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2009 年11 月1 日





Cultural Connotations of White in Chinese and English

and Its Translation


Abstract: Color is closely related to human being’s life. In a sense, if there is no color there will be no colorful life. Color is an important area for humans to know the world. It is not only having its own physical attributes, but also having rich cultural connotations. White is one of the basic colors of all kinds of national language. Due to the different of the cultural values, beliefs, historical traditions and customs, there are differences of understanding cultural connotations of white for English and Chinese. This article focuses on the cultural connotations of white in English and Chinese. White has its Compliment and Derogatory in English and Chinese. This essay also probes into the translation method of white in the two languages: literal translation, free translation and combination of literal translation and free translation. That would be a great help to promote the cultural exchanges between two groups of people.

Key words:white, English and Chinese, Cultural connotation, Translation


Language is a kind of social phenomenon, which is a communication tool for human, and also is an important part of culture. Different ethnic languages are not only well received by the constraints of the national society and culture, but also reflect their specific cultural content. The linguist, Franz Boas, said in the Language and Thought: “In terms of thinking, the vocabulary has the most obvious influence for language and culture.”Color words are a kind of sensory verb, it is one of the most important parts of the English lexicon, and it reflects the relationship among language, social and culture. However, due to the differences of the cultural values, beliefs, historical traditions and customs, the same color for the English and Chinese nations are caused by different cultural connotations in their heart. Therefore, the transla tor’s way to deal with the translation of color words could not be ignored. And the relevant research shows that white is not only the basic colors of the national languages, but also the theme of the trunk to constitute of the color words in real life. This paper mainly discussed the cultural differences of white in the Chinese-English language and its translation problems, aiming to find out a translation guide meanings in Chinese-English language.

1. Cultural connotations of white in English and Chinese.

Human life is colorful, the color can be identified up to seven millions in the world, but the color words have just only a few hundred. However, there are a amount of different words and classifications to express the colors for the national languages of world. It is basically the same to the classification of colors for English and Chinese people .They are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Mao Zedong said: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.

Who is dancing, waving this colored ribbon against the sky?

The Sun returns slanting after the rain.

And hill and pass grow a deeper blue.

However, because of the differences of culture and Language of expression for Chinese and English, there are also many differences in the use of basic color words to people. This paper examines the cultural connotations of white in Chinese and English, as well as how to translate, aiming to find a translation guides meanings in two kinds of languages.

1.1Cultural connotations of white in Chinese

In ancient China, white is basically belonging to taboo color. It reflects the Chinese people’s rejection and disgust in the material and spirit. And white is the depletion or no bloody and inanimate object; It symbolizes death and knell. For example, since ancient times, after the death of their loved ones, family members must wear white mourning, white shoes, and white flowers as a way to express their condolences and pay tribute to their loved ones. Therefore, white is always associated with funerals, evil, inferior, poor, etc. and the color of clothing are used to indicate the color of hierarchy, the official’s robe do not have a white, because it is the color of mourning. In China's feudal society, white is the color of civilian population, people's clothes could not be enforced color. It is also a symbol of failure, foolishness, and no profit available. When beaten in the war, the losers always take a white flag to show surrender. To mental retardation called idiot, it is also a symbol of treacherous, insidious. Just as wearing the white makeup of the stage villain; it is also a symbol of shallow knowledge, no fame. Also, a pale-faced young scholar symbolizes young scholars who have no experience in affairs of business).

In modern Chinese, the white, in addition to the color white, also has the meaning as follows: Firstly, clearness and understanding; secondly, purity. For example, as pure as a lily; thirdly, it means in vain or ineffective. Such as, blind lighting wasted wax; fourthly, not adding anything. Such as, boiled water; no cost, no pay; fifthly, eating something without pay; sixthly, it means description and statement. Such as, confession; seventhly, and it means Political opposition. Such as, White terror.

Of course, white is also the usage of compliment in Chinese culture. White is the meaning of pure, clean and innocent. For example , it has written to praise a national

hero, Yue Fei:

Honored the green hill is to provide eternal resting-place for the loyal soul;

Innocent is the iron used to cast the image of the hated traitorous ministers.

White symbolizes justice, light and kindness. Such as: white light (It means fig of unprejudiced judgment).

White symbolizes the legitimate; White income (Legitimate income of the residents)

White is usually described as hair color ; Such as , An elderly person with white hair and rosy face ; To continue to study even in the old age ; To remain a loaf from each other though associated till the hair is white; Remain a devoted couple till the end of their lives;

In Chinese, there are also many words with white does not stand for the original meaning, and it even has nothing to do with it when translating it into English,, which is just constitute the phrase with other words. For example :White means doing something in vain,Such as wasting one’s words ; daydreaming ; eating without pay ; And it also means Non-doped , Such as , plain boiled water ; blank sheet of paper ; exam inactions paper unanswered.

And it also has the meanings of explanation and demonstration; Such as, confession; unburden oneself to somebody.

White are always means something in vain or without cost. such as , all in vain or a waste of time and energy ; no use or no good ; to give away something free of charge ( for nothing ) ;to build it up from nothing ;

Judging from the ethnicity. We often say the black people, the yellow people and the white people, but she has a white people. We cannot translate it like this. We should translate it as “she has a fair skin or complexion instead”. For another example,

Its speakers cover one quarter of the globe ranging from the faired-skinned people of the British Isles through every gradation of color and race the world cover. (M .B McNamee, Reading for Understanding).

1.2Cultural connotations of white in English

In the West, the symbolism of the white primary focuses on its own color; it is the worship of color in Western culture. White is the symbol of God, angels, happiness, beauty, joy and purity. In ancient Greece, people believe that wearing white pajamas to sleep can be guaranteed to have a good dream. Egypt's pharaohs also believe that white is the supremacy, and their crown is white. The Bible story of the angel is always one with a pair of white wings, floating with silver-white Halo on the head.

In Western culture, white is the symbol of purity and loyalty. In some countries, it is a traditional customs for a bride to wear the white .The color white for many people in the western world is seen as representing purity and goodness. Western Wedding is called white wedding (a traditional wedding, especially in a church, at which the bride wears a white dress). White lie (It is a small lie that you tell someone, especially in

order to avoid hurting their feelings). White magic (magic used for good purposes). It is stands for purity and innocence. Such as, a white soul; white headed boy;

It symbolized good fortune, lucky or auspicious, such as: a white day; holy white; white wedding.

It has the meanings of lawful and legitimate. Such as, White market; white list (a list of individuals organizations having security clearance from government officials);

It also symbolizes integrity and honesty .White witch (a person, typically a woman, who practices magic for altruistic purposes); white spirit (a volatile colorless liquid distilled from petroleum, used as paint thinner and solvent); white men, white hand. And so on.

In English, white is the symbol of authority or power. Such as: White House (The president of the U.S and the people who advise him); White Hall (a way of referring to the British Government); White Paper (a government report that gives information about something and explains government plans before a new law is introduced); White Knight (It is a person or organization that saves a company from financial difficulties or an unwanted change of ownership by putting money into the company or by buying it).

White is closely related to the economy. Such as, White sale (on sale) ,white war(economic war ) ,white goods(white household linens , such as sheets ,pillowcases, towels, napkins, and table-clothes, and heavy household appliances such as stoves ,refrigerators, and washing machines of coated with white enamel ); white coal (The hydraulic power required).

Furthermore, there are the meanings of pale to the white. Such as, White-lipped (people’s the pale lips for fear).

A symbol of purity, hope, peace, happiness, light, power, it is the dominant orientation of the meaning of white in English. But in certain occasions it is also used as a derogatory. Such as, White livered (weak and timidity ) ;White sepulcher (a person who pretends to be morally than he really is , a hypocrite ) ;White feather(a symbol of fear ,cowardice or timidity ) .The early attacks on Britain from the air were noticeable enough for a naval officer to be heard saying playfully to another . “What! Going to sea, are you? So you are showing the white feather!”White slave (a white-skinned, especially one inveigled into a foreign country by the promise of other employment).

Similarly, A white area ;a white army(any of the armies which opposed the Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War of 1918—1921 );a white party (reactionary party ) ; White flag ( something that shows that you accept that you have failed or been defeated ) . e.g.: If things are starting to go well, why raise the white flag? White handed (do not work, rely on to secure ) ; White trash ( an insulting expression meaning white people who are poor and uneducated ) ;White wash (to hide the true facts about a serious accident or illegal )

2.The similarities of culture of white in English and Chinese

The Chinese and English nation on the natural qualities of understanding and feelings are generally consistent, but owing to the differences of local customs,

geography environment, ways of thinking, religion, national psychology, and other cultural backgrounds and language in their ways of expression. Variety of colors for different ethnic groups is the same as the symbolic meanings, associative meanings in the visual and psychological.

2.1The comparison of associative meaning of white in English and Chinese

White can both refer to purity or innocence in English and Chinese.

In Chinese, white is the symbol of virtuous, pure, bright and clean, elegant, honest, bright elements. Now I give you an example, his history is like a blank sheet (That means his historical innocence, there is no stain).

In English, white also symbolizes purity, innocence, integrity, reliability, justice, etc. Such as, I’m black but my soul is white. White wedding (a traditional wedding, especially in a church, at which the bride wears a white dress). White lie (It is a small lie that you tell someone, especially in order to avoid hurting their feelings).

2.2White has the same effect in English and Chinese

For example, white Christmas is a Christmas in which there is a layer of snow on the ground.

It is the auspicious meaning, and is similar with the China's “A snow year, a rich year”.

White has the meaning of nothing, no value in English and Chinese culture. Such as, waste one’s word; in vain; give away something free of charge; without pay; common people in Chinese feudal society; rise in life without help.

In English , white elephant (a position that is useless or troublesome ,especially one that is expensive to maintain or difficult to dispose it ) .This story from the story that the kings of Siam gave such animals as a gift to courtiers considered obnoxious ,in order to ruin the recipient by the great expense incurred in maintaining the animal . White hope is used ironically; for those who desire to bring great success).

In addition, it is gradually produced some of the words shared by Chinese and Westerners in the process of the exchange in English-Chinese culture. Such as , white flag( something that shows that you accept that you have failed or been defeated ) ; white collar worker(the people who engaged in mental work, a higher level of staff ) ; white paper(a government report that gives information about something and explains government plans before a new law is introduced ) .

3.The difference of culture of white in English and Chinese

3.1Differences in historical traditions

White is the symbol of God, angels, happiness, purity in the eyes of English. In western weddings, the bride wears a white wedding dress, which originated the religious story of the United Kingdom. So white has been widely used at the wedding

in the Western countries. However, the white is a funeral color in China. Since ancient times, the families wear white mourning after the death of their loved ones, to do white things, and on the other with white flowers as a way to express their condolences and pay tribute to their loved ones died.

3.2Ethnic differences in psychological

National psychology is like a long dark underground stream flowing in a national consciousness of the rock, the flow penetration in the nation's veins. In the West, people look at the problem of psychological factors and the ways, there always existing the difference one way or another. In English and Chinese, different color words may be used to describe the objective appearance of the same substance.

We all know that the meanings of black and white in English, and if we would deeply analysis the far-reaching significance of the phrases. White represents the color of light, while the black represents the deep color. Chinese people like to put light on the front and the deep placed on the back, as it can make to triangular pattern. It will be Very reliable. On the contrary, the British like to put in front of deep, while the light on the back to make the inverted triangle pattern. It will be very unstable.

4. The translation of white in English and Chinese

The translation of the standard and methods of color words in English and Chinese. Translation is a kind of activity in many languages; it is a form of one language changing to another form of language where the contents of the remainders language practice activities. Mr. Zhang Peiji, to translation standards are summarized as faithful, fluent. Faithful means loyalty to the original content and maintains the original style .That is, the original national style, the era style, language style and the author's language style etc. Fluent refers to the target language not only pursuit the full equality of the formal, but also we should pursuit of pragmatic equivalence .It can accurate to translate of the original meanings, which can be used as literal translation, free translation or the ways of combination in the translation, faithful original and reproduction the culture of origin, we can truly make it believed, expressive and elegant.

White belongs to cultural determinative with strong national cultural characteristics. Due to differences of historical, political, and ritual customs, white has transcended its own semantics, which were marked with the imprint of their culture. Therefore, in process of the basic color in terms of white in Chinese and English translation must take their respective cultural factors into consideration. In this way, we can eliminate misunderstandings and successful communication.

4.1The coincidence of the meaning of white can be used literal translation

Literal translation is based on the form of original words to translate. There were common characteristics in English-Chinese language and culture. When we translate

the colors in English and Chinese, sometimes we can find out corresponding colors to translate in the target language .And corresponding color words have similar culture and extended meaning in it, so it can adopt literal translation. For example: On TV, I like colored for some things and black and white for others.

The red were as red as fire, the white as white as snow, the blue as blue as indigo and green as green as emerald while here and there were a few red maples.

He is a tall burly fellow with long hair and more white than black to his eyes.

4.2 Not to coincide of the meaning of white can be used free translation

4.2.1In the translation, Chinese and English language of white can be understood as a different color

The color embodied in the language and cultural connotations usually use another color words to express in the target language. In other words, it is the same kind of meanings, but using the colors is completely indifferent; the free translation method can be used.

For example ;a white day ; black and white ; one’s face turns green ;look grey ; yellow round the gill ; get small thanks for nothing ;white night(a night when it is never properly dark, as in hang latitudes in summer).

4.2.2There is no color meanings about white in English and Chinese language, we can use literal translation with plus additional information or direct translation method

In Chinese and English colors, sometimes the colors in English and Chinese have only the face meaning, but no color of the physical meanings or no corresponding the meanings of colors. In that case, we should be applied flexibly when translation. We can use literal translation with plus additional information or direct translation method.

Literal translation whit plus additional information ways: Such as, white collar (relating to job in offices, banks and so on. As opposed to joins working in factories, building thing. White meat (the pale-colored meat from the breast, wings of a cooked chicken turkey or other bird).

Free translation: The part of the words with colors in English and Chinese, which can not use the corresponding color word to translation, it only just use free translation to express their meanings of itself in accordance with their culture. Such as, Mr. Brown is a very white man. (In this sentence, white man means an honest people). Wedding and funerals cannot be translated as “red and white happiness”). 4.2.3Combined with the directly translation and free translation

In translation, they tend to encounter many difficulties, and sometimes literal translation can not be apt to show the real meaning of the original, while the free

translation may make the original too gorgeous and lost the plain of original. So here, we can use a combination of literal translation and free translation Methods.

For example: This is a white-bread Suburban town.

Do you take your coffee black or white?

White, please.

Use the whites of two eggs. (White here means the part of an egg that surrounds the Yolk).

To sum up, you can find the color words not entirely consistent in different of the cultures connotation, so the process of English-Chinese translation, we must correctly understand the color of the word of other meanings at first. Namely, Cultural background of the color words or implied in which the cultural information. Then the translator need to take appropriate translation method according to both English and Chinese languages and cultural characteristics, which use one language to another language to accurate express ideas. If encountered the form and meaning are not equivalent in the process of translation, it can adopt the form of taking meaningful way round. And it is only equaled in the cultural sense, the translated the content can accurate to express the ideas.


Nature is a colorful world, the sense of color for human is generally the same, but the color once for communicative activities of human society to specific meanings has risen in people's minds, causing a special association and inspiring particular affection. The meanings of inherent in a variety of colors are not completely identical; it is triggered by associative and symbolic meanings in visual and psychological for English and Chinese people. We can say that the color reflects the rich cultural connotation and the different cultural psychology, through deeply study of color words; we can perspective the fundamental differences between two languages and cultures from the English and Chinese. Researching and comparing the cultural connotations of white and its translation in the English and Chinese language and culture to the two kinds of language learning, translation and teaching have a practical significance and far-reaching significance.


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