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Hi, good morning. It’s wonderful to be back here. 各位,早上好。很高兴能回到这里。
Wonderful to see you here.高兴见到你们。
I am teaching this class because I wish a class like this had been taught when I was sitting in your seat as an undergraduate here.我教授这门课是因为在我读本科阶段时非常希望能学习这样一门课程。
This does not mean it is a class you wish to be taught nor does it mean that it is the right class for you.可能这门课并不是你希望的那样也可能并不适合你。
But I hope to doing the next couple of lectures is giving you an idea what this class is about so that you can decide whether or not it is for you.但希望几堂课后,你能有个大概印象让你决定这门课程是否适合你。
I came here in 1992 and studied the computer science and concentrator.我1992年来到哈佛求学,一开始主修计算机科学。
And when I had I mini epiphany half way through my sophomore year.大二期间,突然顿悟了。
I realized that I was in a wonderful place with wonderful students around me, wonderful teachers.我意识到我身处让人神往大学校园周围都是出色的同学,优秀的导师。
I was doing well academically. I was doing well in athletics. I was playing squash at that time. I was doing well socially.我成绩优异。擅长体育运动。那时壁垒打的不错。社交也游刃有余。
Everything was going well except for the fact that I was unhappy. And I didn’t understand why.一切都很顺利除了一点我不快乐。 而且我不明白为什么。
It was then in a matter of moments that I decided that I had to find out why and become happier.也就是在那时我决定要找出原因变得快乐。
And that was when I switched my concentration from computer science to philosophy and psychology.于是我将研究方向从计算机科学转向了哲学及心理学。
With a single question: How can I become happier.目标只有一个:怎么让自己开心起来。
Overtime I did become happier what contributed most to my happiness was when I encountered a new emerging field that time didn’t have the name that it has today.渐渐的,我的确变得更快乐了主要是因为我接触了一个新的领域,那时并未正式命名。
But essentially research that falls under or within the field of positive psychology.但本质上属于积极心理学范畴。
Positive psychology, studying it and applying the ideas to my life has made me significantly happier .研究积极心理学把其理念应用到生活中让我无比快乐。
It continues to make me happier.而且这种快乐继续着。
And it was when I realized the impact that it had on me that I decided to share it with others.于是我决定将其与更多的人分享。
That’s when I decided that I wanted to be a teacher and teach in this field.选择教授这门学科。
So this is positive psychology, psychology 1504.这就是积极

And we’ll be exploring this new, relatively new and fascinating field.我们将一起探索这一全新相对新兴令人倾倒的领域。
And hopefully, we will be exploring more than the field ourselves.希望同时还能探索我们自己。
When I first taught this class that was back in 2002.我第一次开设这门课程是在2002年。
I taught it at a seminar and had eight students. Two dropped out that left me with six. The year after, the class became slightly larger. I had over three hundred students.是以讨论会的形式,只有8名学生。 两名退出了只剩我和其他六个人。一年后学生稍微多了点。 有300多人参加。
And then third year when I taught it which was the last time.到了第三年,也就是上一次开课。
I had 850 students in the class, making it at that point the largest course at Harvard .有850名参加是当时哈佛大学人数最多的课程。
And that’s when the media became interested. Because they wanted to understand why.这引起了媒体的注意。因为他们想知道为什么。
They wanted to understand this phenomenon that here you have a class that’s larger than Introduction to Economics. How could that be?他们对这一奇特现象非常好奇竟然有比经济学导论更热门的课程。怎么可能呢?
So I was invited by the media for interviews whether it was newspapers, radio, television. 于是我被请去参加各类媒体采访,报纸,广播,电视。
And I started to notice a pattern during those interviews. 在这些采访中,我发现了一种有趣的模式。
So I would walk into the interview. We would have the interview.我前去参加采访。进行采访。
And afterwards, the producer or the interviewer would walk me out. And say something to the effects of well, thank you Tal for the interview.结束后,制片人或主持人会送我出来。 说些诸如Tal多谢你抽空参加采访。
But you know I expected you to be different. 不过你跟我想象的不太一样的话。
And I would ask, as nonchalant as I could of course. 我漫不经心的问。
I didn’t really care but had to ask anyway “How different”. 我无所谓,不过总得回应“有何不同?”
And they would say: Well, you know, we expected you to be more outgoing”. 他们会说“这个嘛,我们会以为你很外向”。
Next interview, the end of the interview, same thing: Thank you for doing the interview”. 下一次采访结束时仍是如此“多谢接受采访”。
“But you know Tal, I expected you to be different”. 不过Tal,你跟我想象得不太一样。
And once again, nonchalant of course so how different. 又一次,我漫不经心地问有何不同。
And she would say: “Well you know, we expected you to be less, less introversit”. “这个嘛,我们没想到你会这么内向”。
Next interview, same thing “How different?” 下一次采访,仍是

“Well, you know, more extroverted, more outgoing.” “这个嘛,更开朗,更外向”。
Next interview, “Well, you know, less shy”. 下一次采访,“这个嘛,太害羞了”。
Coz I get very nervous in interviews. 因为采访中我容易紧张。
l Interview after interview, literally dozens. 差不多有几十个采访。
More outgoing, more cheerful, less introverted, more extroverted. And on and on. 每次都是好交际,更开朗,不含蓄,更外向诸如此类。
But here the best one. 最绝的一次。
So this is one of the local channels here around Boston. I was going to the interview.是波士顿一家地方台。我去参加采访。
We had a quite long interview which I thought was actually pretty good. And at the end of the interview.聊了很多,我觉得进行得很不错。 采访结束。
The interviewer is a very jolly guy. He walks me out and puts his hands on my shoulder.主持人是个开朗热情的男生。他送我出门,拍着我的肩说。
And says, ”Thank you very much for doing the interview.” And then the usual comes. “多谢接受我们采访。” 然后又是那句。
“But you know Tal, I expected you to be different.” “不过Tal,你跟我想象不太一样”。
And I said, ”How different”. Just so you understand by this time, my self-esteem is short. 我问,“有何不同”你要知道那时候,我已经完全被打击了。
But still with some resemblance of nonchalance I asked “How different”. 不过我还是漫不经心地问有何不同。
And he looks at me and says: ”Well I don’t know Tal, I expected you to be taller. ”. Taller? What?他看着我说:“我也说不上,Tal,我以为你会更高些”。 更高些?什么?
Five seven, well ok five six and a half is not enough to teach happiness? 1米70……是1米69就不够格传授快乐吗?
And I thought about it, I thought about it a lot. The whole pattern from the beginning.我考虑了很久,仔细思量了。整件事从头到尾。
And I think I understand why they expected someone different. 我似乎明白为什么他们期望不同了。
You see they had to explain to themselves as well as the audience. 因为他们要说服自己说服观众。
How come this lecture is larger than the Introduction to Economics? 这门课怎么会比经济学导论更热门?
And the way to explain it must be that the teacher is very outgoing, extremely charismatic, very cheerful and extroverted and of course, tall. 唯一的解释就是导师非常外向、充满领袖气质、乐观开朗,当然了,还很高。
Well, there is one L missing there, But……. Yeah, if only.可惜我的名字少了一个L,但是……。嗯……真可惜。
So the problem though is that they were looking in the wrong place for the explanation. 所以问题是他们找答案找错了地方。
In other words, they were looking at the messenger

, what they needed to look at was the message. Now how do I know that?也就是说,他们不该关注信息传达者而应该关注信息本身。我怎么知道的呢?
You see because I see other positive psychology classes on other campuses around the country and around the world. 因为我参与过其他大学积极心理学课遍及全国乃至全球。
There are over 200 campuses here in United States that teach positive psychology. 美国有超过200所大学开设了本课程。
And almost every campus where this class is taught it’s either one of the or the largest class. It’s about the message.而且几乎其中所有院校,这门课都是参与人数最多的或者最多的之一。 信息是关键。
I see more and more organizations taking up positive psychology in their as consultant companies. 越来越多的机构组织开设这门课,还有咨询公司。
Some of them the leading big consultant companies are taking it on. 其中一些甚至是全球知名咨询公司。
More and more high schools are introducing positive psychology class.……Elementary schools are introducing it.越来越多的中学开始引入积极心理学……。小学也是。
The governments around the world are expressing interest in this new emerging field. Why? Because it works, because it really works.各国政府都对这一新领域表现出兴趣。 为什么?因为它有效,因为它真正有效。
You see this whole realm of life flourishing on happiness, on well-being has been until recently dominated by the self-health movements. 殷盛人生,快乐,幸福感这一整个领域在此之前一直被心理自助运动统治。
What do we have in the self-health movement? We have books that are very interesting that are very accessible.心理自助运动带来了什么? 生动有趣通俗易懂的书。
We have speakers who are very outgoing very charismatic and tall attracting the masses into these workshops, seminars and lectures. But, there is a very big “but” here.热情外向的宣讲者颇具领袖气质且身材高大吸引大众参与他们的专题讨论讲座。 但是,有一个大大的转折。
Many of these books, many of these workshops and seminars lack substance. Very often, overpromising and under-delivering.其中很多书籍讨论都缺少实质内容。通常都言过其实无法兑现。
So there are five things you need to know to be happy. The three things to be the great leader.比如,快乐的五个关键。成功领袖的三个要素。
The one secret of success, happiness and a perfect love life. Overpromising, under-delivering.成功快乐完美爱情的唯一秘诀。夸大其词,效果甚微。
On the other hand, we have academia. What do we have in the academia? We have a lot of rigor, a lot of substance.再来说说学术界。 学术界给我们带来了什么? 大量精确的实质内容。
We have datas analyzed, reanalyzed and meta-analyzed. Things that actually w

ork, good stuff.数据被一而再再而三得反复分析。行之有效的好方法。
But, there is also a very big but here. Very few people read refereed academic journals.但是又有一个大大的转折。很少有人会阅读专业学术期刊。
I mean think about it: how many people outside this room of course have read the last twelve issues of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology? 想想看,这间教室之外有多少人读过最近12期《个性与社会心理学》杂志?
Most people don’t even know what that means. 大多数人甚至不知道那是什么东西。
The head of my PHD programs actually estimated the average academic journal article is read by seven people.我博士班的主任估算过学术期刊上的一篇论文平均只有7人阅读。
You know……And that includes the author’s mother. So you know I say half in jest but it’s actually really sad.这话……其中还包括作者的母亲。这话虽然是半开玩笑但其实很可悲。
Because… Certainly sad for me, as an academic. Because these things are good.因为……作为学者我觉得很可悲。因为这些论文都非常精彩。
They are important, these things make a difference, can even make more of a difference. But not accessible to most people.非常重要,能大有作为甚至不仅仅是作为。但是对大众来说晦涩难懂。
And this is where positive psychology comes in. And this is also where this class comes in.所以我们需要积极心理学。需要这门课程。
The explicit mandate of positive psychology as well as of this class is to create a bridge between Ivory tower and Main Street. 积极心理学及本课程的宗旨非常明确就是在象牙塔及大众间构建桥梁。
In other words, it is to bring the rigor, the substance, the empirical foundation, the science from academia and merge it with accessibility of the self-help or New Age movement. In a way the best of both worlds.换句话说就是要把严谨、实质、经验基础学术科学与自助或者新纪元运动的通俗易懂相结合。充分发挥两者所长。
And this explains the popularity of the field of positive psychology: Science that works. 这也是积极心理学大受欢迎的原因:有用的科学。
This class will be taught in two levels. The first level it will be taught as any other class in psychology or any of the classes you’ve taken here.本课程将分为两个部分。第一部分会和其他心理学或者其他任何课程一样。

You’ll be introduced here to studies, to research, to rigorous academic work. You’ll be writing paper, academic paper. You’ll be taking exams just like every other class.我将向你们介绍相关知识,调查研究,严谨的学术作品。需要你们撰写报告,学术论文。跟其他课程一样参加考试。
But then it will also be taught at the second level which is for every paper that you’ll read every paper that you’ll write

, you’ll always be thinking. 而教学内容的另一部分,你们读每一篇论文,写每一篇论文时都需要思考。
OK, so how can I take these ideas and apply them to my life? How can I apply them to my relationship? How can I apply them to my community? Two levels: The academic, Applied如何把这些理念运用到生活中去?运用到恋爱中去?运用到社交圈里去?就是这两个部分:学术与应用。
I did not just introduce whether it’s in the readings or in the lectures ideas just because they are interesting for the sake of the idea. 无聊是论文还是讲座我不会因为某个理论有趣而去介绍它。
It is always an idea that is both rigorous and can be applied. Just a few words about housekeeping.而是因为这个理论严谨且能被应用。再唠叨几句题外话。
Some of the questions that I have already received from you before the class started. 有几个问题课前就有人问我了。
So this unfortunately is the last time that I am teaching positive psychology or any other class for that matter at Harvard. 不幸的是这学期将是我最后一次在哈佛开设积极心理学或其他课程。
Hopefully within two years, probably not next year but within two years there will be positive psychology class offered but I certainly cannot guarantee it. About feedback and questions.但愿两年内,明年可能性不大,但是两年内学校会再次开设积极心理学课程,但我无法保证。关于反馈与提问。
If you have any questions, anything that’s not clear, if you agree or disagree with something. Email me or Email your TF (Teaching Fellow at Harvard, just like TA at other schools.) and we’ll always respond. 如果你有任何问题或者不明白的地方,如果你同意或者反对什么观点,请给我或助教写邮件,我们一定会回复的。
Sometimes if the question is asked by enough people, we’ll respond to it publicly, always anonymously unless you specified specifically that your name can be mentioned. 如果某个问题问的人数较多,我们会公开回答,当然一定是匿名的除非你特别注明可以提及你的名字。
But sometimes you may be listening to a lecture and then half way through it there is an emergency, there is something that you really have to ask, something that cannot wait. 有时候讲座过程中突然有紧急情况,有什么非问不可的问题,无法等待。
In that case, please just put your hand up because it’s just like when you have to go to the bathroom, just can’t stop, and can’t wait. And when you gotta go, you gotta go. 如果那样的话,请直接举手,因为就跟你要去厕所一样,无法忍耐,无法等待,要去就去。
So we’ll take a positive psychology break for that. And just stop me half way through and I’ll answer any question.我们会为此进行积极心理休息。所以大可以打断我,我会回答任何问题。
All the powe

r points, as well as the videos of the classes will be online; will be available within couple of days. 所有幻灯片以及课程视频都会放在网上,课后几天就能下载。
Well, the power points will be available before say for the lecture it will be before so that you can use them in class. 幻灯片其实课前就能下载,这样你们上课时就能用到。
The videos, unfortunately, cannot be made available before, we tried, could not figure it out. So it will be available within a day or two after. And the reason why they are up there.可惜视频不能提前提供,我们试过了但效果不好。所以会在课后一两天内放到网上。这样做的原因。
First of all, I do prefer that you attend lecture, I do prefer that you are physically here. You get things in the energy of the room with so many students so you wouldn’t just get from your computer.首先,我当然更希望你们出席课程,能出现在课堂上。和大家一起,在课堂的气氛中学习而不仅仅是对着电脑。
The reason why I do put them up is so that you have the opportunity if you want to see it again or if you have to miss a class. That’s perfectly fine. 我之所以把资料放在网上是为了让你们可以重温或者学习错过的课程,这很正常。
And also because and this is also the reason why the power points are always available, I want you to be engaged in the material. 另一个原因之所以提前提供幻灯片是因为我希望你们能充分理解材料。
I want you to be engaged in whatever it is that we are discussing in class, not necessarily thinking about getting down every word that I say on paper, remembering everything, memorizing everything. 充分参与课堂讨论而不是忙于记录我说的每一个字,记住每一个词,背诵每一句话。
I want you to take rather than passive notes of writing down what’s on the power point or every word that I say, I’d like you to take active notes. And that means being engaged with the material.我不希望你们被动地记录幻灯片上的内容或者我说的话而是要主动记录。也就是要充分理解材料。
For example, if you heard something and idea and you say:”Oh, that’s interesting”. Star it, write it down. Or “OK, I think I’ll start applying this”. Write it down. Or I want to tell my mom about this later. Or I want to talk to my roommates or my team about this idea. Write it down.比如如果你们听到某个理论觉得“挺有趣的”,标上星号,写下来,或者觉得“也许我可以应用这点”,那就写下来。或者跟我妈妈讲讲。或者跟我室友队友讲讲。那就写下来。
l Active note taking is opposed to passive note taking for two reasons. 主动笔记与被动笔记有两方面不同。
First of all, as I said, this class is a class about making a difference in people’ lives. 首先,正如我刚才说的这门课是关于如何改变生活。

would not be teaching the class just for its academic beauty although there is a lot of academic beauty in this field. 我不会仅为了学术之美而教授此课虽然这一领域的确有许多美术之美。
So write down if you have an idea that you think you can apply. 所以发现可以实际运用的就写下来。
The second reason why we should that is because you’ll remember more. Better attention, better understanding of the material if you are actively engaged as opposed to just taking down passive notes.第二个原因是你会记住的更多。 主动参与,集中注意,更好的理解材料而不是被动做笔记。
Throughout the class starting next week we’ll take what I called “time-ins” as opposed to “time-outs”. It’s like a time-out在这整个课程中从下周开始我们将进行我所说的“练习时间”而不是“休息时间”。其实类似休息时间。
It’s the time where we stop the class and you look inward. 这段时间我们会停止课程进行内省。 And this is literally a time of silence in a class. I will stop for a minute or two.也就是在课堂上的安静片刻。我会停一两分钟。
And you will have a chance either to just stare at me or anyone else or think about what we’ve just discussed or have a guiding question that I will provide you that you’ll address during the class. 你们可以盯着我或者周围人发呆或者思考一下之前讨论的内容或者解答我提出的提示问题。
The reason why I have time-ins, this is something that I am introducing this year for the first time; we didn’t have it last time. 之所以进行练习时间,这是我今年新提出的,上学期没有。
It’s because over the last two years since I last taught it, I’ve done a lot work in the area of silence. 因为上次课程结束后到现在的两年我做了大量关于安静的研究。
I’ve read a lot of research in this area about the importance of quiet times whether it’s in a class, in a lecture, whether it is at home, whether it is for a leader in the business, for relationship, for children starting from pre-schools. 关于安静时刻的重要性,无论是课堂里,讲座里,还是家中,无论是公司领导,爱情关系甚至学龄前的儿童。
Now many of you, as you are going through these time-ins if you decide to take this class may think:”Well, is this what I’m paying 40000 dollars a year for?””To sit a class and be quiet?”. 你们中很多人在经历练习时间时可能会疑惑:“我一年付四万美金就是为了这个?“”坐在教室里发呆?“。
First of all, it will only be a minute or two at a time maybe once or twice a lecture. But second, it is maybe the most important thing you’ll take from this class. The notion of embracing stillness.首先,每个人只有一两分钟,一堂课最多不超次两次。第二,这可能是你从本课程中学到的最重要的东西。

Let me read to you an excerpt from a study that was run by two MIT professors. 我来读一段麻省理工两位教授的研究。
You don’t need to remember or write down; this is just for your edification. So David Foster and Matthew Wilson, both of them from MIT. David Foster和Matthew Wilson不必背诵或记录,只是为了启发你们。教授都来自麻省理工大学。
Indeed the following study that I think confirms the importance of time-in, time to look inside. 他们研究证实了练习时间的重要性,开始内省的时间。
What they did is they scanned the brains of rats while they were in a maze and after they went through the maze. And here’s what they found.他们在老鼠处在迷宫中及脱离迷宫后分别对它们进行了脑扫描。以下是他们的发现。
What the results suggest is that while there certainly is some record of your experience as it is occurring in other words when they doing the maze. 实验结果表明,当某种经历正在进行时,即老鼠进行迷宫时。
The actual learning when you try to figure out:”what was important?”, ”what should I keep and throw away?”. That happens after the fact during periods of quiet wakeful introspection.真正的学习阶段是当你尝试分辨:“什么才是重要的?“,”什么舍弃什么保留。“。 这些发生在经历之后进行安静的自省时。
What they show was rats who went through the maze and went through the maze again and again learned far less than rats who took time aside chilled out a little bit after a maze had more margarita. 他们的实验表明接连不断反复进入迷宫的老鼠比进行一次迷宫后稍事放松,来点小酒的老鼠学到的少得多。
Experience, embrace stillness. This has implications and they showed implications to human beings as well. Not only those of the rat race, all human beings.经历,享受安静。这很能说明问题,对人类也一样。不仅仅是实验小白鼠,所有人类都是。
So what they say is that ”Replay might constitute a general mechanism of learning and memory”. Both learning, understanding as well as memory, retention.他们认为:“重现可能形成一种学习记忆机制“。 包括学习,理解,记忆,保留。
When we reflect, when we replay the material, we are much more likely to retain, to remember what we have just been through. 当我们思考时,我们重放素材时更容易保留,记住之前的经历。
So the importance of time aside cannot be over-emphasized. 所以休息时间的重要性不能被忽视。
In his wonderful book of teaching, Parker Palmer—it’s called The Courage to Teach says the following. Parker Palmer在他的教学著作《教学的勇气》一书中提到了以下一段话。

Words are not the sole medium of exchange in teaching and learning, we educate with silence as well. 语言不是教学的唯一媒介,安静同样可以

Silence gives us a chance to reflect on what we have said and heard. 安静让我们有机会反省我们所说所闻。
In authentic education, silence is treated as a trustworthy matrix for the inner work students must do, a medium for learning of the deepest sort. Silence is something that is missing from our culture.在真正的教育中,安静为学生进行内省提供可靠环境,是一种最深层次的学习媒介。 而安静恰恰是我们文化所缺失的。
I know that many of you have probably read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert M Pirsig. He had a second book out, less well-known, called Lila (Lila: an Inquiry into Morals).很多人可能读过《万里任禅游》,作者Robert M Pirsig。 还写过另一本书,没那么知名,叫《寻找莱拉》。
And Lila is an anthropological study of Native Americans. 这本书是对印第安人的人类学研究。
What he does there is compare their culture to Americans’ from European ancestry. 将他们的文化与美国传承的欧洲文化进行对比。
And one of the distinguishing characteristics between these two cultures is their approach were silence. What he found was when he went and sat around with Native Americans. They would sit around the fire and hang out for two three hours without saying a word.两种文化最突出的特点之一是印第安人崇尚安静。他发现与印第安人坐在一起。他们围坐在篝火边两三个小时一句话也没说。
ust sit around, look at another, smile, have a good time, introspect, just be there for hours. 只是坐在那儿,互相看着,微笑,享受美好时光,内省,就这样几个小时。
While he points out that in our culture we feel very uncomfortable with the absence of words with the absence of sound or noise. 他指出,在我们文化中沉默让人不适。
We have to fill up all the gaps. This is an important cultural difference. And we pay a price for this lack of stillness.我们试图打破沉默。这是一项重要的文化差异。我们为缺乏安静付出了代价。
A price that we’ll talk about a lot, when I talk about relationships, when I talk about virtue and morality, and when we talk about happiness and wellbeing in general. 我们会重点讨论这一代价,涉及到恋爱,美德与道德以及快乐与幸福感。
Let me give a little bit background on positive psychology. 下面介绍一下积极心理学的背景。
How we came about and how this class came about. 它是如何诞生的,这门课是如何诞生的。
In many ways, positive psychology is the brainchild, the product and the grandchild of humanistic psychology. 从很多方面说,积极心理学是人本主义心理学的产物和衍生。
What we have in humanistic psychology is essentially a reaction to be existing psychology of the time. 人本主义心理学本质上是对当时各种心理学派系的不同见解。
The founders, considered the

founders of humanistic psychology in fact called it “the third force”. Why the third force?人本主义心理学的创始人称之为心理学上的“第三势力“。为什么是第三势力呢?
Because the first force was behaviorism, the work of Skinner (B.F.Skinner), the work of Waston (John B. Waston), the work of Thorndik (Edward Thorndik). This was the first force.因为第一势力是行为主义,代表人物有斯金纳、华生、桑代克。这是第一势力。
he second force was psychoanalysis. The work of Frued (Sigmund Frued), Jung (Carl Jung), Adler (Alfred Adler) to some extent. This was the second force.第二势力是精神分析学。创建者包括弗洛伊德,荣格以及阿德勒。这是第二势力。
And the third force, humanistic psychology came as a reaction to it. First It is a reaction to behaviorism.第三势力人本主义心理学作为对其的异议出现。首先是对行为主义的异议。
Behaviorism looks at the human entity at the person as basically a collection of behaviors as a box, like a billiard ball knocked around by reinforcements, by punishment, by reward. 行为主义认为人的主体性,认为人是一个行为集体就像一只被击打而四处滚动的台球,被增强,被惩罚驱动。
And what humanistic psychology said was that we are much more than a billiard ball being knocked around. 但是人本主义心理学说我们不只是被击打的台球。
We have spirit, we have a soul, we have cognitions and thoughts that matter. 我们有精神,有灵魂,我们有重要的认知与思想。
It’s not just behavior that is important for understanding as well as improving life. 不能只靠行为观察,改善人生。
And then psychoanalysis, the second force. 然后是第二势力精神分析学。
The psychoanalysis is about basically understanding mostly through the subconscious that’s how you understand it, that’s how you improve the quality of life. There are defense mechanisms.精神分析学主要通过潜意识分析,它决定你的理解,决定如何改善生活。还有防卫机制。
There are biological instincts, neurosis, and if you understand these very often dark forces, were better able to deal with life, understand as well as improve the quality of life. 人类本能论,神经症,如果你理解这些黑暗势力就能更好地处理生活,了解并改善生活。
Humanistic psychology says human beings are much more than that. 人本主义心理学认为人类不止如此。
Much more than biological instincts, much more than neurosis. 不仅仅是生理本能,不仅是神经症。
Much more than the person who exists in a Newtonian reality like a billiard ball. 不仅仅是牛顿学说世界里的台球。
We need to value much more the human being. We need to give much more dignity and freedom to the person. There was a problem.我们要重视人的本质。给予更多的自尊和自由。但有一个问题。

The problem was humanistic psychology is said lacked the rigorous methodology. 人本主义心理学缺少严谨的方法论。
While it brought in many wonderful ideas, talked about the study of well-being, talked about the study of optimism, of kindness, of morality, of virtue, of love, of relationships, of peak experiences, of self-actualization, of empathy. 但它引入了许多精彩的理念,对于幸福感的研究,乐观主义的研究,善良,道德,美德,爱,两性关系,巅峰体验,自我实现,移情。
All these wonderful concepts that we’ll talk about throughout the semester. 这些精彩的概念都会在本学期讨论。
It wasn’t as rigorous about its epistemology, about how we form ideas and how we learn. 它的认识论并不严谨,如何形成理念,如何学习。
And that’s why, in many ways, largely not completely but largely more of into the self-health movements. 所以在很多方面,大部分成为了自助运动。
Interesting ideas, good ideas, important ideas, certainly good intentions. But to some extent without the academic rigor.有趣,有益,重要的理念,意图当然是好的。但就某种程度上缺乏学术严谨性。
And that’s why it lacked the impact on academic. That’s why we don’t have partly any humanistic psychology classes offered in universities today. There are very few still around.所以它在学术上影响很小。所以很少有大学开设人本主义心理学。几乎没有。
And this is why also a lot of it became the New Age essentially. 所以本质上成为了新纪元运动。
But still, it’s humanistic psychology that has in many ways fathered and mothered as we’ll see positive psychology. 但是我们很快就会了解到,人本主义心理学孕育了积极心理学。
So let’s meet the grandparents. People like Rollo May, People like Carl Rogers.我们先见见祖父祖母。 比如Rollo May和Carl Rogers。
And more than anyone, Abraham Maslow, was the Americans Psychological Association President, was professor just down the road here at Brandeis (Brandeis University). 还有最著名的Abraham Maslow,曾是美国心理学会主席,布兰迪斯大学教授。
And he introduced this humanistic psychology in 1954. 他于1954年提出了人本主义心理学。
He wrote a chapter, called Toward the Positive Psychology. 他写了一章,《为了积极心理学》。
1954, In it he said we need to also research kindness, goodness, and happiness and optimism. In many ways it was way ahead of his time. 1954年,他在其中写到,我们需要研究善良,美德,快乐与乐观。可以说这是超前于他时代的。
Then if Maslow is the grandfather, then Karen Horney is the grandmother. Initially a psychoanalyst, trained through the works of Frued.如果说Maslow是祖父,那Karen Horney就是祖母了。她最初是精神分析学者学习弗洛伊德的理论。
She realized the focuses had been

too much on the negative, on neurosis, on psychosis and said we also not only but also have to focus on what is working on human organism. 意识到其过于注重消极面,神经症,精神病,她认为还必须关注影响人类生命体的东西。
We have to work and look at the fine qualities and cultivate those. Because part of being human is being those things as well. 我们需要研究培养那些好的品质。因为它们也是我们的一部分。
In many ways, brought about the movement toward humanistic psychology and through that—positive psychology. 反而向人本主义靠近了,并由此产生了积极心理学。
Aaron Antonovsky, the third person I would consider the grandfather, brought in the idea of focusing on health. 还有Aaron Antonovsky,第三位祖父级人物提出了关注健康的理念。
He has a new concept. Or he introduced a new concept. I’ am still here, don’t worry.他提出了一个新概念。或者说他引进了一个新概念。我还在,别担心。
He introduced a new concept, which he called, his own neologism: salutogenesis. 他引进了一个新概念,他称之为,他个人创造的新词:健康本源学。
Salutogenesis: salute which is health; genesis which is origin. 健康本源学由两部分组成,saluto健康,genesis起源。
The origin of health, and this was an alternative model, to be conventional ways model of pathologies. 健康的起源这是病理学常规模型的替代模型。
So instead of just studying pathologies whether it’s in physical health or psychological health, we should also study the origin of health. 也就是说除了研究病理学无论是生理健康还是心理健康还需要研究健康的起源。
In many ways that is what prevented medicine is about. 这也是预防医学所关注的。
So this was not a novel idea back in 1970s when he introduced it. 这在1970年是一个全新的理念。
And we will talk a lot about Aaron Antonovsy. 我们会仔细讨论Aaron Antonovsy。
Now the parents. 现在转到父辈。
Martin Seligman considered the father of the positive psychology network of scholars, started the field in 1998. Martin Seligman被认为是积极心理学之父与一群相关学者于1998年确立了这一领域。
Like Maslow, he too, was the President of American Psychological Association. 和马斯洛一样也是美国心理协会会长。
And as his mandate, during his presidency he has two aims. 他任职期间的首要任务是实现两个目标。
The first aim—to make academic psychology more accessible. 第一,让学院式心理学变得通俗。
In other words, bridge Ivory Tower and Main Street. 也就是说连接象牙塔与普罗大众。
This was the first aim of his presidency. 这是他任职期间的第一目标。
The second aim was introduce a positive psychology. 第二是引进一个积极的心理学。
A psychology that will look at also things that work that were not jus

t study depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and neurosis. 需要着眼于有用的东西,不仅仅是研究抑郁、焦虑、精神分裂和神经症。
A psychology a network of scholars who will focus on love, relationships, self-esteem, motivation, resilience and well-being. 还需要关注爱、两性关系、自尊、动机、恢复以及幸福感。
And he introduced these ideas, and it’s all been literally uphill from then. 他提出了这些理念从那时蓬勃发展起来。
Before Martin Seligman, this all happened in 1998 and we’ll talk about it a little bit more next week. 在Martin Seligman之前都发生在1998年,下次我们会详谈。
This all happened in 1998. 这都诞生于1998年。
Long before 1998, our very own professor Ellen Langer did research in all these areas, bringing the humanistic spirit and combining it with the academic scientific rigor. 而早在1998年前 Ellen Langer教授就已经研究了这些领域,将人本主义精神与学术科学严谨性结合。
We’ll be talking probably more than any other scholar about her work in this class. 我们对她的讨论会比其他人多。
And another person from Harvard, one of the parents of positive psychology was Philip Stone, who passed away two years ago, yesterday. 还有一位哈佛的教授,积极心理学的另一位父辈Philip Stone,两年前的昨天去世了。
Both Langer and Stone were my physicist advisors, introduced me to the field of positive psychology into this research. 两位都是我的物理学导师带我进入了积极心理学领域的研究。
In 1998 when I had the first positive psychology summit, Professor Stone took me along with him. 1998年我第一次参加积极心理学峰会,Stone教授带我同去。
I was a graduate student. 我那时在攻读硕士学位。
In 1999 he taught the first positive psychology class at Harvard, one of the first in the world. 1999年他首次在哈佛开设了积极心理学课程,在全球范围内也是首批。
I was his teaching fellow. A couple of years later, he taught it again. l Again, I was his teaching fellow.我是他的教研员。 两年以后,他又重新开设了课程。 我仍旧担任教研员。
And then when I graduated, he suggested I take over his class, and here we are today. So this is 1504.后来我毕业了,他提议我接手他的课程直到今天。这就是1504号心理学课程。
Let me give you a sense of … in the next half an hour and so, a sense of what you expect in this class. 我再来讲……接下来的半个小时我会向你们介绍下这门课的内容。
The first thing is this class is not just about information; it is also explicitly about transformation. What do I mean by that?首先,这门课不只是传授信息而且关于如何变形,显而易见。 这是什么意思?
You see most of education today is about information. l What is information? l So we have a container which is our mind.如今大

多数教育都只是传达信息。什么是信息? 比如,我们有一个容器,也就是我们的思想。
And information is about taking data, taking science, taking information and putting it inside the form. 信息就是接收数据,接收科学,接收信息储存到容器里。
This is information. Now, when this form is filled, that’s when we are educated.这就是信息。等容器填满了,我们就毕业了。
More information, more data, better. Not enough.信息数据越多越好。这还不够。
Because it’s not just information that determines our well-being, our success, our-esteem, our motivational lever, the relationship and the quality of our relationships. 因为信息无法决定我们的幸福感、我们的成功、自尊和动机水平、两性关系及其质量。
It’s much more than information. Transformation is about taking this form and changing it.光有信息还不够。变形则是把容器的形状改变。
Trans change; form shape, change the form. Trans即改变,Form This is transformation.即形状,改变形状。这就是变形。
This is distinction that I learned first from at the school Professor Robert Kegan who taught about this. 这是Robert Kegan教授教我的第一区别。
Information in and of itself is not enough. Think about this example.接收信息关注信息本身是不够的。听听这个例子。
You go for an athletic meet; your aim is to get into the top three, to be a medalist. You come in number eight.你去参加运动会,目标是进入前三获得奖牌。但是只获得第八名。
What’s the analysis? What’s the interpretation?—Terrible! I just failed. You feel deflated, enervated.你会如何分析?你会如何解读?太糟糕了,我彻底失败了。你灰心丧气,感到无力。
On the other hand, the exact same event. You came eight when you expected to be top three.但从另一个角度看,同样的比赛。你期望获得前三,但只得到第八。
You can interpret is as OK, so what have I learned? I need to work even harder. 你可以解读为,我学到了什么?我还需要更努力的训练。
You become more energized, you learned from the experience. 你会更有动力,从经验中学习。
In other words, the same objective information which is “I got eighth, I expected top three”. The same information, very different interpretation.也就是说,同样的客观信息“我是第八名,我目标前三”。同样的信息,截然不同的解读。
One is disaster; the other interpretation is an opportunity. 一个认为是灾难,另一个则当成机遇。
One leads to loss of energy, the other one to increasing energy. 一个让人失去动力,另一个增加动力。
Or think about another very common example. 还有一个很普遍的例子。
We know of many people around the world who seemingly have everything, who are doing well, who have more than they need, and yet they are unhappy.

And then there are people around the world who have very little, and yet they never cease, never stop to celebrate life. 而另一些人拥有的不多但从未中断,从未停止过享受人生。
And we have another way around as well, people who have everything and appreciate it and enjoy life. 还有相反的情况,拥有一切的人充满感恩,享受生活。
And people who have very little and who see themselves as victim. 生活窘迫的人觉得自己是受害者。
In other words, it’s not just the information that goes in; it’s also the shape, the interpretation, the perception, the focus. 也就是说,重要的不仅仅是获得了什么信息,还是有何形状,如何解读,如何理解,关注的重点。
And that is determined by the shape of the form. 这就是由容器的形状所决定的。
This is what I realized when I was an undergrad here. 这是我在本科生阶段所认识到的。
Seemingly, looking in from the outside, I had everything. 表面上看,我拥有了一切。
lDoing well in sports, academics and socially, and yet my perception, my focus, my interpretation of life—not that great. 体育运动,学术和社交都很成功,但是我对生命的理解、关注和解读并不正面。
I wasn’t unhappy. 我不快乐。
The interpretation matters very often a lot more as we’ll see than the information that goes in. 我们后面会讲,通常解读比信息更重要。
One of the sentences that I’ll repeat throughout the class is that happiness is much more contingent on our state of mind than our status or the state of our bank account. 有一句话我会在课程中经常引用:“快乐由我们的精神状态而定而不是社会地位或银行存款”。
And that’s where transformation comes in. 所以需要变形。
And that’s why it’s so important for well-being. 这对建立幸福感来说很重要。
What that will look like in practice is that we’ll cover not so much information. 所以在我们实际操作时不会传达过多信息方面的东西。
We’ll uncover much more and I don’t mean that in the Berkeley (George Berkeley) sense of the word, I mean that in the academic sense of the word. In other words.而是挖掘更多东西,不是联想意义上的而是学术意义上的。也就是说。
What we’ll do is uncover potential that we have inside that we have inside of us all along, maybe we just didn’t see, or maybe it’s obscured by something or another. 我们要挖掘自身潜能,这种潜能一直存在只是我们没有发现或者被其他东西掩盖了。
l We’ll uncover it so that we can utilize it, so that we can focus on it, so that we can perceive it. 我们要发现利用它,以便关注它,以便理解它。
Here is a story just to illustrate it. So this is Michelangelo.我来讲一个故事说明吧。如米

One day he was asked by a journalist of his time. 曾经有一个记者问他。
How did you create this most amazing masterpiece, David? 您是如何创造出《大卫》这件巨作的?
To which Michelangelo responded. 米开朗基罗回答。
It was easy, I went to the quarry, I saw this huge piece of marble, and in it I was David. 很简单,我去了一趟采石场,看见一块巨大的大理石,我在它身上看到了大卫。
All I need to do was to chip away the excess stone, to get rid of the marble that shouldn’t have been there. 我只要凿去多余的石头,只留下有用的。
And when I got rid of this excess stone, there was David. 凿去多余的石头之后,大卫就诞生了。
Not obviously easier said than done. 虽然说的比做的容易。
But this story captured the metaphor of what this class very much is about. 但是这个故事捉住了这门课程精髓。
It’s about chipping away the excess stone; it’s about getting rid of limitations, of barriers, whether it’s the fear of failure, something that we didn’t have as kids. 即凿除多余石块,也就是摆脱限制,阻碍或者对失败的恐惧,这些东西并不是与生俱来的。
But today most people in our culture have it. 但如今却出现在了大多数人身上。
It’s about chipping away perfectionism that is debilitating and often hurts us. 要凿除削弱甚至伤害我们的完美主义。
It’s about chipping away our ability for success because maybe we are afraid of success. 凿除成功的能力因为我们可能害怕成功。
Maybe we feel guilty about some of the things that we have in our life and that in turn limit us. 可能我们对生命中一些东西感到内疚,这些都会反过来限制我们。
Maybe it’s about chipping away the limitations on our relationships in while we don’t thrive within them. 也许甚至凿除两性关系中的限制,尤其是带来消极面的时候。
This is what this class is mostly about. 这些就是本课程的主要内容。
As Doro says:”Soul grows more by subtraction than by addition, by getting rid of these limitations, limitations that are preventing us from fulfilling our potential”. 就像俗话说的那样:“做减法比做加法让灵魂成长得更快,减法包括除去那些阻碍我们发挥潜能的限制”。
Because our potential is in there in nature, we talk a lot about human nature. 因为我们的潜能是天生的,我们关注人类本性。
It’s there whether it’s through God, whether it’s through evolution. 是与生俱来的,无论是上帝赐予的,还是进化产生的。
We have a lot of potential that overtime with we fix stone of voices with being parts of our culture, that very often these limitations are put on top of us just like the excess stone. 但是渐渐地受到外部文化压力,像多余石料一样,把我们禁锢起来了。
Lao Tzu, ”In pursuit of knowledge ever

yday something is acquired, in pursuit of wisdom, everyday something is dropped”. 老子说过:“为学日益,为道日损”。
Knowledge is about information. Wisdom is about transformation.学即信息,道即变形。
I was recently interviewed for a newsletter on coaching before a large conference on the topic. And the interviewer asked me.我最近参加一次大型咨询业会议时接受了一家相关期刊的采访。采访者问我。
So what tips, what tools can you give from positive psychology? 能给读者传授一些积极心理学建议吗?
So I talked about some of the greatest hits, the importance of gratitude, the importance of physical exercise. 于是我谈到了一些热门话题,感恩的重要性,体育锻炼的重要性。
I talked about the importance of spending time on our relationships, about taking time aside and simplifying and so on and so on. 我谈到了花时间经营爱情的重要性,谈到了休息,简化等等。
And I was going through my long list. She stopped me and she said.我正滔滔不绝时。 她打断了我说。
l You know, Tal, this is all good. The importance of stuff, I know. l But readers already know that.谢谢,Tal,这些都不错。那些事情的重要性,我知道。但这些我们的读者都已经知道了。
I am looking for the Wow factor. Come on, surprise me.我想要的是轰动的因素能让我意外的东西。
What can you tell our readers? 能否告诉我们的读者?
And I thought about this question for a minute, and I realized that there is no Wow. And I told her that.我想了一会这个问题然后意识到根本没有什么惊奇可言。我跟她这么说了。
You know if there is a wow, the wow is that there is no wow. That’s it.所谓的轰动之处就是没有轰动之处。就是这样。
Because the over-not-transformation emperor, the emperor of quick fixes has no clothes. 因为没有经过转变,快速见效的说法都是皇帝的新衣。
It doesn’t exist; it’s over-promising and under-delivering. 是不存在的,是过高的承诺和过低的兑现。
l A life, a fulfilling life, a rich life includes ups and downs, includes pain and getting up again, includes failure and getting up again. 生活,令人满意的生活,丰富的生活包括了起起落落,包括了痛苦和再次振作,包括失败和再次奋斗。
l It includes success and celebrating it, victories and losses, ups and downs as we will talk about next week. 它包括了成功和庆祝成功,胜利与失败,起起和落落,我们下星期会讲到。
l It’s not about this one secret, one Wow to the good life. 而不是关乎一个秘密,一个能让人过上幸福生活的令人惊奇的诀窍。
l And many of the things you will learn in the class, you’ve heard before. 而你们将在本课程中学到的很多东西,都是你们之前听说过的。
l Probably nothing new to you. 也许对你来说没有

l You already know it inside of you. 在你内心深处你已经知道了。
l And you are going to say:”Well, it is common sense”. 你会说“这是常识”。
l And yes, a lot of it is common sense. 是的,很多都是常识。
l However, it is Voltaire once said:”Common sense is not that common”. 但是伏尔泰曾经说过:“常识并非那么平常”。
l And this especially applies to application. 特别是应用于实际。
l So the aim of this class is to make common sense more common, especially in the real world application. 所以本课程的目标是让常识更加平常,特别是应用到实际中。
l At the end of the class. 在本课程结束时。
l Here’s what I am hoping for, at the end of the class, if you decide to take it at the end of the semester. 我所希望的是,在本课程结束之时,如果你打算上这门课的话在本学期结束时。
l I don’t think—I am not expecting you to come and tell me. 我不想,我不期待你跑过来告诉我。
l Wow, thank you for teaching me so many new things. 谢谢你教给了这么多新东西。
l That’s what I am expecting. 那不是我所期待的。
l I don’t think that is what will happen. 我不认为那会发生。
l What I hope will happen is for you to come and say rather than “Thank you for teaching me” something you would say. 我所希望发生的是你过来跟我说,不是说“谢谢你教了我”之类的话。
l “Thank you for reminding me of something that I’ve already known”. 而是“谢谢提醒了我一些我熟知的事情”。
l And this is what this class is about. 这就是本课程要做的。
l It’s constant reminder, twice a week. 经常性的提醒,一周两次。
l Constant reminder of what you already know of what is inside you, the David that is inside you. 经常提醒你们记起你们已知的东西,你们内心深处的东西,你们心中的大卫。
l And what this class will hopefully do is to help you chip away some of these limitations, whether it’s limitation, cognitive limitations that prevent you from seeing what already knew, emotional limitations that are preventing you from deriving the benefits of what you already know or behavioral limitations. 本课程希望做到的是帮助你们凿掉一些束缚,不管是哪种束缚,是阻碍你认识已经熟知事物的认知束缚还是阻碍你从已经熟知事物中获取益处的情绪束缚抑或是行为束缚。
l The ABC affects behavior and cognition that we’ll talk about during the change week. 基本要素是影响,行为和认知正是我们在改变周将要讨论。
l So I’m making common sense more common. 我要让常识更平常。
l Information in and of itself is simply not enough. 信息本身还不够。
l It’s not enough and what we need in addition to our information highway is a transformation highway.

l Transformation highway or transformation back roads to come through the fast increasing pace because as we’ll talk about next time. 转变高速公路还是转变乡村小道上来经历快速增长的步伐,因为我们就像下次课会说到的那样。
l Rates of depression are on the rise, rates of anxiety are on the rise, not just in this country, globally. 抑郁率呈上升趋势,焦虑率呈上升趋势,不只是在这个国家,是全球化的现象。
l It’s literally global epidemic. 简直就是全球传染病。
l And to deal with it, more information will just not do, just not enough. 而为了应对它,更多的信息也并不够。
l Here is Archibald MacLeish. 下面是Archibald MacLeish的话。
l He was a poet, was a Harvard professor. 他生前是一位诗人,是哈佛的教授。
l What is wrong is not the greatest discoveries of science—information is always better than ignorance, no matter what information or what ignorance. 错的不是科学的重大发现,有信息永远比无知强,不管是什么样信息和什么样无知。
l What is wrong is the belief behind the information, the belief that information will change the world, it won’t. 错在于信息背后的信念,认为信息会改变世界的信念,但它不会。
l Just adding it and filling up our containers with more and more stuff, more and more information, more and more data. 往我们的容器里增加装上越来越多的东西,越来越多的信息,越来越多的数据。
l It’s just not enough, we need more than that. 还是不够,我们需要更多。
l This class will take a humanistic approach. 本课程将采用一种人性的方法。
l Let me read you a quick excerpt by Abraham Maslow who talks about this approach. 我来给你们读一小段Abraham Maslow的话。
l If one took a course or picked up a book on the psychology of learning, most of it, in my opinion, would be beside the point—that is, beside the “humanistic” point. 如果有人上了一门关于心理学学习的课大部分内容在我看来是与重点无关的,也就是与人性无关。
l Most of it would present learning as the acquisition of associations of skills and capacities that are external and not intrinsic to the human character, to the human personality, to the person himself. 大部分内容把学习展现为获得联想技能和能力,这些对于人的性格,人的个性,人本身来说只是外在的而并非本质的。
l External refers to information. 外在指信息。
l Internal refers to the transformation, the changing of the form. 内在指转变,形态的转变。
l And when we talk about transformation, actually mean it quite literally—change of the form, changing of the brain as we’ll talk about. 当我们谈到转变时实际上是非常字面的说法,形态的改
