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当前位置:文档库 › 中远COSCO集装箱提单背面条款(中英文)











“装运单位”(SHIPPING UNIT)是指未以包件运输的任何一个具体单位的货物,包括机械、车辆及船只,但散装货物除外。



有关承运人的定义与提单正面的抬头和承运人签单部位的落款相对应,符合《跟单信用证统一惯例500》对提单签发的要求。本提单所构成或证明运输合同中的承运人仅指中远集运、而非任何其他相关的契约承运人、实际承运人,这样避免了当存在几个运输合同时发生混淆。另外还应指出的是承运人被定义为‘中远集运’(COSCO CONTAINER LINES.),虽然中远集装箱运输有限公司的英文正式名称为COSCO CONTAINER LINES COMPANY LIMITED, 但是我们这里仅使用其商业名称(TRADE NAME)。




2. CARRIER\'S TARIFF 承运人的运价本













本条第二款实际上涵盖了两种情况,即水水联运和多式联运。本款确定了多式联运下九个月的索赔时效,即索赔应当在货物交付后9个月内向承运人提出,否则承运人便被免除任何有关货物的责任,这一规定的目的仅仅是为适应某些国家关于内陆承运人9个月的责任期限,比如美国Carmack Amendments of the United States Interstate Commerce Act规定: 内陆承运人的责任期限是九个月,而绝非要降低海商法中规定的海上货物运输索赔的1年讼时效的规定。在实践中往往要根据多式联运中的损失发生区段来作具体分析,比如损失发生在海运段或不能确定则还是应当适用1年的时效。



















(2)如有关运输包括驶往、来自或经过美利坚合众国某一港口或地点的运输,本提单便应受其第26(2)款中所述1936年美国海上货物运输法(US COGSA)及其修订条款的约束。无论是承运人、其受雇人、代理人、分立契约人及(或)船舶,在任何情况下,对超出美国海上货物运输法中规定的每件或每单位赔偿限度的任何数额,都不负责,除非货方已在装运前将货物性质及价值加以申报并已载入本提单(第10栏),而且货方已就此项申报价值加付运费。(3)如已将除中华人民共和国海商法及美国海上货物运输法以外的法律强制适用于本提单,承运人的责任便不得超出该法规定的每件或每单位的赔偿限额,除非该货物的性质及价值已由货方加以申报并已载入提单(第10栏),而且货方已就此项申报价值加付运费。




本条第二款规定了有关运输包括驶往、来自或经过美利坚合众国某一港口或地点的运输的情况时,本提单项下的运输合同便应受1936年美国海上货物运输法(US COGSA1936)及其修订条款的约束。提单做这样的规定是为了提单在涉及美国的运输时不违反美国的法律强行法的规定,以避免被美国当地法院认定为无效。这样的条款又称?地区条款?(LOCAL CLAUSE),在所有经营美国航线的承运人的提单条款中要么规定提单适用美国1936年海上货物运输法,要么加入?LOCAL CLAUSE?以保证提单的效力为美国法院所认可。美国1936年海上货物运输法所采用的责任体系与国际通行的海牙规则基本相同,其单位赔偿责任限制为每件每单位500美元,这样的赔偿标准是低于我国
























第二款是对第一款的补充,指出在交货时集装箱铅封完好是承运人已完好地履行了运输合同义务的充分证据,在此情况下承运人对在交付货物时的任何货物短少或灭失不负责任。因为承运人在接收货物时是由货方提供的已施封的集装箱,铅封完好自然意味着箱内货物未曾被动及。当然在铅封完好的情况下,如果货方能够提供其他充分有效的证据表明货物的灭失和损害是由于承运人不可免责的过失造成的,承运人仍然要承担赔偿责任;而铅封有损也不当然表明承运人要承担责任,索赔人还必须提出其他相关证据以证明承运人对货物的灭失或损害负有责任。..\hanjin 拒绝索赔-铅封不对.pdf







第二款是针对货方在贸易中特殊需要而制定的,有些买卖合同,信用证等贸易文件需要在提单中显示某些贸易资料,为了满足客户的需要,承运人可以在提单中列出相关内容,但正如本款规定的,此类内容仅仅是为货方的方便,与本提单证明或构成的运输合同是无关的,对承运人也是没有约束力的。另外为与本提单条款第七条关于货物申报价值的规定相对应的,再次强调除了承运人收取货方申报货物价值的附加费(Value Declaration Charge)并认可货方在提单正面记载的货物申报价值外,承运人对货物价值是不知晓的。







本条规定了货方托运货物时应承担的义务。货方在安排运输合同的同时往往还符合贸易主管部门、海关、港口等多方当局的要求,本条明确规定这些完全是货方自身的义务。同时还规定,包括收货人和发货人在内的各有关货方都必须承担向承运人提供合法货物及正确货物信息的义务并对此承担连带责任,同时承运人有权向任一货方提起追偿之诉,该货方应先行赔偿承运人。本条规定对集装箱运输是非常重要的,因为在集装箱运输中承运人通常看不到实际货物而只是装好货物的集装箱,他对货物的了解完全取决于货方的描述,因此处于非常被动的地位,从公平合理的角度考虑,承运人因此特别规定所有货物信息由货方提供并承担由此可能产生的责任。为了强调此种规定的重要性,承运人在正面条款中再次作出声明,例如?不知条款?规定货物所有情况由货方提供,承运人没有合理的途径进行检查。此外,因为打印条款效力高于印刷条款效力,因此承运人还要求其代理在缮制提单时打印上?shipper’s load, count and seal?即?托运人装箱、计数和签封?而提高这种不知条款的效力。









1.按照普通法(COMMEN LAW)的原则,运费应当是在货物交付时支付的,但船货双方可以明示约定而改变这种规定,本条作为船货双方的约定正是起到了这种作用。本条规定货方有提前支付运费(PAYMENT IN ADVANCE)的义务,也就是说运费在承运人接受货物时已经全额无无条件赚得,货方应按约定提前支付运费,而且这种义务是没有附带条件的。











16. LIENS 留置权








The Carrier may at any time during the carriage: 承运人可在运输中的任何时间:

(1) use any means of transport or storage whatsoever; 使用任何运输方式或储存方式;






























第二款是规定了当由货方或货方代表进行冷藏箱装箱时,货方的承诺以及违反其承诺的相应后果。承运人在本款中要求货方所做的保证是安全运输货物的需要。需要温控的货物如果在运输开始或者载货集装箱在陆上段的运输没有正确设臵温度、通风或其他装臵,或者在装箱前没有将货物的温度以及集装箱的温度调至所需程度,以及在承运人接收货物时没有正确作好货物的箱内积载等等,都会严重影响货物的安全运输,而这些均不在承运人控制范围,承运人只有通过提单条款中对货方的约束才能保证这些决定货物安全运输的先决条件得到满足。冷箱运输是非常复杂的过程,包括设定温度、通风、化霜等诸多方面,对于承运人和货方的要求都很高,尤其是运输温度在0 ℃以上的保鲜货的运输对于通风和预冷的要求,如果这些要求未能完全做到,承运人对无论如何发生的货物的任何灭失或损害便不负责。




















The Both-to-blame Collision Clause currently published by the Baltic and International Maritime Conference is deemed to be incorporated into this Bill of Lading. 由波罗的海国际航运公会现时公布的双方有责碰撞条款应视为已被载入本提单。



















本条款规定了以海运单运输单证的交货方式。海运单可以象提单一样作为货物收据和运输合同的证明,但海运单与提单的显著区别在于海运单是不能作为物权凭证而可通过背书转让的。因此在承运人交付货物时无需出具海运单原件给承运人。而且海运单适合的贸易方式主要有子母公司、开帐(OPEN ACCOUNT)交易、现金贸易等不需要信用证的贸易方式,因此凭海运单上记载的收货人或其授权的人身份证明提取货物就成为可能。但我们在此应当指出对凭授权文件提取货物的情况一定要严格把关以防止错放货物。






33. 在船舶抵达卸货港或交货地以前,如发货人书面要求将海运单改为承运人提单,在可能的情况下,承运人将尽最大努力进行更改,但承运人在任何情况下均不对未能及时更改承担任何责任。


34. 对于特定货物的放货,应当遵循承运人的运价本和提单中所规定的一般担保的习惯作法,这种规定包括但不限于承运人有权因本海运单的任何一方拖欠的费用或债务而留置货物,不论该费用或债务是否与本海运单项下的货物有关。


35. 除非发货人在运输前有相反的指示并在海运单的正面注明,承运人将根据上述条款和条件与收货人处理有关货物的索赔。任何索赔的解决应作为承运人对发货人责任的彻底解除。






"Carrier" means COSCO container lines company limited.

"Merchant" includes the consignor, the shipper, the receiver, the consignee, the owner of the Goods, the lawful holder or endorsee of this Bill of Lading, or any other person having any present or future interest in the Goods or this Bill of Lading, or anyone

authorized to act on behalf of any of the foregoing.

"Vessel", where the context so admits, includes the Vessel named in Box 6 of this Bill of Lading or any substitute therefor, and any feeder vessel, lighter or barge used by or on behalf of the Carrier in connection with any seaborne leg of the carriage.

"Sub-contractor" includes owners and operators of vessels (other than the Carrier), stevedores, terminal, warehouse, depot and groupage operators, road and rail transport operators and any independent contractor employed by the Carrier in the performance of the carriage and any sub-sub-contractor thereof. The expression Sub-contractor shall include direct and indirect Sub-contractors and their respective servants, agents or Sub-contractors.

"Goods" means the whole or any part of the cargo received from the Merchant and includes any Container not supplied by or

on behalf of the Carrier.

"Package" means each Container which is stuffed and sealed by or on behalf of the Merchant, and not the items packed in such Container if the number of such items is not indicated on the front of this Bill of Lading or is indicated by the terms such as "Said

to Contain" or similar expressions.

"Shipping Unit" means any physical unit of cargo not shipped in a package, including machinery, vehicles and boats, except

goods shipped in bulk.

"Container" includes any Container, open top, trailer, transportable tank, flat rack, platform, pallet, and any other equipment or device used for or in connection with the transportation of the Goods.


The terms of the Carrier\'s applicable Tariff and other requirements regarding charges are incorporated into this Bill of Lading. Particular attention is drawn to the terms contained therein, including, but not limited to, free storage time, Container and vehicle demurrage,etc. Copies of the relevant provisions of the applicable Tariff are obtainable from the Carrier or his agents upon request.

In case of any inconsistency between this Bill of Lading and the applicable Tariff, this Bill of Lading shall prevail.


(1) The Carrier shall have the right at any time and on any terms whatsoever to sub-contract the whole or any part of the

carriage with any Sub-contractor and/or to substitute any other vessel or means of transport for the Vessel.

(2) The Merchant undertakes that no claim or legal action whatsoever shall be made or brought against any person by whom the carriage is performed or undertaken (including, but not limited to, the Carrier\'s servants, agents or Sub-contractors), other than the Carrier, which imposes or attempts to impose upon any such person, or any vessel owned or operated by such person, any liability whatsoever in connection with the Goods or the carriage thereof whether or not arising out of negligence on the part of such

person. Should any such claim or legal action nevertheless be made or brought, the Merchant undertakes to indemnify the Carrier against all consequences thereof including legal expenses on a full indemnity basis. Without prejudice to the foregoing, every such person or vessel, including, but not limited to, the Carrier\'s servants, agents, or Sub-contractors as defined in Clause 1 above, shall have the benefit of every exemption, defense and limitation herein contained applicable to the Carrier, in contract or in tort, as if such provision were expressly contracted for its benefit, and, in entering into this contract, the Carrier, to the extent of such exemptions, defenses and limitations, does so not only on its behalf, but also as an agent and trustee for such person or vessel.


(1) Port to Port Shipment If boxes 6, 7 and 8 but not boxes 4,5and 9 are filled in on the front of this Bill of Lading, this Bill of

Lading is a Port-to-Port contract. The Carrier shall be responsible for the Goods as Carrier from the time when the Goods are received by the Carrier at the Port of Loading until the time of delivery thereof at the port of discharge to the Merchant or to the Authority as required by local laws or regulations, whichever occurs earlier.

(2) Combined Transport If Box 4, Box 5 and/or Box 9 are filled in on the front of this Bill of Lading and the place(s) or port(s) indicated therein is/are place(s) or port(s) other than that indicated in Box 7 and Box 8 and Freight is paid for combined transport, this Bill of Lading is a combined transport contract. The Carrier undertakes to arrange or procure the pre-carriage and/or on-carriage segments of the combined transport. All claims arising from the combined transport carriage must be filed with the Carrier within 9 months after the delivery of the Goods or the date when the Goods should have been delivered, failing which the Carrier shall be discharged from all liabilities whatsoever in respect of the Goods. If any payment is made by the Carrier to the Merchant in respect of any claim arising from the combined transport carriage, the Carrier shall be automatically subrogated to or given all rights of the Merchant against all others including pre-carrier or on-carrier or Sub-contractor on account of such loss or damage. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed a waiver of any rights that the Carrier may have against a pre-carrier or on-carrier or Sub-contractor for

indemnity or otherwise.


(1) Unless notice of loss or damage is given in writing to the Carrier\'s agent at the Port of Discharge or Place of Delivery

before or on the date of delivery of the Goods, or if loss or damage is not apparent, within 15 consecutive days thereafter, such delivery shall be prima facie evidence of the delivery of the Goods by the Carrier and/or on-carrier in the order and condition

described in this Bill of Lading.

(2) The Carrier, its servants, agents and Sub-contractors shall be discharged from all liabilities whatsoever unless suit is

brought within one year after the delivery of the Goods or the date when the Goods should have been delivered.


(1) The terms of this Bill of Lading shall at all times govern all responsibilities of the Carrier in connection with or arising out of the carriage of the Goods not only during the carriage, but also during the period prior to and/or subsequent to the carriage. The exemptions from liability, defenses and limitation of liability provided for herein or otherwise shall apply in any action against the Carrier for loss or damage or delay, howsoever occurring and whether the action be founded in contract or in tort and even if the loss, damage or delay arose as a result of unseaworthiness, negligence or fundamental breach of contract. Save as is otherwise provided herein, the Carrier shall in no circumstances whatsoever and howsoever arising be liable for direct or indirect or consequential loss

or damage or loss of profits.

(2) The Carrier does not undertake that the Goods will be transported from or loaded at the place of receipt or loading or will arrive at the place of discharge, destination or transshipment aboard any particular vessel or other conveyance at any particular date or time or to meet any particular market or in time for any particular use. Scheduled or advertised departure and arrival times are only

expected times and may be advanced or delayed if the Carrier shall find it necessary, prudent or convenient. The Carrier shall in no circumstances whatsoever and howsoever arising be liable for direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage caused by delay.

(3) If the stage of the combined transport during which loss or damage occurred can be determined, the liability of the Carrier shall be governed by the national law(s) and/or international convention(s) applicable thereto. If the stage of the combined transport during which loss or damage occurred cannot be determined, the Merchant and the Carrier agree that it shall be deemed that the loss or damage occurred aboard the Carrier\'s Vessel. In either case, clauses 5(2) and 7 shall apply.


(1) Except as provided for in Clause 7(2), this Bill of Lading shall be subject to the provisions of the Maritime Code of the People\'s Republic of China as provided for in Clause 26(1). Neither the Carrier, its servants, agents, Sub-contractors nor the Vessel shall in any event be liable for any loss or damage to the Goods in any amount exceeding the limits per package or unit prescribed by that Code, unless the nature and value of the Goods have been declared by the Merchant before shipment and inserted in this Bill of Lading (Box 10) and the Merchant has paid additional Freight on such declared value.

(2) Where carriage includes carriage to or from or through a port or place in the United States of America, this Bill of Lading

shall be subject to the provisions of the United States Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 1936 (US COGSA) and any amendments thereto, as provided for in Clause 26(2) hereof. In such event, neither the Carriers nor its servants, agents, Sub-contractors and/or the Vessel shall in any event be liable for any loss of or damage to the Goods in an amount exceeding the limits per package or unit prescribed by US COGSA, unless the nature and value of the Goods have been declared by the Merchant before shipment and inserted in this Bill of Lading (Box 10) and the Merchant has paid additional Freight on such declared value.

(3) If a legal regime other than the Maritime Code of the People\'s Republic of China or US COGSA is compulsorily applied to this Bill of Lading, the liability of the Carrier, if any, shall not exceed the limits per Package or Shipping Unit prescribed therein, unless the nature and value of the Goods have been declared by the Merchant and inserted in this Bill of Lading (Box 10) and the Merchant

has paid additional Freight on such declared value.

(4) For the purpose of this Clause 7, the declared value shall be the basis for calculating the Carrier\'s liability, if any, provided that such declared value shall not be conclusive on the Carrier, and further provided that such declared value does not exceed the true value of the Goods at destination. Any partial loss or damage shall be adjusted pro-rata on the basis of such declared value.


The Carrier shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to the Goods occurring at any time, including that before loading or after discharge by reason of any fire whatsoever, unless such fire is caused by the actual fault of the Carrier.


(1) Goods received in break bulk will be stuffed by the Carrier in Containers and the Carrier shall have the right to carry any

Containers, whether or not stuffed by the Carrier, on deck or below deck. All such Goods shall participate in General Average.

(2) If Carrier\'s Containers and equipment are used by the Merchant for pre-carriage or on-carriage or unpacked at the Merchant\'s premises, the Merchant is responsible for returning the empty Containers, with interiors brushed, clean and free of smell to the point or place designated by the Carrier, its servants or agents, within the time prescribed in the Tariff and/or required by the Carrier. Should a Container not be returned within the aforesaid time, the Merchant shall be liable for any detention, demurrage, loss

or expenses which may arise from such non-return.

(3) The Merchant shall be liable for any loss of or damage to Carrier\'s Containers and other equipment while in the custody of the Merchant or anyone acting on the Merchant\'s behalf. The Merchant shall also be liable during such period for any loss of or damage to the property of others or for any injuries or death and the Merchant shall indemnify and hold the Carrier harmless against all damages, including legal expenses, incurred from any and all such claims arising during such periods.


(1) If a Container has not been stuffed by or on behalf of the Carrier, the Carrier shall not be liable for loss of or damage to the Goods and the Merchant shall indemnify the Carrier against any loss, damage, liability or expense incurred by the Carrier if such loss,

damage, liability or expense has been caused by:

(a) the manner in which the Container has been filled, packed, loaded or stuffed, or

(b) the unsuitability of the Goods for carriage in the Container, or

(c) the unsuitability or defective condition of the Container, provided that, if the Container had been supplied by or on behalf of the Carrier, this unsuitability or defective condition could have been apparent upon inspection by the Merchant at or prior to the time

when the Container was filled, packed, loaded or stuffed.

(2) If a Merchant-stuffed Container is delivered by the Carrier with its seal intact, such delivery shall constitute full and complete performance of the Carrier\'s obligations hereunder and the Carrier shall not be liable for any loss or shortage of the Goods

ascertained at delivery.

(3) he Merchant shall inspect Containers before stuffing them and the use of a Container shall be prima facie evidence of its

being suitable and without defect.


(1) The Merchant\'s description of the Goods stuffed in a sealed Container by the Merchant, or on his behalf, shall not be binding on the Carrier, and the description declared by the Merchant on the front of this Bill of Lading is information provided by the Merchant solely for its own use including but not limited to the use of its freight forwarder. It is understood by the Merchant that the Carrier has not verified the contents, weight or measurement of a sealed container, and the Carrier makes no representation as to the contents of a sealed Container, van, crate or box hereunder, nor its weight or measurement, nor the value, quantity, quality, description, condition, marks or number of the contents thereof. The Carrier shall be under no responsibility whatsoever in respect of

such description or particulars.

(2) If any particulars of any letter of credit and/or import license and/or sales contract and/or invoice or order number and/or details of any contract to which the Carrier is not a party are shown on the front of this Bill of Lading, such particulars are included solely at the request of the Merchant for its convenience. The Merchant agrees that the inclusion of such particulars shall not be regarded as a declaration of value and shall in no way affect the Carrier\'s liability under this Bill of Lading. The Merchant acknowledges that, except as provided for in Clause 7 hereof, the value of the Goods is unknown to the Carrier.


(1) The parties defined as "Merchant" in clause 1 hereof shall, where applicable, be jointly and severally liable to the Carrier

for the due fulfillment of all obligations undertaken by any of them under this Bill of Lading.

(2) The Merchant warrants to the Carrier that the particulars relating to the Goods as set forth on the front of this Bill of Lading have been checked by the Merchant on receipt of this Bill of Lading and that such particulars, and any particulars furnished by or on

behalf of the Merchant, are adequate and correct. The Merchant also warrants that the Goods are lawful Goods and are not


(3) The Merchant shall indemnify the Carrier against all liabilities, costs, losses, damages, fines, penalties, expenses or other sanctions of a monetary nature arising or resulting from any breach of the warranties in Clause 12(2) hereof or from any other cause in connection with the Goods for which the Carrier is not responsible.

(4) The Merchant shall comply with all regulations or requirements of customs, port and other Authorities, and shall bear and pay all duties, taxes, fines, imposts, expenses or losses (including the full return Freight for the Goods if returned, or if on-carried, the full Freight from the Port of Discharge or the Place of Delivery nominated herein to the amended Port of Discharge or the amended Place of Delivery) incurred and/or sustained by reason of any failure to so comply, or by reason of any illegal, incorrect or insufficient marking, numbering, or addressing of the Goods, and shall indemnify the Carrier in respect thereof.


(1) All Freight shall be deemed fully, finally and unconditionally earned on receipt of the Goods by the Carrier and shall be

paid and non-returnable in any event whatsoever.

(2) All Freight and charges shall be paid without any set-off, counter-claim, deduction, or stay of execution before delivery of

the Goods.

(3) The Merchant\'s attention is drawn to the stipulations concerning currency in which the Freight is to be paid, rate of

exchange, devaluation and other contingencies concerning the Freight in the applicable Tariff or as agreed otherwise.

(4) If the Merchant\'s description of the Goods in this Bill of Lading or in any document or certificate furnished to the Carrier by or on behalf of the Merchant shall prove to have been inaccurate, incorrect or misleading in any respect, the Merchant shall pay for

the actual damage suffered by the Carrier.

(5) Payment of Freight and charges to any freight forwarder or broker, or anyone other than the Carrier or its authorized agent,

shall not be considered payment to the Carrier and shall be made at the Merchant\'s sole risk.

(6) The parties defined as Merchants in clause 1 hereof shall, where applicable, be jointly and severally liable to the Carrier

for payment of all Freight, demurrage, General Average and charges, including, but not limited to, court costs, expenses and reasonable attorney\'s fees incurred in collecting sums due the Carrier, failing which shall be considered a default by the Merchant in

the payment of Freight and charges.


The Carrier and/or any person to whom the Carrier has sub-contracted the carriage or any person authorized by the Carrier shall be entitled, but under no obligation, to open any Container or Package at any time and to inspect the Goods. If by order of the Authorities at any place, a container must be opened for inspection, the Carrier shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred as

a result of any opening, unpacking, inspection or repacking. The Carrier shall be entitled to recover the cost of such opening,

unpacking, inspection, and repacking from the Merchant.


If it appears at anytime that the Goods cannot safely or properly be carried or carried further, either at all or without incurring any additional expense or taking any measure(s) in relation to the Goods or the Container, the Carrier may without notice to the Merchant (but as its agent only) take any measure(s) and/or incur any additional expense to carry or to continue the carriage thereof,

and/or dispose of the Goods, and/or abandon the carriage and/or store them ashore or afloat, under cover or in the open, at any place, whichever the Carrier in his absolute discretion considers most appropriate, which abandonment, storage or disposal thereof shall be deemed to constitute due delivery under this Bill of Lading. The Merchant shall indemnify the Carrier against any additional

expense so incurred.


The Carrier shall have a lien on the Goods and any documents relating thereto for Freight, dead Freight, demurrage, detention, and for any expenses incurred by the Carrier for recoopering, repacking, remarking, fumigation or required disposal of faulty Goods, for General Average contributions to whomsoever due, for fines, dues, tolls, land Freight, or commissions paid or advanced by the Carrier on behalf of the Goods, for any sums including salvage payable to the Carrier under this Bill of Lading and for legal expenses incurred because of any attachment or other legal proceedings brought against the Goods by governmental Authorities or any person claiming an interest in the Goods. The Carrier\'s lien shall survive discharge or delivery of the Goods and the Carrier shall have the right to enforce such lien by public auction or private sale in its discretion. Shoud the proceeds of sale fail to cover the amount due, including expenses incurred, the Carrier shall be entitled to recover the balance from the Merchant. Should such proceeds exceed the amount due, the balance shall be returned to the Merchant.


Goods (other than Goods stuffed in Containers) that are stated on the front of this Bill of Lading as contracted to be stowed "on deck" and are so carried, and all live animals, including fish and birds, or plants shipped hereunder, shall be carried solely at the risk of the Merchant, and the Carrier shall not be liable for any loss or damage of whatsoever nature arising during carriage by sea whether or not arising out of negligence on the part of the Carrier. The Carrier shall be bound to prove that he has fulfilled the special requirements of the Merchant with regard to the carriage of the live animals and that under the circumstances of the sea carriage, the loss or damage has occurred due to the special risks inherent therein. The Merchant shall indemnify the Carrier against all or any extra costs incurred for any reason whatsoever in connection with the carriage of such live animals or plants.


The Carrier may at any time during the carriage

(1) use any means of transport or storage whatsoever;

(2) transfer the Goods from one conveyance to another including transshipment or carrying the same on another Vessel other

than the Vessel named on the front of this Bill of Lading or by any other means of transport whatsoever.

Anything done in accordance with this Clause or any delay arising therefrom shall be deemed to be within the scope of the

carriage and shall not be a deviation.


If at any time the carriage is or is likely in the judgment of the Master to be affected by any hindrance, risk, delay, difficulty or disadvantage of any kind, other than the inability of the Goods to be safely or properly carried or carried further, and howsoever arising (even though the circumstances giving rise to such matters as stated above existed at the time this contract was entered into or the Goods were received for shipment), the Carrier (whether or not the carriage is commenced) may, at his sole discretion and

without prior notice to the Merchant:

(1) carry the Goods to the contracted Port of Discharge or Place of Delivery, whichever is applicable, by an alternative route from that indicated in this Bill of Lading or from that which is customary for Goods consigned to that Port of Discharge or Place of

Delivery. If the Carrier elects to invoke the terms of this sub-Clause, then, notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 18 hereof, the Carrier shall be entitled to charge such additional Freight as the Carrier may determine, or

(2) suspend the carriage of the Goods and store them ashore or afloat upon the terms of this Bill of Lading and endeavor to forward them as soon as possible, but the Carrier makes no representation as to the maximum period of suspension. If the Carrier elects to invoke the terms of this sub-Clause, then the Carrier shall be entitled to the payment of such additional Freight as the

Carrier may determine, or

(3) abandon the carriage of the Goods and place the Goods at the Merchant\'s disposal at any port or place where the Carrier

may deem safe and convenient, whereupon the responsibility of the Carrier in respect of such Goods shall entirely cease. The Carrier shall nevertheless be entitled to full Freight on the Goods received for shipment, and the Merchant shall pay any additional costs of the carriage to, and delivery and storage at such port or place.

Where the Carrier elects to use an alternative route under Clause 19(1) or to suspend the carriage under Clause 19(2), same

shall not prejudice its right subsequently to abandon the carriage.


At the time of shipment of Dangerous Goods, the Merchant shall, in compliance with the regulations governing the carriage of such Goods, have the same properly packed, distinctly marked and labeled and notify the Carrier in writing of their proper description, nature and the precautions to be taken. In case the Merchant fails to or inaccurately notifies the Carrier, the Carrier may have such Goods landed, destroyed or rendered innocuous when and where circumstances so require, without compensation. The Merchant shall be liable to the Carrier for any loss, damage or expense resulting from such shipment.

Notwithstanding the Carrier\'s knowledge of the nature of the Dangerous Goods and its consent to carry, the Carrier may still have such Goods landed, destroyed or rendered innocuous, without compensation, when they become an actual danger to the Vessel, the crew and other persons on board or to other goods. However, what mentioned in this Clause shall not prejudice the

contribution in General Average, if any.


(1) Unless the Merchant and the Carrier agree in writing before shipment that specially ventilated, refrigerated or heated Containers will be used to ship the Goods and such agreement is noted on the front of this Bill of Lading, and the Merchant gives proper written notice to the Carrier of the nature of the Goods and of the particular temperature range to be maintained and/or special attention required and the Merchant pays the extra Freight charged under the Carrier\'s Tariff or as agreed, the Goods shall be

carried in ordinary unventilated Containers.

(2) In case of a refrigerated Container stuffed by or on behalf of the Merchant, the Merchant undertakes that its thermostatic, ventilating or any other controls have been correctly set by the Merchant and that the temperature of the Goods and the refrigerated Container has been brought to the required temperature level before stuffing and that the Goods have been properly stowed in the Container before the receipt thereof by the Carrier. If these requirements are not fully met, the Carrier shall not be liable for any loss

of or damage to the Goods howsoever arising.

(3) The Merchant shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Carrier\'s Container while it is in the

Merchant\'s custody or the custody of anyone acting on the Merchant\'s behalf.

(4) If a suggested temperature is noted on the front of this Bill of Lading, the Merchant shall deliver the Goods to the Carrier at the noted temperature plus or minus 2℃permitted, and the Carrier shall exercise due diligence to maintain such temperature, plus

or minus 2℃while the Goods are in its actual possession.

(5) The Carrier does not warrant that the Container be properly ventilated, refrigerated or heated throughout the carriage, nor

shall the Carrier be liable for any loss of or damage to the Goods arising from any latent defects, any total or partial failure or breakdown, or stoppage of the refrigerating machinery, plant, insulation and/or any apparatus of the Container, Vessel, conveyance and any other facilities, provided that the Carrier shall before or at the beginning of the carriage exercise due diligence to maintain

the refrigerated Container in an efficient state.

(6) In case of the Merchant\'s own Container, a set of emergency kit and an operation manual shall be supplied by the



(1) Any mention herein of parties to be notified of the arrival of the Goods is solely for information of the Carrier, and failure to give such notification shall not give rise to any liability on the part of the Carrier or relieve the Merchant of any obligation hereunder.

(2) The Merchant shall take delivery of the Goods within the time provided for in the Carrier\'s applicable Tariff or as required

by the Carrier.

(3) If the Merchant fails to take delivery of the Goods during a reasonable time or whenever in the opinion of the Carrier the Goods are likely to deteriorate, decay, become worthless or incur charges whether for storage or otherwise in excess of their value, the Carrier may, at its discretion, without prejudice to any rights which he may have against the Merchant, without notice and without any responsibility whatsoever attaching to him, unstuff, sell, destroy or dispose of the Goods at the sole risk and expense of the Merchant, and apply any proceeds of sale in reduction of the sums due to the Carrier from the Merchant. The aforesaid unstuffing shall constitute due delivery hereunder and thereupon all liability whatsoever of the Carrier in respect of the Goods thereof shall


(4) Where the Carrier is obliged to hand over the Goods so carried into the custody of the port, customs or any other Authorities at the Port of Discharge or Place of Delivery and the Goods are delivered by the same to the Merchant without necessity of production of this Bill of Lading by the Merchant as required by the local law, regulation and/or practice, such hand-over shall constitute due delivery to the Merchant under this Bill of Lading and there-upon the liability of the Carrier in respect of the Goods

shall entirely cease.

(5) Refusal by the Merchant to take delivery of the Goods in accordance with the terms of this Clause, notwithstanding its having been notified of the availability of the Goods for delivery, shall constitute an irrevocable waiver by the Merchant to the Carrier of all and any claims whatsoever relating to the Goods or the Carriage. The Merchant shall be liable for any losses, damages, expenses and liabilities incurred and sustained by the Carrier arising from such refusal, including but not limited to, the return of the

Goods to their place of origin.


(1) General Average shall be adjusted at any port or place at the Carrier\'s option according to the York-Antwerp Rules 1974, as amended in 1990, and any other amendments thereto. The Merchant shall give such cash deposit or other security as the Carrier may deem sufficient to cover the estimated General Average contribution of the Goods before delivery.

(2) In the event of the Master considering that salvage services are needed, the Merchant agrees that the Master shall act on its behalf to procure such services to Goods and that the Carrier may act on its behalf to settle salvage remuneration. The Merchant shall timely and fully provide cash deposit or other security to the salvor without affecting the schedule of the Vessel after the salvage, failing which the Merchant shall be liable for any losses arising therefrom and sustained by the Carrier.



空运提单的背面条款及其依据 提单的背面条款及其依据:在全式(LONGTERM)正本提单的背面,列有许多条款,其中主要有: 定义条款(DEFINITIONCLAUSE)--主要对“承运人”,“托运人”等关系人加以限定。 管辖权条款(JURISDICTIONCLAUSE)--指出当提单发生争执时,按照法律,某法院有审理和解决案件的权利。 责任期限条款(DURATIONOFLIABILLITY)--一般海运提单规定承运人的责任期限从货物装上船舶起至卸离船舶为止。集装箱提单则从承运人接受货物至交付指定收货人为止。 包装和标志(PACKAGESANDMARKS)--要求托运人对货物提供妥善包装和 正确清晰的标志。如因标志不清或包装不良所产生的一切费用由货方负责。运费和其他费用(FREIGHTANDOTHERCHARGES)--运费规定为预付的, 应在装船时一并支付,到付的应在交货时一并支付。当船舶和货物遭受任何灭失或损失时,运费仍应照付,否则,承运人可对货物及单证行使留置权。自由转船条款(TRANSHIPMENTCLAUSE)--承运人虽签发了直达提单,但 由于客观需要仍可自由转船,并不须经托运人的同意。转船费由承运人负担,但风险由托运人承担,而承运人的责任也仅限于其本身经营的船舶所完成的那段运输。 错误申报(INACCURACYINPARTICULARSFURNISHEDBYSHIPPER)--承 运人有权在装运港和目的港查核托运任申报的货物数量,重量,尺码与内容,如发现与实际不符,承运人可收取运费罚款。 承运人责任限额(LIMITOFLIABILITY)--规定承运人对货物灭失或损坏所造


Received in apparent good order and condition unless otherwise indicated herein, the goods, or the container(s) o package(s) said to contain the goods described herein for transportation from the place of receipt or the port of loading to the place of delivery or the port of discharge to be carried subject to the terms and conditions hereof. One of the original bill of lading duly endorsed must be surrendered in exchange for the goods or delivery order. In accepting this bill of lading, the merchant agrees to be bound by all the stipulations, exceptions, terms and conditions on the face and back hereof. Whether written, typed, stamped or printed as fully as if signed by the merchant any local custom or privilege to the contrary notwithstanding. In witness whereof the number of original bills of lading stated below have been signed, one of which being accomplished the other(s) to be void. See terms on reverse 承运人已收到符合提单规定的表面状况良好的货物(除本提单另有说明),此货物为承运人接收运输货物一栏所示的全部货物或据称内装相应货物的集装箱或其它货物包装,将从货物接收地或装船港运往卸货港或货物交付地并受本提单的所有条款之约束。货方必须向承运人提交一份经适当背书的正本提单,以换取货物或提货单。 货方接受本提单,即意味着明确接受并同意(如同已签署)本提单正面与背面的所有条款与条件,不论是手写、打印、签章或是印刷的,即使有与此相反的当地习惯和特权也不例外。 兹证明承运人或其代理人已按本提单底部所示的提单份数签发提单,等其中一份正本完成提货任务后,其它各份提单即行失效。 提单条款续背页 Received in apparent good order and condition except as otherwise noted the total number of containers of packages or units enumerated below (*) for transportation from the place of receipt to the place of delivery subject to the terms hereof. One of the original bill of lading must be surrendered duly endorsed in exchange for the goods or delivery order. On presentation of this document (duly endorsed) to the carrier by or on behalf of the holder, the rights and liabilities arising in accordance with the terms hereof shall (without prejudice to any rule of common law of statute rendering them binding on the merchant) become binding in all respects between the carrier and the holder as though the contract evidenced hereby had been made between them. In witness whereof the number of original bills of lading stated below have been signed one of which being accomplished the others to be void. See terms on reverse 兹收到外表状况和条件良好(除本提单另有说明)的下述总数集装箱或其他包装或单位的货物,依据本提单所列条款和条件,从收货地运往交货地。货方必须向承运人提交一份经适当背书的正本提单,以换取货物或提货单。提单持有人或其代表向承运人提交经背书的提单时,依照本提单条款的条件而产生的权利和义务,在不损害普通法或成文法中约束货方的任何规定的条件下,将使本提单持有人和承运人之间的各方面受其约束,如同提单持有人和承运人之间已签订了本提单所证明之契约。 兹证明承运人或其代理人已按本提单底部所示的提单份数签发提单,等其中一份正本完成提货任务后,其它各份提单即行失效。 提单条款续背页 1 / 1


中远COSCO集装箱提单背面条款(中文) 中远集团提单背面条款 1. DEFINITIONS 定义 “承运人”(CARRIER)是指“中远集运”,即中远集装箱运输有限公司。 “货方”(MERCHANT)包括发货人、托运人、收货人、受货人、货主、本提单的合法持有人或被背书人,或与货物或本提单具有现时或未来利益关系的任何人,或被授权代表前述任何一方行事的任何人。 “船舶”按有关上下文情况,包括本提单第6栏所列船舶或其替代船舶,以及承运人或代表承运人于全部运程中的海运阶段所使用的任何支线船或驳船。 “分立契约人”(SUB-CONTRACTOR)包括(除承运人以外的)船舶所有人及经营人,装卸工人,码头、仓库、集装箱储运站经营人及拼箱经营人,公路及铁路运输经营人,及承运人雇佣的用以进行运输的任何独立订约人,以及其小分立契约人(SUB-SUB-CONTRACTOR)。分立契约人一词应包括直接及间接分立契约人及其各自的受雇人、代理人或分立契约人。 “货物”(GOODS)是指自货方收到的全部货物或其任何部分,并包括非由承运人或其代表提供的任何集装箱。“件”是指由货方或其代表装载并铅封的每一集装箱,而不是在集装箱中所装的货物件数,如果此项件数未在本提单正面列明,或者是用“据称内装”或类似词句列明。 “装运单位”(SHIPPING UNIT)是指未以包件运输的任何一个具体单位的货物,包括机械、车辆及船只,但散装货物除外。 “集装箱”(CONTAINER)包括任何集装箱,如开顶集装箱、拖车、可运油罐、框架箱、平板箱、货盘,以及为运输货物而使用的任何其他设备或设施。 本条作为定义条款,用以说明、规定本提单条款中经常出现的一些名词,以便明确在为提单所证明或构成的运输合同中所代表的概念、避免理解上的差异。 有关承运人的定义与提单正面的抬头和承运人签单部位的落款相对应,符合《跟单信用证统一惯例500》对提单签发的要求。本提单所构成或证明运输合同中的承运人仅指中远集运、而非任何其他相关的契约承运人、实际承运人,这样避免了当存在几个运输合同时发生混淆。另外还应指出的是承运人被定义为‘中远集运’(COSCO CONTAINER LINES.),虽然中远集装箱运输有限公司的英文正式名称为COSCO CONTAINER LINES COMPANY LIMITED, 但是我们这里仅使用其商业名称(TRADE NAME)。 关于货方的定义将发货人、托运人、收货人、受货人、货主、本提单的合法持有人或受背书人,或与货物或本提单具有现时或未来利益关系的任何人,或被授权代表前述任何一方行事的任何人纳入运输合同中与承运人相对应的货方,符合提单流转的需要,保护了船货双方共同的权益,便于双方根据运输合同解决纠纷。 关于‘件’的定义是与提单正面的‘不知条款’相对应的,同时也是为适应海商法有关承运人单件责任限制规定的需要。即除非提单上已显示了货物件数或者表明了?据称内装?等类似词句,否则由货方装箱的一个集装箱将作为一件计算,这是因为承运人在接受整箱货时是无法核实货物件数,同时整箱货的运费比拼箱货按件数、重量、体积等单位计收的运费低廉。 *本条款中各项定义也适用于条款注释中出现的相关名词。 2. CARRIER\'S TARIFF 承运人的运价本 承运人所使用的运价本中的条款以及有关费收的其他要求等项,已被载入本提单。请特别注意运价本中所载各项条款,包括但不限于免费堆存期、集装箱及车辆滞留期等。使用的运价本的有关条款,可向承运人或其代理人索取。如本提单与所用运价本之间有不一致之处,应以本提单为准。 本条是用以说明承运人运价本的作用。提单正面、背面条款内容虽然十分丰富,但毕竟是固定的格式,不可能经常更改;而且运输合同项下各项费用的收取,结算的依据往往要与具体港口的特殊要求相对应,或者随着市场的变化而变化,所以承运人用运价本的形式对此作出规定。根据本条款将运价本中的条款并入提单并约束运输合同的各方。 3. SUB-CONTRACTING, INDEMNITY AND CERTAIN DEFENSES, EXEMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS分立契约、赔偿以及抗辩、免除事项及责任限制 (1)承运人有权在任何时间以任何条件将运输的全部或其任何部分同任何分立契约人订立分立契约,并(或)以任何其他船舶或运输工具代替本船。 货方保证,不向承运人以外的由其履行或承办运输的任何人(包括但不限于承运人的受雇人、代理人或分立契约人)就货物或货物运输一事而提起向其或其所拥有或经营的任何船舶加诸或意欲加诸任何责任的索赔或任何法律诉讼,不论此项责任是否由于此种人的疏忽而引起。如果,即使如此,此项索赔或法律诉讼仍被提起,则货方保证就由此引起的后果包括法律费用,全部赔偿承运人。在不防碍上述规定的情况下,上述第(1)款所述每一个人或船舶,包括但不限于承运人的受雇人、代理人或分立契约人,都应享有本提单所载适用于承运人的在涉及合同或侵权事件中的每一免除事项、抗辩及责任限制,犹如此种条款已为其利益而明文规定,而且在订立本提单时,就上述免除事项、抗辩及责任限制而言,承运人不仅代表其本身,而且也是作为上述的人或船舶的代理人或受托人. 本条就是通常所说的‘喜马拉雅条款’,是提单必须包括的标准条款,其效力也已为海商法、海牙-维斯比规则确认。本条款主要说明承运人的雇佣人在代表承运人履行承运人的部分或全部义务时同样受提单条款的约束和保护。由于索赔方与承运人的雇佣人或代理人没有合同关系,所以索赔方往往会绕过运输合同直接向第三人提起侵权之

CONGENBILL'94 背面条款中文译意

CONGENBILL\'94 背面条款中文译意 提单与租约并用 范本名称:"康金提单"1994年版 由波罗的海国际航运公会选定 运输条件 (1)所有背面所示日期的租约的条款和条件,自由和免责,包括法律适用和仲裁条款并入本提单。 (2)首要条款 (a)起运国订立的1924年布鲁塞尔关于统一提单若干法律规定的国际公约所包含的海牙规则知用于本提单。在起运国没有这种法规时,目的地国的相应法规应当适用,但对于没有此种法规强制适用的运输应当适用前述公约的条款。 (b)海牙-维斯比规则适用的运输 对于海牙-维斯比规则,即,1968年2月23日签署的议定书修正的1924年布鲁塞尔国际公约,强制适用的运输,相应法规的条款适用本提单。 (c)承运人对于装船前和卸船后或货物处于另一承运人掌管时发生的损坏或灭失不负责任,承运人对于甲板货或活动物的损失不负责任。 (3)共同海损 共同海损应当按照1994年约克安特卫普规则或其后的修正规则在伦敦宣布、理算和解决,除非在租约中约定了另外一地点。 货方的共同海损分摊应当支付给承运人,即使这种损失是船长、引航员或船员的过错、过失或错误造成的。租船人,托运人和收货人明确否定比利时商事法第二章第148条规定。(4)新杰逊条款 如果在航次开始之前或之后,由于无论是疏忽与否任何原因引起意外事故、危险、损坏或灾难,而根据法令、合同或其他规定,承运人对此类事件或此类事件的后果都不负责,则货物托运人、收货人或货物所有人应在共同海损中与承运人一起分担可能构成或可能发生的具有共同海损性质的牺牲、损失或费用,并应支付有关货物方面所发生的救助费用和特殊费用。如果救助船舶为承运人所有或由其经营,则其救助费应犹如该救助船系第三者所有一样金额支付。承运人或其代理人认为足以支付货物方面的预计分摊款额及其救助费用和特殊费用的保证金,如有需要,应由货方、托运人、收货人或货物所有人在提货之前付给承运人。(5)双方有责碰撞条款 如果船舶由于他船疏忽以及本船船长、船员、引航员或承运人的受雇人在驾驶或管理船舶中的行为、疏忽或不履行职责而与他船碰撞,则本船的货物所有人应就他船亦即非本船货物所有人所载货物的船舶或该船舶所有人所受一切损失或所负一切赔偿责任,给予本船承运人赔偿。但此种赔偿应以上述损害或责任是指已由或应由他船亦即非本船货物所有人所载货物的船舶或该船舶所有人付予上述货物所有人所受货物灭失或损害或其提出的任何要求的数额为限,并由他船亦即非本船货物所有人所载货物的船舶作为其向载货船舶或承运人提出索赔的一部分,将其充抵,补偿或收回。 上述规定在非属碰撞船舶或物体的,或在碰撞船舶之外的任何船舶的所有人,经营人或主管人,在碰撞、触碰、搁浅或其他事故中犯有过失时,亦应适用。 Conditions of Carriage

第八章 海运提单教案汇总

第八章海运提单 [学习目的]了解海运提单的基本含义及其在外贸业务中的作用,掌握海运提单的缮制技巧,理解海运提单的基本内容。 [计划学时]三讲6学时 [重点与难点] 重点:海运提单的基本内容 难点:海运提单的缮制技巧。 [教学方法]案例导课,分析引出内容,强调海运提单的外贸单证业务中的重要性,课堂精讲。布置作业两次,并批改。 [教学手段与教具]教学大纲、教案、教材和其他相关教材,单据模板。 [教学过程设计] 第一讲(2个课时) 第一节海运委托书 第二节海运提单理论概述 第二讲(2个课时) 第三节海运提单的主要内容及条款解析 第四节海运提单的缮制 第三讲(2个课时)

第五节实训指导 布置作业:本章节的作业形式:纸制作业 第一节海运委托书 一、海运委托书的含义 何谓海运委托书 海运委托书又叫托运单(Booking Note),是托运人根据贸易合同和信用证条款内容填制的,向承运人或其代理办理货物托运的单证,也是船公司缮制提单的主要依据。 提问:1、哪一方缮制海运委托书? 2、海运委托书能证明什么? 二、海运委托书缮制样本 1、海运委托书的内容 参照书中海运委托书样本,解释海运委托书个项目内容。2、海运委托书缮制 解释海运委托书个项目内容缮制依据。 三、租船订舱业务流程 结合书中租船订舱业务流程图,说明租船订舱业务过程。

第二节海运提单理论概述 一海运提单的含义 海运提单(MARINE BILL OF LADING或OCEAN BILL OF LADING),简称“提单”(B/L),是由承运人或其授权的代理人签发给托运人,表明已将特定的货物装上船并经海洋运至目的地的收据和物权凭证。 二、海运提单的作用 1、货物收据 海运提单是承运人或其代理人签发的货物收据(Receipt for the Goods),确认承运人已经按海运提单所列内容收到货物。提单一经承运人签发,即表明承运人已将货物装上船舶或已确认接管。 2、物权凭证 海运提单的合法持有人凭海运提单可在目的港向轮船公司提取货物,也可以在载货船舶到达目的港之前,通过转让海运提单而转移货物所有权或凭以向银行办理抵押货款。 3、运输契约的证明 海运提单是托运人和承运人之间的运输契约的证明(Evidence of Contract of Carrier),是承运人与托运人处理双方在运输中的权利和义务问题的主要依据。


( 协议范本 ) 甲方: 乙方: 日期:年月日 精品合同 / Word文档 / 文字可改 提单条款协议(协议范本) The clear rights and obligations of both parties facilitate the cooperation of both parties, provide a basis for resolving disputes in the future, and prevent possible risks.

提单条款协议(协议范本) 提单条款(正面) 上列外表状况良好的货物(另有说明者除外)已装在上列船上并应在上列卸货港或该船所能安全到达并保持浮泊的附近地点卸货。重量、尽码、标志、号数、品质、内容和价值是托运人所提供的,承运人在装船时并未核对。托运人、收货人和本提单的持有人兹明白表示接受并同意本提单和它背面所载的一切印刷、书写或打印的规定、免责事项条件。 为证明以上各节,承运人或其代理人已签署本提单一式______________份,其中一份经完成提货手续后,其余各份失效。请托运人特别注意本提单内与该货保险效力有关的免责事项和条件。 提单条款(背面)

1.定义 “货方”包括托运人、受货人、发货人、收货人、提单持有人和货物所有人。 2.管辖权 凡根据本提单或与其有关的一切争议均应按照中国法律在中华人民共和国的法院解决或在中华人民共和国仲裁。 3.承运人责任 有关承运人的义务、赔偿责任、权利及豁免应适用海牙规则,即1924年8月25日在布鲁塞尔签订的关于统一提单若干规定的国际公约。4.责任期间 承运人的责任期间应从货物装上船舶之时起到卸离船舶之时为止。承运人对于货物在装船之前及卸离船舶之后,发生的灭失或损坏不负赔偿责任。 5.包装和标志 在装船之前,托运人应对货物加以妥善包装、货物标志必须正确、清晰,并须以不小于五厘米长的字体将目的港清晰地标明在货物的


The follow are the conditions and exceptions hereinbefore referred to: 1.D EFINTION. “Merchant” i ncludes the Shipper, the Receiver, the Consignor, the consignee, the Holder of the Bill of Lading and the Owner of the Goods. 2.J URISDICTION. All disputes arising under and in connection with this Bill of Lading shall be settled in the flag – state of the ship, or otherwise in the place mutually agreed between the Carrier and the Merchant. 3.P ARAMOUNT CLAUSE. This Bill of Lading shall be subject to the Hague Rules contained in the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of law Relating to Bills of Lading, dated at Brussels the 25th August 1924, or the corresponding legislation of the flag state of the ship. If the stipulation of this Bill of Lading are wholly or partly contrary there to, this Bill of Lading shall be read as if such stipulation or part thereof, as the case may be, were deleted. 4.P ERIOD OF RESPONSIBILITY. The responsibility of the Carrier shall commence from the time when the goods are loaded on board the vessel and shall cease when they are discharged from the vessel. The Carrier shall not be liable for loss of or damage to the goods before loading and after discharging from the vessel, howsoever such loss or damage arises. 5.P ACKING AND MARKS. The Merchant shall have the goods properly packed and accurately and clearly marked before shipment. The port of destination of the goods should be marked in letters not less than 5 cm high, in such a way as will remain legible until their delivery, All fines and expenses arising from insufficiency or inadequacy of packing or marks shall be borne by the Merchant. 6.F EIGHT AND OTHER CHARGES. (1) Advance freight together with other charges is due on shipment. If not prepaid. Though stipulated, the freight and other charges shall be paid by the Mer- chant plus 5% interest per annum running from the date of notification for their payment, If the cargo shipped are perishables, low cost goods, live animals, deck cargo or goods for which there is no Carrier’s agent at the port of destination, the freight for such cargo and all related charges shall be paid at the time of shipment. Freight payable at destination together with other char ges is due on vessel’s arrival. Advance freight and/or freight payable at destination shall be paid to the Carrier in full, and non-returnable and non-deductable irrespective of whatever loss or damage may happen to vessel and cargo or either of them. (2) All dues, taxes and charges or any other expenses in connection with the goods shall be paid by the Merchant. 7.INCORRECT STATEMENT. The Carrier is entitled, at port of shipment and /or port of destination, to verify the quantity, weight, measurement and/or contents of such goods as declared by the Merchant. If the weight, measurement and/or contents of such goods as stated in the Bill of Lading turned out to be inconsistent with that of the goods actually loaded, and the freight paid falls short of the amount which would have been due if such declaration had been correctly given the Carrier is entitled to collect from the Merchant as liquidated damages to the Carrier double the amount of difference between the freight for the goods actually shipped and that misstated. The Merchant shall be liable for loss of and damage to the vessel and/or goods arising or resulting from inaccuracies in stating the description, quantity, weight, measurement or contents of the goods and shall indemnify the Carrier for the costs and expenses in connection with weighing, measuring and checking such goods. 8.LOADING, DISCHARGING AND DELIVERY. The goods shall be supplied and taken delivery of by the Owner of the goods as fast as the vessel can take and discharge them, without interruption, by day and if required by Carrier also by night, Sundays and holidays included, notwithstanding any custom of the port to the contrary and the Owner of the goods shall be liable for all losses or damages including demurrage incurred in default thereof. Discharge may commence without previous notice, If the goods are not taken delivery of by the Receiver from alongside the vessel without delay, or if the Receiver refuses to take delivery of the goods, or in case there are unclaimed goods, the Carrier shall be at liberty to land such goods on shore or any other proper places at the sole risk and expense of the Merchant, and theCarrier’s responsibility of delivery of cargo shall be deemed to have been fulfilled. Weighing on board is only allowed by special permission of the Carrier, including detention and extra costs of discharging, shall be for account of the Receivers or Consignees, notwithstanding any custom of the port to the contrary. If the goods are unclaimed during a reasonable time, or wherever the goods will become deteriorated decayed or worthless, the Carrier may, at his discretion and subject to his lien, and without any responsibility attaching to him, sell, abandon or otherwise dispose of such goods solely at the risk and expense of the Merchant. 9.LIGHTERAGE.,Any lighterage in or off ports of loading or ports of discharge shall be for the ccount of the Merchant. 10..LIEN. The Carrier shall have a lien on the goods and any document relating thereto for freight, dead freight, demurrage and any other amount payable by the Merchant, and for General Average contributions for whomsoever due and for the cost of recovering the same, and for this purpose shall have the right to sell or otherwise dispose of the goods. If on sale of the goods, the proceeds fail to cover the amount due and the cost and expenses incurred , the Carrier shall be entitled to recover the deficit from the Merchant. 11.NOTICE OF LOSS OR DAMAGE, THIME BAR. Unless notice of loss or damage and the general nature of such loss or damage be given in writing to the Carrier or his agent at the port of discharge before or at the time of the removal of the goods into the custody of the person entitled to delivery thereof under the contact of carriage, such removal shall be prima facie evidence of the delivery by the Carrier of the goods as described in the Bill of Lading. If the loss or damage is not apparent, the notice must be given within three days of the delivery.The notice in writing need not be given if the state of the goods has at the time of their receipt been the subject of joint survey or inspection.In any event the carrier and the vessel shall be discharged from all liability in respect of loss or damage unless suit is brought within one year after delivery of the goods or the date when the goods should have been delivered. In the case of any actual or apprehended loss or damage the Carrier and the Receiver shall give all reasonable facilities to each other for inspecting and tallying the goods. 12.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. All claims for which the Carrier may be liable shall be calculated on the basis of the Merchant’s net invoice cost, p lus freight and insurrance premuim, if paid. In no event shall the Carrier be liable for any loss of possible profit or any consequential loss. The Carrier for any loss of or damage to the goods shall be limited to an amount not exceeding £100 per package or freight unit unless the value of the goods higher than the amount is declared in writing by the Shipper before receipt of the goods by the Carrier and inserted in this Bill of Lading and extra freight paid as required. If the actual value of the goods per package of per freight unit exceeds such value, the declared value shall nevertheless be deemed to be the declared value and the Carrier’s liability if any, shall not be the declared value and any partial loss or damage shall be adjusted pro rata on the basis of such declared value. 13.FORWARDING, SUBSTITUTE OF VESSEL, THROUGH CARGO AND RANSHIPMENT. If necessary, the Carrier shall be at liberty to carry the goods to their port of destination by other vessel or vessels either belonging to the Carrier or other persons or by rail or other means of transport proceeding either directly or indirectly to such port and to carry the goods or part of them beyond their port of destination, and to tranship, lighter, land and store the goods on shore or afloat and reship and forward same at the Carrier’s expenses but at Merchant’s risk. The responsibility of the Carrier shall be limited to the part of the transport performed by him on the vessel under his management. 14.DANGEROUS GOODS, CONTRABAND. (1) The Merchant undertakes not to tender for transportation any goods which are of a dangerous, inflammable, radio-active, and/or any harmful nature without previously giving written notice of their nature to the Carrier and marking the goods and the container or other covering on the outside as required by any laws or regulations which may be applicable during the carriage. (2) Whenever the goods are discovered to have been shipped without complying with the subclause 1 above or the goods are found to be contraband or prohibited by any laws or regulations of the port of loading, discharge or call or any place or waters during the carriage, the Carrier shall be entitled to have such goods rendered innocuous, thrown overboard or discharged or other wise disposed of at the Carrier’s discretion without compensation and the Merchant shall be liable for and indemnify the Carrier against any kind of loss, damage or liability including loss of freight, and any expenses directly or indirectly rising out of or resulting from such shipment. (3)If any goods shipped complying with the sub-clause (1) above become a danger to the ship or cargo, they may in like manner be rendered innocuous, thrown overboard or discharged or other wise disposed of at the Carrier’s discretion without compensation except to General Average, if any. 15.DECK CARGO, LIVE ANIMALS AND PLANTS. Cargo on deck, plants and live animals are receive d, handled, carried, kept and discharged at Merchant’s risk and the Carrier shall not be liable for loss thereof or damage thereto. 16.CARGO IN CONTAINERS. (1)Goods may be stowed by the Carrier or his agents or servants in containers and containers whether stowed aforesaid or received fully stowed may be carried on or under deck without notice. The Carrier’s liability for such carriage shall likewise be governed by the terms and conditions of this Bill of Lading irrespective of Clause 15 hereof notwithstanding the fact that the goods are being carried on deck and the goods shall contribute to General Average and shall receive compensation in General Average. (2) If a container has not been filled, packed, stuffed or loaded by the Carrier, the carrier shall not be liable for loss of or damage to the contents and the Merchant shall indemnify the Carrier against any injury, loss, damage, liability or expense incurred by the Carrier if such injury, loss, damage, liability or expense has been caused by: 1) the manner in which the container has been filled, packed, stuffed or loaded; or 2) the unsuitability of the contents for carriage in containers; or 3) the unsuitability or defective condition of the container which would have been apparent upon reasonable inspection by the Merchant at or prior to the time the container was filled, packed, stuffed or loaded. If a container which has not been filled, packed, stuffed or loaded by the Carrier is delivered by the Carrier with the seal intact, such delivery shall be deemed as full and complete performance of the Carrier’s obligation hereunder and the Carrier shall not be liab le for any loss of or damage to the contents of the container, The Shipper shall inspect containers before stuffing them and the use of the containers shall be prima facie evidence of their being sound and suitable for use. 17.REFRIGERATED GOODS. Before loading goods in any insulated space, the Carrier shall, in addition to the Class Certificate, obtain the certificate of the Classification Society’s Surveyor or other competent person, stating that such insulated space and refrigerating machinery are in the opinion of the surveyor or other competent person fit and safe for the carriage and preservation of refrigerated goods, The aforesaid certificate shall be conclusive evidence against the Merchant. Receivers have to take delivery of refrigerated cargo as soon as the vessel is ready to deliver, otherwise the Carrier shall land the goods at the wharf at the Merchant’s risk and expense. 18.TIMBER. Any statement in this Bill of Lading to the effect that timber has been shipped “In apparent good order and condition” does not involve any admission by the Carrier as to the absence of stains, shakes, splits holes or broken pieces, for which the Carrier accepts no responsibility. 19.IRON AND STEEL. Every piece of Iron and Steel is to be distinctly and permanently marked with oil paint and every bundle securely fastened, distinctly and permanently marked with oil paint and metal tagged, by the Merchant, so that each piece or bundle can be distinguished at port of discharge. If the Merchant fails to meet the aforesaid requirements, the Carrier, shall neither be responsible for correct delivery nor liable for expenses arising therefrom. 20.BULK CARGO, GOODS TO MORE THAN ONE CONSIGNEE. (1) As the Carrier has no reasonable means of checking the weight of bulk cargo, any reference to such weight in this Bill of Lading shall be deemed to be for reference only, but shall constitute in no way evidence against the Carrier (2)Where bulk Cargo or goods without marks or cargo with the same marks are shipped to more than one Consignee, the Consignees or owners of the goods shall jointly and severally bear any expense or loss in dividing the goods or parcels into pro rata quantities and any deficiency shall fall upon them in such proportion as the Carriers, his servants or agents shall decide. 21.HEAVY LIFTS AND AWKWARD CARGO. Any one piece or package of cargo weighs 2000 kilos or upwards and any awkward cargo with a length of 9 meters or upwards must be clearly and boldly marked with the weight and/or dimensions and/or length by the Shipper and shall be loaded and discharged by shore crane or otherwise at the ship’s option and at the risk and expense of the Merchant. If any damage, loss or liability to the ship, lighter, wharf, quay, cranes, hoisting tackle, or whatsoever or to whomsoever occurs owing to the lack of statement or mis – statement of weight, measurement or length, the Merchant shall be responsible for such damage, loss or liability. 22.FUMIGATION. In the event of fumigation of goods on board for whatever reason, the Carrier shall not be liable for damage to goods wi thout actual proof of the Carrier’s negligence which shall not be presumed against him, and all expenses incurred are for Merchant’s account. 23.OPTION. The port of discharge for optional goods must be declared to the vessel’s agents at the first of the optional ports named in the option not later than 48 hours before the vessel’s arrival there. In the absence of such declaration the Carrier may elect to discharge at the first or any optional port and the contract of carriage shall then be considered as having been fulfilled. Any option must be for the total quantity of goods under this Bill of Lading. 24.GENERAL AVERAGE AND NEW JASON CLAUSE. (1)General average shall be adjusted. Stated and settled according to the York – Antwerp Rulos, 1974, at any port or place at the carrier’s option. In the event of accident, danger, damage or disaster before or after the commencement which, or for the consequence of which the Carrier is not responsible, by statute contract or otherwise, the goods, Shippers, Consignees or Owners of the goods shall contribute with the Carrier in General Average to the payment of any sacrifices, losses or expenses of a General Average nature that may be made or incurred and shall pay salvage and special charges incurred in respect of the goods, If a salving ship is owned or operated by the Carrier, salvage shall be paid for as fully as if the said salving ship or ships belonged to strangers. Such deposit as the Carrier of his agents may deem sufficint to cover the estimated contribution of the goods, and any salvage and special charges thereon shall, if required, be made by the goods, Shippers, Consignees or Owners of the goods to the Carrier before delivery. 25.BOTH TO BLAME COLLISION CLAUSE. If the vessel comes into collision with another vessel as a result of the negligence of the other vessel and any act, neglect or default of the master, mariner, pilot or of the servants of the Carrier in the navigation or in the management of the vessel, the owners of the goods carried hereunder will indernmify the Carrier against all loss or liability to the other or non-carrying vessel or her Owners in so far as such loss or liability represents loss of or damage to or any claim whatsoever of the Owners of said goods paid or payable by the other or non-carrying vessel or her Owners to the Owners of said goods and setoff, recouped or recovered by the other or non-carrying vessel or her Owners as part of their claim against the carrying ship or Carrier. The forgoing provisions shall also apply where the Owners, operators or those in charge of any vessel or vessels or objects other than, or in addition to, the colliding vessels or objects are at fault in respect of a collision, contact stranding or other accident. 26. WAR, QUARANTINE, ICE, STRIKES, CONGESTION ETC. Should it appear that war, blockade, pirate, epidemics, quarantine, ice, strikes, congestion and other causes beyond the Carrier’s control would prevent the vessel from safely reaching the port of destination and/or discharging the goods thereat, the Carrier is entitled to discharge the goods at the port of loading or any other safe and convenient port and the contract of carriage shall be deemed to have been fulfilled. Any extra expenses incurred under the oforasaid circumstances shall be borne by the Merchant.
