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Study the followi ng carto on carefully and write an essay in which you should

1) describe the cartoon ,

2) in terpret its meaning , and

3) point out its implicati ons in our life.

In the black and white draw ing above , a youth gravely con templates a n arrow winding path heading into a forest. Perhaps he thinks that his own future may be much like this path ;full of bends and curves , thorns and traps. The road to success is n ever anything but uneven and difficult.

In fact , one could even say that the more successful one's life is , the more problems and hardships one must have overcome. The ability to work through difficult situatio ns and unfortun ate events only makes one stron ger and more capable. Given that the road to happ in ess always contains obstacles and setbacks , we should be well prepared for the hardships that life in evitably brings , and aba ndon the idea that

life is smooth or easy. Wemust accept the fact that failures are unavoidable , whether they are failures in exam in ati ons , in finding a job , or carry ing out a task. People who accept that their life will not always be simple or calm are better able to handle problems whe n they arise. Those who are upset by each and every small setback - and there are many people with such attitudes- do not have much pote ntial. Failure is mother to success as it can stre ngthe n on e's will. Those who can draw less ons from failure are dest ined for success.




It is every on e's wish to have things go their way. Yet the journey throughlife is not always the case and we should be prepared for the twists and tur ns it offers us. This is certa inly the case as show n in the carto on.

Twists and turns are a part of life and setbacks often happen. For many reasons,we often have to encoun ter failure in a complex society. No one can avoid or escape these unexpected changes in our daily lives ;however,failure may be aroute toward success. This causes us to reflect about what happe ned and as a result we build up and accumulate experienee. Weare then more likely to comeup with a possible solution ,and so twists and tur ns can tur n into treasures. Edis on , for in sta nee ,the inven tor of the electric light bulb ,made hun dreds of models that failed before he came up

with the right one. In general it is failure that encourages us to work harder which even tually leads to


Twists and tur ns in life are un avoidable and are not always bad. We should have

a more optimistic view on life and try to make the most of it and draw less ons from

the bumps and turns along the way.











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