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English Consonants

English Consonants(28) are classified according to three different principles.

1.the vibration of the vocal cords: voiced and voiceless

2.the place of articulation: bilabial(双唇音), labio-dental(唇齿音), dental(齿音), alveolar

(齿龈音), post-alveolar(后齿龈音), palato-alveolar(硬腭龈音), palatal(硬腭音), velar(软腭音), glottal(声门音)

3.the manner of articulation: plosives, fricatives, affricates ,nasals ,laterals, semi-vowels

The Plosives(stop consonants) (6)

/p b t d k g/

/p/ voiceless bilabial plosive strong aspirated consonant

/b/ voiced bilabial plosive weak unaspirated consonant

/t/ voiceless alveolar plosive strong aspirated consonant

/d/ voiced alveolar plosive weak unaspirated consonant

/k/ voiceless velar plosive strong aspirated consonant

/g/ voiced velar plosive weak unaspirated consonant

The sounds /p/ is voiceless plosive. It is usually aspirated and strong . But it is not aspirated when preceded by /s/ in a stressed syllable.

spot sport spy spread stand school skirt stool still sky

The plosives have no explosion when followed by another plosive consonant.

kind people sweet potatoes strict parents

lag behind an old doctor a modest professor

castle whistle listen fasten

Pronunciation of –ed

The ending-ed ,added to regular English verbs to form the past tense and past participle, has three different pronunciations: /t/ /d/ id/

1./t/ after all voiceless consonants except /t/

knocked washed helped laughed

2./d/ after all voiced consonants except /d/ and after all the vowel sounds

planned judged played rowed

3.As a separate syllable /id/ after /d/ /t/

protected intended

There is only one type of exception to these rules, namely, a group of adjectives which end in –ed and therefore look like verbs. Contrary to the principles outlined above, the ending of these words is pronounced as a separate syllable /id/.

a naked child a ragged coat a two-legged animal

an aged minister a wicked idea dogged determination a wretched day


/f/: voiceless labio-dental strong aspirated long fricative consonant

/v/: voiced labio-dental weak unaspirated short fricative consonant

/s/: voiceless alveolar strong aspirated long fricative consonant

/z/: voiced alveolar weak unaspirated short fricative consonant

/θ/: voiceless dental strong aspirated long fricative consonant

/〥/: voiced dental weak unaspirated short fricative consonant

/∫/: voiceless palato-alveolar strong aspirated long fricative consonant

/з/: voiced palato-alveolar weak unaspirated short fricative consonant

/h/: voiceless glottal fricative consonant

/r/: voiced post-alveolar fricative

Pronunciation of –s

In English, to make a noun plural or possessive, or to put a verb in the third person singular form of the present tense, we add /s/ or /z/ to the end of the word. This ending is spelt in several different ways: -s, -es, -′s, -s′. However it may be spelt, the ending is pronounced according to strict phonetic principles in one of three ways: /z/ /s/,or /iz/

1./z/ after all voiced consonants except /z/,/З/ and /dЗ/ and after all vowel sounds:

games calls shows Jane’s Lee’s sounds

2./s/ after all voiceless consonants except /s/, /∫/ /t∫/

cups picks sits laughs helps Jack’s Kate’s aunts

3 . As a separate syllable /iz/ after /s/ /z/ /∫/ /з/ /t∫/ and /dз/:

houses dances teaches changes badges washes Marx’s

A tongue twister

She sells seashells on the seashore,

The shells she sells are seashells, I’m sure.

If she sells seashells on the seashore,

Then I’m sure she sells seashore shells.


领读音频下载密码:654321 音频文件发送到这个邮件:gavinpronounce@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2a9069082.html,发送成功之后会收到一封自动回复邮件,特别提醒要以附件的格式发送音频文件,别忘了给音频文件命名 语音专项练习1 five [faiv] love [l?v] over ['?uv?] eleven [i'lev?n] twelve [twelv] ship [?ip] she [?i:] finish ['fini?] delicious [di'li??s] short [??:t] show [??u] three [θri:] nothing ['n?θi?]northwest ['n?:θ'west]southeast ['sauθ'i:st] fifth [fifθ]third [θ?:d]birthday ['b?:θdei] month [m?nθ]n.月ninth [nainθ]eighth [eitθ] health [helθ]twelfth [twelfθ]everything ['evriθi?]tooth [tu:θ] pleasure ['ple??] unusual [?n'ju:?u?l] 语音专项练习2 give [ɡiv] above [?'b?v] river ['riv?] very ['veri] heavy ['hevi] vegetable ['ved?it?bl] every ['evri] volleyball ['v?lib?:l] shoe [?u:] n 鞋 sheep [?i:p] n 绵羊sure [?u?]adv&adj的确,一定确信的,肯定的 think [θi?k] v 想,认为mouth [mauθ] n 嘴thirsty ['θ?:sti] adj 口渴的 throw [θr?u] v 投,掷decision [di'si??n] n 决定pleasure ['ple??] n 愉快;高兴 语音专项练习3 five [faiv] love [l?v] have [h?v] expensive [iks'pensiv] never ['nev?] adv November [n?u'vemb?] invent [in'vent] move [mu:v] invite [in'vait] even ['i:v?n] video ['vidi?u] solve [s?lv] clever ['klev?] active ['?ktiv] university [,ju:ni'v?:siti] fish [fi?] station ['stei??n] wish [wi?] delicious [di'li??s] push [pu?] both [b?uθ] thin [θin] decision [di'si??n] pleasure ['ple??] 语音微变化实证研究4 review [ri'vju:] v several ['sev?r?l] 几个;environment [in'vai?r?nm?nt] n 环境however [hau'ev?] 然而invention [in'ven??n] 发明,创造relative ['rel?tiv] n 亲属discover [dis'k?v?] v 发现,发觉serve [s?:v] v 服务prevent [pri'vent] v 防止receive [ri'si:v] v 接受deserve [di'z?:v] v 应得victim ['viktim] n 受害者alive [?'laiv] adj 活着的shine [?ain] v 照亮,发亮rubbish ['r?bi?] n 垃圾;废物rush [r??] v 冲;奔跑ocean ['?u??n] n 海洋shy [?ai]腼腆的shut [??t] v 关shape [?eip]


1.Read the following words in phonetic symbols. [k?n'tempr?ri] [f?,mili'?r?ti] ['n?n??l?ntli] ['helik?pt?] [hai'p?θ?sis] ['simbliz?m] [,k?mpri'hen?n] [?'pri:??bl] [,simp?'θetik] ['rel?tivli] [,inik'spensiv] [dis'k?rid3i?] ['?grik?lt??] [k?n'vi:ni?ns] [si'kju?r?ti] [di'sti?ɡwi??bl] [,ɑ:ti'fi?l] [f?'siliteit] [?'pr?ksimitli] [,?k?'demik] [?'pendiks] [k?m'pli:tli] [dis'kw?lifai] [?'pendiks] [k?m'pli:tli] [dai'k?t?mi] [,kw?lifi'kei?n] [?:'t?n?m?s] ['st?ndstil] [hju:,m ili'ei?n] [,ind?u'ni:zj?n] [mi'k?nik] [,h?spi't?l?ti] [?'n?l?sis] [,?:t?'m?tikli] [in'?dikw?t] [,ɡ?r?n'ti:] [dai'k?t?mi] [,kw?lifi'kei?n] [si'kju:rait] ['herit?bl] [,ini'kw?l?ti] [klai'm?kt?rik] ['we?r?bauts] ['pesimiz?m] ['n?n??l?ns] [,d ik'teit??ip] ['d3?:n?list] [i,m?nsi'pei?n] [?:'t?n?m?s] 2.Read the following words. identification individuality believed languages educationalist collected clothes announcement desert(v.) moon contrast(v.) zone washed washes blown known stone protest(n.) delivered Marx’s well-known increase(n.) transportation kicked Jones’s entertainment received months spoon produce(n.) moon object(v.) administrative praised truths stone perfect(v.) modernize engagement changed Marx’s noon increase(v.) dragged voices drown desert (n.) uniqueness 3.Read the following phrases. ?first of all a cold drink great changes ?father and mother leave me alone as a matter of fact ?at midnight great concern just at the moment ? a bottle of ink run up againt a bad cold


普通话语音基础训练 第一节普通话声母 教学内容: 声母的分类、发音、辨正及训练。 训练要点: 1.读准各声母,克服方言的影响; 2.声母辨正:z、c、s—zh、ch、sh n—l r—l j、q、x—z、c、s等; 3. 河南方言声母发音辨正。 一、声母的分类:21个声母,分7类 1.双唇音:b p m 2.唇齿音:f 3.舌尖前音:z c s 4.舌尖中音:d t n l 5.舌尖后音:zh ch sh r 6.舌面音:j q x 7.舌根音:g k h 二、声母的发音 1.双唇音: b 作发音示范例:bai bāo bǎo bai biàn bi? bēi bǐ bāo bàn bān bù 背包宝贝辨别卑鄙包办颁布 p作发音示范例:pī píng piān pì pǐ pai p?ng pài pīng pāng piān páng pīn pán 批评偏僻匹配彭湃乒乓偏旁拼盘 m作发音示范例:mǎi mài měi mǎn máng mù mì mì má mù mìng míng mào mì 买卖美满盲目秘密麻木命名茂密 2.唇齿音: f作发音示范例:方法仿佛丰富非法纷纷吩咐夫妇发放发奋防范 3.舌尖前音: Z 作发音示范例:自在 C 作发音示范例:从此层次仓促苍翠参差 S 作发音示范例:思索色素 4.舌尖中音 d作发音示范例:达到等待地点大胆电灯断定单独调动地道 t 作发音示范例:团体探讨淘汰梯田忐忑滔天天体体坛饕餮(tāo tiè) n作发音示范例:恼怒能耐扭捏奶奶 l作发音示范例:力量理论联络历来冷落老练流利劳力玲珑 5.舌尖后音: zh作发音示范例:政治战争指正住宅专职珍珠制止郑州纸张扎针挣扎ch作发音示范例:常常长城出产出差惆怅拆除超车赤诚抽查出场传抄


做语音题,有诀窍! 方法: 7看________ \划线宇母不同, 发音一 __________ |特殊情况字母G 放在单词前面发/ £放在单词里面发/ 判断下列单词划线部分发音是( T)否(F)相同。 ).dad hate (_ ). cake Kate ).map at_ ).kite is _ _). this rice ( ).Coke hot ).hope dog (_ ). note not ).big pig_

二.读单词,选出划线部分发音不同的单词。 ( )1. A. n ame _B. cake C._cap D. baby ()2. A. pho ne B. hot _D. box ()3. A. his B亠six C. it _ D. light _ ()4. A. get B. let C. bed_ D. he _ ()5. A. cute B. un der C._excuse D. use_ 三.读单词,选出与所给单词发音相同的单词。 ( )1. n ame _A. cake B._cap _ ()1. bag A. dad B. big _ ()1. five A. fine B. six _ _ ()1. nose A丄not B. note ()1. pig A. quite B_pe ncil _ 读方框中的单词,根据读音规则把单词归类,并按书写要求写在四线格内pig nice cake bike fat six date cap kite big milk bag win lot face rose hat kite doll game home home side n ame Tom dig rat time Tim doll


( ) 6、A.water B.want C.wash A)、从下列四个选项中找出一个与其他三个画线部分读音不同的 D.watch 选项。 ( ) 7、A.dance B.change C.basket ( ) 1、A.mouth B.round C.group D.father D.ground ( ) 8、A.idea B.dead C.head ( ) 2、A.days B.bags C.pens D.ready D.maps ( ) 9、A.beat B.each C.really ( ) 3、A.glass B.fast C.pass D.weak D.want ( )10、A.live B.rise C.fine ( ) 4、A.shine B.police C.wife D.smile D.tidy ( ) 5、A.name B.face C.hate ( )11、A.film B.child C.wish 1

2 ( )12、A .most B .shop C . cost D .copy ( )13、A .some B .woman C . cover D .above ( )14、A .you B .touch C . country D .trouble ( )15、A .music B .pupil C . student D .June ( )16、A .star B .party C . warm D .March ( )17、A .word B .work C . worry D .worse D .clean ( )19、A .headache B .chair C .teach D .change ( )20、A .white B .right C .give D .behind ( )21、A .face B .skate C .wake D .have ( )22、A .cake B .plane C .name D .many ( )23、A .what B .whole C .which D .white ( )24、A .headache B .Christmas C .machine


语音专项练习 找出划线处发音不同的单词。 ( )1.A.map B.family C.bag D.bed ( )2.A.eat B.meet C.ski D.his ( )3.A.dear B.their C.where D.pair ( )4.A.when B.here C.hat D.who ( )5.A.whose B.those C.his D.this ( )6.A.China B.Christmas C.school D.kite ( )7.A.about B.wow C.young D.ground ( )8.A.four B.wall C.hot D.door ( )9.A.those B.think C.thanks D.maths ( )10.A.father B.mother C.run D.country ( )11.A.banana B.warm C.garden D.are ( )12.A.too B.book C.put D.look ( )13.A.kite B.sit C.pink D,eleven ( )14.A.need B.bee C. bread D.teach ( )15.A.brother B.girl C.term D.purse ( )16.A.nice B.yes C.this D.please ( )17.A.farmer B.Saturday C.nurse D.China ( )18.A.coat B.lot C.roll D.home ( )19.A.doll B.so C.know D.road ( )20.A.got B.blow C.know D.shoulder ( )21.A.way B.they C.wait D.key ( )22.A.ruler B.new C.you D. duty ( )23.A.she B.sure C.school D.fish ( )24.A.bags B.pens C.maps D.yours ( )25.A.old B.not C. notebook D. note ( )26.A.bank https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2a9069082.html, C. place D.eight ( )27.A.high B.why C.site D. sit ( )28.A.should B.would C.look D.shoulder ( )29.A.under B.fat C.some D.cousin ( )30.A.English B.sing C.morning D.writing ( )31.A.watch B.water C.wash D.box ( )32.A.clock B.close C.clothes D.bowl ( )33.A.other B.under C.dance D.cousin ( )34.A. now B.out C.house D.know ( )35.A.write B.we C.what D. wow ( )36.A.wrong B.hobby https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2a9069082.html,e D.got ( )37.A.change B.fat C.age D.date ( )38.A.forget B.first C.ruler D.umbrella ( )39.A.door B.order C.daughter D.orange ( )40.A.thank B.under C.bank D.England ( )41.A.man B.bag C.jacket D. policeman


语音 ....... ..专项训练练习题 A.).找出划线部分读音 ..... ........不同的词。 1. A. f ....a.ss .. D. d .. C. gl ...a.rk.. .....a.st .. B. st ....a.mp 2. A. f ...i.ck .. D. w ...i.de.. .. C. s .....i.ght ... B. dec .....i.de 3. A. mist ...a.pan ... ... D. J ...a.nd.. C. tr .. B. h ........a.ke ....a.vel 4. A. fr ...ie..ld .. D. p ...ie..ce.. .. C. f ......ie..ndly .... B. bel .....ie..ve 5. A. borr ........ow ....ow .. .......ow .. D. sl ..er C. bel .. B. fl ....ow 6. A. w ...ea..d. ....ea..d . D. h ...ea..t . C. br .... B. m .....ea..ther 7. A. sh ...h . D. f ...or..ty.. ...ort .. C. w ...or..se ......or..t . B. h 8. A. l ...u.t. .....u.ll .. D. b ...u.ch C. f .....u.ck .. B. m 9. A. m ...ea..ve.. ... D. l ...ea..son .....ea..n B. pl .....ea..sure .... C. s 10. A. ...ea..rt.. .. D. h .....ea..rth ......ea..rn ... B. ..ea..rly C. l B) ..找出与所给得词划线部分读音相同的词。 .................. 11. ...ear ... D. n ...ear ... ...n . C. w ...ear ...th A. h .....ear ...t B. l ....ear 12. br ...ow .. D. yell ......ow .. .. C. r .....ow ....ow ....ow ..n A. d ..n . B. kn 13. f ...oo..d D. sch .....oo..se .. C. w ......oo..l.....oo..t A. m ....oo..n B. ch 14. b ...e.t . D. ..e.vening ...... ......e. C. w ....e.tter .... A. ..e.ven B. b 15. fl .....y. ....y.sics .... D. dut ......y . B. satisf .....y . A. fift ........y . C. ph 16. wh ...ere ... C. w ....ear ... ... D. cl ....ere .....ere ... A. h ...ere ... B. th 17. h .......e.njoy D. w .......e.st.. .....e.n B. ....e.n . A. sev ...e.leven C. 18. ....e.nd D. l .....e.g. ........e.t C. s ...e.raser ..... A. w ...e.ll B. jack 19. r .....o.le .. D. f ......o.ry C. h ...o.x... A. s ....o.se ...o.me B. st 20. car ......s. A. lamp .....s. D. lesson ........s. ......s. B. book ......s. C. cat C)..选出每组单词中与其他三个不同类的词,把其编号写在括号内。 ............................ (.).2.1. A. short B. shirt C. sweater ........ ......................... D. jacket (.).2.2. A. bookstore B. film C. factory D. hospital ...................................... (.).2.3. A. China B. America C. England D. Japanese ..................................... (.).2.4. A. surprised B. grow C. angry D. excited ................................... (.).2.5. A. yellow .................... .......... B. blue C. black D. write D) ..判断下列单词划线部分发音,相同划 ... ....“×” ................“√” ...,不同划 (.).th..i.n .(.).u.sually ...... (.).w.ai..t .(.).b.o.ttle ....


语音 班级姓名学号 一、填空题 1.语音具有___________性、___________性和___________性,其中 ___________是语音的本质属性。 2.发音器官包括三大部分:、、C____________。 3.语音同其他声音一样,具有___________、_______________、 _____________、_____________四个要素。 4.不同的音色至少是由以下三方面原因之一造成的:A_______________、B_______________、C_________________________。 5.元音和辅音的主要区别在于:发元音时, ______________________________;发辅音时, _____________________________。 6.对音节进行彻底的切分可以得出最小的语音单位,其中着眼于自然角度的叫做_____________,着眼于语音的社会功能的叫做_____________。 7.《汉语拼音方案》包括五部分内容:A_________________、 B_________________、C_________________、D ______________、 E_________________。 8.《汉语拼音方案》的主要用途是:A_______________、 B_________________。 9.音节由_____________构成,也是交谈时自然感到的语音单位。 10.声母是音节开头的____________,普通话中共有____________个辅音声母。 11.辅音声母的分类依据是________________和________________。 12.根据发音时声带是否颤动,普通话声母可以分为___________和 ____________两类。 13.根据发音时呼出的气流的强弱,普通话声母可以分为____________和____________两类。 14.普通话声母中的浊音有________________________________。


播音员口腔基本训练 呼吸训练 声音的强弱、连断、纵收完全取决于气息的控声音的高低抑扬,色彩变化也与气息状态密切相关,气息控制不好,欲纵不能纵,欲收不能收,播音时就会口不应心。 在人们的日常生活中,声音色彩是随着感情变化而变化的。只有在“气岁情动”的情况下,才能做到“声随情变”,也就是说,由于感情的变化,气息随着动起来,才产生了声音的变化。只有“以情运气”,才能“以情带声”,做到以声传情。 播音发声对于气息的要求可以概括为四个字:深,匀,通,活。 深:吸的深,气的容量大; 匀:出的匀,温动流畅; 通:通畅无阻,行走自如 活:能随感情的变化而灵活运动。 为了达到这些要求,必须掌握胸腹联合呼吸,也就是我国传统的说唱中讲究的丹田气。这种呼吸方式最科学,最自然。有利于健康,呼吸训练的重点是呼气! 吸气时上胸部隆起,肩微上抬,这些市胸式呼吸,又叫浅呼吸。由于这种呼吸吸入的气量小,难于控制,播音时总感到不足,发出的声音单薄乏力,无法表达庄重深沉的感情。 有的为了把气吸深,吸气时腹部隆起,这就是腹式呼吸。这种呼吸气量也不大,发高强音时吃力。 我们需要的是胸腹联合呼吸,吸气时肺部向前后左右赏析全面扩张,吸入的气量大,能以小腹为支点进行控制。吸气就像深吸花香味或在空气特别清新处做深呼吸,舒畅自然。胸廓下部向两侧张开,气息均匀而缓慢地外流,小腹保持有控制状态。由于呼气的强弱急慢是有小腹控制的,而小腹紧缩的集中点称丹田,故这种气息控制法称为丹田气。 掌握胸腹联合呼吸要求腹肌有交好的弹性,应该经常做“仰卧起坐’等运动以锻炼腹机。 如果开始不蹦掌握胸腹联合呼吸的吸气要领,可用如下方法体会; 一,坐于椅上,身体略向前倾,感觉气,”沿脊椎骨“西如肺底,此时两肋和后腰渐感涨满。 二,坐于椅上,腹肌完全放松,涣涣吸气,腹部逐渐收缩,保持腹肌的收缩状态再吸气,两肋即逐渐扩张。运用胸腹联合呼吸,小腹要始终处于有控制转台,不能完全放松。锻炼与加强呼吸控制能力需要循序渐进的练习! 播音员的素质要求


译林英语四上语音专项训练 一、选出下列划线部分的发音与其他各项不通的单词。 1.()A. bag B. good C. orange 2.()A. horse B. have C. eight 3.()A.have B. grape C. skate 4.()A.lion B. like C. swim 5.()A.look B. ruler C. all 6.()A.father B. fan C. of 7.()A.apple B. cake C. cat 8.()A.kitchen B. rice C. fish 9.()A.tail B. school C. ruler 10.()A.cake B. nice C. juice 11.()A.box B. sock C. six 12.()A.of B. twelve C. five 13.()A.like B. milk C. rice 14.()A.some B. sock C. long 15.()A.what B. why C. who 16.()A.king B. dog C. big 17.()A.hair B. pear C. here 18.()A.well B. fly C. help 19.()A.jump B. cup C. juice 20.()A.thin B. his C. king 二、判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同的写T,不同的写F。 1. ( ) A. all B. school 2. ( ) A. help B. what 3. ( ) A. cake B. cat 4. ( ) A. six B. fox 5. ( ) A. grape B. give 6. ( ) A. thank B. sock C. make 7. ( ) A. lion B. tiger C. pineapple 8. ( )A. sure B. six C. swim 9. ( ) A. long B. glass C. eighteen 10. ( )A. what B. who C. where 三、根据划线部分读音将下列单词分类。 zoo live of five give hurry zip hot umbrella very box taxi bike kite ruler thank for zebra


一、选择题 1.Which one is the correct phonetic symbol of the word “boring”? A.[?b?r??]B.[?b?: r?n] C.[?b?: r??]D.[?b?r?n] 2.I put my keys in my_____/b?g/. A.big B.box C.bag D.boy 3.下列各组字母中,不符合字母顺序的为________. A.C; D; E B.D; G; J C.L; M; N D.A; L; J 4.下列各组字母中全部是元音字母的是 ____。 A.a, e, o, r B.a, i, u, e C.o, u, e, n 5.Go down this street and turn ______ / left / .You will see a library in front of you. A.light B.left C.let D.lift 6.If I had one million dollars, I’d give it away to ______________/′medik?l/ research. A.medicine B.medical C.magazine D.metal 7.下列四个选项中划线部分读音全部相同 ....的是__________。 A.oranges boxes families B.maps books bags C.age take made D.but sun use 8.下列四个选项中划线部分读音全部相同 ....的是__________。 A.head bread eat B.look afternoon good C.thank there three D.here idea ear 9.Which underlined letter pronounces differently from the others? A.northern B.abroad C.block D.before 10.Which word of the following has a different stress from the others? A.X-ray B.Upset. C.Rapid 11.Which of the following words doesn’t h ave the same stress as the others? A.Metal. B.Afford. C.Degree. 12.I want to be a doctor, and I will do some / ?med?kl / research in the future. A.medicine B.medical C.magazine D.metal 13.从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出所含元音音素不同的一个。 A.is B.it C.this D.fine 14.I have a pet / k?t / , it’s very smart . A.cat B.cut C.coat D.cute 15.Which “ch” of the following words has a different pronunciation(发音) ? A.machine B.children C.teacher D.chair 16.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others? A.Have you ever worked with either of them? B.He didn’t even look at it. C.We saved him from the enemy. D.Can you tell me who invented the telephone? 17.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the other three?


2016-2017小升初专项训练 语音基础 基础题 一、选择题 1.下列两组字母中,没有元音字母的那组是________。 A. FGSJY B. MNERBD 2. A, R, O, U哪一个不是元音字母? A. O B. A C. R D. U 3.书写时占三格的字母是____________. A. f B. i C. g D.h 4.在英语的26个字母中,字母____可以独立成词,而且它一定是大写的。 A.P B.O C.I 5. _______可表示“激光唱片”。 A. HB B. CD C. BBC 6.书写时占下两格的字母是__________. A. i B. g C. f D.p 7.下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他两个不同,请将该单词的标号填入题前括号内。( )(1). A. take B. bad C. have ( )(2).A. fish B. find C. give ( )(3).A. me B. bed C. red ( )(4).A. glue B. run C. us 8.选出下列图片的首字母 9.写出含有相同字母的单词。 (1).A:_____________________________ (2).N:_____________________________ (3).V:_____________________________ (4).E:_____________________________

10.Sw_m补全单词() A.u B.a C.e D.i 11.选出不同类的一项。( ) A. U B. CD C. USA D. CAN 12.D_te补全单词() A. a B. e C .o D .y 13.What name begins with "L"?____ A. Li Ming B. Wang Lin C. Jenny D. Danny 14.S_nny补全单词() A.e B.i C. a D. u 15.what letter is an animal? _____________________________ 16.与E发音没有相同之处的字母是_________. A.C B. G C.F D. 17.H_ney补全单词() A.a B. u C.e D.o 18.找出下列各组字母中元音音素不同的字母: (1)e b c h (2)d b u p (3)w q p u (4)h j g k (5)y v t g (6)v w u q (7)h k a q (8)G P T O (9)C D E F (10)E V G R 19.下列字母的小写形式书写时占上两格的是 A.C B.O C. B D.q[] 20.选择书写正确的单词。 ()(1).A. shirt B. V-shirt ()(2).A. skirt B. drass ()(3). A. shose B. shorts


一、小学语音专项练习 二、判断下列各组单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不相同的打“×”。( ) 1. A. why B. what C. white D. who ( ) 2. A. river B. farmer C. teacher D. doctor ( ) 3. A. skirt B. shirt C. girl D. nurse ( ) 4. A. thin B. thank C. that D. math ( ) 5. A. wash B. make C. lake D. away ( ) 6. A. how B. now C. mouth D. town ( ) 7. A. beef B. tea C. peach D. meat ( ) 8. A. cook B. foot C. look D. book ( ) 9. A. box B. dog C. clock D. over ( ) 10. A. potato B. tomato C. tofu D. yellow 二、选择与例子相同发音的单词,把编号填写在题前括号 ( ) 1. how A. brown B. yellow C. window ( ) 2. who A. why B.whose C. white ( ) 3. what A.where B. whole C.whom ( ) 4. this A. math B.thank C.clothes ( ) 5. that A. math B. water C. path ( ) 6. lake A.wash B. table C.can ( ) 7. like A. fish B. active C.kind ( ) 8. fresh A. behind B. chess C.closet ( ) 9. over A.closet B. close https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2a9069082.html,puter ( )10.water A away B.watch C trash 三、找出发音不同的一项。 ( ) 1. A. why B. what C. white D. who ( ) 2. A. river B. farmer C. doctor D. short ( ) 3. A. skirt B.dinner C. girl D. nurse ( ) 4. A. thin B. thank C. that D. math ( ) 5. A. wash B. make C. lake D. day ( ) 6. A. how B. now C.window D. town ( ) 7. A. beef B. tea C. peach D. road ( ) 8. A. cook B. foot C. look D. book ( ) 9. A. box B. dog C. clock D. over 找出发音不同的一项 ( )1. A. work B. wall C. whose D. what ( )2. A. yesterday B. family C. day D. Monday ( )3. A. hear B. pear C. ear D. near ( )4. A. three B. those C. their D. these ( )5. A. food B. foot C. book D. good ()6. A. tea B. meat C. weather D. Beach ()1. A. apple B. class C. back D. dance 五、读音相同打“√”不同的打"×"。 ( )1. chair hair ( )2. room book ( )3. girl first


一、选择题 1.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A.Scientists found that dinosaurs all died of disease. B.Disneyland was created by Walt Disney. C.Believe me, we come in peace. D.How is the man dealing with trouble? 2.I want to be a doctor, and I will do some / ?med?kl / research in the future. A.medicine B.medical C.magazine D.metal 3.I put my keys in my_____/b?g/. A.big B.box C.bag D.boy 4.She didn't have a good_____/ sli:p/ last night, so she looked tired. A.sleep B.sheep C.shape D.shop 5.We should stress(重读) ______ syllable when we read the word “potato”.A.the first B.the second C.the third D.the last 6.My______ /'fe?v?r?t/ snack is potato chips. A.favorite B.free C.foreign D.future 7.Go down this street and turn ______ / left / .You will see a library in front of you. A.light B.left C.let D.lift 8.根据朗读基本知识要求,以下哪个句子应该在句末读升调? A.When do you get up every day? B.Which subject do you like better, English or Chinese? C.Can I try it again? D.Here you are. 9.下列四个选项中划线部分读音全部相同 ....的是__________。 A.head bread eat B.look afternoon good C.thank there three D.here idea ear 10.Which underlined letter pronounces differently from the others? A.northern B.abroad C.block D.before 11.Which word of the following doesn’t have the same stress as the others? A.Absent. B.Insect. C.Translate. 12.His father bought him a new / t??/ for his birthday. A.tool B.tail C.tall D.toy 13.Which word of the following doesn’t have the same stress as the others? A.reflect B.percent C.expert 14.Don’t be afraid of such / 'd?f?k?ltiz / , my class. Come on! A.differences B.difficulties C.dictionaries D.directions 15.Which word of the following has a different stress from the others? A.X-ray B.Upset. C.Rapid

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