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Unit 2

Part 1 Language Skills Development

A.Look at the following pictures. Think over these questions.

1.What ways of getting rich do these pictures suggest?

Reference answer: The four pictures represent four different ways of getting rich. The first picture suggests that one can get rich quick by buying stocks. The second picture shows that people can become rich through inheritance of fortunes, either of their own parents, or of some wealthy persons. The third picture indicates that marriage could be a passport to the kingdom of wealth. That is to say, a man or a woman could be a rich person if his or her spouse is rich. The fourth picture tells people that lotteries make millionaires.

2. Which do you think is the quickest way to get rich?

Reference answer: All these four methods of getting rich quick could turn a penniless guy into a millionaire overnight, but it seems to me that winning a lottery is the quickest way of making people rich. Just pay a dollar or two and you could become a rich person overnight! But on the other hand, such an opportunity is very rare.

B. Listen to the story Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (Part 1) and answer the following questions.

1. What were the magic words used to open and close the cave?

They were "Open, Sesame!" and "Shut, Sesame!".

2. What did Ali Baba find in the cave?

He found rich silks and carpets, gold and silver ware, and great bags of gold.

3. What did Ali Baba take from the cave?

Many of the bags of gold.


Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

In a town in Persia there lived a poor woodcutter named Ali Baba. One day, Ali Baba was working deep in the forest. Suddenly he heard the noise of many horses. He tied up his two mules behind some high rocks. Then he climbed into a tall tree to hide.

From up high in the tree, Ali Baba saw forty men on forty horses. Each man wore a saber and a dagger in his belt. They looked very fierce. Ali Baba could see at once that they were thieves.

The forty thieves dismounted in front of a huge rock, and one, who seemed to be captain, said, "Open, Sesame!" And a door flew open in the rock. Then they all went inside and the door closed behind them.

Ali Baba could hardly believe what he had seen! He did not dare to climb down from his tree —the thieves might come out at any moment and find him. He waited a long time.

At last the door opened, and the forty thieves came out. Their captain said, "Shut, Sesame!" The door closed, and the forty thieves rode away.

When they were out of sight Ali Baba came down from the tree. He walked up to the huge rock and said, "Open, Sesame!" The door at once opened, and

Ali Baba stepped inside. He found himself in a large

cave, lighted from a hole in the top, and full of all kinds

of treasure —rich silks and carpets, gold and silver

ware, and great bags of gold. He loaded his two mules with as many of the bags of gold as they could carry, and, after closing the door by saying, "Shut, Sesame!" made his way home.

Mind Map Persia n. 波斯(现称伊朗) mule n. 骡子

dismount vi.

下马,下(自行、摩托)车 sesame n. 芝麻

by Mark Edgemon 每个小孔都需要一颗宝石

1 Getting rich quick is nice if you can do it, but the phrase usually implies acquiring great sums of wealth with very little effort. If that is the method of study, I wouldn't hold your breath.

2 However, if that weren't a popular notion, millions of dollars wouldn't roll in every time there was a lottery somewhere.

3 An Egyptian archeological exhibit was touring through town with many interesting artifacts for the public to see. One in particular, was an ancient document believed to uncover a mysterious formula for acquiring wealth.

4 Having read about this ancient document in the early edition of the local newspaper, John Holiday borrowed his neighbor's camera for the purpose of taking a snapshot of the document, so he could study it later.

5 After getting a very clear image of the document, he went to the library and started reading books on ancient languages that are now dead. Strangely enough, John had a hidden talent for languages. He never developed this or any other talent, because he was lazy. He would always look for the easy way to do everything he had to do in life. However in this case, a shot at sudden wealth was too much of an incentive for him to pass up.

6 In a few hours, he figured out the code of the language and began to decipher the ancient text. It told of a statue, thousands of years old, in the central part of Egypt, hidden in a cave miles from a large pyramid. The text

1 一夜暴富当然不错。但这常常意味着大量财富唾手可得。如果想以此致富的话,我认为希望渺茫。

2 然而,这种想法非常普遍,否则每次彩票抽奖也就不会有数以百万计的美元滚滚而来。

3 城里正在巡展古埃及文物,许多有趣的手工艺品让公众大饱眼福。尤其是其中一份古埃及文献,被认为揭示了获取财富的神秘方法。

4 在当地的早报上读到这则新闻之后,约翰·霍利戴便从邻居家借来了相机,以便拍下这份文献,供日后研究。

5 拍了一张十分清晰的文献照片之后,他便前往图书馆,开始阅读有关现已消亡的古代语言的书籍。奇怪的是,约翰居然在语言上有潜在的天赋。他从来没有开发过自己的语言或者其他的天赋,因为他很懒惰,不管什么事都喜欢走捷径。但是,一夜暴富对他来说极具诱惑,是一次不能放过的机会。

6 他花了几小时就弄清楚了这种语言代码,并开始解读这份古文献。这份文献说,埃及中部有一座上千年的雕像,藏在距一座大金字塔几英里的洞穴中,还说这座雕像身上有8个小孔,寻

stated that the statue had eight orifices and that the seeker of wealth must place precious gems in each of the holes in the statue. The gems had to be cut in a special way and inserted in a specific manner.

7 A clear diamond was to be inserted into the mouth of the statue, a deep blue sapphire into the right eye socket, a bright red ruby into the left eye socket, a white pearl into the left ear, a rare pink topaz into the right ear, a black onyx into the left nostril, a green emerald into the right nostril, and a purple amethyst into the navel.

8 The meaning was unclear why this was to be done, but John just wanted to become wealthy, so he didn't care. After extensive research, John determined it would cost approximately 1.2 million dollars to acquire the gems and passage to Egypt. It took him five years to diligently create a business and generate that large sum of money.

9 Once he had the funds, he purchased the gems and a ticket to the ancient city of Asyut. Once there, he spent months locating the pyramid and the cave that the Egyptian document had alluded to. Once in the cave, it only took a few minutes to locate the statue that the ancient manuscript had described.

10 He wasted no time inserting the precious stones into each hole of the statue. Right before his eyes, the eight gems turned to stone, filling the holes, leaving no trace where the holes used to be.

11 With great disbelief, he stared at his investment of valuable gems, now turned to stones, and wondered what it all meant. Just then, at the foot of the statue, he noticed an inscription, which he could now decipher, which read, "Any fool can create wealth, but only the wise know what to do with it."

12 Was that it? John was terribly disappointed and felt he had been on a fool's errand for the last five years. He returned home and resumed his business, where he continued to expand the company he founded, originally for the purpose of buying the jewels for the statue.

13 One night, as he sat in his new apartment in the affluent side of town, he took a look once again at the photograph of the ancient document that had started his quest for wealth and noticed, for the first time, an inscription at the bottom that he needed a magnifying glass to read.The inscription read, "If one achieves this quest, they will have transformed their mind by the use of 宝者必须把珍贵宝石放进每个小孔中,这些宝石还必须按照特别的方式切割,然后以特定的方式嵌入.

7 雕像的嘴里要塞入一块透明的钻石,右眼眶要填进一块深蓝色的蓝宝石,左眼眶要放入一块明亮的红宝石,左耳要塞入一颗洁白的珍珠,右耳要放入一颗珍稀的粉色黄宝石,左边的鼻孔要塞进一块黑玛瑙,右边的鼻孔要填入一粒祖母绿,雕像的肚脐要塞入一颗紫水晶。

8 文献没说为什么要这样做,但是约翰一心想发财,并不在意。经过广泛的研究,约翰计算出买这些宝石加上去埃及的路费大约要花费120万美元。为此,他花了五年时间,努力工作,并开办了一家公司,终于赚足了这么一大笔钱。

9 一有了这笔钱,约翰立刻购买了宝石和去埃及古城艾斯尤特的票。到了那里,他花了好几个月才找到那份古埃及手写本中暗示的金字塔和山洞。进入山洞后,他只用几分钟便找到了那座古代手写本里描绘的雕像。

10 他迫不及待地把这些宝石塞


11 约翰眼睁睁地看着自己投资


12 难道就是这样吗!约翰感到五年辛苦,白忙一场,失望至极。于是,他回到家中,重整旧业,开始拓展自己当初为了购买雕像所需的宝石而创建的公司。

13 一天晚上,他坐在城里富人区的新公寓里,再次看了看那张让他开始寻宝历程的古文献照片,他第一次发现文献最下端有一行要用放大镜才能看

their faith and will from then on have the power to overcome in all things and nothing will be impossible to them."

14 As John looked around his luxury apartment and remembered once having trouble paying his rent just five short years earlier, he realized that the 1.2 million dollars he shelled out that started this adventure was a really great investment!清的文字。这些文字是:凡历此功成者,必脱胎换骨,身心俱新,无坚不摧,无所不能。

14 约翰环顾着奢华的公寓,回忆起就在短短五年前他连房租都付不起


New Words


n. [C] a hole or opening, esp. one in the body (尤指身体上的)孔、穴、腔


n. 1) [C] (用发行彩票为政府、慈善机构等集资的)抽彩给奖法

France reinstituted its national lottery in 1933.


n. 2) [sing.] (often disapproving) a situation whose success or result is based on luck rather than on effort or careful organization 碰运气的事

Some people think that marriage is a lottery.



a. of or relating to archeology 考古学的


n. [C] an object that is made by a person, esp. something of historical or cultural interest (尤指有历史或文化价值的)人工制品,手工艺品


a. 1) difficult or impossible to understand, explain or identify 神秘的;不可思议的,难以理解的,无法解释的

a. 2) (of people) not saying much about sth., esp. when other people want to know more 诡秘的,故弄玄虚的


n. 1) [C] a particular method of doing or achieving sth. 方法,方案

n. 2) [C] a series of letters, numbers or symbols that represent a rule or law 公式,方程式,计算式

n. 3) [C] a list of things that sth. is made from, giving the amount of each substance to use 配方,处方,药方


n. 1) [C] a photograph, esp. one taken quickly (尤指抢拍的)照片

This snapshot hasn't been printed very well.


n. 2) [C, usu. sing.] a short description or a small amount of information that gives you an idea of what sth. is like 简介,简要说明

The letters give us a snapshot of his life abroad.



n. [C, U] something that encourages you to do sth. 激励,刺激,鼓励

Some companies offer training as an incentive.


He hasn't much incentive to work hard.



vt. to succeed in finding the meaning of sth. that is difficult to read or understand 破译;辨认

Human genome project is expected to decipher the genetic codes in the human cells.


Can you decipher this letter?



n. [C] a figure of a person or animal made usually the same size as in real life or larger 雕像,塑像


n. [C] (古埃及的)金字塔;锥体,棱锥体


n. [C] a person who is trying to find or get the thing mentioned 寻找者,寻求者,追求者gem

n. [C] a precious stone that has been cut and polished and is used in jewellery (经切割打磨的)宝石


n. 1) [C, U] a clear, bright blue precious stone 蓝宝石

n. 2) [U] a bright blue color 宝蓝色,天蓝色


n. [C] a curved hollow space in the surface of sth. that another part fits into or moves around in 孔穴,窝,槽,臼


n. 1) [C] a dark red precious stone 红宝石

n. 2) [U] a dark red color 深红色


n. [C] a small, hard, shiny white ball that forms inside the shell of an oyster and is of great value as a jewel 珍珠


n. [C, U] a clear yellow precious stone 黄宝石,黄玉


n. [U] a type of stone that has layers of different colors in it, usually used for ornaments 缟玛瑙,条纹玛瑙


n. [C] either of the two openings at the end of the nose that you breathe through 鼻孔

n. 1) [C, U] a bright green precious stone 祖母绿,绿宝石,翡翠

n. 2) [U] a bright green color 翡翠绿


a. having the color of blue and red mixed together 紫色的

n. [U] the color of blue and red mixed together 紫色


n. [C, U] a purple precious stone, used in making jewellery 紫水晶,紫晶


n. [C] 肚脐


a. 1) including or dealing with a wide range of information 广泛的,广博的

a. 2) covering a large area; great in amount 广大的,大量的




vi. to mention sth. in an indirect way 间接提到,暗指,影射

The character's evil nature is constantly alluded to throughout the play.


He did not even allude to his elder brother's engagement to Mary.



n. 1) [C] a very old book or document that was written by hand before printing was invented 手写本,手抄本

n. 2) [C] a copy of a book, piece of music, etc. before it has been printed 手稿,原稿


n. [C, U] a mark, an object or a sign that shows that sb./sth. existed or was present 痕迹;遗迹;踪迹

vt. 1) to find or discover sb./sth. by looking carefully for them/it 查出,找到;发现,追踪vt. 2) to find the origin or cause of sth. 追溯,追究


n. [C] words cut in stone or metal or written in the front of a book 铭文,碑文;题词errand

n. [C] a job that you do for sb. that involves going somewhere to take a message, to buy sth., to deliver goods, etc. 差使,差事

He often runs errands for his grandmother.



vt./vi. 1) to make or become larger or more extensive 扩展,扩充,扩大

vt./vi. 2) to talk more; to add details to what you are saying 细谈;详述,详细阐明


n. 1) [C] a precious stone such as a diamond, ruby, etc. 宝石

n. 2) [usu. pl.] pieces of jewellery or ornaments that contain precious stones 宝石饰物,珠宝首饰

a. having a lot of money and a good standard of living 富裕的

He was born in an affluent family.



n. [C] a long search for sth., esp. for some quality such as happiness 探索,寻找,追求vi. to search for sth. that is difficult to find 探索,探求


vt. to make sth. look bigger than it really is, for example by using a lens or microscope 放大

Phrases and Expressions

hold one's breath

1)to be anxious while you are waiting for sth. that you are worried about 屏息以待,焦虑地等待

He held his breath while the results were read out.


All Europe held its breath to see who would win the election.


2) to stop breathing for a short time 闭气,屏气

Hold your breath and count to ten.


roll in

1)to arrive in great numbers or amounts 大量涌入,滚滚而来

2)Offers of help are still rolling in.


4)The tanks rolled in and took control of the capital city.


2)to arrive late at a place, without seeming worried or sorry 姗姗来迟

Steve rolled in around lunchtime.


They rolled in very drunk at three o'clock in the morning.


strangely enough


pass sth. up

to choose not to make use of a chance, an opportunity, etc. 放弃,不要(机会等)

Never pass up a chance to learn.


Why did you pass up the opportunity to go to university?


waste no time (in) doing sth.

to do sth. immediately, without any delay 立刻做某事,不耽误时间做某事

Sandy wasted no time getting to know the boss's daughter.


Obama will waste no time pursuing Middle East peace.


on a fool's errand

involved in a useless journey or task (去/被派去)白白奔走一场,做徒劳无功的事

The people who advised you to come to me for money sent you on a fool's errand. I never lend money.


I'm afraid you're going on a fool's errand.


for the purpose of


shell (sth.) out for

to pay a lot of money for something, especially unwillingly (尤指不情愿地)付款,交出

The band shelled out $100,000 for a mobile recording studio.


If you want the repairs done right, you'll have to shell out at least $800.


Proper Nouns

Mark Edgemon马克·埃吉蒙

John Holiday约翰·霍利戴


1.What's the motive behind buying lottery tickets according to the writer?

Reference answer: It is the idea of getting rich quick, that is, acquiring great sums of wealth with very little effort.

2. What started John's quest for wealth?

Reference answer: It was an ancient document in an Egyptian archaeological exhibit believed to uncover a mysterious formula for acquiring wealth.

3.How did John labor over the ancient document?

Reference answer: He went to the library and started reading books on ancient languages that are now dead. After he figured out the code of the language, he began to decipher the ancient text.

4.What did the ancient text say the seeker of wealth should do about the eight orifices of the statue?

Reference answer: The text stated that the seeker of wealth must place precious gems in each of the holes in the statue. The gems had to be cut in a special way and inserted in a specific manner.

5.How did John feel when the eight gems that he had inserted into each of the holes in the statue turned to stone?

Reference answer: John was terribly disappointed and felt he had been on a fool's errand for the last 5 years.

6.Why did John think that the 1.2 million dollars was a really great investment?

Reference answer : 5 years ago, he had trouble paying his rent, but 5 years later, as a reward for his hard work, he possessed a luxury apartment and ran a company, so he thought the 1.2 million dollars was a really great investment.

7. What changes had John gone through during the pursuit of treasure?

Reference answer : At first, he was an opportunist, because he wanted to acquire wealth with very little effort. But then, in order to realize his ambition, he worked hard and opened his own company, so he was also a diligent and hard-working person. Finally, he realized what he really got from his adventure, that is, the 1.2 million dollars was a really great investment, so we can say he was a wise man, as well.

8. What lesson does the story want to teach us?

Reference answer : The story wants to tell us that only through diligent work can you acquire wealth.

A. Find the words (1—6) in the text that fit the items (a —f).

(c)1. generate

a. the genetic code on DNA (e)2. acquire

b. a motor coach into a mobile home (a)3. decipher

c. electricity (d)4. locate

d. the US on the map

(b)5. transform e. fluency in English (f)6. uncover f. the murder

B. Complete the following sentences with appropriate words in the text.

1. The problem had been a (lluded) to briefly in earlier discussions.

2. The government is considering an i (ncentive) for drivers to replace old, polluting vehicles with new ones.

3. Sara is in d (isbelief) that her son, of whom the whole family was so proud for being a Canadian Border officer, faces six charges including gunrunning.

4. The grim news continues to r (oll) in about the German economy as the data is being released.

5. With an estimated median household income of $172,945, this Dallas suburb is the most a (ffluent) neighborhood in the country, mostly due to real estate growth

Discuss the following questions with a partner or in a small group of 4 to 6 students.

1. To what extent do you agree that "Any fool can create

wealth, but only the wise know what to do with it"?

Reference answer : For different reasons, opportunities and

methods, many people, including very foolish ones, can be rich. For instance, an idiot may be a rich man if he has a rich father. So wealth is not a sure indicator of the personality of an individual. The watershed between a brilliant person and a foolish person lies in how he/she makes use of his/her wealth. It is only the wise people who know how to deal with their wealth properly. As we all know, Li Jiacheng, the brilliant enterpriser, who is very wealthy, has used his money to do a lot of charity work.

2. Do you think John Holiday in the text was a fool? Why or why not?

Reference answer : After reading the whole story, I don't think John is a fool because he Mind Map idiot indicator watershed brilliant opportunity adventure investment

eventually realized that he had learned a good lesson from his adventure, that is, the 1.2 million dollars was a really great investment. So he was a wise man.

Several years later, John's 10-year-old son, Mark, happened to see the very ancient document that John kept. He was unable to understand it, so he turned to John for help. They had a conversation as follows. Interpret it into English with your partner.


Mark: Dad, look! I found an ancient document. Do you know what it is about?


John: Oh, that ancient Egyptian document. It uncovers a mysterious formula for acquiring wealth. 马克:真的?您是怎么知道的?

Mark: Really? How do you know that?


John: Maybe you won't believe it, but I do have a hidden talent for languages.


Mark: Indeed, what does this document talk about?


John: It tells of a statue, thousands of years old, in the central part of Egypt, hidden in a cave miles from a large pyramid.


Mark: Will people acquire wealth if they find that statue?


John: No, you should prepare some special things first. The text states that the statue had 8 orifices and that the seeker of wealth must place precious gems in each of the holes in the statue.


Mark: That must cost a lot!


John: Um, nearly 1.2 million dollars. But that is a really great investment.

A. Put the following sentences from the text into Chinese. Pay special attention to the italicized expressions.

1. However, if that weren't a popular notion, millions of dollars wouldn't roll in every time there was a lottery somewhere.


2. It took him five years to diligently create a business and generate that large sum of money. 他花了5年时间,努力工作,并开办了一家公司,终于赚足了这么一大笔钱。

3. With great disbelief, he stared at his investment of valuable gems, now turned to stones, and wondered what it all meant.


4. The inscription read, "If one achieves this quest, they will have transformed their mind by the use of their faith and will from then on have the power to overcome in all things and

nothing will be impossible to them."


B. Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in the brackets.

1.[Once known as the Paris of the Middle East](曾经拥有中东巴黎的美誉), this seaside city fell into chaos during Lebanon's prolonged civil war.

2.A meeting was held[for the purpose of appointing a new manager](是为了任命一位新经理).

3.She was selected for an interview with a PWC director. This opportunity[is too good to pass up](好得让人无法拒绝).

4. More than 150 people were looking for the body of a 24-year-old hiker[said to have been killed](据说已经遇害), a day after authorities charged a man with kidnapping her.

5.[It is still unclear](仍然不清楚) what was behind the Federal Reserve's surprise decision on Wednesday to buy up to $300 billion in Treasuries.

A.Write a summary of the text (max. 180 words), referring to the outline below. Summary outline:

1. John's taking a snapshot of an ancient document alluding to the formula for acquiring wealth;

2. John's work on the document;

3. John's starting the adventurous quest for wealth;

4. John's disappointment when he finished putting the gems into the holes;

5. John's enlightenment about this adventure.

Reference answer: John got the news about an ancient document which was believed to uncover a mysterious formula for acquiring wealth. With a shot at sudden wealth, John began to work on it. He borrowed his neighbor's camera, went to the library and read books on ancient language. Finally he deciphered the message: to acquire the wealth, the seeker must place eight precious gems in each of the holes in a statue in Egypt. It took him five years to diligently create a business and generate that large sum of money needed for the gems. When he reached the statue, he did as the document had instructed him. However, he was stunned that as soon as he inserted the precious gems into each hole of the statue, they turned to stone, filling the holes, leaving no trace where the holes used to be. John was terribly disappointed and felt he had been on a fool's errand. He returned home and resumed his business. But at last he realized that the money he had shelled out was a really great investment!

B. Basic writing techniques: the topic sentence of a paragraph.

A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph. It briefly indicates what the paragraph is going to discuss. For this reason, the topic sentence is a helpful guide to both the writer and the reader. The writer can see what information to include (and what information to exclude). The reader can see what the paragraph is going to be about and is therefore better prepared to understand it.

There are three important points to remember about the topic sentence:

1. A topic sentence is a complete sentence; that is, it contains a subject, a verb, and (usually)

a complement. The following are not complete sentences and therefore not topic sentences:

□ Driving on freeways

□ The importanc e of gold

□ How to register for college classes

2. A topic sentence contains both a topic and a controlling idea. It names the topic and then limits the topic to a specific area to be discussed in the space of a single paragraph. The following examples show how a topic sentence states both the topic and the controlling idea in a complete sentence:

□ Driving on freeways requires skill and alertness.

□ Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics.

□ Registering for college classes c an be a frustrating experience for new students.

3. A topic sentence is the most general statement in the paragraph because it only gives the main idea. It does not give any specific details.

The following is an example of a general statement that could serve as a topic sentence:

□ The Arabic origin of many English words is not always obvious.

The following sentence is too specific to serve as a topic sentence:

□ The slang expression "so long" is probably a corruption of the Arabic "salaam".

Some of the sentences may be too general to be good topic sentences:

□ English is a difficult language to learn.


Step 1 Decide which of the following sentences is the topic sentence of the paragraph. Step 2 Decide the order of the supporting sentences and number them as SS1, SS2, SS3.

(SS2)a. If there had been a big storm on the day of a baby's birth, the baby might have been named Thunder Cloud.

(Topic sentence)b. American Indian names are very descriptive, for Indians were usually named for a physical attribute, for an occurrence in nature, or for an animal.

(SS3)c. Grey Eagle, Red Dog, Big Bear, and Spotted Wolf are examples of Indians named after animals.

(SS1)d. Indians with distinctive physical characteristics might be given such names as Big Foot or Crooked Leg.

Go to , or to obtain information about Warren Buffett, including his birth date, his education, his achievement timeline, his business, and his tips on how to get rich. Based on these, try to summarize his experience of getting rich. Then prepare an oral presentation to give an introduction to Warren Buffett to the class.

Reference answer: Warren Edward Buffett was born on August 30, 1930. Being the only boy to his father Howard, a stockbroker-turned-Congressman, he was the second of three children, and displayed an amazing aptitude for both money and business at a very early age. At 11 years old, he took his step into the world of high finance. He purchased three shares of Cities Service Preferred at $38 per share for both himself and his elder sister, Doris. Shortly after buying the stock, it fell to just over $27 per share. A frightened but resilient Warren held his shares until they rebounded to $40. He promptly sold them—a mistake he would soon come to regret. Cities Service shot up to $200. The experience taught him one of the basic lessons of investing: patience is a virtue. Two years later, he declared to a friend of the family that he would be a millionaire by the time he turned thirty. After he graduated from Columbia University, he worked as a stockbroker, and later, he began to buy shares of big companies, like Walt Disney Co. and Coca Cola. At 50, he had over $200 million. Step by step, he took control of Berkshire and turned it into one of the largest empires in the world.

Warren Buffett is usually described as one of the most successful investors of all time. It is equally correct to say that he is one of the prolific and instructive chief officers of all time. For over twenty years, he has written robust and thoughtful Chairman's letters to shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., presenting profound and sensible, but not uncontroversial positions on a broad range of issues that confront corporate America.

In all, known as the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffett is an intelligent, diligent, and brilliant man.

Part 2 Language in Use

happy shareholders

Before a shareholders' meeting, the director has a conversation with his assistant. They are talking about their business in the past year.

Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks. Then read it aloud.

Director: Can we go over some figures now? Assistant: Yes, our shareholders' meeting is soon.

I think it'd be a good idea to (1) [review] the key numbers.

Director: What has our total outlay been this year? Assistant: Our (2)[expenditures] are estimated at $4,320,000.

Director: What is the percentage of research and development?

Assistant: About 27%. We've invested heavily in the development of some new (3) [technologies]. Director: What is our gross operating profit? Assistant: (4) [Approximately] 1.4 million.







Director: What kind of margin does that represent? Assistant: The gross operating margin is at 24% for the year.

Director:That's impressive. That's up from last year, isn't it? About 10 points I think.

Assistant:That's right. We're solidly in the (5) [black]. As a matter of fact, this is our fifth year (6) [straight].

Director: Shareholders will be happy.

Assistant: They should be! This kind of growth in the current market is (7) [remarkable]. Director:Hopefully, the shareholders won't veto any further R & D allocation.

Assistant:I think they trust the (8)[board] to continue doing the right thing.经理:利润占多大比例?







New Words


n. 1) [C] one of a group of senior managers who run a company 董事,理事,经理

n. 2) [C] 导演


n. [C, U] the money that you have to spend in order to start a new project or to save yourself money or time later (必要的)开支,费用

The business quickly repaid the initial outlay on advertising.



n. [C] the number, amount, rate of sth. expressed as if it is part of a total which is 100; a part or share of a whole 百分率,百分比


a. being the total amount of sth. before anything is taken away 毛的,总的


ad. 1) continuously; without stopping 连续地,不间断地

ad. 2) in a firm and strong way 坚固地,结实地,牢固地


vt. 1) to stop sth. from happening or being done by using your official authority 行使否决权,拒绝认可,禁止

Plans for the dam have been vetoed by the Environmental Protection Agency.


vt. 2) to refuse to accept or do what sb. has suggested 拒不接受,反对,否定

I wanted to go camping but the others quickly vetoed that idea.



n. 1) [C] an amount of money, space, etc. that is given to sb. for a particular purpose 划


We have spent our entire allocation for the year.


n. 2) [U] the act of giving sth. to sb. for a particular purpose 划,拨,分配

the allocation of food to those who need it most



n. 1) [U, C] an amount of money spent 费用,开支

The budget provided for a total expenditure of £27 billion.


n. 2) [U] the use of energy, time, materials, etc. 耗费,消耗



Phrases and Expressions

gross operating profit

a company's profit after deducting its operating costs from gross profit 营业利润

gross operating margin


be in the black

to have money, for example in your bank account 有盈余,有结余

The company has managed to stay in the black for the year ending December 31.


R & D allocation研发投资

2.Pair work: talking about a candle chart

The chart below shows the share price movement of one stock over a period of time in the year 2009. Read the notes first, then work with a partner to role-play the following situation.

Student A Student B

Asks about the meaning of the candle chart.

Asks about the movement of one specific stock and the reasons for it.

Asks if B will buy the stock. Explains the meaning of the candle chart. Points out the ups and downs of the specific stock and explains the reasons. Wishes to observe it a little longer.

Reference answer :

Student A: Hi, look at this candle chart. Do you know its meaning?

Student B: Yes, it shows the ups and downs of one stock.

Student A: Really? Judging from the chart, how is this stock?

Student B: The stock is losing a little bit, but it's nothing too serious.

Student A: How do you know that?

Student B: You see, though there are several long green bodies, there are more red bodies. That indicates the stock is some kind of bullish.

Student A: That sounds good. The stock brokers and individual investors must believe it will rebound in the following days.

Student B: That's true. If the stock really jumps, it will be really good information for the

stock market.

Student A: Will you buy this stock if you invest in the stock market?

Student B: To be honest, I'd like to observe it a little longer. It is said that the stock would change someday.


A candle chart (also known as candlestick chart) is often used to plot stock prices.

The chart shows the stock's high, low, open, and close price for each day. The candle is colored green or white if the stock went up (the closing price was higher than the opening price) and red or black if it went down (the closing price was lower than the opening price). For example:

A long white real body visually shows that the bulls are in charge.

A long black real body signifies that the bears are in control.

A small real body (white or black) indicates a period in which the bulls and bears are

in a tug of war and warns the market's trend may be losing momentum.

Learning Language for describing candle charts

This stock is bullish / bearish.

The stock is losing a little bit, but it's nothing too serious.

The stock has declined. It's hovering around…

People are saying that the stock will change today.

Some stockbrokers and many individual investors believe it will rebound in the following days.

The stock jumped; it's really good news for us.

Stocks and Shares 股票和股份

1 The act of issuing shares (GB) or stocks (US)—i.e. offering them for sale to the public—for the first time, is known as floating a company or making a flotation. Companies generally use a bank to underwrite the issue. In return for a fee, the bank guarantees to purchase the security issue at an agreed price on a certain day, although it hopes to sell it to the public. Newer and smaller companies trade on "over-the-counter" markets, such as the Unlisted Securities Market in London. Successful companies can apply to have their shares traded on the major stock exchanges, but in order to be quoted(GB) or listed (US) there, they have to fulfill a large number of requirements.One of these is to send their shareholders independently audited annual reports, including the year's trading results and a statement of the company's financial position. 1 一家公司首次发行股票或股份(英式英语称为shares,美式英语称为stocks)的行为——即把股票提供给公众购买——被称为公司发售或发行股票。股份公司通常会借助银行认购其股票,而银行则保证在特定的日期以约定的价格购买股份公司发行的股票,并收取一定费用作为回报,尽管银行的目的是希望把股票出售给公众。此外,新兴的和较小的公司一般在“场外交易”市场进行交易,如伦敦的非挂牌证券市场。而成功的大公司可以申请在主要的证券交易所进行股票交易,但是为了在主要证券交易所上市(英式英语称为quoted,美式英语称为listed),他们必须满足很多条件。其中之一是向股票持有者提供独立审计年报,包括当年的

2 Buying a share gives its holder part of the ownership of a company. Shares generally entitle their owners to vote at companies' General Meetings, to elect company directors, and to receive a proportion of distributed profits in the form of a dividend(or to receive part of the company's residual value if it goes into bankruptcy). Shareholders can sell their shares at any time on the secondary market, but the market price of a share—the price quoted at any given time on the stock exchange, which reflects how well or badly the company is doing—may differ radically from its nominal, face, or par value.

3 At the London Stock Exchange, share transactions do not have to be settled until the account day or settlement day at the end of a two-week accounting period. This allows speculators to buy shares hoping to resell them at a higher price before they actually pay for them or to sell the shares, hoping to buy them back at a lower price.

4 If a company wishes to raise more money for expansion, it can issue new shares. These are frequently offered to existing shareholders at less than their market price: this is known as a rights issue. Companies may also turn part of their profit into capital by issuing new shares to shareholders instead of paying dividends. This is known as a bonus issue or scrip issue or capitalization issue in Britain, and as a stock dividend or stock split in the US. American corporations are also permitted to reduce the amount of their capital by buying back their own shares, which are then known as treasury stock; in Britain this is generally not allowed, in order to protect companies' creditors. If a company sells shares at above their par value, this amount is recorded in financial statements as share premium (GB) or paid-in surplus (US).

5 The Financial Times-Stock Exchange (FTSE) 100 Share Index (known as the "Footsie") records the average value of the 100 leading British shares, and is updated every minute during trading. The most important US index is the Dow Jones Industrial Average.年度交易额和一份公司财政状况报告。

2 购买股票使股票持有者拥有公司的部分所有权。通常持股人拥有在公司股东大会上的投票权,能选举公司董事,并且以股息的方式分享公司分配的利润(如果该公司破产,则取得该公司的部分剩余资产)。持股人可于任何时候在二级证券市场出售其股票,但是每股的市场价格——即证券交易所任何特定时间的挂牌价,能反映出该公司业绩的好坏——可能和股票票面价格完全不同。

3 在伦敦证券交易市场,股票交易在交割日即为期两周的会计期的最后一天结算。于是证券投机者买进股票以期在付款结算之前把买进的股票以更高的价格卖出,或者卖出股票以期以更低的价格再买回。

4 如果一个公司想募集更多的资金以进行业务扩展,它可以发行新的股票。公司经常以低于市场的价格把这些新发行的股票卖给已有的股东,这种方式被称为“供股”。股份公司也可以通过向股东发行新的股票来代替股东红利,使他们的部分收益变为资本,这在英国被称为“红股配发”或“资本化发行”,在美国被称为“股票股息”或“股票拆细”。美国的股份公司可以买回自己公司的一部分股票,来减少自己的资本,这被称为“回收库存股”;而在英国,为了保护公司的债权人,这通常是不允许的。如果一个公司以高于股票票面的价格出售股票,这个数目将被记入公司财政报告,称为“股票发行溢价”(英国称为share premium,美国称为paid-in surplus)。

5 金融时报100指数(被称为富时)记录英国100种主要股票的平均价值,并且在交易期间每分钟更新。而美国最重要的股票指数是道琼斯工业指数。

New Words


Unit 1 Personality 羞怯的痛苦 对许多人来说,羞怯是很多不愉快的起因。各种各样的人——矮的、高的、愚笨的、聪明的、年轻的、年老的、瘦的、胖的——都说自己是羞怯的。羞怯的人会焦虑不安,感到不自然;也就是说,他们过分地关注自己的外表和举止。脑海中不断盘旋着一些使自己不安的想法:我给人留下的是什么印象?他们喜欢我吗?我讲话是不是傻里傻气?我长得难看。我穿的衣服毫不引人注目。很显然这种不安的感觉会对人产生不利的影响。一个人的自我看法反映在自己的行为方式之中,而一个人的行为方式又影响他人的反应。通常,人们如何看待自己对他们生活的各个方面都会产生深刻的影响。例如,具有积极的自我价值观或很强自尊心的人往往表现出自信。而由于自信,他们不需要他人不断地称赞和鼓励,也能使自己感觉良好。自信者热情、自发地投入生活。他们不因别人认为他们“该”做什么而受到影响。有很强自尊心的人不会被批评所伤害;他们不会把批评看作是人身攻击。相反,他们认为批评是一种提醒他们改进的建议。相比之下,羞怯的人自尊心较弱,往往消极被动并且容易受他人影响。他们(是否)在做“该做的事情”需要得到别人的肯定。害羞的人对批评非常敏感;他们觉得批评正好证实了他们比别人差。他们也很难因别人的赞美而高兴,因为他们相信自己不值得称赞。羞怯的人也许会用这样的话来回答别人的赞美之辞:“你这么说只是为了让我感觉好一些。我知道这不是真的。”显然,尽管自我意识是一种健康的品质,过分的自我意识却是不利和有害的。能否彻底消除或者至少减轻羞怯感呢?幸运的是,人们能够通过坚持不懈的努力建立自信从而克服羞怯。由于胆怯和缺少自尊是密切相关的,因此正视自己的弱点和正视自己的优点一样重要。例如,大多数人希望每门功课都得A。如果仅仅因为在某些领域有困难,就把自己列为差生,这不恰如其分。人们对自己的期望必须现实。老是想那些不可能的事情会令自己觉得无能,甚至产生嫉妒。当我们嫉妒比自己成绩好的学生时,我们正在自我否定。如果你害羞,这里有些具体有效的步骤帮助你树立信心并克服羞怯感:1.认清自己的优缺点。每个人既有优点又有缺点。随着对自我的不断认同,羞怯感就会自然减弱。2.确定合理的目标。例如,在聚会时和一群陌生人在一起,你也许会怯场。不要以为你必须和每个人交谈。集中精力,仅和一两个人交谈,你会感到更自在些。3.内疚和羞耻感是消极的情感。不要把时间和精力浪费在这上头。假设你伤害了某人的感情,(光)感到羞愧是无济于事的。相反,应该承认你犯了个错误,并决心在将来更加善解人意。4.所有问题都有许多种解决办法。很少有完全正确或完全错误的意见。要敢于公开表达自己的观点。5.不要对自己做消极的评论。这是一种自我否定。千万别把自己描述为愚蠢的、丑陋的,或者一个失败者。注重自己积极的方面。6.接受批评时要缜密思考。不要把批评理解为人身攻击。例如,如果一位朋友抱怨你的烹饪技术,要把这当成对你的烹饪技术而不是对你本人的评价而接受下来。放心,你们还是好朋友,但你的烹饪技术也许确实有待改进。7.记住,每个人都会经历一些失败和挫折。要把它们作为增长见识的经历,从中受益。挫折往往会成为转机,随之而来的将是一段美妙绝伦的经历。例如,你可能被你所中意的大学拒之门外。然而,在你就读的大学里,你可能发现这里教育的某一特点比你料想的好得多。8.有些人会使你感到自己无能,不要和这种人交往。去设法改变他们对你的态度或者改变你对自己的态度,要不就脱离这种关系。伤害你的人并不关心你的最大利益。9.留出时间休息,享受自己的业余爱好,并且定期地重新审定自己的目标。为此所花费的时间有助于更好地了解你自己。10.多在社交场合中锻炼。不要把自己同他人隔离开来。设法一次结识一位朋友;最终你将能够娴熟而自信地在众人中周旋。我们每个人都是独一无二、难能可贵的个体。我们自有吸引人的地方。我们对自己了解得越多,就越容易充分发挥自己的潜力。不要让羞怯成为阻碍我们拥有丰富和成功生活的绊脚石。 Unit3 Social Problems


大学英语精读1课文翻译 Unit1 Some Strategies or Learning English 学习英语绝非易事。它需要刻苦和长期努力。 虽然不经过持续的刻苦努力便不能期望精通英语,然而还是有各种有用的学习策略可以用来使这一任务变得容易一些。以下便是其中的几种。 1. 不要以完全同样的方式对待所有的生词。你可曾因为简直无法记住所学的所有生词而抱怨自己的记忆力太差?其实,责任并不在你的记忆力。如果你一下子把太多的生词塞进头脑,必定有一些生词会被挤出来。你需要做的是根据生词日常使用的频率以不同的方式对待它们。积极词汇需要经常练习,有用的词汇必须牢记,而在日常情况下不常出现的词只需见到时认识即可。你会发现把注意力集中于积极有用的词上是扩大词汇量最有效的途径。 2.密切注意地道的表达方式。你可曾纳闷过,为什么我们说 "我对英语感兴趣"是"I'm interested in English",而说"我精于法语"则是"I'm good at French"?你可曾问过自己,为什么以英语为母语的人说"获悉消息或秘密"是"learn the news or secret",而"获悉某人的成功或到来"却是"learn of someone's success or arrival"?这些都是惯用法的例子。在学习英语时,你不仅必须注意词义,还必须注意以英语为母语的人在日常生活中如何使用它。 3.每天听英语。经常听英语不仅会提高你的听力,而且有助你培养说的技能。除了专为课程准备的语言磁带外,你还可以听英语广播,看英语电视和英语电影。第一次听录好音的英语对话或语段,你也许不能听懂很多。先试着听懂大意,然后再反复地听。你会发现每次重复都会听懂更多的东西。 4.抓住机会说。的确,在学校里必须用英语进行交流的场合并不多,但你还是可以找到练习讲英语的机会。例如,跟你的同班同学进行交谈可能就是得到一些练习的一种轻松愉快的方式。还可以找校园里以英语为母语的人跟他们随意交谈。或许练习讲英语最容易的方式是高声朗读,因为这在任何时间,任何地方,不需要搭档就可以做到。例如,你可以看着图片或身边的物件,试着对它们详加描述。你还可以复述日常情景。在商店里购物或在餐馆里吃完饭付过账后,假装这一切都发生在一个讲英语的国家,试着用英语把它表演出来。


新视野大学英语3课文翻译 第一课无限的爱 我哥哥吉米出生时遇上难产,因为缺氧导致大脑受损。两年后,我出生了。 从此以后,我的生活便围绕我哥哥转。 伴随我成长的,是“到外面去玩,把你哥哥也带上。” 不带上他,我是哪里也去不了的。因此,我怂恿邻居的孩子到我家来,尽情地玩孩子们玩的游戏。 我母亲教吉米学习日常自理,比如刷牙或系皮带什么的。 我父亲宅心仁厚,他的耐心和理解使一家人心贴着心。 我则负责外面的事,找到那些欺负我哥哥的孩子们的父母,告他们的状,为我哥哥讨回公道。 父亲和吉米形影不离。 他们一道吃早饭,平时每天早上一道开车去海军航运中心,他们都在那里工作,吉米在那搬卸标有彩色代号的箱子。 晚饭后,他们一道交谈,玩游戏,直到深夜。 他们甚至用口哨吹相同的曲调。 所以,父亲1991年因心脏病去世时,吉米几乎崩溃了,尽管他尽量不表现出来。 他就是不能相信父亲去世这一事实。 通常,他是一个令人愉快的人,现在却一言不发,无论说多少话都不能透过他木然的脸部表情了解他的心事。 我雇了一个人和他住在一起,开车送他去上班。然而,不管我怎么努力地维持原状,吉米还是认为他熟悉的世界已经消失了。 有一天,我问他:“你是不是想念爸爸?” 他的嘴唇颤抖了几下,然后问我:“你怎么看,玛格丽特?他是我最好的朋友。” 接着,我俩都流下了眼泪。 六个月后,母亲因肺癌去世,剩下我一人来照顾吉米。 吉米不能马上适应去上班时没有父亲陪着,因此搬来纽约和我一起住了一段时间。 我走到哪里他就跟到哪里,他好像适应得很好。 但吉米依然想住在我父母的房子里,继续干他原来的工作。我答应把他送回去。 此事最后做成了。 如今,他在那里生活了11年,在许多人的照料下,同时依靠自己生活得有声有色。 他已成了邻里间不可或缺的人物。 如果你有邮件要收,或有狗要遛,他就是你所要的人。 当然,母亲的话没错:可以有一个家,既能容纳他的缺陷又能装下我的雄心。


Unit 1 1. I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. 我在里德学院读了6个月就退学了,但是作为旁听生又在那里待了18个月左右,然后才真正离开学校。 2.My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. 我的生母是个年轻未婚的研究生,因此她决定把我送给别人收养。 3.It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. 这在当时看来非常可怕,但现在回头看看,那是我做过的最棒的决定之一。 4.And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. 我依照好奇心和直觉做事,大多事后证明是非常值得的。 5.None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. 这一切在我的生活中是否有用,我不抱希望。 1.Every time I saw the straw hat(每当我看到那顶草帽), it reminded me of the tour I made years before 2.This is the most wonderful time that I have ever had(我度过的最美好的时光). 3.I’m honored to attend the closing ceremony of the conference(我很荣幸能参加大会闭幕式) and give you the speech. 4. Bill Clinton has helped to get the two American journalists released and he seems to have a hope of making peace(有希望调解) between North Korea and the US. 5. One friend of mine has decided to quit his/her well-paid but demanding position (辞去那份工资高但要求也高的工作) recently. Unit2 1. However, if that weren’t a popular notion, millions of dollars wouldn’t roll in every time there was a lottery somewhere. 然而,这种想法非常普遍,否则每次彩票抽奖也就不会有数以百万计的美元滚滚而来。 2 .It took him five years to diligently create a business and generate that large sum of money. 他花了5年时间,努力工作,并开办了一家公司,终于赚足了这么一大笔钱。 3.With great disbelief, he stared at his investment of valuable gems, now turned to stones, and wondered what it all meant. 约翰眼睁睁地看着自己投资买来的宝石变成了石头,他难以置信,百思不得其解。 4.The inscription read, “If one achieves this quest, they will have transformed their mind by the use of their faith and will from then on have the power to overcome in all things and nothing will be impossible to them.” 这些文字是:凡历此功成者,必脱胎换骨,身心俱新,无坚不摧,无所不能。 1. Once know as the Pairs of the Middle East(曾经拥有中东巴黎的美誉),this seaside city fell into chaos during Lebanon’s p rolonged civil war.


Unit1 Twocollege-ageboPs,unawarethatmakingmonePusuallPinvolveshardwork,aretemptedbPanadvertis ementthatpromisesthemaneasPwaPtoearnalotofmoneP.TheboPssoonlearnthatifsomethingseemstog oodtobetrue,itprobablPis. 一个大学男孩,不清楚赚钱需要付出艰苦的劳动,被一份许诺轻松赚大钱的广告吸引了。男孩们很快就明白,如果事情看起来好得不像真的,那多半确实不是真的。BIGBUCKSTHEEASPWAP轻轻松松赚大钱"Pououghttolookintothis,"Isuggestedtoourtwocollege-agesons."ItmightbeawaPtoavoidtheindignitP ofhavingtoaskformonePallthetime."Ihandedthemsomemagazinesinaplasticbagsomeonebadhungon ourdoorknob.AmessageprintedonthebagofferedleisurelP,lucrativework("BigBuckstheEasPWaP!")o fdeliveringmoresuchbags. “你们该看看这个,”我向我们的两个读大学的儿子建议道。“你们若想避免因为老是向人讨钱而有失尊严的话,这兴许是一种办法。”我将挂在我们门把手上的、装在一个塑料袋里的几本杂志拿给他们。塑料袋上印着一条信息说,需要招聘人投递这样的袋子,这活儿既轻松又赚钱。(“轻轻松松赚大钱!”) "Idon'tmindtheindignitP,"theolderoneanswered.“我不在乎失不失尊严,”大儿子回答说。"Icanlivewithit,"hisbrotheragreed.“我可以忍受,”他的弟弟附和道。"Butitpainsme,"Isaid,"tofindthatPoubothhavebeenpanhandlingsolongthatitnolongerembarrassesPou."“看到你们俩伸手讨钱讨惯了一点也不感到尴尬的样子,真使我痛心,”我说。TheboPssaidthePwouldlookintothemagazine-deliverPthing.Pleased,Ilefttownonabusinesstrip.BPmi dnightIwascomfortablPsettledinahotelroomfarfromhome.Thephonerang.ItwasmPwife.Shewantedt oknowhowmPdaPhadgone.孩子们说他们可以考虑考虑投递杂志的事。我听了很高兴,便离城出差去了。午夜时分,我已远离家门,在一家旅馆的房间里舒舒服服住了下来。电话铃响了,是妻子打来的。她想知道我这一天过得可好。 "Great!"Ienthused."HowwasPourdaP?"Iinquired.“好极了!”我兴高采烈地说。“你过得怎么样?”我问道。 "Super!"Shesnapped."Justsuper!Andit'sonlPgettingstarted.Anothertruckjustpulledupoutfront."“棒极了!”她大声挖苦道。“真棒!而且这还仅仅是个开始。又一辆卡车刚在门前停下。”"Anothertruck?"“又一辆卡车?” "Thethirdonethisevening.ThefirstdeliveredfourthousandMontgomerPWards.Thesecondbroughtfour thousandSears,Roebucks.Idon'tknowwhatthisonehas,butI'msureitwillbefourthousandofsomething.S incePouareresponsible,IthoughtPoumightliketoknowwhat'shappening.“今晚第三辆了。第一辆运来了四千份蒙哥马利-沃德百货公司的广告;第二辆运来四千份西尔斯-罗伯克百货公司的广告。我不知道这一辆装的啥,但我肯定又是四千份什么的。既然这事是你促成的,我想你或许想了解事情的进展。” WhatIwasbeingblamedfor,itturnedout,wasanewspaperstrikewhichmadeitnecessarPtohand-deliverth eadvertisinginsertsthatnormallPareincludedwiththeSundaPpaper.ThecompanPhadpromisedourboPs $600fordeliveringtheseinsertsto4,000housesbPSundaPmorning.我之所以受到指责,事情原来是这样:由于发生了一起报业工人罢工,通常夹在星期日报纸里的广告插页,必须派人直接投送出去。公司答应给我们的孩子六百美金,任务是将这些广告插页在星期天早晨之前投递到四千户人家去。 "Pieceofcake!"ouroldercollegesonhadshouted.“不费吹灰之力!”我们上大学的大儿子嚷道。"SiGhundredbucks!"Hisbrotherhadechoed,"Andwecandothejobintwohours!"“六百块!”他的弟弟应声道,“我们两个钟点就能干完!” "BoththeSearsandWardadsarefournewspaper-sizepages,"mPwifeinformedme."TherearethirtP-twot housandpagesofadvertisingonourporch.Evenaswespeak,twobigguPsarecarrPingarmloadsofpaperup thewalk.Whatdowedoaboutallthis?"“西尔斯和沃德的广告通常都是报纸那么大的四页,”妻子告诉我说,“现在我们门廊上堆着三万二千页广告。就在我们说话的当儿,两个大个子正各抱着一大捆广告走过来。这么多广告,我们可怎么办?”"JusttelltheboPstogetbusP,"Iinstructed."TheP'recollegemen.TheP'lldowhatthePhavetodo."“你让孩子们快干,”我指示说。“他们都是大学生了。他们自己的事得由他们自己去做。”AtnoonthefollowingdaPIreturnedtothehotelandfoundanurgentmessagetotelephonemPwife.Hervoic


unit 6 The Last Leaf When Johnsy fell seriously ill, she seemed to lose the will to hang on to life. The doctor held out little hope for her. Her friends seemed helpless. Was there nothing to be done? 约翰西病情严重,她似乎失去了活下去的意志。医生对她不抱什么希望。朋友们看来也爱莫能助。难道真 的就无可奈何了吗? 1 At the top of a three-story brick building, Sue and Johnsy had their studio. "Johnsy" was familiar for Joanna. One was from Maine; the other from California. They had met at a cafe on Eighth Street and found their tastes in art, chicory salad and bishop sleeves so much in tune that the joint studio resulted. 在一幢三层砖楼的顶层,苏和约翰西辟了个画室。“约翰西”是乔安娜的昵称。她们一位来自缅因州,一 位来自加利福尼亚。两人相遇在第八大街的一个咖啡馆,发现各自在艺术品味、菊苣色拉,以及灯笼袖等方面趣 味相投,于是就有了这个两人画室。 2 That was in May. In November a cold, unseen stranger, whom the doctors called Pneumonia, stalked about the district, touching one here and there with his icy fingers. Johnsy was among his victims. She lay, scarcely moving on her bed, looking through the small window at the blank side of the next brick house. 那是5月里的事。到了11月,一个医生称之为肺炎的阴森的隐形客闯入了这一地区,用它冰冷的手指东 碰西触。约翰西也为其所害。她病倒了,躺在床上几乎一动不动,只能隔着小窗望着隔壁砖房那单调沉闷的侧墙。 3 One morning the busy doctor invited Sue into the hallway with a bushy, gray eyebrow. 一天上午,忙碌的医生扬了扬灰白的浓眉,示意苏来到过道。 4 "She has one chance in ten," he said. "And that chance is for her to want to live. Your little lady has made up her mind that she's not going to get well. Has she anything on her mind? “她只有一成希望,”他说。“那还得看她自己是不是想活下去。你这位女朋友已经下决心不想好了。她有 什么心事吗?” 5 "She -- she wanted to paint the Bay of Naples some day," said Sue. “她――她想有一天能去画那不勒斯湾,”苏说。 6 "Paint? -- bosh! Has she anything on her mind worth thinking about twice -- a man, for instance?" “画画?――得了。她有没有别的事值得她留恋的――比如说,一个男人?” 7 "A man?" said Sue. "Is a man worth -- but, no, doctor; there is nothing of the kind." “男人?”苏说。“难道一个男人就值得――可是,她没有啊,大夫,没有这码子事。” 8 "Well," said the doctor. "I will do all that science can accomplish. But whenever my patient begins to count the carriages in her funeral procession I subtract 50 per cent from the curative power of medicines." After the doctor had gone Sue went into the workroom and cried. Then she marched into Johnsy's room with her drawing board, whistling a merry tune. “好吧,”大夫说。“我会尽一切努力,只要是科学能做到的。可是,但凡病人开始计算她出殡的行列里有 几辆马车的时候,我就要把医药的疗效减去一半。”大夫走后,苏去工作室哭了一场。随后她携着画板大步走进 约翰西的房间,口里吹着轻快的口哨。 9 Johnsy lay, scarcely making a movement under the bedclothes, with her face toward the window. She was looking out and counting -- counting backward. 约翰西躺在被子下几乎一动不动,脸朝着窗。她望着窗外,数着数――倒数着数! 10 "Twelve," she said, and a little later "eleven"; and then "ten," and "nine"; and then "eight" and "seven," almost together. “12,”她数道,过了一会儿“11”,接着数“10”和“9”;再数“8”和“7”,几乎一口同时数下来。 11 Sue looked out of the window. What was there to count? There was only a bare, dreary yard to be seen, and the blank side of the brick house twenty feet away. An old, old ivy vine climbed half way up the brick wall. The cold breath of autumn had blown away its leaves, leaving it almost bare. 苏朝窗外望去。外面有什么好数的呢?外面只看到一个空荡荡的沉闷的院子,还有20英尺开外那砖房的侧墙,上面什么也没有。一棵古老的常青藤爬到半墙高。萧瑟秋风吹落了枝叶,藤上几乎光秃秃的。


新视野大学英语3第三版课文翻译 Unit 1 The Way to Success 课文A Never, ever give up! 永不言弃! As a young boy, Britain's great Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill, attended a public school called Harrow. He was not a good student, and had he not been from a famous family, he probably would have been removed from the school for deviating from the rules. Thankfully, he did finish at Harrow and his errors there did not preclude him from going on to the university. He eventually had a premier army career whereby he was later elected prime minister. He achieved fame for his wit, wisdom, civic duty, and abundant courage in his refusal to surrender during the miserable dark days of World War II. His amazing determination helped motivate his entire nation and was an inspiration worldwide. Toward the end of his period as prime minister, he was invited to address the patriotic young boys at his old school, Harrow. The headmaster said, "Young gentlemen, the greatest speaker of our time, will be here in a few days to address you, and you should obey whatever sound advice he may give you." The great day arrived. Sir Winston stood up, all five feet, five inches and 107 kilos of him, and gave this short, clear-cut speech: "Young men, never give up. Never give up! Never give up! Never, never, never, never!" 英国的伟大首相温斯顿·丘吉尔爵士,小时候在哈罗公学上学。当时他可不是个好学生,要不是出身名门,他可能早就因为违反纪律被开除了。谢天谢地,他总算从哈罗毕业了,在那里犯下的错误并没影响到他上大学。后来,他凭着军旅生涯中的杰出表现当选为英国首相。他的才思、智慧、公民责任感以及在二战痛苦而黑暗的时期拒绝投降的无畏勇气,为他赢得了美名。他非凡的决心,不仅激励了整个民族,还鼓舞了全世界。 在他首相任期即将结束时,他应邀前往母校哈罗公学,为满怀报国之志的同学们作演讲。校长说:“年轻的先生们,当代最伟大的演说家过几天就会来为你们演讲,他提出的任何中肯的建议,你们都要听从。”那个激动人心的日子终于到了。温斯顿爵士站了起来——他只有5 英尺5 英寸高,体重却有107 公斤。他作了言简意赅的讲话:“年轻人,要永不放弃。永不放弃!永不放弃!永不,永不,永不,永不!” Personal history, educational opportunity, individual dilemmas - none of these can inhibit a strong spirit committed to success. No task is too hard. No amount of preparation is too long or too difficult. Take the example of two of the most scholarly scientists of our age, Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison. Both faced immense obstacles and extreme criticism. Both were called "slow to learn" and written off as idiots by their teachers. Thomas Edison ran away from school because his teacher whipped him repeatedly for asking too many questions. Einstein didn't speak fluently until he was almost nine years old and was such a poor student that some thought he was unable to learn. Yet both boys' parents believed in them. They worked intensely each day with their sons, and the boys learned to never bypass the long hours of hard work that they needed to succeed. In the end, both Einstein and Edison overcame their childhood persecution and went on to achieve magnificent discoveries that benefit the entire world today. Consider also the heroic example of Abraham Lincoln, who faced substantial hardships,


大学英语精读课文翻译 Unit 1 How to Improve Your Study Habits 你也许是个智力一般的普通学生。你在学校的学习成绩还不错,可你也许会觉得自己永远也成不了优等生。然而实际情况未必如此。你要是想取得更好的分数,也还是能做到的。是的,即使中等智力水平的学生,在不增加学习负担的情况下,也能成为优等生。其诀窍如下:1.仔细安排你的时间。把你每周要完成的任务一一列出来,然后制定一张时间表或时间分配图。先把用于吃饭、睡觉、开会、听课等这样一些非花不可的时间填上,然后再选定合适的固定时间用于学习。一定要留出足够的时间来完成正常的阅读和课外作业。当然,学习不应把作息表上的空余时间全都占去,还得给休息、业余爱好和娱乐活动留出一定的时间,这一点很重要。这张周作息表也许解决不了你所有的问题,但是它会使你比较清楚地了解你是怎样使用你的时间的。此外,它还能让你安排好各种活动,既有足够的时间工作,也有足够的时间娱乐。 2.寻找一个合适的地方学习。选定某个地方作为你的“学习区”。这可以是家里或者学校图书馆里的一张书桌或者一把椅子,但它应该是舒适的,而且不该有干扰。在你开始学习时,你应能够全神贯注于你的功课。 3.阅读之前先略读。这就是说,在你仔细阅读一篇文章之前,先把它从头至尾迅速浏览一遍。在预习材料时,你就对它的内容及其结构有了大致的了解。随后在你正式开始阅读时,你就能辨认出不太重要的材料,并且可以略去某些章节不读。略读不仅使你的阅读速度提高一倍,还有助于提高你的理解能力。< 4.充分利用课堂上的时间。上课时注意听讲意味着课后少花力气。要坐在能看得见、听得清的地方。要作笔记来帮助自己记住老师讲课的内容。 5.学习要有规律。课后要及早复习笔记。重温课堂上提到的要点,复习你仍然混淆不清的


AppendⅡ Chinese Translations of Texts A (Units 1-8) 参考译文 目录: 第一单元生活方式的改变 (2) 第二单元民权英雄 (5) 第三单元安全问题 (8) 第四单元外星人 (10) 第五单元如何欢庆节日 (14) 第六单元人情味 (18) 第七单元谋生 (21)

第八单元克隆技术 (27) 第一单元生活方式的改变 课文A 在美国,不少人对乡村生活怀有浪漫的情感。许多居住在城镇的人梦想着自己办个农场,梦想着靠土地为生。很少有人真去把梦想变为现实。或许这也没有什么不好,因为,正如吉姆·多尔蒂当初开始其写作和农场经营双重生涯时所体验到的那样,农耕生活远非轻松自在。但他写道,自己并不后悔,对自己做出的改变生活方式的决定仍热情不减。 多尔蒂先生创建自己的理想生活 售姆·多尔蒂有两件事是我一直想做的——写作与务农。如今我同时做着这两件事。作为作家,我和E·B·怀特不属同一等级,作为农场主,我和乡邻也不是同一类人,不过我应付得还行。在城市以及郊区历经多年的怅惘失望之后,我和妻子桑迪终于在这里的乡村寻觅到心灵的满足。 这是一种自力更生的生活。我们食用的果蔬几乎都是自己种的。自家饲养的鸡提供鸡蛋,每星期还能剩余几十个出售。自家养殖的蜜蜂提供蜂蜜,我们还自己动手砍柴,足可供过冬取暖之用。 这也是一种令人满足的生活。夏日里我们在河上荡舟,在林子里野餐,骑着自行车长时间漫游。冬日里我们滑雪溜冰。我们为落日的余辉而激动。我们爱闻大地回暖的气息,爱听

牛群哞叫。我们守着看鹰儿飞过上空,看玉米田间鹿群嬉跃。 但如此美妙的生活有时会变得相当艰苦。就在三个月前,气温降到华氏零下30度,我们辛苦劳作了整整两天,用一个雪橇沿着河边拖运木柴。再过三个月,气温会升到95度,我们就要给玉米松土,在草莓地除草,还要宰杀家禽。前一阵子我和桑迪不得不翻修后屋顶。过些时候,四个孩子中的两个小的,16岁的吉米和13岁的埃米莉,会帮着我一起把拖了很久没修的室外厕所修葺一下,那是专为室外干活修建的。这个月晚些时候,我们要给果树喷洒药水,要油漆谷仓,要给菜园播种,要赶在新的小鸡运到之前清扫鸡舍。 在这些活计之间,我每周要抽空花五、六十个小时,不是打字撰文,就是为作为自由撰稿人投给报刊的文章进行采访。桑迪则有她自己繁忙的工作日程。除了日常的家务,她还照管菜园和蜂房,烘烤面包,将食品装罐、冷藏,开车送孩子学音乐,和他们一起练习,自己还要上风琴课,为我做些研究工作并打字,自己有时也写写文章,还要侍弄花圃、堆摞木柴、运送鸡蛋。正如老话说的那样,在这种情形之下,坏人不得闲——贤德之人也歇不了。 我们谁也不会忘记第一年的冬天。从12月一直到3月底,我们都被深达5英尺的积雪困着。暴风雪肆虐,一场接着一场,积雪厚厚地覆盖着屋子和谷仓,而室内,我们用自己砍伐的木柴烧火取暖,吃着自家种植的苹果,温馨快乐每一分钟。 开春后,有过两次泛滥。一次是河水外溢,我们不少田地被淹了几个星期。接着一次是生长季节到了,一波又一波的农产品潮涌而来,弄得我们应接不暇。我们的冰箱里塞满了樱桃、蓝莓、草莓、芦笋、豌豆、青豆和玉米。接着我们存放食品罐的架子上、柜橱里也开始堆满一罐罐的腌渍食品,有番茄汁、葡萄汁、李子、果酱和果冻。最后,地窖里遍地是大堆大堆的土豆、葫芦、南瓜,谷仓里也储满了苹果和梨。真是太美妙了。 第二年我们种了更多的作物,差不多就靠着从自家树林砍伐的木柴以及仅仅100加仑的燃油过了冬。其时,我开始认真考虑起辞了职去从事自由撰稿的事来。时机选得实在太差。当时,两个大的女儿肖恩和埃米正在费用很高的常青藤学校上学,而我们只有几千美金的银行存款。但我们一再回到一个老问题上来:真的会有更好的时机吗?答案无疑是否定的。于是,带着老板的祝福,口袋里揣着作为累积津贴的半年薪水,我走了。


大学英语精读第一册课 文翻译 Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】

第一单元 课程开始之际,就如何使学习英语的任务更容易提出一些建议似乎正当其实。 学习英语的几种策略 学习英语决非易事。它需要刻苦和长期努力。 虽然不经过持续的刻苦努力便不能期望精通英语,然而还是有各种有用的学习策略可以用来使这一任务变得容易一些。以下便是其中的几种: 1.不要以完全相同的方式对待所有的生词。你可曾因为简直无法记住所学的所有生词而抱怨自己的记忆力太差其实,责任并不在你的记忆力。如果你一下子把太多的生词塞进头脑,必定有一些生词会被挤出来。你需要做的是根据生词日常使用的频率以不同的方式对待它们。积极词汇需要经常练习,有用的词汇必须牢记,而在日常情况下不常出现的词只需见到时认识即可。你会发现把注意力集中于积极有用的词上是扩大词汇量最有效的途径。 2.密切注意地道的表达方式。你可曾纳闷过,为什么我们说“我对英语感兴趣”是“I’m interested in English”,而说“我精于法语”则是“I’m good at French”你可曾问过自己,为什么以英语为母语的人说“获悉消息或密秘”是“learn the news or secret”,而“获悉某人的成功或到来”却是“learn of someone’s success or arrival”这些都是惯用法的例子。在学习英语时,你不仅必须注意词义,还必须注意以英语为母语的人在日常生活中如何使用它。 3.每天听英语。经常听英语不仅会提高你的听力,而且有助你培养说的技能。除了专为课程准备的语言磁带外,你还可以听英语广播,看英语电视和英语电影。第一次听录好音的英语对话或语段,你也许不能听懂很多。先试着听懂大意,然后在反复地听。你会发现每次重复都会听懂更多的东西。


unit 4 Was Einstein a Space Alien? 1 Albert Einstein was exhausted. For the third night in a row, his baby son Hans, crying, kept the household awake until dawn. When Albert finally dozed off ... it was time to get up and go to wor k. He couldn't skip a day. He needed the job to support his young family. 1. 阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦精疲力竭。他幼小的儿子汉斯连续三个晚上哭闹不停,弄得全家人直到天亮都无法入睡。阿尔伯特总算可以打个瞌睡时,已是他起床上班的时候了。他不能一天不上班,他需要这份工作来养活组建不久的家庭。 2 Walking briskly to the Patent Office, where he was a "Technical Expert, Third Class," Albert w orried about his mother. She was getting older and frail, and she didn't approve of his marriage to Mileva. Relations were strained. Albert glanced at a passing shop window. His hair was a mess; he had forgotten to comb it again. 2. 阿尔伯特是专利局三等技术专家。在快步去专利局上班的路上,他为母亲忧心忡忡。母亲年纪越来越大,身体虚弱。她不同意儿子与迈尔娃的婚事,婆媳关系紧张。阿尔伯特瞥了一下路过的商店的橱窗,看见自己头发凌乱,他又忘了梳头了。 3 Work. Family. Making ends meet. Albert felt all the pressure and responsibility of any young h usband and father. 3. 工作,家庭,维持生计——阿尔伯特感受到了一位年轻丈夫和年轻父亲所要承担的全部压力和责任。 To relax, he revolutionized physics. 他想放松下,却使物理学发生了突破性进展 4 In 1905, at the age of 26 and four years before he was able to get a job as a professor of physic s, Einstein published five of the most important papers in the history of science--all written in his " spare time." He proved that atoms and molecules existed. Before 1905, scientists weren't sure abo ut that. He argued that light came in little bits (later called "photons") and thus laid the foundation for quantum mechanics. He described his theory of special relativity: space and time were threads in a common fabric, he proposed, which could be bent, stretched and twisted. 4. 1905 年,在他被聘为物理学教授的前四年,26岁的爱因斯坦发表了科学史上最重要论文中的五篇——这些论文都是他在“业余时间”完成的。他证明了原子和分子的存在。1905 年之前,科学家们对此没有把握。爱因斯坦论证说光以微粒形态出现 (后来被称为“光子”),这为量子力学奠定了基础。他把狭义相对论描写为:时空如同普通织物中的线,他提出,这些线可以弯曲、拉长和交织在一起。 5 Oh, and by the way, E=mc2. 5. 对了,顺便提一下,E = mc2 。 6 Before Einstein, the last scientist who had such a creative outburst was Sir Isaac Newton. It ha ppened in 1666 when Newton secluded himself at his mother's farm to avoid an outbreak of plagu e at Cambridge. With nothing better to do, he developed his Theory of Universal Gravitation. 6. 在爱因斯坦之前,最近一位迸发出如此创造性思想的科学家当数艾萨克牛顿

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