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1、I have got some noodles.(否定句)

2. There are some sheep on the farm.(一般疑问句) 3.What’s this? (复数句)

4.Those are lovely deer. (单数句)

5.This is a knife. (复数句)

6.The little boy is in the park. (对划线部分提问)

7.This Spring Festival is in January.(对划线部分提问)

8.I like to drink some milk.( 对划线部分提问)

9.I can dance with my feet.( 对划线部分提问)

10. My coat is blue.( 对划线部分提问)

11. There are some books on the table.( 改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

12. I like to drink some water.(否定句)

13. I like going to school with my friends.( 一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

14. They are going to the park on Sunday.(否定句)

15. She has some little rabbits.(1.一般疑问句,并做肯定回答2. 否定句)

16. Mom and dad often do some washing on Saturday.(否定句和一般疑问句)


句型转换 一,对下列句子中划线部分提问 1,The deepest part of the water is near Japan. ______________________________________________________________ 2,My father will take me to Beijing. ______________________________________________________________ great. 3,My trip to Xi’an is ______________________________________________________________ 4,Harry Potter Ⅳ will be on this afternoon. ______________________________________________________________ a dress. 5,I’m looking for ______________________________________________________________ 6,You may keep the book two weeks. ______________________________________________________________ 7,I saw many animals in Beijing Zoo. ______________________________________________________________ 8,I often help my grandfather on the farm. ______________________________________________________________ 9,I am from Australia. ______________________________________________________________ 10,We will go to the nearest supermarket. ______________________________________________________________ 11,My new pencil-box is about ten yuan. ______________________________________________________________ 12,The name of the book is Sleeping Beauty. ______________________________________________________________ 13,He came to visit China two days ago. ______________________________________________________________ 14,There are twelve students over there. ______________________________________________________________ 15,Nearly all of you know seas and rivers about the water.


三年级句型转换练习题 三年级句型转换练习题 三年级句型转换练习题 2、雷锋精神怎么会过时呢? 3、知识是无止境的;我们有什么理由骄傲自满;故步自封呢? 4、冬天来了;春天还会远吗? 5、我们哪里有近道;还不和你们是一条道? 6、毒刑拷打算得了什么?死亡也无法叫我开口. 7、都是你自己找的;我怎么帮得了你的忙? 二、把下面的陈述句改为反问句 1、这个真实的故事使我深受感动. 2、我们不能辜负老师对我们的殷切希望. 3、春风吹绿了田野. 4、是春风吹绿了田野. 5、我们不能做损人利己的事. 三、以文明用语的要求;将下列话换个说法 1、喂;妈;今天开学了;快给钱. 2、奶奶;学校号召我们捐款救灾;快给我五元钱. 3、喂;老头;把锄头借我用一下. 4、小红;把窗关一下. 四、将下列句子改为第三人称转述 1、贝多芬说:“我是来弹一首曲子给这位姑娘听的.” 2、小红说:“今天下午学校组织到野外活动;我必须参加 3、蔺相如说:“这块璧有点儿小问题;让我指给您看.” 4、蔺相如说:“秦王若有诚意换璧;我就把璧交给他.”

五、把“把”字句改成“被”字句 1、疲劳和干渴;把它们折磨得有气无力. 2、把“被”字句改成“把”字句. 我的错误马上被朋友们纠正了. 五、改变词序;意思保持不变. 1、出金华城大约5公里到罗甸 . ________________________________ 雨从早到晚哗哗哗哗地下个不停?____________________________ 2、改变词序;改变句意. 那些来南京的客人都很热情?_______________________________ 这几道题你全没有做对. __________________________________ . 6、把陈述句改成反问句. 猫的性格实在有些古怪 . _____________________________________ 在这个长满了红锈的鱼钩上;闪烁着灿烂的金色的光芒? 妈妈严肃地对我说;马上就要期末考试了;我一定要认真复习;不要辜负老师和她对我的一片期望? 二、照样子写句子? 1、例:李老师推开门走进教室? 2、例:夜空的繁星;仿佛碧波上撒满的宝石? 3、例:井冈山是中国革命的摇篮. 4、例:敌人使用了燃烧弹;邱少云的周围成了一片火海 5、例:天空的星星快活地眨着眼睛. 6、这些信件和报纸给千家万户带来了希望、欢乐和温暖


英语句型转换方法-小学英语句型转 换题 小学五年级英语_句型转换试题 英语5A句型转换练习 一般疑问句 一、把be动词和情态动词(can, may, must...)放到句首,其它照写。遇I/we—you, my—your. some—any. 句号变成问号 例如:陈述句: They are in the park.He can play the guitar.. 一般疑问句: Are they in the park? Can he play the guitar? 把下列句子变成一般疑问句 1. I am listening to music. __________________________________ _____ 2. Mike is a student. __________________________________ _____ 3. Sarah can clean the

classroom. __________________________________ ______ 4. They are in the zoo. __________________________________ ______ 5. There are some flowers in the vase. is my sister. __________________________________ _______ are sweeping the floor. __________________________________ ________ 二、借助助动词do/does,第三人称单数用does,其余人称用do,放到句首,其他照写。特别记住:前面用does,后面的动词一定还原成原形。遇I/we—you, my—your, some—any. 句号变成问号例如:陈述句: I like the ducks. He likes the dogs. 一般疑问句:Do you like the ducks? Does he like the dogs?


一、对下列句子中划线部分提问. 1,The deepest part of the water is near Japan. 2,My father will take me to Beijing. 3,My trip to Xi’an is great. 4,Harry Potter Ⅳ will be on this afternoon. 5,I’m looking for a dress. 6,You may keep the book two weeks. 7,I see many animals in Beijing Zoo. 8,I often help my grandfather on the farm. 9,I am from Australia. 10,We will go to the nearest supermarket. 11,My new pencil-box is about ten yuan. 12,The name of the book is Sleeping Beauty. 13,He comes to visit China on sundays 14,There are twelve students over there. 15,Nearly all of you know seas and rivers about the water. 16,These sneakers are 280 yuan. 17,I get up at 6 o’clock every morning. 18,There is a lot of water on the earth. 19,The weather there was a little hot. 20,Tom sees many places of interest in that old city. 21,I come here by train. 22,We are going to buy tomorrow’s air tickets. 23,He’s interested in making pen friends. 24,My father works in Africa. 25,Mike wants to be a singer in the future. 二,把下列句子变为一般疑问句: 1. I am interested in swimming. 2. Mike is a student in Grade Six. 3. Tom enjoys listening to the music 4. Sarah can clean the classroom. 5. There are some flowers in the vase. 6.He is coming to visit China. 7. I can speak English well. 8. Tony has a talk for a long time. 9. They like making the presents(礼物). 10. Jim and Kate often help their grandfather on the farm after school. 11.I am good at singing and dancing. 12. He wants to be an actor in the future. 13.We play basketball on Sundays. 14.We should take care of the young trees. 15. The girls are singing in the classroom. 16. She has something to eat. 17. Alice caomes to our home on weekends. 18. The little boy is standing on the man's shoulders. 19.There is some fruit juice in the glass. 20. We will visit America next week(下一周). 三,将下列句子变为否定句: 1.He takes some pictures every day. 2.It’s cheap enough. 3.The teacher should make the students happy every day. 4.Show me your library card, please. 5.She gives her brother some tapes about folk music. 6.This is the first time we come to Australia. 7.We’d better make a shopping list first. 8.There are a lot of lovely animals there.


三年级语文各种句型转换知识点汇总+专项 练习题 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

三年级语文各种句型转换知识点汇总+专项练习题 概念常见词 双重否定词: 1.不是不 2.并不是不 3.不可能不 4.不…不… 5.没有…不… 6.非…不… 7.非……不可… 8.无不 9.无非 10.不无 11.未必不...不得不 12.不能不 13.不会不 14.不可不 15.不要不 16.不得不 17.谁也不能否认 否定词: 1.不 2.没 3.莫 4.差点 5.无 6.勿 7.否 8.未 9.忌 反问词: 1.难道 2.怎么 3.这么 4.岂 5.怎能 语气词: 1.哦 2.吧 3.嗯 4.哈 5.吗 6.呃 7.哎 8.嘛 9.咦 10.啊 11.呀 12.呢 13.哇 14.哼 主语: 主语是执行句子的行为或动作的主体。一般由名词,代词,名词化了的动词来充当。 谓语: 谓语是对主语动作或状态的陈述或说明,指出“做什么”“是什么”或是“怎么样”。常用动词、动词性短语,形容词、形容词性短语,充当谓语。“是”是特殊谓语动词。 宾语:

宾语,是指一个动作(动词)的接受者。可由名词、代词、数词、名词化的形容词、动名词、等来担任。 黄金定律 1.陈述句不同于肯定句,肯定句中绝对不存在否定词,而陈述句则不要求。 2. “像人”不一定是拟人句,拟人句中绝对有一个人或动物才能做出的动词。 3. 比喻句一定有本体和喻体。 句式转换详解 1. 否定句=>肯定句 关键词:换词 1) 找到并明确句子中的否定词。 2) 理解句子意思后,找到可替换且意思不变的词语/短语。 3) 将替换词代入句子,再检查句子中是否还有否定词。 4) 理通句子即可。 例子:否定句——她可能还没吃饭。肯定句——她可能还饿着。 2. 肯定句=>否定句 关键词:换词 1) 理解句意,找到句中的关键词。 2) 找出1)中关键词的反义词,再在这个反义词前面添加合适的否定词。 3) 理通句子即可。 例子:陈述句——他是个好人。否定句——他不是个坏人。 3. 双重否定句=>陈述句 关键词:删去双重否定词 1) 找句子里的双重否定词,随后立即删去。 2) 添加适当形容词,理通句子即可。 例子:双重否定句——由于形势所迫,红军不得不进行长征。陈述句——由于形势所迫,红军必须进行长征。


小学英语四年级专项练习(句型转换) 一、肯定句改否定句的方法——一步法 1、在be动词后加not。 如:is not , are not , am not, was not, were not; 例如:He is in the classroom. (改为否定句) He is not ( isn’t ) in the classroom. 2、在can,should, will等后加not。 如:can not, should not, will not; 例如: Mike can sing English songs. ( 改为否定句) Mike can not ( can’t ) sing English songs. 3、上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词否定形式don’t/doesn’t/didn’t。 例如: I like pizza. ( 改为否定句) I don’t like pizza. 4、句中有some 的要改成any。 例如: There are some books on the desk. ( 改为否定句) There are not ( aren’t ) any books on the desk. 练习 1. I’m in the TV room. 2. I like dolls. 3. He’s cold. 4.John is walking in the park. 5.Tom and Marry are friends. 6.I’m a student. 7.She will go to Beijing tomorrow, 8. We get there by bike. 9.He likes apples. 10.There are some flowers in the picture. 11.I often play football with my friend. 12. We are from China. 13.Sit down. 二、肯定句改一般疑问句的方法——三步法 1、把be动词放在句首,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,my改成your等)句点改成问号。 例如: They are in the park. Are they in the park?


英语句型转换常规基本句式的转换方法、 技巧点拨 “句型转换”有两种形式,一是按要求转换句型(如:要求将陈述句转换为否定句或一般疑问句;改为祈使句或感叹句;对划线部分提问等);二是“同义句转换”。本题型在中考中重要是测试我们运用英语“句型”的能力。“四位一体”的“句型转换”专项训练,就是为了发展我们这方面的能力。第一类题型的转换,重点是基本句型的运用,一般都有规律可循。除了熟记基本句式的结构外,还要注意some, any; already, yet 等词在转换时的变化。第二类句型转换(同义句转换)应该作为我们复习训练的重点。用不同的句式表达相同的意思,它标志着一个人的外语能力水平。提高此项能力的关键是熟悉句型结构,自如运用。通过“专项训练”,积累一定数量的相关句式,达到脱口而出,信手拈来,出神入化。 基本句式的转换主要是指“肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、反意

疑问句和选择疑问句、祈使句、感叹句”的相互转换。句式的转换一般都有一定的规律可循,我们就是要掌握它们的变化规律,能够举一反三,见此知彼。 (一)肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句的相互转换 这三种句型的转换有共同的规律可循,有几个要点必须牢记。我们可以把各种句式归为两大类:1、含有的be动词、助动词和情态动词的句子;2、只有行为动词的句子。 第1类的句子,肯定句改为否定句时,一律在be动词、助动词和情态动词后加“not”,改为一般疑问句时,一律将be 动词、助动词和情态动前移到句首(首字母大写)。肯定回答用“Yes”;否定回答用“No”。“Yes”或“No”后面的主语必须用代词,“No”后面必须用否定缩略式。如: 将下列句子改为否定句、一般疑问句,并做肯定、否定回答: 1. There are some computers in this school.


74. Is that a bird?(将问句改为陈述句) 75. Jenny’s book is that one.(1、改为同义句;2、划线提问) 76.What is that in English?(改为复数形式) 77.They are going to park next week.(1、改为现在进行时;2、改为一般现在时) 78. I goto school by bus everyday.(1、划线部分提问;2、改为过去时态) 79、My father is readingthenewspaper now.(1、划线部分提问;2、改为过去时态) 80、I usually do my homework at seven o’clock.(1、改为现在进行时;2、改为过去时态) 81、This is a bus.(变为复数句) 82.I drive my car to school. (用be going to改写句子) 83.Ping-pong is my favourite sport. (同义句) 84.His sister is reading English. (1、变为一般疑问句;2、改为现在时) 85.It’s a warm,sunny day. (用what改为祈使句) 86. That is a box. (变为复数句) 87.She is walking to school now. (1、变为一般疑问句;2、改为将来时) 88.He is tall. (用short变为选择疑问句) 89.I did my homework this evening, (1、划线部分提问;2、改为否定句;3、改为现在时) 90.She does her homework before supper。(1、变为一般疑问句;2、改为将来时) 91.I wanted to fly a kite. (1、变为一般将来时2、划线提问) 92.He washes his hands everyday. (1、改为一般疑问句并否答;2、改为进行时) 93.Flying a kite is hard. (1、用easy替换同义句2、用easy改为选择疑问句) 94.Sixty minutes make an hour. (划线部分提问) 95.Itis time for lunch. (变为同义句) 96. I walk to school once a week. (对画线部分提问). 97. You can answer my question. (1、变为一般疑问句;2、否定句) 98. It was a good team. (变为否定句) 99.We went to the store yesterday.(1、划线部分提问;2、改为将来时) 100.They had fun today.(1、一般疑问句;2、改为进行时) 101.This is a basketball.(1、改为复数句子2、用a football改为选择疑问句) 102.There are many players in a team.(同义句) 103.He think he can catch the ball. (1、变为一般疑问句并肯答;2、否定句) 104、This is a marker. (1、变复数句;2、改为一般疑问句并否答) 105、At 4:30 in the morning, I go home. (对画线部分提问) 106、Their favorite clothes are shorts. (变否定句) 107、May I take your picture? (作否定回答)


句型转换班级___________________ 姓名____________________ (一) 一般疑问句是指用yes(是)或no(否)来回答的句子改一般疑问句:口诀:一调,二改,三问号如:This is your book. Is this your book? He is Liu Tao. Is he Liu Tao? 1. This is a cat. _______ ________ a cat? 2. That is my pencil. _______ ________ my pencil? 3. She is a teacher. ______ _______ a teacher? 4.This is Helen. ________ _______ Helen?(二)翻译(拓展her 她的,his 他的) 1. 他是我的朋友。 2.看,她是他的奶奶。 ________ _______ my _________. _______, _________ his _________. 3. 这是我的母亲。 4.李老师,这是我的叔叔。 _______ ______ my __________. _______ Li , _______ is _______ uncle.(三)根据问题写出回答 1.Who’s he? ______ _____ Mike. 2.What is this? ________ a ruler. 3.Are you a student? _____ , I ______. 4. Do you like tigers? ______, I don’t. 5.What’s your father? _____ a doctor. 6.Can you sing? ______, I _______. 句型转换班级___________________ 姓名____________________ (一) 一般疑问句是指用yes(是)或no(否)来回答的句子改一般疑问句:口诀:一调,二改,三问号如:This is your book. Is this your book? He is Liu Tao. Is he Liu Tao? 1. This is a cat. _______ ________ a cat? 2. That is my pencil. _______ ________ my pencil? 3. She is a teacher. ______ _______ a teacher? 4.This is Helen. ________ _______ Helen?(二)翻译(拓展her 她的,his 他的)


74. Is that a bird(将问句改为陈述句) 75. Jenny’s book is that one.(1、改为同义句;2、划线提问) 76. What is that in English(改为复数形式) are going to park next week. (1、改为现在进行时;2、改为一般现在时) 78. I go to school by bus everyday. (1、划线部分提问; 2、改为过去时态) 79、My father is reading the newspaper now. (1、划线部分提问;2、改为过去时态) 80、I usually do my homework at seven o’clock. (1、改为现在进行时;2、改为过去时态) 81、This is a bus.(变为复数句) drive my car to school. (用be going to改写句子) is my favourite sport. (同义句) sister is reading English. (1、变为一般疑问句;2、改为现在时) ’s a warm,sunny day. (用what改为祈使句) 86. That is a box. (变为复数句) is walking to school now. (1、变为一般疑问句;2、改为将来时) is tall. (用short变为选择疑问句) did my homework this evening, (1、划线部分提问;2、改为否定句;3、改为现在时) does her homework before supper。(1、变为一般疑问句;2、改为将来时)


句型转换,对下列句子中划线部分提问 1, The deepest part of the water is n ear Japan. 2, My father will take me to Beijing. 3, My trip to Xi ' an is great. 4, Harry Potter IV will be on this after noon. 5.1 'm looking for a dress. 6, You may keep the book two weeks. 7.1 s aw many a ni mals in Beiji ng Zoo. 8.1 o ften help my grandfather on the farm. 9.1 a m from Australia. 10, We will go to the nearest supermarket.

11, My new pen cil-box is about ten yuan. 12, The n ame of the book is Sleeping Bueaty. 13, He came to visit China two days ago. 14, There are twelve stude ns over there. 15, Nearly all of you know seas and rivers about the water. 16, These sn eakers are 280 yuan. 17.1 g et up at 6 o ' clock every morning. 18, There is a lot of water on the earth. 19, The weather there was a little hot. ____ 20, Tom saw many places of interest in that old city.

三年级下册英语专项练习 连词成句与句型转换 期末复习 ∣牛津译林

牛津译林版2019-2019学年小学英语三年级下册期末复习(连词成句与句型转 换) 一、句型转换 1.I want a sweet. (改写同义句) I________ ________ a sweet. 2.Is this your new schoolbag? (改为肯定句) ________is ________new schoolbag. 3.My brother is eight years old next year. (对划线部分提问) 4.This is my pencil. (改为否定句) ________ 5.Is that a rubber? (作肯定回答) ________ 6.It is an English book. (变为一般疑问句) ________ 7.This is my brother. (改写一般疑问句) ________this ________brother? 8.Don't listen to the parrot (改为肯定句) ________ 9.This is a robot. (对画线部分提问) ________this? 10.Please close the window. (改写否定句) ________ ________ ________ ________ the window. 11.Would you like a pie? (做否定回答) ________ 二、连词成句 1.blackboard, at, please, our, look (.) (连词成句) 2.egg, you, this, for,is (.) 3.now, your, it's, under, desk (.) 4.you, how, are, old (?) (连词成句) 5.here, pen, is, not, your (.)


小学英语试题-句型转换的方法 一、肯定句改否定句的方法——一步法 1、在be动词后加not。如:is not ,are not ,am not,was not,were not; 2、在can,should,will等后加not。如:cannot,should not,will not; 3、上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词否定形式don’t/doesn’t/didn’t。 4、some 改成any。如有I、you将其该成you、I。 二、肯定句改一般疑问句的方法——三步法 1、把be动词放在句首,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,my改成your等)句点改成问号。 2、把can,shall,will等放到句首,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,my改成your等)句点改成问号。 3、上述都没有的,在句首请助动词Do/Does/Did帮忙,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,my改成your等)句点改成问号。 三、肯定句改特殊疑问句的方法——四步法 1、在一般疑问句的基础上,句首添加一个疑问词即可,可根据划线部分确定是什么疑问词。 2、接着找be动词或can,shall,will等放在疑问词后面,若没有则请助动词do/does/did 帮忙,写在疑问词后面,how many除外,必须先写物品,再写be动词等。 3、划线部分去掉后剩下的内容照抄,(some 改成any,my改成your等) 4、句点改成问号。 如:what (什么)\how(怎样)\ who(谁)\ which(哪一个)\why(为什么)where(哪里)how many(多少)\how much (多少钱)\what colour(什么颜色)\ how old(多大)\……等等……


小学英语句型转换方法归纳 句型转换方法归纳改为一般疑问句 1 、先找 be 动词am, is, are, was, were 或情态动词 can, may ,must, would , should ,could . 如果有这些词,直接把这些词放在句子最前面, some 改成 any ,句号改成问号!其余照抄;(如果主语是第一人称则变成第二人称) 2 、如果句子中没有 be 动词或者是情态动词,要在句子最前面加助动词 do 、 does 或者是 did 。首先判断句子时态,如果句子是过去式 改为一般疑问句 1、先找be动词 am, is, are, was, were或情态动词can, may ,must, would,should ,could .如果有这些词,直接把这些词放在句子最前面, some 改成any,句号改成问号!其余照抄;(如果主语是第一人称则变成第二人称) 2、如果句子中没有be动词或者是情态动词,要在句子最前面加助动词 do 、does或者是did。 首先判断句子时态,如果句子是过去式,则要在句最前面加Did,后面动词用原型,some改成any,句号改成问号,其余照抄;(如果主语是第一人称则变成第二人称) 如果句子不是过去式,则判断是否为第三人称单数,如果第三人称单数,要在句子最前面前加助动词Does,后面动词用

原型,some 改成any,句号改成问号,其余部分照抄。(如果主语是第一人称则变成第二人称) 其他情况均要在句子最前面加助动词do,some改成any,句号改成问号,其它部分照抄.(如果主语是第一人称则变成第二人称) 改为否定句 1、先找be动词 am, is, are, was, were或情态动词can, may ,must, would,should ,could .如果有这些词,直接在这些词的后面加not, some 改成any,其余照抄; 2、如果句子中没有be动词或者是情态动词,要在动词前面加don’t 、doesn’t或者是didn’t。 首先判断句子时态,如果句子是过去式,则要在动词前面加didn’t,后面动词用原型,some改成any,其余照抄; 如果句子不是过去式,则判断是否为第三人称单数,如果第三人称单数,要在动词前面前加doesn’t,后面动词用原型,some 改成any,其余部分照抄。 其他情况均要在句子动词前面加don’t,some改成any,其它部分照抄. 对划线部分提问 第一步:先把句子改成一般问句 第二步:把提问部分省略,在句子最前面加疑问词。(如果提问部分是动词词组,要把它改成do;如果提问部分


句型转换的方法 柏林学校 一、肯定句改否定句的方法——一步法 1、在be动词后加not。如:is not 〃are not 〃am not〃was not〃were not; 2、在can〃should〃will等后加not。如:cannot〃should not〃will not; 3、上述都没有的〃在动词前加助动词否定形式don’t/doesn’t/didn’t。 4、some 改成any。如有I、you将其该成you、I。 二、肯定句改一般疑问句的方法——三步法 1、把be动词放在句首〃剩下的照抄〃(some 改成any〃my改成your等)句点改成问号。 2、把can〃shall〃will等放到句首〃剩下的照抄〃(some 改成any〃my 改成your等)句点改成问号。 3、上述都没有的〃在句首请助动词Do/Does/Did帮忙〃剩下的照抄〃(some 改成any〃my改成your等)句点改成问号。 三、肯定句改特殊疑问句的方法——四步法 1、在一般疑问句的基础上〃句首添加一个疑问词即可〃可根据划线部分确定是什么疑问词。 2、接着找be动词或can〃shall〃will等放在疑问词后面〃若没有则请助动词do/does/did帮忙〃写在疑问词后面〃how many除外〃必须先写物品〃再写be动词等。 3、划线部分去掉后剩下的内容照抄〃(some 改成any〃my改成your等)

4、句点改成问号。 如:what (什么)\how(怎样)\ who(谁)\ which(哪一个)\why(为什么)where(哪里)how many(多少)\how much (多少钱)\what colour (什么颜色)\ how old(多大)\……等等…… 一、把be动词(am is are)和情态动词(can, may, must...)放到句首〃其它照写。遇I/we—you, my—your. some—any. 句号变成问号(<)例如:陈述句: They are in the park. He can play the guitar.. 一般疑问句: Are they in the park? Can he play the guitar? 把下列句子变成一般疑问句 1. I am listening to music.____________________________________ 2. Mike is a student.__________________________________________ 3. Sarah can clean the classroom.________________________________ 4. They are in the zoo.________________________________________ 5. There are some flowers in the vase.__________________________ 6.This is my sister._________________________________________ ___

三年级英语上册试题- 期末分类复习专题十 句型转换 译林版(三起)无答案

三上期末归类复习(十)姓名 句型变化 1. What’s that? It’s an orange.(改为复数句) _______________________________________________________ 2. This mango is for you.(改为复数句) _________________________________________________________ 3. It’s for you. (改为复数句) _______________________________________________________ 4. That is an ice cream. (改为复数句) _______________________________________________________ 5. This toy car is for you.(改为复数句) _______________________________________________________ 6. They are orange oranges.(改为单数句) ________________________________________________________ 7. It’s an egg.(对划线部分提问) _________________________________________________________ 8. They are peaches. (对划线部分提问) _________________________________________________________ 9. toy, is, this, jeep, him, for(连词成句) ________________________________________________________ . 1.It’s nice. (改为感叹句) _________________________________ ! 2.What ‘s this? (写出复数句) ______________________________________ ? 3.They are for you. (写出单数句) _____________________________________ .


小学英语句型转换 肯定句改否定句的方法(一加二改) 1、在be动词或情态动词后加not。如:is not ,are not ,am not,was not, were not,can not,should not,will not; 2、上述都没有的,在动词原型前加助动词否定形式didn’t/doesn’t/ don’t 。 3、some改any,too改either,and改or 一般疑问句(一跳二改三问号) 1. 跳be动词(am is are was were) 或情态动词(can may must shall should would could will) . 没有就在加上助动词did does do 2. 改大小写,动词改原型,some改any,I 改you,my 改your . 3. 句号改问号 对画线部分提问(一定二问) 1. 根据划线的词语选用特殊疑问词,放在句首,进行提问。 2. 加上一般疑问句(一跳二改三问号) 特殊疑问词一般是w或wh开头的。 如: wh at -------------------------- 什么,对名词和职业提问如a jacket what…do/doing--------------做什么,对动词提问如sweep the floor what colour--------------------什么颜色 what day-----------------------星期几 how -----------------------怎样,对方式和感觉如何提问,如fine, by bus, walk wh o------------------------------谁, 对人提问Miss Li, my mother wh ose+名词--------谁的,对名词所有格和物主代词提问,如Lily’s, mine, his where----------------------------哪里,对地点提问, 如at school when-----------------------------什么时间,对时间提问,如at half past five how many+名词复数---------多少,对数量提问,如twenty, five how much----------------------多少,对不可数名词和价格提问 how old------------------------多少岁 which+名词-------------------哪一个,对形容词提问,如I like the big ball. Why-----------------------------为什么 一、将下列句子改为否定句 1、I have a soccer, too. 2、She has some apples. 3、Please don’t open the window. 4、Bill doesn’t like bananas. 5、I ate ice cream for lunch.

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