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当前位置:文档库 › 射孔段管柱瞬态响应及应力强度分析


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摘要:为了了解射孔爆轰载荷作用下射孔段管柱的动态响应和应力强度安全性,应用A N S Y S 有限元分析软件建立了射孔段管柱有限元模型,对射孔段管柱进行瞬态响应及应力强度分析,得 到了射孔段管柱振动位移、速度、加速度及等效应力等对射孔冲击载荷的响应规律,并考察了射 孔段管柱长度和壁厚对管柱应力强度的影响。分析结果表明:在射孔爆轰载荷作用下,射孔段管 柱受压缩和拉伸冲击载荷交替作用;管柱各处的振动位移、速度和加速度都随时间做周期性变化,且周期相同;距离封隔器越远(距离射孔爆轰源越近),振动速度和振动加速度幅值越大;射孔 冲击引起的管柱振动加速度峰值可以达到重力加速度的数百倍,从而产生剧烈的动载;离封隔器 越近,管柱的振动位移越小,但管柱的等效应力越大;射孔段管柱越长,管柱壁厚越厚,最大等 效应力越小。所得结论可为射孔段管柱优化配置提供参考。


中图分类号:丁瓦934文献标识码:入如:10.16082/】.(:吐[^吼.100卜4578.2017.11.018 T r a n s i e n t R e s p o n s e a n d S t r e n g t h A n a l y s i s o f P e r f o r a t i n g S t r i n g

Zhang W e i1X u Cheng2Li Mingfei2Zhang Lin3W a n g Gangqing4

(1.Engineering Technology Research Institute y PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company.,2. Mechanical Engineering College,X i' an Shiyou University ?3. Engineering Technology Research Institute y PetroChina Southwest OH & Gas Field Company \4. Jianghan, Machin-ery Research Institute)

Abstract :For a better understanding of dynamic response and stress intensity safety of the perforating tubular string under detonation loads,a finite element model of perforating tubular string has been established by using A N-S Y S.The transient response and the stress intensity of the perforating tubular string have been analyzed to attain the impact load response law of the string vibration displacement,velocity,acceleration and equivalent stress.The in-fluence of pipe length and wall thickness of perforating tubular string on stress intensity was also studied.The results showed that:the perforating tubular string bore alternating compression and tensile impact load under detonation load.String vibration displacement,velocity and acceleration changed periodically at the same cycle.The vibration velocity and vibration acceleration amplitude becomes larger with the increased distance to the packers(the de-creased distance to the perforating detonation source).String vibration acceleration peak value caused by impact perforation could reach hundreds of gravity acceleration,resulting in a severe dynamic load.W h e n closer to the packer,the string vibration displacement becomes smaller,but the equivalent stress of the tubular string becomes greater.Longer perforating tubular string and larger string wall thickness could lower the m aximum equivalent stress. The study conclusion can provide a reference for the perforating string configuration optimization.

Keywords:perforating string;perforation detonation;transient response;velocity response;stress analysis

*基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“高温高压深井射孔压力脉动及管柱动力响应机理研究”( 51374171);中石油科技重大专项“西南油气田上产300亿立方米关键技术研究与应用”(2016E-0608):

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