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1 I think lawyers mistakenly believe complex language enhances the mystique of the law.

2 Not long ago, a foreign visitor whose English is extremely good told me of his embarrassment in a tea shop.

3 Meanwhile individual schools are moving on their own to redress the imbalance between teaching and research.

4We have created a faculty of scholars frequently so narrow in their studies and specialized in their scholarship they are simply incapable of teaching introductory courses.

5 Then the players find out the lottery is not particularly good bet and they find other forms of gambling.

6 The English language is in very good shape. It is changing in its own undiscoverable way, but it is not going rotten like a plum dropping off a tree.

7 There has always been a close cultural link, or tie between Britain and English-speaking America, not only in literature but also in the popular arts, especially music.

8 We must just make the best of things as they come along.

9 But once I made the decision, I went at it with all flags flying.

10Autumn’s mellow hand was upon the woods, as they owned already, touched with gold and red and olive.














1 I have a cake in the oven that I was making for the Senora’s dinner.

2 The world is scraping bottom in the deepest economic slump in a half-century.

3 Now, dear, hurry home and make yourself pretty in your pink dress.

4 Military strategy may bear some similarity to the chessboard but it is dangerous to carry the analogy too far.

5 Studies show that otherwise rational people act irrationally when forced to stand in line or wait in crowds, even becoming violent.

6Prolonged high unemployment will threaten the current leadership in other capitals as well, and it could ignite violent upheavals in some of the most hard-pressed land.

7 Many advocated strong action to bring the Prime Minister into line.

8 He cannot wholly detach himself from the technicalities and personal inconveniences which accompany the battle for intelligence.

9 I will not have it said that I could never teach my daughter proper respect for her elders.

10 Although the recession has reached every corner of the planet, the impact is












1 Mr. Kingsley and his Red Brick boys will have to look to their laurels.

2 The hungry boy was wolfing down his dinner.

3I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of the skin but by the content of their character.

4 The importance of oceanography as a key to the understanding of our planet is seldom as well appreciated.

5 I pulled up a chair and sat down. I sat with my legs wide apart at first. But this struck me as being irreverent and too familiar. So I put my knees together and let my hands rest loosely on them.

6 There is a mixture of the tiger and ape in the character of the imperialists.

7 A country that wishes to become a member of WTO is to send in its application before a working party is formed by WTO for examination of the specific conditions of the country.

8 When prices range from $34,500 to $50,000 per car, evidence that these machines are more than a cut above the rest is essential.

9 One of the most heartwarming aspects of people who are born with a facial disfigurement, whether minor or major, is the number of them who do not allow it to upset their lives, even reaching out to help others with the same problem.

10 The heavily laden infantry, though enjoying a superiority of six-to-one, simply could not keep to schedule and lost 60000 men in one day.













"Designed by Apple in California Assembled in China" is etched into the glossy black of every iPhone. The designer is mourned and deified the world over, but the assemblers are huddled in anonymity. Indeed, the story of Apple’s rise over the last decade is as much America’s story as it is China’s. If S teve Jobs was the general who led the battle for global digital technology supremacy, then it took hundreds of thousands of his troops in factory overalls and to realize his vision with precision and


But kneading innovation in the abstract in Cupertino was realized as tangible devices in city-sized factory in Shenzhen, China. Commercialization of the sophisticated products, while successively lowering prices, would’ve been impossible without China’s essential role. The Chinese factory worker’s role in the Apple story should not obscure Steve Jobs monumental achievements as an innovator. Nor should those workers’ roles be marginalized in the breathless paeans to Jobs’s almost-mythical legend. As a matter of fact---many of the stories that germinate in Silicon Valley usually find their denouement in Shenzhen or nearby factory towns.








I've money, I'm rich. The heir to four fortunes. Grandfather on Mother's side was a Newpert. The family held some good real estate in Rhode Island until they sold it for many times what they gave for it. Grandmother on Father's side was a Salts, whose bottled mineral water, once available only through prescription and believed indispensable in the cure of all fevers, was the first product ever to be reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration, a famous and controversial case. The government found it to contain nothing that was actually detrimental to human beings, and it went public, so to speak. Available now over the counter, the Salts made more money from

it than ever.




I've been spared a lot, one of the blessed of the earth, at least one of its lucky, that privileged handful of the dramatically prospering, the sort whose secrets are asked, like the hundred-year-old man. There is no secret, of course; most of what happens to us is simple accident. Highish birth and a smooth network of appropriate connection like a tea service written into the will. But surely something in the blood too, locked into good fortune's dominant genes like a blast ripening in a time bomb. Set to go off, my good looks and intelligence, yet exceptional still, take away my mouthful of silver spoon and lapful of luxury. Something my own, not passed on or handed down, something seized, wrested—my good character, hopefully, my taste perhaps. What's mine, what's mine? Say taste—the soul's harmless appetite.




I go to visit my great-aunts. A few of them think now that I am my cousin, or their daughter who died young. We recall an anecdote about a relative last seen in 1948, and they ask if I still like living in New York City. I have lived in Los Angeles for three years, but I say that I do. The baby is offered a horehound drop, and I am slipped a dollar bill "to buy a treat." Questions trail off, answers are abandoned, the baby plays with the dust motes in a shaft of afternoon sun.





Mother was an Oh. Her mother was the chemical engineer who first discovered a feasible way to store oxygen in tanks. And Father was Noel Ashenden, who though he did not actually invent the match-book, went into the field when it was still a not very flourishing novelty, and whose slogan, almost a poem, "Close Cover Before Striking"(a simple stroke, as Father liked to say), obvious only after someone else has already thought of it (the Patent Office refused to issue a patent on what it claimed was merely an instruction, but Father's company had the message on its matchbooks before his competitors even knew what was happening), removed the hazard from book matches and turned the industry and Father's firm particularly into a flaming success overnight—Father's joke, not mine. Later, when the inroads of Ronson and Zippo threatened the business, Father went into seclusion for six months and when he returned to us he had produced another slogan: "For Our Matchless Friends." It saved the industry a second time and was the second and last piece of work in Father's life.




Days pass. I see no one. I come to dread my husband's evening call, not only because he is full of news of what by now seems to me our remote life in Los Angeles, people he has seen, letters which require attention, but because he asks what I have been doing, suggests uneasily that I get out, drive to San Francisco or Berkeley. Instead I drive across the river to a family graveyard. It has been vandalized since my last visit and the monuments are broken, overturned in the dry grass. Because I once saw a rattlesnake in the grass I stay in the car and listen to a country-and-Western station. Later I drive with my father to a ranch he has in the foothills. The man who runs his cattle on it asks us to the roundup, a week from Sunday, and although I know that I will be in Los Angeles I say, in the oblique way my family talks, that I will come. Once home I mention the broken monuments in the graveyard. My mother





Or perhaps it is not any more. Sometimes I think that those of us who are now in our thirties were born into the last generation to carry the burden of "home," to find in family life the source of all tension and drama. I had by all objective accounts a "normal "and a "happy " family situation, and yet I was almost thirty years old before I could talk to my family on the telephone without crying after I had hung up. We did not fight. Nothing was wrong. And yet some nameless anxiety colored the emotional charges between me and the place that I came from. The question of whether or not you could go home again was a very real part of the sentimental and largely literary baggage with which we left home in the fifties; I suspect that it is irrelevant to the children born of the fragmentation after World War II. A few weeks ago in a San Francisco bar I saw a pretty young girl on crystal take off her clothes and dance for the cash prize in an "amateur-topless" contest. There was no particular sense of moment about this, none of the effect of romantic degradation, of "dark journey," for which my generation strived so assiduously. What sense could that girl possibly make of, say, Long Day's Journey into Night? Who is beside the point?




That I am trapped in this particular irrelevancy is never more apparent to me than when I am home. Paralyzed by the neurotic lassitude engendered by meeting one's past at every turn, around every corner, inside every cupboard, I go aimlessly from room to room. I decide to meet it head-on and clean out a drawer, and I spread the contents on the bed. A bathing suit I wore the summer I was seventeen. A letter of rejection from The Nation, an aerial photograph of the site for a shopping center my father did not build in 1954. Three teacups hand-painted with cabbage roses and signed "E.M.," my grandmother's initials. There is no final solution for letters of rejection from The Nation and teacups hand-painted in 1900. Nor is there any answer to snapshots of one's grandfather as a young man on skis, surveying around Donner Pass in the year 1910. I smooth out the snapshot and look into his face, and do and do not see my own. I close the drawer, and have another cup of coffee with my mother. We get along very well, veterans of a guerrilla war we never understood.

这个不相干的问题困扰着我,在我返回老家后尤为明显。走过每个角落,打开每个食橱,转身驻足间,我一次次地面对过去,思绪不宁,及至疲乏不堪,我还是漫无目的地逐个房间走着。我决意正视过去,清理出一个抽屉,把东西摊在床上。一件我十七岁那年夏天穿的泳衣;一封《民族》周刊的退稿信;一张从空中拍摄的选址照片,1954年父亲曾打算在那里建购物中心;还有三只茶杯,上面有手绘的百叶蔷薇,并签有祖母名字的两个首字母 E.M.。我不知道该如何处理1900年手绘的茶杯和《民族》周刊的退稿信,也不知道该如何处理祖父1910年的几张快照。照片里的祖父青春年少,踩着滑雪板,在察看唐纳山口。我抚平照片,注视着祖父的脸,依稀看到自己的影子,又似乎没有。我关上抽屉,陪母亲又喝了一杯咖啡。我们现在相处得很好,就像打过游击战的老兵一样,真不明白过去为何有龃龉。



I am home for my daughter's first birthday. By "home" I do not mean the house in Los Angeles where my husband and I and the baby live, but the place where my family is, in the Central Valley of California. It is a vital although troublesome distinction. My husband likes my family but is uneasy in their house, because once there I fall into their ways, which are difficult, oblique, deliberately inarticulate, not my husband's ways. We live in dusty houses ("D-U-S-T," he once wrote with his finger on surfaces all over the house, but no one noticed it) filled with mementos quite without value to him (what could the Canton dessert plates. mean to him? How could he have known about the assay scales, why should he care if he did know?), and we appear to talk exclusively about people we know who have been committed to mental hospitals, about people we know who have been booked on drunk-driving charges, and about property, particularly about property, land, price per acre and C-2 zoning and assessments and freeway access. My brother does not understand my husband's inability to perceive the advantage in the rather common real-estate transaction known as "sale-leaseback," and my husband in turn does not understand why so many of the people he hears about in my father's house have recently been committed to mental hospitals or booked on drunk-driving charges. Nor does he understand that when we

talk about sale-leasebacks and right-of-way condemnations we are talking in code about the things we like best, the yellow fields and the cottonwoods and the rivers rising and falling and the mountain roads closing when the heavy snow comes in. We miss each other's points, have another drink and regard the fire. My brother refers to my husband, in his presence, as "Joan's husband." Marriage is the classic betrayal.




When I was an editor, I always preferred to apologise promptly, whatever the merits of the case, rather than face the expense and, more importantly, the time-consuming complexities and debilitating worry of litigation, libel being one of the least satisfactory branches of the law. When we took a crack at Dr Bodkin Adams, believing him to be dead, and his joyful lawyer phoned me the next morning to tell me he was very much alive, I settled the matter there and then for the sum (if I remember correctly) of £450 and an apology. So my advice to editors is, get shot of claims quickly, unless the plaintiff's demands are manifestly unreasonable.

我还是编辑的时候,无论情况如何,我总是选择立马道歉,而不是去面对诉讼过程中所发生的费用,更为重要的是,去面对费时耗神的诉讼过程中产生的复杂情况。诽谤法是法律当中最不尽人意的部分。我们曾拿鲍德金·亚当姆斯医生开涮,还以为他已经死了;莅日,他的律师喜滋滋地打电话给我,告诉我亚当姆斯医生还活得好好的,我立时以一笔450 英镑(如果我没记错的话)的赔偿费和一句道歉的话了结此事。所以,我对编辑们的忠告是:对于赔偿要求要立马了结,除非原告的要求太离谱。

Besides, there is something distinguished about a ready apology. It is the mark of a gentleman, more particularly if it is not necessary. It is the opposite of revenge. Bacon wrote, "In seeking revenge, a man is but equal with his enemy, but in forgiving

him, he is superior, for it is a princes' part to pardon." So, the person who apologises freely has the moral ball in his court.

