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AWA 七宗罪写作模板

AWA 七宗罪写作模板
AWA 七宗罪写作模板

GMAT Essay Model


The conclusion endorsed in this argument is that…Several reasons are offered in support of this argument. First of all, the author points out that… In addition, the author reasons that… What’s more, he also assumes that … At first glance, the author’s argument appears to be somewhat convincing, but further reflection reveals that the conclusion is based on some dubious assumptions and the reasoning is biased due to the inadequacy and partiality in the nature of evidence provided to justify the conclusion. A careful examination would review how groundless this conclusion is.


结论无据(other factors)

The author assumes that A is due to B.

However, B may be an important contributing factor but not necessary the only one. For example, such factors as… and ……may account for A.

Without taking into account other essential factors, the assumption is unsupportable. The author has to rule out other factors that may lead to the conclusion.


The author falsely establishes a causal relationship.

The mere fact that A is somewhat correlated with B is insufficient to establish a causal relationship.

For example...

Without taking into account the real relationship between two events, the assumption is unreasonable.

The author has to provide more concrete evidence to prove a causal relationship between A and B.


The author assumes that A is analogous to B

However, their discrepancy outweighs their similarities. The author actually makes a false analogy.

For example, A and B will be poles apart if…

Without taking into account such discrepancy, the assumption is groundless.

The author has to provide the A resembles B in all aspects.


The author assumes that conditions of will remain unchanged as they were before. However, the future is uncertain. The argument commits a fallacy of “All things are equal”.

For example…

Without taking into account such possibilities, the assumption is ungrounded.

The author has to rule out other possibilities that may lead to the conclusion.


The author assumes that A and B are mutually exclusive alternatives.

And by applying such an “either-or” reasoning, the author actually presents a false dilemma.

For example, there could have other possibilities that…

Without taking account into other options, the assumption is unfair.

The author has to rule out other options that may lead to the conclusion.

可疑调查(gratuitous assumption)

The evidence quoted is intended to support the author’s claim that….

However, the evidence is too vague to be informative.

For example…

Without taking into account such potential issues, the issues may portrait a distorted view of…….and mislead the mass audience.

The author has to provide the evidence to rule out that possibility.


The author relies on the assumption that A is typical of B as a whole.

However, the evidence quoted is too limited to substantiate the assumption.

For example, it is entirely possible that……

Without taking into account such cases, the assumption is unwarranted.

The author has to provide the evidence that A is representative of the whole group.


To conclude, this argument is not persuasive as it stands. Accordingly, it is imprudent for the author to claim that…. To make this argument logically acceptable, the author would have to show that…. In addition, to solidify the conclusion, the author should provide concrete evidence as well to demonstrate that…. Only with more convincing evidence could this argument become more than just an emotional appeal.


《七宗罪》电影表现艺术赏析 环艺设计1401班吴雪松感悟: 本部影片被认定为心理惊悚片,我觉得更像是一部发人深省的警世录。导演通过布置玄疑的情节,导引观众一步步走向最终目的――用心认识这七宗大罪。 影片看到多一半的时候,还觉得是在浪费自己的时间,没有半点收获。直到John Doe出现,让我们真正接触到那个人,被David认为是撒旦是恶魔那个人,没有令人恐怖的外表,凶恶的表情,而是锐利的眼神,冷静的头脑,缜密的思维。这样睿智的一个人,联想他做过的一切,却令人不寒而栗。 约翰:“一个死胖子,胖到自己不能站立,你若在街上看到他将与朋友一起嘲笑他,你若在餐厅遇见他,他将使你食难下咽……一个律师——你们应该为我的作为而暗暗庆贺——穷其一生都在通过欺骗的手段赚黑心钱!一个女人,竟然无法忍受外表美丽的丧失,足见内心的丑陋!一个毒贩,一个鸡奸犯——事实上,还有带菌的妓女……在这

个令人作呕的世界上,你怎能称他们‘无辜’?你怎能对此无动于衷?” 给我们震撼的一段话,对于这个社会,我们已经习惯了这七种“原罪”,开始去思考何谓有罪,何谓无罪?在这个社会上我们只是按既定的规则玩牌,并一代接一代的传承,法律在张显着它的作用,保护该保护的,惩罚该惩罚的。我们也在法律的树荫下进行着自己的生活,习惯着冷漠,群居动物之间少有的冷漠。“原罪”已经被忘记了,用哲学的话说,是意识形态里的既定的得到肯定和默认的思维。 电影没有同它的落幕而结束,它激起了每一个人的“原罪”意识,令我们看完不禁胆战心惊,没错!别再怀疑,你我都有罪! 七宗罪这部电影从一个新颖的角度深刻的反应了道德沦丧等的社会问题。通过犯罪者的所犯罪孽和警察也同样是七宗罪的罪人之一的剧情设定,使剧情更加完整。同时也塑造了一个犯罪者的反面形象。


GMAT写作题库范文(三十一) 写作是个厚积薄发的考试,同学们在备考GMAT写作时,不仅要多练习,也要去掌握一些重点语句。有些题库范文是需要大家掌握并且熟练记忆的,熟记于心才能运用自如,才能举一反三。接下来小编就给大家介绍一下GMAT写作范文,希望对大家备考GMAT写作考试有帮助。 31. The following appeared as part of the business plan of an investment and financial consulting firm. “Studies suggest that an average coffee drinker’s consumption of coffee increases with age, from age 10 through age 60. Even after age 60, coffee consumption remains high. The average cola drinker’s consumption of cola, however, declines with increasing age. Both of these trends have remained stable for the past 40 years. Given that the number of older adults will significantly increase as the population ages over the next 20 years, it follows that the demand for coffee will increase and the demand for cola will decrease during this period. We should, therefore, consider transferring our investments from Cola Loca to Early Bird Coffee.” Discuss how well reasoned... etc. 一家投资财经咨询公司的商务计划: 研究显示一个普通咖啡消费者的咖啡消耗从10到60岁随年龄增长,甚至在60岁以后,咖啡消费仍然保持很高。而一般的可乐消费者的可乐消费随年龄增加递减。在过去40年中这两个趋势都很稳定。由于在未来的20年内老年人口将显著增加,咖啡需求回增长而可乐需求会降低。因此,我们应该考虑将我们的投资从可口可乐转向雀巢咖啡。


GMAT考试的经验教训 我是2006年9月开始念国内的硕士,从那时开始准备GMAT考试,忽紧忽松地复习了一年多,2007年10月31日一战640+5.5,又准备42天,2007年12月12日二战770+5.5。现在回想起整个准备过程,真是颇有感慨,不过把这结果已经看得淡了,还是觉得过程更重要。世界上的事情大都如此吧:当你付出过,也得到了还不错的结果,回头再看,你总会把过程看得更重一些。这是我GMAT考试的经验教训。 我不是大神。我觉得,对大多数非牛人的备考者,比较理想的GMAT分数都应该由以下几方面组成:努力+方法+心态+机经+运气,而且其重要程度是递减的。如果你是牛人,我想我这篇总结可以不看。如果你不是牛人,尤其是新手,我觉得这篇还是比较值得一看的。好,言归正传。 1 努力 如果你不是牛人,准备GMAT的过程中千万别把自己当人看,一定要敢于让自己过一种猪狗不如的备考生活。前程百利上的牛人很多,像小安(牛到可以把GMAT阅读的方法烂熟于胸),像88天800分的大牛tonyadidas(我对此位牛人很是敬佩。他虽然巨牛,但说话很实在,对一些资料的见解相当高明),还有经常可见的那些帖子“菜鸟两个月一战7**”,等等这都是牛人。千万别幻想你也这么牛。也许你可以变得这么牛,但那必须先经过艰苦的努力。 所以,我的意见是,如果你不是牛人,那些帖子对于你价值不大:要么根本不要去看,要么坚定地抱着“扬弃”的观念,只选适合自己的地方看,一看就知道不适合自己以及一下子还不知道适不适合自己的地方,都千万别看。 我认为我准备的过程还是一直比较努力的。举两方面的例子。前程百利上好多人(包括一战时的携隐)都说,自己没怎么看作文,只是临时背了背模板,看了几篇高频,就去考试;但我不敢托大,不敢小看作文,我在作文上花了不少时间,计时练习了六十多篇,而且好好总结了两遍。前程百利上


《七宗罪》影评 古典主义的行为艺术 是一部关于宗教的电影,七宗罪,顾名思义,在宗教中,是属于人类恶行的分类,天主教教义分辨出教徒常遇到的重大恶行”,这些恶行最初是由受过希腊神学及哲学的沙漠隐修士埃瓦格里乌斯·庞帝古斯定义出八种损害个人灵性的恶行,分别是贪食、色欲、贪婪、悲叹、暴怒、懒惰、自负及傲慢。庞义伐观察到当时的人们逐渐变得自我中心,尤以傲慢为甚。这也成为电影的一大线索。 “暴食”、“贪婪”、“懒惰”、“嫉妒”、“骄傲”、“淫欲”、“愤怒”,这是天主教教义所指的人性七宗罪。城市中发生的连坏杀人案,死者恰好都是犯有这些教义的人。凶手故弄玄虚的作案手法,令资深冷静的警员沙摩塞和血气方刚的新扎警员米尔斯都陷入了破案的谜团中。他们去图书馆研读但丁的《神曲》,企图从人间地狱的描绘中找到线索,最后从宗教文学哲学的世界中找到了凶手作案计划和手段的蛛丝马迹。凶手前来投案自首,这令众人都松了一口气,以为案件就此结束,怎料还是逃不出七宗罪的杀人逻辑, 威廉是纽约警察局的刑事警官,也是个凶杀案专家,他当了32年的警察,多年来几乎每一分钟都在辛劳地工作,他也看到和感受到了太多的不幸,他觉得疲惫极了,幸好现在还有7天他就要退休了,终于可以享享清福了。为了接替他的工作,上司又给他派了一个新搭档——年轻气盛的米尔斯,他是和妻子翠西一同搬到纽约来的,起初翠西并不同意来这座繁乱的城市,但米尔斯认为只有这里才能让他接手一些重要的案子,于是在他的百般劝说下,翠西才同意了。威廉作风严谨,办事老成,米尔斯则有些冲动,心高气傲的他对威廉办案的方式很不以为然。 也许是冥冥之中已经注定了的,米尔斯的第一个案子正是威廉的最后一个案子:一个胖得出奇的男人在家中被杀了。可是在现场,米尔斯和威廉却没有发现什么线索。紧接着另一起案子发生了,一位富有的辩护律师格特被杀害,在凶案现场的地板上,凶手用血写着两个字:贪婪。细心的威廉重新回到前一个案发现场,不露掉每一个蛛丝马迹,终于在冰箱后面发现了两个字:暴食。这时他们才醒悟到原来他是被强迫吃下大量的东西直到胃被撑破而死的。威廉猛想到了《失乐园》中的语句──基督教的七重罪孽:暴食、贪婪、懒惰、愤怒、骄傲、淫欲和嫉妒。他认为接下来还会发生5个谋杀案,分别与其他的诫条可怕地联系起来,可米尔斯却并不相信。 翠西邀请威廉来家中吃饭。米尔斯有些不高兴,但翠西却和威廉谈得很愉快。在现场发现的指纹使格特的当事人毒贩维克多成了怀疑对象。他有前科,而且有心理疾病。但当警察赶去拘捕他时,却发现他早已经死了,在墙上写着“懒惰”二字。通过图书馆内部的调查资料,威廉终于把目标锁定为记者约翰·多伊,一个为了不留下自己的指纹而将手指上的皮剥掉的变态者。但当威廉和米尔斯前去寻


《七宗罪》电影赏析 姓名: 班级: 学号:

七宗罪影视赏析 看完《七宗罪》,想到的是大卫〃芬奇的另一部电影《天生杀人狂》,还有北武野出演的《大逃杀1》,或许还有些别的,像《沉默的羔羊》之类的影片。他们讲的故事,本身大都虚构离奇又残暴,影片的结局也颇有些出其不意的“尽如人意”或“不尽如人意”。无论这些“出其不意”是导演刻意为了让观众记住这遗憾的影片,还是出于剧本内容本质的需要。首先能看到的,就是在影片片头开始,鲜明的影片分级级别。 很多时候,社会的病态、人性的病态、更多“背后的东西”,温吞的表现方式是不足以引起警戒,反倒是血腥、残暴、惊悚、变态的不合理的表现方式,如同硬生生从活人身上扯下一块皮肉的痛,更容易让人深切记忆并沉静反思。 而这样的表现主题和表达方式,必是需要一个更为宽阔的胸怀,才可被容忍、默许、接纳、认可。 “人民的承受能力,远比统治者想象的要强大”。而统治者,却沉浸在自己的认识中,逶迤不前。 《七宗罪》结束时斯班瑟说“海明威说:这个世界如此美好,值得人们为它奋斗。 七宗罪——暴食、贪婪、懒惰、淫欲、骄傲、嫉妒和愤怒——被天主教认为是遭永劫的七种大罪。 影片《七宗罪》以浑暗为大背景描述了在一个多雨城市的犯罪故事:威廉是纽约警察局的刑事警官,也是个凶杀案专家,他当了3

2年的警察,多年来几乎每一分钟都在辛劳地工作,他也看到和感受到了太多的不幸,他觉得疲惫极了,幸好现在还有7天他就要退休了,终于可以享享清福了。 为了接替他的工作,上司又给他派了一个新搭档——年轻气盛的米尔斯,他是和妻子翠西一同搬到纽约来的,起初翠西并不同意来这座繁乱的城市,但米尔斯认为只有这里才能让他接手一些重要的案子,于是在他的百般劝说下,翠西才同意了。威廉作风严谨,办事老成,米尔斯则有些冲动,心高气傲的他对威廉办案的方式很不以为然。 也许是冥冥之中已经注定了的,米尔斯的第一个案子正是威廉的最后一个案子——一个胖得出奇的男人在家中被杀了,可是在现场,米尔斯和威廉却没有发现什么线索。 紧接着另一起案子发生了,一位富有的辩护律师格特被杀害,在凶案现场的地板上,凶手用血写着两个字:贪婪。细心的威廉重新回到前一个案发现场,不露掉每一个蛛丝马迹,终于在冰箱后面发现了两个字:暴食。这时他们才醒悟到原来他是被强迫吃下大量的东西直到胃被撑破而死的。 威廉猛想到了《失乐园》中的语句──基督教的七重罪孽:暴食、贪婪、懒惰、愤怒、骄傲、淫欲和嫉妒。他认为接下来还会发生5个谋杀案,分别与其他的诫条可怕地联系起来,可米尔斯却并不相信。 翠西邀请威廉来家中吃饭。米尔斯有些不高兴,但翠西却和威廉谈得很愉快。 在现场发现的指纹使格特的当事人毒贩维克多成了怀疑对象。他


GMAT写作题库范文(四) 写作是个厚积薄发的考试,同学们在备考GMAT写作时,不仅要多练习,也要去掌握一些重点语句。有些题库范文是需要大家掌握并且熟练记忆的,熟记于心才能运用自如,才能举一反三。接下来小编就给大家介绍一下GMAT写作范文,希望对大家备考GMAT写作考试有帮助。 4. The following appeared in a report presented for discussion at a meeting of the directors of a company that manufactures parts for heavy machinery. “The falling revenues that the company is experiencing coincide with delays in manufacturing. These delays, in turn, are due in large part to poor planning in purchasing metals. Consider further that the manager of the department that handles purchasing of raw materials has an excellent background in general business, psychology, and sociology, but knows little about the properties of metals. The company should, therefore, move the purchasing manager to the sales department and bring in a scientist from the research division to be manager of the purchasing department.” Discuss how well reasoned... etc. 生产重工业部件的公司的领导人的会议辩论:


如果你只剩两个月--GMAT考试新手冲7复习攻略 大家都对自己的目前的水平并没有一个合适的认识,或者打算先考一次。而对于一些机会不多的同学来说,我们应该合理的安排时间,平稳复习,实力才是硬道理。特别是一些还有两个月以上备考的新手。接下来小编就带大家看看GMAT考试新手复习攻略的相关介绍,希望大家顺利备考GMAT考试。 1、考试形式和分数构成 GMAT怎么考呢,一共四个部分。verbal(语法、逻辑、阅读)、数学、IR(综合推理,也就是图表题)、写作(现在只要写一篇AWA)。 大家一定都知道都在说“语法为王”。为什么呢?要深刻理解这句话,要先知道GMAT的算分制度,我们天天梦想的700+是什么——verbal+math。IR和作文分数都是另算的(IR满分8分,作文满分6分),在成绩单上也是单独分列出来的。那么很清楚了,从某种意义上说,能不能700+只跟verbal和math有关。然后Math对于中国人来说真的不难拿50+,所以verbal就成为重点了。我打算把重点放最后。 我建议备考顺序按照先逐项的顺序。从verbal入手,把OG做了。前面一段时间(我不知道你们计划的复习时间有多长)主攻verbal。之后再慢慢加入数学、IR和作文。 2、数学怎么考 大家都说数学不要怕,提前一个多月开始做prep和机经就可以了。作为一个新手你一定很紧张,说实话,我是提前开始复习数学的。因为初中高中的数学真的全忘光了,如果我不做点题,不知道数学有多难,心里实在没底,好紧张。做完OG的数学部分,心里才安了一点。现在,对于数学,我可以很负责地说,真的不要怕,连一点点都没必要。每天抽一点时间做做题,没有大的问题。


老:Get out of the van! 从车里出来! Out ! 出来! 递:Jesus Christ, man. Don’t shoot me. 天哪,老兄。不要开枪。 老:Step away. 离车远点。 Turn around. Put your hands on your head. 转过去,手抱头。 (飞:What the hell is going on? 到底发生了什么?) 老:Why and what are you doing here? 你为什么来这里? 递:I’m delivering a package man. 我只是送快递而已。 I got a package for this guy, David. 我有个快递要送给戴维。 Detective... 警探 David Mills. 戴维?米尔斯 老:Get it. Slowly. 拿过来。慢一点。 (飞:He’s opening the back of van. 他正在打开火车的后备箱。 We’ve got him in sight. 我们瞄准他了。) 递:This guy paid me ﹩500 to bing it out here, man. 有人出500块让我把它带过来。 He said he wanted it here at exactly 7 o’clock. 他让我在7点钟准时送到。 老:Put it down. 放下来。 We got a box 我们有个盒子。 (飞:We got a box . Call the bomb squad. 有一个盒子,快找拆弹组。 Bomb squad . We got a box . 拆弹组,我们这有个盒子。) 老:Face the van. 面朝货车。 Hands up. 举起手来。 Turn around . 转过来。 Okay. Go. 好的,快走。 Off you go. Go . 快离开这里。快。 I’m sending the driver out on foot . 我让司机跑着离开了。 (飞:He’s headed north, along the road. 他沿着路往北跑了。) 老:Have him picked up . 找人去接他。 Oh, I don’t know . 我不知道。 I’m going to open it. 我要打开它了。 罪:When i said i admire you , i meant what i said . 我说过我很佩服你,我是说真的。——打开箱子—— 老:It’s blood . 是血。 罪:You’ve made quite a life for yourself, Detective. 你有着美满幸福的生活,警探。 You should be very proud. 你应该很自豪。 轻:Shut the fuck up , you piece of shit . 闭上你的狗嘴,混蛋。 老:California, stay away from here . 加州号,不要靠近。 Stay away from here , now . Don’t, don’t , don’t come in here . 离这里远点,不要过来,不要。


GMAT写作模板:开头结尾 Argument 开头: In the argument, the arguer/writher concludes/recommends/suggests/claims/predicts/argue that………..because/(and provide sth. as evidence) In the passage, the arguer/writer cites …..as example in support of the argument that… To supporty his conclusion/ assume/ dubious/ Although the author’s argument appears to be somewhat convincing/appealing/attractive/reasonable, but some critical flaws can be revealed if we examin(?深入思考) twice. This argument is problematic for the following reasons.(logical) At first glance, the author’s argument appears to be somewhat convicing/appealing/attractive, but thorough examination the argument reveals problematic because of several critical flaws that are discussed below. (this argument is unwarranted) The author employs several lines of reasoning to reach this conclusion. For one thing, for another Citing the evidence that ,the author asserts that . This assertion is not convincing because…Based upon… 过渡: In the first place The arguer then recklessly assumes that However For instance Hence Lastly, Most apparently,in addition,moreover 结尾: In conclusion, the author makes many logical errors, so the final perspective of the author’s argument is highly suspected. If writer were to consider the above problems and significantly improve his logic and give some other examples, the argement ment would be more convincing. From the above we have concerned, it is unacceptable and not persuasive as it stands. The argument can be substantiated by providing more solid evidence that……In addition, to further bloster the conclusion, the arguer should furnish a demonstration concerning………. Accordingly, only with more logical reasoning could this argument be more than just an emotional appeal. In summary , the author provides an incomplete analysis of the problem and as a result, provides a questionable solution. To strengthen the argument, To summarize, If the argument is meant to be convincing, specific informations

AWA 七宗罪写作模板

GMAT Essay Model 开头段 The conclusion endorsed in this argument is that…Several reasons are offered in support of this argument. First of all, the author points out that… In addition, the author reasons that… What’s more, he also assumes that … At first glance, the author’s argument appears to be somewhat convincing, but further reflection reveals that the conclusion is based on some dubious assumptions and the reasoning is biased due to the inadequacy and partiality in the nature of evidence provided to justify the conclusion. A careful examination would review how groundless this conclusion is. AWA七宗罪 结论无据(other factors) The author assumes that A is due to B. However, B may be an important contributing factor but not necessary the only one. For example, such factors as… and ……may account for A. Without taking into account other essential factors, the assumption is unsupportable. The author has to rule out other factors that may lead to the conclusion. 无因果联系 The author falsely establishes a causal relationship. The mere fact that A is somewhat correlated with B is insufficient to establish a causal relationship. For example... Without taking into account the real relationship between two events, the assumption is unreasonable. The author has to provide more concrete evidence to prove a causal relationship between A and B.

GMAT高分范文100篇(附录 GMAT写作高分模板与针对性黄金句型)【圣才出品】

附录GMAT写作高分模板与针对性黄金句型 ◆简化结构模板 (Sample template for the first paragraph) The author concludes that________,because________.The author's line of reasoning is that________.This argument is unconvincing for several reasons;it is________and it uses_________. (First Body Paragraph) First of all,________is based upon the questionable assumption________that _________,however,___________.In addition,________. (Second Body Paragraph) Secondly,the author assumes that_________.Nevertheless,__________.It seems equally reasonable to assume that__________. (Third Body Paragraph) Thirdly,_________.The author fails to consider________.For instance,________. Because the author's argument___________.

(Final Paragraph) In conclusion,I agree that________.However,__________. ◆详细内容模板 (该模板仅供参考,考生可根据实际情况对内容进行取舍) (一) In this argument the author reaches the conclusion that....The basis for this recommendation is that....An additional reason given in support of this recommendation is that...(The author cites...as an example in support of this recommendation).At first glance,the author's argument appears to be somewhat convincing,but further reflection reveals that it omits some important concerns that should be addressed to substantiate the argument. In the first place,the argument has also committed a false analogy fallacy.The argument rests on the assumption that A is analogous to B in all respects,and the author assumes without justification that all things are equal,and that the background conditions have remained the same at different times or at different locations.There is,however,no guarantee that this is the case.Nor does the author cite any evidence to support this https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2914921206.html,cking this assumption,the conclusion that…is entirely unfounded.In fact,it is highly doubtful that the facts drawn from B are applicable to A.Differences between A and B clearly out weight


[原创]AA七宗罪的记忆方法:因、果、证 分析了两个晚上的AA,发现“七宗罪”确实是好东西,就是那些“罪”太多、而且过于零散,很难记忆。因此将七宗罪分类整理了一下,按照论证的原因、结果、论证过程三部分,归为三个类别: 因、果、证 1、因 就是原因上的问题,有以下三个: 可疑调查 样本不足 结论无据 2、果 就是结论上的问题,有以下两个: 无因果联系 二者择一 3、证 就是论证过程上的问题,有以下两个,纵向横向各一个: 错误类比(横向) 时地全等(纵向) 这样,只要记住了三字诀:因、果、证,就很容易记牢全部七宗罪了。 顺便分析一下本月JJ的一篇AA: “Our total sales have increased this year by 20 percent since we added a pharmacy section to our grocery store. Clearly, the customer’s main concern is the convenience afforded by one-stop shopping. // 无因果联系,可能另有他因。The surest way to increase our profits over the next couple of years, therefore, is to add a clothing department along with an automotive supplies and repair

shop. We should also plan to continue adding new departments and services, such as a restaurant and a garden shop, in subsequent years. // 时地全等Being the only store in the area that offers such a range of services will give us a competitive advantage over other local stores.” // 结论无据 附:七宗罪 第一宗罪:无因果联系 The author commits a fallacy of causal oversimplification. The line of the reasoning is that because A occurred before B, the former event is responsible for the latter. (The author uses the positive correlation between A and B to establish causality. However, the fact that A coincides with B does not necessarily prove that A caused B.) But this is fallacious reasoning unless other possible causal explanations have been considered and ruled out. For example, perhaps C is the cause of these events or perhaps B is caused by D. 第二宗罪样本不足Insufficient-sample The evidence the author provides is insufficient to support the conclusion drawn from it. One example is logically unsounded to establish a general conclusion (The statistics from only a few recent years are not necessarily a good indicator of future trends), unless it can be shown that A1 is representative of all A. It is possible that.... In fact, in face of such limited evidence, the conclusion that B is completely unwarranted. 第三宗罪: 错误类比(based on a false analogy )<横向> The argument rests on the assumption that A is analogous to B in all respects. This assumption is weak, since although there are points of comparison between A and B, there is much dissimilarity as well. For example, A..., however, B.... Thus, it is likely much more difficult for B to do.... 第四宗罪时地全等all things are equal<纵向> The author commits the fallacy of “all things are equal”. The fact that happened two years ago is not a sound evidence to draw a conclusion that.... The author assumes without justification that the background conditions have remained the same at different times or at different locations. However, it is not clear in this argument whether the current conditions at AA are the same as they used to be two years ago. Thus it is impossible to conclude that.... 第五宗罪二者择一Either-Or choice The author assumes that AA and BB are mutually exclusive alternatives and there is no room for a middle ground. However, the author provides no reason for imposing an either-or choice. Common sense tells us that adjusting both AA and BB might produce better results. 第六宗罪可疑调查survey is doubtful The poll cited by the author is too vague to be informative. The claim does not indicate who conducted the poll, who responded, or when, where and how the poll was conducted. (Lacking information about the number of people surveyed and the number of respondents, it is impossible to access the validity of the


《七宗罪》赏析 《七宗罪》无论是从背景、主题、风格,还是从故事结构、镜头设计、画面构图、灯光色彩上来说,都有很多值得赏析的东西。下面我从故事结构、镜头设计、灯光色彩上来谈一谈我的浅见。 一、故事结构。 电影的开头是一个下着雨的早晨,年轻警官米尔斯起床,穿衣,准备去上班。这里的片段全部是用近景拍摄,突出人物和人物动作。 在米尔斯和他妻子吻别的时候,不知道为什么,我突然有点不太好的预感。也许是因为在看电影之前听人说这部片子的每个场景都有深刻寓意,值得好好推敲。所以会下意识地想导演刻画这么温馨的一幕有什么别的涵义。果不其然,这一开场的场面调度为结局做了很好的感情铺垫,让人觉得头尾贯连,事出有因。 接着音乐响起,迎来了这个连环杀人案件中第一个案件。在故事情节上,作者浓彩重墨的的给我们展现了这个部分。接下来的几个案子相对来说就省略一些。这种张弛有度的情节设计使影片更加有节奏感。 在结局部分,导演把场景安排在一个荒芜人烟的原野里。和之前狭隘拥挤的室内犯罪现场想比,这样的场景虽然不会给人带来窒息感,却产生另一种由神秘未知带来的紧张感。 让观众希望的美好结局出现反转,这是很多电影为了被人们记住而使用的有效手段之一。于是,年轻警察米尔斯的妻子翠西死了。于是,性感迷人的他因为爱妻犯了罪,成为了杀人凶手完美计划的执行者,让很多人深感遗憾。 在这个部分,年轻警官妻子的人头镜头特写只是很短暂的一瞬。看见警官愤怒痛苦的表情镜头时,我会不由自主地想起之前他和爱妻吻别的第一个场景。正是因为有了之前那样温馨一幕的铺垫,此时对他不可抑制的痛苦,我们更能直观地感同身受,理解他对凶手开枪的冲动。如果没有之前的镜头,我们可能觉得这个情节有点儿突兀抽象,只是在理性上理解,感观上的理解并不那么强烈充分。 这个结局虽然不太符合喜欢大团圆结局的人的口味,但比较一下各种可能的结局之后,就会忍不住再次为编剧的情节设计拍手叫好。 二、镜头设计。 在第一个案件中,镜头先是用近景在外面跟着两位警察走,等到两位警察走


GMAT写作七宗罪详细分析 GMAT写作七宗罪在GMAT写作中的地位不容小觑,考生想要获得GMAT写作高分就必须对GMAT写作七宗罪有全面准确的理解,这样才能保证GMAT作文的质量。接下来小编就GMAT写作七宗罪为大家做详细介绍,希望对大家的GMAT写作备考有帮助。 一、什么是“七宗罪” GMAT作文七宗罪是指GMAT驳论文Argument题目中存在的逻辑漏洞或错误,考生根据考试中常见的逻辑漏洞和考察方向把其总结为“七宗罪”,既形象又方便参加GMAT考试备考的考生进行背诵。考生在备考时可以按照七宗罪中的逻辑错误类型进行有目的的查找,一方面节省了考试时间,另一方面确保找到的逻辑错误的准确,对于提升GMAT写作效率也非常有帮助。 通常考生所说的七宗罪指的就是:第一宗罪:无因果联系,第二宗罪:样本不足,第三宗罪:错误类比(横向)第四宗罪:时地全等(没有用发展的观点看待问题),第五宗罪:二者择一(非此即彼),第六宗罪:可疑调查,第七宗罪:结论无据(无根据假设)。可能个别地方的叫法不完全一样,考生只要知道其表达的真正意义即可。更多相关内容请点击GMAT写作考试七宗罪分析。 二、七宗罪包含哪些内容 第一宗罪:无因果联系,是指作者给出的解释和得出的结论没有因果上的联系,或者是二者毫不相关。 The author commits a fallacy of causal oversimplification. The line of the reasoning is that because A occurred before B, the former event is responsible for the latter. But this is fallacious reasoning unless other possible causal explanations have been considered and ruled out. For example, perhaps C is the cause of these events or perhaps B is caused by D.
