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青春之歌 杨沫
[译文一] The Song of Youth
December 8, 1935 — the eve of the tremendous, historical December Ninth Movement!
This day Tao-ching was in bed with a high fever. She was sleeping in a wooden bed in a newly rented room. At dusk, in this cold, dreary, small room, Hsu Hui, Hsiao-yen, and Hou Jui were huddling over a coal stove talking softly.
"When did she get sick?" Hsu Hui asked Hsiao-yen. "Did she see a doctor?"
"Yes," Hsiao-yen whispered. "The doctor says she has influenza. Also she has been working too hard. Day and night she held discussions, instigated struggles against reactionary students, and often skipped meals. No wonder her health has suffered as a consequence. "
"She simply overextended herself," Hou Jui shook his head.
"You people should have taken better care of her!" said Hsu Hui, as she looked uneasily at the feverish girl, deep in slumber.
Tao-ching stirred. She opened her eyes and smiled at the three people near her bed. "When did you get here?" she asked, then turned to Hsu Hui, "Has the plan for tomorrow been fixed? Will there be any changes?"
"No, I don't think so," answered Hsu Hui, smiling. "But don't worry about anything. You just take it easy. " And, stretching herself, she asked Hou Jui, "How many people from Peking University do you think will be at the demonstration?"
[译文二] The Song of Youth
It was the eve of the stupendous December the Ninth Movement in 1935.
Tao-ching was ill in bed with a high fever in the cold, bare lodgings to which she had recently moved. Toward evening Hsu Hui, Hsiao-yen, and Hou Jui gathered there and sat around the stove, talking in low voices.
"How long has she been ill?" Hsu Hui asked Hsiao-yen. "Have you sent for a doctor?"
"Yes, the doctor's been," Hsiao-yen answered in a whisper. "He says i

t's influenza. I'm afraid she's been overworking these last few days. She's been on the go day and night, talking with people and planning how to fight the reactionaries. Her resistance has also been lowered by lack of food. "
Hou Jui shook his head, saying, "She's worn herself out. "
"You should have looked after her better," Hsu Hui said, worried because Tao-ching seemed to be in a coma.
Just then Tao-ching recovered consciousness and seeing the three of them, said with a smile, "When did you arrive? I'd no idea you'd come. Tell me, Hsu Hui, is our plan for tomorrow settled? There won't be any changes, will there?"
"It's not likely. " Hsu Hui bent over her with a smile. "Don't you worry. Just have a good rest. " She turned to ask Hou Jui beside her, "How many Peking University students do you think will take part in the demonstration?"

Exercises after class (reference answers)
Sentence Translation
1.Since the train was snaking along at a brisk clip,the diner swayed from side to side.
2.The starving man wolfed down the food.
3.He fished out a coin for the boy.
4.Jack craned to see the coins in the well.
5.Do not ape your betters.
6.The hotels were all full so we had to pig it in an old hut for the night.
7.All the boys ran to put out the fire,but Mike chickened out.
8.0n the whole,the students seemed serious and hard-working,but they confined themselves to parroting textbooks.
9.The soldier wormed his way toward the enemy’s lines.
10.Their only hope of victory was to storm the enemy camp at night.
11.The mob stormed through the streets.
12.John stormed in the meeting waving a piece of paper about.
13.Two of the victims died Friday and the other Saturday, herds of elephants stormed two farming villages near a forest.
14..Today's meeting was rather stormy.
15.He was in a stormy mood.
16.His parliamentary career was stormy.
17.Her singing took New York by storm.
18The ideal wife for our mechanical homes:a wench with a wrench.

19.Better late than the late.
20.There are seasons of the heart.There are seasons in our lives,just as there are seasons to all of nature.These seasons cannot be forced any more than one can force the coming of spring by pulling at tender blades of grass to make them grow.It took me a while to understand.
21.But after six years of a stormy marriage,Cewe decided to end it.She didn't want her son to grow up thinking that kind of relationship was normal.
22.You can almost hear the clatter of horses’ hoofs on the narrow streets,the cries of children and the laughter of the shopkeepers.
三种“音响”以平行结构出现——the clatter of horses’ hoofs,the cries of children and the laughter of the shopkeepers,读者如闻其声,如见其景,意大利古城庞贝倾覆前夕的喧嚣与繁华如此贴近读者。
23. The Chinese diplomats should be firm in stance,far in sight,swift in wit,qualified in profession,outstanding in talent,noble in character.
24Add 15~30 minutes per night until you feel alert and rested each day.If you are a “night owl”,sleep a bit later; if you are a “lark”,go to bed earlier.
以上例句选自网文“Get More Sleep—Or It Will Get You”(《睡眠不足伤身体》),作者通过采用优美对称的由if引导的平行句式,

Passage translation:
E-C translation
The first fall of snow is not only an event but is a magical event.You go to bed in one kind of world and make up to find yourself in another quite deferent,and if this is not enchantment,then where is it to be found? The very stealth,the eerie quietness of the thing makes it more magical.If all the snow fell at once in one shattering crash,awakening US in the middle of the night,the event would be robbed of its wonder.But it flutters down,soundless,hour after hour while we are asleep.Outside the closed curtains of the bedroom a vast transformation scene is taking place,just as if a myriad of elves and brownies were at work,and we turn and yawn and stretch and know nothing about it.And then what an extraordinary change it is! It is as if the house you are in had been dropped down in another continent.Even the inside,which has not been touched,seems different,every room appearing smaller and cozier,just as if some power were trying to turn it into a woodcutter's hut or a snug log cabin.Outside,where the garden was yesterday,there is now a white and glistening level,and the village beyond is no longer your own familiar cluster of roofs but a village in an old German fair-tale…
C-E translation

Cherish the Other's Affection
It was towards sunset on a cool autumn day.
Having just bickered with my husband,I stood irritated in a draught by the gate of the yard,letting my wet unkempt hair flutter fiercely over my shoulders.“Come over,you peevish girl!”said my husband walking out into the yard with a blow dryer.
I could not very well resist but pull a chair and sit down compliantly.The blooming flowers of the yard presenting a riot of color before my eyes quietly dispelled all my grudges.
I felt warmth coming off and on around my ears while the mist of vapor was dispersing.
“Perhaps,this scene will come back to you years later when you sit alone at sunset like this.”
A tinge of melancholy was tangible in my husband's voice,which broke the long silence.
“What about you then?”I asked.
My husband turned off the blow dryer and looked at me with a smile.After adjusting the pose of my head he let the blow dryer work again.It was quite some time before he gave a reply:“Gone long before you.”
His voice was so sure yet so calm.It suddenly dawned on me that taciturn as he had been all the time,there was regret deep in his heart.I was awe—struck like a mischievous boy brought face to face with the damage he had done.
If after many years 1 was,as God would have it,left alone watching the glory of the flowers,would I have the heart to contemplate and figure out what there is now in my husband's mind?
The Buddha says:It takes five hundred years' religious devotion for people to acquire a chance of sharing a boat and one thousand years of sharing a marriage bed.But how long is it to keep each other's company in wedlock?

ow come that I tend to hurt the one I love most? It may be that he is the one who forgives me each time.However,it is precisely because there is no danger of being deserted that I have all along taken him for granted.
If it should eventually happen,how could I bear to look at the same splendid scene of flowers all alone?
