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An Effective Neural Network Model for Graph-based Dependency Parsing

An Effective Neural Network Model for Graph-based Dependency Parsing
An Effective Neural Network Model for Graph-based Dependency Parsing

An Effective Neural Network Model for Graph-based Dependency Parsing

Wenzhe Pei Tao Ge Baobao Chang?

Key Laboratory of Computational Linguistics,Ministry of Education, School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science,Peking University,

No.5Yiheyuan Road,Haidian District,Beijing,100871,China Collaborative Innovation Center for Language Ability,Xuzhou,221009,China.



Most existing graph-based parsing models

rely on millions of hand-crafted features,

which limits their generalization ability

and slows down the parsing speed.In this

paper,we propose a general and effective

Neural Network model for graph-based

dependency parsing.Our model can auto-

matically learn high-order feature combi-

nations using only atomic features by ex-

ploiting a novel activation function tanh-

cube.Moreover,we propose a simple yet

effective way to utilize phrase-level infor-

mation that is expensive to use in conven-

tional graph-based parsers.Experiments

on the English Penn Treebank show that

parsers based on our model perform better

than conventional graph-based parsers.


Dependency parsing is essential for computers to understand natural languages,whose performance may have a direct effect on many NLP applica-tion.Due to its importance,dependency parsing, has been studied for tens of years.Among a vari-ety of dependency parsing approaches(McDonald et al.,2005;McDonald and Pereira,2006;Car-reras,2007;Koo and Collins,2010;Zhang and Nivre,2011),graph-based models seem to be one of the most successful solutions to the challenge due to its ability of scoring the parsing decisions on whole-tree basis.Typical graph-based models factor the dependency tree into subgraphs,rang-ing from the smallest edge(?rst-order)to a con-trollable bigger subgraph consisting of more than one single edge(second-order and third order), and score the whole tree by summing scores of the subgraphs.In these models,subgraphs are usually represented as a high-dimensional feature vectors ?Corresponding author which are fed into a linear model to learn the fea-ture weight for scoring the subgraphs.

In spite of their advantages,conventional graph-based models rely heavily on an enormous num-ber of hand-crafted features,which brings about serious problems.First,a mass of features could put the models in the risk of over?tting and slow down the parsing speed,especially in the high-order models where combinational features cap-turing interactions between head,modi?er,sib-lings and(or)grandparent could easily explode the feature space.In addition,feature design re-quires domain expertise,which means useful fea-tures are likely to be neglected due to a lack of domain knowledge.As a matter of fact,these two problems exist in most graph-based models,which have stuck the development of dependency parsing for a few years.

To ease the problem of feature engineering,we propose a general and effective Neural Network model for graph-based dependency parsing in this paper.The main advantages of our model are as follows:

?Instead of using large number of hand-crafted features,our model only uses atomic fea-tures(Chen et al.,2014)such as word uni-grams and POS-tag unigrams.Feature com-binations and high-order features are auto-matically learned with our novel activation function tanh-cube,thus alleviating the heavy burden of feature engineering in conven-tional graph-based models(McDonald et al., 2005;McDonald and Pereira,2006;Koo and Collins,2010).Not only does it avoid the risk of over?tting but also it discovers useful new features that have never been used in conven-tional parsers.

?We propose to exploit phrase-level informa-tion through distributed representation for phrases(phrase embeddings).It not only


Figure1:First-order and Second-order factoriza-tion strategy.Here h stands for head word,m stands for modi?er word and s stands for the sib-ling of m.

ables our model to exploit richer context in-formation that previous work did not consider due to the curse of dimension but also cap-tures inherent correlations between phrases.

?Unlike other neural network based models (Chen et al.,2014;Le and Zuidema,2014) where an additional parser is needed for ei-ther extracting features(Chen et al.,2014)or generating k-best list for reranking(Le and Zuidema,2014),both training and decoding in our model are performed based on our neu-ral network architecture in an effective way.

?Our model does not impose any change to the decoding process of conventional graph-based parsing model.First-order,second-order and higher order models can be easily implemented using our model.

We implement three effective models with in-creasing expressive capabilities.The?rst model is a simple?rst-order model that uses only atomic features and does not use any combinational fea-tures.Despite its simpleness,it outperforms conventional?rst-order model(McDonald et al., 2005)and has a faster parsing speed.To fur-ther strengthen our parsing model,we incorpo-rate phrase embeddings into the model,which signi?cantly improves the parsing accuracy.Fi-nally,we extend our?rst-order model to a second-order model that exploits interactions between two adjacent dependency edges as in McDonald and Pereira(2006)thus further improves the model performance.

We evaluate our models on the English Penn Treebank.Experiment results show that both our ?rst-order and second-order models outperform the corresponding conventional models.2Neural Network Model

A dependency tree is a rooted,directed tree span-ning the whole sentence.Given a sentence x, graph-based models formulates the parsing pro-cess as a searching problem:

y?(x)=arg max



where y?(x)is tree with highest score,Y(x)is the set of all trees compatible with x,θare model parameters and Score(x,?y(x);θ)represents how likely that a particular tree?y(x)is the correct anal-ysis for x.However,the size of Y(x)is expo-nential large,which makes it impractical to solve equation(1)directly.Previous work(McDonald et al.,2005;McDonald and Pereira,2006;Koo and Collins,2010)assumes that the score of?y(x)fac-tors through the scores of subgraphs c of?y(x)so that ef?cient algorithms can be designed for de-coding:




Figure1gives two examples of commonly used factorization strategy proposed by Mcdonald et.al (2005)and Mcdonald and Pereira(2006).The simplest subgraph uses a?rst-order factorization (McDonald et al.,2005)which decomposes a de-pendency tree into single dependency arcs(Fig-ure1(a)).Based on the?rst-order model,second-order factorization(McDonald and Pereira,2006) (Figure1(b))brings sibling information into de-coding.Speci?cally,a sibling part consists of a triple of indices(h,m,s)where(h,m)and(h,s) are dependencies and s and m are successive mod-i?ers to the same side of h.

The most common choice for ScoreF(x,c;θ), which is the score function for subgraph c in the tree,is a simple linear function:

ScoreF(x,c;θ)=w·f(x,c)(3) where f(x,c)is the feature representation of sub-graph c and w is the corresponding weight vector. However,the effectiveness of this function relies heavily on the design of feature vector f(x,c).In previous work(McDonald et al.,2005;McDonald and Pereira,2006),millions of hand-crafted fea-tures were used to capture context and structure information in the subgraph which not only lim-its the model’s ability to generalize well but only slows down the parsing speed.

Figure 2:Architecture of the Neural Network In our work,we propose a neural network model for scoring subgraph c in the tree:

ScoreF (x,c ;θ)=NN (x,c )


where NN is our scoring function based on neu-ral network (Figure 2).As we will show in the fol-lowing sections,it alleviates the heavy burden of feature engineering in conventional graph-based models and achieves better performance by auto-matically learning useful information in the data.The effectiveness of our neural network de-pends on ?ve key components:Feature Em-beddings ,Phrase Embeddings ,Direction-speci?c

transformation ,Learning Feature

Combinations and

Max-Margin Training .2.1Feature Embeddings

As shown in Figure 2,part of the input to the neu-ral network is feature representation of the sub-graph.Instead of using millions of features as in conventional models,we only use use atomic fea-tures (Chen et al.,2014)such as word unigrams and POS-tag unigrams,which are less likely to be sparse.The detailed atomic features we use will be described in Section 3.Unlike conventional models,the atomic features in our model are trans-formed into their corresponding distributed repre-sentations (feature embeddings).

The idea of distributed representation for sym-bolic data is one of the most important reasons why neural network works in NLP tasks.It is shown that similar features will have similar em-beddings which capture the syntactic and seman-tic information behind features (Bengio et al.,

Figure 3:Illustration for phrase embeddings.h ,m and x 0to x 6are words in the sentence.

2003;Collobert et al.,2011;Schwenk et al.,2012;Mikolov et al.,2013;Socher et al.,2013;Pei et al.,2014).

Formally,we have a feature dictionary D of size |D |.Each feature f ∈D is represented as a real-valued vector (feature embedding)Embed (f )∈R d where d is the dimensionality of the vector space.All feature embeddings stacking together forms the embedding matrix M ∈R d ×|D |.The embedding matrix M is initialized randomly and trained by our model (Section 2.6).2.2

Phrase Embeddings

Context information of word pairs 1such as the de-pendency pair (h,m )has been widely believed to be useful in graph-based models (McDonald et al.,2005;McDonald and Pereira,2006).Given a sen-tence x ,the context for h and m includes three context parts:pre?x ,in?x and suf?x ,as illustrated in Figure 3.We call these parts phrases in our work.

Context representation in conventional mod-els are limited:First,phrases cannot be used as features directly because of the data sparseness problem.Therefore,phrases are backed off to low-order representation such as bigrams and tri-grams.For example,Mcdonald et.al (2005)used tri-gram features of in?x between head-modi?er pair (h,m ).Sometimes even tri-grams are expen-sive to use,which is the reason why Mcdonald and Pereira (2006)chose to ignore features over triples of words in their second-order model to prevent from exploding the size of the feature space.Sec-1

A word pair is not limited to the dependency pair (h,m ).It could be any pair with particular relation (e.g.,sibling pair (s,m )in Figure 1).Figure 3only uses (h,m )as an example.

ond,bigrams or tri-grams are lexical features thus cannot capture syntactic and semantic information behind phrases.For instance,“hit the ball”and “kick the football”should have similar represen-tations because they share similar syntactic struc-tures,but lexical tri-grams will fail to capture their similarity.

Unlike previous work,we propose to use distributed representation(phrase embedding)of phrases to capture phrase-level information.We use a simple yet effective way to calculate phrase embeddings from word(POS-tag)embeddings. As shown in Figure3,we average the word em-beddings in pre?x,in?x and suf?x respectively and get three global word-phrase embeddings.For pairs where no pre?x or suf?x exists,the corre-sponding embedding is set to zero.We also get

global POS-phrase

embeddings which are

in the same way as words.These em-

beddings are then concatenated with feature em-

beddings and fed to the following hidden layer.

Phrase embeddings provide panorama represen-

tation of the context,allowing our model to cap-

ture richer context information compared with the

back-off tri-gram representation.Moreover,as

a distributed representation,phrase embeddings

perform generalization over speci?c phrases,thus

better capture the syntactic and semantic informa-

tion than back-off tri-grams.

2.3Direction-speci?c Transformation

In dependency representation of sentence,the

edge direction indicates which one of the words is

the head h and which one is the modi?er m.Un-

like previous work(McDonald et al.,2005;Mc-

Donald and Pereira,2006)that models the edge

direction as feature to be conjoined with other fea-

tures,we model the edge direction with direction-

speci?c transformation.

As shown in Figure2,the parameters in hidden

layer(W d h,b d h)and the output layer(W d o,b d o)are

bound with index d∈{0,1}which indicates the

direction between head and modi?er(0for left arc

and1for right arc).In this way,the model can

learn direction-speci?c parameters and automati-

cally capture the interactions between edge direc-

tion and other features.

2.4Learning Feature Combination

The key to the success of graph-based dependency

parsing is the design of features,especially com-

binational features.Effective as these features are,

as we have said in Section1,they are prone to

over?tting and hard to design.In our work,we

introduce a new activation function that can auto-

matically learn these feature combinations.

As shown in Figure2,we?rst concatenate the

embeddings into a single vector a.Then a is fed

into the next layer which performs linear trans-

formation followed by an element-wise activation

function g:

h=g(W d h a+b d h)(5)

Our new activation function g is de?ned as fol-



where l is the result of linear transformation and

tanh is the hyperbolic tangent activation function

widely used in neural networks.We call this new

activation function tanh-cube.

As we can see,without the cube term,tanh-cube

would be just the same as the conventional non-

linear transformation in most neural networks.

The cube extension is added to enhance the abil-

ity to capture complex interactions between input

features.Intuitively,the cube term in each hid-

den unit directly models feature combinations in a

multiplicative way:

(w1a1+w2a2+...+w n a n+b)3=


(w i w j w k)a i a j a k+


b(w i w j)a i a j...

These feature combinations are hand-designed in

conventional graph-based models but our model

learns these combinations automatically and en-

codes them in the model parameters.

Similar ideas were also proposed in previous

works(Socher et al.,2013;Pei et al.,2014;Chen

and Manning,2014).Socher et.al(2013)and

Pei et.al(2014)used a tensor-based activation

function to learn feature combinations.However,

tensor-based transformation is quite slow even

with tensor factorization(Pei et al.,2014).Chen

and Manning(2014)proposed to use cube func-

tion g(l)=l3which inspires our tanh-cube func-

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2f10629436.html,pared with cube function,tanh-cube has

three advantages:

?The cube function is unbounded,making the

activation output either too small or too big if

the norm of input l is not properly controlled,

especially in deep neural network.On the

contrary,tanh-cube is bounded by the tanh function thus safer to use in deep neural net-work.

?Intuitively,the behavior of cube function re-sembles the“polynomial kernel”in SVM.

In fact,SVM can be seen as a special one-hidden-layer neural network where the ker-nel function that performs non-linear trans-formation is seen as a hidden layer and sup-port vectors as hidden https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2f10629436.html,pared with cube function,tanh-cube combines the power of“kernel function”with the tanh non-linear transformation in neural network.

?Last but not least,as we will show in Section 4,tanh-cube converges faster than the cube

function although the rigorous proof is still open to investigate.

2.5Model Output

After the non-linear transformation of hidden layer,the score of the subgraph c is calculated in the output layer using a simple linear function:

ScoreF(x,c)=W d o h+b d o(7) The output score ScoreF(x,c)∈R|L|is a score vector where|L|is the number of dependency types and each dimension of ScoreF(x,c)is the score for each kind of dependency type of head-modi?er pair(i.e.(h,m)in Figure1).

2.6Max-Margin Training

The parameters of our model areθ=

{W d

h ,b d


,W d o,b d o,M}.All parameters are

initialized with uniform distribution within(-0.01, 0.01).

For model training,we use the Max-Margin cri-terion.Given a training instance(x,y),we search for the dependency tree with the highest score computed as equation(1)in Section2.The object of Max-Margin training is that the highest scor-ing tree is the correct one:y?=y and its score will be larger up to a margin to other possible tree ?y∈Y(x):

Score(x,y;θ)≥Score(x,?y;θ)+ (y,?y) The structured margin loss (y,?y)is de?ned as:




κ1{h(y,x j)=h(?y,x j)}








+hm pre?x.w,hm in?x.w,hm suf?x.w

+hm pre?x.p,hm in?x.p,hm suf?x.p




+sm in?x.w,sm in?x.p

Table1:Features in our three models.w is

short for word and p for POS-tag.h indicates

head and m indicates modi?er.The subscript rep-

resents the relative position to the center word.

dis(h,m)is the distance between head and modi-

?er.hm pre?x,hm in?x and hm suf?x are phrases

for head-modi?er pair(h,m).s indicates the sib-

ling in second-order model.sm in?x is the in?x

phrase between sibling pair(s,m)

where n is the length of sentence x,h(y,x j)is the

head(with type)for the j-th word of x in tree y and

κis a discount parameter.The loss is proportional

to the number of word with an incorrect head and

edge type in the proposed tree.This leads to the

regularized objective function for m training ex-







l i(θ)+





l i(θ)=max

?y∈Y(x i)

(Score(x i,?y;θ)+ (y i,?y))

?Score(x i,y i;θ))(8) We use the diagonal variant of AdaGrad(Duchi et al.,2011)with minibatchs(batch size=20) to minimize the object function.We also apply dropout(Hinton et al.,2012)with0.5rate to the hidden layer.

3Model Implementation

Base on our Neural Network model,we present three model implementations with increasing ex-pressive capabilities in this section.

3.1First-order models

We?rst implement two?rst-order models:1-order-atomic and1-order-phrase.We use the Eisner(2000)algorithm for decoding.The?rst two rows of Table1list the features we use in these two models.

1-order-atomic only uses atomic features as shown in the?rst row of Table1.Speci?cally,the


Dev Test

Speed(sent/s) UAS LAS UAS LAS

First-order MSTParser-1-order92.0190.7791.6090.3920 1-order-atomic-rand92.0090.7191.6290.4155 1-order-atomic92.1990.9492.1992.1955 1-order-phrase-rand92.4791.1992.2591.0526 1-order-phrase92.8291.4892.5991.3726

Second-order MSTParser-2-order92.7091.4892.3091.0614 2-order-phrase-rand93.3992.1092.9991.7910 2-order-phrase93.5792.2993.2992.1310

Third-order(Koo and Collins,2010)93.49N/A93.04N/A N/A Table2:Comparison with conventional graph-based models.

head word and its local neighbor words that are within the distance of2are selected as the head’s word unigram features.The modi?er’s word un-igram features is extracted in the same way.We also use the POS-tags of the corresponding word features and the distance between head and modi-?er as additional atomic features.

We then improved1-order-atomic to1-order-phrase by incorporating additional phrase embed-dings.The three phrase embeddings of head-modi?er pair(h,m):hm pre?x,hm in?x and hm suf?x are calculated as in Section2.2.

3.2Second-order model

Our model can be easily extended to a second-order model using the second-order decoding al-gorithm(Eisner,1996;McDonald and Pereira, 2006).The third row of Table1shows the addi-tional features we use in our second-order model. Sibling node and its local context are used as additional atomic features.We also used the in-?x embedding for the in?x between sibling pair (s,m),which we call sm in?x.It is calculated in the same way as in?x between head-modi?er pair (h,m)(i.e.,hm in?x)in Section2.2except that the word pair is now s and m.For cases where no sibling information is available,the corresponding sibling-related embeddings are set to zero vector. 4Experiments

4.1Experiment Setup

We use the English Penn Treebank(PTB)to eval-uate our model implementations and Yamada and Matsumoto(2003)head rules are used to extract dependency trees.We follow the standard splits of PTB3,using section2-21for training,section22 as development set and23as test set.The Stanford POS Tagger(Toutanova et al.,2003)with ten-way jackkni?ng of the training data is used for assign-ing POS tags(accuracy≈97.2%).

Hyper-parameters of our models are tuned on the development set and their?nal settings are as follows:embedding size d=50,hidden layer (Layer2)size=200,regularization parameterλ= 10?4,discount parameter for margin lossκ=0.3, initial learning rate of AdaGrad alpha=0.1.

4.2Experiment Results

Table2compares our models with several conven-tional graph-based parsers.We use MSTParser2 for conventional?rst-order model(McDonald et al.,2005)and second-order model(McDonald and Pereira,2006).We also include the result of a third-order model of Koo and Collins(2010)for comparison3.For our models,we report the results with and without unsupervised pre-training.Pre-training only trains the word-based feature embed-dings on Gigaword corpus(Graff et al.,2003)us-ing word2vec4and all other parameters are still initialized randomly.In all experiments,we re-port unlabeled attachment scores(UAS)and la-beled attachment scores(LAS)and punctuation5 is excluded in all evaluation metrics.The parsing speeds are measured on a workstation with Intel Xeon3.4GHz CPU and32GB RAM.

As we can see,even with random initialization, 1-order-atomic-rand performs as well as conven-tional?rst-order model and both1-order-phrase-2https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2f10629436.html,/projects/ mstparser

3Note that Koo and Collins(2010)’s third-order model and our models are not strict comparable since their model is an unlabeled model.


5Following previous work,a token is a punctuation if its POS tag is{“”:,.}

Figure4:Convergence curve for tanh-cube and cube activation function.

rand and2-order-phrase-rand perform better than conventional models in MSTParser.Pre-training further improves the performance of all three models,which is consistent with the conclu-sion of previous work(Pei et al.,2014;Chen and Manning,2014).Moreover,1-order-phrase per-forms better than1-order-atomic,which shows that phrase embeddings do improve the model.2-order-phrase further improves the performance because of the more expressive second-order fac-torization.All three models perform signi?cantly better than their counterparts in MSTParser where millions of features are used and1-order-phrase works surprisingly well that it even beats the con-ventional second-order model.

With regard to parsing speed,1-order-atomic is the fastest while other two models have similar speeds as MSTParser.Further speed up could be achieved by using pre-computing strategy as men-tioned in Chen and Manning(2014).We did not try this strategy since parsing speed is not the main focus of this paper.

Model tanh-cube cube tanh

1-order-atomic92.1991.9791.73 1-order-phrase92.8292.2592.13 2-order-phrase93.5792.9592.91

Table3:Model Performance of different activa-tion functions.

We also investigated the effect of different acti-vation functions.We trained our models with the same con?guration except for the activation func-tion.Table3lists the UAS of three models on de-velopment set.

Feature Type Instance Neighboors













(Our model)

















Table4:Examples of similar words and POS-tags according to feature embeddings.

As we can see,tanh-cube function outperforms cube function because of advantages we men-tioned in Section2.4.Moreover,both tanh-cube function and cube function performs better than tanh function.The reason is that the cube term can capture more interactions between input features. We also plot the UAS of2-order-phrase dur-ing each iteration of training.As shown in Figure 4,tanh-cube function converges faster than cube function.

4.3Qualitative Analysis

In order to see why our models work,we made qualitative analysis on different aspects of our model.

Ability of Feature Abstraction

Feature embeddings give our model the ability of feature abstraction.They capture the inherent cor-relations between features so that syntactic similar features will have similar

representations,which makes our model generalizes well on unseen data. Table4shows the effect of different feature embeddings which are obtained from2-order-phrase after training.For each kind of feature type,we list several features as well as top5fea-tures that are nearest(measured by Euclidean dis-tance)to the corresponding feature according to their embeddings.

We?rst analysis the effect of word embeddings after training.For comparison,we also list the initial word embeddings in word2vec.As we can see,in word2vec word embeddings,words that are similar to in and which tends to be those

Phrase Neighboor

On a Saturday morning On Monday night football On Sunday

On Saturday

On Tuesday afternoon

On recent Saturday morning

most of it of it

of it all

some of it also most of these are only some of

big investment bank great investment bank bank investment

entire equity investment another cash equity investor real estate lending division

Table5:Examples of similar phrases according to phrase embeddings.

co-occuring with them and for word his,similar words are morphologies of he.On the contrary, similar words measured by our embeddings have similar syntactic functions.This is helpful for de-pendency parsing since parsing models care more about the syntactic functions of words rather than their collocations or morphologies.

POS-tag embeddings also show similar behav-ior with word embeddings.As shown in Table4, our model captures similarities between POS-tags even though their embeddings are initialized ran-domly.

We also investigated the effect of phrase embed-dings in the same way as feature embeddings.Ta-ble5lists the examples of similar phrases.Our phrase embeddings work pretty well given that only a simple averaging strategy is used.Phrases that are close to each other tend to share simi-lar syntactic and semantic information.By using phrase embeddings,our model sees panorama of the context rather than limited word tri-grams and thus captures richer context information,which is the reason why phrase embeddings signi?cantly improve the performance.

Ability of Feature Learning

Finally,we try to unveil the mysterious hidden layer and investigate what features it learns.For each hidden unit of2-order-phrase,we get its connections with embeddings(i.e.,W d h in Figure 2)and pick the connections whose weights have absolute value>0.1.We sampled several hidden units and invenstigated which features their highly weighted connections belong to:



?Hidden3:hm in?x.p,hm in?x.w,hm pre?x.w

?Hidden4:hm in?x.w,hm pre?x.w,sm in?x.w

?Hidden5:hm in?x.p,hm in?x.w,hm suf?x.w

The samples above give qualitative results of what features the hidden layer learns:

?Hidden unit1and2show that atomic features of head,modi?er,sibling and their local con-text words are useful in our model,which is consistent with our expectations since these features are also very important features in conventional graph-based models(McDon-ald and Pereira,2006).

?Features in the same hidden unit will“com-bine”with each other through our tanh-cube activation function.As we can see,feature combination in hidden unit2were also used in Mcdonald and Pereira(2006).However, these feature combinations are automatically captured by our model without the labor-intensive feature engineering.

?Hidden unit3to5show that phrase-level information like hm pre?x,hm suf?x and sm in?x are effective in our model.These features are not used in conventional second-order model(McDonald and Pereira,2006) because they could explode the feature space.

Through our tanh-cube activation function, our model further captures the interactions between phrases and other features without the concern of over?tting.

5Related Work

Models for dependency parsing have been stud-ied with considerable effort in the NLP commu-nity.Among them,we only focus on the graph-based models here.Most previous systems ad-dress this task by using linear statistical models with carefully designed context and structure fea-tures.The types of features available rely on tree factorization and decoding algorithm.Mcdonald et.al(2005)proposed the?rst-order model which is also know as arc-factored model.Ef?cient de-coding can be performed with Eisner(2000)algo-rithm in O(n3)time and O(n2)space.Mcdonald and Pereira(2006)further extend the?rst-order model to second-order model where sibling infor-mation is available during decoding.Eisner(2000)

algorithm can be modi?ed trivially for second-order decoding.Carreras(2007)proposed a more powerful second-order model that can score both sibling and grandchild parts with the cost of O(n4) time and O(n3)space.To exploit more struc-ture information,Koo and Collins(2010)pro-posed three third-order models with computational requirements of O(n4)time and O(n3)space. Recently,neural network models have been in-creasingly focused on for their ability to minimize the effort in feature engineering.Chen et.al(2014) proposed an approach to automatically learning feature embeddings for graph-based dependency parsing.The learned feature embeddings are used as additional features in conventional graph-based model.Le and Zuidema(2014)proprosed an in?nite-order model based on recursive neural net-work.However,their model can only be used as an reranking model since decoding is intractable. Compared with these work,our model is a general and standalone neural network model. Both training and decoding in our model are per-formed based on our neural network architecture in an effective way.Although only?rst-order and second-order models are implemented in our work,higher-order graph-based models can be easily implemented using our model.


In this paper,we propose a general and effec-tive neural network model that can automatically learn feature combinations with our novel acti-vation function.Moreover,we introduce a sim-ple yet effect way to utilize phrase-level informa-tion,which greatly improves the model perfor-mance.Experiments on the benchmark dataset show that our model achieves better results than conventional models.


This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 61273318and National Key Basic Research Pro-gram of China2014CB340504.We want to thank Miaohong Chen and Pingping Huang for their valuable comments on the initial idea and helping pre-process the data.References

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一、对等网简介 “对等网”也称“工作组网”,那是因为它不像企业专业网络中那样是通过域来控制的,在对等网中没有“域”,只有“工作组”,这一点要首先清楚。正因如此,我们在后面的具体网络配置中,就没有域的配置,而需配置工作组。很显然,“工作组”的概念远没有“域”那么广,所以对等网所能随的用户数也是非常有限的。在对等网络中,计算机的数量通常不会超过20台,所以对等网络相对比较简单。在对等网络中,对等网上各台计算机的有相同的功能,无主从之分,网上任意节点计算机既可以作为网络服务器,为其它计算机提供资源;也可以作为工作站,以分享其它服务器的资源;任一台计算机均可同时兼作服务器和工作站,也可只作其中之一。同时,对等网除了共享文件之外,还可以共享打印机,对等网上的打印机可被网络上的任一节点使用,如同使用本地打印机一样方便。因为对等网不需要专门的服务器来做网络支持,也不需要其他组件来提高网络的性能,因而对等网络的价格相对要便宜很多。 对等网主要有如下特点: (1)网络用户较少,一般在20台计算机以内,适合人员少,应用网络较多的中小企业; (2)网络用户都处于同一区域中; (3)对于网络来说,网络安全不是最重要的问题。 它的主要优点有:网络成本低、网络配置和维护简单。 它的缺点也相当明显的,主要有:网络性能较低、数据保密性差、文件管理分散、计算机资源占用大。 二、对等网结构 虽然对等网结构比较简单,但根据具体的应用环境和需求,对等网也因其规模和传输介质类型的不同,其实现的方式也有多种,下面分别介绍: 1、两台机的对等网 这种对等网的组建方式比较多,在传输介质方面既可以采用双绞线,也可以使用同轴电缆,还可采用串、并行电缆。所需网络设备只需相应的网线或电缆和网卡,如果采用串、并行电缆还可省去网卡的投资,直接用串、并行电缆连接两台机即可,显然这是一种最廉价的对等网组建方式。这种方式中的“串/并行电缆”俗称“零调制解调器”,所以这种方式也称为“远程通信”领域。但这种采用串、并行电缆连接的网络的传输速率非常低,并且串、并行电缆制作比较麻烦,在网卡如此便宜的今天这种对等网连接方式比较少用。 2、三台机的对等网


校园博客系统需求分析 评审日期:2010 年04 月01 日 目录 1导言 (1)

1.2范围 (1) 1.3缩写说明 (1) 1.4术语定义 (1) 1.5引用标准 (1) 1.6参考资料 (2) 2系统定义 (2) 2.1项目来源及背景 (2) 2.2系统整体结构 (2) 3应用环境 (3) 3.1系统运行网络环境 (3) 3.2系统运行硬件环境 (4) 3.3系统运行软件环境 (4) 4功能规格 (4) 4.1角色( A CTOR )定义 (5) 4.1.1博客访问者 (5) 4.1.2管理用户 (5) 4.1.3 数据库 (6) 4.2系统主U SE C ASE图. (6) 4.3客户端子系统 (6) 4.4管理端子系统 (8) 4.4.1 登录管理 ....................................................... 10 4.4.2 类型管理 ......................................................... 11 4.4.3 评论管理 ....................................................... 12 4.4.4 留言管理 ....................................................... 12 4.4.5 图片管理 ....................................................... 12 4.4.6 用户管理 ....................................................... 13 5性能需求 (13) 5.1 界面需求 (13) 5.2响应时间需求 (13) 5.3可靠性需求 (13) 5.4开放性需求 (14) 5.5可扩展性需求 (14) 5.6系统安全性需求 (14) 6产品提交 (14)


1.1 博客信息系统概述 “博客”(Blog或Weblog)一词源于“Web Log(网络日志)”的缩写,是一种十分简易的傻瓜化个人信息发布方式。任何人都可以像使用免费电子邮件一样,完成个人网页的创建、发布和更新。博客就是开放的私人空间,可以充分利用超文本链接、网络互动、动态更新等特点,在网络中,精选并链接全球互联网中最有价值的信息、知识与资源;也可以将个人工作过程、生活故事、思想历程、闪现的灵感等及时记录和发布,发挥个人无限的表达力;更可以以文会友,结识和汇聚朋友,进行深度交流沟通[1]。 “博客”当然是个大家都陌生的名词,博客的英文名词就是“Blog或Weblog”(指人时对应于Blogger),是一个典型的网络新事物,查阅最新的英文词典也不可能查到。该词来源于“Web Log(网络日志)”的缩写,特指一种特别的网络个人出版形式,内容按照时间顺序排列,并且不断更新。 博客是一种零编辑、零技术、零成本、零形式的网上个人出版方式。 博客概念一般包含了三个要素(当然,也不需要局限这些定义): (1)网页主体内容由不断更新的、个性化的众多日志组成。 (2)按时间顺序排列,而且是倒序方式,也就是最新的放在最上面,最旧的放在最下面。 (3)内容可以是各种主题、各种外观布局和各种写作风格,但是文章内容以“超链接”作为重要的表达方式。 因此,博客是个人性和公共性的结合体,其精髓不是主要表达个人思想,不是主要记录个人日常经历;而是以个人的视角,以整个互联网为视野,精选和记录自己在互联网上看到的精彩内容,为他人提供帮助,使其具有更高的共享价值。 博客精神的核心并不是自娱自乐,甚至不是个人表达自由,相反,是体现一种利他的共享精神,为他人提供帮助。个人日记和个人网站主要表现的还是“小我”,而博客表现的是“大我”。也许形式上很接近,但内在有着本质的差异。所有优秀博客网站中,真正表达作者个人的内容非常有限,最多只是点缀,而不像个人网站那样是核心。 1.2 博客发展趋势 趋势一:博客现在正在形成个人的信誉机制,有了博客之后就确立了一个个人虚拟身份,简单的来讲就是个人在互联网上是有名有姓的,而不再是一种匿名的行为,网民从流浪汉变成了一个定居者。以前在互联网上的各种行为都是在匿名状态中,相互之间是不认识的,但有了博客之后可以天天关注,而别的人也可


Web日志集中管理系统的研究与实现 吴海燕朱靖君程志锐戚丽 (清华大学计算机与信息管理中心,北京100084) E-mail:wuhy@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2f10629436.html, 摘要: Web服务是目前互联网的第一大网络服务,Web日志的分析对站点的安全管理与运行维护非常重要。在实际运行中,由于应用部署的分散性和负载均衡策略的使用,使得Web日志被分散在多台服务器上,给日志的管理和分析带来不便。本文设计并实现了一个Web日志集中管理系统(命名为ThuLog),系统包括日志集中、日志存储和日志分析三个模块。目前,该系统已经在清华大学的多个关键Web应用系统上进行了应用,能够帮助系统管理员清晰地了解系统运行情况,取得了较好的运行效果。 关键词:Web日志日志分析日志集中管理系统 The Research and Implementation of a Centralized Web Log Management System Wu Haiyan Zhu Jingjun Cheng Zhirui Qi Li (Computer&Information Center,Tsinghua University,Beijing100084) Abstract:Web is now the biggest network service on the Internet.The analysis of Web logs plays an important role in the security management and the maintenance of a website.But because of the decentralization of deployment and the use of load balancing,Web logs are often seperated on each Web server,which makes the management and analysis of them not so convenient.This paper designs and implements a Web Log Centralized Management System(named ThuLog),which includes3modules:the centralization of logs,the storage of logs and the analysis of logs.Through log analysis of several critical Web systems in Tsinghua University,it could help system administrators learn clearly what happens in information systems and achieves good operating results. Key words:Web Logs Log Analysis Web Log Centralized Management System 1.引言 近年来,随着计算机网络技术的迅速发展,Web正以其广泛性、交互性、快


博 客 系 统 需 求 分 析 报 告 院系:信息电子工程学院 班级:软件08-1 设计小组人员:29号 日期:2010年5月24日

一、系统概述 “博客”一词是从英文单词Blog音译(不是翻译)而来。Blog是Weblog 的简称,而Weblog则是由Web和Log两个英文单词组合而成。 Weblog就是在网络上发布和阅读的流水记录,通常称为“网络日志”,简称为“网志”。博客(BLOGGER)概念解释为网络出版(Web Publishing)、发表和张贴(Post-这个字当名词用时就是指张贴的文章)文章,是个急速成长的网络活动,现在甚至出现了一个用来指称这种网络出版和发表文章的专有名词——Weblog,或Blog。 在网络上发表Blog的构想始于1998年,但到了2000年才开始真正流行。而2000年博客开始进入中国,并迅速发展,但都业绩平平。直到2004年木子美事件,才让中国民众了解到了博客,并运用博客。2005年,国内各门户网站,如新浪、搜狐,原不看好博客业务,也加入博客阵营,开始进入博客春秋战国时代。起初,Bloggers将其每天浏览网站的心得和意见记录下来,并予以公开,来给其他人参考和遵循。但随着Blogging快速扩张,它的目的与最初已相去甚远。目前网络上数以千计的Bloggers发表和张贴Blog的目的有很大的差异。不过,由于沟通方式比电子邮件、讨论群组更简单和容易,Blog已成为家庭、公司、部门和团队之间越来越盛行的沟通工具,因为它也逐渐被应用在企业内部网络(Intranet)。目前,国内优秀的中文博客网有:新浪博客,搜狐博客,中国博客网,腾讯博客,博客中国等。 二、需求分析 博客系统是一个多用户、多界面的系统,主要包括以下几个模块组成。 1.匿名用户模块 本模块主要由注册、登录、浏览博客、评论4个部分组成。匿名用户可以对其他用户的博客内容时行浏览、评论。也可以通过注册后登录博客系统,申请一个属于自己的博客。 2.注册用户模块 本模块主要由个人信息管理、评论管理、好友管理、相册管理、文章管理5


物联网技术与应用 对等网络配置及网络资源共享 实验报告 组员:

1.实验目的 (1)了解对等网络基本配置中包含的协议,服务和基本参数 (2)了解所在系统网络组件的安装和卸载方法 (3)学习所在系统共享目录的设置和使用方法 (4)学习安装远程打印机的方法 2.实验环境 Window8,局域网 3.实验内容 (1)查看所在机器的主机名称和网络参数,了解网络基本配置中包含的协议,服务和基本参数 (2)网络组件的安装和卸载方法 (3)设置和停止共享目录 (4)安装网络打印机 4.实验步骤 首先建立局域网络,使网络内有两台电脑 (1)“我的电脑”→“属性”,查看主机名,得知两台计算机主机名为“idea-pc”和“迦尴专属”。 打开运行输入cmd,进入窗口输入ipconfig得到相关网络参数。局域网使用的是无线局域网。 (2)网络组件的安装和卸载方法:“网络和共享中心”→“本地连接”→“属

性”即可看到网络组件,可看其描述或卸载。 “控制面板”→“卸载程序”→“启用和关闭windows功能”,找到internet 信息服务,即可启用或关闭网络功能。 (3)设置和停止共享目录(由于windows版本升高,加强了安全措施和各种权

限,所以操作增加很多) 使用电脑“idea-pc”。“打开网络和共享中心”→“更改高级选项设置”。将专用网络,来宾或公用,所有网络中均选择启用文件夹共享选项,最下面的密码保护项选择关闭,以方便实验。 分享文件夹“第一小组实验八”,“右键文件夹属性”→“共享”→“共享”,选择四个中的一个并添加,此处选择everyone,即所有局域网内人均可以共享。


对等网络(P2P 一、概述 (一定义 对等网络(P2P网络是分布式系统和计算机网络相结合的产物,在应用领域和学术界获得了广泛的重视和成功,被称为“改变Internet的新一代网络技术”。 对等网络(P2P:Peer to Peer。peer指网络结点在: 1行为上是自由的—任意加入、退出,不受其它结点限制,匿名; 2功能上是平等的—不管实际能力的差异; 3连接上是互联的—直接/间接,任两结点可建立逻辑链接,对应物理网上的一条IP路径。 (二P2P网络的优势 1、充分利用网络带宽 P2P不通过服务器进行信息交换,无服务器瓶颈,无单点失效,充分利用网络带宽,如BT下载多个文件,可接近实际最大带宽,HTTP及FTP很少有这样的效果 2、提高网络工作效率 结构化P2P有严格拓扑结构,基于DHT,将网络结点、数据对象高效均匀地映射到覆盖网中,路由效率高 3、开发了每个网络结点的潜力 结点资源是指计算能力及存储容量,个人计算机并非永久联网,是临时性的动态结点,称为“网络边缘结点”。P2P使内容“位于中心”转变为“位于边缘”,计算模式由“服务器集中计算”转变为“分布式协同计算”。

4、具有高可扩展性(scalability 当网络结点总数增加时,可进行可扩展性衡量。P2P网络中,结点间分摊通信开销,无需增加设备,路由跳数增量小。 5、良好的容错性 主要体现在:冗余方法、周期性检测、结点自适应状态维护。 二、第一代混合式P2P网络 (一主要代表 混合式P2P网络,它是C/S和P2P两种模式的混合;有两个主要代表: 1、Napster——P2P网络的先驱 2、BitTorrent——分片优化的新一代混合式P2P网络 (二第一代P2P网络的特点 1、拓扑结构 1混合式(C/S+P2P 2星型拓扑结构,以服务器为核心 2、查询与路由 1用户向服务器发出查询请求,服务器返回文件索引 2用户根据索引与其它用户进行数据传输 3路由跳数为O(1,即常数跳 3、容错性:取决于服务器的故障概率(实际网络中,由于成本原因,可用性较低。


系统需求分析和概要设计 1 系统需求分析 1.1 开发背景 过去很多人都喜欢写文章写日记以及交流自己的文章和作品,以求实现相互间的沟通、展现自己的才华和让别人了解自己的想法观点。现在的网络已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的一个元素,所以自然而然诞生了博客这样一个新兴事物,它不仅仅能取代前面所说的功能,还能加入图片,而且使得作者更能无所拘束地生动地写出自己想写的,旁人也能非常便捷地阅读并且加以评论,并且它还能作为展示个人个性的窗户。个人博客现在已经成为很多人生活中必不可少的一个部分,方便了人与人之间的沟通和交流。 1.2 系统实现目标概述 基于个人博客以上的特点,本系统要实现个人博客的主要基本功能有主界面,博客用户登录发表文章(心情、日志),用户登录/退出,游客发表评论,分页浏览文章和评论等。这里其中比较主要的是区分了个人博客用户和游客。博客用户可以在任何时候写下自己的主张,记录下自己的点点滴滴。而游客主要的权限是阅读博客所有注册用户写的文章,阅读后可以发表评论和留言,还可以分页浏览所有注册用户上传的图片。以上是个人博客的系统功能目标,当然由于个人博客的网络流行特点以及个人个性的展示,还适当要求界面比较漂亮轻快,直观便捷,操作方式简单以及人性化。 1.3 系统功能需求 根据对系统的特点和应用的分析,可以得到本系统主要有如下功能: (1)登录 这部分功能又分为用户登录、用户退出两个部分。 登录:主要用于验证博客网站用户信息的真实身份,以便对博客网站进行管

理和维护。通过系统管理员写入的用户名,密码登录到网站。网站检测用户的用户名,密码并给予其相应的权限对博客网站进行操作。 用户退出:已经登陆的用户可以退出,释放自己所占有的各种信息资源。 (2)文章管理 文章管理主要有文章的发表、查询、浏览、评论和删除功能。 博客的系统管理员除了可以查询、浏览和评论文章外,还可以对系统中的所有文章以及评论进行修改、删除操作。这些维护和管理拥有最高权限,并且系统自动更新在服务器端数据库中的数据。 文章的发表:博客用户可以发表自己的文章,文章包括主题、正文、表情、图片等信息,作者通过各种元素来展示自己的想法和思想。系统接受这些信息并且存储在服务器端的数据库中。 文章的删除:博客用户可以删除自己已经发表的文章内容和各项信息,系统自动在服务器端数据库中删除这些记录。 文章的浏览:游客和博客用户根据所获得的用户权限获取服务器端数据存储的各篇文章并且浏览阅读文章的所有信息,包括标题、正文、表情、图片以及其它读者的留言评论。 文章的评论:文章的读者可以评论和回复所阅读的文章,发表自己的看法。系统自动将这些评论存储在服务器端的数据库中,并且可供博客作者以及其它读者浏览。 文章的查询:博客用户可以按文章题目或作者来查询想要查的文章。 文章中还可能包含一些图片视频等多媒体,所以文章管理中还包含了网站中媒体的管理。 媒体管理有添加,浏览、删除和查询功能。博客用户可以添加自己喜欢的图片或视频等,还可以查询和浏览系统中的所有媒体信息。游客只能浏览博客系统中的媒体信息。系统管理员拥有以上的所有权限,除此之外还可以删除媒体信息。 (3)博客管理员管理 博客管理员可以添加、删除新用户,用户的角色又分为订阅者、作者、编辑、投稿者、管理员。 还可以对博客主页的外观、博客使用的插件、工具进行添加、删除、设置。


1.过滤信息 在这个网络信息泛滥的时代,网上的信息太多、太杂、太乱,学习者无法判别哪些信息是有价值的,哪些是重要的。教师可以通过博客将经过过滤过的信息传递给学生,而学生也可以通过博客将信息传递给他的伙伴。通过浏览别人的博客日志,知识获取的效率将得到很大的提高。 2.提供学习的丰富情境 通常的教辅网站,只是提供一些参考资料的链接,而博客则提供更多的评价,更广泛的背景资料。有一些学者通过博客日志反映他们对某些问题的认识,开始对于这些问题的看法可能也是粗糙的,但是他们将这些思想表达出来,然后在博客上发表后续的看法。在这一过程中,专家可以将最近看了哪些书,读了哪些人的文章,听取了哪些意见都通过博客方式表达出来。这样,阅读者了解的不仅仅是专家静态的、目前的观点,而重要的是可以把握专家思想的流程。同样,这一方式对于学生来讲也是有效的,学生的博客日志可以反映出他们在学习过程中产生的问题、关于问题的想法与思路、问题的解决过程,使得教师可以更有效地了解学生的学习状况。 3.提高学生的媒体文化水平 博客(blog)的个人化使得博客们(blogger)在信息发布的过程中,要采用最适当的方式对信息进行过滤与说明,使得他的博客日志能够为更多的人接受,使得他的思想和资源为更多的人所了解。与传统BBS相比,博客日志具有更强的规范性,博客们具有更强的自律性。由于博客一般是由个人或小组拥有的,通常具有共同的主题,所谓敝帚自珍,所以在博客的世界中,很少出现在BBS中常见的不负责任的"胡说八道"。 4.鼓励参与者发表自己不同的观点 博客的模式是平等的,博客更看重的是参与的过程而不是结果。对于教师或书本上的观点,学生可以通过博客的方式发表他对于这些问题的理解,博客并不要求意见的统一,但要求意见的针对性和独立性。另外,在课程设置的过程中可以设置多个不同的议题,允许学生自由地选择他们感兴趣的议题。 5.提供对信息的评价 博客的重要特征就是对信息的过滤,使得信息可以转换成有用的知识。但是


对等网络的网络弹性分析 摘要:网络弹性研究的是网络在节点失效或被有意攻击下所表现出来的特征。分析Gnutella网络的网络弹性,包括对于随机攻击的容错性和对于选择性攻击的抗攻击性,并与ER模型和EBA模型进行了对比。Gnutella网络对于随机攻击具有很好的容错性,但是对于选择性攻击却显得脆弱。最后对网络弹性进行了理论分析,给出了网络在出现最大集团临界点之前的平均集团大小的公式解。 关键词:对等网络;无标度;网络弹性;脆弱性 中图分类号:TP393.02文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-9081(2007)04-0784-04 0 引言 在过去的40多年里,科学家习惯于将所有复杂网络看作是随机网络。随机网络中绝大部分节点的连结数目会大致相同。1998年开展的一个描绘互联网的项目却揭示了令人惊诧的事实:基本上,互联网是由少数高连结性的页面串联起来的,80%以上页面的连结数不到4个,而只占节点总数不到万分之一的极少数节点,例如门户网Yahoo和搜索引擎Google等类似网站,却高达上百万乃至几十亿个链接。研究者把包含这种重要集散节点的网络称为无标度网络[1]。

具有集散节点和集群结构的无标度网络,对意外故障具有极强的承受能力,但面对蓄意的攻击和破坏却不堪一击[2]。在随机网络中,如果大部分节点发生瘫痪,将不可避免地导致网络的分裂。无标度网络的模拟结果则展现了全然不同的情况,随意选择高达80%的节点使之失效,剩余的网络还可能组成一个完整的集群并保持任意两点间的连接,但是只要5%―10%的集散节点同时失效,就可导致互联网溃散成孤立无援的小群路由器。 许多复杂网络系统显示出惊人的容错特性,例如复杂通信网络也常常显示出很强的健壮性,一些关键单元的局部失效很少会导致全局信息传送的损失。但并不是所有的网络都具有这样的容错特性,只有那些异构连接的网络,即无标度网络才有这种特性,这样的网络包括WWW、因特网、社会网络等。虽然无标度网络具有很强的容错性,但是对于那些有意攻击,无标度网络却非常脆弱。容错性和抗攻击性是通信网络的基本属性,可以用这两种属性来概括网络弹性。 对等网络技术和复杂网络理论的进展促使对现有对等 网络的拓扑结构进行深入分析。对网络弹性的认识可以使从网络拓扑的角度了解网络的脆弱点,以及如何设计有效的策略保护、减小攻击带来的危害。本文研究Gnutella网络的网络弹性,并与ER模型和EBA模型进行了比较,对比不同类 型的复杂网络在攻击中的网络弹性。当网络受到攻击达到某



一、系统概述 “博客”一词是从英文单词Blog音译(不是翻译)而来。Blog是Weblog 的简称,而Weblog则是由Web和Log两个英文单词组合而成。 Weblog就是在网络上发布和阅读的流水记录,通常称为“网络日志”,简称为“网志”。博客(BLOGGER)概念解释为网络出版(Web Publishing)、发表和张贴(Post-这个字当名词用时就是指张贴的文章)文章,是个急速成长的网络活动,现在甚至出现了一个用来指称这种网络出版和发表文章的专有名词——Weblog,或Blog。 在网络上发表Blog的构想始于1998年,但到了2000年才开始真正流行。而2000年博客开始进入中国,并迅速发展,但都业绩平平。直到2004年木子美事件,才让中国民众了解到了博客,并运用博客。2005年,国内各门户网站,如新浪、搜狐,原不看好博客业务,也加入博客阵营,开始进入博客春秋战国时代。起初,Bloggers将其每天浏览网站的心得和意见记录下来,并予以公开,来给其他人参考和遵循。但随着Blogging快速扩张,它的目的与最初已相去甚远。目前网络上数以千计的Bloggers发表和张贴Blog的目的有很大的差异。不过,由于沟通方式比电子邮件、讨论群组更简单和容易,Blog已成为家庭、公司、部门和团队之间越来越盛行的沟通工具,因为它也逐渐被应用在企业内部网络(Intranet)。目前,国内优秀的中文博客网有:新浪博客,搜狐博客,中国博客网,腾讯博客,博客中国等。 二、需求分析 博客系统是一个多用户、多界面的系统,主要包括以下几个模块组成。 1.匿名用户模块


漫漫教学路,博客伴我行能在互联网上拥有一个真正属于自己的空间,是我的梦想,而 今天这个梦想在“博客”中实现了。我怀着一颗好奇心,在博客上流连,申请了一方属于自己的免费空间,置身于梦幻秋天的背景下,设置自己喜欢的几个栏目,于是我便拥有了博客。当我第一次在博客中添加文章的时候,兴奋得无法入眠。我想:平素与网络无缘的我也终于拥有了一个网上家园。一个可以让我任意挥洒激情、记录人生轨迹的网上家园。感谢博客给我一块自由的空间,让我展翅飞翔!在与博客“亲密接触”的日子里,我深深地感觉到博客对教育的促进,对自身专业化成长的帮助。 在开始的时候,我也只是摘录一些自己感兴趣的信息,很少有经过自己思考的原创日志。随着对博客认识的加深,以及浏览其他著名博客所受到的启示,我也试着把自己在教育中的思考及时记录下来。就这样我在博客里“书写着,记录着,思考着,分享着,品味着,学习着”,在不断地积累中感受着学习的乐趣。在博客里写作已经逐渐成为我的一种习惯,在博客中我不断地阅读、书写,在阅读、书写中释放心情,这让我感到在博客中学习竟是如此快乐。我在博客中开设了心灵随笔,教学案例,教学反思,教学相长,教学设计,教学论文,主题中队会等栏目…… 作为一名教师,我深深地认识到:要想鼓励、指导学生写出好的文章,教师必须要有过硬的写作基本功,博客中的心灵随笔这个栏目正好为我提供了这样一个平台,我在这个栏目中及时捕捉教学生活中细微的瞬间,从中悟出深刻的道理,并马上形成文字。例如:《让心灵跟着爱飞翔》、《如何赏识学生》、《感动》、《怎样转变学生的不良习惯》等文章。心灵的感悟,出乎意料的发挥了作用,有了这样的历练,对学生进行写作指导和评改,就驾轻就熟了。学生也会在老师的指导下逐渐明白,写作并不是一件很难的事情,只要真实的记录自己在生活中的所见、所闻,有了自己的感悟,慢慢就会写出具有真情实感的文章。 在博客中记录教学过程是一个不断充实自己,提高自己的过程,教学中我也曾遇到过很多困惑,于是把这些困惑书写到我的博客中,期待与博友们交流和切磋。博友们的热心触发了我很多灵感,常常使我茅塞顿开……我现在博客中的教学案例就是平时点滴的积累。《位置与方向》《那只松鼠》《笔算除法》《商中间、末


点击文章中飘蓝词可直接进入官网查看 大数据日志分析系统 大数据时代,网络数据增长十分迅速。大数据日志分析系统是用来分析和审计系统及 事件日志的管理系统,能够对主机、服务器、网络设备、数据库以及各种应用服务系统等 产生的日志进行收集和细致分析,大数据日志分析系统帮助IT管理员从海量日志数据中准确查找关键有用的事件数据,准确定位网络故障并提前识别安全威胁。大数据日志分析系 统有着降低系统宕机时间、提升网络性能、保障企业网络安全的作用。 南京风城云码软件公司(简称:风城云码)南京风城云码软件技术有限公司是获得国 家工信部认定的“双软”企业,具有专业的软件开发与生产资质。多年来专业从事IT运维监控产品及大数据平台下网络安全审计产品研发。开发团队主要由留学归国软件开发人员 及管理专家领衔组成,聚集了一批软件专家、技术专家和行业专家,依托海外技术优势, 使开发的软件产品在技术创新及应用领域始终保持在领域上向前发展。 审计数据采集是整个系统的基础,为系统审计提供数据源和状态监测数据。对于用户 而言,采集日志面临的挑战就是:审计数据源分散、日志类型多样、日志量大。为此,系 统综合采用多种技术手段,充分适应用户实际网络环境的运行情况,采集用户网络中分散 在各个位置的各种厂商、各种类型的海量日志。 分析引擎对采集的原始数据按照不同的维度进行数据的分类,同时按照安全策略和行 为规则对数据进行分析。系统为用户在进行安全日志及事件的实时分析和历史分析的时候 提供了一种全新的分析体验——基于策略的安全事件分析过程。用户可以通过丰富的事件分析策略对的安全事件进行多视角、大跨度、细粒度的实时监测、统计分析、查询、调查、追溯、地图定位、可视化分析展示等。


实验一建立对等网 一、实验目的 (1)熟悉10BASE-T星型拓扑以太网的网卡、线缆、连接器等网络硬件设备; (2)熟悉WINDOWS中的网络组件及各参数的设置; (3)理解对等网络的特点。 二、实验环境 此实验的基本要求就是两台以上计算机作为一个工作组,连接到一台服务器上,建立一个基于Windows的对等网络,物理结构为10BASE-T以太网。各工作组中的用户可以共享资源。 三、实验内容 (1)网络布线 EIA/TIA的布线标准中规定了两种双绞线的线序568A与568B,分别为: T568A:白绿 | 绿 | 白橙 | 蓝 | 白蓝 | 橙 | 白棕 | 棕 T568B:白橙 | 橙 | 白绿 | 蓝 | 白蓝 | 绿 | 白棕 | 棕 在整个网络布线中应用一种布线方式,但两端都有RJ45端头的网络连线无论就是采用端接方式A,还就是端接方式B,在网络中都就是通用的。实际应用中,大多数都使用T568B的标准,通常认为该标准对电磁干扰的屏蔽更好,本次实习中即采用了端接方式B。 (2)连接网线,建立对等网 连接网线的方式与网卡接口与网络结构有关,本局域网中采用的就是星型结构。以集线器(HUB)为中央结点,网络中所有计算机都通过双绞线连接至集线器,通过集线器交换信息。星型结构的优点就是利用中央结点可方便地提供服务与重新配置网络,单个连接点的故障只影响一个设备;缺点就是每个站点直接与中央结点相连,需要大量电缆,费用较高。 连接好网络线后接通计算机电源,观察网卡后面板上的两只LED工作状态指示灯。绿灯亮表示网络线接通,红灯间接闪烁说明网卡工作正常。 (3)MS-DOS方式中,执行ping命令进行测试


由传递函数转换成状态空间模型——方法多!!! SISO 线性定常系统 高阶微分方程化为状态空间表达式 SISO ()()()()()()m n u b u b u b y a y a y a y m m m n n n n ≥+++=++++--- 1102211 )(2 211110n n n n m m m a s a s a s b s b s b s G +++++++=--- 假设1+=m n 外部描述 ←—实现问题:有了部结构—→模拟系统 部描述 SISO ? ??+=+=du cx y bu Ax x 实现问题解决有多种方法,方法不同时结果不同。 一、 直接分解法 因为 1 0111 11()()()()()()()() 1m m m m n n n n Y s Z s Z s Y s U s Z s U s Z s b s b s b s b s a s a s a ----?=? =?++++++++ ???++++=++++=----) ()()() ()()(11 11110s Z a s a s a s s U s Z b s b s b s b s Y n n n n m m m m 对上式取拉氏反变换,则 ? ??++++=++++=----z a z a z a z u z b z b z b z b y n n n n m m m m 1) 1(1)(1)1(1)(0 按下列规律选择状态变量,即设)1(21,,,-===n n z x z x z x ,于是有

?????? ?+----===-u x a x a x a x x x x x n n n n 12113 221 写成矩阵形式 式中,1-n I 为1-n 阶单位矩阵,把这种标准型中的A 系数阵称之为友阵。只要系统状态方程的系数阵A 和输入阵b 具有上式的形式,c 阵的形式可以任意,则称之为能控标准型。 则输出方程 121110x b x b x b x b y m m n n ++++=-- 写成矩阵形式 ??????? ? ????????=--n n m m x x x x b b b b y 12101 1][ 分析c b A ,,阵的构成与传递函数系数的关系。 在需要对实际系统进行数学模型转换时,不必进行计算就可以方便地写出状态空间模型的A 、b 、c 矩阵的所有元素。 例:已知SISO 系统的传递函数如下,试求系统的能控标准型状态空间模型。 4 2383)()(2 3++++=s s s s s U s Y 解:直接得到系统进行能控标准型的转换,即


网络设备的日志管理 在一个完整的信息系统里面,日志系统是一个非常重要的功能组成部分。查看交换机、路由器和其他网络设备的日志,可以帮助网管员迅速了解和诊断问题。一些网管员认为日志管理是信息安全管理的内容,和系统管理关系不大,这绝对是错误的。很多硬件设备的操作系统也具有独立的日志功能,本文以校园网中常见的Cisco设备为代表,着重介绍在网络设备日志管理中最基本的日志记录的方法与功能。 日志消息通常是指Cisco IOS中的系统错误消息。其中每条错误信息都被分配了一个严重级别,并伴随一些指示性问题或事件的描述信息。Cisco IOS发送日志消息(包括debug命令的输出)到日志记录过程。默认情况下,只发送到控制台接口,但也可以将日志记录到路由器内部缓存;在实际的管理工作中,我们一般将日志发送到终端线路,如辅助和VTY线路、系统日志服务器和SNMP管理数据库。 了解日志消息的格式 在Cisco IOS设备中,日志消息采用如下格式: %-- : 下面是一个简单的例子: 这个消息经常出现在Catalyst 4000交换机上(北京地区很多区县都配备此型号交换机),假设日志消息已经启用了时间戳和序列号,对于日志消息,将看到以下信息,首先是序列号,紧接着是时间戳,然后才是真正的消息:

%SYS-4-P2_WARN: 1/Invalid traffic from multicast source address 81:00:01:00:00:00 on port 2/1 这种日志连续出现,我们通查阅CISCO在线文档,或者利用“错误信息解码器工具”分析就可判断出,当交换机收到信息包带有组播MAC地址作为源MAC时,“无效的数据流从组播源地址”系统日志消息生成。 在MAC 地址作为源MAC地址时,帧不是符合标准的工作情况。然而,交换机仍然转发从组播MAC地址发出的数据流。解决方法是设法识别产生帧带有组播源MAC地址的终端站。一般来说,共享组播MAC 地址的这个帧从数据流生成器(例如SmartBits)或第三方设备被传输(例如负载平衡防火墙或服务器产品)。 基本日志记录的配置 在设置日志记录时,需要完成两个基本的任务:打开日志记录和控制日志在线路上的显示。1.打开日志记录 默认地,日志记录只在路由器的终端控制台打开,要在其他地方记录日志,则必须相应的打开日志记录并进行配置。使用logging on命令可打开日志记录;其他的如logging命令,可以为日志记录打开其他已配置的目的地,如系统日志服务器或路由器的内部缓存。在将系统消息记录到除了控制台端口的其他位置之前,必须执行该命令。 2.配置同步日志记录 在路由器线路上显示日志的一个烦人的事情是,可能在我们正在输出入命令的时候,路由器反消息显示在正在输入的命令行中间。虽然这个消息和正在输入的命令无关,我们可能继续


实验四 用MATLAB 求解状态空间模型 1、实验设备 MATLAB 软件 2、实验目的 ① 学习线性定常连续系统的状态空间模型求解、掌握MATLAB 中关于求解该模型的主要函数; ② 通过编程、上机调试,进行求解。 3、实验原理说明 Matlab 提供了非常丰富的线性定常连续系统的状态空间模型求解(即系统运动轨迹的计算)的功能,主要的函数有: 初始状态响应函数initial()、阶跃响应函数step()以及可计算任意输入的系统响应数值计算函数lsim()和符号计算函数sym_lsim()。 数值计算问题可由基本的Matlab 函数完成,符号计算问题则需要用到Matlab 的符号工具箱。 4、实验步骤 ① 根据所给状态空间模型,依据线性定常连续系统状态方程的解理论,采用MATLAB 编程。 ② 在MATLAB 界面下调试程序,并检查是否运行正确。 习题1:试在Matlab 中计算如下系统在[0,5s]的初始状态响应,并求解初始状态响应表达式。 Matlab 程序如下: A=[0 1; -2 -3]; B=[]; C=[]; D=[]; x0=[1; 2]; sys=ss(A,B,C,D); [y,t,x]=initial(sys,x0,0:5); plot(t,x) 0011232????==????--???? x x x

习题2:试在Matlab 中计算如下系统在[0,10s]内周期为3s 的单位方波输入下的状态响应。并计算该系统的单位阶跃状态响应表达式。 Matlab 程序如下: A=[0 1; -2 -3]; B=[0; 1]; C=[]; D=[]; x0=[1; 2]; sys=ss(A,B,C,D); [u t]=gensig('square',3,10,0.1) 0011232????==????--???? x x x



班级: 设计小组人员: 日期:年月日 一、系统概述 “博客”一词是从英文单词Blog音译(不是翻译)而来。Blog是Weblog 的简称,而Weblog则是由Web和Log两个英文单词组合而成。 Weblog就是在网络上发布和阅读的流水记录,通常称为“网络日志”,简称为“网志”。博客(BLOGGER)概念解释为网络出版(Web Publishing)、发表和贴(Post-这个字当名词用时就是指贴的文章)文章,是个急速成长的网络活动,现在甚至出现了一个用来指称这种网络出版和发表文章的专有名词——Weblog,或Blog。 在网络上发表Blog的构想始于1998年,但到了2000年才开始真正流行。而2000年博客开始进入中国,并迅速发展,但都业绩平平。直到2004年木子美事件,才让中国民众了解到了博客,并运用博客。2005年,国各门户,如新浪、搜狐,原不看好博客业务,也加入博客阵营,开始进入博客春秋战国时代。起初,Bloggers将其每天浏览的心得和意见记录下来,并予以公开,来给其他人参考和遵循。但随着Blogging快速扩,它的目的与最初已相去甚远。目前网络上数以千计的Bloggers发表和贴Blog的目的有很大的差异。不过,由于沟通方式比电子、讨论群组更简单和容易,Blog已成为家庭、公司、部门和团队之间越来越盛行的沟通工具,因为它也逐渐被应用在企业部网络(Intranet)。目前,国优秀的中文博客网有:新浪博客,搜狐博客,中国博客网,腾讯博客,博客中国等。 二、需求分析

博客系统是一个多用户、多界面的系统,主要包括以下几个模块组成。 1.匿名用户模块 本模块主要由注册、登录、浏览博客、评论4个部分组成。匿名用户可以对其他用户的博客容时行浏览、评论。也可以通过注册后登录博客系统,申请一个属于自己的博客。 2.注册用户模块 本模块主要由个人信息管理、评论管理、好友管理、相册管理、文章管理5个部分组成。这些功能可以对用户个人博客中的个人信息、好友、评论、相册和文章进行设置。 3.系统管理模块 本模块主要由用户管理、评论审核管理、相册审核管理、文章审核管理、管理5部分组成。这是为了对注册用户的博客容与个人信息进行管理,并对博客中的评论、相册、文章进行审核,审核通过后才能发表。 综合所述,博客系统的总体功能需求如下图所示。 三、建立系统用例模型


怎样写博客许多网友在百度知道上问,怎样做博客,怎样写博客?他们的意思一是怎样开博客,二是如何发博客文章、充实自己博客的内容。怎样开通博客就不说了,怎样写博客,就是如何发文,如何添加日志。老早以前在没有电脑,不知博客时,大家都把心里话写在了记事本上,如今会用电脑会写博客的人越来越多,大家都把记事本改为了博客屋,跟大家一起来分享。那么怎样来做好自己的博客呢?博客里的发文、写日志也不仅仅是发布文章,它还包括发图片,加视频实际上就是发文章、放图片和视频博客里有这么几项组成:“博客”(有的叫“博文” ,有的叫“日志”)“相册”“音乐”有的还有“播客”。如何发博文在你注册有了博客,登录后,点“博客”或“日志”,有“写博文”“发日志”“写新文章”等提示,进入后你就可尽情地写博客。发博文主要包括发文章、发图片、发视频。发文章。登录后,进入您的博客,点击“发博文”(或“发新文章”“发日志”)按钮。进入到文章编辑页面,输入文章的标题和内容。输入完毕之后,在相应栏目中填上你要发表的文章的系统分类和我的日志分类点击“发博文”按钮就可以将文章发布了。写文章最好先写到文档,或记事本里。在文档或记事本里先编辑好,需要发表博文时,只要复制粘贴就好了。做好后,别忘了点击“发表日志”或“发表文章”。有许多实用的编辑功能,您可以对博文进行排版与美化。点击“切换到更多功能”还可以使用更加丰富的编辑功能。发图片。进入到您的博客后,进入发博文页面,点击“插入图片”。可以从您的电脑里上传图片,从相册添加图片,引用网络图片。从您的电脑里上传图片:点击“浏览”按钮选择您需要上传的图片,点击“添加”后,照片开始上传。图片上传成功后,点击“插入图片”即可将其加入到博文中。从相册添加图片:勾选后,选择“相册”插入图片“按钮。引用网络图片:输入图片的地址,点击”添加“。添加成功后,点击页面下方的“插入图片”。发视频。登录后,进入您的博客。进入发博文页面,点击“插入视频”。选择需要插入的视频文件,可以从电脑中选择需要添加的视频文件,也可以选择插入网络视频。如何做相册点击进入相册后,点击右上角的“发图片”按钮开始上传。点击“浏览”按钮,选择您要上传的图片,点击“继续上传”,就会增加第6-10张的上传入口。当您选择完要上传的图片后,填写图片标签,选择要加入的专辑,点击“开始上传”按钮。照片上传后,可以进行信息的批量修改。进入修改页面,进行添加描述或修改标题、标签等操作。如何做音乐有的网站博客固定有“音乐”模块,有的网站需要设置,添加音乐播放器。有了“音乐”或音乐播放器后,你要新建专辑,如“流行歌曲”、“老歌”、“合唱歌曲”、“乐曲”、“舞曲”等。建好了专辑,接下来就是添加歌曲了。您有两个方式进行歌曲的添加。点击“随机推荐”按钮,系统会从当前最热门的歌曲中为您随机推荐20首,您可以试听然后添加自己喜欢的歌曲。点击“添加歌曲”按钮,可以搜索歌曲然后进行添加。您可以直接输入歌曲关键字进行搜索,也可以通过热门歌手和24小时热门新歌进行搜索。如果您的专辑已有音乐内容,您也可以进行继续添加。进入专辑详情页面,点击右上方的“添加歌曲”即可。做成好博客并不容易,为了做好博客我们要不断地学习,不断地充实自己,让自己的博客尽可能地丰满一点。
