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00500#体育科研理论与方法试题第1 页共3 页














































00500#体育科研理论与方法试题第2 页共3 页









00500#体育科研理论与方法试题第3 页共3 页


第一部分基础工业工程 一、单向选择题 1.生产率是(B )。 A. 产出与投入之差 B. 产出与投入之比 C. 投入如产出之差 D. 投入与产出之比 2.现场建立新方法时,经过5W1H 提问“完成了什么?”、“是否必要”及“为什么”等问题而不能有满意答复者,应予以( A )。 A.取消B.合并 C.重排D.简化 3.工作研究的目标偏重于( A )。 A. 人力资源的节约 B. 提高产品质量 C. 增加企业的收入 D. 扩大企业生产规模 4.下图的改善,应用了动作经济原则的()原则。 A.工具物料应放在固定的地方 B.工具物料应尽可能预放在工作位置上 C.人体动作应以最低等级而能得到满意结果为妥 D.工具物料应以最佳的工作顺序排列 料筐 工作台 改善前料筐 工作台 改善后 5.工艺程序分析只分析( D )要素。 A. “搬运”和“加工” B. “加工”和“暂存” C. “检查”和“搬运” D. “加工”和“检查” 6.工作研究中,不需要按比例画出现场平面图的分析研究方法是( A ) A. 工艺程序分析 B. 流程程序分析 C. 线路图分析 D. 线图分析 7.以下对动素“放手”的改善论述不正确的是( C ) A. 应尽量取消此动素 B. 放手后,要考虑使手或运送的位置对下一次动作有利

C. 放手时一定要小心一点,给予放手放置的构件或产品较大的注意 D. 尽量一次放手多件物件 8.在所有动素中,核心动素是( D ) A. 装配、握取、放手 B. 拆卸、使用 C. 装配、使用、移物 D. 装配、拆卸、使用 9.人体的动作可分为5级,一般认为最有效的动作是( C )级动作。 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 10.最有效的“持住”应使用( D ) A. 左手 B. 右手 C. 双手 D. 夹具 11.标准时间是( D )。 A. 国家规定的 B.我们用专业方法测量的 C.企业自己确定的 D.客观存在的 12.宽放时间中,考虑刃磨工具的、清洁机器的时间宽放,属于( D ) A. 私事宽放 B. 疲劳宽放 C. 政策宽放 D. 特别宽放 13.手移动25cm ,在模特法中通常记作( B ) A. M3 B. M4 C. M5 D. 10M1 14.以下对5S 管理论述正确的是( D ) A .整理就是一定要把现场的所有物品整理整齐,不能随意乱放 B .整顿即是不断地对整理和清扫工作中的问题进行改进和成果的保持 C .清扫是将生产和工作现场的灰尘、油污、垃圾清除干净,主要要靠清洁工完成 D .清洁是整理、整顿、清扫这三项的坚持与深入 15..工作阶次通常分为四种,工作抽样适用于第( C )阶次的工作。 A. 1、2 B. 2、3 C. 3、4 D. 2、4 16.下图是简易的( A )图 A .人机作业分析图 B.联合作业分析图 C.生产流程图 D.流程程序图 人 时间 时间 机1 时间 机2 从料箱取材料 3 空闲 3 将材料装上车床1 10 装料 12 开动车床1 2 切割 35 停止车床2 2 卸下成品 5 卸料 7 切割 20 停止车床1 2 卸下成品 5 放下成品箱 3 从料箱取材料 3 将材料装上车床2 10 开动车床2 2 到车床2 5 到车床1 5 卸料 7 空闲 6 装料 12 切割 15


2003年10月英语(一)试题我爱英语网https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2a7801059.html, PART ONE Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1 point for each item) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并写在答题纸的相应括号内。1.The body needs fat to keep it ___________ the cold during the long winter months. [A] between [B] from [C] for [D] out 2.There are several ways ___________ we can cross the river without the help of local villagers. [A] in which [B] across which [C] to which [D] on which 3.You must hurry, ___________ you’ll be late for c lass. [A] but [B] so [C] or [D] either 4.The smog may be so thick that airports are closed and chains of ________ occur on the highways. [A] conflicts [B] contracts [C] contrasts [D] collisions 5.They finally ________ all hope of finding the missing dog which they liked so much. [A] gave up [B] gave in [C] gave off [D] gave out 6.People who drink a lot ________ those who use drugs are likely to suffer from panic attacks. [A] less than [B] as well [C] other than [D] as well as 7. ________, he is honest and popular with his neighbors. [A] As he is poor [B] Poor as he is [C] As poor he is [D] As is he poor 8.I wasn't at the meeting yesterday to hear ________ other people thought about this problem. [A] which [B] who [C] what [D] that 9.Had he not taken your advice, ________. [A] he would make a bad mistake [B] would he have made a bad mistake [C] he would have made a bad mistake [D] he had made a bad mistake 10.Some people are ________ to use proverbs in their everyday conversation because they see them as vehicles of too much used wisdom. [A] responsible [B] reluctant [C] relevant [D] remarkable Ⅱ.Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point for each item) 下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并写在答题纸的相应括号内。Lightening and thunder seem very different from fog, clouds, rain, wind, heat, and other things which make up the weather.____11____ without knowing about the rest of the ____12____,one cannot understand lightening and thunder. Long ago, ____13____ scientists had begun to study the weather, everyone was afraid of lightening and thunder. ____14____ the ancient Greeks and Romans, thunder was the angry voice of ____15____ great god Zeus, or Jupiter. Today we know more about weather and ____16____ lightening and thunder too, though there ____17____ still much to be learned. People today are not often afraid of thunderstorms, though we know that lightening ____18____ dangerous. ____19____ we understand lightening and thunder, there is a thrill (激动) in watching a summer thunderstorm which clears the air and leaves us ____20____. 11.[A] So [B] If [C] For [D] Yet 12.[A] weather [B] whether [C] wonder [D]wander 13.[A] before [B] after [C] since [D] when 14.[A] For [B] To [C] As [D] About 15.[A] its [B] his [C] their [D] one's 16.[A] in [B] about [C] on [D] of 17.[A] are [B] was [C] is [D] were 18.[A] can be [B] must be [C] need be [D] should be 19.[A] While [B] Although [C] So [D] Because 20.[A] to relax [B] relaxing [C] relax [D] relaxed Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension (30 points, 2 points for each item) 阅读下列短文,并从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并写在答题纸的相应括号内。Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. For many years ,T-shirts were simple short-sleeved undershirts for men and boys. T-shirts used to be of one color-white. And since they were worn under shirts, they were generally not seen. Today the T-shirt has become fashionable. It can be seen everywhere and on everyone. Women and little children wear T-shirts as do teenagers, university students, and men from all walks of life (各行各业).T-shirts are worn on playground, at the beach or in town. They can also be worn for work. Yet T-shirts remain relatively inexpensive and long wearing, as well as easy to care for. Smart but comfortable and convenient to wear, they have become one of American's newest ideas on fashion. Although T-shirts are now available in a wide variety of bright materials and styles, the most popular kind is the traditional cotton T-shirts with a slogan or picture printed on the front. A T-shirt may bear a picture, a single word, a popular phrase, or an advertisement. As T-shirts are becoming more and more popular, new designs are coming up all the time. 21.Which of the following statements is true about T-shirts in the past? [A] There were lots of multi-colored T-shirts. [B] There were many kinds of T-shirts. [C] They were worn by people from all walks of life. [D] They were usually worn inside. 22.We can learn from the second paragraph that __________. [A] T-shirts are worn by little children rather than by teenagers [B] T-shirts are considered relatively expensive now [C] T-shirts are considered fashionable in America [D] T-shirts are worn on playground because they are comfortable 23.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? [A] T-shirts are cheap but uncomfortable. [B] T-shirts are popular but difficult to care for. [C] T-shirts are convenient and formal. [D]


北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统 一考试(A)

2004.4 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage 1 Questions I to 5 are based on the following passage: A youngster’s social development has a profound effect on his academic progress. Kids who have trouble getting along with their classmates can end up behind academically as well and have a

higher chance of dropping out (退学). In the early grades especially, experts say, youngsters should be encouraged to work in groups rather than individually so that teachers can spot children who may be having problems making friends. “When children work on a project”, says Lillian Kate, an educational professor at the Illinois University, “they learn to work together, to disagree, to think, to take turns and lighten tensions. These skills can’t be learned through lecture. We all know people who have wonderful technical skills but don’t have any social skills. Relationships should be the first R”. At a certain age, children are also learning to judge themselves in relation to others. For most children, school marks the first time that


全国2003年10月高等教育自学考试 古代汉语试题 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.秦始皇统一中国之初,命李斯将“史籀大篆”略加省改,作为规范文字。这种规范文字是( ) A.甲骨文 B.小篆 C.秦隶 D.古文 2.下列句子中加着重号的词使用通假字的是( ) A.學而時習之,不亦說.乎? B.草木暢茂,禽獸繁殖,五穀不登,禽獸偪.人。 C.八月剥.棗,十月穫稻。 D.屨大小同,則賈.相若。 3.下列各组形声字中,形符均占据一角的一组是( ) A.锦、穎、旌、哉 B.裁、疆、佞、務 C.脩、旗、雖、勝 D.徒、都、賴、辫 4.“癸酉,師陳于鞌”,“陣”是“陳”的( ) A.古字 B.今字 C.异体字 D.简体字 5.狭义的异体字是指( ) A.读音相同、意义大部分相同、形体一部分相同的字 B.意义、形体不同,读音相同的字 C.读音、意义完全相同,形体不同的字 D.读音相同,形体、意义均完全不同的字 6.“衷”、“裹”、“哀”三字的结构类型均属于“六书”中的( ) A.象形 B.会意 C.指事 D.形声 7.下列各组字中全部为象形字的一组是( ) A.月、刃、屰、牛 B.及、夕、人、車 C.皿、貝、女、犬 D.行、燕、大、上 8.下列各组字,象形、指事、会意、形声四种结构类型都具备的一组是( ) A.日下伐牧 B.口虎取梅 C.止曰逐逝 D.鳥末甦歪 9.下列各项两组繁简字,在古汉语中都能够通用的一组是( ) A.後——后蟲——虫 B.禮——礼棄——弃 1


2012年10月高等教育自学考试 管理心理学试题 课程代码: 00163 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是 符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑。未涂、错涂或多涂均无分。 1.法国著名管理学家法约尔认为管理的首要职能是 A.控制 B.计划 C.协调 D.组织 2.研究管理活动中人的社会心理活动及行为规律,用科学的方法改进管理工作,并通过改善环境条件,协调人际关系,满足职工需要,充分调动人的积极性、主动性、创造性,来提高管理效率和促进组织发展的学科是 A.社会心理学 B.普通心理学 C.管理心理学 D.工程心理学 3.管理心理学的基本研究方法主要包括观察法、经验总结法、测验法、个案法和 A.数理分析法 B.逻辑判断法 C.经济分析法 D.实验法 4.韩非在《八经》篇提出:“凡治天下,必因人情。人情者,有好恶,故赏罚可用。”其阐述管理理论的哲学基础是 A.管理问题 B.生产问题 C.人性问题 D.人事问题 5.被誉为“科学管理之父”的古典管理学家是 A.泰勒 B.法约尔 C.韦伯 D.古利克 6.观察者对他人和自己的行为进行分析、解释、预测和判断,并理解自己和他人行为成败原因的方式和过程是 A.知觉 B.感觉 C.印象 D.归因 7.当知觉条件在一定范围内发生变化时,人对该对象的知觉保持相对不变,这就是知觉的A.整体性 B.选择性 C.理解性 D.恒常性 8.在人际知觉中形成的以点概面或以偏概全的主观印象,称为社会知觉中的 A.首因效应 B.近因效应 C.晕轮效应 D.心理定势现象 9.按能力的倾向划分,有一般能力和 A.特殊能力 B.个人能力 C.认知能力 D.创造能力


2003年1月高等教育自学考试 英语语法试题 课程代码:10056 I. After each sentence, four options are given. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and write the letter of your choice in the brackets on the Answer Sheet.(40%) 1. ______ work has been done to improve the people's living standard. A. Many B. A great many C. A large number of D. A great deal of 2. My best friend and advisor ______ changed ______ mind again. A. have; their B. has; his C. are; their D. was; his 3. The number of the people applying for the job ______ increasing. A. are B. is C. is being D. are being 4. I'm not sure whether we'll go on ______ foot or by ______bike. A. the; the B. / ; the C. / ; / D. the; / 5. The event took place during ______. A. First World War B. the First World War C. World War the One D. the World War One 6. Every teacher and student here is proud of ______ school. A. his B. her C. their D. everyone's 7. I don't want ______ of the magazines. Please show me ______. A. any; the other B. both; another C. either; another D. neither; the other 8. He bought two______ eggs. A. dozen B. dozens C. dozen of D. dozens of 9. The homework for today is to write ______ about your hometown. A. a five-hundred-word composition B. a five-hundred-words composition C. a five-hundreds-word composition D. a five-hundreds-words composition 10. “Who is the older, you or Peter?” “I am. I am ______ than my friend.” A. older 2 years B. 2 years older C. years elder D. 2 year's older 11. From here we can see the bridge ______ construction. A. on B. under C. at D. with 12. ______ fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill. A. Except for B. But for C. Besides D. Beside 13. Please ______ these paper on her desk. They will ______ there for her to check tomorrow. A. lie; lie B. lay; lie C. lie; lay D. lay; lay 14. They ______ shopping, when someone knocked at the door. A. are about to go B. are to go C. were about to go D. were to go 15. Is there anything you want from the town? I am going to get ______. A. those letters mailed B. mailed letters


2007年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 运筹学基础试题 课程代码:2375 一、单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.为使“调整”成本降低,当需求逐月作大幅度的随机起伏时,若采用指数平滑法进行预测,宜选用() A.较大的α B.较小的α C.α=0 D.α=1 2.不属于 ...特尔斐法实施程序的是() A.确定课题 B.召开专家座谈会 C.设计咨询表 D.采用统计分析方法 3.广义的企业决策过程应包括四个程序:(1)明确决策项目的目的;(2)在诸可行的方案中进行抉择;(3)寻求可行的方 案;(4)对选定的方案经过实施后的结果进行总结评价。这四个程序在决策过程中出现的先后顺序是()A.(1)(2)(3)(4) B.(1)(3)(2)(4) C.(3)(2)(1)(4) D.(3)(4)(1)(2) 4.所谓确定条件下的决策,是指在这种条件下,只存在() A.一种自然状态 B.两种自然状态 C.三种或三种以上自然状态 D.无穷多种自然状态 5.存货台套的运费应列入() A.订货费用 B.保管费用 C.进厂价 D.其它支出 6.某二维线性规划问题的可行域如题6图阴影所示,则该问题的最优解() A.必在正方形的某个顶点达到 B.必在正方形内部达到 C.必在正方形外部达到 D.必在AB边上达到 7.关于运输问题的说法中错误 ..的是() A.最优运输方案未必唯一 B.必有最优运输方案 C.运输方案的任何调整必会引起总运费的下降 D.修正分配法是一种比较简单的计算改进指数的方法 第 1 页共12 页


全国2012年10月高等教育自学考试马克思主义基本原理 概论试题及答案 全国年月高等教育自学考试 马克思主义基本原理概论试题及答案 、英国古典政治经济学是马克思主义的直接理论来源之一,其代表人物是() .培根、洛克.斯密、李嘉图 .黑格尔、费尔巴哈.圣西门、傅立叶 、凡是承认世界具有统一性的哲学都属于() .与客观事物及其规律相符合.与党的路线方针政策相符合 、物质资料的生产方式是() .生产资料与消费资料的统一.劳动资料与劳动对象的统一 .生产力与生产关系的统一.劳动者与劳动工具的统一 、社会意识具有复杂的结构,从其主体的角度看可分为() .社会心理和思想体系.意识形态和非意识形态 .个体意识和群体意识.先进意识和落后意识 、划分经济社会形态所依据的标准是() .生产力的水平.意识形态和非意识形态

.个体意识和群体意识.先进意识和落后意识 、社会历史发展的动力有多种,但最基本的动力是() .阶级斗争.社会改革.社会技术革命.社会基本矛盾 、阶级斗争归根到底是() .有物质利益的对立引起的.有思想观念的分歧引起的 .有政治主张的差异引起的.有宗教信仰的不同引起的 、下列各项正确表述商品含义的是() .具有使用价值的物品.具有稀缺性的物品 .为自己而生产的有用物品.为交换而生产的有用物品 、商品经济成为最普遍的、占统治地位的经济形式的社会形态是() . . .商 . . . .当代资本主义国家经济关系的一系列新变化表明() 其社会性质已发生本质改变其基本矛盾已得到彻底解决 其社会发生了阶段性的部分质变其社会主要矛盾得到了根本缓解 .无产阶级专政的实质就是() 无产阶级作为统治阶级掌握国家政权消灭剥削,消灭阶级,最终实现共产主义镇压敌对阶级的反抗领导和组织社会主义建设 .科学社会主义思想史上的第一个纲领性文件是() 《德意志意识形态》《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》 《共产党宣言》《格达纲领批判》


2003年全国统一高考数学试卷(理科) 一、选择题(共12小题,每小题5分,满分60分) 1.(5分)(2003?全国)已知x∈(﹣,0),cosx=,则tan2x等于()A.B.﹣C.D.﹣ 2.(5分)(2003?全国)圆锥曲线的准线方程是() A.ρcosθ=﹣2 B.ρcosθ=2 C.ρsinθ=﹣2 D.ρsinθ=2 3.(5分)(2003?全国)设函数若f(x0)>1,则x0的取值 范围是() A.(﹣1,1)B.(﹣1,+∞)C.(﹣∞,﹣2)∪(0,+∞)D.(﹣∞,﹣1)∪(1,+∞) 4.(5分)(2003?全国)函数y=2sinx(sinx+cosx)的最大值为()A.B.C.D.2 5.(5分)(2003?全国)已知圆C:(x﹣a)2+(y﹣2)2=4及直线l:x﹣y+3=0,当直线l被C截得的弦长为时,则a等于() A.B.C. D. 6.(5分)(2003?全国)已知圆锥的底面半径为R,高为3R,在它的所有内接圆柱中,全面积的最大值是() A.2πR2B.C.D. 7.(5分)(2003?全国)已知方程(x2﹣2x+m)(x2﹣2x+n)=0的四个根组成一个首项为的等差数列,则|m﹣n|等于() A.1 B.C.D. 8.(5分)(2003?全国)已知双曲线中心在原点且一个焦点为F(,0),直线y=x﹣1与其相交于M、N两点,MN中点的横坐标为﹣,则此双曲线的方程是()

A.﹣=1 B.﹣=1 C.﹣=1 D.﹣=1 9.(5分)(2003?全国)函数f(x)=sinx,x∈的反函数f﹣1(x)=() A.﹣arcsinx,x∈[﹣1,1]B.﹣π﹣arcsinx,x∈[﹣1,1] C.﹣π+arcsinx,x∈[﹣1,1]D.π﹣arcsinx,x∈[﹣1,1] 10.(5分)(2003?全国)已知长方形的四个项点A(0,0),B(2,0),C(2,1)和D(0,1),一质点从AB的中点P0沿与AB夹角为θ的方向射到BC上的点P1后,依次反射到CD.DA和AB上的点P2.P3和P4(入射角等于反射角),设P4坐标为(x4,0),若1<x4<2,则tanθ的取值范围是() A.(,1)B.(,)C.(,)D.(,) 11.(5分)(2003?全国)等于() A.3 B.C.D.6 12.(5分)(2003?全国)棱长都为的四面体的四个顶点在同一球面上,则此球的表面积为() A.3πB.4πC.3D.6π 二、填空题(共4小题,每小题4分,满16分) 13.(4分)(2003?全国)在的展开式中,x3的系数是(用数字作答) 14.(4分)(2003?全国)使log2(﹣x)<x+1成立的x的取值范围是.15.(4分)(2003?全国)如图,一个地区分为5个行政区域,现给地图着色,要求相邻区域不得使用同一颜色.现有4种颜色可供选择,则不同的着色方法共有种.(以数字作答)


2004年4月自考中国新闻事业史试卷答案 中国新闻事业史试题课程代码:00653 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1.邸报在不同朝代有不同名称,其中之一是( ) A.新闻 B.揭帖 C.牌报 D.进奏院状 2.小报产生并流行于( ) A.汉代 B.唐代 C.宋代 D.元代 3.《察世俗每月统记传》的创刊年份是( ) A.1813 B.1815 C.1817 D.1822 4.第一份在北京出版的近代报刊是( ) A.《依泾杂说》 B.《天下新闻》 C.《遐迩贯珍》 D.《中西闻见录》 5.《字林西报》的创刊地点是( ) A.香港 B.广州 C.上海 D.宁波 6.1874年,香港《循环日报》的创办人是( ) A.王韬 B.郑观应 C.容闳 D.郑贯公 7.《时务报》创刊于( ) A.1895 B.1896 C.1897 D.1898 8.《湘报》的主编是( ) A.梁启超 B.熊希龄 C.谭嗣同 D.唐才常 9.《苏报》于1896年在上海创刊,创办人是( ) A.胡璋 B.章太炎 C.陈范 D.章士钊 10.郑贯公等留日学生创办的第一个具有革命倾向的刊物是( ) A.《开智录》 B.《浙江潮》 C.《国民报》 D.《直说》 11.中国同盟会机关报《民报》的创刊地点是( ) A.日本横滨 B.美国旧金山 C.日本东京 D.香港 12.中国新闻通讯文体的开拓者是( ) A.徐彬彬 B.邵飘萍 C.黄远生 D.张季鸾 13.《新青年》的创办人是( ) A.陈独秀 B.李大钊 C.胡适 D.鲁迅 14.鲁迅在《新青年》上发表的第一篇白话小说是( ) A.《狂人日记》 B.《孔乙己》 C.《祝福》 D.《药》 15.中共中央第一个机关报是( ) A.《热血日报》 B.《政治周报》 C.《向导》 D.《前锋》 16.中国第一本新闻学专著是( ) A.《新闻学大意》 B.《实际应用新闻学》 C.《新闻学撮要》 D.《新闻材料采集法》 17.1922年5月正式成为团中央第一个机关报的是( ) A.《先驱》 B.《中国青年》 C.《少年先锋》 D.《青年周刊》 18.中国第一座官办的广播电台是( ) A.北京广播电台 B.上海广播电台 C.天津广播电台 D.哈尔滨广播电台 19.“红中社”的创建年份是( ) A.1930 B.1931 C.1932 D.1933 20.1934年在浙江海宁惨遭国民党特务暗杀的著名报人是( ) A.邵飘萍 B.黄远生 C.史量才 D.沈荩 21.抗战时期,国统区新闻事业最集中的地方是( ) A.桂林 B.重庆 C.贵阳 D.西安 22.1939年10月毛泽东撰写发刊词的党内刊物是( )


2003年10月自考英语(二)试题 PART ONEⅠVocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1 point for each item) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并写在答题纸的相应括号内。 1. He had a large()of facts to prove his statements. A. sum B. amount C. deal D. number 2.()Japanese, she has to study another foreign language. A. Except B. Except for C. In addition to D. Beside 3.It is not until about the time a child enters school()outside forces contribute to feelings about the self. A. when B. which C. who D. that 4.Scientists will have to come up()new methods of increasing the worlds food supply. A. to B. with C. against D. for 5.It is impossible to solve()in such a short time. A. so difficult a problem B. so difficult problem C. a so difficult problem D. so a difficult problem 6.The decision(), the next problem was how to make a good plan. A. having made B. having been made C. has been made D. having been making 7.We take this opportunity of expressing our sincere ()of your help. A. competition B. attention C. concentration D. appreciation 8.An assembly line makes it impossible for a worker to do anything()work. A. other than B. rather than C. more than D. better than 9.We must cut()our expenses ,or well run out of money. A. down B. off C. in D. out 10.()whether robots will one day have vision as good as human vision. A. What is not yet known B. It is not yet known C. As is not yet known D. This is not yet known Ⅱ.Cloze Test(10 points, 1 point for each item)下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并写在答题纸的相应括号内。 Five young engineers were working hard and trying 11 details of a plant site for a new client (客户). Suddenly one of the young engineers gave what he thought was a good solution to the problem. 12 he had to say was greeted by a(n)13 silence,for the same proposal had been made and 14 some minutes before. The incident seemed funny 15 . But later it didn’t. After the project had been successfully finished, most of the engineers who had worked on it were promoted. But that young man was dismissed. What had happened?The young engineer swore that he had never heard the proposal 16.He was right. He was a 17 of a bad listening habit. Bad listening habits can hurt you a lot in your daily life. 18 your success is related to how you listen. A number of leading colleges have become very concerned 19 our bad listening habits. They have set up “listening clinics” and courses 20 what is wrong and what to do about it. 11.A.to be settled B. to settle C. to have settled D. settling 12.A.What B. Why C. Which D. That 13.A.uncomfortable B. comfortable C. dissatisfied D. satisfied


全国2012年10月高等教育自学考试 外国文学史试题 课程代码:00540 选择题部分 一、单项选择题(本大题共26小题,每小题1分,共26分) 1.古希腊流传下来的最早一部以现实生活为题材的诗作是 A.《神谱》 B.《工作与时日》 C.《酒神颂》 D.《胜利颂》 2.荷马史诗《伊利昂纪》突出描写的是 A.阿喀琉斯的愤怒 B.赫克托耳的勇敢 C.阿伽门农的专横 D.奥德修斯的智慧 3.《神曲》中带领但丁游历地狱和炼狱的是 A.奥维德 B.贺拉斯 C.维吉尔 D.贝雅特丽齐 4.薄伽丘的《十日谈》在结构上采用的是 A.单线结构 B.框形结构 C.双线结构 D.环形结构 5.被誉为“西班牙戏剧之父”的剧作家是 A.马洛 B.乔叟 C.拉伯雷 D.维加 6.法国古典主义悲剧作家拉辛的代表作是 A.《安德洛玛克》 B.《熙德》 C.《伪君子》 D.《诗的艺术》 7.17世纪英国资产阶级革命文学最杰出的代表是 A.莫里哀 B.约翰·弥尔顿 C.高乃依 D.约翰·班扬

8.18世纪欧洲启蒙运动的中心是 A.英国 B.德国 C.法国 D.意大利 9.被称为法国的“莎士比亚”的浪漫主义作家是 A.夏多布里昂 B.斯达尔夫人 C.缪塞 D.大仲马 10.19世纪美国诗人惠特曼的代表作是 A.《红字》 B.《草叶集》 C.《白鲸》 D.《见闻札记》 11.巴尔扎克的《高老头》中被抛弃的贵妇是 A.鲍赛昂夫人 B.玛丝洛娃 C.包法利夫人 D.玛格丽特 12.陀思妥耶夫斯基的处女作是 A.《穷人》 B.《白夜》 C.《二重人格》 D.《脆弱的心》 13.使莫泊桑一举成名的作品是 A.《羊脂球》 B.《漂亮朋友》C.《菲菲小姐》 D.《米隆老爹》 14.契诃夫短篇小说《套中人》的主人公是 A.乞乞科夫 B.别里科夫 C.姚内奇 D.万尼亚舅舅 15.《国际歌》的作者是 A.魏尔伦 B.王尔德 C.戈蒂耶 D.鲍狄埃 16.苏联文学中被称作“国内战争时期的英雄史诗”的作品是A.《毁灭》 B.《铁流》 C.《恰巴耶夫》 D.《青年近卫军》

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