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Fridays are awesome

Fridays are awesome
Fridays are awesome

Fridays are awesome. We have one more left in the school year and our show will resume on August 17th. 周五真的太棒了。我们即将在这个学年当中离开一段时间然后在8月17日回来。

First up,a significant legal ruling.It concerns President Obama's executive action on immigration. He announced it last November. 我们首先关注一项重要的法律裁决。这是总统奥巴马就移民问题的行政措施。他于去年11月份宣布了这一决定。

The action would have allowed as many as 5 million living in the U.S. illegally to stay in the country without the threat of being deported. 这项行政措施将允许500万人民可以合法在美国居住而不会被驱逐出境。Most of those affected are the parents of children born in the U.S. 最受影响的是出生在美国境内孩子的父母。

As an executive action, this did not go through Congress. 但这一行政措施没有通过国会。

The White House says it'slegal.But no executive action had involved that many people before.And 26 states challenged it in court. 白宫方面表示它是合法的。但此之前从未涉及如此多的人民。而且现在有26个州通


In February, a federal district court judge in Texas blocked President Obama's programs that would have reduced the threat of deportations. 今年2月, 德克萨斯州的一位联邦地区法院法官阻止了奥巴马总统将减少驱逐出境威胁的计划。

He said the president went too far and didn't follow the correct procedures for setting new rules. 他表示总统做得有点过火,而且在制定新规则方面没有遵循正确的程序。

The Obama administration had pushed for its programs to continue while the legal cases played out. 奥巴马政府推动了项目继续在法律案件中。

But a federal appeals court denied that request this week.The court says it thinks the president's lawyers will ultimately lose their case. 但本周一个联邦上诉法院否认了这项请求。法院表示,它认为总统的律师最终会输掉这场官司。

Legal experts say it could take a year or longer for the president's immigration action to be resolved in court. 法律专家表示总统的移民举措可能需要一年或更长时间才能在法庭上解决。

Originally called Freedom Tower, One World Trade Center is the tallest building in the U.S.,rising at one site of the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks. 它最初的名字是自由塔,这座一号大楼自由塔曾是美国最高的建筑,而且因为2001年的9月11恐怖袭击而闻名世界。

One World Observatory opens today. A trip up to it costs 32, but the gravity of that is harder to measure. 而一号世界天文台于今天开放。游览费用是32美元,但很难评价它的重要性。

The number tells part of the story:1,250 feet above the ground, view stretching 50 miles on a clear day, almost a decade of rebuilding. 基本数据能够告诉你一部分事情:它距地面1250英尺,在晴朗的日子可眺望50英里远的地方,近10年才重建完成。

And yet once you're up here even on a cloudy day, those numbers gave way to feelings which are quite frankly difficult to describe. 然而一旦你是在多云的日子来这里游览,这些数字坦白说给你的是很难描述的感觉。The rumor has it that when it's clear, you can see the curvature of the Earth from this point and it's certainly true that you can feel the weight of recent history. 流言


The construction of this building and the observatory are a fist pump for going forward, for moving forward, for saying, there is a future and we embrace it. 这栋建筑的建造和天文台对于发展具有举足轻重的作用,我们面对并且拥抱的是未来。

Dave Checketts is the man in charge of the day to day running of the observatory.Architect TJ Gottesdiener helped design the structure itself. 戴夫·查克特斯是负责这座天文台的日常运营。建筑师TJ 格特萨地则负责结构设计本身。
