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文献出处: Markus A. The research of circular economy and the enterprise environment cost control [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 1(3): 215-227.


The research of circular economy and the enterprise environment cost control

Markus A


Since middle period of last century, with the rapid development of economic and social and environmental problems those human beings are facing increasingly serious. Atmospheric pollution, global warming, resource supply tension, biological species loss, serious soil and water loss, noise pollution, waste and environment problems are serious threat to human survival and development. Environmental protection and rational utilization of resources has become a common problem that human beings are facing. According to the environmental protection department statistics, 70% of the world's environmental pollution from the production and business operation activities of enterprise, especially in manufacturing enterprises, they each year about more than 50, one hundred million tones of waste harmless and nearly one billion tons of hazardous waste. Therefore, the research enterprise environment management is very important to solve the problem of the human environment pollution.

Keywords: Circular economy; Environmental cost; The cost control

1 Introduction

At present, the economy is growing, but the environmental pollution, ecological imbalance and a series of environmental problems are growing. How to adapt to the current circular economy concept, in promoting enterprise contribute to the sustainable development of the society at the same time, realize the sustainable development of its business, and has become the common focus of attention of the international accounting field. Under this premise, the enterprise environment cost management arises at the historic moment. Environmental cost control is a key link of cost management implementation environment, directly affects the success or failure of environmental cost management. In this paper, from the Angle of view of the

concept of circular economy, in the further study of the scholars of environmental cost control model is established and the related environmental cost management theory, on the basis of reference to the quality cost control ideas, build enterprise dynamic environmental quality cost model, the environmental cost control research is quantified and the model, and from the perspective of circular economy enterprise environment cost control strategy, the last on how to perfect the enterprise environment cost control put forward the corresponding countermeasure and the suggestion, for enterprises to strengthen environmental cost management to provide some theoretical reference and support for the decision of its environmental costs. The traditional development view is to pure economic growth as a measure of the development of the main sign. This development idea to bring to mankind the rapid economic growth, at the same time brought about by the negative effect is obvious, that is the shortage of resources, ecological damage, threats to the sustainable development of the human society. Therefore, in order to deal with this dilemma, the concept of "sustainable development", namely, economic development should be fair and consistent and intergenerational fairness and generation. Since the end of last century to establish sustainable development strategy, taking the path of circular economy and constructing circular society has received universal around the world and become a very important channel for the sustainable development in the developed countries and many countries are in the form of legislation to promote and circular economy in the future a long period of time will become a development trend and trend.

2 Literature review

Environmental cost accounting is an important new field, than moons (Beams.

F.A), published in the journal of accounting is research on the social cost of pollution control in marine (Marlin. Jet.) And spublished accounting problems of pollution, is recognized to be the beginning of the research on enterprises environmental cost. United Nations conference on international accounting and reporting standard intergovernmental panel research on environment cost also early, once disclosure of environmental cost is conducted in-depth research for a long time. The group in 1998

approved the announcement of the position of environmental accounting and reporting is considered to be one of the first international guidelines of environmental accounting and report, the announcement from the Angle of the destruction of the environmental impact for the first time to define the concept of environmental cost, namely enterprise adverse effects on the environment and to prevent the business activities or be forced to take measures of costs and other related costs, enforce environmental standards announcement lists to keep and improve the air quality at the same time, carry out environmental audit and inspection cost, the fines, compensation and other costs related to environment, although is beyond the scope of the concept of environmental cost, but also should be disclosed in a timely manner. It is now accepted that is a definition of science. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (United States Environmental Protection Agency, hereinafter referred to as U.S.E PA) published in 1995, the enterprise management tools, environment accounting is introduced: key concepts and terminology ", defined the concept of Environmental costs, to the enterprise listed companies the possibility of Environmental cost and the classification. The environmental cost is defined as: environmental loss cost, refers to the expenses and costs caused by pollution their spending. Environmental protection costs, is refers to the enterprise and the pollution sources of the isolation of various costs, such as to prevent the noise pollution and the costs of anti noise equipment purchase. Transaction cost, environment refers to the management environment of information processing cost. To eliminate environmental pollution costs, is to eliminate pollution and related costs, such as governance white pollution and the degradation of expenses, etc. At the same time, the environmental cost is further divided into traditional cost, accidental cost; potential hidden costs associated with the image of four categories, such as part and for the first time because of the environmental load to the irrelevant third party or social loss is caused by the social costs are included. The book because of its strong operability and become the technology of enterprise environment cost management practice guidelines. The Canadian association of chartered accountants (CICA) (1993) the environmental cost is classified as environmental loss cost and environmental cost. Environmental cost is

refers to as a result of damage to the environment and the enterprise bear the compensation, environmental governance costs, damages, fines, etc., countermeasures for environmental cost take countermeasures and environmental protection activities for related expenses.1999 Japanese environment agency audit and passed "the guidance of grasping and disclosure about the cost of environment preservation key point, from the specific content of environment preservation costs on the definition, also expounds the general format of environment preservation cost disclosure. The report will be environmental preservation cost is defined as: in order to reduce the enterprise production activities of the adverse effects on the environment and related costs. Dutch national bureau of statistics (CBS) (2000) definition of environmental costs into the cost of environmental protection, and environmental protection is refers to the "due to prevent adverse effects on the environment caused by the environmental behavior", the definition contains the narrow scope of the environment cost, according to this definition, net financial benefits for the enterprise's activities are not included in the enterprise environment, to protect the surrounding community housing security for the purpose of behavior were excluded.

3 The theory foundation of enterprise environment cost

3.1 The external economy theory

The university of Cambridge, Marshall and pious is put forward for the first time in the last century "externalities" this concept, it is to point to when a behavior of economic agents (or individual consumer behavior) to the other main body or person caused by the influence of uncontrollable, there are externalities. Externalities according to the result of its impact on the rest of the body and can be divided into external economy and external economy. Because adverse effect to the outside world is called external diseconomy, he refers to some businesses or individuals neither for other enterprises and individual economic activities adversely affected, nor from the impact of these companies and individuals to get compensation of economic phenomena, such as river upstream paper mill discharge sewage, caused the downstream harvest crops, agricultural production condition. Main aim of the research environment problem of externality is adopted the method of economic

management, explore the root causes of environmental problems (external diseconomy), namely the externalities of production and consumption and the influence of it, and put forward the solution to environmental pollution and ecological destruction this external diseconomy problems the feasibility of the scheme.

3.2 The sustainable development theory

Led by the Norwegian prime minister, world commission on environment and development in 1987, in "our common future" in the report puts forward the definition of sustainable development. Sustainable development refers to satisfy the need of the current and the contemporary, and will never be a threat to the ability of future generations to meet their needs of development mode. Theory of sustainable development for economy and society, human and the nature coordinated development, slam the door simply will develop as strengthening the manpower, equipment, and natural input output growth process of traditional attitudes. Sustainable development is based on protecting natural resources and environment, to encourage economic development conditions, to improve and enhance the quality of human life as the goal, the use of resources accounting system for the resource pricing, through the innovation of science and technology and social system, promote efficient and clean production, improve the natural resources and ecological sustainability.

3.3 The circulation economic theory

In the 1960 s the famous American economist Kenneth Bohr was first put forward the concept of this new circular economy. He was in the "economics of spacecraft compare the entire earth's economic system to a spaceship, and argues that only by strengthening the earth system itself resources circulation way to realize the sustainable development of the whole earth system. This kind of economic ideas have greatly promoted the international economic research resources and the environment. Proposed to the traditional way depends on the development of resource consumption to promote economic growth to rely on ecological resources circulation mode of economic development. In general, the Circular Economy (Circular pa) is the term for Material closed-loop flow type (Closing Material Cycle) is short for the Economy, is the Material, characteristics, cascade and closed Cycle use for energy performance in

the use of resources and environment for efficient utilization of resources, low pollution emissions, and pollution "zero emissions". In essence, the circular economy is a kind of ecological economy, he asked the integrated use of ecology law to guide the economic activities of human beings, not just based on the traditional mechanistic. Its characteristic is to put the clean production and recycling of waste, its core is the resource recycling and saving, the maximum improve efficiency of resource utilization, so as to realize resource conservation, improve efficiency and reduce pollution.

3.4 The clean production theory

Since the middle of the last century, began to pay more attention to environmental issues. Each country began to invest huge manpower and increase investment in equipment and technology research and development to the governance of the pollutants in the process of production, although certain achievements have been made but the way of the end is still not ideal. Cleaner production is at the end of the adopted corresponding environmental protection measures and countermeasures have failed to meet expectations of pollution control target under the background of innovative environmental management thoughts. Its focus is on pollution prevention before, through the enterprise production process control, eliminate pollution from the source. It's called also each are not identical in different countries, but they just focus on different aspects of clean production and essentially the same. For example: Japan known as the "pollution-free technology", Germany and France, known as the "no by-product production", north American countries known as the "pollution prevention", in addition to these common appellation, other areas also call it "green production", etc.



Markus A





1 引言


2 文献综述

环境成本是会计研究的一个重要且新颖的领域,比蒙斯(Beams. F.A)在《会计学月刊》上发表的《控制污染的社会成本换研究》和马林(Marlin. J.T)发表的

《污染的会计问题》,被公认为是对企业环境成本研究的开始。联合国国际会计和报告标准政府间专家组会议对环境成本的研究也比较早,曾对环境成本的披露问题进行了长期深入的研究。该组织于1998 年审核通过的《环境会计和报告的立场公告》被认为是关于环境会计与报告的第一份国际指南,公告首次从对环境影响的破坏角度界定了环境成本的概念,即企业为了防止经营活动对环境造成不利影响从而采取或被强制采取的措施所付出的成本及其他执行环境标准的相关成本,公告同时列举了保持和提高空气质量、开展环境审计和检测方面的成本等,对与环境相关的罚款、赔偿等成本,尽管不在环境成本的概念范围内,但也应当及时予以披露。这是目前公认的比较科学的一种定义。美国环境保护署(United States Environmental Protection Agency,简称U.S.EPA)于1995年发表了《企业管理的工具——环境会计介绍:关键概念及术语》,对企业环境成本的概念进行了界定,列举了企业可能发生的环境成本并对其进行了分类。将环境成本界定为:环境损耗成本,是指由于污染自身引起的费用和成本支出;环境保护成本,是指将企业与污染源隔离而发生的各种成本支出,比如为了防止噪音污染而购置的防噪声设备所发生的费用;环境事务成本,指的是管理环境而发生的信息处理等成本;环境污染消除费用,指的是为消除污染而发生的相关成本,如治理白色污染而发生的降解费用等。同时将这些环境成本进一步划分为传统成本、偶发成本、潜在的隐藏成本和形象关联成本等四类,并且首次把一部分因环境负荷对不相关的第三者或社会造成的损失即社会成本也涵盖在内。该书因为其极强的可操作性而成为企业环境成本管理实务的技术指南。加拿大特许会计师协会(CICA)( 1993)将环境损失成本分类为环境损失成本和环境对策成本。环境损失成本是指由于企业对环境造成污染而承担的赔偿费、环境等治理费用支出,包含损害赔偿金、罚款等,环境对策成本采取环保活动对策而发生的相关支出。1999 年日本环境厅审核并通过了《关于环境保全成本的把握与披露的指导要点》,从环境保全成本的具体内容对其进行了界定,同时还阐述了环境保全成本披露的通用格式。该报告将环境保全成本定义为:为了降低企业生产活动对环境造成的不利影响而发生的相关成本支出。荷兰国家统计局(CBS)(2000)将环境成本的界定为环境保护的成本,而环境保护是指“由于为了防止对环境造成不利影响而采取的环境行为”,该定义包含的环境成本的范畴比较窄,(完整译文请到百度文库)按此定义,为



译文: 在价值链的成本控制下减少费用和获得更多的利润 摘要: 根据基于价值链的成本管理理念和基于价值的重要因素是必要的。首先,必须有足够的资源,必须创造了有利的价值投资,同时还需要基于客户价值活动链,以确定他们的成本管理优势的价值链。其次,消耗的资源必须尽量减少,使最小的运营成本价值链和确保成本优势是基于最大商业价值或利润,这是一种成本控制系统内部整个视图的创建和供应的具实践,它也是一种成本控制制度基于价值链,包括足够的控制和必要的资源投资价值的观点,创建和保持消费的资源到合理的水平,具有价值的观点主要对象的第一个因素是构造有利的价值链,从创造顾客价值开始;第二个因素是加强有利的价值链,从供应或生产客户价值开始。因此它是一个新型的理念,去探索成本控制从整个视图的创建和供应的商品更盈利企业获得可持续的竞争优势。 关键词:成本控制,价值链,收益,支出,收入,成本会计 1、介绍 根据价值链理论,企业的目的是创造最大的顾客价值;和企业的竞争优势在于尽可能提供尽可能多的价值给他们的客户,作为低成本可能的。这要求企业必须首先考虑他们是否能为顾客创造价值,和然后考虑在很长一段时间内如何创造它。然而,竞争一直以“商品”(或“产品”)作为最直接的载体,因此,传统的成本控制方法主要集中在对“产品”和生产流程的过程。很显然,这不能解决企业的问题,企业是否或如何能为客户创造价值。换句话说,这至少不能从根本上解决它。 因此,企业必须首先投入足够的资源,以便他们能够创建客户值取向,然后提供它以最少的资源费用。所以在整个视图中对价值创造和提供整体的观点来控制成本,它可以为客户提供完美的动力和操作运行机制运行成本的控制,也可以从根本上彻底克服了传统的成本控制方法的缺点,解决了无法控制的创造和供应不足的真正价值。基于此,本文试图从创作的整体观讨论成本控制提供价值并探讨实现良性循环的策略,也就是说,“创造价值投资成本供应价值创造价值”。 2、成本及其控制的基于价值链理念 2.1基于价值链的成本观念 根据价值链理论,如果企业是要被客户接受,它必须创造和提供能满足其客户的价值。因此,成本(价值或资源支付费用)这不离为创造和提供顾客价值的活动,其活动的价值链。因此,我们应该从价值链角度看成本的重要。


成本管理外文文献 China's Enterprise Cost Management Analysis and Countermeasures Abstract: With the progress and China's traditional Cost Management model difficult to adapt to an increasingly competitive market environment. This paper exists in our country a number of Cost Management and finally put forward to address these issues a number of measures to strengthen Cost Management. Keywords:: Cost Management measures In a market economy conditions, as the global economic integration, the development of increasingly fierce market competition, corporate profit margins shrinking. In this case, the level of high and low business costs directly determines the size of an enterprise profitability and competitive strength. Therefore, strengthen enterprise Cost Management business has become an inevitable choice for the survival and development. First, the reality of China's Enterprise Cost Management Analysis Cost Management in our country after years of development, has made many achievements, but now faces a new environment, China's Cost Management has also exposed some new problems, mainly in the following aspects: (A) Cost Management concept behind the Chinese enterprises lag behind the concept of Cost Management in pervasive phenomenon, mainly in Cost Management of the scope, purpose and means from time to biased. Many enterprises will continue to limit the scope of Cost Management within the enterprise or even only the production process at the expense of other related companies and related fields cost behavior management. We supply side, for example. The supply side of the price of the product cost of doing business, one of the most important motives. As the supply side of the price of the product and its cost plus profit, so the supply side of price in the form of its own costs to the enterprise. However, some enterprises to the supply side too much rock bottom price, as their source of high profits, without considering each other's interests, resulting in supply-side to conceal their true costs, price increase in disguise. This increase in procurement costs, thereby increasing commodity costs, making goods less competitive. The purpose of Cost Management from the point of view, many enterprises confined to lower costs, but less from the perspective of cost-effectiveness of the effectiveness of the means of cost reduction mainly rely on savings, can not be cost-effective. In traditional Cost Management, Cost Management purposes has been reduced to cut costs, saving has become the basic means to reduce costs. From the perspective of Cost Management to analyze the Cost Management of this goal, not difficult to find cost-reduction is conditional and limits, and in some cases, control of costs, could lead to product quality and enterprise efficiency decline. In addition, the vast majority of enterprises in the overall concept of lack of Cost


Why do Internet commerce firms incorporate logistics service providers in their distribution channels?: The role of transaction costs and network strength Abstract The Internet has redefined information-sharing boundaries in distribution channels and opened new avenues for managing logistics services. In the process, firms have started to incorporate new service providers in their commercial interactions with customers over the Internet. This paper studies conceptually and empirically why Internet commerce firms (ICFs) have established relationships with these providers. Focusing on logistics services in outbound distribution channels, we rely on transaction cost theory to reveal that low levels of asset specificity and uncertainty drive Internet commerce firms to establish these relationships. Moreover, we apply strategic network theory to show that Internet commerce firms seek these providers because they offer access to relationship networks that bundle many complementary logistics services. In addition, logistics service providers make these services available across new and existing relationships between the Internet commerce firms, their customers, and their vendors. 1. Introduction The growth of electronic commerce has driven Internet commerce firms (ICFs) –retailers and other organizations that market products over the Web – to increasingly share market demand data with other firms so as to enrich the order fulfillment services they offer to customers (Frohlich and Westbrook, 2002). Along these efforts, ICFs have started seeking logistics service providers to tap into resources and skills that could improve their fulfillment capabilities (Dutta and Segev, 1999). These logistics service providers are not simply variants of transportation companies, and as such, they are not to be confused with what are known nowadays as third party logistics (3PL) firms. They offer logistics services, of course, but they could also enable ICFs to leverage other distribution parties’ logistical resources and skills in order to fulfill their customer orders more


中英文翻译 原文 Logistics costs and controlling Abstract Logistic costs are defined differently in companies. In many cases, the reported logistic costs of companies even within the same business differ more than justified by their operations. Some companies do not count interest and depreciation on inventories as logistic costs. Others include the distribution costs of their suppliers or the purchasing costs. In some cases, even the purchase value of the procured goods is included in the logistic costs (Baumgarten et al. 1993; Gudehus and Kotzab 2004; Weber 2002). Logistic costs are defined differently in companies. In many cases, the reported logistic costs of companies even within the same business differ more than justified by their operations. Some companies do not count interest and depreciation on inventories as logistic costs. Others include the distribution costs of their suppliers or the purchasing costs. In some cases, even the purchase value of the procured goods is included in the logistic costs (Baumgarten et al. 1993; Gudehus and Kotzab 2004; Weber 2002).


我国第三方物流中存在的问题、原因及战略选择 熊卫 【摘要】我国物流业发展刚刚起步,第三方物流的理论和实践等方面都比较薄弱。本文指出我国第三方物流存在的问题在于国内外第三方物流企业差距、物流效率不高、缺乏系统性管理、物流平台构筑滞后、物流管理观念落后等。分析了产生上述问题的原因,并提出了精益物流、中小型第三方物流企业价值链联盟、大型第三方物流企业虚拟化战略等三种可供选择的第三方物流企业发展战略。 【关键词】第三方物流;精益物流战略;价值链联盟;虚拟化战略 1引言 长期以来,我国国内企业对采购、运输、仓储、代理、包装、加工、配送等环节控制能力不强,在“采购黑洞”、“物流陷井”中造成的损失浪费难以计算。因此,对第三方物流的研究,对于促进我国经济整体效益的提高有着非常重要的理论和实践意义。本文试图对我国策三方物流存在的问题及原因进行分析探讨,并提出第三方物流几种可行的战略选择。 2我国第三方物流业存在的主要问题 (一)我国策三方物流企业与国外第三方物流企业的差距较大,具体表现在以下几个方面: 1、规模经济及资本差距明显。由于国外的大型第三方物流企业从全球经营的战略出发,其规模和资本优势是毫无疑问的,尤其初创时期的我国策三方物流业,本身的规模就很小,国外巨头雄厚的资本令国内企业相形见绌。 2、我国策三方物流业企业提供的物流服务水准及质量控制远不如国外同行。当国内一些企业还在把物流理解成“卡车加仓库“的时候,国外的物流企业早已完成了一系列标准化的改造。同时,国外的物流组织能力非常强大,例如德国一家第三方物流公司,公司各方面的物流专家遍布欧洲各地。如果有客户的货物需要经达不同的国家,那么欧洲各地的这些专家就在网上设计出一个最佳的物流解决方案。这种提供解决方案的能力就是这第三方物流公司的核心能力,而不像国内公司号称拥有多少条船,多少辆车。 3、我国加入WTO后物流产业的门槛降低。在物流服务业方面:我国承诺所有的服务行业,在经过合理过渡期后,取消大部分外国股权限制,不限制外国服务供应商进入


外文翻译 原文 Cost Control Material Source:Encyclopedia of business,2 and ed. Author:Anthony, Robet N 1 Cost Control Cost control, also known as cost management or cost containment, is a broad set of cost accounting methods and management techniques with the common goal of improving business cost-efficiency by reducing costs, or at least restricting their rate of growth. Businesses use cost control methods to monitor, evaluate, and ultimately enhance the efficiency of specific areas, such as departments, divisions, or product lines, within their operations. During the 1990s cost control initiatives received paramount attention from corporate America. Often taking the form of corporate restructuring, divestment of peripheral activities, mass layoffs, or outsourcing, cost control strategies were seen as necessary to preserve—or boost—corporate profits and to maintain—or gain—a competitive advantage. The objective was often to be the low-cost producer in a given industry, which would typically allow the company to take a greater profit per unit of sales than its competitors at a given price level. Some cost control proponents believe that such strategic cost-cutting must be planned carefully, as not all cost reduction techniques yield the same benefits. In a notable late 1990s example, chief executive Albert J. Dunlap, nicknamed "Chainsaw Al" because of his penchant for deep cost cutting at the companies he headed, failed to restore the ailing small appliance maker Sunbeam Corporation to profitability despite his drastic cost reduction tactics. Dunlap laid off thousands of workers and sold off business units, but made little contribution to Sunbeam's competitive position or share price in his two years as CEO. Consequently, in 1998 Sunbeam's board fired Dunlap, having lost confidence in his "one-trick" approach to management. A complex business requires frequent information about operations in order to plan for the future, to control present activities, and to evaluate the past performance of managers, employees, and related business segments. To be successful,


毕业设计(论文) 外文文献翻译 文献、资料中文题目:研究建设项目的工程造价 文献、资料英文题目: 文献、资料来源: 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院(部): 专业:工程管理 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2017.02.14

科技文献翻译 题目:研究建设项目的工程造价 研究建设项目的工程造价 摘要 在工程建设中,中国是拥有世界最大投资金额和具有最多建设项目的国家。它是一 项在建设项目管理上可以为广泛的工程管理人员进行有效的工程造价管理,并合理 确定和保证施工质量和工期的条件控制施工成本的重要课题。 在失去了中国建筑的投资和技术经济工程,分离的控制现状的基础上,通过建设成 本控制的基本理论为指导,探讨控制方法和施工成本的应用,阐述了存在的问题在 施工成本控制和对决心和施工成本的控制这些问题的影响,提出了建设成本控制应 体现在施工前期,整个施工过程中的成本控制,然后介绍了一些程序和应用价值工 程造价的方法在控制建设项目的所有阶段。 关键词:建设成本,成本控制,项目 1.研究的意义 在中国,现有的工程造价管理体系是20世纪50年代制定的,并在1980s.Traditional 施工成本管理方法改进是根据国家统一的配额,从原苏联引进的一种方法。它的特 点是建设成本的计划经济的管理方法,这决定了它无法适应当前市场经济的要求。 在中国传统建筑成本管理方法主要包括两个方面,即建设成本和施工成本控制方法 的测定方法。工程造价的确定传统的主要做法生搬硬套国家或地方统一的配额数量 来确定一个建设项目的成本。虽然这种方法已经历了20多年的改革,到现在为止,计划经济管理模式的影响仍然有已经存在在许多地区。我们传统的工程造价控制的


中英文翻译 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 摘要:自从―一万村‖市场项目开展以来,连锁超市就开始在农村地区发展起来。物流和分配是连锁超市运作过程中的纽带,在超市的平稳运作中起到重要作用。本土超市涌现出的很多问题,现在逐渐成为超市发展的瓶颈。在这篇论文中,作者将会分析现今存在于中国农村超市的物流和分配方面的问题,然后提供一些相应策略解决这个问题。 关键词:农村地区,货品分配,策略规划,物流,连锁超市。 1 介绍 自从―一万村‖市场项目开展以来,连锁超市作为一个新的运作系统及销售模式,开始在广阔的农村地区发展。这些连锁超市带领农民提高消费水平、缩小城乡差异、提升农村地区和农村市场现代流通的发展。连锁超市在农民中很受欢迎。然而,物流和分配是连锁超市的核心,却仍非常薄弱。分配的优势是超市运作成本、利润及相关合伙人附加利润的关键。在当前经济危机的形势下,解决农村超市物流及分配方面的问题,对农村市场的发展、经济的发展以及建设一个社会主义新农村都非常关键。 1.1农村连锁超市物流及分配的一些概念和特点

分配是一个经济活动,是企业家基于消费者需求,用最有效的方式在分配中心或其它地点储存货物,并且把这些货物运送到在合理经济框架内的其他客户。它包含购买、储存、分类、货物处理、递送及其它活动。它是一个物流活动的方式,结合了特别的、完整的业务流程。在农村地区,农民和农产品独特,所以,与城市物流分配相比,有着一些不同的特点。 1.2农村地区的主要物流和分配问题 A.低均匀分布率和高运作成本 根据商务部调查,自从―一万村‖市场项目开展以来,农村连锁超市的覆盖率已经达到超过60%,但是分配率却只有40%。这个数字不仅低于国内连锁超市60%的平均运送率,也大大低于国外连锁超市高于80%的运送率。均匀分配有利于统一采购。商店不能得益于连锁。这就会导致高物流成本。 B.不合理的物流和分配模式,导致信息读取效率不高 最近,农村连锁超市的物流和分配渠道主要由分配中心、农产品和供应市场合作社、第三方物流和分配系统组成。事实上,这三种分配方式也同样面临着高物流成本的问题。许多连锁超市没有建立自己的分配中心,因而不能满足分配服务的需求。即使一些连锁超市建立了自己的分配中心,也仍然存在很大问题。大多数农村超市规模较小,缺少建立分配中心的资金,因此,一些分配中心不能满足超市分配的需求。农村连锁商店分布较广,单个的连锁超市分配还是比较有限。收入比分配中心的建立和运作成本还要低。 C.分配中心的延后建立、低下技术水平、低分配水平 农村连锁超市的分配中心改造和扩大都是基于原来的仓库,这并不能满足连锁超市的服务需求。这些分配中心只能用来当仓库、储存及运输,缺少了深层的货品加工容量、信息加工以及反馈功能。这些基础设施不够,也缺少了机械化的检测、加工、冰冻、冷藏、包装及其它设备。电脑信息管理系统也远远不够,导致了不能及时进行与供应商、总部以及分部的数据交换。很难有效地管理物流信息,所以所有功能的协作及整合程度仍然非常低。 D.不充分的信息共享系统 农村连锁超市的信息系统构建是相对落后的。电子订货系统、电子数据互换系统以及增值网络系统都还没有使用。决策和信息管理系统也远远不够。很难在


外文翻译 原文 Cost-Containment and Cost-Management Strategies Material Source: Author: Alan f. Goldberg ,William P. Fleming The leadership and boards of trustees of all healthcare organizations are the ultimate stewards of the limited resources available to best meet community needs. The strategic planning process leads the organization down a clear path of setting priorities, making choices, and taking action. The day a new cancer center opens or the latest technology arrives is an exciting one for the community. After the ribbon cutting, these new programs become the responsibility of the hospital's service line directors or clinical managers. Their staffing is based on projections and other assumptions that may or may not be on point but have a direct impact on the operations and finances of the organization. As part of normal decision making for a hospital's new initiatives, a payer mix and revenue stream were predicted. Now two significant environmental events have made projections more uncertain and put aggressive cost management on center stage: the economic downturn and payment reform. The economic downturn affecting hospitals began in the fall of 2008. Its broad impact on the organization was described by Goldberg and Petasnick (2010): With credit markets drying up, unemployment rising, consumer confidence eroding, and employee morale shaken, healthcare system executives had their hands full. The combined result of the turmoil made the old adage "cash is king" truer than ever. As consumers pulled back and individuals lost health insurance, hospitals experienced losses in volume for elective, nonemergent healthcare. Financial operating results suffered. Meanwhile, losses in investment values eliminated the safety net reserves created by nonoperating income. Many hospitals and healthcare systems were forced to consider or enact layoffs and postpone or cancel capital-intensive projects. All were required to rethink their strategic plans. Because of the economic downturn and high unemployment, which led to income declines and individuals losing job-based healthcare coverage, Medicaid enrollment is projected to increase 10.5 percent in fiscal 2010.


项目成本控制 1施工企业成本控制原则 施工企业的成本控制是以施工项目成本控制为中心,施工项目成本控制原则是企业成本管理的基础和核心,施工企业项目经理部在对项目施工过程进行成本控制时,必须遵循以下基本原则。 1.1成本最低化原则。施工项目成本控制的根本目的,在于通过成本管理的各种手段,促进不断降低施工项目成本,以达到可能实现最低的目标成本的要求。在实行成本最低化原则时,应注意降低成本的可能性和合理的成本最低化。一方面挖掘各种降低成本的能力,使可能性变为现实;另一方面要从实际出发,制定通过主观努力可能达到合理的最低成本水平。 1.2全面成本控制原则。全面成本管理是全企业、全员和全过程的管理,亦称“三全”管理。项目成本的全员控制有一个系统的实质性内容,包括各部门、各单位的责任网络和班组经济核算等等,应防止成本控制人人有责,人人不管。项目成本的全过程控制要求成本控制工作要随着项目施工进展的各个阶段连续进行,既不能疏漏,又不能时紧时松,应使施工项目成本自始至终置于有效的控制之下。 1.3动态控制原则。施工项目是一次性的,成本控制应强调项目的中间控制,即动 态控制。因为施工准备阶段的成本控制只是根据施工组织设计的具体内容确定成本目标、编制成本计划、制订成本控制的方案,为今后的成本控制作好准备。而竣工阶段的成本控制,由于成本盈亏已基本定局,即使发生了偏差,也已来不及纠正。 1.4目标管理原则。目标管理的内容包括:目标的设定和分解,目标的责任到位和执行,检查目标的执行结果,评价目标和修正目标,形成目标管理的计划、实施、检查、处理循环,即 PDCA 循环。 1.5责、权、利相结的原则。在项目施工过程中,项目经理部各部门、各班组在肩负成本控制责任的同时,享有成本控制的权力,同时项目经理要对各部门、各班组在成本控制中的业绩进行定期的检查和考评,实行有奖有罚。只有真正做好责、权、利相结合的成本控制,才能收到预期的效果。


Reference for business,Encyclopedia of Business.2nd ed,Cos Des Cost control Roger J. Binder Abstract Cost control, also known as cost management or cost containment, is a broad set of cost accounting methods and management techniques with the common goal of improving business cost-efficiency by reducing costs, or at least restricting their rate of growth. Businesses use cost control methods to monitor, evaluate, and ultimately enhance the efficiency of specific areas, such as departments, divisions, or product lines, within their operations. Control of the business entity, then, is essentially a managerial and supervisory function. Control consists of those actions necessary to assure that the entity's resources and operations are focused on attaining established objectives, goals and plans. Control, exercised continuously, flags potential problems so that crises may be prevented. It also standardizes the quality and quantity of output, and provides managers with objective information about employee performance. Management compares actual performance to predetermined standards and takes action when necessary to correct variances from the standards. Keywords: Cost control;Applications;Control reports;Standards;Strategic Cost control, also known as cost management or cost containment, is a broad set of cost accounting methods and management techniques with the common goal of improving business cost-efficiency by reducing costs, or at least restricting their rate of growth. Businesses use cost control methods to monitor, evaluate, and ultimately enhance the efficiency of specific areas, such as departments, divisions, or product lines, within their operations. During the 1990s cost control initiatives received paramount attention from corporate America. Often taking the form of corporate restructuring, divestment of


成本管理外文文献及翻译-译国译民译国译民翻译公司: 成本管理外文文献 China's Enterprise Cost Management Analysis and Countermeasures Abstract: With the progress and China's traditional Cost Management model difficult to adapt to an increasingly competitive market environment. This paper exists in our country a number of Cost Management and finally put forward to address these issues a number of measures to strengthen Cost Management. Keywords:: Cost Management measures In a market economy conditions, as the global economic integration, the development of increasingly fierce market competition, corporate profit margins shrinking. In this case, the level of high and low business costs directly determines the size of an enterprise profitability and competitive strength. Therefore, strengthen enterprise Cost Management business has become an inevitable choice for the survival and development. First, the reality of China's Enterprise Cost Management Analysis Cost Management in our country after years of development, has made many achievements, but now faces a new environment, China's Cost Management has


中英文对照外文翻译 The application of third party logistics to implement the Just-In-Time system with minimum cost under a global environment Abstract The integration of the Just-In-Time (JIT) system with supply chain management has been attracting more and more attention recently. Within the processes of the JIT system, the upstream manufacturer is required to deliver products using smaller delivery lot sizes, at a higher delivery frequency. For the upstream manufacturer who adopts sea transportation to deliver products, a collaborative third party logistics (3PL) can act as an interface between the upstream manufacturer and the downstream partner so that the products can be delivered globally at a lower cost to meet the JIT needs of the downstream partner. In this study, a quantitative JIT cost model

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