看描写荷花的作文800字范文吧。 不深不浅种荷花 犹记以前读川端康成的《雪国》,梦中都回荡着那和服女子的温润笑靥,便痴痴地到花市上买了株樱花来,也盼着一日如霞烟云可映着我家屋檐。 谁想不几日,那花竟死了。老农听着我的叙述,微微地笑:樱花怎麽能那麽养呢?它有自己的种法。 那一刻,我猛然间开悟,原来世间万事万物莫不如此,惟有适合自己才可开出一片繁华,否则生且不易,又何来的花团锦簇、万紫千红? 想来又有多少人沉迷於仿效他人的热潮,丢了自我?塞辛格《麦田上的守望者》风靡一时,大街上戴鸭舌帽穿风衣的年轻人也多了起来﹔歌德为慰藉自己的书出版,一时自杀又成为一种时尚。当时尚的潮流席卷於世,当喧哗与骚动潮水般涌来,你是否有足够的勇气与自信,坚持自己,寻找一条适合自己的路? 蝶翼翩翩,这群精灵懂得避开烛光,不做那扑火的飞蛾,而去尽情享受自己的幽暗。我们为人处世亦该如此。古人诗云:深处种菱浅种稻,不深不浅种荷花。这便深谙为人之道。 何处种菱何处种稻与如何摆放我们的心灵原本是一个道理。大时代的喧哗与骚动原本与你无干,你只养一池心莲,自守一树清凉,便自得其所,岂不快哉? 人生如雪中观鹤,有清净,亦有混杂。前者心思明亮,不掺一丝杂质,如弘一大师一句华枝春满,天心月圆,天地间便盈满了纯净。后者则有污浊有沼气。人活於世,不求随波逐流,便如一朵墨梅,可静静绽放於生命的绢帛。 再想古代士子熬得十年寒窗,只求一举成名天下知,竟是痴了。生不用封万户侯,只求如徐霞客,遍览名山大川,一仆一驴,一笔一绢,任他世事烦扰,我自有天枕地床﹔更无需黄袍加身,便如蒲松龄老於世情乃得巧,昧於世


[标签:标题] 篇一:英语比较作文范文4篇 英语比较作文范文4篇 City Life and Suburban Life 1.最近几年越来越多的人迁往近郊居住 2.城市生活和近郊生活各有特点 3.比较起来,我喜欢的是… (1)In recent years more and more homes are being pushed outwards as the activities of business, government and pleasure tend to be concentrated in the centers of the cities. (2)Although most people are reluctant to move to the outskirts of the cities, I feel like living in the suburbs. (3)It is true that the city can provide much convenience and entertainment, the very reason people can’t bear to part with city life. (4)But the cost for the privilege of living in the city is also high. (5)Just think of the places where we live, full of petrol fumes and toxic gases, torn by the roar of buses and lorries day and night, and thronged ceaselessly by great crowds. (6)Besides, as the housing problem in the central city gets more serious, people have to pay high rents for very tiny flats which I would certainly disdain to live in. (7)In contrast, living near the countryside one can enjoy the clean atmosphere, the closeness to nature and the quiet, peaceful surroundings—the essentials of a healthy life. (8)Nothing can be compared, as the pace of modern life is getting quicker, with the first cock crow, the twittering of birds at dawn, and sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and green fields. (9)Although living in the suburbs you may suffer a little discomfort brought about by the necessity of traveling miles to work every day, the situation will change soon as many highways and subways are being constructed. (10)The new suburban life is fast becoming a predominant pattern of living in most cities; and with the development of traffic and the perfection of services, it will prove to hold great superiority over city life. Newspaper as a Better Source of News 1.现在许多人都从电视上得知天下事 2.但我认为报纸是获取消息的更好来源 3.其理由是… (1)For most of us today, television has become our main source of daily news. (2)This is unfortunate, however, because for several reasons newspapers should be regarded as a better source. (3)It is true that television news can vividly bring into our living rooms dramatic events of singular importance, such as space launchings, natural disasters, wars and so on, but it can not cover important stories in the depth they may deserve because of its time limitation. (4)On the contrary, print news excels in its ability to devote as much space to a story as it sees fit, though it can not compete with television visually. (5)Besides, television is essentially a passive medium. (6)Whether we like a particular piece of news or not, all we have to do is sit in front of the tube and “let it happen”. (7)But a newspaper reader can select what he is interested in, skip what he


当夏风轻轻拂过的时候,它们悄悄地开了,纯洁,芬芳,使人心旷神怡,这似乎是大自然送给它们的礼物,对,它们就是荷花。 那一大片一大片的碧绿中,成千盈百的荷花你挨着我,我挨着你,谁也不让谁,似乎在争先恐后地宣告着同一个消息:美丽的夏天即将来到!远远望去,似一片细细的雪,又如一篇淡淡的霞。我走近一些,一阵清香扑鼻而来。深吸一口,仿佛自己也变成了一朵小小的荷花,在那儿和姐妹争奇斗艳。我在走近一些,发现它们不再是雪和霞了,它们是真正的夏日仙子。 你瞧,这一朵还是花骨朵儿呢,却以饱饱胀胀的,似乎在下一秒钟就会开放,向人们展示它的美丽与芬芳。再看那一朵,它已是半开了,它似乎很弱小,每一片花瓣都是半透明的有一种朦朦胧胧的感觉,像一位害羞的少女披上了一层薄薄的面纱。看,快看,那一朵荷花多美丽呀!它已经全全开了,露出了它的芳容:淡淡的粉色让人着迷:不张扬,不晃眼,却不失美丽,朴素却又使人赏心悦目,真是不得不佩服大自然这位技艺高超的艺术家呀!真不晓得,他是怎样配制出这样绚丽的色彩! 荷花虽出淤泥却不染,依旧是纯洁的粉色或者白色,没有沾上一点土的灰色,这一点倒是跟许多爱国英雄很像的,他们大多不肯屈服于叛国的人这大概是我喜欢荷花的一个重要原因吧! “小雨,回去了!”妈妈来喊我回去。不知不觉,我都站了一个小时了,我这才依依不舍地离开了荷塘。 荷花是圣洁美丽的象征,她出污泥而洁白无暇,洒清香而天然独秀,极玲珑又纯洁谦虚,亭亭玉立,惹人喜爱。 走近荷花池,首先映入眼帘的是一望无际的荷叶,像绿色的海洋。有

的荷叶才只冒出一点嫩尖,可爱极了;有的已经长成手掌般大了,微风吹来,随风摇曳,高高挺立;有的已经长成“大玉盘”了,生机勃勃。一片片荷叶挨埃挤挤,好象是一群兄弟姐妹,心连着心,亲密无间。这时,吹来一阵风,“绿的海洋”霎时间波涛起伏,荷叶一片连着一片翻腾着,美丽极了。风停了,“绿的海洋”又平静下来了。叶面上的水珠儿滴溜溜地滚动着,晶莹剔透,像一颗颗漂亮的珍珠。真是“一阵风来碧浪翻,珍珠零落难收拾”。 再细看。荷花千姿百态,洁白无暇,像水晶一样纯洁。有的才只有一个青里泛白的花苞,娇羞欲语,含苞欲放;有的只开了一半,一些花瓣散下去,另一些簇拥在花蕊旁,犹如一位衣衫未整的美人;那些全开了的,像一个个穿着洁白素净的衣服的姑娘在翩翩起舞;还有些,花瓣都掉光了,露出碧绿碧绿的莲蓬,莲子上面的小孔,似乎是一张张小嘴巴,正放开喉咙大喊着:“我成熟了,快来摘啊!”荷花散发出清新淡雅的芬芳,引来花蝶飞舞,嬉戏其间,令人赏心悦目。而那调皮的蜻蜓,扇动着翅膀,从那朵花飞到另一朵花,与荷花快乐地嬉戏着。我陶醉了,觉得眼前的荷花是一位位风姿绰约的荷花仙子在翩翩起舞。 荷花不仅美丽,而且很有用处。它的叶子能泡茶、做中药,莲藕能吃,莲子则是夏天清凉解暑的最佳食品。总之,全身都是宝。 荷花不像牡丹一样雍容华贵,不像梅花那样迎寒吐芳,也不像兰花那样小巧清秀,然而,她默默无闻地为酷暑散阵阵芬芳,送丝丝清凉。啊!我爱荷花,爱它那亭亭玉立的姿态,更爱它那“出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”的高风亮节!


英文地址写法 一、寄达城市名的批译: 我国城市有用英文等书写的,也有用汉语拼音书写的。例如“北京”英文写为“Peking”,汉语拼音写为“Beijing”二者虽然都是用拉丁字母,但拼读方法不同,前者是以音标相拼,而后者则是用声母和韵母相拼的,批译时要注意识别,以免错译。 二、街道地址及单位名称的批译: 常见有英文书写、汉语拼音书写、英文和汉语拼音混合书写三种。 1、英文书写的,例如Address:6 East Changan Avenue PeKing译为北京市东长安街6号; 2、汉语拼音书写的,例如:105 niujie Beijing译为北京市牛街105号; 3、英文、汉语拼音混合书写的,例如:NO.70 dong feng dong Rd.Guangzhou译为广州东风东路70号。 三、机关、企业等单位的批译: 收件人为机关、企业等单位的,应先译收件人地址,再译单位名称。批译方法为: 1、按中文语序书写的要顺译。 例如:SHANGHAI FOODSTUFFS IMP AND EXP CO. 译为:上海食品进出口公司; 2、以英文介词短语充当定语,一般位于被修饰的名词之后,译在该名词之前。 例如:Civil Aviation Administration Of China 译为:中国民航局; 3、机关、企业单位的分支机构一般用英文“branch”(分部、分公司等)表示。 例如:Beijing Electron Co. Ltd Xian branch 译为:北京电子有限公司西安分公司。 四、姓名方面: 外国人习惯是名(Firstname)在前,姓(Lastname)在后。若碰到让您一起填的,最好要注意一 下顺序,不过你要是填反了,也没关系。中国银行收支票时是都承认的。 例如:刘刚,可写成GangLiu,也可写成LiuGang。


小学生关于朋友的英语作文60词 As a human being, one can hardly do without a friend, for life without friends will be a lonely voyage in the vast dark sea or one in the barren desert. Traly, a friend gives out light and warmth like a lamp. For this reason, I have always felt it a blessing if a friend comes to console me in my sadness, cheer me up in my low spirits, or heartedly share with me my happiness. It is wonderful, too, to feel that someone is standing by me and ready to provide help and encouragement in my pursuit of a noble and glorious cause. For millions of years, people have heaped beautiful verses and essays upon friendship. Yet, they, too, have mercilessly accused false friendship, for there are always some mean characters who approach you and act as dear friends when you are wealthy or influential, but desert or even betray you the instant you come down in the world or are entrapped by unfortunate things. Therefore, people all attach great importance to the recognition of true friendship. And a faithful friend is considered even more precious than a priceless pearl


小学生描写荷花的作文6篇 夏日,万物都低垂着头,只有荷花还在阳光下微笑。 一片片荷叶挨挨挤挤,像一个个大圆盘。在那片片荷叶间,露出了一朵朵荷花。有的还是一个花骨朵,胀得快要破裂似的;有的只开放了一点点,像个害羞的小姑娘;还有的全开放了,宛如一位位仙女穿着粉红色的裙子在阳光下跳舞…… 荷花的颜色艳丽夺目,白的如雪,粉的如霞。微风吹来荷花散发出缕缕清香,沁人心脾,使人陶醉在其中。逗得蜻蜓在上面飞来飞去,鱼儿在水中快活地游来游去。 从古至今,有多少文人墨客赞美过荷花,赞美荷花出 淤泥而不染的品质。我觉得荷花不但出淤泥而不染,而且还乐于奉献。那么热的夏天,她仍然在湖面上亭亭玉立,供人们观赏。花儿谢了,她还是把一个个莲蓬送给人类,当清凉解渴的好东西。秋天又送来了一节节藕,让人们品尝。荷叶又是清热解毒的好药材。我真得好好地想荷花学 习。 看着这满池塘的荷花,我情不自禁地闭上眼睛,感觉身体飘到了荷塘中央,也变成了一朵美丽的荷花……

篇二:荷花 荷花素有水中芙蓉之美誉,在广宁县城南坤城,有一池妩媚多姿的荷花。 星期天,妈妈带我到南坤城散步,一进城门,一股淡淡的芳香扑脸而来,让人感觉心旷神怡;远远望去,满池荷花,一朵朵就像仙女下凡,轻盈地盘坐在绿船一一荷叶上,优美极了。 我飞快地跑到池边,只见荷花在似碧玉又像圆盘的荷叶之中,挤出少许空间让自个儿生长;它们有的轻启深红深红的花蕾,犹如一个个含羞答答的姑娘,半开半闭、遮遮掩掩,不愿被别人瞧见自己的花容月貌;有的则如大家闺秀一般,安祥地端坐在莲杆上,大大方方地展开自己的花瓣,露出带着几丝红晕的笑脸;有的含苞欲放,像是迫不急待地想要向人们展示自己的美丽……我真佩服大自然的鬼斧神工。 我爱荷花的风姿绰芍,更爱她出淤泥而不染的情操, 她真不愧是洁身自爱、品格咼尚的象征! 篇三:荷花 夏天,我在校园闻到了阵阵清香,我被这香味吸引了过来,

英语作文 (描述学校模板二)

作文---描述学校(模板二) 一.描述学校模板二: 开头:This is my school. It is 形容词(big/small/clean/cool/…). 正文:There is a 形容词地点名词in my school. I/We 动词词组in/on the 地点名词. There are many 形容词地点名词(复数)in my school. I/We 动词词组in/on the 地点名词.(正文部分请写至少8句话) 结尾:I like it very much./I like my school. (请注意:此处的描述学校的模板二和之前抄在书上78面的模板一,区别在于正文部分。例如:There is a big playground in my school. We play football on the playground.) 二.写作文: 请依照模板二,写一篇描述你自己的学校的作文,另外作文开头已经给出: This is my school. It is cool._________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________


关于我的朋友的英语作文 1、For this reason, I have always felt it a blessing if a friend comes to console me in my sadness, cheer me up in my low spirits, or heartedly share with me my happiness. 因此,我常期待在我悲伤的时候,朋友能够过来 安慰我,让我低落的精神好起来,或者与我分享我的快乐。 2、Yet, they, too, have mercilessly accused false friendship, for there are always some mean characters who approach you and act as dear friends when you are wealthy or influential, but desert or even betray you the instant you come down in the world or are entrapped by unfortunate things. 3、 The old saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed" has become the teaching and standard for true friends.俗话说“患难朋友 才是真正的朋友”。 4 、 So long as a person has a heart of gold, being warm-hearted, selfless, honest, open-minded, but not brutal, cold, shortsighted nor narrow~minded, I am willing to make friends with him or her, give my due support and help, and remain faithful to him or her all my life. As a human being, one can hardly do without a friend, for life without friends will be a lonely voyage in the vast dark sea or one in the barren desert. Traly, a friend gives out light and warmth like a lamp. For this reason, I have always felt it a blessing if a friend comes to console me in my sadness, cheer me up in my low spirits, or heartedly share with me my happiness. It is wonderful, too, to feel that someone is standing by me and ready to provide help and encouragement in my pursuit of a noble and glorious cause. For millions of years, people have heaped beautiful verses and essays upon friendship. Yet, they, too, have mercilessly accused false friendship, for there are always some mean characters who approach you and act as dear friends when you are wealthy or influential, but desert or even betray you the instant you come down in the world or are entrapped by unfortunate things. Therefore, people all attach great importance to the recognition of true friendship. And a faithful friend is considered even more precious than a priceless pearl or a precious stone. The old saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed" has become the


关于描写荷花的作文怎么写 荷花夏天,我在校园闻到了阵阵清香,我被这香味吸引了过来,啊!原来是校园的池塘里开满了荷花。 这荷花千姿百态,茎秆托着花朵挺立于水面,在风中快乐地摇曳着,有的荷花笑的满脸通红,有的舒展腰肢,还有的花骨朵儿还垂下腰肢靠着荷叶非常美丽,我看的眼花缭乱,这些荷花如同一匹美丽的织锦点缀在绿色的海洋里。 说来也巧荷花长在淤泥里却这样漂亮,这样清香,真是出淤泥而不染啊!我喜欢荷花的漂亮、清香,更喜欢它那出淤泥而不染的精神! 荷花我们家的池塘里种满了荷。 池中长满了翠绿的荷叶,一片挨一片,一片挤一片,碧绿的荷叶中冒出几朵荷花。荷花很美!粉红色的荷花有十几个花瓣,瓣瓣都白里透红。花瓣中间有一个莲蓬,小莲蓬还穿上了黄色的小草群呢!美丽的荷叶仰起了清秀的脸,花瓣上托着一滴滴晶莹的水珠,像一颗颗闪亮的珍珠。 荷花像一位仙子,亭亭玉立地站在清澈的水中,微风轻轻吹来时,它就摆动那柔美的身躯,跳起了迷人的舞蹈。 啊!我爱荷花! 荷花毕竟西湖六月中,风光不与四时同。接天连叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。这是杨万里的一首诗《晓出净慈寺送林子方》。 夏天的池塘里开满了荷花,就像诗句中的一样,碧绿的荷叶衬托 ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考

着粉色的荷花,美丽极了。微风一吹,层层荷叶随风舞动,也送来荷花的阵阵清香。 荷花是生长在淤泥里的,但是它没有受到一点淤泥的污染,它的样子还是那么美丽洁净。妈妈告诉我这就是荷花的品德,出淤泥而不染,我们就要学习荷花,不能占染坏习性,做一个品质高尚的人。 荷花今天我去植物园看荷花。 荷花的样子多种多样,千姿百态,有的像一个孩子正在认认真真地思考问题,看那小脑袋瓜儿都快长出火来了。有的像成熟的女孩,正在翩翩起舞,还有的像一个帅气的小伙子在边疆站岗……看,荷花下面又来了一群小鱼儿,多可爱的小鱼儿呀!荷花就像小鱼儿的妈妈,小鱼儿依偎在妈妈的怀抱里,多幸福呀!去年我来的时候荷花还是花骨朵呢!今年就变成了一朵漂亮的荷花了,变化可真大呀!我自言自语的说。 看了一下午荷花,最后我依依不舍得离开了。 荷花荷花是我最喜欢的花。 荷花开放于燥热的夏天,一阵风吹来,荷花在池塘里轻轻地摇曳着。它的花瓣有五片的也有六片的。荷花有的含苞欲放,有的尽情绽放,中间露出黄色的花蕊。如果荷花是一幅画,我想画家的造诣可真深啊!我站在荷花池旁,我在幻想,我是一朵荷花,站在池塘里,一阵微风吹过,我翩翩起舞,风停了,我呆呆地站立凝思,让围观的人细细观赏。过了一会儿,我才醒过神来,发现我不是荷花,而是在观赏荷花。


[描写朋友的高中英语作文]高中英语作文朋友对于我们来说是很重要的,生活中不能没有朋友。下面,是为你的描写朋友的高中英语作文,希望对你有帮助! Lucy once was my classmate, but now she has moved to another city. However, we municate with each other all the time, sharing our lives with each other. When she firstly moved to thenew cityand went to the new school, she did not adapt very well. But she is outgoing and talkative, it did not take very long time for her to get on well with others. She is so kind that people are likely to make friends with her. Therefore, I do not worry about her in the new environment. I hope she will have a new start in thenew cityand school and I am sure she certainly will. 露西是我同班同学,但是现在她转到另一个城市了。尽管如此,我们一直相互沟通,互相分享生活。刚搬去那里并去了新的学校的时候,她很不适应。但是她性格外向,健谈,没过多久就能够与别人相处得很好了。她很善良,人们都喜欢和她做朋友。因此,我不担心她的新环境。我希望她在新城市和学校有一个新的开始,我也相信她会的。

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