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当前位置:文档库 › 高层建筑结构发展现状及前沿发展方向(土木工程专业优秀毕业论文)






学号: 140014203011



完成日期: 2016年 2 月 15 日



With the continuous development of social economy, the rapid development of high-rise buildings, thanks to advances in science and technology, computing technology, mechanical analysis methods and application of new materials. In this paper, the characteristics of the structural development of China's high-rise buildings, design methods, and experimental work to study and analyze the problems of the development of high-rise buildings, set forth the current status of the development of high-rise buildings. Shenzhen Ping An International Financial Center project, for example, by ultra-high-rise architecture and design methods to study the structure of the application of new early warning and disaster prevention and other areas of strategic development prospects of tall buildings.


Development Status;; architecture; the forefront of the development of high-rise buildings.


内容摘要 ........................................................................................................................... I 引言 . (1)

1 绪言 (1)

2 发展现状 (5)

2.1 高层建筑的发展特点 (5)

2.1.1 高层建筑发展迅速,数量多,分布广 (5)

2.1.2 建筑高度不断增加,超高层建筑以混合结构、组合结构为主 (5)

2.1.3 结构体型日趋复杂 (6)

2.1.4 新型结构不断涌现 (6)

2.2 设计工作 (7)

2.2.1 抗震设计工作 (7)

2.2.2 防风设计工作 (7)

2.2.3 防火设计工作 (8)

2.3 计算分析工作 (9)

2.4 试验研究工作 (10)

2.5 存在的问题与不足 (11)

3 发展战略 (13)

3.1 超高层建筑结构体系及设计方法的研究 (13)

3.2 组合结构、混合结构的研究 (15)

3.3 对减振控制技术的研究 (17)

3.4 抗风及防火关键技术的研究 (18)

3.5 对超高层建筑灾害监测预警与集成应用技术的研究 (19)

3.6 开展城市防灾抗灾的研究 (20)

4 深圳平安国际金融中心超高层结构的实例 (21)

5 结论与展望 (24)

参考文献 (25)


With the continuous development of human society, technological progress, rapid population growth, and our country is a populous country, we are very clear that China's housing can not meet the needs of social development in the traditional sense. In recent years, high-rise buildings came into being; high-rise building as a new product of our time, is the product of people's lives and needs of social production, is the world of modern industrialization, commercialization and urbanization, the inevitable result. As technology advances, many new, there's a high-tech high-strength lightweight materials, all kinds of new machinery in the construction industry continue to emerge, to play in the value of the industry, the development of high-rise buildings It provided the material basis and technical conditions. High-rise building appeared and rapid development, but also brought us new problems and research directions.



随着社会的不断发展,飞速发展的工业化、商业化以及城市化进程,导致城市人口剧增,引起了一系列的城市问题,如:城市住房紧张,物价飞升,地价上涨等。这些因素促使了建筑物向高空发展,建筑物由多层向高层甚至超高层的转变。于19世纪末期,建筑行业出现了许多的具有现代化的钢结构和钢筋混凝土框架结构的高层建筑。于1989年在美国芝加哥修建的secodRandMeNal 19层大楼是世界上第一座具有现代形式的钢框架结构的高层建筑世界上最早的钢筋混凝土框架结构的高层建筑是于1903年在美国Cincinnati修建的InallaBuildin和法国巴黎Franklin公寓。至此,具有现代化意义的高层建筑已经有一百多年的发展历史了。更是由于在二十世纪后期,许多轻质高强材料的成功研制,抗击风力、地震等多种结构体系的发展,新的设计理念的涌现,电子计算机在建筑行业中的使用以及许多新型的机械和施工技术的涌现,为大规模的高层建筑推广提供了较为便利的条件,使高层建筑得到了迅速的发展。在钢筋混凝土结构方面,它结构体系的发展由最初的框架结构逐渐发展出框架剪力墙结构或框架简体结构和巨型结构等一系列结构体系,使混凝土结构的建筑高度越来越高。我们知道,钢结构具有强度高,自身轻,抗震性好等优点,此外,钢结构的构件可以在工厂中加工制作,施


Late 19th century, under the guidance of science and technology, reinforced concrete structure has been rapid development, we know, reinforced concrete and steel structures in the civil construction industry has replaced the traditional wooden structures, stone and brick structure, and it has been widely application. Think about the development process of high-rise buildings, we have a lot of typical examples, such as: in 1931 built the Empire State Building in New York (a total of 102 floors, the height of 381 meters); also destroyed by the "9/11" of Gemini, they are built in 1972, sister of the New York World Trade Center building (a total of 100 layers, respectively, the height of 417 meters and 415 meters); built in 1974, the Sears Tower in Chicago (110 total layer height of 441.9 meters), these are a typical representative of high-rise buildings.

Since 1985, high-rise buildings to get in the Asian region has developed rapidly, there are in built in 1996 in Shenzhen imperial buildings (a total of 69 layers, height 325 meters); Guangzhou CITIC Plaza (a total of 80 layers, the height of 321.9 meters); built in 1998 in Kuala Lumpur's Twin towers building (88 floors total height of 452 meters); in the same year Shanghai

China construction Jinmao Tower (88 floors total height of 421 meters); Shanghai Center built in 2014 (the main building 118 layer 632 meters high). The emergence of high-rise buildings, and constantly promote the innovation and development of high-rise buildings, high-rise buildings in Asia from scratch, from less to more, in our country it is from a meteoric rise to a wide range of applications, the pace of development is very rapid. It can be inferred that in the 21st century high-rise buildings and high-rise building in Asia will be the golden age of development.

With the continuous development of society, the rapid development of industrialization, commercialization and urbanization, leading to urban population growth, led to a series of urban problems, such as: urban housing shortage, soaring prices, land prices and so on. These factors have contributed to the high altitude of the building development, building a multi-layer high-rise to high-rise even change. In the late 19th century, there were many in the construction industry has a modern high-rise building steel and reinforced concrete frame structure. secodRandMeNal 19-storey building in 1989 in Chicago built high-rise buildings in the world's first high-rise building of reinforced concrete frame structure of steel frame structure in the world's first modern form is InallaBuildin in 1903 and built in the United States Cincinnati Apartment Paris, France Franklin. At this point, with modern high-rise building has significance hundred years of development history. But also because in the late twentieth century, has successfully developed a number of high-strength lightweight materials, the fight against the development of wind, earthquakes, and other architecture, the new design concept emerged, computer use in the construction industry as well as many new machinery construction and emerging technologies for large-scale promotion of high-rise buildings to provide a more convenient conditions for high-rise buildings has been rapid development. In the reinforced concrete structure, the development of its structural system from the initial frame structure gradually developed a frame shear wall structure or frame structure simplified structure and a

series of mega architecture, so that the height of the concrete structure of the building higher and higher. We know that the steel has high strength, light itself, shock resistance, etc. In addition, production of steel components can be processed in factories, construction speed, short time-consuming. Steel is a high-rise building structure ideal building material, but large-scale use of steel, can easily cause a large amount of high construction cost, and poor fire resistance of steel requires costly funds for the purchase of fire-resistant coating. Think about it, compared to the reinforced concrete can save steel, low cost, wide material source, plasticity and good, although a little higher carrying capacity, but after a reasonable design can also get a good shock effect. Thus, we can know why the developed countries, why most high-rise buildings is the use of steel in the form of reinforced concrete and why the most widely used in high-rise building in developing countries. But do not know it is that due to the continuous improvement and the rapid development of high-performance concrete construction technology of reinforced concrete high-rise buildings in the future development of the industry is still dominant. In particular, the advantages of reinforced concrete structures in recent years, attracted the attention of the developed countries, the developed countries are now using the number of high-rise buildings of reinforced concrete structural materials are constantly increasing. We also forthrightly large member cross-sectional dimensions of reinforced concrete structures, reduces the area used for construction, and the self-important, high cost base, shock resistance than steel. So, why do not we combine the characteristics of steel and concrete and maybe kinds of materials, to create a more reasonable combination of structure and composite structure. This form of construction through rational design, it can get a better economic, technical content excellent effect, and this structure is the focus of future research.

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