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2014-2015学年度第一学期 初一英语 导学案 主备:孙彩娥 审核人:吴淑杰 签审人:赵外访 使用人: 使用时间:2014.10

莱西市南墅镇中心中学 编号:NSZX141501 班级: 学生姓名:

2014-2015学年度第一学期 初一英语 导学案 主备:孙彩娥 审核人:吴淑杰 签审人:赵外访 使用人: 使用时间:2014.10

莱西市南墅镇中心中学 编号:NSZX141501 班级: 学生姓名:


古鲁板蒿小学“以导促学,同伴互助,构建有效课堂”模式的活页教案执笔人:授课人:审阅人:李淑荣李银峰 Unit 4 What Can You Do ? 温馨寄语:Be honest rather clever. 诚实比聪明更要紧。 学习内容(Learning contents): Unit 4 PartB Read and write Let’s play C Pronunciation Story time. 学习目标(Learning aims) 1.听懂、会说、正确读写句型:What can you do ? I can sweep the floor. 2.听,说,认读句子:Mother goat is ill.We can help her.Just do it. 3.总结字母结合or,all,pl,pr的发音规律,并能朗读Pronuciation 部分的例词 4 .听懂,理解Story time中的故事 知识链接: 1.“Mother Goat ”可译为:山羊妈妈。 2. “just do it ”可译为:就这么干吧。 学习指导(Learning guide) 1.自主学习对话内容(试读,试翻译,理解对话的含义并完

成句子填空。) 2.正确书写Read and write中的四会句子 3.理解Pronunciation 中字母组合的发音规则,读出相 应的单词。 4.根据本节学习到的知识,独立完成导学案。(在自学过程中 注意记录自己解决不了的问题,以便和他人合作交流) 自主学习(Self-learning) 你能读懂Read and write部分的内容吗?你能正确翻译下面句子的汉语意思吗?来试试吧! Mother Goat is ill. ( ) What can you do ?( ) I can water the flowers.( ) Just do it .( ) 合作探究(Group work) (小组内讨论交流展示,组员推荐二人在全班展示。) 1.你能读懂P48页的对话吗?小组内自由读。找出不懂的词句。 2.你能用本节课所学的知识完成课本48页Read and write 部 分的填空吗? (1)在小组里完成Let’s play 部分的内容。 (2)在小组里总结字母组合的or all pr 的发音规律。并朗读Pronunciation 部分的例词。 小组展示(Group show)


PEP英语三年级unit 4 we love animals第五课时 教学目标: 1、听懂会说动物名称单词pig, elephant, bird, squirrel, mouse, bear。 2、能模仿本课所学动物的特征性动作,并且能听指令做动作。 3、在活动中熟悉单词,了解动物,热爱自然。 教材分析: 本课时第一部分是在A部分的Let's learn中词汇学习的基础上,继续学习另夕卜 6 个动物单词:pig,elephant ,bird ,squirrel ,mouse bear。而Let's do部分则要求学生模仿动物的形体动作,学生要能根据指令做动作。此部分的活动主要是让学生在做中练习语言,习得语言。 设计说明: 教师可以先通过复习已经学过的动物单词入手,引导学生的学习积极性,激 发他们想学习更多动物单词的学习欲望,从而达到更好的学习效果。教师可以用 生动可爱的动物图片和课件帮助学生学习动物单词。其中squirrel 和 elepha nt的发音稍微困难一点,教师在教学过程中要留意学生发音是否到位准确;bird和bear,mouth和mouse这两组单词的发音及拼写都很容易弄混淆,教师也应多提醒学生记清楚。 Let's do 部分教师要首先把hunt, walk, climb, fly, jump 这几个动词通过形体语言解释清楚,然后让班上模仿能力强的学生先模仿一遍,再巩固新学的单词之后,就可以边听录音边做动作了。 教学重点:学习新的动物单词pig, elephant, bird, squirrel, mouse, bear。 教学难点:单词squirrel, elephant, mouth and mouse, bird and bear 的 发音。 教具准备: 1、教师自备的pig,elephant ,bird ,squirrel ,mouse bear 的单词卡片,图片和课件。 2、A部分单词的词卡和图卡。 3、关于Let's do 部分的图卡和录音带。 教学过程: 1、热身/复习(Warm-up/ Revision ) (1)日常口语会话活动。


小学英语四年级上册Unit3第四课时教案: Unit 3My friends 学习目标1.能用My friend /He /She likes...来介绍朋友的爱好。 2.能在恰当的情境中用英语表达他人的爱好。 3.能听、说、认读Let’s learn B部分的单词和词组:music, science, sports, painting, computer game。 4.能根据Let’s do 部分的指令做出相应动作,如listen to music, do sports等。 重点:1.句型:My friend/He/She likes… 2.词汇:music, science, sports, painting, computer game 难点:1.发音:sports, painting 2.动词的第三人称单数 教具准备:1.图片:内容见P31页Let’s learn部分 2.Mike和 Chen Jie的面具 3.教材相配套的教学课件[Unit 3,Let’s learn/B] 3.教材相配套的教学录音带 4.录有音乐的录音带 过程:(一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1.复习有关fruits的单词。教师:Who can say some words about fruits? 2.听录音,让学生模仿录音内容表演对话。[使用第二册Unit4 Let’s talk/A 教学录音带]Do you like peaches? Yes, I do. Do you like oranges? No, I don’t.What about pears? Oh, I like them very much. (二)呈现新课(Presentation) 1.教师出示几张有关运动的图片(如:游泳、踢足球、打乒乓球、跑步、跳高等),并贴到黑板上。教师指着图说:I like sports. 重复两遍之后,问学生:Do you like sports? 引导学生说出:Yes, I like sports. 教师指着这个学生说:He/She likes sports. 然后让学生重复老师的这句话。2.教师给学生播放一段音乐,同时把图片贴到黑板上。然后对学生说:I like music. Do you like music?教师先让一个学生回答问题,再让另一个学生根据他/她的回答说出:He/She likes music. 3.教师播放一段正在做科学试验的录像,同时把图片贴到黑板上。问学生Do you like science? 教师先让一个学生回答问题,再让另一个学生根据他/她的回答说出:He/She likes science 4.教师分别出示画画和玩计算机游戏的图片,并贴到黑板上。问学生:Do you like painting/computer game? 教师先让一个学生回答问题,再让另一个学生根据他/她的回答说出:He/She likes painting/computer game. 教师要及时纠正学生的错误发音,like后的s 不要给学生讲语法,但要让学生注意这个词的尾音的发音。5.让学生看着黑板上的图片读出单词。6.教师出示单词卡,让学生认读,并把它们贴到黑板上相应的图片下方。7.教师出示Chen Jie和Mike的面具,问学生:Who are they?学生答:One is Cheng Jie, One is Mike. 8.教师说:Mike and Chen Jie are talking about their friends. Now, Let’s listen What do their friend like? 9.让学生观看教学课件[Unit 3 Let’s learn/A] 10.教师提出问题,让学生回答。 What does Mike’s friend like? What does Chen Jie’s friend like? 11.听录音带跟读课文和单词。 12.教师问:What does your friend like? 学生可自愿介绍一下自己好朋友的爱好。 13.教师边说词组边做动作,帮助学生理解Listen to music. Do sports. Paint. Make friends. Play computer games.的中文意思。 14.让学生听录音,跟读Let’s do 部分的词组。 (三)趣味操练(Practice) 1.猜词游戏


2020-2021学年七年级英语电子导学案 Self Check 知识目标 类别课时要点 重点词组sports center 运动中心 play popular music 播放流行歌曲 重点句式You can get a big plate of dumplings for only five yuan. 仅仅用五元钱就得到一大盘饺子。 课堂环节 §自主学习方案 学生自学新单词(教材P32的单词),看谁记得又快 1.sports center 运动中心 2.play popular music 播放流行歌曲 【新词自查】 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 1.—Where are you going? —I am going to sports center (运动中心). 2.—Why do you like the station best? —Because it plays popular music (播放流行歌曲). §课堂导学方案 Step 1 情景导入 参考案例 Teacher: Who is the funniest teacher you know? Who is the most creative writer you read? Which is the most boring lesson you take? Which is the quietest park you visit? Teacher: Well, in our city there are many well-known big stores.Discuss the following three questions I give you in pairs. (1)Which has the best service/ quality? (2)Which is the cheapest/ the most expensive? (3)Which has the worst service/ quality? 环节说明:通过谈论本单元所学的话题来复习本单元所学的目标语言。让学生巩固已学的语言基础知识,更好地灵活运用所学的语言知识。 Step 2完成教材“1”部分的任务 【操作案例】 1.完成“1”部分的任务。(2分钟) Teacher: We have learned many new adjectives and adverbs in this unit.Look at the five words given in the box.Can you use them to complete the sentences? 2.让学生朗读“1”部分中的句子,老师及时纠正学生的发音。(3分钟) Teacher: Make your own sentences with each of the five words in the box. 环节说明:通过本单元重点词汇的灵活运用,让学生掌握其意义和常见用法。 Step 3完成教材“2”部分的任务 【操作案例】 Teacher: Here are some information and five sentences.There are some mistakes in the sentences.We should correct the mistakes in the sentences according to the information. 1.让学生快速阅读课文,熟知大意,然后让同学们讨论完成“2”部分的任务。(3分钟) 2.先邀请几位同学朗读短文(可以一人一段),并进行翻译。教师要注意语音和翻译的准确度,及时纠正错误。(3分钟) 3.巩固练习。(5分钟) 句子翻译: 1.我想要一盘饺子。 I want a______ ______ ______ . 2.三元钱你能得到一本字典。 You can_______a dictionary_______ three yuan. 3.他舒服地坐在这个座位上。 He ______ on the seat______ . 【答案】1.plate of dumplings 2.get;for 3.sits; comfortably 环节说明:通过阅读训练,培养学生的阅读技巧与能力,巩固本单元所学的语言知识和语法知识。 §当堂评价方案(详见当堂训练部分)

(导学案)第四课时 (6)

Unit Three At the zoo Lesson4 B. Let’s t alk A. Make a monster 学习目标: 1. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。 2. 能够在语境中理解Come here. It has …的语用功能,并在图片或动作等帮助下,使用It has …描述动物的身体部位。 3. 能够朗读对话并能进行角色表演。 4. 通过图片和教师讲解能够发挥想象力创造出属于自己的“怪物”,并简单描述其特点。 学习重点: 1.能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。 2. 能够在语境中理解Come here. It has …的语用功能,并在图片或动作等帮助下,使用It has …描述动物的身体部位。 学习难点: 能够在语境中理解Come here. It has …的语用功能,并在图片或动作等帮助下,使用It has …描述动物的身体部位。 教学准备: 多媒体课件 学习过程: 一、热身导入 Let's sing“At the zoo” Cat is fast.Rat is fat. See then run.Fun! Fun! Fun! Monkey is short. Giraffe is tall. See then play with the ball. 二、任务呈现 1. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。 2. 能够在语境中理解Come here. It has …的语用功能,并在图片或动作等帮助下,使用It has …描述动物的身体部位。

3. 能够朗读对话并能进行角色表演。 4. 通过图片和教师讲解能够发挥想象力创造出属于自己的“怪物”,并简单描述其特点。 三、课文学习 1、媒体展示图片Let's talk 听录音整体感知 2、图文结合学习It has a long nose. a long nose long:长的 3、图文结合学习It has a short tail. a short tail short:短的;矮的四、训练巩固 4、图文结合学习tail 5、展示大象图片学习句型 Look at the elephant. What does it look like? It has a long nose. It has a short tail. It has small eyes. It has big ears. small:小的 big:大的 6、先听录音Let's talk跟读,再小组分角色表演 7、It has …描述动物的身体部位 8、拓展Don’t feed the animals. 出示图片介绍:最近几年,一所动物园至少有13只动物做过手术,包括麋鹿、黇鹿、梅花鹿等,其主要原因就是吃了游客乱扔的食品和塑料袋,造成消化不良。其中1只梅花鹿还因为误食游客扔的食品导致死亡。 动物园工作人员介绍,一些游客扔香蕉皮等捉弄动物。更为恶劣的是,部分游客故意把包着食品的塑料袋甩向动物,以看动物急着吃食的样子为乐。这样捉弄动物,不仅对它们身体造成极大危害,也影响它们正常的生活环境,还有可能

人教版英语PEP五年级下册Unit 3 第五课时【课时练】

人教版英语五年级下册 第五课时 一、找出不同类的单词,将序号填在括号里。 ()1. A. holiday B. who C. which ( ) 2. A. birthday B. Children’s Day C. National Day ( ) 3. A. April B. autumn C. August 二、看图填空。 1. Teachers’ Day is in ________. 2. China’s National Day is in________. 3. American Thanksgiving Day is in________. 4. Christmas is in_________. 5. Mid-Autumn Day is in__________. 三、阅读理解,选择正确答案。 Mid-Autumn Day is on August 15th in the lunar calendar (阴历). On that day, families get together to celebrate it. At night, we sit in the open air (露天), enjoy the bright round moon and eat mooncakes and fruit. We all have a good time on that day. It's said (据说) that there is a beautiful woman called Chang'e, who lives on the moon with her rabbit. () 1. Mid-Autumn Day is on ________ in the lunar calendar. A. January 15th B. August 15th C. May 15th () 2. What do we do on that day? A. Enjoy the moon. B. Eat mooncakes and fruit. C. A and B. () 3. It's said that Chang'e lives on the moon with her _______. A. dog B. rabbit C. cat


新版五年级下册英语第四单元教案Unit 4 第 1 课时 学情分析;本课主要是学习序数词 重难点分析; 1.first[1st], second[2nd], third[3rd], fourth[4th], fifth[5th].的学习。 2.When is the sports meet? It’s on April 4th..的学习 教学目标; 1. 听、说、读、写序数词;first[1st], second[2nd], third[3rd], fourth[4th], fifth[5th]. 2. 初步了解各序数词的用法及在句子中的读法、写法. 3. 让学生能说出一些关于序数词的规律。 导学策略;情境导入 教学准备;单词卡片 教学过程; Step 1.预习温故 1)Greetings: sing a song together. 2)Revision;Go over the old words: Monday- Wednesday January, February, March, April, May,June, T;What day is it today? Ss: Today is Monday/ Wednesday. T: When is your birthday? Ss: It’s in July....... Step 2. 新课内容展示 1)板书;the title “Unit 4When is Easter?”并教读. 2] T: Do you know when is Easter? Ss: It’s usually in April……. T: DO you know when is April Fool’s Day? Ss: 4.1 T: Do you know how to say 4.1 in English? Learn the new words;first[1st], second[2nd], third[3rd], fourth[4th], fifth[5th] T;first .first Spell it please. S;Read after teacher and spell the word. [类似方法教读单词] 3] T: Make a sentence: first .first April Fool’s Day is on April 1st.. S;Read after teacher 4)师生互译序数词、基数词及短语singing contest, maths test school trip , English test。5] 1.sing a song 2.review the words: Monday__Sunday January__June 1. daily dialogue


Period 4 Section B (1a-2d) 【知识与能力目标】 1. 学习并掌握新词汇:convenient, comer, politely, request, direction, correct, polite, direct, indirect, speaker, whom, impolite,address,underground, course,request for directions, depend on, lead in to, a parking lot, in different situation, ask for, any other language. 2.学习掌握重点句式: ⑴The clerk tells her to go to the corner of Market and Middle Streets. ⑵.Can you tell me where there’s a good place to eat? ⑶.We also need to learn how to be polite by being less direct or more indirect— when we ask for help. ⑷.The expressions they use might de?pend on whom they are speaking to or how well they know each ot 【过程与方法目标】 本节课运用任务型教学法,情境交际法,活动教学法,以小组互动,竞赛的方式适时去鼓励学生学习英语的兴趣和热情。 【情感态度价值观目标】 培养学生尊重他人,对人有礼貌,热爱生活。 【教学重点】 礼貌的向他人寻求帮助;正确地使用宾语从句。 【教学难点】 运用宾语从句礼貌的寻求帮助。 【教学步骤】 Step 1. Revision You are a tourist in a city, you want to know something about the city. Make a conversation about asking information politely. A: Could you please tell me where the nearest bank is? B: Sure, go east along this street, then you’ll see it. A: Can you tell me if there is a delicious restaurant near here? B: Sure. Walk along this street, the restaurant is on you right. A: And do you know where the biggest hospital is? B: Go down this street, turn left at the first crossing, you will see it. A: After dinner, I want to buy a pair of shoes, would you mind telling me where the nearest supermarket is? B: It’s over there, just across from you. A: Haha! I see it. Thank you very much! B: You are welcome. Step 2. Lead in 1) Talk about places in your city. 2) Show some pictures of places and discuss what qualities are important for each place. Step 3. Pair work 1a What qualities are important for each place? Write the words from the box next to each place below. Write the most important words first. Places Qualities restroom clean, uncrowded, convenient museum interesting, quiet, uncrowded restaurant clean, inexpensive, quiet


课题Unit4 Where is my car? 第一课时 一、学习内容: A. Let’s learn . Let’s do 二、学习目标: 1.能听、说、认读on in under chair desk. 2.听懂含有形容词的几个指令,并按指令做动作. 三、重点难点: 1、能听、说、认读单词on in under chair desk. 2、能听、说、认读on in under chair desk,并在句子中应用. 3.能根据指令做动作. 四、学习过程: 学案导案 (一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)(2’) (1)日常口语会话展示. (2)教师播放歌曲录音,师生边唱边做动作. 自主学习1、听录音,读一读 Where is m y car? It’s under the chair. 2、拼一拼,写一写 on in under chair desk 3、听录音,跟读课文,与小组内同学互相评读,看一看, 比一比,谁读得好. (二)呈现新课(Presentation)

(1)出示课件,教师说:You will see a beautiful picture. Look at it carefully and tell us: What’s in it?/Where is the bird? 教师快速展示系列图片:on in under学生根据看到的图片说说位置单词.培养观察力和记忆力. (2)继续展示图片:书桌和椅子.T: What is it? It’s a chair.教师教学生认读单词chair 同样出书桌图片,引出单词,教师领读学生跟读学习单词; 教师也可关闭声音, 让学生看动画读单词. (3)播放Let’s learn 部分的录音,学生单词跟读. 合作探究我能流利朗读“Let’s learn” 1) 自由读. 2)小组长或推荐优秀组员领读. 3)其他方式. (三)趣味操练(Practice)(8’) (1)教师将Let’s learn 部分的单词卡举起,带读,学生以“开火车”的形式练习.如chair. chair,也可以让学生拼读单词. (2)Let’s do 部分的内容. a. 教师播放Let’s do 部分的动画,学生边听边说边做此部分的活动. b. 教师使用Let’s do 部分的动作图卡,让学生看图说图卡上画的是什么动物做的动作.


八年级英语上册第三单元第四课时导学案 学校:新密市第二初级中学学段:八年级上学科:英语 学材:新目标(人教版)章节:Unit 3 SectionB(1a-1e) 编写者:闫永鹏审核者:曲晓娟 题目:Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. 一、学习目标:1.会根据1a提供的句子排序,和同伴交流自己关于“好朋友”的看法。所用句型I think a good friend …. 2.听力完成1c,1d,并根据听力内容练习对话.Molly studies harder than her best friend. Mary and her best friend are both tall. 二、学习重难点: 重点:会根据1a提供的句子排序,和同伴交流自己关于“好朋友”的看法。所用句型I think a good friend …. 难点:听力完成1c,1d,并根据听力内容练习对话.Molly studies harder than her best friend. Mary and her best friend are both tall. 三、学习过程策略: (一)、导入。用形容词的原级和比较级看图说句子。 Li Yong is funny. Pan Changjiang is funnier than Li Yong. Cheng Long is outgoing. Li Yong is more outgoing. (二)、自主学习。 自主学习一:目标:会根据1a提供的句子排序,和同伴交流自己关于“好朋友”的看法。所用句型I think a good friend …. 内容:1a,1b 方法:独学,对学。先独立完成1a,再和同伴交流自己关于“好朋友”的观点。 时间:8分钟。检测:排序;完成自主探究。 1a. What kind of things are important in a friend?Rank the things below[1-7](1is the most important) A good friend _____a. has cool clothes _____b. is talented in music. _____c. likes to do the same things as me. _____d. is good at sports. _____ e. truly cares about me. _____f. makes me laugh. _____g. is a good listener. (三)、合作探究。 1、合作交流。Talk about what you think a good friend should be like. Then make a report.(合作展示-你认为好朋友该是什么样?) A: I think a good friend makes me laugh. B: For me, a good friend likes to do the same things as me. C: Yes, and a good friend is talented in music,too. D: That’s not very important for me… My views:A good friend…is good at sports. is good at school work. is popular at school. likes to do the same things as me. has cool clothes and hair style. makes me laugh. is more athletic than me. has good grades. likes telling jokes. keeps secrets. 提问展示:1. talent( n.,天才)+ed = talented (adj.有才能的)比较级:__________. 2. do the same things as me. (翻译)_____________;the same …as…表示:__________, 3. is good at sports.(翻译)be good at…意为_____,其后可接名词、代词或动名词。同义词组:_________He ____ _____ ____ English.(他擅长英语) I’m _____ _____ _______ basketball.(我擅长打篮球)

三年级英语上册Unit 5 第五课时教案

The fifth period(第五课时) Part B Let’s learn & Let’s do ?教学内容与目标 课时教学内容课时教学目标 Let’s learn ·能够通过观察、谈论Let’s learn板块的图片,并在PPT和教师的帮助下理解对话大意·能够听、说、认读图片中所学的单词“water, cake, fish, rice”,并了解其书写形式 ·能够通过多种活动运用句型“Can I have some…, please?”来表达自己想吃的食物 Let’s do ·能够在图片、动作和音频的帮助下理解、跟读歌谣,强化单词音和义之间的联系·能够根据指令做出相应的动作或根据动作说出相应的指令性用语 ?教学重点 1. 能够听、说、认读单词“water, cake, fish, rice”。 2. 能够在情景中运用句型“Can I have some…, please?”来表达自己想吃的食物。?教学难点 能够在实际生活中自然流利地使用本课句型进行对话。 ?教学准备 教学课件、课文录音、视频、单词卡片、教学实物等。 ?教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up & Revision 1. Greetings. 2. Sing the song with the melody of Twinkle twinkle little star. 3. Revision. T: Now, let’s play the game “I say, you do”. Have some eggs. Have some juice. Eat some bread. Drink some milk… Let students do the actions according to the tea cher’s instructions. Step 2: Presentation Teaching purpose 师生互动,拉近距离。利用歌曲热身,激发学生的学习兴趣,创造良好的英语学习氛围。复习旧知,帮助学生尽快投入到课堂中去。

Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater 单元学案(共7课时)

Unit 4 what’s the best movie theater? 本单元围绕“What’s the best...? ... is the best.” 等话题谈论“preference”并进行比较,以小镇为话题,主要语法是形容词最高级的用法。 单元教学内容分析 本单元的核心语言项目是“Discuss preferences and make comparisions”。从Section A 的“Movie theater, clothing store, radio station”到Section B的才艺表演,谈论最喜欢的东西,阅读篇章,做出选择,循序渐进,逐步扩展。 单元教学重点 1.进行比较,学会如何表达最喜欢什么东西 2.正确运用What’s the best...?和Why do you think so? 句型,并作出相应的回答。3.掌握重点词汇的意义和用法:Theater, cinema, seat, screen, jeans, performer, radio, station, trendy, quality, comfortable, close to. 4.能在情境中正确运用以下日常交际用语: What’s the best...? Why do you think so? Showtime cinema. It’s the cheapest. Jason’s has good quality clothes. It’s better than Trendy Teens. Jason’s is the best store in town. Danny’s is the closest. Let’s go there. 单元教学难点 1. 形容词的比较等级在句中的运用; 2.学会比较事物的相同和不同之处 3.能了解as for 的意义并能正确运用。 4.能根据调查,写出以“比较”为话题的调查报告。 学困生教学重难点突破措施 选择学生熟悉与喜欢的事物进行“比较”内容的教学,提高学困生的学习兴趣。精简重点词汇与句型,分层次记忆与操练。加强学困生课后的个别辅导,使他们在理解的基础上,能进行重点句型的朗读与仿写。 单元课时划分 Period 1 Section A 1a-1c; Period 2 Section A 2a-2c; Period 3 Section A 2d Period 4 Section A 3a-3c; Period 5 Section B 1a-1e Period 6 Section B2a-2e, Period 7 Section B3a-selfcheck

Unit 3 第五课时教学设计2.DOC

第五课时教学设计 一、教学重点: 1.能够听懂、会说句子:What’s the date? It’s October 1st. Who has a birthday in October? Me. 2.能用所学句型调查同学的生日。 3.掌握字母组合eer, ear, ch, sh在单词中的发音。 二、教学难点: 能灵活运用所学句型。 三、课前准备: 1.教师准备教学过程中所需要的图片、声音和课件。 2.教师准备录音机及录音带。 四、教学过程: 一、Warm—up(热身) 活动一:Let’s try 教学参考时间:4分钟 ①请学生看图先说一说每幅图的日期:It’s October 1st. It’s June 2nd. It’s August 1st. It’s January 8th. ②教师播放录音,学生完成听音选图的练习。 活动二:唱一唱 教学参考时间:4分钟 ①教师放节日歌曲,如“Jingle Bell”,“Happy New Year”等,学生听歌猜节日。如,“It’s New Year’s Day”。 ②师生之间进行问答练习,如:“What day is it? It’s …. What’s the date? It’s ….”。 二、Presentation(新课呈现) 活动三:说一说 教学参考时间:7分钟 ①教师询问学生“What day is today?”,学生说出“Today is …”。而后又问学生:“What’s the date?”,帮助学生说出今天的具体日期:“It’s …”。 ②让学生拿出课前准备的年历(最好是学生自己制作的),教师随意指着某天询问学生:“What’s the date?”,而后请学生拿着年历相互用“What’s the date? It’s ….”进行问答练习。 ③教师拿着年历从一月开始问学生:“Who has a birthday in January? Please stand up.”,而后教师问起立的学生:“What’s the date?”,让一月份生日的学生答出具体日期。 ④请若干名学生代替老师进行提问,从二月到十二月。 活动四:Let’s talk 教学参考时间:8分钟 ①教师播放对话录音两遍,而后提问:“When is Sarah’s birthday? When is Zhang’s birthday?”,学生根据对话内容回答出:“Sarah’s birthday is in October 1st. Zhang’s birthday’s is in March

unit5 it was herejust now第1-4课时导学案

一、学习目标: 1、能听说认读写下面单词和短语:scarf, wallet, sunglasses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots, school bag, skirt, sweater, dress, T-shirt, shorts, trousers 2.能在句型中运用上述词汇。 二、自主学习: 1、我会认。scarf, wallet, sunglasses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots, school bag, skirt, sweater, dress, T-shirt, shorts, trousers 2、我会写,记忆三分钟,开始默写。 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3.我会用。我会造句。 (1).Where is my s________? (2). Where are my r_______ b______? (3). Where are my g_______? (4). I wear a sweater on a windy day. 除了以上句子,我还会说___________________________________________________. 三、合作交流。 1、小组内互读单词(采取组长领读、自读、互读的方法) 2、小组PK.(拼读单词,并且造句) 四、课堂检测 1、补全单词及短语并翻译。 sc_ _f, w_ll_t, s_ngl_sses, gl_ves, w_ _m j_ck_t, r_ _n b_ _ts, school b_g, sk_ _t, sw_ _ter, dr_ss, T-shirt, sh_ _ts, tr_ _sers 2.用所学节介词填空。 in, on, under, behind, beside. (1).The shoes are _______ the bed. (2).The desk is ________ the bed. (3).There is a computer ________ the desk. (4). There are some flowers _______ the computer. (5).------- Where are the ruler and the pen? ------- They are _______ the desk

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