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●The Engineering Properties of Rocks

1)rock index properties

Certain index properties of rocks are of particular importance to the engineering, which are defined below.

Specific gravity (G s and G b). G b is the specific gravity of the solid mineral material of the rock by itself. G b is the specific gravity of the complete rock, grain plus voids, with the voids empty except for air. Both are defined as a weight per unit volume.

Saturation moisture content (i s). This is the total amount of water present in a rock with the voids full. The ratio of weight of water to dry weight of rock sample, expressed as a percentage, is the saturation moisture content (i s).

Moisture content (W). This is the amount of water normally present in the voids of a rock , again expressed as a percentage (see i s) above. Rocks are rarely saturated with water, thus in normal circumstances w is less than is.

Porosity (n). This is the ratio of volume of voids in a rock total volume of the sample. It is expressed

as a percentage; 10% average, 5% is low and more than 15% is high.

The factors that control the porosity of terrigenous sedimentary rocks and soils are as follows:

(a)The degree of cementation

(b)The sorting of the sediment

(c)The packing of the grains

(d)The shape of the grains

Water-yielding capacity. Not all of the water in a rock can be removed from it by flow under the force of gravity. Some is held as a film on the surface of the grains by capillary forces.

Permeability(k). This is a measure of the fluid conductivity of the rock for a given hydraulic gradient.

2)basic characteristics of soils

2.1 the nature of soils

The destructive process in the formation of soil from rock may be either physical or chemical. The physical process may be erosion by the action of wind, water or glaciers, or disintegration caused by alternate freezing and thawing m in cracks in the rock.

The chemical process results in changes in the mineral form of the parent rock due to the action of water (especially if it contains traces of acid or alkali), oxygen and carbon dioxide. Chemical weathering results in the formation of groups of crystalline particles of colloidal size (<0.002 mm) known as the clay minerals.

Particle sizes in soils can vary from over 100 mm to less than 0.001 mm. Most types of soil consist of a graded mixture of particles from two or more size ranges. All clay size particles are not necessarily clay mineral particles: the finest rock flour particles may be of clay size. If clay mineral particles are present they usually exert a considerable influence on the properties of a soil, an influence out of all proportion to their percentage by weight in the soil.

2.2 particle size analysis

The particle size analysis of a soil sample involves determining the percentage by weight of particles within the different size ranges. The particle size distribution of a coarse-grained soil can be determined by the method of sieving. The soil sample is passed through a series of standard test sieves having successively smaller mesh sizes. The weight of soil retained in each sieve is determined and the cumulative percentage by weight passing each sieve is calculated. If fine-grained particles are present in the soil, the sample should be treated with a flocculating agent and washed through the sieves.

The particle size distribution of a soil is presented as a curve on a semi-logarithmic plot, the ordinates being the percentage by weight of particles smaller than the size given by the abscissa. The flatter the distribution curve the larger the range of particle sizes in the soil; the steeper the curve the smaller the size range. A coarse-grained soil is described as well graded if there is no excess of particles in any size range and if no intermediate sizes are lacking. In general a well graded soil is represented by a smooth, concave distribution curve. A coarse-grained soil is described as poorly graded (a)if particles of both large and small sizes are present but with a relatively low proportion of particles of intermediate size (a gap-graded soil). Particle size is represented on a logarithmic scale so that two soils having the same degree of uniformity are represented by curves of the same shape regardless of their positions on the particle size distribution plot. The particle size corresponding to any specified value on the percentage

smaller scale can be read from the particle size distribution plot.

2.3 plasticity of fine-grained soils

Plasticity is an important characteristic in the case of fine-grained soils, the term plasticity describing the ability of a soil to undergo unrecoverable deformation at constant volume without cracking or crumbling. Plasticity is due to the presence of clay minerals or organic material.

Mo-grained soils exist naturally in the plastic state. The upper and lower limits of the

range of water content over which a soil exhibits plastic behaviour are defined as the liquid limit (LL or w L) and the plastic limit (PL or w P) respectively.

2.4 soil compaction

Compaction is the process of increasing the density of a soil by packing the particles closer together with a reduction in the volume of air: there is no significant change in the volume of water in the soil. In the construction of fills and embankments, loose soil is placed layers ranging between 75 mm and 450 mm in thickness, each layer being compacted to a specified standard by means of rollers, vibrators or rammers. In general the higher the degree of compaction the higher will be the shear strength and the lower will be the compressibility of the soil.

The degree of compaction of a soil is measured in terms of dry density, i.e. the mass of solids only per unit volume of soil.

The dry density of a given soil after compaction depends on the water content and the energy supplied by the compaction equipment (referred to as the compactive effort).

The compaction characteristics of a soil can be assessed by means of standard laboratory tests. After compaction using one of the three standard methods, the bulk density and water content of the soil are determined and the dry density calculated. For a given soil the process is repeated at least five times, the water content of the sample being increased each time. At low values of water content most soils tend to be stiff and are difficult to compact. As the water content is increased the soil becomes more workable, facilitating compaction and resulting in higher dry densities. At high water contents, however, the dry density decreases with increasing water content, an increasing proportion of the soil volume being occupied by water.

In Situ Testing

1. penetrometers

Penetrometer test evolved from the need to acquire data on subsurface soils which could not be obtained by other means. Basically a penetrometer consists of a conical point attached to a drive rod which is forced into the ground either by hammer blows or by jacking. Hence two types of penetrometer tests are recognized, the dynamic and the static. Both methods measure the resistance to penetration offered by the soil at any particular depth. Penetration of the cone forces the soil aside, creating a complex shear failure and thus provides an indirect measure of the in situ shear strength of the soil.

Dynamic penetrometers were originally designed to determine the relative density of cohesionless soils but their use has been extended to include the design of pile foundations by determining the load and the required embedment of piles into the bearing strata.

2.shear vane test

Because soft clays, may suffer disturbance when sampled and therefore give unreliable results when

tested for strength in the laboratory, a vane test is often used to measure the in situ undrained shear strength. Vane tests can be used in clays which have a consistency varying from very soft to firm.

3.plate load and jacking tests

Loading tests can be carried out on loading plates. However, just because the ground immediately beneath a plate is capable of carrying a heavy load without excessive settlement, this does not necessarily mean that the ground will carry the proposed structural load. This is especially the case where a weaker horizon occurs at depth but is still within the influence of the bulb of pressure which will be generated by the structure.

4.Pressure tests

Hydrostatic pressure chambers are used to measure the reaction of a rock mass to stress over large areas, giving values of Young’s modulus, elastic recovery, inelastic deformation and creep. The results are used to evaluate the behaviour of dam foundations and related strain distribution in the structure and to help estimate the behaviour of pressure tunnel linings. Hydrostatic chambers cover a much larger surface area than other test methods and so provide better results of mass behaviour. However, because of their cost these tests are used sparingly. A dilatometer can be used in a borehole to obtain data relating to the deformability of a rock mass. These instruments range up to about 300 mm in diameter and over 1 m in length and can exert pressures of up to 20 MN/m2 on the borehole walls.

5.In situ shear test

In an in situ shear test a block of rock is sheared from the rock surface whilst a horizontal jack exerts a vertical load. It is advantageous to make the tests inside galleries, where reactions for the jacks are readily available. The tests are performed at various normal loads and give an estimate of the angle of shearing resistance and cohesion of the rock. In situ shear tests are usually performed on blocks, 700 ×700 mm, cut in the rock. These tests can be made on the same rock where it shows different degrees of alteration and along different directions according to the discontinuity pattern. The factor of safety against strain due to sliding may depend on a limited zone and it is therefore essential to find and investigate the weakest zones. It is sometimes difficult to obtain sufficiently undisturbed, as in the case of shales, to perform tests. This is also the case when the rocks are affected by residual stresses.

Consolidation Theory

Consolidation is the gradual reduction in volume of a fully saturated soil of low permeability due to drainage of some of the pore water, the process continuing until the excess pore water pressure set up by an increase in total stress has completely dissipated: the simplest case is that of one-dimensional consolidation, in which a condition of zero lateral strain is implicit. The process of swelling, the reverse of consolidation, is the gradual increase in volume of a soil under negative excess pore water pressure. 1.the oedometer test

The characteristics of a soil during one-dimensional consolidation or swelling can be determined by means of the oedometer test. The test procedure has been standardized in Standards which specifies that the oedometer shall be of the fixed ring type. The void ratio at the end of each increment period can be calculated from the dial gauge readings and either the water content or dry weight of the specimen at the end of the test.

2.compressibility characteristics

Typical plots of void ratio (e) after consolidation, against effective stress (σ/) for a saturated clay are shown that an initial compression followed by expansion and recompression. The shapes of the curves are related to the stress history of the clay.

The compressibility of the clay can be represented by one of the following coefficients.

The coefficient of volume compressibility (m v ), The compression index (C c ).

3. Preconsolidation pressure

Whenever possible the preconsolidation pressure for an overconsolidated clay should not be exceeded in construction. Compression will not usually be great if the effective vertical stress remains below /c σ:only if /c σis exceeded will compression be large.

4. 1-D consolidation settlement

5. degree of consolidation

6. Terzaghi ’s theory of one-dimensional consolidation

The assumptions made in the theory are:

1. The soil is homogenous.

2. The soil is fully saturated.

3. The solid particles and water are incompressible.

4. Compression and flow are one-dimensional (vertical).

5. Strains are small.

6. Darcy ’s law is valid at all hydraulic gradients.

7. The coefficient of permeability and the coefficient of volume compressibility remain constant throughout the process.

8. There is a unique relationship, independent of time, between void ratio and effective stress.

7. Second compression

Secondary compression is thought to be due to the gradual readjustment of the lay particles into a more stable configuration following the structural disturbance caused by the decrease in void ratio, especially if the clay is laterally confined. An additional factor is the gradual lateral displacements which take place in thick clay layers subjected to shear stresses. The rate of secondary compression is thought to be controlled by the highly viscous film of adsorbed water surrounding the clay mineral particles in the soil.


Bearing Capacity

In order to avoid shear failure or substantial shear deformation of the ground, the foundation pressures used in design should have an adequate factor of safety when compared with the ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation. The ultimate bearing capacity is the value of the loading intensity which causes the ground to fail suddenly in shear. If this is to be avoided then a factor of safety must be applied to the ultimate bearing capacity, the value obtained being the maximum safe bearing capacity.

1. stress distribution in soil

A reasonable approximation of how stress is distributed in soil uponloading can be obtained by assuming that the soil behaves in an elastic manner as if it was a homogenous material.

2. Foundation failure

There are usually three stages in the development of a foundation failure.

The weight of the material in the passive zones resists the lifting forces and provides the reaction through the other two zones which counteract downward motion of the foundation structure. Thus the bearing capacity is a function of the resistance to uplift of the passive zone. A surcharge placed on the passive zone or increasing the depth of the foundation therefore increase the bearing capacity.

3. bearing capacity factors

A number of bearing capacity factors are used to determined the influence of the various characteristics of a soil and formation structure on the ultimate bearing capacity.

4. contact pressure

The pressure acting between the bottom of a foundation structure and the soil is the contact pressure. The assumption that a uniformly loaded foundation structure transmits the load uniformly so that the ground is uniformly stressed is by on means valid. In fact, of course, the clay yields slightly and so reduces the stress at the edges. As the load is increased more and more local yielding of the ground material takes place until, then the loading is close to that which would cause failure, the distribution is probably very nearly uniform. Therefore at working loads a uniformly loaded foundation structure on clay imposes a widely varying contact pressure.

5. allowable contact pressure for rock masses

If the rock mass contains few defects the allowable contact pressure at the surface may be taken conservatively as the unconfined compressive strength of the intact rock. Most rock masses, however, are affected by joints or weathering which may significantly affect their strength and engineering behaviour.

●The stability of slopes

1 the stability of slopes in soils

The stability of slopes is critical factor in open excavation. This stability is usually expressed in terms of factor of safety (F), the design of potential stability increasing as the value of F increases above unity. A soil mass under given loads should have an adequate factor of safety will respect to shear failure, and deformation under given loads should not exceed certain tolerable limits.

There are several methods available for analysis of the stability of slopes in soils. Most of theses may be classed as limit equilibrium methods in which the basic assumption is that coulomb’s failure criterion is satisfied along the assumed path of failure.

1.1 analysis of stability in cohesive soil

1.2 the Swedish method slices

2 the stability of slopes in rocks

The design for a slope excavated in rock necessitates a well planned site investigation, indeed no design can be better than the quality of the geological input data. Such a site investigation must obtain as much information as possible on the character of the discontinuities within the rock mass in question, since the stability of a rock mass is frequently dependent upon the nature of the discontinuities. Information relating to the spatial relationships between discontinuities affords some indication of the modes of failure which may occur and information relating to the shear strength of the rock mass, or more particularly the shear strength along discontinuities, is required for use in the stability analysis. Furthermore data should be collected from all newly excavated faces in order to confirm or amend the original assumption made during design and, if necessary, to provide a basis for re-design.

2.1 factors influencing rock slope stability

2.2 types of failure in rock slopes

●Methods of slope control and stabilization

It is rarely economical to design a rock slope so that no subsequent rock falls occur, indeed many roads in rough terrain could not be constructed with the finance available without accepting some such risk. Therefore except there absolute security is essential, slopes should be designed to allow small falls of

rock under controlled conditions. For an economical design, about 10% of the slope area may require some treatment at a later date. Subsequent slope treatment may take the form of a reduction in the overall slope angle so as to increase the factor of safety. Obviously care must be taken to avoid damaging the slope when it is being trimmed by further blasting. Care also should be taken to maintain a constant slope line.

1 reinforcement of slopes

Rock bolts may be used as reinforcement to enhance the stability of slopes excavated in jointed rock masses. They provide additional strength on critical planes of weakness within the rock mass.

Reinforced earth walls are constructed by erecting a thin front skin at the face of the wall whilst at the same time the earth is placed. Strips of steel are fixed to the facing skin at regular intervals. They can be rapidly erected but only serve to support shallow translation slides. Gabions consists of strong wire mesh surrounding placed stones which are built to a given height. They provide a stable structure pervious to water.

2 drainage of slopes

Drainage is the most generally applicable method for improving the stability of slopes for the corrective treatment of slides, regardless of type, since it reduces the effectiveness of the principal causes of instability, namely, excess pore water pressure. In rock masses ground water also tends to reduce the shear strength along discontinuities. Moreover drainage is the only economic way of dealing with slides involving the movement of several million cubic metres.

●Underground cavern

1 location of underground cavern

The site investigation for an underground cavern has to locate a sufficiently large mass of sound rock in which the cavern can be excavated. Because caverns usually are located at appearance of weathering and consequently the chief considerations are rock quality, geological structure and ground water conditions. The orientation of an underground cavern is usually based on an analysis of the area and, where relevant, also on the basis of the stress distribution. It usually is considered necessary to avoid and orientation whereby the long axis is parallel to steeply inclined major joint sets.

2 stability of underground caverns

3 influence of joins

4 excavation of underground caverns

●Types of foundation structures






Some of the worst conditions are met in excavation which have to be taken below the water table. In such cases the water level must be lowered by dewatering. The method adopted for dewatering an excavation depends upon the permeability of the soil and its variation within the stratal sequence, the depth of base level below the water table, piezometric conditions in underlying horizons, the method of

providing support to the sides of the excavation and of safeguarding neighbouring structures.

●Methods of ground treatment

1 grounting

2 vibroflotation or vibrocompaction

3 dynamic compaction

●Geological factors in roof behavior

Apart from the presence of high stress levels in relation to rock strength, strata behaviour in the roof of an underground mine is affected by a number of detailed geological features in the actual beds concerned among which the more significant factors are discussed below.

1 presence of weak or unconsolidated materials

2 deteroration with exposure

3 bedding-plane discontinuities

4 washout structures

5 joint and fault pattern







总学时: 36






地质工程专业英语 3 水文地质学原理 3.1 水文地质学科分类 3.1.1 水文地质学hydrogeology 研究地下水的形成和分布、物理及化学性质、运动规律、开发利用和保护的科学。 3.1.2 水文地质学原理(普通水文地质学)principles of hydrogeology(general hydrogeology) 研究水文地质学的基础理论和基本概念的学科。 3.1.3 地下水动力学groundwater dynamics 研究地下水在岩土中运动规律的学科。 3.1.4 水文地球化学hydrogeochemistry 研究地下水化学成分的形成和变化规律以及地下水地球化学作用的学科。 3.1.5 专门水文地质学applied hydrogeology 为各种应用而进行的地下水调查、勘探、评价及开发利用的学科。 供水水文地质学water supply hydrogeology 为各种目的供水,研究地下水的形成条件、赋存规律、勘查方法、水质、水量评价以及合理开发利用和管理的学科。 矿床水文地质学mine hydrogeology 研究矿床水文地质学理论、勘探方法及开采中有关水文地质问题的学科。 土壤改良水文地质学reclamation hydrogeology 研究土壤盐渍化及沼泽化等水文地质问题的学科。 环境水文地质学environmental hydrogeology 研究自然环境中地下水与环境及人类活动的相互关系及其作用结果,并对地下水与环境进行保护、控制和改造的学科。 同位素水文地质学isotopic hydrogeology


1地形地貌geographic and geomorphic 工程地质条件engineering geological conditions 地形地貌条件geographic and geomorphic conditions 地形land form 地貌geomorphology, relief 微地貌microrelief 地貌单元landform unit, geomorphic unit 坡度grade 地形图relief map 河谷river valley 河道river course 河床river bed(channel) 冲沟gully, gulley, erosion gully, stream(brook) 河漫滩floodplain(valley flat) 阶地terrace 冲积平原alluvial plain 三角洲delta 古河道fossil river course, fossil stream channel 冲积扇alluvial fan 洪积扇diluvial fan 坡积裙talus apron 分水岭divide 盆地basin 岩溶地貌karst land feature, karst landform 溶洞solution cave, karst cave 落水洞sinkhole 土洞Karstic earth cave 2地层岩性 地层geostrome (stratum, strata) 岩性lithologic character, rock property 岩体rock mass 岩层bed stratum 岩层layer, rock stratum 母岩matrix, parent rock 相变facies change 硬质岩strong rock, film 软质岩weak rock 硬质得petent 软质得inpetent 基岩bedrock 岩组petrofabric 覆盖层overburden 交错层理cross bedding 层面bedding plane 片理schistosity 层理bedding 板理(叶理) foliation 波痕ripple-mark 泥痕mud crack 雨痕raindrop imprints 造岩矿物rock-forming minerals 粘土矿物clay mineral 高岭土kaolinite 蒙脱石montmorillonite 伊利石illite 云母mica 白云母muscovite 黑云母biotite 石英quartz 长石feldspar 正长石orthoclase 斜长石plagioclase 辉石pyroxene, picrite 角闪石hornblende 方解石calcite 构造structure 结构texture 组构fabric(tissue) 矿物组成mineral position 结晶质crystalline 非晶质amorphous 产状attitude 火成岩igneous 岩浆岩magmatic rock 火山岩(熔岩)lava 火山volcano 侵入岩intrusive(invade) rock 喷出岩effusive rock 深成岩plutonic rock 浅成岩pypabysal rock 酸性岩acid rock 中性岩inter-mediate rock 基性岩basic rock 超基性岩ultrabasic rock 岩基rock base (batholith) 岩脉(墙) dike 岩株rock stock 岩流rock flow 岩盖rock laccolith (laccolite) 岩盆rock lopolith 岩墙rock dike 岩床rock sill 岩脉vein dyke


《工程地质专业英语》教学大纲 课程代码: 课程名称:工程地质专业英语 学时安排:总学时36 学分:2 适合专业:工程地质 先修课程:《大学英语》,《工程地质学》,《工程岩土学》等 教材:〈工程地质专业英语〉郑孝玉编,吉林大学校内讲义,2005,7 参考书: 编写人:郑孝玉 教学目的和要求 工程地质专业英语是工程地质专业4年级学生的选修课,是在学生学习和掌握了基础理论课,专业课及大学英语之基础上为培养和提高学生专业英语能力而设置的。通过讲授和与学生交流为他们灌输一些相关专业词汇,表述方式及科学文献的翻译、课程写作技巧和规范等。为将来学习和工作储备一些相关知识。 课程内容概要 1.本课程教学内容 ●The Engineering Properties of Rocks 1)rock index properties Certain index properties of rocks are of particular importance to the engineering, which are defined below. Specific gravity (G s and G b). G b is the specific gravity of the solid mineral material of the rock by itself. G b is the specific gravity of the complete rock, grain plus voids, with the voids empty except for air. Both are defined as a weight per unit volume. Saturation moisture content (i s). This is the total amount of water present in a rock with the voids full. The ratio of weight of water to dry weight of rock sample, expressed as a percentage, is the saturation moisture content (i s). Moisture content (W). This is the amount of water normally present in the voids of a rock , again expressed as a percentage (see i s) above. Rocks are rarely saturated with water, thus in normal circumstances w is less than is. Porosity (n). This is the ratio of volume of voids in a rock total volume of the sample. It is expressed


1 阐述expound(explain), state 引入introduce into 相应的corresponding 概念conception 概论overview 概率probability 概念化conceptualize 宏观的macroscopic 补充complement 规划plan 证明demonstrate, certify, attest 证实confirmation 补偿compensate, make up, imburse 算法algorithm 判别式discriminant 有限元方法finite element method(FEM) 样本单元法sample element method(SEM) 赤平投影法stereographic projection method(SPM) 赤平投影stereographic projection 干扰位移法interference displacement method(IDM) 干扰能量法interference energy method(IEM) 条分法method of slices 极限平衡法limit equilibrium method 界面元法boundary element method 模拟simulate 计算程序computer program 数值分析numerical analysis 计算工作量calculation load 解的唯一性uniqueness of solution 多层结构模型laminated model 非线性nonlinear 横观各向同性lateral isotropy 各向同性isotropy 各向异性anisotropy 非均质性heterogeneity 边界条件boundary condition 本构方程constitutive equation 初始条件initial condition 初始状态rest condition 岩土工程geotechnical engineering, 土木工程civil engineering 基础工程foundation engineering 最不利滑面the most dangerous slip surface 交替alternate 控制论cybernetics 大量现场调查mass field surveys 组合式combined type 相互作用interaction 稳定性评价stability evaluation 均质性homogeneity 介质medium 层layer, stratum 组构fabric 1地形地貌geographic and geomorphic 工程地质条件engineering geological conditions 地形地貌条件geographic and geomorphic conditions 地形land form 地貌geomorphology, relief 微地貌microrelief 地貌单元landform unit, geomorphic unit 坡度grade 地形图relief map 河谷river valley 河道river course 河床river bed(channel) 冲沟gully, gulley, erosion gully, stream(brook) 河漫滩floodplain(valley flat) 阶地terrace 冲积平原alluvial plain 三角洲delta 古河道fossil river course, fossil stream channel 冲积扇alluvial fan 洪积扇diluvial fan 坡积裙talus apron 分水岭divide 盆地basin 岩溶地貌karst land feature, karst landform 溶洞solution cave, karst cave 落水洞sinkhole 土洞Karstic earth cave 2地层岩性 地层geostrome (stratum, strata) 岩性lithologic character, rock property 岩体rock mass 岩层bed stratum 岩层layer, rock stratum 母岩matrix, parent rock 相变facies change 硬质岩strong rock, film 软质岩weak rock 硬质的competent 软质的incompetent 基岩bedrock 岩组petrofabric 覆盖层overburden 交错层理cross bedding 层面bedding plane 片理schistosity 层理bedding 板理(叶理)foliation 波痕ripple-mark 泥痕mud crack 雨痕raindrop imprints 造岩矿物rock-forming minerals 粘土矿物clay mineral 高岭土kaolinite 蒙脱石montmorillonite 伊利石illite 云母mica 白云母muscovite 黑云母biotite 石英quartz 长石feldspar 正长石orthoclase 斜长石plagioclase 辉石pyroxene, picrite 角闪石hornblende 方解石calcite 构造structure 结构texture 组构fabric(tissue) 矿物组成mineral composition 结晶质crystalline 非晶质amorphous 产状attitude 火成岩igneous



1地形地貌 geographic and geomorphic 工程地质条件 engineering geological conditions 地形地貌条件 geographic and geomorphic conditions 地形 land form 地貌 geomorphology, relief 微地貌 microrelief 地貌单元 landform unit, geomorphic unit 坡度 grade 地形图 relief map 河谷 river valley 河道 river course 河床 river bed(channel) 冲沟 gully, gulley, erosion gully, stream(brook) 河漫滩 floodplain(valley flat) 阶地 terrace 冲积平原 alluvial plain 三角洲 delta 古河道 fossil river course, fossil stream channel 冲积扇 alluvial fan 洪积扇 diluvial fan 坡积裙 talus apron 分水岭 divide 盆地 basin 岩溶地貌 karst land feature, karst landform 溶洞 solution cave, karst cave 落水洞 sinkhole 土洞 Karstic earth cave 2地层岩性 地层 geostrome (stratum, strata) 岩性 lithologic character, rock property 岩体 rock mass 岩层 bed stratum 岩层 layer, rock stratum 母岩 matrix, parent rock 相变 facies change 硬质岩 strong rock, film 软质岩 weak rock 硬质的 competent 软质的 incompetent 基岩 bedrock 岩组 petrofabric 覆盖层 overburden 交错层理 cross bedding 层面 bedding plane 片理 schistosity 层理 bedding 板理(叶理) foliation 波痕 ripple-mark 泥痕 mud crack 雨痕 raindrop imprints 造岩矿物 rock-forming minerals 粘土矿物 clay mineral 高岭土 kaolinite 蒙脱石 montmorillonite 伊利石 illite 云母 mica 白云母 muscovite 黑云母 biotite 石英 quartz 长石 feldspar 正长石 orthoclase 斜长石 plagioclase 辉石 pyroxene, picrite 角闪石 hornblende 方解石 calcite 构造 structure 结构 texture 组构 fabric(tissue) 矿物组成 mineral composition 结晶质 crystalline 非晶质 amorphous 产状 attitude 火成岩 igneous 岩浆岩 magmatic rock 火山岩(熔岩)lava 火山 volcano 侵入岩 intrusive(invade) rock 喷出岩 effusive rock 深成岩 plutonic rock 浅成岩 pypabysal rock 酸性岩 acid rock 中性岩 inter-mediate rock 基性岩 basic rock 超基性岩 ultrabasic rock 岩基 rock base (batholith) 岩脉(墙) dike 岩株 rock stock 岩流 rock flow 岩盖 rock laccolith (laccolite)



CDB工程专业术语中英文对照(二) 添加时间:2013-4-24 节流截止放空阀 2011-08-10 16:50:46| 分类:English | 标签:|字号大中小订阅 六、仪表及自动控制 通用描述 COMMON DESCRIPTION 设备名称Equipment Name 缩写 ABB. 分散控制系统Distributed Control System DCS 安全仪表系统Safety Instrumentation System SIS 紧急切断系统Emergency Shutdown system ESD 火气系统Fire and Gas system F&G 监视控制和数据采集系统 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SCADA 可编程逻辑控制器Programmed Logic Controller PLC 远程终端单元Remote Terminal Unit RTU 站控系统Station Control System SCS 中央控制室Central Control Room CCR 操作间Operation room 机柜间Equipment room/ Cabinet room 大屏显示系统Large Screen Display system LSD 流量类仪表 FLOW INSTRUMENT 设备名称Equipment Name 孔板Orifice Plate 文丘里流量计Venturi Flowmeter 均速管流量计Averaging Pitot Tube 阀式孔板节流装置 Orifice Plate in quick change fitting 涡轮流量计Turbine Flowmeter


英汉工程地质学专业词汇 (与双语教学讲义Engineering Geology 配套使用) 黄雨选编 同济大学地下建筑与工程系 2009.10

编写说明 为了配合同济大学土木工程专业工程地质学双语教学改革的需要,我们于2009年,从F. G. Bell所编著的Engineering Geology(Second edition 2007)及Tony Waltham所编著的Foundations of Engineering Geology(Second edition 2001)两本书中选编了与工程地质学关系较密切的部分专业词汇,以英汉对照的形式刊出,便于学生使用。以求对学生在双语教学课堂和课后学习时有所帮助。使用过程中若发现不当之处,欢迎多提批评和建议,以便及时补充更正。 编者 2009年10月

Contents Chapter 1 Introduction....................................................................................... ..1 Chapter 2 Rock Types and Stratigraphy .. (1) Chapter 3 Geological Structure (4) Chapter 4 Soil Engineering Properties and Classification (5) Chapter 5 Groundwater (7) Chapter 6 The main engineering geology problems in civil engineering (8) chapter 7 In-situ test (10) Chapter 8 Site investigation (10)


地质工程专业英语 Final revision by standardization team on December 10, 2020.

1地形地貌 geographic and geomorphic 工程地质条件 engineering geological conditions 地形地貌条件 geographic and geomorphic conditions 地形 land form 地貌 geomorphology, relief 微地貌 microrelief 地貌单元 landform unit, geomorphic unit 坡度 grade 地形图 relief map 河谷 river valley 河道 river course 河床 river bed(channel) 冲沟 gully, gulley, erosion gully, stream(brook) 河漫滩 floodplain(valley flat)阶地 terrace 冲积平原 alluvial plain 三角洲 delta 古河道 fossil river course, fossil stream channel 冲积扇 alluvial fan 洪积扇 diluvial fan 坡积裙 talus apron 分水岭 divide 盆地 basin 岩溶地貌 karst land feature, karst landform 溶洞 solution cave, karst cave 落水洞 sinkhole 土洞 Karstic earth cave 2地层岩性 地层 geostrome (stratum, strata) 岩性 lithologic character, rock property 岩体 rock mass 岩层 bed stratum 岩层 layer, rock stratum 母岩 matrix, parent rock 相变 facies change 硬质岩 strong rock, film 软质岩 weak rock 硬质的 competent 软质的 incompetent 基岩 bedrock 岩组 petrofabric 覆盖层 overburden 交错层理 cross bedding 层面 bedding plane 片理 schistosity 层理 bedding 板理(叶理) foliation 波痕 ripple-mark 泥痕 mud crack 雨痕 raindrop imprints 造岩矿物 rock-forming minerals 粘土矿物 clay mineral 高岭土 kaolinite 蒙脱石 montmorillonite 伊利石 illite 云母 mica 白云母 muscovite 黑云母 biotite 石英 quartz 长石 feldspar 正长石 orthoclase 斜长石 plagioclase 辉石 pyroxene, picrite 角闪石 hornblende 方解石 calcite 构造 structure 结构 texture 组构 fabric(tissue) 矿物组成 mineral composition 结晶质 crystalline 非晶质 amorphous 产状 attitude 火成岩 igneous 岩浆岩 magmatic rock 火山岩(熔岩)lava 火山 volcano 侵入岩 intrusive(invade) rock 喷出岩 effusive rock 深成岩 plutonic rock 浅成岩 pypabysal rock


大地构造Geotectonics 陆缘盆地epicontinental basin 活动带mobile belt 白云岩dolomite 韧性—脆性剪切带ductile-brittle- shear belt 硅化silicification, 碳酸盐化carbonation 黄铁矿化pyritization. 延深depth extent 似层状stratoid 透镜状lentoid 他形-自形结构xenotopic-idiotopic fabric 碎裂cataclastic 包含inclusion 交代残余metasomatic relict 镶边结构rimmed texture. 浸染impregnation, 蜂窝honeycomb 团块crumb 黄铜矿chalcopyrite 方铅矿galenite 磁铁矿magnetite 方解石calcite 绿泥石chlorite 铁白云石ankerite 菱铁矿siderite 包裹encapsulation. 浸出率extracted recovery 氰化cyanidation 氰化物cyanide 第三纪tertiary 第四纪Quaternary 侏罗纪的Jurassic 二叠系Permian 石炭系carboniferous 下石炭统culm 上泥盆系upper Devonian 志留系Silurian 元古界proterozoic 次火山岩subvolcanic 不整合界线unconformable boundary [22:59:07] hfjinghua 说:白云石dolomite 白云母muscovite


水文地质术语 Hydrogeologic terminology 3 水文地质学原理 3.1 水文地质学科分类 3.1.1 水文地质学hydrogeology 研究地下水的形成和分布、物理及化学性质、运动规律、开发利用和保护的科学。 3.1.2 水文地质学原理(普通水文地质学)principles of hydrogeology(general hydrogeology) 研究水文地质学的基础理论和基本概念的学科。 3.1.3 地下水动力学groundwater dynamics 研究地下水在岩土中运动规律的学科。 3.1.4 水文地球化学hydrogeochemistry 研究地下水化学成分的形成和变化规律以及地下水地球化学作用的学科。 3.1.5 专门水文地质学applied hydrogeology 为各种应用而进行的地下水调查、勘探、评价及开发利用的学科。 供水水文地质学water supply hydrogeology 为各种目的供水,研究地下水的形成条件、赋存规律、勘查方法、水质、水量评价以及合理开发利用和管理的学科。 矿床水文地质学mine hydrogeology 研究矿床水文地质学理论、勘探方法及开采中有关水文地质问题的学科。 土壤改良水文地质学reclamation hydrogeology 研究土壤盐渍化及沼泽化等水文地质问题的学科。 环境水文地质学environmental hydrogeology 研究自然环境中地下水与环境及人类活动的相互关系及其作用结果,并对地下水与环境进行保护、控制和改造的学科。 同位素水文地质学isotopic hydrogeology 应用同位素方法解决水文地质问题的学科。 3.1.6 区域水文地质学regional hydrogeology 研究地下水埋藏、分布、形成条件及含水层的区域性规律的学科。 3.1.7 古水文地质学pa1eohydrogeology 研究地质历史时期中地下水的形成、分布和演变的学科。 3.2 自然界的水循环 3.2.1 水循环water cycle 地球上各种形式的水体相互转换的循环过程。 3.2.2 大气圈aerosphere 包围地球表壳的气层。 3.2.3 水圈hydrosphere 连续包围地球表层的水体和地壳岩石中的水的总称。 3.2.4 岩石圈lithosphere 地球第一个软流层以上的部分。 3.2. 4.1 包气带aeration zone 地表面与地下水面之间与大气相通的,含有气体的地带。 3.2. 4.2 毛细带capillary zone 由于岩层毛细管力的作用,在潜水面以上形成的一个与饱水带有直接水力联系的接近饱和的地带。


精品 1 地形地貌geographic and geomorphic 工程地质条件engineering geological conditions 地形地貌条件geographic and geomorphic conditions 地形land form 地貌geomorphology, relief 微地貌microrelief 地貌单元landform unit, geomorphic unit 坡度grade 地形图relief map 河谷river valley 河道river course 河床river bed(channel) 冲沟gully, gulley, erosion gully, stream(brook) 河漫滩floodplain(valley flat) 阶地terrace 冲积平原alluvial plain 三角洲delta 古河道fossil river course, fossil stream channel 冲积扇alluvial fan 洪积扇diluvial fan 坡积裙talus apron 分水岭divide 盆地basin 岩溶地貌karst land feature, karst landform 溶洞solution cave, karst cave 落水洞sinkhole 土洞Karstic earth cave 2 地层岩性

精品 地层geostrome (stratum, strata ) 岩性lithologic character, rock property 岩体rock mass 岩层bed stratum 岩层layer, rock stratum 母岩matrix, parent rock 相变facies change 硬质岩strong rock, film 软质岩weak rock 硬质的competent 软质的incompetent 基岩bedrock 岩组petrofabric 覆盖层overburden 交错层理cross bedding 层面bedding plane 片理schistosity 层理bedding 板理(叶理)foliation 波痕ripple-mark 泥痕mud crack 雨痕raindrop imprints 造岩矿物rock-forming minerals 粘土矿物clay mineral 高岭土kaolinite 蒙脱石montmorillonite 伊利石illite 云母mica


《工程地质学》课程教学大纲 【英文译名】:Engineering Geology 【适用专业】:地质工程 【学分数】:2.5 【总学时】:40 【实践学时】:8 一、本课程教学目的和课程性质 本课程是为地质工程专业本科开设的一门专业基础课,必修课。课程系统地讲授岩土工程地质性质及工程动力地质作用。系统概括了工程地质学最基本的原理和方法。在教学过程中适量安排一定时间的参观及试验。通过本课程教学,培养学生掌握工程地质学最基本的原理与方法,了解国内外工程地质学领域的研究动态,能从系统的、动态的角度认识人类工程活动与地质环境的相互关系,为今后研究与解决工程地质、水文地质、地震地质、环境地质等方面有关的工程问题奠定坚实的基础。 二、本课程的基本要求 通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握岩土的工程地质性质、工程动力地质作用等工程地质学最基本的原理和方法,并能初步应用工程地质学的基本原理分析工程地质问题,能运用力学原理进行工程地质问题的定量评价等。为学习后继课程以及从事工程地质工作和科学研究打下一定的基础。在教学过程中,应注意培养学生对工程地质问题分析中的地质思维逻辑,辩证唯物主义的科学思维方法和实事求是、严谨认真的工作作风。 三、本课程与其他课程的关系 本课程学习前必须学习《动力地质学》、《矿物学》、《岩石学》、《构造地质学》、《水文地质学》、《地层学》、《地貌及第四纪地质学》、《工程力学》等课程。 四、课程内容 绪论 一、工程地质学的研究对象与任务 二、工程地质学的研究内容、分科及其与其它学科的关系 三、工程地质学的发展历史

四、本课程的内容与学习方法 重点了解工程地质学的研究对象和任务,工程地质学的研究内容;了解工程地质学分科及其与其它学科的关系,工程地质学的发展历史。 重点:工程地质学、工程地质条件及工程地质问题的概念;工程地质学的意义 第一章土的物质组成与结构、构造 第一节土的粒度成分 粒径、粒组概念;粒组划分;粒度成分测定与表示;土按粒度成分分类; 第二节土的矿物成分 土中矿物成分类型;矿物成分与粒度成分的关系;粘土矿物的类型及其工程地质特征 第一节土中的水与气体 土中水的基本类型与特征;土中的气体 第四节土的构造与构造 土的结构的概念;土粒间的连结关系;土的结构类型;土的构造的概念;土的构造 本章要求掌握有关的基本概念,并了解有关土的粒度成分;土的矿物成分;土中的水和气体;及土的结构、构造。 重点:粒度、粒组及土的组成及其与性质之间的关系。 第二章土的物理性质 第一节土的基本物理性质 土的三相组成;土粒密度;土的密度;土的含水性;土的孔隙性;土的基本物理性质间的关系 第二节细粒土的稠度与可塑性 细粒土的稠度状态;界限含水率;塑限与液限;细粒土的可塑性;塑性指数;液性指数;塑性图 第三节细粒土的胀缩性与崩解性 细粒土的胀缩性;收缩性、膨胀性的概念;表征胀缩性的指标;细粒土崩解性及其表征 第四节土的透水性与毛细性 土的透水性概念;渗透系数;影响土透水性的因素;土的毛细水及其表征;影响土毛细性的因素 本章要求掌握有关土的物理性质的基本概念及其测定方法;重点了解土的基本物理性质、细粒土的稠度和可塑性、胀缩性和崩解性及土的透水性和毛细性以及这些性质对土工程地质性质的影响。


Unit 1 Basic Geology Lesson1 Geology Physical Geology Mineralogy 矿物学petrology岩石学geomorphology 地磁学geophysics 地球物理学geochemistry 地球化学sedimentology 沉积学structural geology构造地质学economic geology经济地质学 Historical Geology Paleontology 古生物学stratigraphy 地层学paleogeography古地理学 Precambrian前寒武纪Paleozoic古生代Mesozoic中生代Cenozoic新生代 Lesson6 Geologic Time Scale Late Late Permian 晚二叠世晚期proterozoic 元古代后缀gene为纪,后缀cene为世,后缀zoic为代。Paleogene古近纪mass extinctions 大灭绝Cretaceous白垩纪nonmarine陆相Eons宙eras代periods纪epochs世ages 期 Extent地理分布 Paleozoic:Permian二叠Carboniferous石炭Devonian泥盆Silurian志留 超群super-group 群group 组formation 段member 亚段sub-member 岩石lithology chronology年代 Lesson 8 Rocks Aggregation集合 Rock is aggregation of solid matter composed of one or more of minerals forming the Earth’s crust. Perology 岩石igneous火成的sedimentary沉积的metamorphic变质的 Igneous Rocks火成岩 Solidification岩石固结成岩作用volcanic neck 火山颈pyroclastics火山灰stock岩株Extrusive rocks 喷出岩intrusive rocks 侵入岩dacite英安岩basalt 玄武岩andesite安山岩texture结构grains颗粒 Metamorphic Rocks Marble大理岩quartzite石英massive块状 subject to承受于foliation片理slaty cleavage 板状解理schist片岩mica云母hornblende schist角闪石gneiss石英 Regional metamorphic rocks区域变质岩shearing stress剪切力hydrostatic stress静水压力 Contact metamorphic rocks 接触变质岩ingeous intrusion火山侵入体 Cataclastic or dynamic metamorphic动力变质岩Burial metamorphic rocks 埋藏变质岩brutal history 埋藏史 Lesson 14 Classification of Sedimentary Rocks Hydrocarbon=petroleum=oil+gas Derived from生于,来源于 Grains颗粒dissolved into溶解成weathering 风化作用erosion溶蚀作用(wind,waves,rivers )compaction压实作用recrystallization重结晶cementation胶结作用 Ultimately 最后的 Detrital碎屑的biogenic生物的chemical化学的devise to设计pigeonhole分类exclusively独有的organism 生物iron formation铁沉积层artificial人工的salient 主要的detrial sedimentary 碎屑岩clasts碎屑discrete不连续terrigenous陆源碎屑erode剥蚀debris碎屑weathering site搬运区gravel砾sand砂mud泥depositional basin 沉积盆地intrabasinal盆内rework再改造contemporaneous同期ooide鲕粒shale板岩siltstone粉砂岩laminae页理ciliciclastic硅质碎屑lithification岩石化cementation胶结subcategory次级分类conglomerates砾岩distinguish lecture杰出讲师some大约sandstone砂岩turbudite浊积岩framework grains 颗粒骨架debris flow碎屑流pore space孔隙matrix杂基matrix porosity 基质clast碎屑precipitate沉淀deposit沉积saturation饱和度metabolism新陈代谢precipitate骨骼carbonate盐oil shale油母页岩kerogen干酪根extramarital婚外的intracratonic内克拉通盆地extra basinal盆外的methane甲烷paraffins石蜡intraclasts内碎屑 1



1地形地貌 geographic and geomorphic 工程地质条件 engineering geological conditions 地形地貌条件 geographic and geomorphic conditions 地形 land form 地貌 geomorphology, relief 微地貌 microrelief 地貌单元 landform unit, geomorphic unit 坡度 grade 地形图 relief map 河谷 river valley 河道 river course 河床 river bed(channel) 冲沟 gully, gulley, erosion gully, stream(brook) 河漫滩 floodplain(valley flat) 阶地 terrace 冲积平原 alluvial plain 三角洲 delta 古河道 fossil river course, fossil stream channel 冲积扇 alluvial fan 洪积扇 diluvial fan 坡积裙 talus apron 分水岭 divide 盆地 basin 岩溶地貌 karst land feature, karst landform 溶洞 solution cave, karst cave 落水洞 sinkhole 土洞 Karstic earth cave 2地层岩性 地层 geostrome (stratum, strata)岩性 lithologic character, rock property 岩体 rock mass 岩层 bed stratum 岩层 layer, rock stratum 母岩 matrix, parent rock 相变 facies change 硬质岩 strong rock, film 软质岩 weak rock 硬质的 competent 软质的 incompetent 基岩 bedrock 岩组 petrofabric 覆盖层 overburden 交错层理 cross bedding 层面 bedding plane 片理 schistosity 层理 bedding 板理(叶理) foliation 波痕 ripple-mark 泥痕 mud crack 雨痕 raindrop imprints 造岩矿物 rock-forming minerals 粘土矿物 clay mineral 高岭土 kaolinite 蒙脱石 montmorillonite 伊利石 illite 云母 mica 白云母 muscovite 黑云母 biotite 石英 quartz 长石 feldspar 正长石 orthoclase 斜长石 plagioclase 辉石 pyroxene, picrite 角闪石 hornblende 方解石 calcite 构造 structure 结构 texture 组构 fabric(tissue) 矿物组成 mineral composition
