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weir flow 堰流

weir tank 溢流罐

weir 堰;溢水口

Weiss's theory of magnetism 魏斯磁化理论Weissenberg effect 韦斯伯格效应

weiver 放弃

Weiyuanpollenites 威远粉属

weld area 焊接区

weld assembly 焊接构件

weld bead 焊道

weld code 焊接规程

weld crosswise 交叉焊接

weld decay 焊缝腐蚀

weld defects 焊接缺陷

weld dilution 焊接稀释

weld ductility test 焊缝延伸试验

weld edgewise 边缘焊接

weld ell 焊接弯头

weld intercrystalline corrosion 焊缝晶间腐蚀weld joint factor 焊缝系数

weld joint 焊接连接

weld machined flush 削平补强的焊缝

weld metal crack 焊缝裂纹

weld metal 焊缝金属

weld pass 焊道

weld penetration 焊透深度

weld pipe 焊接管

weld puddle 熔池

weld quality 焊接质量

weld ripples 焊波

weld strength 焊接强度

weld up 填焊

weld width 焊缝宽度

weld with backing ring 背面垫环焊接

weld with backing strip 背面垫板条焊接weld zone 焊接区

weld 焊

weld-end fittings 焊接管件

weld-on centralizer 焊在工作管柱上的扶正片weld-on type tool joint 焊接式钻杆接头weldability 可焊性

weldbonding 粘合焊接

welded blade stabilizer 焊接翼片式稳定器

welded butt joint 对焊

welded casing 焊接套管

welded connection 焊接合

welded corner joint 角焊接

welded flange 焊接法兰

welded joint 焊接接头

welded pipe 焊制管

welded rib stabilizer 焊接棱翼式稳定器welded steel tank 焊制金属罐

welded structure 焊接结构

welded tuff 熔结凝灰岩

welded 焊制的

welded-on stabilizer 焊接式稳定器

welder carriage 自动电焊机组

welder qualification 焊工资格审定

welder with taps 抽头式焊机

welder 焊机;焊工

welder's goggles 焊工护目镜

welder's helmet 焊工帽

welder's helper 焊工助手

welder's lifting platform 焊接升降台welding accessories 焊接用具

welding alloy 焊料

welding arc 焊弧

welding bench 焊接工作台

welding booth 焊接间

welding bottle 氧气瓶

welding bug 沿管子作圆周运动的自动电焊机welding burner 焊炬喷嘴

welding by both sides 双面焊

welding by one side 单面焊

welding chamber 焊接舱

welding compounds 焊药

welding connector 焊接电缆接线柱welding crack 焊接裂纹

welding current 焊接电流

welding deformation 焊接变形

welding electrode holder 焊条夹

welding electrode 电焊条

welding end 焊接端

welding flame 焊接火焰

welding flange 焊接法兰

welding flux 焊剂

welding foroe 电极压力

welding fusion 焊点熔接

welding gang 焊工班

welding gear 焊接设备

welding generator 电焊发电机

welding glass 黑玻璃

welding goggles 焊缝用扩目镜

welding ground 电焊接地线

welding gun 焊枪

welding habitat 焊接舱

welding hood 电焊工面罩

welding inspection 焊接检查

welding joint 焊接接头

welding machine 焊机

welding material 焊接材料

welding outfit 焊接机组

welding paste 焊接涂料

welding powder 焊粉

welding procedure 焊接程序

welding process 焊接法

welding puddle 焊接溶潭

welding quality 焊接质量

welding rectifier 焊接整流器

welding reinforcement 焊缝加厚welding residual stress 焊接残余应力welding robot 焊接机器人

welding rod coating 焊条上的焊药welding rod with acidic coating 酸性焊条welding rod with alkaline coating 碱性焊条welding rod 焊条

welding seam 焊缝

welding sequence 焊接程序

welding shop 焊接车间

welding slag 焊渣

welding sleeves 焊工套袖

welding spats 焊接护脚

welding symbol 焊缝代号

welding technology 焊接工艺

welding tilter 焊接翻转装置

welding torch 焊接喷灯

welding transformer 焊接变压器welding truck 焊接设备车

welding wire 焊条

welding 焊接;压结

weldless link 无缝吊环

weldless steel tube 无缝钢管weldless tube 无缝管子

weldless 无焊缝的

weldment 焊接装配;焊接结构;焊件weldwood 胶板

welfare expenses 福利开支

welfare fund 福利金

welfare 幸福;福利;福利事业;福利的well accumulation 井的累计产量

well acidizing 井酸化

well analysis sheet 油井分析表

well array 井的布置

well bean 油嘴

well blowout 井喷

well bore coefficient 井眼系数

well bore shrinkage 井眼收缩

well bore 井身

well borer 钻井工;钻井机器

well boring 钻井

well capacity 井的产能

well casing anchor 套管锚

well casing starter 油井套管鞋

well cavities 井壁凹处

well cementation 固井

well cementing operation 固井作业well classification 井分类

well cleanout 洗井

well cleanup 洗井

well completing test 完井测试

well completion data 完井资料

well completion fluid 完井液

well completion interval 完井层段

well completion 井完成

well conditioning 井的调整清理

well control algorithm 井控算法

well control device 井控装置

well control fluid 压井液

well control information 井控数据

well control manifold 井口控制管线装置well course 井眼轨迹

well cuts 油中杂质

well cuttings 钻屑

well deck 井甲板

well deflection 井眼偏斜

well deliverability 油井供液能力

well density 井密度

well diagram 井身剖面图

well digger 司钻

well distribution 井的分布

well downtime 油井关井时间

well drainage area 井的供油面积

well effluent composition 井流出物成分well effluent 井流出物

well figures 井眼形状

well file 井文件

well flow capacity 油井生产能力

well flow efficiency 油井流动效率

well flow index 井的生产指数

well flows 出井油气流

well fluid 井产流体

well fracturing 油气井压裂

well gauging facilities 井口计量设备

well gauging 井产量计量

well geophone 井中检波器

well gravimeter 井下重力仪

well group 井组

well guard 井防护罩

well head assembly 井口装置

well head control block valve 井口总闸门well head control valve 井口控制阀

well head duty house 井口值班房

well head elevation 井口标高

well head fitting 井口装置配件

well head flowing pressure 井口流动压力well head fracturing manifold 井口压裂管汇well head gas 井口气

well head gauge 井口仪表

well head set-up 井口装置

well head tap 井口短节

well head 井口装置;表层套管顶部法兰well heater 加热器

well heating 井筒加热

well history analysis 井史分析

well hookup 井的装备

well hydrostatic pressure 井筒静水压力well in operation 作业井

well index hole 井的导孔

well inflow performance 向井流动动态

well intake pressure 井口注入压力

well interference 井的干扰

well jacket 水面井口装置保护装置

well kick 井溢流

well killing method 压井法

well killing 压井

well liner 油井尾管

well location map 井位图

well log analysis 测井曲线分析

well log data processing 测井数据处理

well log interpretation 测井解释

well log measurement 测井测量

well log 钻井记录;录井记录;测井图;录井图;测井well logging during drilling 随钻测井

well logging interpretation 测井解释

well logging laboratory 测井实验室

well logging while drilling 随钻测井

well logging 测井

well management 井管理

well measurement 井下量测

well naming 井的命名

well network 井网

well number 井号

well off 井停歇

well on the beam 抽油井

well opening sequence 开井程序

well pair 井对

well path control 井眼轨迹控制

well pattern dead area 井网死区

well pattern thickening 井网加密

well pattern 井网

well perforating gun 井射孔器

well perforator 井射孔器

well performance testing 井生产测试

well performance 井动态

well permit 钻井许可证

well pipe handling equipment 钻杆排放装置

well placement 井位

well planner 井设计人

well plat 定向井井眼设计图

well platform 井口平台

well plugging 井堵塞

well point dewatering 井点排水

well point 井点

well position 井位

well potential 井生产能力

well preparation 井准备工作

well pressure behavior 井压力动态well production curve 井采油曲线well production rate 井产量

well productivity 井产能

well profile 井剖面;井身结构

well prognosis 钻井预测

well program 井设计

well puller 修井工

well pulling job 起油管作业

well pulling machine 修井机

well pulling unit 修井机

well reconditioning 井的修复

well reliability 井可靠性

well repair 修井

well rounded gravel 圆度好的砾石well run job 顺利进行的工作

well sample 井内取出的试样

well sampling 井下取样

well sandup 油井砂堵

well screen 油井筛管

well seismic profile 井中地震剖面well seismic tool 井下地震仪

well seismometer 井下检波器

well select 井选择

well service hoist 修井机

well servicing pump 修井泵

well servicing rig 修井机

well servicing 井维修

well shooter 井下爆炸工

well shooting 地震测井

well shut-in 关井

well shutdown 关井

well sinking 钻井

well site design 井场设计

well site location 井场

well site surveillance 井场监督

well site survey 井场调查

well site 井位;井场

well slot 井槽

well sorted grain sand 精筛分级砂粒well spacing chart 井距测算图

well spacing density 井网密度

well spacing pattern 布井格式

well spacing 井的布置

well startup 开井

well stimulation 增产措施

well straightening 纠斜

well strainer 衬管

well stream gas 井内产出天然气流

well stream 井内液气流

well survey 井眼测量

well suspension 井暂时停顿

well symbol 井的符号

well target rate 油井计划产量

well temperature log 井温测井

well test analysis 试井分析

well test data 试井数据

well test interpretation 试井解释

well test interpreter 试井解释人员

well test model 试井模型

well test quicklook 试井资料快速直观解释well test rate 试井产量

well test 试井

well tester 油井测试器;试井者

well testing truck 试井车

well testing 试井

well thermometer 井温计

well tie 连井

well top 井口

well track 井眼轨迹

well treatment 油井处理

well tube filter 滤管

well tubing 油管

well velocity survey 井中速度观测

well workover 修井

well yield 井的产量

well 井;深坑

well-by-well analysis 逐井分析

well-calipering apparatus 井径仪

well-cased perforating 套管射孔

well-casing protection 油井套管保护

well-chosen 精选的

well-compacted 压实得很好的

well-completion practice 完井作业

well-control equipment 井控设备

well-coupled dynamite shot 与炮井耦合的炸药爆炸well-defined lineation 清晰的线理

well-defined 意义明确的

well-drained 水系发育的;排水良好的

well-established 非常确实的

well-fed basin 补偿盆地

well-graded 分选良好的

well-hole enlargement 井眼扩大

well-log information 测井资料

well-log synthetic trace 测井曲线合成记录道

well-logging probe 测井下井仪

well-marked 明显的

well-measure wire 量测井深用钢丝

well-ordered water layer 有序排列的水膜层

well-oxygenated environment 氧化环境

well-oxygenated 氧化好的

well-pattern factor 井网因数

well-pattern spacing 井网控制面积

well-point excavation method 井点排水开挖法

well-posed problem 适定问题

well-posed 适定的

well-pressure history 井的压力变化情况

well-pulling service 修井起下作业

well-rejuvenating 井的修复

well-rounded 磨圆好的

well-shoot 井下爆炸

well-sized gravel 精筛砾石

well-sorted 分选良好的

well-spacing radius 井控制面积的半径

well-test curve 试井曲线

well-to-well correlation 井间对比

well-to-well flow pattern 井间流动型式

well-to-well measurement 井对井测量

well-to-well tomography 井间层析成象

well-to-well tracer test 井间示踪剂测试

well-to-well transient pressure test 井间瞬变压力测试wellbay 井台

wellblock pressure 井区压力

wellbore collision risk 井筒相遇的危险

wellbore conditioner 井筒液体调节剂

wellbore damage indicator 井筒污染参数

wellbore effect 井眼影响

wellbore ellipse of uncertainty 井眼不确定椭圆wellbore erosion 井眼冲蚀

wellbore exposure 井筒内产层裸露

wellbore fillup 井筒充填

wellbore gauging 井径测量

wellbore geometry 井筒几何尺寸

wellbore heater 井筒加热器

wellbore hole simulator 模拟井筒

wellbore hydraulics 井内流体力学

wellbore improvement 井眼改善

wellbore loading 井筒加载

wellbore mechanical layout 井筒中的机械装置wellbore model 井筒模型

wellbore path center line 井眼轨迹中心线

wellbore pressure drop 井筒压力降

wellbore pressure test 井筒试压

wellbore radius 井筒半径

wellbore restriction 井筒限制

wellbore shape 井眼形状

wellbore soak 井筒内酸浸

wellbore storage coefficient 井筒储存系数

wellbore storage constant 井筒储存系数

wellbore storage depletion rate 井筒积聚流体的递减速率wellbore storage domination 井筒储存起支配作用wellbore storage 井筒储存

wellbore trajectory 井身轨迹

wellbore unloading 井筒卸载

wellbore volume 井筒容积

wellface 井壁

wellhead acid preventer 井口防酸器

wellhead bay 井口台

wellhead bend system 井口装置弯曲系统

wellhead cellar 井口装置密封室

wellhead chamber 井口舱

wellhead component 井口组件

wellhead configuration 井口设备组合

wellhead connector 井口连接器

wellhead constriction 井口油嘴

wellhead crude oil sample 井口油样

wellhead equipment 井口设备

wellhead flanging up 井口组装

wellhead flow control 井口流量控制

wellhead flow loop 井口出油环管

wellhead guide base 井口导向基座

wellhead hardware 井口配件

wellhead hookup 井口悬挂装置

wellhead housing 井口罩

wellhead isolation tool 井口隔离装置

wellhead landing nipple 井口联顶短节

wellhead platform 井口平台

wellhead pressure 井口压力

wellhead price 井口价

wellhead production temperature 井口产出液温度wellhead protector 井口保护器

wellhead receptacle 井口座

wellhead restriction 井口油嘴

wellhead sample 井口样品

wellhead shakeout test 井口落砂试验

wellhead shut-in 井口关井

wellhead spacing 井距

wellhead static pressure 井口静压

wellhead switch system 井口转换系统

wellhead temperature 井口温度

wellhead template 井口座架

wellhole blasting 深孔爆破

wellsite computer center 井场计算中心

wellsite data unit 井场数据采集装置

wellsite diagnosis 井场判断

wellsite facility 井场设备

wellsite heater 井场加热炉

wellsite logging crew 现场测井队

wellsite operation 井场作业

wellsite quick look interpretation 现场快速直观解释wellsite real-time analysis 井场实时分析

wellsite test 井场测试

welt 衬板;垅式带

Welwitschiapites] 百岁兰粉属

Wenlock formation 温洛克组

Wenlockian 温洛克阶

wennebergite 云英粗安岩

Wenner arrangement 温纳排列

Wenner configuration 四电极法的电极组Wenner electrode array 温纳电极系

Wenner electrode configuration 四电极法的电极组Wenner spread 温纳排列

Wentworth scale 温特沃兹粒度表

WERC 世界环境和资源委员会

Werfener beds 韦尔丰层

Werfenian 韦尔丰阶

Werner filtering 沃纳滤波

wernerite 钙钠柱石

werneritite 方柱石岩

werneritization 钙钠柱石化

wesselite 蓝云霞玄岩

west 西;在西的

west-wind drift 西风流

Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale 西德意志地方银行Westergaardodina] 韦氏牙形石属

westerly 西方的

western 西部人;西欧人;西的

westerwaldite 含霞粒玄岩

Westfalian 威斯法阶

Westfalicus] 威斯特伐牙形石属

westing 西距;偏西

Westphal balance 韦氏比重天平

Westphalian 威斯法阶

westward 西方

wet analysis 湿分析

wet barrel 实物石油

wet basin 湿坞

wet blasting 湿喷丸

wet boring 湿式钻孔

wet box 湿盒

wet buckle 湿弯曲

wet bulb thermometer 湿球温度计

wet bulk density 湿体积密度

wet clay 湿粘土

wet clutch 浸油离合器

wet combustion 湿式燃烧

wet completion 湿式完井

wet connector 湿接头

wet crude 含水原油

wet cured polyurethane paint 湿固化聚氨酯涂料

wet curing 喷水养护

wet diving 湿式潜水

wet dock 湿坞;码头

wet elutriation 洗涤

wet excavation 水下开挖

wet field gas 伴生富气

wet formation 含水岩层

wet forward combustion 湿式正向燃烧

wet gas floor 湿气底界

wet gas meter 湿式气表

wet gas 湿气

wet hyperbaric environment 水下高压环境wet job 喷溅泥浆起钻

wet method underwater welding 湿式水下焊wet mud-active 在用泥浆

wet oil receiving tank 湿油接收罐

wet oil 含水原油

wet oxidation 湿氧化

wet processing 湿法处理

wet producer 含水生产井

wet reaction 湿反应

wet regeneration gas 湿再生气

wet repair 湿检修

wet sample 含水多的岩样

wet sand cure 铺湿砂养护

wet satellite completion 卫星井湿式完井

wet satellite tree 卫星井湿式采油树

wet scrubber 湿式洗涤器

wet seal gas holder 湿式储气柜

wet seal 液封

wet season 湿季

wet separator 水分分离器

wet ship 满载油的油轮

wet sieve analysis 湿砂筛析

wet spinning 湿法纺丝

wet steam 湿蒸汽

wet storage holder 湿式储气罐

wet strength 湿强度

wet suit 湿式潜水服

wet test meter 湿式气体流量计

wet test 湿试法

wet treatment 湿处理;湿选

wet tree 无隔水罩的水底采油树

wet twisting 湿捻

wet unit weight 湿容重

wet vacuum pump 湿式真空泵

wet water 渗透水

wet weight 湿重

wet weld 湿焊

wet welding 湿式焊接

wet well 出水的井

wet 潮湿

wet-and-dry bulb thermometer 干湿球温度计wet-and-dry-bulb hygrometer 干湿球湿度计

wet-film thickness 湿膜厚度

wet-out rate 浸润速率

wet-packing method 湿式充填法

wet-stick welding 湿条焊接

wet-type watermeter 湿式量水计

wet-way analysis 湿法分析

wetherilite 硫弹沥青

wetland landscape 湿地景观

wetland mapping 湿地测绘

wetness 温度

wettability adjustment 润湿性调整wettability alteration flood 润湿性反转驱油wettability alteration 润湿性变换wettability control 润湿性控制wettability determination 润湿性测定wettability effect 润湿效应

wettability equilibrium 润湿平衡wettability hysteresis 润湿滞后现象wettability index 润湿性指数

wettability indication 润湿性指示wettability number 润湿数

wettability preference 优先润湿性wettability reversal angle 润湿反转角wettability reversal 润湿性反转wettability switch 润湿性转换wettability 湿润性

wettability-reversal flood 润湿性反转驱油wettable reservoir 可润湿储层

wettable 可湿润的

wetted area 受浪面积

wetted cross section 湿润断面

wetted membrane 润湿膜

wetted parts 接触液体的部件

wetted perimeter 湿润周界

wetted surface 沾湿表面

wetter 润湿剂

wetting ability 润湿能力

wetting agent 润湿剂

wetting angle 润湿角

wetting behavior 润湿特性

wetting characteristics 润湿特征

wetting condition 润湿状态

wetting film 润湿膜

wetting heat 润湿热

wetting hysteresis 润湿滞后现象

wetting layer 润湿层

wetting liquid 润湿液

wetting loss 润湿损失

wetting oil phase 油湿相

wetting phase front 湿相前缘

wetting phase 润湿相

wetting phenomena 润湿现象

wetting power 湿润力

wetting preference 优先润湿

wetting property 润湿特性

wetting regime 润湿状态

wetting situation 润湿状况

wetting state 润湿性

wetting tension 润湿张力

wetting transition 润湿转换

wetting 变湿;潮湿;湿润;将液态填料金属涂于固态本体金属wetting-phase viscosity effect 润湿相粘滞效应Wewokella] 韦沃海绵属

Weymouth's formula 魏莫斯公式

WF 波形

WFI 油井产率

WFS 波形间隔

WFSW 世界科学工作者协会

WG 水表;水标尺;水压力计

Wg 蜗轮

WG 线规

WGC 气水接触面

WGR 水气比

WGS 72 1972年世界大地测量系统

wgt 重量

WH 当…时

WH 井口

Wh 码头

Wh 瓦特-小时

whacker 敲击震源

whale oil 鲸油

whale 鲸;自喷油井

wharf charges 码头费

wharf crane 码头起重机

wharf due 码头税

wharf ladder 码头梯子

wharf wall 码头岸墙


石油工程专业英语单词 A abnormal pressure 异常高压 absolute open flow potential 绝对敞喷流量 absolute permeability 绝对渗透率 acetic acids 乙酸 acid-fracturing treatment 酸化压裂处理 acidize 酸化 acidizing 酸化 additives 添加剂 Alkali/Surfactant/Polymer(ASP)tertiary combination flooding 三元复合驱anhydrite 无水石膏 annular space 环形空间 appraisal well 估计井,评价井 aquifer 含水层 areal sweep efficiency 面积波及系数 artificial lift methods 人工举升方法

B beam pumps 游梁式抽油机 bitumen 沥青 blast joint 耐磨钻头 block and tackle 滑轮组 blowout preventes 防喷器 blowout 井喷 bone strength 胶结强度 borehole 井筒,井眼 bottomhole/wellhead pressure 井底/井口压力bottorm water 底水 breakthrough 突破,穿透 bubble point 泡点 bubble point pressure 泡点压力 C cable tool drilling 顿钻钻井 capillary action 毛细管作用

carbonate reservoirs 碳酸盐储层 casing hanger 套管悬挂器 casing head 套管头 casing collapse 套管损坏 casing corrosion 套管腐蚀 casing leak 套管漏失 casing pressure 套管压力 casing string 套管柱 casing 套管 casing-tubing configuration 套管组合casing-tubing configuration 油套管井身结构caustic flooding 碱水驱油 cavings 坍塌 cement additive 水泥浆添加剂 cement job 固井作业 cement plug 水泥塞 cement slurry 水泥浆


3-D seismic survey (D: dimension:) 三维地震勘探 5-spot pattern n.五点井网Abandon v.(油井)报废,废弃Abandon well n.废井Acid wash n.酸洗 Acidization n.酸化(作用)Acidization n.酸化(作用) Acidize v.酸化Additive n.添加剂 Agent n.试剂,媒介Alkane n.烷烃,链烷烃 Analytic solution n.解析解Anisotropic a.各向异性的,非均质的Annular a.环形的Annular mist flow n.环雾流 Annulus n.环形空间,环空Anticline n.背斜 API standards n.美国石油协会标准Aromatic n.芳香族,芳香族环烃;a. 芳香的 Artifical lift n.人工举升Artificial lift n.人工举升 Artificial water drive n.人工注水驱Asphaltene n.沥青烯 Asphaltic a.含沥青的,沥青质的;n.沥青质Associated a.伴生的 Attribute n.属性,特征,标志Baffle n.隔板;v.阻碍,挫折Barefoot completion n.裸眼完井Barite n.重晶石 Barrel n.桶Barrier n.隔层 Bbl (blue barrel) Bean n.油嘴,节流器 Belt cover n.皮带盖Bentonite n.膨润土,斑脱岩 Bit n.钻头Black-oil simulator n.黑油模拟器Blender truck n.混砂车Blow out v.井喷 Blowout n.井喷Blowout preventer (BOP) n.防喷器Borehole n.井眼Bottom hole n.井下 Collapse v.坍塌,倒塌Collar n.钻铤 Compaction n.压实作用Compaction n.压实(作用),挤压Completion n.完井,完成,结束Compress v.压缩 Compressor n.压缩机Concentration n.浓度;集中Condensate n.凝析油Condensate n.凝析油 Conductor casing n.导管Conductor casing n.导管 Conductor hole n.导管孔Conductor pipe n.导管 Cone n.圆锥,(锥形)牙轮Configuration n.构造 Connate a.原生的,共生的Connate water n.原生水,共生水Contaminant n.杂质,污染物Continuous lift n.连续气举 Core n.岩心Core n.岩心 Core holder n.岩心夹持器Core slug n.岩心塞 Coring bit n.取芯钻头Corrode v.腐蚀 Corrode v.腐蚀,侵蚀;锈蚀Corrosion n.腐蚀 Corrosion n.腐蚀Corrosive a.腐蚀的;n.腐蚀剂Corrosive a.腐蚀的;n.腐蚀剂Counterbalance n.平衡(块);v.使平衡,抵消 Counterweight n.平衡块Crack v.裂开 Crank n.曲柄,摇把Crown block n.钻台 Crumble v.坍塌,破碎Crust n.地壳 Curve n.曲线Cutting/chips n.钻屑


A abbreviate v. 缩写,简写ably ad. 异常地 abrupt v. 突然的absolute porosity 绝对孔隙度access n. 接近,进入accumulate v. 聚集accumulation n. 聚集acquisition n. 获取,采集acromagnetic a. 航空磁测的acyclic a. 无环的admixture n. 混合,混合物aeolian a. 风成的,风积的aerobic a. 喜氧的 affinity n. 亲合力,亲合性

aformentioned a. 上述的,上面提到的agency n. 因素,营力,作用agglomeration n. 结块,凝聚aggregated gas 聚集型气 agitated a. 搅动过,摇过的 agitation n. 搅拌,搅动 aircraft n. 飞机,航空器 algae 藻类 aliphatic a. 脂肪类的 alkane 链烷 alkane n. 烷烃,链烷 alkene n. 烯烃 alkylaromatic a. 烷基芳烃的 alkylate v. 烷基化 allochthonous a. 外来的,异地的

alluvial fan 冲积扇 alteration n. 蚀变作用 ambient a. 周围的 ambiguity n. 含糊,模棱两可ambiguous a. 意思含糊的,模棱两可的amino acids 氨基酸 ammonite n. 菊石 amorphous a. 非晶质的,无一定方向的amphibolite n. 角闪石 amplitude n. 幅度,振幅 analogous a. 类似的,模拟的 angular a. 棱角状的,带角的anhydrite n. 硬石膏 anomoly n. 异常,变异 anoxic a. 缺氧的


石油行业常用英语词汇 全面 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

New Words-1 1.petroleum engineer石油工程师 2.transmissivity导水率;导水系数 3.void space空隙;孔隙空间 4.porosity孔隙度;孔隙性;多 孔性 5.viscosity粘度;粘性;粘滞性 6.permeability渗透率;渗透性 7.hydrocarbon烃;碳氢化合物;油 气 8.porous medium多孔介质;孔隙介质 9.vug孔洞;溶洞 10.feldspar长石;长石类 11.pore wall孔壁 12.uniform均匀的;均一的 13.core sample岩心样品;岩样 14.log测井;录井;测井曲 线 15.cementation固井;胶结 16.recrystallization再结晶;重结晶 17.primary porosity原生孔隙度;原生孔 隙率 18.secondary porosity次生孔隙;次生孔隙 度 19.fracture裂缝;断裂 20.matrix基质;基岩 21.darcy达西 22.centipoise厘泊 23.Absolute permeability绝对渗透率 24.fluid phase流体相;液相 28.plugging堵塞;封孔 32.fluid content流体含量 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2211777370.html,pressibility可压缩性;压缩系数

34.overburden pressure地静压力;上覆岩层 压力 35.connate water共生水;原生水 36.bottom water底水;底层水 37.displace驱替;置换 38.free gas自由气体;游离气 39.separator分离器 40.dimensionless无量纲的;无因次的 41.withdrawal产出;采出 42.barrel桶 43.paraffin石蜡;链烷烃 44.naphthene环烷;环烷烃 45.aromatic芳香的;芳香剂 46.vapor pressure蒸气压;蒸汽压力 47.ethane乙烷 48.heptane庚烷 49.phase diagram相图;相态图 50.bubble point泡点压力;泡点 51.dewpoint露点 52.envelope包线;包络 53.cricondentherm临界凝析温度 54.undersaturated不饱和的;欠饱和的 55.volume factor体积系数;体积因数 56.stock tank油库油罐;计量罐; 59.adhesion tension附着张力;胶粘张力 60.pressure gradient压力梯度 61.capillary action毛细管作用 62.Darcy's law达西定律 New Words-2 1.stud 双头螺栓,柱螺栓;短轴;柱块;键,散布;点缀;支承块(把聚晶金刚石复合片和钻头集体连接起来的零


abbreviate v.缩写,简写abno rmally ad.异常地 abrupt v. 突然的 absolute porosity绝对孔隙度access n接近,进入accumulate v.聚集accumulation n.聚集acquisition n.获取,采集acromagnetic a.航空磁测的acyclic a.无环的 admixture n.混合,混合物aeolian a.风成的,风积的aerobic a.喜氧的 affinity n. 亲合力,亲合性 aformentioned a.上述的,上面提到的agency n.因素,营力,作用agglomeration n. 结块,凝聚aggregated gas R集型气 agitated a.搅动过摇过的 agitation n. 搅拌,搅动 aircraft n. 飞机,航空器 algae藻类 aliphatic a. 脂肪类的 alkane 链烷 alka ne n.烷烃,链烷 alke ne n.烯烃 alkylaromatic a. 烷基芳烃的 alkylate v. 烷基化

allochthonous a.外来的,异地的 alluvial fan 冲积扇 alteration n. 蚀变作用 ambie nt a.周围的 ambiguity n.含糊,模棱两可ambiguous a.意思含糊的,模棱两可的ami no acids 氨基酸 ammonite n. 菊石 amorphous a.非晶质的,无一定方向的amphibolite n.角闪石 amplitude n. 幅度,振幅 analogous a类似的,模拟的 angular a.棱角状的,带角的anhydrite n.硬石膏 anomoly n. 异常,变异 anoxic a. 缺氧的 an teisoalka ne n.反异构烷烃 an thracite n.无烟煤 anticline n. 背斜 antiform n. 背斜构造 aperture n 孔,孔眼 apparent molecular weight表观分子量aquatic a.水的,水生的 arago nite n霰石


New Words-1 1. petroleum engineer 石油工程师 2. transmissivity 导水率;导水系数 3. void space 空隙;孔隙空间 4. porosity 孔隙度;孔隙性;多孔性 5. viscosity 粘度;粘性;粘滞性 6. permeability 渗透率;渗透性 7. hydrocarbon 烃;碳氢化合物;油气 8. porous medium 多孔介质;孔隙介质 9. vug 孔洞;溶洞 10. feldspar 长石;长石类 11. pore wall 孔壁 12. uniform 均匀的;均一的 13. core sample 岩心样品;岩样 14. log 测井;录井;测井曲线 15. cementation 固井;胶结 16. recrystallization 再结晶;重结晶 17. primary porosity 原生孔隙度;原生孔隙率 18. secondary porosity 次生孔隙;次生孔隙度 19. fracture 裂缝;断裂 20. matrix 基质;基岩 21. darcy 达西 22. centipoise 厘泊 23. Absolute permeability 绝对渗透率 24. fluid phase 流体相;液相 28. plugging 堵塞;封孔 32. fluid content 流体含量 33. compressibility 可压缩性;压缩系数 34. overburden pressure 地静压力;上覆岩层压力 35. connate water 共生水;原生水 36. bottom water 底水;底层水 37. displace 驱替;置换 38. free gas 自由气体;游离气 39. separator 分离器


石油工程专业英语词 汇

石油工程专业英语单词 A abnormal pressure 异常高压 absolute open flow potential 绝对敞喷流量 absolute permeability 绝对渗透率 acetic acids 乙酸 acid-fracturing treatment 酸化压裂处理 acidize 酸化 acidizing 酸化 additives 添加剂 Alkali/Surfactant/Polymer(ASP)tertiary combination flooding 三元复合驱anhydrite 无水石膏 annular space 环形空间 appraisal well 估计井,评价井 aquifer 含水层 areal sweep efficiency 面积波及系数 artificial lift methods 人工举升方法 B beam pumps 游梁式抽油机 bitumen 沥青 blast joint 耐磨钻头 block and tackle 滑轮组 blowout preventes 防喷器 blowout 井喷 bone strength 胶结强度 borehole 井筒,井眼 bottomhole/wellhead pressure 井底/井口压力 bottorm water 底水 breakthrough 突破,穿透 bubble point 泡点 bubble point pressure 泡点压力 C cable tool drilling 顿钻钻井 capillary action 毛细管作用 carbonate reservoirs 碳酸盐储层 casing hanger 套管悬挂器 casing head 套管头 casing collapse 套管损坏 casing corrosion 套管腐蚀 casing leak 套管漏失 casing pressure 套管压力


石油英语词汇(P5) POL 面向问题的语言 polar activation 极性活化 polar adsorption 极性吸附 polar air mass 极地气团 polar angle 极角 polar anticyclone 极地反气旋 polar attraction 极性引力 polar cap absorption 极冠吸收 polar chart recorder 极坐标图记录器polar chart 极坐标地图 polar circle 极圈 polar climate 极地气候 polar compound 极性化合物 polar contact 极化继电器触点 polar coordinates 极坐标 polar curve 极坐标曲线 polar diagramm 极坐标图 polar drafter 弧形牵伸装置 polar easterlies 极地东风带 polar end 极性端 polar expansion 线膨胀 polar fluid 极性流体 polar flux 极化磁通 polar form 极坐标形式 polar frequency plot 矢量频率图 polar group 极性基团 polar impurity 极性杂质 polar leakage 磁极漏泄 polar liquid 极性液体 polar material 极性物质 polar method 极坐标法 polar molecule 极性分子 polar monomer 极性单体 polar mount antenna 极座架天线 polar orbit 极轨道 polar organic solvent 极性有机溶剂polar plot 极坐标图 polar polymer 极性聚合物 polar projection indicator 极投影指示器polar projection 极投影 polar racorder 极坐标记录器 polar radiation pattern 极坐标辐射图polar radius 极半径polar ray 极射线 polar region 极地 polar relay 极化继电器 polar solid angle 极隅角 polar solvent 极性溶剂 polar stereographic projection 极射赤平役影polar wandering 极移 polar winding 极向缠绕法;极向卷绕 polar 极的 polar-solvent extraction 极性溶剂萃取法polargraph 极谱仪 polari- 极 polarigraphy 极谱分析 polarimeter 极化计 polarimetric analysis 旋光分析 polarimetry 旋光测定;测极化 polaris 北极星 polarisation 极化 polariscope 偏振光镜 polariscopy =polarimetry polariton 电磁声子;偏振子 polarity chron 极性时 polarity coincidency correlator 极性符合相关器polarity effect 极化效应 polarity encoding 极性编码 polarity epoch 极性期 polarity era 极性代 polarity event 极性事件 polarity hyperinterval 极性特超间隔 polarity indicator 极性指示器 polarity information 极性信息 polarity interval 极性间隔 polarity inversion 极性倒转 polarity mark 极性标记 polarity period 极性纪 polarity reversal 极性倒转 polarity rock-stratigraphic unit 极性岩石地层单位polarity standard 极性标准 polarity subchron 极性亚时 polarity subinterval 极性亚间隔 polarity subzone 极性亚带 polarity superinterval 极性超间隔 polarity time scale 极性年表 polarity 极性


石油地质学常用专业英语词汇 学习2008-12-28 17:05:13 阅读644 评论8 字号:大中小A abbreviate v. 缩写,简写 abnormally ad. 异常地 abrupt v. 突然的 absolute porosity 绝对孔隙度 access n. 接近,进入 accumulate v. 聚集 accumulation n. 聚集 acquisition n. 获取,采集 acromagnetic a. 航空磁测的 acyclic a. 无环的 admixture n. 混合,混合物 aeolian a. 风成的,风积的 aerobic a. 喜氧的 affinity n. 亲合力,亲合性 aformentioned a. 上述的,上面提到的 agency n. 因素,营力,作用 agglomeration n. 结块,凝聚 aggregated gas 聚集型气 agitated a. 搅动过,摇过的 agitation n. 搅拌,搅动 aircraft n. 飞机,航空器 algae 藻类 aliphatic a. 脂肪类的 alkane 链烷 alkane n. 烷烃,链烷 alkene n. 烯烃 alkylaromatic a. 烷基芳烃的 alkylate v. 烷基化 allochthonous a. 外来的,异地的 alluvial fan 冲积扇 alteration n. 蚀变作用 ambient a. 周围的 ambiguity n. 含糊,模棱两可 ambiguous a. 意思含糊的,模棱两可的 amino acids 氨基酸 ammonite n. 菊石 amorphous a. 非晶质的,无一定方向的 amphibolite n. 角闪石 amplitude n. 幅度,振幅 analogous a. 类似的,模拟的 angular a. 棱角状的,带角的


目录 第一节钻井英语单词 (2) 第二节井场用语,钻井常用短语及句子 (10) 第三节钻井泥浆术语 (29) 第四节常用安全术语 (31) 第五节钻井设备英语 (33) 第六节石油钻井英语情景会话 (40) 附录一:平台人员、作业者及服务公司人员名称 (47) 附录二:主要设备名称 (48) 附录三:钻具、井口工具、打捞工具名称 (52) 附录四:材料和工具名称 (53) 附录五:常用缩写形式 (55)

第一节钻井英语单词 drilling crew 钻井队 drill floor,rig floor,floor 钻台drawworks 绞车 well-site, rig-site 井场 rig manager 平台经理 DC (drill collar) 钻铤 drilling engineer 钻井工程师 DP (drill pipe) 钻杆 toolpusher 带班队长 rotary table 转盘 driller 司钻 assistant driller 副司钻derrickman, monkeyman 井架工roughneck, floorman 钻工roustabout 场地工 liner 缸套 motor fire man 司机(motorman)wellhead 井口 circulation & solid system 循环固控系统 machinist 机械师,机工,机械大班electrician 电器师,电工,电器大班operation program 作业程序(指令) cathead 猫头 caravan 营房,大篷车 tong 大钳 elevator 吊卡 well depth 井深 slip 卡瓦makeup 上扣 spud in 开钻 breakout 卸扣 ROP (rate of penetration),drilling speed, penetration rate 钻速 trip 起下钻 diesel-engine 柴油机 loss circulation 井漏,循环漏失working uniform 工作服 brake handle, brake bar 刹把 water well condition 水井井况circulating tank, circulation tank 循环罐 normal drilling 正常钻进 reserve tank 储备罐 parameter 参数 trip tank 补给罐,尖底罐, 起下钻泥浆罐(起下钻计量罐) rotary speed 转盘转速(转速)shale shaker 振动筛 pump pressure 泵压 WOB (weight on bit) 钻压 mesh 目,网孔;啮合,编织 torque 扭矩 screen cloth 筛布 displacement 排量 safety meeting 班前会 pump stroke 泵冲 shift exchange 交班、(倒班)

石油行业常用英语词汇(全面 )

New Words-1 1.petroleum engineer石油工程师 2.transmissivity导水率;导水系数 3.void space空隙;孔隙空间 4.porosity孔隙度;孔隙性; 多孔性 5.viscosity粘度;粘性;粘滞 性 6.permeability渗透率;渗透性 7.hydrocarbon烃;碳氢化合物; 油气 8.porous medium多孔介质;孔隙介 质 9.vug孔洞;溶洞 10.feldspar长石;长石类 11.pore wall孔壁 12.uniform均匀的;均一的 13.core sample岩心样品;岩样 14.log测井;录井;测井 曲线 15.cementation固井;胶结 16.recrystallization再结晶;重结晶 17.primary porosity原生孔隙度;原生 孔隙率 18.secondary porosity次生孔隙;次生孔 隙度 19.fracture裂缝;断裂 20.matrix基质;基岩

21.darcy达西 22.centipoise厘泊 23.Absolute permeability绝对渗透率 24.fluid phase流体相;液相 25.effective permeability有效渗透率 26.saturation饱和度;饱和 27.relative permeability相对渗透率 28.plugging堵塞;封孔 29.damage zone污染带;污染区 30.acidize酸化;酸处理 31.damaged well污染井;受污染井 32.fluid content流体含量 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2211777370.html,pressibility可压缩性;压缩系 数 34.overburden pressure地静压力;上覆岩 层压力 35.connate water共生水;原生水 36.bottom water底水;底层水 37.displace驱替;置换 38.free gas自由气体;游离气 39.separator分离器 40.dimensionless无量纲的;无因次 的 41.withdrawal产出;采出 42.barrel桶 43.paraffin石蜡;链烷烃 44.naphthene环烷;环烷烃 45.aromatic芳香的;芳香剂 46.vapor pressure蒸气压;蒸汽压力


石油化工常用词汇 Commissioning 试车 Single-pass, shell-and-tube exchanger 单程管壳式换热器 Immersion electric heater 插入式电加热器 Maintenance 维修,保养 Plugging 堵塞 Ball is Type 316 stainless steel with an abrasion-resistant coating and the seat is satellite 阀芯是 涂耐蚀涂层316型不锈钢,阀座为硬质合金 Desiccant 干燥剂 Moisture analyzer 湿度分析仪 Dew point analyzer 露点分析仪 Needle valve 针形阀 Dilute caustic solution 稀释的碱液 Carbon Raschig ring 石墨拉西环 The strength of the caustic 碱液浓度 Demister pad 破沫网 Preliminary inspection, installation, testing and commissioning of vessels and equipment 容器和 设备初期检查、安装、测试和试车 Hydrostatic testing 静态水压试验 Pipe spool 短管 Utility 公用工程 Instrumentation 仪表 Clearance 间隙(如阀) Relief valve 安全阀 Emergency Shutdown(ESD)紧急停车 Interlock联锁 Remove trash, scale, and water 清除垃圾、铁锈及水分 Blowdown 吹扫(爆破吹扫) Suction discharge line 吸入和排出管线 Metering orifice 测量孔板 Restriction orifice 限流孔板 V alve’s transducer 阀门的传感器 In-line filter 嵌入式过滤器 Coalescer (燃油水分)凝聚过滤器 Steam Jacket 蒸汽夹套 Split-ranged control分程控制 Cascade the upper combustion air flow controller to the oxygen analyzer controller 将上部空气 控制阀串级到氧分仪上控制 Stroke 冲程(泵,压缩机等采用活塞式) Copper erode 铜片腐蚀 In local-automatic(manual)control 单回路自动(手动)控制 Sulfureted hydrogen (Hydrogen sulfide)硫化氢 Preventive maintenance schedule 定期检修(维修)安排 Vibration 震动


史上最全石油英语词汇(完结篇) 原创2017-01-13周冰一点石油 A abandoned oil & gas 报废油气井 abnormal formation pressure 异常地层压力 above ground equipment 地面设备 abscissa 横坐标 absorbent formation 渗透地层 absorption well 漏失井 armoured cable 铠装电缆 accessory , accessories, accessary附件,辅助的acceptance criteria 验收标准 acceptance of risks 承担风险 acceptance of the bid 中标 accident analysis 事故分析 accident free 无事故 accident potential 事故隐患 accident prevention 事故预防 acid fracturing 酸化压裂 acid job 酸化作业 acid-frac process 酸化压裂工艺 acid stimulation酸化增产 actual data 实测资料 actual data plot 实测曲线 actuating system 传动系统 assistant driller 副司钻 adapter substitute 转换接头,大小头 addendum 附录 additional well 补充井 adjacent well 邻井 adjustment well 调整井 adjust to zero 调零 adjuster sub 调整短节 adapter 适配器,接头 automatic fine tuning 自动微调 after-sale service 售后服务,后续服务 after-treatment profile log 油井(增产)措施后生产剖面测井 hole azimuth 井斜方向 AL(acoustic logging)声波测井 acoustic amplitude log,amplitude log声幅测井adjacent bed 围岩 apparent resistivity视电阻率 ACBL(acoustic cement bond log)声波水泥胶结测井activation logging活化测井 ASC(after survey calibration)测后刻度 amplitude type cement bond log声幅水泥胶结测井annular space log环空测井 array sonic tool阵列声波测井仪 acoustic wavetrain logging声波全波列测井 alemite gun 黄油枪alligator wrench 活动管钳alternator 交流发电机 A-mast A形井架 amplifier 放大器 amplitude 振幅,声波幅度 annulus(油套管)环形空间 analog cable signal 模拟电缆信号 anchor packer 卡瓦封隔器 annual survey 年检 annular blowout preventer环形防喷器 annular pressure 环空压力 annular pressure operated test valve环空压力控制测试阀 annular reversing valve环空加压反循环阀 annular space 环形空间 annular water detector环空找水仪 annular water injection反注,环空注入 annulus blow out 环空井喷 annulus completion fluid 环空完井液 annulus (flow)line 环空(出油)管 annulus fluid环空液体 annulus logging环空测试 annulus pack off环空封隔装置 annulus pressure firing system环空压力起爆器annulus pressure response tool APR工具,(哈里伯顿)环空加压式测试阀 annulus sample catcher环空取样器 anticline背斜 antiknock agent 防爆剂 antivibration防震,抗震 API pup joint API标准油管短节 apparent wellbore radius有效井筒半径 appraisal well 评价井 aqueous saturation 含水饱和度 APR(annulus pressure respondent)环空压力控制式测试工具 area operations superintendent 地区作业监督armoured (electric) cable 铠装电缆 artificial bottom hole 人工井底 artificial fracture 人造裂缝


New Words-1 1 . petroleum engineer石油工程师 2 . transmissivity导水率;导水系数 3 . void space空隙;孔隙空间 4 .porosity孔隙度;孔隙性;多孔 性 5 . viscosity粘度;粘性;粘滞性 6 . permeability渗透率;渗透性7 . hydrocarbon烃;碳氢化合物;油气 8 . porous medium多孔介质;孔隙介质9 . vug孔洞;溶洞1 0. feldspar长石;长石类 1 1. pore wall孔壁 1 2. uniform均匀的;均一的1 3. core sample岩心样品;岩样1 4. log测井;录井;测井曲线 1 5. cementation固井;胶结 1 6. recrystallization再结晶;重结晶 1 7.primary porosity原生孔隙度;原生孔隙 率 1 8. secondary porosity次生孔隙;次生孔隙度1 9. fracture裂缝;断裂2matrix基质;基岩

2 1. darcy达西 2 2. centipoise厘泊 2 3. Absolute permeability绝对渗透率2 4. fluid phase流体相;液相 2 5. effective permeability有效渗透率 2 7. relative permeability相对渗透率 2 8. plugging堵塞;封孔2damage zone污染带;污染区 3 1. damaged well污染井;受污染井3 2. fluid content流体含量 3 3. compressibility可压缩性;压缩系数 3 4.overburden pressure地静压力;上覆岩层压 力 3 5. connate water共生水;原生水 3 6. bottom water底水;底层水3 7. displace驱替;置换 3 8. free gas自由气体;游离气 3 9. separator分离器 4 0. dimensionless无量纲的;无因次的4 1. withdrawal产出;采出4barrel桶



New Words-1 1. petroleum engineer 石油工程师 2. transmissivity 导水率;导水 系数 3. void space 空隙;孔隙空 间 4. porosity 孔隙度;孔隙 性;多孔性5. viscosity 粘度;粘性; 粘滞性 6. permeability 渗透率;渗透 性 7. hydrocarbon 烃;碳氢化合 物;油气 8. porous medium 多孔介质;孔 隙介质 9. vug 孔洞;溶洞 10. feldspar 长石;长石类 11. pore wall 孔壁

12. uniform 13. core sample 14. log 15. cementation 16. recrystallization 17. primary porosity 18. secondary porosity 19. fracture 20. matrix 21. darcy 22. centipoise 23. Absolute permeability 24. fluid phase 25. effective permeability 26. saturation 相对渗透率27. relative permeability 28. plugging 堵塞;封孔 29. damage zone 污染带;污染 区

31. damaged well 污染井;受污 染井 32. fluid content 流体含量 33. compressibility 可压缩性;压 缩系数 34. overburden pressure 地静压力;上覆岩层压力 35. connate water 共生水;原生 水 36. bottom water 底水;底层水 37. displace 驱替;置换 38. free gas 自由气体;游 离气 39. separator 分离器 40. dimensionless 无量纲的;无 因次的 41. withdrawal 产出;采出 42. barrel 桶 43. paraffin 石蜡;链烷烃 44. naphthene 环烷;环烷烃 45. aromatic 芳香的;芳香


油田专用单词 钻井(Drilling)专用词组 Choke valve 阻风门 Power plant 发电机组 Hoisting floor 起重设备Lubrication 润滑油 Safety valve 安全阀 Mud pump 抽泥泵 Discharge capacity 排放容量Centrifugal pump 离心泵 Agitator 搅拌器 Drill collar 钻铤 Degasser 脱气装置 Console 控制台 Auxiliary 辅助的,补助的 Kill line 压井线 Kelly hole 放放钻杆洞,方钻杆鼠洞BOP 防喷器 Chart recorder 图表记录器 Gage=gauge 仪表(压力计) SCR 半导体可控整流器 Wiring diagram 配线图表 Stress relief grooved 压力释放槽Friction welded 摩擦 Crossover subs 过渡接头 Bit sub 钻头短接 Float valve 浮阀 Casing 套管 Hole 井眼 Near-bit 近钻头 Stab 对扣,入扣,下管入井 String stabilizer 稳绳器 Corridor 走廊 Casing elevator 套管吊卡Inspection reports 检查报告 Single joint 单根 Swivel 枢轴 Sling 吊索 Slip-type 卡瓦式 Casing spider 套管卡盘 Casing slip 套管卡瓦Lift ram 起落油缸 Torque gauge 扭矩仪 Load cell 测压元件 Tubing 套管整形器 Thread protector 螺纹护环Cementing unit 水泥灌浆机组Mixing hopper 混台漏斗 Shaker assembly 振动筛 Choke manifold 节流/阻流管汇Preventer 防喷器 Make up tong 上口钳 Break out tong 卸扣钳 Top driver 顶驱 Crown saver device 天车拯救装置Pipe rack 管架,管排 Suction screen 真空筛浆机 Trash pump 杂质泵 DW 绞车 Nominal 名义 RT 转盘 Solids control system 固控系统 Dual standpipe 双立管 Shaft 轴 Drum 滚筒 Auto-feeding unit 自动送钻装置WOB 钻压 Parameter 参数 Stepless speed adjustment 无级调速Clutch 离合器 Safety caliper 安全钳 Eddy brake 电磁涡流刹车 Existing power rated 额定的砺磁功率Ex-proof 防爆 Mast 井架 General 概述 Handle 安装 Piston 活塞 Stroke 冲程 Territory 代理区域
