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Ancient man attempted to change the weather by using magic. While experience taught him this was impossible, __1__

he tried to forecast weather conditions. Even earlier in __2__

1000 B.C. there were weather seers in Babylon----and priests clever enough to denounce as frauds those predicted __3__

the weather a year in the advance. Some forecasters used __4__

methods that seemed to take no connection with the actual __5__

factors controlled the weather. Chickens and other animals __6__

were sacrificed and their intestines poked to find signs indicating rain and drought. Somewhat more scientific were __7__

predictions based on vegetation:"Onion's skin very thin ,mild weather coming in. Onion's skin thick and tough, coming weather is cold and rough."

Insects and animals were also __8__

favorite weather clues: "Before the glowworm lights his __9__

lamp , then the air is always damp ." "If spiders their cobwebs forsake , the weather will for certain break." "If frogs remained in pools , the weather will be fine . If they were seen on rocks, __10__

rain and cold were due." It's difficult to say whether this rhyme should be taken seriously : " Hark , I hear the asses bray . Me thinks we'll have some rain today ."


1.While—When或After.本句的this指代的是to change the weather by using magic. when/after 引导时间状语



4. 删除advance前的the.in advance为习语

5. take—have.have connection with 为习语

6. controlled—controlling或在controlled前加that/which.controlling the weather 或that/which controlled the weather做定语修饰the actual factors

7. and—or.rain和draught只能是二者之一

8. 删除is.与上文平衡,均为省略句

9. before—when/if.条件句

10. will—would.if引导的是条件句用的是remained一般过去时


It is difficult to think of a nation as an abstract collection of people living on a patch of territory. It is easier to think of as a person. This is why we sometimes call Great Britain __1__ "Britannia" and the United States "Columbia", and think of it as stately women. We also use masculine symbols in our __2__

personification of nations. In 1712 John Arbuthont, a Scot, wrote a political satire in that the characters were supposed __3__

to be typical members of different nationalities. The Englishman was John Bull. This name, which was sufficient flattering to be __4__

adopted generally, combined the most common English first name with a last name indicated strength. John Bull is usually __5__

pictured as a partly businessman with a Union Jack on his hatband.

After the American War of Independence began in 1783, the United __6__

States was knownfor "Brother Jonathan". Jonathan was a biblical __7__

name associated with simple people from rural areas, and it seemed fitting since the United States is rural and unsophiscated, and since __8__

American considered their type of simplicity a virtue compared to __9__

the wickedness of European cities. It is possible, however, that the name was originated with President George Washington, who would __10__

often say, when faced with a hard problem, "Let us consult Brother Jonathan", referring to his secrectary, Johnathan Trumbull.


1. of和as之间加上it.代替前文的a nation

2.it—both.指代上文的US和Great Britain



5. indicated—indicating


7. for—as.be known for意为“因......而众所周知”

8. is—was.美国过去曾是一个rural and unsophisticated的国家

9.to—with.compare to 意为“把......比作.......”compare with意为“与......比较,与.......匹敌,与......竞争”

10. 删掉name和originated之间的was


About half of the infant and maternal deaths in developing countries could be avoided if women had used family planning methods to prevent high risk ____1

pregnancies, according to a report publishing recently by the Johns Hopking University. ____2 The report indicates that 5.6 million infant deaths and 2,000,000 maternal Deaths could be prevented this year if women chose to have theirs children ____3

within the safest years with adequate intervals among births and limited their ____4

families to moderate size.

This amounts to about half of the 9.8 million infant and 370.000 maternal deaths in developing countries, excluded China, estimated for this year by ____5

the United Nation’s Children’s Fund and the US Centers for Disease Control respectably. China was excluded because very few births occur in the high risk categories. ____6

The report says that evidences from around the world shows the risk of ____7

maternal or infant ill and death is the highest in four specific types of ____8

pregnancy; pregnancies before the mother is 18 year old; those after the ____9

mother is 35 years old; pregnancies after four births; and those lesser than two years apart.____10


1. 将had used 改为used。


Many would be wise if they did not think themselves wise. 许多人原本会成为聪明人-如果他们


2. 将publishing 改为published

report和publish时逻辑动宾关系,故应使用publish的过去分词短语来修饰report。例如: Any discovery that we may make, however small, will remain acquired knowledge. 任何可能的发现,不管多么微不足道,都将成为知识宝库中的一部分。

3. 将theirs 改为their

4. 将among 改为between


5. 将过去分词excluded 改为介词excluding


6. 将respectably 改为respectively

respectively 意为“分别地”,符合句子的意思。而respectably意为“可敬的,值得尊敬地”。

7. 将evidences 改为evidence


8. 将ill改为illness

9. 将year 改为years

10. 将lesser 改为less


"Home, sweet home" is a phrase that express an essential attitude in the United States. Whether the reality of life in the family house is sweet or no sweet, the cherished ideal of home _____1 has great importance for many people.

This ideal is a vital part of the American dream. This dream, dramatized in the history of nineteenth century European settlers of American West, was to find a piece of place, build a house _____2

for one's family, and started a farm. These small households were _____3

portraits of independence: the entire family- mother, father, children,even grandparents-live in a small house and working together to ___4

support each other. Anyone understood the life-and-death importance _____5

of family cooperation and hard work. Although most people in the United States no longer live on farms, but the ideal of home ownership _____6

is just as strong in the twentieth century as it was in the nineteenth.

When U.S soldiers came home before World WarⅡ, for example, _____7

they dreamed of buying houses and starting families. But there was _____8

a tremendous boom in home building. The new houses, typically in the suburbs, were often small and more or less identical, but it satisfied _____9

a deep need. Many regarded the single-family house the basis of their way of life._____10


1. 将no 改为not

2. 将place 改为land


Solitude is a good place to visit but a poor place to stay.

当你偶尔光顾时,独处是一个美妙的境地,但是如果久留,它却是一个糟糕的地方。There is a vacant piece of land near the house; we can build there.

3. 将started 改为start

start应使用不定式,以和前面的find, build一致。

4. 将working 改为work


5 将anyone 改为everyone

这里是要用everyone 指每个人,而不是要用anyone泛指。

6. 将but 删除

7. 将before 改为after


8. 将But 改为And


When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. And that's my religion.


9 将it 改为they

10 在house the中间加入介词as

regard...as 作“把……当作……”讲。


We live in a society which there is a lot of talk about science, but I would say _____1

that there are not 5 percent of the people who are equipped with school, including college, to understand scientific reasoning. We are more ignorant of science as people _____2

with comparable education in Western Europe.There are a lot of kids who know everything about computers—how to build

them, how to take them apart, and how to write programs for games. So if you ask _____3

them to explain about the rinciples of physics that have gone into creating the _____4 computer, you d on’t have faintest idea. _____5

The failure to understand science leads to such things like the neglect of human _____6 creative power. It also takes rise to blurring of the distinction between science and _____7 technology. Lots of people don’t differ bet ween the two. Science is the production of _____8 new knowledge that can be applied or not, and technology is the application of knowledge to the production of some products, machinery or the like. The two are really different, and people who have the faculty for one very seldom have a faculty for the others. _____9

Science in itself is harmless, more or less. But as soon as it can provide technology, it’s not necessarily harmful. No society has yet earned to forecast the consequences of new technology, which can be enormous._____10


1. 在which 前加in,或将which 改为where

在这里which引导限制性从句,修饰先行词the society。in which 在从句中作状语,当然也可以用关系副词where引导定语从句,并在从句中作状语,例如:Money is a bottomless sea, in which honor, conscience, and truth may be drowned.

2. 将as 改为than

3. 将So 改为But 或者However 或者Nevertheless


4. 将about 去掉


5. 将you 改为they

6. 将like 改为as

因为such as 是固定搭配。

7. 将takes 改为gives

give rise to表示“引起,导致”之意。

8. 将differ 改为distinguish


9. 将others 改为other

这样the other就和上文的one构成固定搭配,表示在两个中“一个……;另外一个……”

10. 将harmful 改为harmless,只有这样才可以表达上下文的对比关系。


2012年上海高考语文试卷 一阅读80分 (一) 阅读下文,完成第1—6题。(16分) 应该认真对待文献综述熊易寒 ①在很长一段时间里,国内学术界都不太重视文献综述。近年来随着学术规范的逐步建立,这种情况有所转变,不过大多数综述都是罗列式的,报幕似的把相关研究一个一个列出来,丝毫感觉不到这些文献之间存在任何内在的关联,甚至也感觉不到这些文献与作者本人的研究有何相干。这样的综述机械、突兀,有生拼硬凑之嫌,称之为“伪综述”亦不为过。 ②阅读国际上的顶级学术刊物,有这么几个发现:一、书评以外的论文〔〕有比较翔实的文献综述;二、专门的文献综述性文章〔〕是由该领域的一流学者撰写的;三、对相关著作的征引〔〕采取间接引用的形式,很少直接引用。这与国内的情形很不一样,值得我们思考。 ③为什么必须有文献综述?一篇优秀的文献综述其实就是一幅学术谱系图。写文献综述不仅是为了陈述以往的相关研究,也不仅仅是为了表示对前辈、同行或知识产权的尊重,更是为了“认祖归宗”,对自己的研究进行定位。有时候只有把一篇文献放到学术史的脉络中去,放到学术传统中去,我们才能真正理解这个文本:作者为什么要做这项研究?他的问题是什么?他试图与谁对话?我们在开始一项研究时也同样要有问题意识和对话意识,不能自说自话。对话的前提自然是倾听,如果连别 的过程中,我们发现了“问题”,才需要与对方进人说了什么都不知道,如何进行对话?正是在倾听 .. 行讨论,否则便无话可说。通过综述的写作,我们就会知道:别人贡献了什么?我打算或者能够贡献什么?我是否在重复劳动?从这个意义上讲,撰写文献综述首先是为了尊重并真正进入一个学术传统,其次才是利他主义功能——为他人提供文献检索的路线图。 ④为什么专门的文献综述性文章多由大家执笔?这类文献综述看似简单,其实是一项高难度的工作。首先,必须熟悉该领域的重要文献,了解最新的研究进展。在“知识大爆炸”的今天,要做到这一点,非有积年之功不可。其次,面对汗牛充栋的文献,必须具备高超的理解能力和概括能力,从宏观上把握总的研究状况,否则就不是你在驾驭文献,而是文献在驾驭你。我们(特别是初学者)在阅读文献的时候,常常淹没在浩如烟海的文献之中,茫然不知所措,有时甚至感觉被人牵着鼻子走,面对不同观点的学术论争,觉得“公说公有理,婆说婆有理”,不免犯糊涂,此乃“段位”不够所致。最后,这类文献综述往往具有一定的导向性和前瞻性,除了要总结现有研究,还需要高屋建瓴,指出现状的不足及其根源所在,为这一领域甚至整个学科的发展方向提出建设性意见。如此看来,专门的文献综述性文章由德高望重、造诣深厚的学术权威撰写也就在情理之中了。 ⑤为什么要尽可能间接引用?间接引用就是作者用自己的语言表述引文的核心观点。这样做至少有两个好处:一是重新表述需要我们先将对方的观点吃透,然后围绕自己的核心问题和行文思路,重新加以组织,这样可以使论述更加紧凑有力。在这个过程中,我们要尽可能找出不同文本之间的内在关联,它们的分歧是什么,共识是什么,然后将众多的观点进行整合、归类。二是间接引用突破了原文的限制,可以用简洁的语言进行概括,有效节省篇幅。 ⑥规范的文献综述,要求学者有严谨、认真的治学态度,也需要学术刊物的大力倡导和支持。因为有了文献综述,论文的篇幅势必扩大,有限的版面会更加紧张,但论文质量将更有保障。因版面限制而砍去综述,实在是削足适履的不智之举。


专八改错题技巧+经验 改错题采取的避实就虚的原则,应该从根本上解决问题,大量做题未必是件好事,所谓的基本是指语法概念,我们称之为虚的概念,如主谓一致、代词、冠词、副词、分词、逻辑关系、固定搭配、等是最容易出题的地方,学生应该作一写针对语言点、基本功的练习,推荐宫玉波《语言点必备》达到对语言点的敏感程度。改错不难,关键是对语言点的把握,改错就是以一种比较复杂的结构靠一些比较基础的语言点知识。 对于改错这一题型与其他一些形式不同,它需要考生对英语具备相当高的综合运用能力。无论是语法、词汇还是惯用法都能成为改错的对象。考生必须在全面理解短文内容的基础上指出并改正错误,使句子和短文的意思以及句、段的结构正确、完整。这种改错要求考生具有语篇水平(Discourse level)。故此可以说,在某种程度上,它能较清晰地反映出考生的总体英文水平。 另外,该题型的主要特点是,一改传统的句子单位改错,代之以篇章单位的短文形式。这一改革不仅要求考生有更高的阅读理解能力,而且迫使考生摆脱原先较为孤立片面的思维定势,以一种连贯的思路整体的眼光去适应这一新题型。 做题时千万不要拿起来就改。正确的做法是先从头到尾通读全文,在正确理解或大致正确理解甚至在猜想原文的前提下,再仔细推敲需要改正或增添的内容。此时,考生必须充分调动所掌握的语法和词汇两方面的知识,发挥自身领会、推理,判断乃至猜想的能力,并利用以往的学习经验.做起题来才能游刃有余。 找出错误并改正后,还要注意通读全文。从词汇和语法两方面来检查被改正后的短文的意思是否通顺,逻辑概念是否严密合理,结构是否正确,完整。 总而言之,这一题型对于中国考生来讲,难度很大,因为要求考生指出和改正的错误往往是考生在英语学习中常犯和易犯的错误,不易察觉。这就要求考生在学习时不能'知半解、似是而非,而必须十分仔细、认真并多做这类改错练习,而且每次练习都要遵照正确的方法和步骤.久而久之就能容易地发现和改正语病,答对率也会逐步提高,从而会增强信心,考出最佳成绩。 为了能使考生较为彻底地把握解决错误、识别语病的钥匙,为了避免“知其然而不知其所以然”的现象,我们首先从错误类型归类着手,介绍易于记忆的、起关键作用的要点、标记,并以此作为钥匙去开启识别、改正短文的语病之大门。具体地讲,错误类型有以下几种:1.主谓一致;2.动词时态;3.动词语态:主动/被动语态;4.连接词/并列句/从句;5.比较级;6.虚拟语气;7.非谓语动词;8.代词与先行词的一致;9.倒装句语序;10.赘述;11.增添词;12.易混淆的词。


(全文由Peter编制) 2016年高考试题分项解析之专题----短文改错 1.【2016·全国新课标I】短文改错(10 分) My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to that 1 live .Though not very big ,but the restaurant is popular in our area .It is always crowded with customers at meal times .Some people even had to wait outside My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest. Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables or high quality oil are using for cooking. My uncle says that he never dreams becoming rich in the short period of time. Instead, he hopes that our business will grow steady. 2.【2016·全国新课标II】短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) The summer holiday is coming. My classmates and I are talking about how to do during the holiday. We can chose between staying at home and take a trip. If we stay at home, it is comfortable but there is no need to spend money. But in that case, we will learn little about world. If we go on a trip abroad, we can broaden you view and gain knowledges we cannot get from books. Some classmates suggest we can go to places of interest nearby. I thought that it is a good idea. It does not cost many, yet we can still learn a lot. 3.【2016·全国新课标III】短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) The teenage year from 13 to 19 were the most difficult time for me . They were also the best and worse years in my life . At the first, I thought I knew everything and could make decisions by yourself. However, my parents didn’t seem to think such. They always tell me what to do and how to do it. At one time , I even felt my parents couldn’t understand me so I hoped I could be freely from them. I showed them I was independent by wear strange clothes. Now I am leaving home to college. At last, I will be on my own, but I still want to have my parents to turn to whenever need help.

2011年专八真题 部分解析

听力TIPS: (1) 根据原文中一句“A high-context culture is a culture in which the context of the message, or the action, or an event carries a large part of its meaning and significance.”可知答案。 (2) 根据原文“What this means is that in a high-context culture, more attention is paid to what's happening in and around the message than to the message itself.”可知答案。 (3) 根据原文“Generally speaking, in a high-context culture, because this greater dependency on group thinking, people lean towards heavier sense of involvement or closene ss to people.”可得出答案。 (4) 根据原文“And also people from a high-context culture pay attention to body language.”可得出答案。 (5) 根据原文“People in high-context cultures, are considered to have, what is called a poly-chronic attitude toward time.”可得出答案。 (6) 根据原文“A low-context culture is one in which the message, the event or the action is a separate entity, having meaning onto itself, regardless of the surroundings or the context.”可得出答案。 (7) 根据原文“And you'll also see that people might pay less attention to body language, because as I said, the message is, the message is everything.”可得出答案。 (8) 原文提到在low-context culture中,人们对时间的态度可称为mono-chronic。 (9) 根据原文“People in a low-context culture would be much more upset with lateness, because they feel that everyone should follow t he same time.”可得出答案。 (10) 根据文章末尾部分“If you're in business, negotiations, interpersonal relations, if you're dealing with people from different cultures in any way, it's going to affect every part of your life. In any multi-cultural situation, these assumpt ions need to be taken into account for successful interactions.”可知,在商务活动、谈判、人际交往中,与来自不同文化的人打交道时,这些想法对成功的交际起着非常重要的作用。Script: Classifications of Cultures Good morning, everyone! Today, we'll look at culture or rather classifications of cultures. Usually, when we deal with different people, we deal with them as if we were all members of the same culture. However, it's possible that people from different cultures have different assumptions about the world. We got in such important and basic ideas as time, personal space. And this is the view of Edward Hall. And Edward Hall is an anthropologist who spent a large part of his life studying American Indians, their culture, their language. But he was different from a lot of other anthropologists who just study one culture. He was interested in the relations between cultures, how cultures interact. What Hall believes is that cultures can be classified by placing them on a continuum, ranging from what he called high-context to low-context. OK, what is a high-context culture? A high-context culture is a culture in which the context of the message, or the action, or an event carries a large part of its meaning and significance. What this means is that in a high-context culture, more attention is paid to what's happening in and around the message than to the message itself. Now, let me give you examples. First, in terms of personal space. Generally speaking, in a high-context culture, because this greater dependency on group thinking, people lean towards heavier sense of involvement or closeness to people. And they have less respect for privacy, for personal space. If you go into that culture, people might stand closer when they're talking to you. They might touch more. And if they're jostled in a crowd, they won't feel violated. And also people from a high-context culture pay attention to body language. Because remember what I said, the definition of a high-context culture is that more attention is paid to the context of the message than to the message itself. And part of the context is body language. Second, in terms of time, people in high-context cultures, are considered to have, what is called a poly-chronic attitude toward time. Here, "poly" means multiple and "chronic" means time. What this means is that they believe people, things, events have their own time. And there can't be a standard system of time for everything. What this leads them to believe is that you can't emphasize punctuality. Things happen when they are supposed to


英语专八改错模拟题(7) Home, sweet home" is a phrase that express an essential attitude in the United States. Whether the reality of life in the family house is sweet or no sweet, the cherished ideal of home _____1 has great importance for many people. This ideal is a vital part of the American dream. This dream, dramatized in the history of nineteenth century European settlers of American West, was to find a piece of place, build a house _____2 for one’s family, and started a farm. These small households were _____3 portraits of independence: the entire family- mother, father, children,even grandparents-live in a small house and working together to ___4 support each other. Anyone understood the life-and-death importance _____5 of family cooperation and hard work. Although most people in the United States no longer live on farms, but the ideal of home ownership _____6 is just as strong in the twentieth century as it was in the nineteenth. When U.S soldiers came home before World WarⅡ, for example, _____7 they dreamed of buying houses and starting families. But there was _____8 a tremendous boom in home building. The new houses, typically in the suburbs, were often small and more or less identical, but it satisfied _____9 a deep need. Many regarded the single-family house the basis of their way of life._____10 1. 将 no 改为 not 2. 将 place 改为 land


高考英语短文改错专项练习试题 2015 高二级高考英语短文改错练习 【命题趋向】 短文改错是一项主要测试考生的判断能力,观察能力、纠错能力语言基础知识 及语言的综合运用能力。 短文改错的趋势: 1.改错短文以记叙文和说明文为主。 2.文章内容贴近学生生活,没有生僻词汇和复杂的结构,文章简单易懂,错误 设置也很简单,多为学生平常作文中常出现的错误。 3.短文一般 100 词左右,错误有9 处。 4.常见错有三种 : 错词、多词、缺词。错词占60%左右 【错误类型】 1.错词 2. 多词 3. 缺词 4. 正错【考 点透视】 一.错词的热点 1.动词—时态语态非谓语;主谓关系。 2.联系词—关系代词和关系副词;连词;连接词。 3.名词—可数名词、不可数名词,可数名字的单复数变化。 4.介词—介词和动词的搭配错误。 5.形容词 /副词—词类错用。 6.冠词—定冠词和不定冠词的错用。 7.代词—人称代词;物主代词;反身代词。 8.惯用法—固定句型,固定短语。 二.多词和缺词热点 1. 冠词 2.介词 3.副词 4.代词 5.关联词 6.小品词 to 【短文改错主要特点】 1.语言材料取自于学生的习作。 2.短文为贴近学生生活的话题或学生 身边事。 3.短文难度符合学生水平。 4.语言简单易懂。 5.没有生僻的语言现象或繁难的语句结构。 【例题解析】 一.错词 1.动词错误:时态和语态、主谓一致的错误。 【 1】整体时态: *Then I ask him“ Grandma, how come you have so much lines on your hand”全文为故事,故 ask 改为 asked。 *High over the water, they discover a hole in the balloon.The hole became bigger and bigger. 全篇使用过去时态,故改 discover- -discovered 【 2】主谓一致 *Having fun with their friends make them happy. 动名词短语做主语,谓语动词用单数形式makes。 *But the most wonderful thing about jack were his musical ability。 主语为 the most wonderful thing 故此,系词为 was


专业英语八年级模拟改 错 Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT

专八模拟试题(改错篇10) What is a black hole Well, it is difficult to answer the question, as the terms we would normally use to describe a scientific phenomenon __1__ are adequate here. Astronomers and scientists think that a black hole is __2__ a region of space which matter has fallen and from which nothing can __3__ escape—not even light. But we can’t see a black hole. A black hole __4__ exerts a strong gravitational pull and yet it has no matter. It is only space—or thus we think. How can this happen __5__ The theory is that some stars explode when their density increases to a particular point; they “collapse” and sometimes a supernova occurs. The c ollapse of a star may produce a “White Dwarf” of a “neutronstar”— a star which matter is so dense that if continually shrinks by the force of __6___ its own gravity. But if the star is very large, this process of shrinking may be so intense that a black hole results in. Imagine the earth reduced to the __7__


高考英语短文改错测试重点及分类解析 第一章短文改错测试重点及分类解析 根据短文改错的命题特点,我们可以按照以下四步进行备考快速练习。 第一步:审题。通读全文,了解大意。全面把握文章整体(时态、题材及容)。 第二步:重读全文,应先确定一些明显的错误,以便疏通短文,化繁为简,为后面解题打开思路。许多问题可在这一阶段得到解决。从词法、句法到行文逻辑三方面着手,逐句而不是逐行地分析、找错。 第三步:综观全篇,看错误类型的比例是否得当、前后逻辑是否一致、有无前后矛盾等现象。 第四步:认真检查,避免出现以下错误:符号不规;一个词改为几个或几个改为一个;该大写的未大写;合成词只改了其中一部分等。 下面,我们根据词性不同,来对改错题目进行分类解析。 第一节名词 在短文改错中见到名词时,应检查是否有数、格及名词前限定词用法等错误。汉语中的名词在形式上无复数变化,而是通过在名词前加数词来表示;英语则不同,除了在名词前加数词之外,如果是可数名词,还应将该名词变为复数形式。 1. 检查句中名词的单复数形式是否符合句意。 2. 检查句中有无可数名词和不可数名词的误用。 3. 检查句中有无所有格的误用。 4. 检查句中有无名词前限定词的误用。 练习 请改正下列句子中的语法错误,注意名词的使用。 1. He is on good term with me. 2. He is a generous fellow, and will soon make friend with you again. 3. His opinion is considered to be great value. 4. He sent his daughter to a girl’s high school. 5. Give me three spoonful of sugar. 6. His eyes are as blue as a Scandinavian. 7. A few peoples live to be a hundred years old. 8. Aunt Mary returned home after ten year’s absence. 9. He is a friend of my brother. 10. The observation of the law is the first duty of every citizen. 注释 1. term → terms, term的复数形式表示条件、关系, on good terms with...意为“与……关系良好”。 2. friend → friends, make friends with...与某人交朋友。 3. be great value → be of great value, val ue是名词, be of+名词=be+形容词。即of great value=greatly valuable。 4. girl’s → girls’,女子高中是a girls’ high school。 5. spoonful → spoonfuls, spoonful是可数名词。 6. scandinavian → Scandinavian’s。. 7. peoples → people此处people作“人讲”,是复数名词。 8. year’s → years’。 9. b rother → brother’s应是brother’s friends, 其后做了省略。


ANSWERS PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION SECTION A MINI-LECTURE (1) unaware of bias (2) systematic and objective (3) distributed randomly (4) situation sampling (5) varies/differs/is different (6) advantage (7) as it occurs (8) have more control (9) normally occurring/in natural settings (10) feature SECTION B INTERVIEW 1-5 C B B D C SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST 6-10 C B D C A PART II READING COMPREHENSION 11-15 C A A B B 16-20 D C A D C 21-25 B B A A B 26-30 C A D D A

PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 31-35 B D A B D 36-40 C A C A C PART IV PROOFREADING & ERROR CORRECTION (1) let∧– alone (2) face – surface (3) planet∧– which/ that (4) quite /fairly –删去quite 或fairly (5) out – outer (6) away –删去away (7) and – although (8) quarter – quarters (9) when – until / unless (10) fewer – less PART V TRANSLATION SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH Two persons, if with congenial taste or temper, would like to make friends and keep in contact with each other. Otherwise, even two friends would break their friendship, and cut off contact with each other. Among friends, who are more familiar to each other and have a closer relationship than any others, they cannot have no manners but keep ceremonious to each other. Otherwise, they will break their rapport and


文科综合能力测试试题 第 I 卷(选择题共 144 分) 图1 示意近8 年来中国对美国投资总额分布。读图完成1-2 题。 1. 中国对美国投资主要分布在 A.太平洋及北冰洋沿岸地区 B.太平洋沿岸地区 C.五大湖及大西洋沿岸地区 D.墨西哥湾沿岸地区 2. 影响中国企业到美国投资家电制造业的主要因素是 A.矿产与技术 B.政策与市场 C.能源与交通 D.土地与劳动力 图 2 中四条折线示意中国、全世界、发展中国家和发达国家的城市化水平及其变化趋势。 3. 图中代表中国城市化进程的折线是 A.甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.丁

4. 2000 年后,发达国家城市化水平的提高带来的主要影响是 A.促进区域经济发展 B.工业产值比重持续增大 C.城市环境趋于恶化 D.城市中心区人口不断增多 气候生产潜力是指一个地区光、热、水等要素的数量及其配合协调程度。下图示意中国东北地区玉米气候生产潜力的空间分布。读图完成5-7题 5.影响甲处等值线向北凸出的主要因素是 A.纬度位置 B.大气环流 C.地形因素 D.海陆分布 6.在中国东北地区,与玉米气候生产潜力空间变化规律基本一致的指标是 A.≥10℃积温 B.日照时数 C.太阳辐射量 D.年降水量 7.对东北地区玉米气候生产潜力空间分布变化分析的手段属于 A.计算机网络 B.地理信息系统 C.全球定位系统 D.遥感 图 4 为中国某河干流区不同土地利用类型的日蒸发量和日蒸发总量(各类用地面积与其日蒸发量的乘积)。读图完成 8-9 题。 8. 影响该河干流区日蒸发量差异的主要因素是 A.土层厚度和植被覆盖率 B.太阳辐射和土层厚度 C.植被覆盖宰和水分条件 D.水分条件和太阳辐射 9. 该河最有可能是 A.塔里木河 B.松花江 C.淮河 D.珠江


2017年英语专业八级考试改错模拟测试 题及答案5 I think it is true to saying that, in general, language teachers (26) have paid little attention to the way sentences are used in combination to form stretches of disconnected discourse. They have tended to take (27) their cue from the grammarian and have concentrated to the teaching (28) of sentences as self-contained units. It is true that these are often represented in "contexts" and strung together in dialogues and (29) reading passages, but these are essentially setting to make the formal properties of the sentences stand out more clearly, properties which are then established in the learners brain(30) by means of practice drill and exercises. Basically, the language teaching unit is the (31)


历年高考短文改错真题汇总 Today I tried cooking a simply dish myself. I like eating frying tomatoes with eggs, and I thought it must to be easy to cook. My mom told me how to preparing it. First I cut the tomatoes into pieces but put them aside. Next I broke the eggs into a bowl and beat them quickly with chopstick. After that I poured oil into a pan and turned off the stove. I waited patiently unless the oil was hot. Then I put the tomatoes and the beaten eggs into pan together. “Not that way, ”my mom tried to stop us but failed. She was right. It didn't turn out as I had wished.(2020全国1) Thank you for your letter, what really made me happy. I’m glad to know that you’ve come China to learn kung fu in a school in my hometown. I’m surely you’ll have a good time. Actually, I start to learn kung fu when I was seven years old, for I have long been out of practice. Luckily, I will go home in two weeks for summer vacations. Then I can spare some time to learn it again, such that we can practice together on every day. Best of luck with yours learning kung fu in China. See you sooner.(2020全国2) My mom is really concerning with the health of everyone in our families. In order to make surely all of us are in good health, and she makes specific plans for us. For example, every morning, my dad has to have the bowl of egg soup while I had to eat an apple. My dad don't like the soup and I don't enjoy apples. I tell my mom that if we're forced eat things, we may become ill. But he insists on us eating healthy food. Understanding her good intentions, I eat all the food what is provided by Mom with appreciation.(2020全国3) I became interesting in playing football thanks to a small accident. One afternoon where I was in primary school, I was walking by the school playground. Suddenly football feel just in front of me but almost hit me. I stopped the ball and kicked it hardly back to the playground. To everyone`s surprising, the ball went into the net. All the football player on the playground cheered loudly, say that I had a talent for football. From now on, I started to play my football with classmates after school. I am a good player now. (2019全国1) Since I was a kid, I`ve considered different job I would like to do. First, I wanted to be a fireman, whose uniform looked so coolly. Then, when I was in the five grade, I wanted to be a teacher because I liked my English teacher too much. When I studied chemistry high school, I reconsidered mg goal or decided to be a doctor. They were two reasons for the decision. One was that I was amazing at the fact that a sick person could feel much more better after seeing a doctor. And the other is that I wanted to help people in need.(2019全国2) I've had many dreams since I was a child. Now my dream is to opens a cafe. Though it may appear simple, it required

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