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V ocabulary:(感谢)

动词:Thank, appreciate;

名词:Thanks, gratitude, appreciation;

形容词:Thankful, grateful, appreciative.

owe v. 欠债, 感激/ indebt v. 负债, 蒙受恩惠


1.thank you for …

2.appreciate one’s doing …

3.be grateful/thankful to sb. for …

4.many thanks for …

5.express my thanks/gratitude for …

6.owe sb. a lot for …

7.be indebted to sb. for …



1. I am writing this letter to thank you for …

2. I am writing to express my sincere thanks for

3. I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt (衷心的) thanks to you for…

4. With deepest gratitude I write you this let ter for …

5. I am writing this letter because I am indebted to you for …

6. I am obliged to you for/I owe you a great deal for …



1. It was nice/kind/thoughtful of you to..

2. Thank you very much for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during my visit…

3. It was your kind help that … (强调句型)

4 If it had not been for your (help/guidance/ assistance), I wouldn’t have (won the prize)

5. (虚拟语气) But for/Without …



1. Thanks again for your generous help.

2. I appreciate it more than I can say.

3. My true gratitude is beyond the word’s description.

4. I feel deeply indebted to you and I really do not know how to thank you enough for your help.

5. Please accept my sincere thanks for your help, which I will never forget.

6. Nothing could ever return the favor you gave me.


Dear ﹍﹍,

How about your life/ study/ work? I’m writing to thank you for your ﹍﹍﹍﹍./ Thanks for your ﹍﹍﹍﹍. 致谢

During ﹍﹍﹍, you ﹍﹍﹍. First, you ﹍﹍﹍.What’s more, you ﹍﹍﹍. Another thing that I can’t forget is that you ﹍﹍﹍./ There is still one thing that I can’t forget. That is ﹍﹍﹍. 原因

Thank you/ Thanks a lot for your kindness again.


Best wishes./ Give my best regard to ﹍﹍﹍. 祝愿

Yours sincerely



假如你是一名失学儿童,名叫李华,你有幸得到在中国工作的Mr. Brown的资助,可以重返校园。你给Mr. Brown写了一封信,内容如下:

1. 收到钱和书后能重返校园,非常感激;

2. 在老师的帮助下,学习有了很大的进步,受到老师的表扬和鼓励;

3. 决心更加努力学习,取得更大的进步;

4. 盼望见到Mr. Brown,希望他寄来一张照片。

注意:1. 书信应包括以上所有要点,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2. 词数:100左右

Dear Mr. Brown,

I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the money and books you sent me. I could not have returned to school without your help. Thank you so much.

I have been working hard since I went back to school. I have made great progress in my studies with the help of my teachers. They often praise me and encourage me. But for your help, I might have left school and couldn’t have got such a good education. I have made up my mind to study harder and make greater progress.

How are you getting on with your life and work? I would like to meet you in person, but I have no opportunity to do so. Would you please send me a photo of yourself?

Thank you again for your generous help and best wishes!

Yours Sincerely,

Li Hua

假定你是李华,现在是华南师范大学(South China Normal University)大一新生你高三时在王老师的帮助下,英语进步很大,为表示感谢,给王老师写一封感谢信。要点如下:

1. 梦想成真,考上理想大学。

2. 因为王老师的辅导和鼓励,英语由差变好。

3. 对老师表示祝福。

注意:1. 词数100左右。2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好。

Dear Mr. Wang,

Again, I sincerely thank you for your help!

I am writing to express my thanks for helping me improve my English. Without your help, I would not be a student of South China Normal University. I still remember the days when you taught me English in Grade 3 of senior school. My English was once poor, but you were very patient with me and tried to tutor me after class. My English was greatly improved because of your encouragement.

Without your help, I wouldn’t have realized my dream. I wish more and more of your students could go to their ideal colleges. Wish you have a healthy body and lead a happy life!

Again, I sincerely thank you for your help!


Li Hua


假定你是李华,去年是一名交换生(exchange student)去美国学习,得到布朗一家的照顾,回国后写一封感谢信给布朗夫妇,要点如下:

1. 感谢生活上的关心,克服了思乡病。

2. 感谢学习上的帮助,口语进步很大。

3. 欢迎到中国做客。

注意:1. 词数100左右。2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好。

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Brown,

How are things going with you recently? Thank you so much for giving me a chance to live in your family while I was an exchange student in America! That was such a hard time for me, but your kindness and warm heart did let me overcome my homesickness. Besides, you tutored me in my spoken English in daily life.

With your help, I made such rapid progress that I won the first place in the English Speaking Competition of the city. My achievement is owed to your help. If there is a chance, welcome to China, I am looking forward to your coming.

All the best.


Li Hua

假定你是李华,刚从英国学习回来。你的好友Peter 在你学习期间为你提供了许多帮助。请给他写一封e-mail, 感谢他对你的帮助(如帮你找寄宿家庭,带你参加各种活动等),并邀请他来中国。

注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.开头语已为你写好。

Dear Peter, I came back from England last week. What a wonderful experience it was! I’m writing to say thank you for all the help you offered during my stay there. They can be listed as follows. On one hand, it’s really helpful of you to find a good host family for me. As we all know, a proper host family is very important for a foreigner, especially for a student like me. On the other hand, I would appreciate you for taking me to so many kinds of activities. As a result, I can have a better understanding of English cultures and have made many new friends. At last, I’d like to invite you to come to China whenever it is possible. Only in this way can I repay your kindness and we can have a good time together again. I am looking forward to your reply.

Yours , Li Hua







Dear Tracy,

How about your life back in Britain? I’m wri ting this letter to express our thanks to you on behalf of the class.

We enjoyed the great time when you stayed here. During last term, you helped us a lot in our English so we made great progress with English study. What’s more, all our classmates are very thankful to you for donating English books, which are surely very helpful in our study. We miss you and wish you a happy life in the UK.

Thank you for your kindness again and we are looking forward to your visiting China again.


最新高中英语作文感谢信 高中英语作文感谢同学的信篇1 Dear Mr John, 亲爱约翰先生, How are things going with you in Beijing? 你在北京一切安好吗? I am writing to show my thanks to you. You tutored me in my spoken english before you went to Beijing. With your help I made such rapid progress that i won the first place in the spoken english competition of the city. My achievement is owed to your help. Thank you very much. 我写这封信是为了表达我对你的感谢。在你去北京之前,你辅导我学习英语口语。由于你的帮助,我进步很快,在市英语口语比赛中我获得了第一名。我的成就都是源于你的帮助。非常感谢。

I have heard that you and your wife will pay a visit to my school. I am very glad at the news.In that case we can see each other again. I am looking forward to your coming. I am sending you a telescope as a small gift. I hope you will like it. 我听说你和你妻子将要来拜访我们学校。我很开心听到这个消息。如果那样的话我们又可以再见到彼此了。期待你们的到来。我给你寄了一个望远镜作为一份小小的礼物。希望你喜欢。 All the best. Yours,liu jie 最好的祝愿, 刘杰 高中英语作文感谢同学的信篇2 Dear Jane, I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for you and


用英语写感谢信的模板及翻译 英文感谢信范本(一) thank you for interview ii dear (bosss name), thank you so much for seeing me yesterday. the interview confirmed what others have told me - that (company name) would be a terrific place for someone with my skills and interests. i am convinced that i could make an impact and add value as a (job title) in your department. as we reviewed my background, i hope that you came to a similar conclusion. it was indeed a pleasure to discuss the opportunities with you. i thank you again for the opportunity and look forward to our next interaction. again, you can reach me (when) (call time) at (telephone), or you may leave a message on my answering machine, and i will return your call promptly. sincerely, (signature) 谢谢你采访二世 亲爱的(所名称), 非常感谢你昨天看到我。面试确认别人告诉我,(公司名称)将会是一个很棒的地方有人与我的技能和兴趣。


篇一:英语感谢信套路范文 感谢 信开头段常用句式和套话 i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for... i am writing to express my thanks for... i am writing to show my sincere appreciation for... i would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for... i feel deeply indebted to you and i really dont know how to thank you enough for your help. 感谢信结尾段常用 句式和套话 i must thank you again for your generous help. i am most grateful for your selfless donation. my true gratitude is beyond the words description. i feel most obliged to thank you once more. please accept my gratitude, now and always. ★例: directions: after being involved in an accident, you were looked after by another person. write a letter: 1) mentioning what happened in the accident, 2) telling the person about your recovery, and 3) expressing your thanks. you should write with no less than 100 words on answer sheet 2. do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use li ming instead. you do not need to write the address. 范文: dear john, i am writing to thank you for looking after me after that unfortunate accident the other day, when i was knocked off my bike by a taxi. if it had not been for your assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospital, i fear that the consequences might have been much more serious dear staff, i am writing to show my sincere gratitude for all of you. now that i am home and on my own again i feel extremely happy. during the time i lived at the rehabilitation center and was under your tender care, i promised myself i would write a letter of thanks as soon as i was able. abundant thanks to each one of you for your patience, expertise and genuine concern. it was you who


最难能可贵的事情就是雪中送炭,如果有人这么对你,千万不要忘了表达你的感谢哦!下面是为大家精心整理的高中补助感谢信,希望能给您带来帮助。 尊敬的学校: 首先,我衷心感谢你们的慷慨解囊和无私帮助。我虽然是不幸的,在人生最灿烂的时候却与病魔羁绊前行。但又是幸运的,因为有你们最纯洁的爱心在伴我前行。我普普通通的一名学生,出生于一个农村家庭,被查出患上系统性红斑狼疮(这是一种自身免疫性疾病,此病能破坏免疫系统,累及全身各器官,严重时有生命危险)。 发病之时口腔多处溃烂,难以进食,面部有明显红斑,病情已影响心、肾、肝脏,无力承担巨额医疗费用。一筹莫展的时候,学校得知情况后,立即发起"爱心无价,真情无限"的募捐倡议活动,得到社会各界朋友的大力支持及帮助。特别是我们高三(16)班的全体同学、班主任严老师、科任林老师、叶老师、王老师等,在百忙中抽出时间积极筹措,为我奔波,共募捐人民币捌万零玖佰拾捌元零柒角,目前所有捐助的善款及一些慰问用品,已经足额及时地送到我及家人手中,你们所有的爱心我全部收下了。 是大家的爱心行动,给了我生命的希望,是你们的善行义举激励鼓舞了我从病榻上站起来,让我看到了希望的曙光。我一定会自信和坚强!目前,我的病情已经基本稳定,虽然还要长期治疗但是我和我的家人,深信在大家的祝福、关爱和帮助下,我一定能早日康复,重回课堂,和大家欢聚一堂,努力学习,成为栋梁,为社会多做贡献,来回报社会,回报你们! 在此,我再次衷心感谢所有捐款的各界朋友、老师、同学以及家长,感谢你们的爱心捐助,是你们给予我重新拥有生命和美好人生的希望!你们的善举永远铭记在我心中。 最后,我谨代表我及我家人向所有奉献爱心的你们致以最诚意的谢意!祝你们身体健康、工作顺利、学习进步、万事如意! 此致 敬礼! xuexila 20xx年x月x日 尊敬的各位领导: 你们好! 20XX年秋我怀着既兴奋又有几分纠结的心情来到了湖北科技学院。兴奋的是我和千千万万的高中生一样踏进了大学这个梦寐以求的圣地,但与此同时纠结也一直伴随着我,因为上大学这笔开销对本身就经济条件很差的我家来说是一个不小的负担。但我的这种担忧很快就打消了不少。因为学校有很多对贫困学子的资助政策,学校里的助学金就是帮助那些家庭贫


高中英语作文感谢信句式 1.I am writing to expremy thanks for … 我写这封信是为了表达我对……的谢意。 2.I’d like to take this opportunity to expremy great appreciation for your timely help and assistance . 我谨借此机会感谢您给予我们的及时帮助和支持。 3.Thanks again for your kind help . 对你的帮助再次表示感谢。 4.I am grateful to you for… 感谢你…… 5.I appreciate it more than I can say. 感激不荆 6. I can never thank you enough. 感激不荆 7.I deeply appreciate your sincere help. 我深深地感谢你诚恳的帮助。 8.Many thanks for your kindneand hospitality. 多谢你的好意和好客。 9.Thank you from the bottom of my heart for.. 从心底里感谢你,因为…… 10.Again, I would like to expreour warm thanks to you. 再次向你表示谢意。 1、Thank you very much for .... 十分感谢... 2、Many thanks for your ... 3、Please accept my sincere appreciation for ... 请接受我对...真挚的感谢 4、I am truly grateful to you for ... 为了...,我真心感激您 5、It was good thoughtful of you ... 承蒙好意关心... 6、You were so kind to send ... 承蒙好意送来... 7、Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and I am looking forward to seeing you soon.


高中英语作文写信万能句子精选 有很多的同学是非常想知道,英语作文写信万能句子有哪些,小编整理 了相关信息,希望会对大家有所帮助! 1 英语作文书信的句子有哪些 开头 自我介绍:I am Li Hua, coming from a middle school, which is the best education institution in my beautiful city. 感谢信:I am writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude for your help. 道歉信:I am writing this letter to express my apology for any inconvenience caused. 询问信:I am writing this letter to see if it is possible for you to provide me with some imformation which is very important to me. 建议信:I am writing this letter to make some conductive suggestions. 邀请信:I am writing this letter to invite you to come with us in an important issue. 请求信:I am writing to ask whether you can do me a favor. 中间句型 What I want to stress in this letter is that …… Since it is (not)helpful,I suggest you doing sth. As we all know, …… It is important to do sth. It should be a good idea to do sth.


感谢信开头段常用句式和套话 i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for...i am writing to express my thanks for... i am writing to show my sincere appreciation for...i would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for... i feel deeply indebted to you and i really dont know how to thank you enough for your help. 感谢信结尾段常用句式和套话 i must thank you again for your generous help.i am most grateful for your selfless donation. my true gratitude is beyond the words description.i feel most obliged to thank you once more.please accept my gratitude, now and always.★例: directions: after being involved in an accident, you were looked after by another person. write a letter: 1) mentioning what happened in the accident, 2) telling the person about your recovery, and 3) expressing your thanks. you should write with no less than 100 words on answer sheet 2. do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use li ming instead. you do not need to write the address. 范文: dear john, i am writing to thank you for looking after me after that unfortunate accident the other day, when i was knocked off my bike by a taxi. if it had not been for your assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospital, i fear that the consequences might have been much more serious dear staff, i am writing to show my sincere gratitude for all of you. now that i am home and on my own again i feel extremely happy. during the time i lived at the rehabilitation center and was under your tender care, i promised myself i would write a letter of thanks as soon as i was able. abundant thanks to each one of you for your patience, expertise and genuine concern. it was you who helped me believe in myself and gave me assurance that i could walk again. i would never forget each word you said to me and the things you have done to me. forgive me for the times i lashed out at you in frustration and thank you for understanding and remaining firm with me. never stop your beautiful way of working with people. your help really means a lot to me and anyone who in trouble as well. affectionately, wang fang 译文 亲爱的全体工作人员: 我写这封信是为了表达我对你们的真诚感谢。现在我又可以一个人在家了,我真的非常高兴。我在康复中心接受你们的关照时,就已经决心只要一有时间就给你们写感谢信了。


高中英语感谢信优秀范文 高中英语感谢信范文 【篇一:高考英语感谢信汇总】 感谢信 1. 表达感激之情,简单陈述写这封感谢信的原因; 2. 详细说明要 感谢的事由,措词更加具体真诚。再次表示真诚的感谢; 3. 向对方表达自己真诚的祝福,再次道谢。有时可向对方发出邀请。 感谢信模板 1 dear ________ , ① i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for ________( 感 谢的原因 ). ② if it had not been for/had it not been for/ without your assistance in ________( 对方给你的具体帮助 ), i would (not)have been ________( 没有对方帮助的后果 ).③ everyone agrees

that it was you who ________ ( 给出细节 ).④ again, i wouldlike to express my warm thanks to you! ⑤ please accept mygratitude. yours sincerely, li ming 感谢信模板 2 dear _____________ , ① i am now writing these few lines to express my sincerethanks for _____________( 感谢事由 )。② id like you to knowhow much your meant to me. ③ you have a positive geniusfor_____________( 对收信人某一方面的 赞美). ④ i not onlyenjoyed _____________, but also_____________. ⑤ i shall everremember _____________as one of the most _____________inmy life. ⑥ i hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating( 报答). ⑦ i will feel very honored and pleased if you _____________ ( 表达自己回报的心愿 )。⑧ i am looking forward to seeing you next time! ⑨ i repeat my thanks for your_____. ⑩ please give my kind


英语感谢信句子 英语感谢信句子 篇一: 英语感谢信常用语句英语感谢信常用语句 ①Man thanks for our kind and arm help. ②I am greatl indebted to ou for our help. ③ Thank ou for our generous hospitalit. ④ It as reall exiting to get our Ne Year's ard! ⑤ I'm sinerel grateful for all our help in finding me a plae. ⑥Your note of ongratulations is deepl appreiated. ⑦Thank ou for doing so muh to make m trip interesting. ⑧Thank ou for our kindness to have done me a favour. 篇二: 英文感谢信感谢信开头段常用句式和套话 I am riting to extend m sinere gratitude for I feel deepl indebted to ou and I reall don't kno ho to thank ou enough for our help. 感 谢信结尾段常用句式和套话 I must thank ou again for our generous help.I am most grateful for our selfless donation. M true gratitude is beond the ord's desription.I feel most obliged to thank ou one more.Please aept m gratitude, no and alas.★例:


高中毕业感谢信的范文 高中毕业感谢信 各位领导、老师: 你们辛苦了,为了感谢你们的教育与栽培,在此写一封感谢信。 我是x年x月踏入xx中学学习的,刚入学时,我很不习惯,因为学校是实行全寄宿管理,不能随便进出,在校内,有合理的学习和作息时间,特别是宿舍采用军事化管理,宿舍内的东西都是按规定放置的,连被子都是统一方向放的,初来乍到的我很不喜欢,甚至抱怨过。 但,天天面对三点一线(课室、饭堂、宿舍),就产生了感情。在学校的严格管理下,同学们都礼貌待人,老师们都平易近人,令我很喜欢课堂。课堂上,那丰富的知识、老练的话语让我听得津津有味;课堂下,同学们的交流、放松的气氛,让我感受到了快乐。当然,最多人“投诉”的就是饭堂,但凭良心说,我们学校的伙食是最健康、最好的。和蔼的叔叔、阿姨们,把饭堂打扫得干干净净,让我们吃得放心。宿管员,别看她老是凶巴巴的,平时她都会去各个宿舍聊聊天,了解我们。我们病的时候,比谁都关心我们。学校的生活,让我感到有规律、充实,不浪费一分一秒,让我懂得时间就是金钱,绝不虚度光阴。 就在高二时,当我面临着辍学时,是你们伸出支援之手,无条件地让我继续读书,是你们供我学费,是你们授我知识,是你们改变了

我的命运。老师们的辛勤,我们都看在眼里;老师们的嘘寒问暖,我们都牢记在心里;老师们的无微不至,我们都体会在脑海里,就是你们的无私奉献,才让我们懂得做人的道理,知识改变命运的道理。一年365天,每天比我们晚睡,每天比我们早起,你们起早摸黑的为师精神,是其他兄弟学校的老师们都做不到的伟大精神,天天如此,风雨无阻。甚至病了,都挺着虚弱的身子上课。是你们让我懂得为人师表,要以身作则的道理。 我最要感谢的是xx老师、xx老师、xx老师和xxx老师。正是你们的谆谆教诲,无微不至的关心,才成就了今天的我。训练场上,是你们严格地要求我,精益求精的动作要领,让我取得更大的突破;学习上,是你们让我找到了信心。多次的谈话中,让我了解到,你们连一个差生都不放过、都有信心的精神,是可敬可佩的。在我遇到困难时,是你们帮助了我;在我伤心时,是你们安慰了我,谢谢你们让我找回了希望。 在校三年,让我习惯了学校的生活,学校就像一个大家庭,让我们感到舒适、温暖,对于学校无微不至、不求回报的关心、教育,使我万分感谢,谢谢你们对我的栽培,教会我做人的道理。我相信,博爱、博学和追求卓越的精神一定会远扬海内外的。愿学校蒸蒸日上、步步高升。 高中毕业生给老师的感谢信 高中三年,无疑是我生命中一段刻骨铭心的时光,这里,想感谢一些人。


高考英语书面表达感谢信必备开头结尾 感谢信必备开头结尾 开头: 【例句一】我真的不知道如何表达我对你的帮助的感激之情。 I really don’t know how to express my gratitude for your help. 【例句二】我想表达我对你及时帮助的诚挚的谢意。 I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for your timely help.【例句三】对你的好客表示诚挚的谢意。 I warmly appreciate for your hospitality. 【例句四】我写这几行文字是为了表达我诚挚的谢意。 With deepest gratitude, I write to you here a few lines. 【例句五】你做的给我们留下了深刻的印象,并且我希望我能对你表达我的感激之情对于那些我们曾经在一起度过的美好时光。 What you did gave us a deep impression and we hope to express our thanks to you for the wonderful days we spent with you. 结尾: 【例句一】对你的慷慨的帮助,我必须再次表示感谢。 I must thank you again for your generous help. 【例句二】我的感激之情超出了文字的描述。 My true gratitude is beyond the word’s description. 【例句三】对你无私的捐赠表示感谢。



英语作文写信万能句子 【篇一:英文书信作文常用句型】 英文书信作文常用句型 感谢信(a letter of thanks) 1. thank you so much for ……. 2. i would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for…… 3. i’m writing to express my sincere gratitude for…… 4. i’m grateful to you for …… 5. i truly appreciate your …… 6. words fail to convey my gratitude to you. 道歉信(a letter of apology) 1. i would like to express my apology for…… 2. excuse me for…… 3. please accept my sincerest and deepest apology for…… 4. i’m terribly sorry to tell you that…… 5. will you be good enough to excuse me for…… 6. i am writing to apologize to you for …… 7. would you mind if i change the appointment time.(你是否介意如果我更改约会时间) 8. to make up my thoughtless behavior, i……(我想……以弥补……) 询问信(a letter of inquiry)


篇一:英文感谢信模板+范文 感 谢信 dear______, i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for _________ (感谢的原因). if it had not been for your assistance in ___________ (对方给你的具体帮助), i fear that i would have been_________(没有对方帮助时的后果). ever y one agrees that it was you who______________(给出细节).again, i would like to express my warm thanks to you! please accept my gratitude. yours sincerely 你的 姓名 exte nd [?kstend] vt. 延伸;扩大;推广;伸出;给予;使竭尽全力;对…估价 vi. 延伸;扩大;伸展;使疏开 grat itude [gr?t?tju?d] n. 感谢(的心情);感激 assi stance [?s?st(?)ns] n. 援助,帮助;辅助设备 谢信 1)感 谢信的写法 人们 在交往中常需要相互致谢,收到别人赠送的礼物,得到别人的帮助、受到别人的慰问,都应该 表示感谢。感谢信是人们常用的一种感谢方式。 感谢 信最主要的特点是真诚。缺乏真挚的感情答谢他人,收信人将对你的谢意产生怀疑,感谢的目 的也就失去了。因此,写感谢信首先得真心诚意。 感谢 信另一个特点是具体。写感谢信切忌泛泛而谈,而应着重于具体的感谢事由。其次一个特点 是及时。收到别人礼物、得到别人帮助,应及时写信予以答谢。否则,人家会对你的谢意大打 折扣。


( 感谢信) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-070316 高中补助感谢信范文推荐High School Subsidy letter of thanks

条据书信| Article Letter 感谢信高中补助感谢信范文推荐 尊敬的学校: 首先,我衷心感谢你们的慷慨解囊和无私帮助。我虽然是不幸的,在人生最灿烂的时候却与病魔羁绊前行。但又是幸运的,因为有你们最纯洁的爱心在伴我前行。我普普通通的一名学生,出生于一个农村家庭,被查出患上系统性红斑狼疮(这是一种自身免疫性疾病,此病能破坏免疫系统,累及全身各器官,严重时有生命危险)。 发病之时口腔多处溃烂,难以进食,面部有明显红斑,病情已影响心、肾、肝脏,无力承担巨额医疗费用。一筹莫展的时候,学校得知情况后,立即发起"爱心无价,真情无限"的募捐倡议活动,得到社会各界朋友的大力支持及帮助。特别是我们高三(16)班的全体同学、班主任严老师、科任林老师、叶老师、王老师等,在百忙中抽出时间积极筹措,为我奔波,共募捐人民币捌万零玖佰拾捌元零柒角,目前所有捐助的善款及一些慰问用品,已经足额及时地送到我及家人手中,你们所有的爱心我全部收下了。 是大家的爱心行动,给了我生命的希望,是你们的善行义举激励鼓舞了我从病榻上站起来,让我看到了希望的曙光。我一定会自信和坚强!目前,我的病情已经基本稳定,虽然还要长期治疗但是我和我的家人,深信在大家的祝福、关爱和帮助下,我一定能早日康复,重回课堂,和大家欢聚一堂,努力学习,成为栋 第2页


感谢信 感谢信常用句型 1) Thank you very much for… 2) Many thanks for your… 3) Please accept my sincere appreciation for××× 4) I am truly grateful to you for××× 5) It was good (thoughtful) of you ×××承蒙好意(关心)××× 6) You were so kind to send××× 7) Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality(盛情款待) and I am looking forward to seeing you soon. 8)I hope I can reciprocate (回报)your kindness when you come to ××× 9) Thanks a million ( or Thanks ever so much) 10) Oceans of thanks .(感谢之至) 11) I cannot tell you how much your letter delighted (愉快)(relieved, amused, enchanted轻松) me. 12) Please accept my sincere appreciation for…请接受我对……衷心感谢。 13) I sincerely appreciate… 14) I am very sincerely grateful to you for… 15) I wish to express my profound appreciation for… 我对……深表感谢。 16) Many thanks for your generous cooperation. 谢谢贵方的真诚合作。 (一)Dear Kelly, I’ve been back home safely from England. Thank you for the warm help during my stay in England. Last week, I participated in the Cultural Exchange Week. I enjoyed myself in your country. We visited the city museum and some places of interest, which made me have a better understanding of the English society, culture and history. Of course, I also made many new friends.


感谢信英文的万能句子 感谢信是对收信人的某一行为表示感谢。感谢信通常带有浓厚的感情色彩,具有比较浓的人情味。下面小编为大家精心整理了感谢信英文万能句子及范文,希望能给你带来帮助。 Thank you so much for... I am writing to express my thanks for... I am writing to extend my sincere/hearty gratitude/appreciation for... I would like to convey in this letter my heartful thanks to you for... I warmly appreciate your hospitality. Thank you very much for the gift you sent 's one of the most wonderful gifts I got on my birthday. I am writing this letter to thank you for your warm hospitality accorded to my delegation and me during our recent visit to your beautiful would also like to thank you for your interesting discussion with me which I found very informative and useful. Thanks again. Again,I would like to express my warm thanks to you!Please accept my gratitude.


感谢信英语作文范文4篇Thank you letter 编订:JinTai College

感谢信英语作文范文4篇 前言:感谢信是向帮助、关心和支持过自己的集体(党政机关、企事业单位、社会团体等)或个人表示感谢的专业书信,有感谢和表扬双重意思。广泛应用于个人与个人之间个人与组织之间,组织与组织之间,用于向给予自己帮助、关心和支持的对方表示感谢。本文档根据感谢信内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:感谢信英语作文范文 2、篇章2:给父母写的感谢信作文文档 3、篇章3:给父母写的感谢信作文文档 4、篇章4:给父母写的感谢信作文文档 篇章1:感谢信英语作文范文 感谢信英语作文范文(一): dear mary,

i would like to thank you for your warm-heart help last term. i couldn't have passed the cet band 4, if not had received your reference book on english learning. it is more necessary to appreciate you because of your tender care and perfect consideration for me. i would never forget that night when you sent the umbrella to me at the library. have you got free time in this summer vocation? if yes, i hope i have the honor to invite you to come to my home and enjoy the beautiful scene of my hometown. at last, i want to thank you again. best wishes! sincerely yours, tom 感谢信英语作文范文(二): dear mary , in this letter i would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you for your books about band four


高中生感谢信的范文:3篇 高中生感谢信的范文篇一:尊敬的领导: 你们好 这次我真的是怀着感激的心态写下这篇感谢信的,首先我要道一声谢谢,感谢国家对我学业上的支持。虽然相比接受国家的帮助,这份感谢来得迟了,但是我还是要对国家会说声谢谢,微不足道却发自肺腑此时此刻,除了"感恩",我想,没有其他词汇能诠释我的感受,不会用华丽的辞藻去修饰,因为我始终相信真正的感谢不是哗众取宠,不是奴颜婢膝,而是剥除所有包装掩饰后留下的真挚情感。人可以不够优秀,不够聪明,不够坚强,但是只有学会感恩的人,才会有颗善良柔软的心。 我是一名在校大学生,来自农村的一个贫穷家庭。父母由于没有文化人,也就只能干力气活把我和姐姐供着上学。我深知父母工作的艰辛,所以我从不让父母担心,每天回家帮父母做一些基本的家务活。父母也从不给我压力,只是让我尽自己最大的努力,可以个上到哪就上到哪。我很爱这个家,虽然很贫困,但我并不会抱怨。 如今,国家的资助政策帮助了我这个贫困但很和睦的家庭,使我们感受到国家带来的温暖。党和国家的这些政策对我们学生无非是一件喜事。对于一个贫困生来说,生活问题和心理问题就自然地成为主要问题。作为一名贫困大学生,我对此有深刻的体

会,通过国家的资助,贫困生不仅解决了生活问题,而且也间接地解决了因为贫困而产生的自卑等心理问题。在这里我感谢党、感谢政府,感谢各位对贫困学生的关注和帮助。 会在进步,物价上涨好快呀,转眼2元的东西变成了4元,可是家里的收入还是依旧,这对于一个社会来说是件很普通的事,可是面对承担风险很小的低收入的家庭来说这是雪上添霜。人人都知道物价上涨意味着很多的人要付出更多,对于我们这些学生来说面临的可能是退学或者休学...... 就在这样的情况下,国家和学校对我们伸出援助之手。给予我们的直接是人民币,这不紧紧是金钱,这更多的是代表国家和学校没有忘记我们这些贫困的学生,对于我们这样的学生学校和老师也是同样的关注。因为有的时候我就会想到以前一个历史教师给我说的话——贫困的学生会被遗忘在教室的角落。真的有时候我都没有胆量去面对老师,老师的热情有的时候真的让我感到害怕,有的时候是一种说不出的感觉。可是学校及老师们用他们的行动证明了他们关爱,我们是学校整体的一部分而不是被遗忘在角落的垃圾。 当然金钱意味着我家里可以少给我一点生活费,减轻家里的负担。同时可以把以前一些挤挤的生活费中拿出一部分钱去买一些学习及相关的一些物品。说实在的,我都已经大三了可是我从来都没有给爸爸妈妈买过一件礼物,因为父母给我的钱只是生活费,"零用钱"那是好家庭的孩子说的话。我真的好想去买一件礼物送给他们,可是当我送去的时候却是他们给我的钱,对于我这样一个学习不太好的学生如果外出兼职的话成绩更差。没有办法

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