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1.have access to 可以接近;可以利用

Citizens may have free access to the library. 市民可以自由使用图书馆。

2. make the acquaintance of sb. 结识某人

I made the acquaintance of Mr. Brown on the train to London. 我是在去伦敦的火车上认识布朗先生的。

3.take action 采取行动

We must take action to protect our environment. 我们必须采取措施保护环境。

4.take advantage of 利用,趁……之机

You should take advantage of this opportunity to improve your spoken English. 你应该利用这个机会提高你的英语口语。

5.make an agreement with 与……达成协议

They have made an agreement about the plan. 他们在这个计划上意见一致了。

6. make an apology to sb. 向某人道歉

I must make an apology to you for what I did last night.

7. make an appeal to sb. 向某人发出呼吁

The police made an appeal to the public to remain calm. 警方呼吁公众保持镇静。

8. make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会

She made an appointment with his lawyer. 她预约了她的律师。

9.approach to接近;通往……的方法

We heard the approach of a bus to the station. 我们听见一辆汽车驶进车站的声音。

10. make an attempt to do sth. 试图做某事

They made an attempt to escape. 他们试图逃跑。

11. pay attention to 注意

Please pay attention to what I am saying. 请注意听我讲的话。

12.keep one's balance 保持(身体)平衡

The child couldn't keep his balance on his new bicycle. 孩子骑在他的新自行车上不能保持平衡。

13.do/try one's best 努力,尽力

He tried his best to complete the distance. 他尽了最大的努力跑完了全程。

14.make the best of 充分利用

We should make the best of a bad state of affairs. 我们应该在不利的情况下尽力而为。

15.hold one's breath 喘气

How long can you hold your breath? 你能屏住气多长时间?

16.take care of 爱护,照料

Who’s taking care of the children while you were away? 你外出时谁来照顾这些孩子?

17. rise to the challenge 接受挑战,迎战

Scientists are rising to the challenge of energy crisis by exploiting new resources. 科学家们正在通过开发新能源来应对能源危机的挑战。

18.take charge of 管理,接管

He took the charge of the farm after his father’s death. 父亲去世后他接管了农场。

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2e9292998.html,bination with 与……结合

The firm is working on a new product in combination with several overseas partners.


20.get command of 控制

A general is a man who gets command of a large number of soldiers. 将军是统率众多士兵的人。

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2e9292998.html,munication with 与……通讯;和……交流

Communication with other countries was difficult during the telephone and postal strike.邮电工人罢工期间与各国的通讯很困难。

22. keep sb. company 陪伴某人,陪某人同走

He kept me company during the journey. 他在旅途中一直陪伴我。

23.make a comparison between 把……进行比较

Let’s make a comparison between them. 让我们比较一下他们两人。

24. competition with/against sb. 与某人竞争

He was in competition with 10 others for the job. 为得到这份工作他与10个人展开竞争。

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2e9292998.html,plaint about/of 对……抱怨

We received a number of complaints from customers about the lack of parking facilities. 我们收到了顾客很多投诉,抱怨缺少停车设施。

26.make a complaint against 控告

I’d like to make a complaint about the noise. 我要就噪音问题提出投诉。

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2e9292998.html,e to a conclusion 得出结论

They came to a conclusion that he is not the right person for the job. 他们断定他不适合这项工作。

28. have confidence in sb. 信任某人

She has confidence in herself. 她很自信。

29.take into consideration 考虑到

All aspects about the matter should be taken into consideration. 事情的方方面面都要考虑到。

30.be in contact with 与……接触

She was in contact with many people. 她和许多人有联系。

31.lose contact with 与……失去联系

Have you lost contact with any of your friends from college? 你和你的大学同学失去联系了吗?

32.lose control of 失去对……控制

The pilot lost control of the plane.飞行员对飞机失去了控制。

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2e9292998.html,mit a crime 犯罪

If you commit a crime you can never escape being punished. 你要是犯罪,就逃脱不了要受惩罚。

34.arouse one's curiosity about sth. 激起某人对某事物的好奇心

The launch of the Chang’e Satellite aroused our curiosity about the moon. 嫦娥卫星的发射激起了我们对于月球的好奇心。

35.do damage to 损害……

The storm did a lot of damage to the crops. 暴风雨使庄稼受到了很大损失。

36.make a decision 作决定

She could not make a decision about the dresses. 她对(买不买)这衣服下不了决心。

37.take a delight in 以……为乐

He takes a delight in proving others wrong.他以证实别人出错为一大快事。

38.have the determination to do 有决心干……

That girl has great determination to learning English well. 那女孩子很有决心学好英语。

39.make a difference to 作用,关系,影响

The rain made a difference to the game. 这场雨对比赛产生了影响。

40. have difficulty in doing sth. 做某事有困难

At first, the government had great difficulty in persuading people to leave Rio and to settle in Brasilia.开始时,政府很难说服人们离开里约热内卢去巴西利亚落户。

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2e9292998.html,e into effect 生效,实施

The new law will come into effect next month. 这部新法律将于下个月生效。

42.take effect 生效,起作用

The aspirins which the patient had taken soon took effect. 病人服用的阿司匹林


43.put emphasis on/upon 着重于,把重点放在

You put too much emphasis on the last syllable. 你把最后一个音节读得太重。

45.make an error 犯错误

I think you have made an error in calculating the total. 我想你在计算总数时出了差错。

46. set a good example to sb. 为某人树立榜样

Zhang Haidi set a good example to the disabled. 张海迪为残疾人树立了好榜样。

47.catch one's eye 引人注目

I'd like another drink, trying to catch the waiter's eye. 我想再来一杯, 看着服务员, 想引起他的注意。

48.keep an eye on 留意,照看

Please keep an eye on my child when I go out. 我外出的时候请帮忙照看一下我的孩子。

49.have/lose faith in 对……信任

He has faith in my ability. 他对我的能力有信心。

I have lost faith in you;I am sure you won’t do well. 我已经失去对你的信任了,我肯定你不会做好的。

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2e9292998.html,e into fashion 开始风行

—Is it the fashion to wear short skirts? 现在是不是时兴穿短裙?

—Yes, short skirts are coming into fashion. 是的,短裙很流行。

51.follow the fashion 赶时髦

It’s no good for the young students to follow the fashion. 年轻学生赶时髦没有什么好处。

52.catch fire 着火

Cotton is easy to catch fire. 棉花是易燃品。

53.set fire to 使燃烧,点燃

Don’t set fire to oil. 不要火上浇油。

54.make a fortune 发财

He made a fortune by selling houses. 他靠卖房子发了财。

55.make friends (with) 交朋友

I made friends with many foreigners when I studied abroad. 我在国外学习的时候交了许多外国朋友。

56.make fun of 取笑,嘲笑

Don’t make fun of those with disabilities. You should be kind to them. 不要取笑残疾人。你要善待他们。

57.give/take a glance at 对……粗略地看一下

He gave a glance at his watch and then looked at the sky. 他看了看手表,然后又看了看天空。

58.catch/get a glimpse of 瞥见

I caught a glimpse of our new neighbor. 我们的新邻居我只看过一眼。

59.do harm to 损害某人

The drought did a lot of harm to the crops. 干旱给庄稼带来许多危害。

60.keep one's head 保持镇定

Keep your mind when you are faced with dangers.面对危险要保持头脑镇静。

61.learn by heart 背诵,记住

Can you learn all these new words by heart in an hour? 你能在一小时之内记住所有这些单词吗?

62.lose heart 失去勇气,丧失信心

Jack lost heart when he was turned down in the interview by the company. 在面试中被那家公司拒绝以后,杰克丧失了信心。

63.get hold of 抓住,得到

Can you get hold of that rope? 你能抓住那根绳子吗?

64. attach importance 重视

We must attach importance to environment protection. 我们必须重视环境保护。

65.have an influence on/upon 对……有影响

Parents have a great influence on/upon their children. 父母对孩子有很大影响。

66. play a joke on sb.开某人的玩笑

We all played a joke on him. 我们大家开了他一个玩笑。

68.fall in love with爱上

They fell in love with each other at first sight. 他们一见钟情。

69.make mention of 提及……

The teacher made mention of a few valuable reference books. 老师提出了几种有价值的参考书。

70.have mercy on/upon 对……表示怜悯

They had little mercy on the enemies. 他们对敌人毫不怜悯。

71.keep/bear in mind 记住

Always bear in mind that all you have is given by your parents. 永远记住:你拥有的一切都是你父母给的。

72.make up one's mind 下决心,决意

He made up his mind to catch up with others in his class. 他下决心赶上班里的其他同学。

73. keep one's mind on 专注于

When I came in my uncle was keeping his mind on his work. 我进来时叔叔正在集中精力干活。

74.take notice of 注意到

Did you take notice of anything unusual? 你觉察到什么异常的事没有?

75. place an order for sth.定购某物

The couple placed an order for a new bed. 那对夫妇定购了一张新床。

76.take pains 努力,尽力,下苦功

The government took great pains to keep their plans secret. 政府煞费苦心地对计划守口如瓶。

77.play a part (in) (在……中)扮演角色,参与

Science and technology plays an important part in economy development. 科学技术在经济发展中起着重要作用。

78.take part in参加

If one wants knowledge of science, one must take part in scientific experiments oneself. 要有科学知识,就得亲自参加科学实验。

79.take place 发生,进行,举行

Great changes have taken place in the last ten years in my hometown. 过去的十年中我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。

80.take the place of 取代,代替

The new city, Brasilia, took place of Rio de Janeiro as the capital of Brazil in 1960.巴西利亚


81.keep to the point 扣住主题

Keep to the point when you made a speech. 演讲时要扣住主题。

82.hold the position of(as) 担任……职务

Mr. Smith holds the position of manager of the company. 史密斯先生担任公司经理的职务。

83.take possession of 占有,占领

The noble family took possession of a large farm near the shore. 那个贵族家庭拥有海滨的一个大农场。

84.put in/into practice 实施,实行

We must put our plans into practice. 我们必须将计划付诸实行。

85.have a preference for 偏爱……

A teacher should not have a preference for any one of his pupils. 老师不应偏爱任何一个学生。

86.make preparations for 为……做准备

He has never made enough preparations for his examinations. 他对考试从来不作好充分准备。

87.take pride in 以……自豪,对……感到得意

She took pride in herself on her ability to speak many foreign languages. 她为自己能讲多种外国语而感到自豪。

88. grant sb. the privilege of doing 赋予某人做……的权利

He was granted the privilege of meeting the queen. 他被赋予会见王后的特权。89.make a promise 许下诺言

My father made a promise that he would buy me a new bike if I passed the National College Entrance examination.爸爸许诺说如果我考上大学,他会给我买一辆新自行车。

90.keep/ carry out a promise 遵守诺言

The government failed to keep its promise of lower taxes. 政府未能兑现减税的承诺。

91.break a promise不遵守诺言

People won’t believe in a man who always breaks his promise. 人们不会信任一个不遵守诺言的人。

92. give one's regards to sb. 向某人致意

Give my regards to your parents. 代我向你父母问好。

93.make a response 对……做出响应

They make a quick response to my inquiry. 他们对我的询问很快作了答复。

94.take the responsibility for 负起对某事的责任

Parents should take the responsibility for bringing up their children properly. 父母应当担负起正确培养孩子的责任。

95.run/take a risk 冒险

They took a risk in driving on, not with standing the storm. 尽管有暴风雨,他们还是冒险驾车赶路。

96.play a role in 在……中扮演角色(起作用)

He played the role of the old king in our school play. 他在我们学校演的剧中扮演老国王的角色。

97.express one's satisfaction at/with 对……表示满意

Our teacher expressed his satisfaction at our progress in English. 老师对我们英语学习所取得的进步表示满意。

98.make sense 讲得通,言之有理

This sentence doesn’t make sense. 这个句子讲不通。

99.do one's share for sth. 为……贡献一份力量

Every worker would like to do their share for the development of the factory.


100.catch sight of 看见,发现

I caught sight of an empty seat at the back of the bus. 我看到公共汽车的后面


101.lose sight of 看不见,在视野之外

After three hours’ voyage, they finally lose sight of land. 经过三个小时的航行,他们终于看不见陆地了。

102.take the firm stand 站稳立场

All our Chinese should take the firm stand that Taiwan is part of China. 我们中国人都应该站稳立场:台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2e9292998.html,y/place/put stress on/upon 把重点放在……上

We must lay stress on self reliance. 我们必须强调自立更生。

104. have a talk with sb. 与某人交谈

We had a long talk with the naughty boy. 我们与那个淘气的男孩谈了很长时间。105.lose one's temper 发脾气

He lost his temper when his shirt was spoiled by the soup being served by the waitress. 他的衬衫被服务员端来的汤弄脏时,他发脾气了。

106.take one's temperature 量体温

After taking his temperature, the doctor gave some medicine to the patient.


107.fall into temptation 受诱惑

When he offered me a cigarette, I couldn’t help falling into temptation. 当他给我递烟时,我禁不住受了诱惑。

108.thanks to 由于,多亏

Thanks to the bad weather, they had to put off the sports meeting. 由于天气不好,我们不得不推迟了运动会。

109.take one's time 不着急,不慌忙

There’s no rush---take your time. 别着急,慢慢来。

110. keep in touch with sb. 与某人保持联系

They keep in touch with each other by email. 他们通过电子邮件彼此保持联系。111.keep track of 记录;保持与……联系

Bank statements help you keep track of where your money is going. 银行帐单有助于你了解你的资金使用情况。

112.lose track of 失去……的线索

I lost all track of time. 我一点也说不准现在是什么时间。

113. play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人

The children played a trick on their teacher. 孩子们捉弄了他们的老师。

114.get into trouble 陷入困境,招致不幸

When Father laid off, his family got into trouble. 爸爸下岗之后,他们一家陷入


115.make trouble 闹事,捣乱

He could make trouble for me if he wanted to. 他要是想找麻烦就能给我找麻烦。116.make use of 使用,利用

The owner of the shop made use of his house as a collateral for the loan. 店主用房子作贷款的担保。

117.give way to 让路,让步

The storm gave way to bright sunshine. 暴风雨过后阳光灿烂。

118.make way 让路,腾出地方/位置

Forest is felled to make way for food land. 森林被砍伐以便腾出地方做农田。119. put on weight 增加体重;变胖

She is afraid of putting on weight and keeps a balanced diet. 她害怕变胖而保持均衡的饮食。

119. lose weight 减肥,降低体重

The doctor advised my father to lose weight to keep healthy. 医生告诉爸爸减肥,以保持健康。

120. word for word 逐词地;原原本本地

Tell me what she said, word for word. 把她说的一五一十地告诉我。



高考高频动词短语及 固定搭配 1.add to增加增进(抽象意义) add that 补充说 add up to 加起来是,所有这一切说明(无被动) 2.break away from 逃脱,摆脱,破除,改掉break in 强行进入,插话 break into 强行进入,突然开始 break down 身体垮了,(计划)失败, (机器等)坏了 break out 爆发,突然发生 break up 散会,(会议)结束,学期结束 break off 中断,断绝 3. bring about 引起,实现,使发生 bring down 使下降,使倒下 bring in 收庄稼,提出 bring out 说明,出版 bring up 提出,抚养,培养 bring back 使回想起 bring forward=put forward 提出 bring on 促进 4. call at 停留,停靠(地点) call for叫(某人)接某人,索取,需要有 call in 召集,找(请)来,收回 call off 取消,不举行 call on 拜访,号召 call out大声叫,请去 call up给---打电话,征召(入伍) 5. come about (某情况)偶然发生 come across 偶遇(run into/across) come along 一道去,赶快,生长,进步 come in 进来(站),存在 come down 下降,下落,传下来,传病 come for 来拿,来取 come from 出身于,来自 come out 出版,开花 come to 来到(某地),来参加(某项活动),合计,总共计,苏醒过来,达到 come up 走过来,出现 when it comes to …..当谈论到…… come up with 提出come to an end 结束 come into being 形成 6.cut down 消减,压缩,缩短 cut off 切断,断绝 cut out 删(省)掉,戒掉 cut up 切碎 cut away 切除 cut through 凿穿 cut in 中间插话 7.get along 进行,相处 get back回来,找回 get down记下来,打下来 get over 克服恢复 get on 上(火车,公共汽车等),相处,进行 get off 下(火车,公共汽车等)起飞,不惩罚 get out 拔出,洗掉,传出去 get rid of 消灭,摆脱,除掉 get up 起床,起身 get to 到达 get round 传开 get in touch with 和…..取得联系 get in 收获 get through 完成通过 get down to doing 着手做 get sb/sth+adj 使某人/物变成某种状态 8. give in 屈服,让步,投降 give off 散发出(液体或气体) give out 分发,用完,公布 give up放弃 give away 泄露(秘密)(let out)捐赠 9.go against 违反 go ahead进行,进展,先走,走在前面,干吧,说吧 go all out全力以赴 go down 下降,减弱 go in for 从事(某种事业或活动),喜欢(体育,文艺) go on 继续下去,发生,进行 go out 熄灭,过时,出去 go over 审阅,检查,复习 go round 够用,够分配


词汇-常用动词固定搭配 be) about to 刚要,即将 (be) absorbed to 专心于 account for 说明(原因等) (be) accused of 控告,谴责 acquaint with 熟悉,熟知 adapt to (使)适应;改编,改写 add to 增添,增加;补充说 add up to 合计达,总计 adjust to (使)适应于,把...调节到agree to (+物)同意,赞成agree with (+人)同意,赞成 aim at 瞄准,对准;旨在 aplolgize to sb.for sth.为...而向...道歉appeal to 诉诸,求助apply for 申请,请求approve of 赞成,同意;批准,核准 arise from 由...引起,由...产生 arrive at 到达(小地方);达成,得出arrive in 到达(大地方) ask after 探问,问候ask for 询问,要求assign to 指派,选派associate with 使联系,使联合;交往attach to 系上,贴上;使附属,使依恋attempt at 企图,努力attend to 照顾,护理;专心于 attribute to 把...归因于,归咎于 bear/keep in mind 记住 begin with 从...开始 believe in 相信,信任 belong to属于 benefit from 受益,获益 blame for/on 责备;因...而受到责备 boast of/about 自夸,夸耀,吹牛build up 积累,堵塞;树立burn out 烧光,烧毁;烧起来burst out + n.爆发,突然发作 burst out + V-ing 爆发,突然发作 care for 照顾,照料;喜欢;宠爱 catch up with 赶上 check in 办理登记手续 check out 记账后离开;检验,核查 cheer up 高兴,振作 clear away 把...清除掉,收拾 clear up 使变清;放晴;清理 combine with 结合,联合,化合 comment on 评论communicate with 与...通讯;交流compare to 比较,对比;把...比作compensate for 补偿,赔偿 complain about/of 抱怨,申诉 conceive of 想像,设想 concentrate on 集中,专心 (be) concerned with 关心,挂念,从事于 as far as..be concerned 就...来说 conflict with 冲突,抵触 congratulate on 祝贺,向...致祝词 consist of 由...组成 contrast with 对比,和...形成对照contribute to 捐献,捐助,贡献;投稿control over 控制,支配convince of 使确信,使信服 cope with 对付,应付 correspond to 相当,相类似 correspond with 相符合,成一致 count on 倚靠,指望 count up 算出...的总数,共计 cover up 掩饰,掩盖 cure of 治愈,医治;矫正 deal in 经营deal with 处理,论述,涉及dedicate to 奉献,把...用在depend on/upon 依靠,信赖,取决于 despair of 对...绝望 devote to 致力于,把...奉献给 die out 消失,灭绝 differ from 不同 disagree with 不同意,不一致disappoint at/with 对...失望distinguish from 区别, 识别,辨别,辨认do away with 废除,除掉do without 没有...也行draw up 起草,制订dress up 打扮,穿上盛装 engage in 使从事于,使忙于 equip with 装备,配备exchange for 交换,调换,兑换 experiment on/with 进行实验 expose to 使暴露,受到;使曝光 face up to 大胆面向 feed on/with 向...提供,以...为食 feel for 摸索,摸索着寻找 figure out 计算出;领会到 fill in/out 填充,


高考英语常用介词短语和固定搭配 一.相近介词和介词短语 1. With the help of 在~~帮助下 under the leadership / care of 在~~领导/关心下2. be strict with sb. 对~人要求严格 be strict in sth. 对~事要求严格 3. at present=at the present time 目前 for the present 暂时 4. in the sun/sunshine 在阳光下 under the sun 在世界上 5. lie in 位于~~之内 lie on 同~~接壤 lie to 位于~~之外 6. at least 至少 in the least 丝毫,一点 7. by name 名叫 in the name of 以~~名义 8. in the air 空中,在流传 on the air 播出 9. in the way 挡路,障碍,用~~方法 in a way 在某点上,在某种程度上 get one’s own way to do 随心所欲 give way 让步,屈服 lose one’s way 迷路 by the way 顺便说一下 on one’s way to 在去~~的路上 Come this way 这边走 10. at the corner 在拐角处(外角) in the corner 在角落里(内角) on the corner 在角落上(外角上) 11. judge by / from 根据~~来判断 judge for oneself 由某人自己来判断 12. at the end (of) 在~~结束时 at the beginning of 在~~开始时 at the back of 在~~背后,支持 at the age of ~~岁时 at the foot of 在~~脚下 at the bottom of 在~~底部 at the top of 在~~顶上 at/on the edge of 在~~边上


英语常用动词、名词、形容词、介词固定搭配 一、英语常用动词固定搭配(A to Z)<一>: 1、break down 损坏;瓦解;(组织、计划等彻底毁坏) 2、break into 闯入;强行进入 3、break off 中止;中断 4、break out 逃出;突然发生,爆发 5、bring about 导致;引起 6、bring forward 提出;提议 7、bring to 使恢复知觉 8、bring up 教育,培养,使成长 9、call at 访问,拜访 10、call for 邀请;要求,需要 11、call off 放弃,取消 12、call on/upon 访问,拜访;号召,呼吁 13、carry on 继续下去,坚持下去;从事,经营 14、carry out 贯彻(理论等),执行(计划等);实现(目标等) 15、come across (偶然)发现;(偶然)碰见;偶遇 16、come on 开始;进展;上演;来吧,快点 17、come out 出版;结果是(to be);出现,长出 18、come through 经历,脱险 19、come to 总计,达到;苏醒,复原 20、come up 发生;走近,上来 21、cut across 抄近路,走捷径 22、cut down(on) 削减,降低 23、cut off 阻断;切断,使隔绝 24、drop by/in 顺便来访(无意的) 25、fall back on 求助于,转而依靠 26、fall behind 落后 27、fall in with 碰见;符合,与......一致 28、get across 解释清楚,使人了解 29、get along/with 有进展;生活得,过得 30、get at 够得着,触及;意思是,理解 31、get away 离开,走开,逃脱 32、get by 混过;通过,经过 33、get down to 开始,着手(此处to为介词) 34、get in 进入;收回,收获 35、get out of 逃避;改掉 36、get rid of 除去,摆脱 37、get through 接通电话;度过(时间等);结束,完成 38、get together 集合,聚集 39、give away 泄露,分送 40、give back 送还;恢复41、give in 交上;投降,屈服 42、give up 停止,放弃 43、give way to 给...让路,对...让步(含屈服的意思) 44、go after 追求,求爱 45、go around/round 足够分配;流传 46、go by (时间等)过去;遵守,遵循 47、go in for 从事,追求,致力于,沉迷于 48、go into 研究,调查,进入 49、go over 复习,重温;(重复)检查,审查 50、go through 经历,经受(困难等) 51、hand in 交上,递交 52、hand out 散发,(平均)分发,发给 53、hold back 阻止,抑制 54、hold on 继续,不挂断,握住不放 55、keep on 保持,继续不断 56、keep up with 向...看齐,跟上 57、lay aside 把...搁置在一边;储蓄 58、lay off 休息;(临时)解雇 59、lay out 布置,安排;设计,制定 60、let alone 不干涉;更不用说 61、let down 放下,降低;使失望 62、live on (动物)以...为食;(人)靠...生活 63、look after 照顾,照料;注意,关心 64、look back 回头看;回顾,记忆 65、look down on/upon 看不起,轻视 66、look forward to 盼望,期待 67、look into 调查,观察 68、look out 留神,注意 69、look through 仔细查看;浏览,温习 70、make out 辨认出;理解 71、make up 组成,构成;捏造,编造;化妆,补充 72、pay back 偿还,回报 73、pay off 还清(债);取得成功 74、pick out 选出;拣出 75、pick up 拾起;(车)中途搭(人) 76、pull in (车)停下,进站;(船)到岸 77、pull off 脱(帽、衣等) 78、pull on 穿(帽、衣等) 79、put across/over 解释清楚,说明 80、put aside 储存,保留 81、put down 记下,放下;镇压,评定 82、put forward 提出 83、put off 推迟 84、put on 上演;(体重)增加;穿上,戴上 85、put out 熄灭;关(灯);生产;伸出;出版;公布,发布 86、put up 建造,搭起;张贴;提(价);提供食宿 87、run down 追捕;贬低;(逐渐)减少;(逐渐)变弱;撞倒,撞沉 88、run out(of) 用完,耗尽 89、run through 游览;贯穿,普遍存在于


高考英语常用固定搭配总结 一、接不定式(而不接动名词)作宾语的24个常用动词 afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事 agree to do sth. 同意做某事 arrange to do sth.安排做某事 ask to do sth. 要求做某事 beg to do sth. 请求做某事 care to do sth. 想要做某事 choose to do sth. 决定做某事 decide to do sth. 决定做某事 demand to do sth. 要求做某事 determine to do sth. 决心做某事 expect to do sth. 期待做某事 fear to do sth. 害怕做某事 help to do sth. 帮助做某事 hope to do sth. 希望做某事 learn to do sth. 学习做某事 manage to do sth. 设法做某事 offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事 plan to do sth. 计划做某事 prepare to do sth. 准备做某事 pretend to do sth. 假装做某事 promise to do sth. 答应做某事 refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 want to do sth. 想要做某事 wish to do sth. 希望做某事 注:有些不及物动词后习惯上也接不定式,不接动名词: aim to do sth. 打算做某事 fail to do sth. 未能做某事 long to do sth. 渴望做某事 happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事 hesitate to do sth. 犹豫做某事 struggle to do sth. 努力做某事 二、接不定式作宾补的36个常用动词 advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 ask sb. to do sth.请(叫)某人做某事 bear sb. to do sth.忍受某人做某事 beg sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事 cause sb. to do sth. 导致某人做某事 command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事


2012高考英语常用词汇辨析 ◆wash/wash away◇wash表示“洗(手、衣服等)”,既可作及物动词,又 可作不及物动词;◇wash away表示“冲走”、“冲垮”、“洗掉”,作及物动词短语用。 [EXERCISES] ①The flood some of the houses in the village.②He his face and hands,then went downstairs.③You must before dinner.(Keys: ①washed away ②washed ③wash) ◆wear;have on;put on;dress;(be)in+颜色(服装、眼镜等) ◇wear主要用于穿衣服、戴眼镜(手套、首饰、帽)等,以强调“穿(戴) 着”的状态。例如: Mr Wu always wears a blue coat in winter.吴老师冬天总是穿着一件蓝色大衣。 ◇have on作“穿(戴)着”解,同wear一样,也表状态,但不用于进行时态。例如: Xiao Wang has on a white shirt today.(=Xiao Wang is wearing a white shirt today.)小王今天穿着一件白衬衫。 ◇put on着重强调“穿(戴)上”的动作。例如: I like to put on my hat when I go out in winter.冬天,我喜欢外出时戴上帽子。 ◇dress既可作及物动词,又可作不及物动词,所接宾语是人而不是衣、帽等 物。例如: 1)Her mother is dressing her.她母亲正在给她穿衣服。 2)The nurses are dressed in white.护士穿着白衣服。 ◇“(be)in+颜色或服装、眼镜等”也表示“穿着”的状态,在句中作 表语或定语。例如: He is in uniform today.他今天穿着制服。 ◆work on/work at ◇work on表示“从事”、“创作”、“进行”,后面接名词、


高中英语词组固定搭配 一、接不定式(而不接动名词)作宾语得24个常用动词afford todo sth、负担得起做某事 agreeto do sth、同意做某事 arrangeto do sth、安排做某事 ask to do sth、要求做某事 begto do sth、请求做某事 careto do sth、想要做某事 choose todosth、决定做某事 decide todosth、决定做某事 demand to do sth、要求做某事 determine to do sth、决心做某事 expect todosth、期待做某事 fearto do sth、害怕做某事 helpto dosth、帮助做某事 hope to do sth、希望做某事 learn to do sth、学习做某事 manage to dosth、设法做某事 offer to do sth、主动提出做某事 plan todo sth、计划做某事 prepare to do sth、准备做某事 pretend to do sth、假装做某事 promise todosth、答应做某事 refusetodo sth、拒绝做某事 want to do sth、想要做某事 wish to do sth、希望做某事 注:有些不及物动词后习惯上也接不定式,不接动名词: aim to do sth、打算做某事 fail to do sth、未能做某事 longto do sth、渴望做某事 happen todo sth、碰巧做某事 hesitate to do sth、犹豫做某事 struggle to dosth、努力做某事 二、接不定式作宾补得36个常用动词 advise sb、todosth、建议某人做某事 allowsb、to do sth、允许某人做某事 asksb、todosth、请(叫)某人做某事 bearsb、to do sth、忍受某人做某事 beg sb、todo sth、请求某人做某事 causesb、to dosth、导致某人做某事mand sb、to do sth、命令某人做某事 drive sb、todosth 、驱使某人做某事 elect sb、to do sth、选举某人做某事 encourage sb、to do sth、鼓励某人做某事


常用搭配 1、介词 (1)与名词得搭配 absence from 缺席,不在 absence of 缺乏 acquaintance with 相识,了解access to 接近,进入 affection for 喜爱 answer to 、、、得答案 appetite for 对、、、得欲望approach to 类似,办法,通道attempt at 尝试,企图 attitude to 态度 balance between 、、、之间得平衡barrier to 、、、得障碍 belief in 对、、、得信仰,相信concern about/over/at 担心,忧虑decision on/about 对某事得决定desire for 对某事得渴望 dislike of/for 反感 entrance to 入口 entry to/into入口 faith in 信任、信赖 guide to 指南 hunger for 渴求、渴望 increase in/of 增加,增进influence on/over 给……得影响interest in (某方面得)兴趣introduction to 介绍 key to 答案,关键 lack of 缺乏 limit to 限量 memorial to sb 纪念碑 obstacle to障碍 opening for 空缺 pride in 得意,自豪 quality for 有资格做某事reaction to 对、、、得反应reason for 理由 reference to 提及 regard for 对……注意或关心relief from 减轻,解除 reply to 回答 request for要求,请求 respect for 尊敬 responsibility for 对某事负责 shock to sb 震惊 signal for 信号 skill in/at doing (某方面得)技能,技巧 start of 开端 stress on sth 强调 taste of (某事物得)初次经历 taste for 爱好 title of 名称,标题 voice in 对某事得意见 (2)与动词得搭配 abandon oneself to 沉湎于 accuse sb of 指责 act on 按照…行事 adapt to 适应 add to 增添 adjust to 适应 aim at 瞄准,针对 allow for考虑到,顾及 allow of容许 amount to 合计,共计 answer for 对…负有责任 appeal to 诉诸 apply for sth 请求;申请 approve of 赞成,称许 approximate to 近似,接近 arise from (由…)引起,起源于 ask for 请求,要求 ask after 询问,问候 assist sb、 in doing sth、帮助某人[做某事] associate with 结交,交往 attend to 注意, 留心,专注, 照顾 attribute to 把…归因于 avail oneself of 利用 ban from 禁止 base on 以…为基础 busy oneself with 忙于 bargain for/on 企图廉价获取,(通常与否定词连


高考常用固定搭配总结 be pleased to 乐意做某事used to be 过去曾经是bachelor’s degree 学士学位be trapped in 被困在 be involved in 被卷入……中;涉及到……fail to 未能 be guilty of 犯有…罪be unworthy of 不值得 out of one’s mind 疯了;发疯;精神不正常;失去理智 be suitable for 适合于…的soak up 汲取(知识等) be responsible to 对…负责strive to 努力做某事 at the rear of 在…的后面up-to-date 最新的 be named after 以…名字命名more or less 或多或少 have difficulty doing 做某事有困难be noted for 以…而闻名 draw conclusion from 从…得出结论wind its way to 蜿蜒而行 refrain from 克制;抑制;忍住afford to (有条件)做;能承担have ... in common 有共同之处speed up 加速;使加速 by any means 无论如何be strict with 对…要求严格 pull through 渡过难关place emphasis on 重视;强调give top priority to 优先考虑be addicted to 对…上瘾;沉溺于have no sense of 不知道bring ...to an end 使结束 run away from 逃跑,逃离;从…逃出be bound to 必然 bring about 引起break down 瓦解 talk someone out of 说服某人不做某事burn down 烧毁 keep one’s distance from 与…保持一定距离blow up 爆炸 close down (工厂、企业等)停业;关闭 a scarcity of 缺乏,缺少


可背诵规范词汇与固定搭配 1.天下兴亡,匹夫有责 2。在其位,谋其政 3。铁肩担道义,妙手著文章 4。顺境逆境瞧胸襟,大事难事瞧担当 5。不劳而获 6、坐享其成 7。击鼓传花 8。独善其身 9。迎难而上 10.挺身而出 11、一己之私 12。心底无私、久久为功 13。吃苦吃气吃亏,敢想敢干敢为 14.坚持信仰 15.志存高远、脚踏实地 16、不假思索 17。不仅达不成共识,还扩大了分歧 18、面对群众监督 19。“打铁还需自身硬”

20.一身正气 21。与时俱进 22、提高工作能力 23、不辱使命 24、形式主义 25、官僚主义 26.享乐主义 27.奢靡之风 28.摈弃······得做法 29。杜绝······习气 30。抵制······得侵袭 31.激发改革活力 32.避免······现象 33、立信于人 34、光说不做、言行不一、说一套做一套 35.认识路线、决策方式、宗旨意识、创新能力、示范作用36。内外结合、不留盲点 37.落实······知情权 38、荡涤 39。“把权力关进制度得笼子里" 40、绳之以法

41.“治治病” 42.厘清 43.五花八门 44。错峰出游 45.合理化 46.“文武之道,一张一弛。” 47.权益与福利得彰显 48.在丰满得未来面前,现实显得相当骨感。49.合理安排······内容与节奏 50.弥足珍贵 51.甚嚣尘上 52。接踵而至 53。“马大哈” 54。勃兴得休闲需要 55、捉襟见肘得假日供应 56。呆板得休假安排 57。个性多元得假日需求 58。不变得制度设计 59.多变得社会生活 60.带薪休假 61.权益得不到落实


高考英语常考短语与固定搭配continue sth/doing sth/to do/that…continue +形容词/副词/介词 go on with sth 继续(干)某事,中间有短暂的停顿 go on doing sth 继续干同一件事 go on to do sth 停下一件事而继续干另一件事 on one‘s own 靠自己;独自;自愿地call sth one‘s own 声称某物是自己的 of one‘s own 属于自己的;特有的come into one‘s own 本来的价值/权利被承认;得到应得的 hold one‘s own 坚守自己立场,不屈服;支撑下去 keep/have sth for one‘s own 把某物据为己有 provide for 供养;预备;(法律)允许provide against 预防,防范;(法律)禁止 provide sth for sb = provide sb with sth 提供某物给某人 supply sb with sth = supply sth to sb 提供某物给某人 offer sth to sb = offer sb sth 提供某物给某人 be content with sb/sth 对某人/某物感到满意 be content to do sth 对做……感到满意carry on(with)sth 继续干某事 carry on doing sth 继续干某事carry…about… 随身携带 carry out 实施,执行,履行 carry away 拿走,冲走,掠走;吸引住(某人) carry through 达成;贯彻;使渡过难关“代替”短语: instead of in place of = in one‘s place take the place of deliver a baby 生孩子 be delivered of 生产,分娩 deliver the goods 履行诺言 Stand and deliver!站住,把值钱的东西拿出来!deliver note 送货单 deliver milk/newspaper 发送牛奶/报纸special/express delivery ()快递 nail down 确定 know about sth 了解或知道某事物 know of sb /sth 知道某人(事)的情况make sb/sth know 让某人(事)被了解 be well-known as 因……而著名 know sb by sight 面熟 a work on radio 一本关于无线电的著作 at work 在上班 go to work 去上班 come back from work 下班回来 out of work = out of a job 失业 a steel works 一家钢厂(表“工厂“时单复数同形) works of art 艺术作品;美术作品 works of Shakespeare 莎士比亚的著作 by/of/under the name of 以……为名字 in the name of 以……的名义;凭…… name after/for 以……命名 the amount of ……的量,后接不可数名词 a large amount of + 不可数名词单数形式large amounts of + 不可数名词复数形式 修饰可数名词:many,many a(an),a great/good many,a good/large number of 修饰不可数名词:much,a good/great deal of a large amount of 修饰可数名词与不可数名词:a lot of,lots of,a quantity of,quantities of,plenty of, a supply of,supplies of bet sth on 下赌注于……上 have/place a bet on 下赌注于……上 I bet 我敢肯定,我敢预言;我相信,我想得出 you bet 的确,当然,一定,一点也不错 do sth for a bet 为打赌而做某事 be/get lost =lose oneself 迷路 walk down the street 在街上走 hear sb doing sth 听到某人正在做某事 hear sb (to)do sth 听到某人做某事(全过程) hear from sb 收到某人的来信 hear of/about 听说 permit sb/sth to do sth 允许某人做某事


名词的固定搭配 介词+名词形式 词语解释 by accident 偶然 on account of 因为,由于 in addition 另外 in addition to 除……之外(包括) in the air 在流行中,在传播中 on (the/an) average 平均,一般来说 on the basis of 根据,在……的基础上 at (the) best 充其量,至多 for the better 好转,改善 on board 在船(车、飞机)上 out of breath 喘不过气来 on business 因公,因事 in any case 无论如何,总之 in case of 假使,万一 in case 假如,以防(万一),免得in no case 决不 by chance 偶然,碰巧 in charge (of) 负责,主管 (a) round the clock 昼夜不停地 in common 共用,共有,共同 in conclusion 最后,总之 on condition that 在……条件下 in confidence 信任 in connection with/to 关于 in consequence 因此,结果 in consequence of 由于……的缘故

on the contrary 反之,正相反 in contrast with/to 与……成对照 out of control 失去控制 under control 被控制住 at all costs 不惜任何代价 at the cost of 以……为代价 in the course of 在……过程中,在……期间of course 当然,自然,无疑 in danger 在危险中,垂危 out of danger 脱离危险 out of date 过期(时)的 up to date 时新的 in debt 欠债 in detail 详细地 in difficulties 处境困难 in the distance 在远处 off duty 下班 on duty 值班,上班 on earth 究竟,到底 at all events 无论如何 in any event 无论如何 in effect 有效;实际上 in the event of 万一,如果发生 for example 例如 with the exception of 除……之外 in the face of 面对,不顾,即使 in fact 其实,实际上 on fire 烧着 on foot 步行 in force 有效;实施中


历年完形填空短语汇总 1 a host of 大量 2 a test for检测目的 3 a test on对……进行测试 4 a test with检测手段 5 above all 最重要的; 6 according to根据 7 achieve equilibrium取得平衡 8 achieve one’s purpose达到目的 9 achieve success 获得成功 10 achieve victory获得胜利 11 act on 遵照┄行动,作用于; 12 act on对…有影响 13 add up to 总计,合计 14 add…to 把…加到…. 15 adhere to 坚持,奉行; 16 after all 毕竟,均不合题意; 17 agree on对……取得一致意见 18 agree to同意 19 agree with sb.同意某人的话 20 along with 和┄一道,和┄一起; 21 alternate (with)交替; 22 amount to 合计,共计; 23 an equal to与……相当的人/物,(地位)相同的人 24 and yet然而 25 anything but 一点也不; 26 anything like像……那样的东西 27 anywhere near接近于 28 apart form除……之外尚有 29 apply to 向……申请,适用于 30 appreciation of对……的欣赏/赞赏 31 argue against 反对 32 as a result of作为……的结果,由于 33 as a result (作为结果,因此)表结果,用不用逗号隔开看情况而定; 34 as a whole 作为一个整体,整个看来 35 as far as …/are concerned就……而言 36 as for至于,就…方面说 37 as if好像,仿佛 38 as soon as一~就~ 39 as though好像,仿佛 40 as to 至于,关于; 41 as well也,一样 42 as yet迄今,到目前为止 43 aside from 除┄之外; 44 associate …with…由……联想到……,把……联系起来 45 association with与……的交往 46 at a disadvantage处于不利地位 47 at a loss不知所措 48 at a time每次,一次 49 at all 丝毫,根本; 50 at any moment即使,随时。 51 at first 首先,开始的时候; 52 at large未被捕获的,大多数; 53 at last 终于,最终; 54 at least至少 55 at length 最终,详细地; 56 at most最多 57 at no time从不,决不 58 at one time曾经,从前曾 59 at the cost of以……为代价 60 at the least 至少; 61 at times有时,间或; 62 at…speed以……的速度 63 attend on 照顾,侍候; 64 attribute …to 把……归于 65 back up 后退,支持; 66 base on 基于 67 be able to能够,胜任 68 be about to正打算 69 be accustomed to习惯于 70 be associated with 与……有关,与……有关系 71 be aware of 意识到; 72 be capable of 有能力干; 73 be caught 遇到,陷入 74 be committed to被交给┄,答应承担┄义务; 75 be confined to 限制在,局限于; 76 be confined/be restricted受……限制 77 be dedicated to 奉献,献给; 78 be devoted to 被用于,贡献给 79 be directed to指向,针对 80 be drawn to 被┄所吸引; 81 be due to由于,因此 82 be exposed to 暴露在┄下,处在┄的作用之下; 83 be fond of 喜爱 84 be full of 充满他 85 be habitual to(him) 对(他来说)习以为常 86 be in order合适,恰当。 87 be involved in 参与,参加; 88 be involved with 与……有关连, 89 be left to 由┄来决定,由┄来想办法;


(一)名词的固定搭配 介词+名词形式 第一组 by accident 偶然 on account of 因为,由于 in addition 另外 in addition to 除……之外(包括) in the air 在流行中,在传播中 on (the/an) average 平均,一般来说 on the basis of 根据,在……的基础上 at (the) best 充其量,至多for the better 好转,改善 on board 在船(车、飞机)上out of breath 喘不过气来on business 因公,因事 in any case 无论如何,总之in case of 假使,万一 in case 假如,以防(万一),免得 in no case 决不 第二组 by chance 偶然,碰巧 in charge (of) 负责,主管(a) round the clock 昼夜不停地 in common 共用,共有,共同in conclusion 最后,总之 on condition that 在……条件下 in confidence 信任

in connection with/to关于in consequence 因此,结果 in consequence of 由于……的缘故 on the contrary 反之,正相反in contrast with/to 与……成对照 out of control 失去控制under control 被控制住 at all costs 不惜任何代价 at the cost of 以……为代价第三组 in the course of 在……过程中,在……期间 of course 当然,自然,无疑in danger 在危险中,垂危out of danger 脱离危险 out of date 过期(时)的 up to date 时新的 in debt 欠债 in detail 详细地 in difficulties 处境困难 in the distance 在远处 off duty 下班 on duty 值班,上班 on earth 究竟,到底 at all events 无论如何 in any event 无论如何 in effect 有效;实际上 第四组 in the event of 万一,如果发生

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