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confused. Flag of the CPC Ce ntral Committee and the Committee's requirement s into De partment's re que st, to a holistic a nd concerte d efforts, subject t o the overall situation. Se cond, ca dres a nd strive to play an exemplary r ole of party members a nd cadres of hardw orking a nd clean, empha sizes l ead, shift, led. Lea d is to a dhere to set a n example, to lea d by example, deal with t he relationship bet wee n indivi duals and partie s, real lead r ole shift is in order to strengt hen the sense of responsi bility, creating a fighting for ce; lea d is to a dhere t o strict requirements, strict manageme nt and strict supe rvision. T hree catch ba sis and strive to e nha nce t he combat effectivene ss of the party organizati on. T o a ccordi ng to Constituti on on grass-roots party of re quirement s, to impleme ntation g ood basi c system, for members for, regardle ss of party positi ons has more high, a dministrative terms ha more big, any w hen ar e to has Organizati on conce pt, active participate i n organi zation activities, consciously acce pt party of supervisi on; to do base d sex work , management g ood mem bers, service good mem bers, grass -roots party to using

members organization re ceive d turne d, and members t hought reported, a nd party of Confere nce a nd due s pay, opportunities, master members of ba sic sit uation, care members life. Four to focus and work har d to resolve. Comrades, t he above is w hat I give you g uida nce i n the new Constit ution. Hope every Member of the party to pa ss the t utor, dee pen our under standi ng of the Constitution in t he party's g uidi ng ide ology adva nci ng with t he times, consci ously li nk their own t hinki ng and practi ce, after careful st udy, read and carefully understa nd, thi nk, relate, a pply w hat they have le arne d. Not only r uns t hroug h the mass line of the party Constit ution t o learn t he new e ducational pra ctice all t he time, but also to harvest as a g ood starting point to lear n, study and work to do better in the fut ure, and strive to cre ate a new sit uation for school educati on contri bute their hank you very much. ----T he Constit ution Party rules a ddre ss the series really i s a qua lified party members earlier this yea r, all party members to the Central "serie s of party rules, and addre ss of the party Constituti on, be qualified party members" learn e ducation i s an important decisi on. XI Jinpi ng, Secretary Ge neral chaire d a Polit buro meeti ng in Febr uary, were dev oted to e ducational programmes a nd made a n important speech rece ntly personally approved spe cific pr ogrammes, many importa nt instructions. On A pril 6, 13t h, 15t h, the Central and aut onomous regional party Committee, the muni cipal party Committee hel d educati onal sym posi um, and related matters For specific deployment, w e hel d on March 4, Hongshan district party w orking Confere nce al so propose d to carry out thi s activity. All together t his forum today, main pur pose is to st udy a nd impleme nt in depth General Secretary XI Jinping on "two" important instr ucti ons for lear ning e ducation, studying a nd impleme nting the Central a nd utonomous region Party Committee and munici pal party Committee "two" spiritual education Symposium,

arrangements for distri ct-wi de lear ning e ducation. The foll owing, I would like t o stress four poi nts, mainly talk a bout "learning" and "doi ng" issue, and strive to make pe opl e really figure out w hy, w hat to lear n and how they lear n, what to do, how to do it, eve ntually rea che d little succe ss, is a lso le ading a lesson in party le cture. After both leaders and the cadres, regardless of Bra nch Secretary or a n ordi nary party membe r, to impl ement certai n boundarie s education "give a Party lect ure" requireme nt, practi ce speaking, speak much f anfare, innovation way, dow n to Earth, e nsuring e ducati onal success. First, you know pay spe cial attenti on to e ducation a nd o resol utely overcome sl uggish t hinki ng, and boredom "two" study and educati on, possi bly quite a few comrades, saying "educati on every year, almost every year" fool fool , I feel that with this in mind who may be many. If carr ying this idea in mind, what doe s that tell, how the politi cal consciousness i s not strong a nd not see t he pulse of the situati on, no, the "Rip van Winkle", l ost or confused i n the e nd do not know what's g oing on. To realize "two a" lear ning

practice a ctivities a nd e ducation i s the e ducation of the party's mass line, "thre e-t hree" spe cial educati on wa s another important pra ctice i n impleme nting the re quireme nts of strictly a dministeri ng the part y. Comrade XI Jinpi ng pointed out: "the deployment of ' doing ' educati on, i s to pr omote the inner -party educati on from ' critical few ' their expansion into t he vast num ber of party members, extendi ng from the concentrated e ducation to regular e ducation. "After 18, Central Committee of the party must handle part y, strictly a dministeri ng the part y, and has carried out the party's mass li ne education pra ctice a nd" three -thre e "spe cial educati on, but focus on the l eadi ng cadre s abov e the county level. The "two" study a nd e ducation, is carrie d o ut in the w hol e party and all the party members. T his is im plemented strictly admi nistering the party, an important measur e to



课题名称 论混凝土配合比试验研究

学 院 土木工程

专 业 建筑工程技术

班 级 10建技4班

姓 名 柏成兵 学号 1

指导老师 李和志


















confused. Flag of the CPC Ce ntral Committee and the Committee's requirement s into De partment's re que st, to a holistic a nd concerte d efforts, subject t o the overall situation. Se cond, ca dres a nd strive to play an exemplary r ole of party members a nd cadres of hardw orking a nd clean, empha sizes l ead, sh ift, led. Lea d is to a dhere to set a n example, to lea d by example, deal with t he relationship betwee n indivi duals and partie s, real lead r ole shift is in order to strengt hen the sense of responsi bility, creating a fighting for ce; lea d is to a dhere t o strict requirements, strict manageme nt and strict supe rvision. T hree catch ba sis and strive to e nha nce t he combat effectivene ss of t he party organizati on. T o a ccordi ng to Constituti on on grass-roots party of re quirement s, to impleme ntation g ood basi c system, for members for, regardle ss of party positi ons has more high, a dministrative terms ha more big, any w hen ar e to has Organizati on conce pt, active participate i n organi zation activities, consciously acce pt party of supervisi on; to do base d sex work , management g ood mem bers, service good mem bers, grass -roots party to using

members organization re ceive d turne d, and members t hought reported, a nd party of Confere nce a nd due s pay, opportunities, master members of ba sic sit uation, care members life. Four to focus and work har d to resolve. Comrades, t he above is w hat I give you g uida nce i n the new Constit ution. Hope every Member of the party to pa ss the t utor, dee pen our under standi ng of the Constitution in t he party's g uidi ng ide ology adva nci ng with t he times, consci ously li nk their own t hinki ng and practi ce, after careful st udy, read and carefully understa nd, thi nk, relate, a pply w hat they have le arne d. Not only r uns t hroug h the mass line of the party Constit ution t o learn t he new e ducational pra ctice all t he time, but also to harvest as a g ood starting point to lear n, study and work to do better in the fut ure, and strive to cre ate a new sit uation for school educati on contri bute their hank you very much. ----T he Constit ution Party rules a ddre ss the series really i s a qua lified party members earlier this yea r, all party members to the Central "serie s of party rules, an d addre ss of the party Constituti on, be qualified party members" learn e ducation i s an important decisi on. XI Jinpi ng, Secret ary Ge neral chaire d a Polit buro meeti ng in Febr uary, were dev oted to e ducational programmes a nd made a n important speech rece ntly personally approved spe cific pr ogrammes, many importa nt instructions. On A pril 6, 13t h, 15t h, the Central and aut onomous regional party Committee, the muni cipal party Committee hel d educati onal sym posi um, and related matters For specific deployment, w e hel d on March 4, Hongshan district party w orking Confere nce al so propose d to carry out thi s activity. All together t his forum to day, main pur pose is to st udy a nd impleme nt in depth General Secretary XI Jinping on "two" important instr ucti ons for lear ning e ducation, studying a nd impleme nting the Central a nd a utonomous region Party Committee and munici pal party Committee "two" spiritual education Symposium, arrangements for distri ct-wi de lear ning e ducation. The foll owing, I would like t o stress four poi nts, mainly talk a bout "learning" and "doi ng" issue, and strive to make pe opl e really figure out w hy, w hat to lear n and how they lear n, what to do, how to do it, eve ntually rea che d little succe ss, is a lso le ading a lesson in party le cture. After both leaders and the cadres, regardless of Bra nch Secretary or a n ordi nary party membe r, to impl ement certai n boundarie s education "give a Party lect ure" requireme nt, practi ce speaking, speak much fanfare, innovation way, dow n to Earth, e nsuring e ducati onal success. First, you know, pay spe cial attenti on to e ducation a nd t o resol utely overcome sl uggish t hinki ng, and boredom "two" study and educati on, possi bly quite a few comrades, saying "educati on every year, almost every year" fool fool , I feel that with this in mind who m ay be many. If carr ying this idea in mind, what doe s that tell, how the politi cal consciousness i s not strong a nd not see t he pulse of the situati on, no, the "Rip van Winkle", l ost or confused i n the e nd do not know what's g oing on. To realize "two a" lear ning

practice a ctivities a nd e ducation i s the e ducation of the party's mass line, "thre e-t hree" spe cial educati on wa s another important pra ctice i n impleme nting the re quireme nts of strictly a dministeri ng the part y. Comrade XI Jinpi ng pointed out: "the deployment of ' doing ' educati on, i s to pr omote the inner -party educati on from ' critical few ' their expansion into t he vast num ber of party members, extendi ng from the concentrated e ducation to regular e ducation. "After 18, Central Committee of the party must handle part y, strictly a dministeri ng the part y, and has carried out the party's mass li ne education pra ctice a nd" three -thre e "spe cial educati on, but focus on the l eadi ng cadre s abov e the county level. The "two" study a nd e ducation, is carrie d out in the w hol e party and all the party members. T his is im plemented strictly admi nistering the party, an important measur e to 2

②用人工捣实时,坍落度宜增加20~30m 。当工程需要获得较大的坍落度时,可在不改变混凝土的



表1.1.2混凝土的最大水灰比和最小水泥用量 混凝土结构所处的环

无筋混凝土 钢筋混凝土 最大水灰比 最小水泥用量 (kg/m3) 最大水灰比 最小水泥用量 (kg/m3) 温暖地区或寒冷地



0.60 250 0.55 275 严寒地区或使用除冰


055 275 0.50 300 受侵蚀性物质影响 0.45 300 0.40 325

注:① 本表中的水灰比,系指水与水泥(包括外掺混合材料)用量的比值。

②本表中的最小水泥用量,包括外掺混合材料。当采用人工捣实混凝土时,水泥用量应增加25kg/m 3。

当掺用外加剂且能有效地改善混凝土的和易性时,水泥用量可减少25kg/m 3。

③严寒地区系指冷月份平均气温≤-10℃且日平均温度在≤5℃的天数≥145d 的地区。

④混凝土的大水泥用量(包括代替部分水泥的混合材料)不宜超过500kg /m 3,大体积混凝土不宜超

过350kg /m 3。









土的总含碱量,对—般桥涵不宜大于3.0kg /m 3,对特殊大桥、大桥和重要桥梁不宜大于1.8kg /m 3;当



中时,其掺量应通过试验确定,用于代替部分水泥时的掺量不应大于现行国家标准《矿渣硅酸盐水泥、火山灰质硅酸盐水泥及粉煤灰 硅酸盐水泥》(GBl344)的规定。


通过0.315mm 筛孔的砂不应少于15%,砂率宜控制在40%~50%。小水泥用量280~300kg /m 3


送管径100~150mm)。混凝土拌和物的坍落度宜为80~180mm 。宜掺用适量的外加剂或混合材料。



2 选用合适的材料












confused. Flag of the CPC Ce ntral Committee and the Committee's requirement s into De partment's re que st, to a holistic a nd concerte d efforts, subject t o the overall situation. Se cond, ca dres a nd strive to play an exemplary r ole of party members a nd cadres of hardw orking a nd clean, empha sizes l ead, sh ift, led. Lea d is to a dhere to set a n example, to lea d by example, deal with t he relationship betwee n indivi duals and partie s, real lead r ole shift is in order to strengt hen the sense of responsi bility, creating a fighting for ce; lea d is to a dhere t o strict requirements, strict manageme nt and strict supe rvision. T hree catch ba sis and strive to e nha nce t he combat effectivene ss of t he party organizati on. T o a ccordi ng to Constituti on on grass-roots party of re quirement s, to impleme ntation g ood basi c system, for members for, regardle ss of party positi ons has more high, a dministrative terms ha more big, any w hen ar e to has Organizati on conce pt, active participate i n organi zation activities, consciously acce pt party of supervisi on; to do base d sex work , management g ood mem bers, service good mem bers, grass -roots party to using

members organization re ceive d turne d, and members t hought reported, a nd party of Confere nce a nd due s pay, opportunities, master members of ba sic sit uation, care members life. Four to focus and work har d to resolve. Comrades, t he above is w hat I give you g uida nce i n the new Constit ution. Hope every Member of the party to pa ss the t utor, dee pen our under standi ng of the Constitution in t he party's g uidi ng ide ology adva nci ng with t he times, consci ously li nk their own t hinki ng and practi ce, after careful st udy, read and carefully understa nd, thi nk, relate, a pply w hat they have le arne d. Not only r uns t hroug h the mass line of the party Constit ution t o learn t he new e ducational pra ctice all t he time, but also to harvest as a g ood starting point to lear n, study and work to do better in the fut ure, and strive to cre ate a new sit uation for school educati on contri bute their hank you very much. ----T he Constit ution Party rules a ddre ss the series really i s a qua lified party members earlier this yea r, all party members to the Central "serie s of party rules, an d addre ss of the party Constituti on, be qualified party members" learn e ducation i s an important decisi on. XI Jinpi ng, Secret ary Ge neral chaire d a Polit buro meeti ng in Febr uary, were dev oted to e ducational programmes a nd made a n important speech rece ntly personally approved spe cific pr ogrammes, many importa nt instructions. On A pril 6, 13t h, 15t h, the Central and aut onomous regional party Committee, the muni cipal party Committee hel d educati onal sym posi um, and related matters For specific deployment, w e hel d on March 4, Hongshan district party w orking Confere nce al so propose d to carry out thi s activity. All together t his forum to day, main pur pose is to st udy a nd impleme nt in depth General Secretary XI Jinping on "two" important instr ucti ons for lear ning e ducation, studying a nd impleme nting the Central a nd a utonomous region Party Committee and munici pal party Committee "two" spiritual education Symposium,

arrangements for distri ct-wi de lear ning e ducation. The foll owing, I would like t o stress four poi nts, mainly talk a bout "learning" and "doi ng" issue, and strive to make pe opl e really figure out w hy, w hat to lear n and how they lear n, what to do, how to do it, eve ntually rea che d little succe ss, is a lso le ading a lesson in party le cture. After both leaders and the cadres, regardless of Bra nch Secretary or a n ordi nary party membe r, to impl ement certai n boundarie s education "give a Party lect ure" requireme nt, practi ce speaking, speak much fanfare, innovation way, dow n to Earth, e nsuring e ducati onal success. First, you know, pay spe cial attenti on to e ducation a nd t o resol utely overcome sl uggish t hinki ng, and boredom "two" study and educati on, possi bly quite a few comrades, saying "educati on every year, almost every year" fool fool , I feel that with this in mind who m ay be many. If carr ying this idea in mind, what doe s that tell, how the politi cal consciousness i s not strong a nd not see t he pulse of the situati on, no, the "Rip van Winkle", l ost or confused i n the e nd do not know what's g oing on. To realize "two a" lear ning

practice a ctivities a nd e ducation i s the e ducation of the party's mass line, "thre e-t hree" spe cial educati on wa s another important pra ctice i n impleme nting the re quireme nts of strictly a dministeri ng the part y. Comrade XI Jinpi ng pointed out: "the deployment of ' doing ' educati on, i s to pr omote the inner -party educati on from ' critical few ' their expansion into t he vast num ber of party members, extendi ng from the concentrated e ducation to regular e ducation. "After 18, Central Committee of the party must handle part y, strictly a dministeri ng the part y, and has carried out the party's mass li ne education pra ctice a nd" three -thre e "spe cial educati on, but focus on the l eadi ng cadre s abov e the county level. The "two" study a nd e ducation, is carrie d out in the w hol e party and all the party members. T his is im plemented strictly admi nistering the party, an important measur e to 4



表1.2.2-3粗集料的技术要求 项目



≤C35 ≥C30 <C30 石料压碎指标(%)


≤12 — ≤16 — — ≤15 — ≤25 含泥量(按质量计)(%)

— — ≤1.0 ≤2.0 泥块含量(按质量计)(%)

— — ≤0.5 ≤0.7 小于2.5m 的颗粒含量(按

质量计)(%) ≤5 ≤5 ≤5 ≤5

注:①混凝土强度等级为60C 及以上时应进行岩石抗压强度检验,其他情况下,如有必要时也可进

行岩石的抗压强度检验。岩石的抗压强度与混凝土强度等级之比对于大于或等于30C 的混凝土,不应小

于2,其他不应小于1.5,且火成岩强度不宜低于80MPa ,变质岩不宜低于60MPa ,水成岩不宜低于30MPa 。岩石的抗压强度试验可按现行《公路工程石料试验规程》(JTJ054)执行。

②混凝土强度在 C10及以下时,针片状颗粒最含量可为40%。



品质指标 硫化物及硫酸盐折算SO (按质量计)不大

于(%) Ⅰ

卵石中有机物含量(用比色法试验) 颜色不应深于标准色,如深于标准色,则应








在溶液中循环次数 试验后质量损失不大于(%) 寒冷地区,经常处于干湿交替状

5 5 严寒地区,经常处于干湿交替状

5 3 混凝土处于干燥条件,但粗集料


5 12 混凝土处于干燥条件,但有抗疲



5 5 注:有抗冻、抗渗要求的混凝土用硫酸钠法进行坚固性试验不合格时,可再进行直接冻融试验。












细度模量 3.7~3.1 3.0~2.3 2.2~1.6 注:细度模数主要反映全部颗粒的粗细程度,不完全反映颗粒的级配情况,混凝土配制时应同时考虑砂的细度模数和级配情况。









10.00 0 0 0 0.63 85~74 70~41 40~16

5.00 10~0 10~0 10~0 0.315 95~80 92~70 85~55

2.50 35~5 25~0 15~0 0.16 100~90 100~90 100~90

1.25 65~35 50~10 25~0


confused. Flag of the CPC Ce ntral Committee and the Committee's requirement s into De partment's re que st, to a holistic a nd concerte d efforts, subject t o the overall situation. Se cond, ca dres a nd strive to play an exemplary r ole of party members a nd cadres of hardw orking a nd clean, empha sizes l ead, sh ift, led. Lea d is to a dhere to set a n example, to lea d by example, deal with t he relationship betwee n indivi duals and partie s, real lead r ole shift is in order to strengt hen the sense of responsi bility, creating a fighting for ce; lea d is to a dhere t o strict requirements, strict manageme nt and strict supe rvision. T hree catch ba sis and strive to e nha nce t he combat effectivene ss of t he party organizati on. T o a ccordi ng to Constituti on on grass-roots party of re quirement s, to impleme ntation g ood basi c system, for members for, regardle ss of party positi ons has more high, a dministrative terms ha more big, any w hen ar e to has Organizati on conce pt, active participate i n organi zation activities, consciously acce pt party of supervisi on; to do base d sex work , management g ood mem bers, service good mem bers, grass -roots party to using

members organization re ceive d turne d, and members t hought reported, a nd party of Confere nce a nd due s pay, opportunities, master members of ba sic sit uation, care members life. Four to focus and work har d to resolve. Comrades, t he above is w hat I give you g uida nce i n the new Constit ution. Hope every Member of the party to pa ss the t utor, dee pen our under standi ng of the Constitution in t he party's g uidi ng ide ology adva nci ng with t he times, consci ously li nk their own t hinki ng and practi ce, after careful st udy, read and carefully understa nd, thi nk, relate, a pply w hat they have le arne d. Not only r uns t hroug h the mass line of the party Constit ution t o learn t he new e ducational pra ctice all t he time, but also to harvest as a g ood starting point to lear n, study and work to do better in the fut ure, and strive to cre ate a new sit uation for school educati on contri bute their hank you very much. ----T he Constit ution Party rules a ddre ss the series really i s a qua lified party members earlier this yea r, all party members to the Central "serie s of party rules, an d addre ss of the party Constituti on, be qualified party members" learn e ducation i s an important decisi on. XI Jinpi ng, Secret ary Ge neral chaire d a Polit buro meeti ng in Febr uary, were dev oted to e ducational programmes a nd made a n important speech rece ntly personally approved spe cific pr ogrammes, many importa nt instructions. On A pril 6, 13t h, 15t h, the Central and aut onomous regional party Committee, the muni cipal party Committee hel d educati onal sym posi um, and related matters For specific deployment, w e hel d on March 4, Hongshan district party w orking Confere nce al so propose d to carry out thi s activity. All together t his forum to day, main pur pose is to st udy a nd impleme nt in depth General Secretary XI Jinping on "two" important instr ucti ons for lear ning e ducation, studying a nd impleme nting the Central a nd a utonomous region Party Committee and munici pal party Committee "two" spiritual education Symposium,

arrangements for distri ct-wi de lear ning e ducation. The foll owing, I would like t o stress four poi nts, mainly talk a bout "learning" and "doi ng" issue, and strive to make pe opl e really figure out w hy, w hat to lear n and how they lear n, what to do, how to do it, eve ntually rea che d little succe ss, is a lso le ading a lesson in party le cture. After both leaders and the cadres, regardless of Bra nch Secretary or a n ordi nary party membe r, to impl ement certai n boundarie s education "give a Party lect ure" requireme nt, practi ce speaking, speak much fanfare, innovation way, dow n to Earth, e nsuring e ducati onal success. First, you know, pay spe cial attenti on to e ducation a nd t o resol utely overcome sl uggish t hinki ng, and boredom "two" study and educati on, possi bly quite a few comrades, saying "educati on every year, almost every year" fool fool , I feel that with this in mind who m ay be many. If carr ying this idea in mind, what doe s that tell, how the politi cal consciousness i s not strong a nd not see t he pulse of the situati on, no, the "Rip van Winkle", l ost or confused i n the e nd do not know what's g oing on. To realize "two a" lear ning

practice a ctivities a nd e ducation i s the e ducation of the party's mass line, "thre e-t hree" spe cial educati on wa s another important pra ctice i n impleme nting the re quireme nts of strictly a dministeri ng the part y. Comrade XI Jinpi ng pointed out: "the deployment of ' doing ' educati on, i s to pr omote the inner -party educati on from ' critical few ' their expansion into t he vast num ber of party members, extendi ng from the concentrated e ducation to regular e ducation. "After 18, Central Committee of the party must handle part y, strictly a dministeri ng the part y, and has carried out the party's mass li ne education pra ctice a nd" three -thre e "spe cial educati on, but focus on the l eadi ng cadre s abov e the county level. The "two" study a nd e ducation, is carrie d out in the w hol e party and all the party members. T his is im plemented strictly admi nistering the party, an important measur e to 6

②I 区砂宜提高砂率以配低流动性混凝土;Ⅱ区砂宜优先选用以配不同等级的混凝土;Ⅲ区砂宜适


③对于高强泵送混凝土用砂宜选用中砂,细度模数为2.9~2.6。2.5mm 筛孔的累计筛余量不得大

于15%,0.315mm 筛孔的累计筛余量宜在85%~92%范围内。




表1.2.3-3砂的坚固性指标 混凝土所处的环境条件

循环后的质量损失 在寒冷地区室外使用、并经常处于潮湿或干燥交替状态下的混凝

≤8 在其他条件下使用的混凝土 ≤12

注:①寒冷地区系指最冷月份的月平均温度为 0~-10℃且日平均温度≤5℃的天数不超过145d




下结 构混凝土用砂,其循环后的质量损失率应小于8%。

表1.2.3-4砂中杂质的最大含量 项目

≥30C 的混凝土 <30C 的混凝土 含砂量(%)

≤3 ≤5 其中泥块含量(%)

≤1.0 ≤2.0


<2 轻物质含量(%)

<1 硫化物及硫酸盐折算为Sq (%)

<1 有机质含量(用比色法试验) 颜色不应该深于标准色,如深于水泥砂浆进行抗压强

度对比试验,加以复核 注:①对有抗冻、抗渗或其他特殊要求的混凝土用砂,总含泥量应不大于3%,其中泥块含量应不




















confused. Flag of the CPC Ce ntral Committee and the Committee's requirement s into De partment's re que st, to a holistic a nd concerte d efforts, subject t o the overall situation. Se cond, ca dres a nd strive to play an exemplary r ole of party members a nd cadres of hardw orking a nd clean, empha sizes l ead, sh ift, led. Lea d is to a dhere to set a n example, to lea d by example, deal with t he relationship betwee n indivi duals and partie s, real lead r ole shift is in order to strengt hen the sense of responsi bility, creating a fighting for ce; lea d is to a dhere t o strict requirements, strict manageme nt and strict supe rvision. T hree catch ba sis and strive to e nha nce t he combat effectivene ss of t he party organizati on. T o a ccordi ng to Constituti on on grass-roots party of re quirement s, to impleme ntation g ood basi c system, for members for, regardle ss of party positi ons has more high, a dministrative terms ha more big, any w hen ar e to has Organizati on conce pt, active participate i n organi zation activities, consciously acce pt party of supervisi on; to do base d sex work , management g ood mem bers, service good mem bers, grass -roots party to using

members organization re ceive d turne d, and members t hought reported, a nd party of Confere nce a nd due s pay, opportunities, master members of ba sic sit uation, care members life. Four to focus and work har d to resolve. Comrades, t he above is w hat I give you g uida nce i n the new Constit ution. Hope every Member of the party to pa ss the t utor, dee pen our under standi ng of the Constitution in t he party's g uidi ng ide ology adva nci ng with t he times, consci ously li nk their own t hinki ng and practi ce, after careful st udy, read and carefully understa nd, thi nk, relate, a pply w hat they have le arne d. Not only r uns t hroug h the mass line of the party Constit ution t o learn t he new e ducational pra ctice all t he time, but also to harvest as a g ood starting point to lear n, study and work to do better in the fut ure, and strive to cre ate a new sit uation for school educati on contri bute their hank you very much. ----T he Constit ution Party rules a ddre ss the series really i s a qua lified party members earlier this yea r, all party members to the Central "serie s of party rules, an d addre ss of the party Constituti on, be qualified party members" learn e ducation i s an important decisi on. XI Jinpi ng, Secret ary Ge neral chaire d a Polit buro meeti ng in Febr uary, were dev oted to e ducational programmes a nd made a n important speech rece ntly personally approved spe cific pr ogrammes, many importa nt instructions. On A pril 6, 13t h, 15t h, the Central and aut onomous regional party Committee, the muni cipal party Committee hel d educati onal sym posi um, and related matters For specific deployment, w e hel d on March 4, Hongshan district party w orking Confere nce al so propose d to carry out thi s activity. All together t his forum to day, main pur pose is to st udy a nd impleme nt in depth General Secretary XI Jinping on "two" important instr ucti ons for lear ning e ducation, studying a nd impleme nting the Central a nd a utonomous region Party Committee and munici pal party Committee "two" spiritual education Symposium,

arrangements for distri ct-wi de lear ning e ducation. The foll owing, I would like t o stress four poi nts, mainly talk a bout "learning" and "doi ng" issue, and strive to make pe opl e really figure out w hy, w hat to lear n and how they lear n, what to do, how to do it, eve ntually rea che d little succe ss, is a lso le ading a lesson in party le cture. After both leaders and the cadres, regardless of Bra nch Secretary or a n ordi nary party membe r, to impl ement certai n boundarie s education "give a Party lect ure" requireme nt, practi ce speaking, speak much fanfare, innovation way, dow n to Earth, e nsuring e ducati onal success. First, you know, pay spe cial attenti on to e ducation a nd t o resol utely overcome sl uggish t hinki ng, and boredom "two" study and educati on, possi bly quite a few comrades, saying "educati on every year, almost every year" fool fool , I feel that with this in mind who m ay be many. If carr ying this idea in mind, what doe s that tell, how the politi cal consciousness i s not strong a nd not see t he pulse of the situati on, no, the "Rip van Winkle", l ost or confused i n the e nd do not know what's g oing on. To realize "two a" lear ning

practice a ctivities a nd e ducation i s the e ducation of the party's mass line, "thre e-t hree" spe cial educati on wa s another important pra ctice i n impleme nting the re quireme nts of strictly a dministeri ng the part y. Comrade XI Jinpi ng pointed out: "the deployment of ' doing ' educati on, i s to pr omote the inner -party educati on from ' critical few ' their expansion into t he vast num ber of party members, extendi ng from the concentrated e ducation to regular e ducation. "After 18, Central Committee of the party must handle part y, strictly a dministeri ng the part y, and has carried out the party's mass li ne education pra ctice a nd" three -thre e "spe cial educati on, but focus on the l eadi ng cadre s abov e the county level. The "two" study a nd e ducation, is carrie d out in the w hol e party and all the party members. T his is im plemented strictly admi nistering the party, an important measur e to 8






σ?+=645.1..k cu o cu f f

②确定水灰比 ()ce b a o cu ce a f f f C W


③确定水泥用量 ()C W M M wo CO =

④计算砂率 ⑤确定砂石用量 101.0=+++w wo g go c co M M M ;%

100so s s ?+=go o M M M β








材料类别 允许偏差(%)

现场拌制 预制场或集中搅拌站拌制

水泥、混合材料 ±2

±1 粗、细骨料 ±3

±2 水、外加剂

±1 ±1 放人拌和机内的第一盘混凝土材料应含有适量的水泥、砂和水,以覆盖拌和筒的内壁






<30 30~70 >70 混凝土最短搅拌时间(min)


≤400 2.0 1.5 1.0 ≤800 2.5 2.0 1.5 ≤1200 2.5 1.5


≤400 1.5 1.0 1.0 ≤1500 2.5 1.5 1.5



















confused. Flag of the CPC Ce ntral Committee and the Committee's requirement s into De partment's re que st, to a holistic a nd concerte d efforts, subject t o the overall situation. Se cond, ca dres a nd strive to play an exemplary r ole of party members a nd cadres of hardw orking a nd clean, empha sizes l ead, sh ift, led. Lea d is to a dhere to set a n example, to lea d by example, deal with t he relationship betwee n indivi duals and partie s, real lead r ole shift is in order to strengt hen the sense of responsi bility, creating a fighting for ce; lea d is to a dhere t o strict requirements, strict manageme nt and strict supe rvision. T hree catch ba sis and strive to e nha nce t he combat effectivene ss of t he party organizati on. T o a ccordi ng to Constituti on on grass-roots party of re quirement s, to impleme ntation g ood basi c system, for members for, regardle ss of party positi ons has more high, a dministrative terms ha more big, any w hen ar e to has Organizati on conce pt, active participate i n organi zation activities, consciously acce pt party of supervisi on; to do base d sex work, management g ood mem bers, service good mem bers, grass-roots party to using members organization re ceive d turne d, and members t hought reported, a nd party of Confere nce a nd due s pay, opportunities, master members of ba sic sit uation, care members life. Four to focus and work har d to resolve. Comrades, t he above is w hat I give you g uida nce i n the new Constit ution. Hope every Member of the party to pa ss the t utor, dee pen our under standi ng of the Constitution in t he party's g uidi ng ide ology adva nci ng with t he times, consci ously li nk their own t hinki ng and practi ce, after careful st udy, read and carefully understa nd, thi nk, relate, a pply w hat they have le arne d. Not only r uns t hroug h the mass line of the party Constit ution t o learn t he new e ducational pra ctice all t he time, but also to harvest as a g ood starting point to lear n, study and work to do better in the fut ure, and strive to cre ate a new sit uation for school educati on contri bute their












20~30 30 60

10~19 45 75

5~9 60 90







hank you very much. ----T he Constit ution Party rules a ddre ss the series really i s a qua lified party members earlier this yea r, all party members to the Central "serie s of party rules, an d addre ss of the party Constituti on, be qualified party members" learn e ducation i s an important decisi on. XI Jinpi ng, Secret ary Ge neral chaire d a Polit buro meeti ng in Febr uary, were dev oted to e ducational programmes a nd made a n important speech rece ntly personally approved spe cific pr ogrammes, many importa nt instructions. On A pril 6, 13t h, 15t h, the Central and aut onomous regional party Committee, the muni cipal party Committee hel d educati onal sym posi um, and related matters For specific deployment, w e hel d on March 4, Hongshan district party w orking Confere nce al so propose d to carry out thi s activity. All together t his forum to day, main pur pose is to st udy a nd impleme nt in depth General Secretary XI Jinping on "two" important instr ucti ons for lear ning e ducation, studying a nd impleme nting the Central a nd a utonomous region Party Committee and munici pal party Committee "two" spiritual education Symposium, arrangements for distri ct-wi de lear ning e ducation. The foll owing, I would like t o stress four poi nts, mainly talk a bout "learning" and "doi ng" issue, and strive to make pe opl e really figure out w hy, w hat to lear n and how they lear n, what to do, how to do it, eve ntually rea che d little succe ss, is a lso le ading a lesson in party le cture. After both leaders and the cadres, regardless of Bra nch Secretary or a n ordi nary party membe r, to impl ement certai n boundarie s education "give a Party lect ure" requireme nt, practi ce speaking, speak much fanfare, innovation way, dow n to Earth, e nsuring e ducati onal success. First, you know, pay spe cial attenti on to e ducation a nd t o resol utely overcome sl uggish t hinki ng, and boredom "two" study and educati on, possi bly quite a few comrades, saying "educati on every year, almost every year" fool fool, I feel that with this in mind who m ay be many. If carr ying this idea in mind, what doe s that tell, how the politi cal consciousness i s not strong a nd not see t he pulse of the situati on, no, the "Rip van Winkle", l ost or confused i n the e nd do not know what's g oing on. To realize "two a" lear ning

practice a ctivities a nd e ducation i s the e ducation of the party's mass line, "thre e-t hree" spe cial educati on wa s another important pra ctice i n impleme nting the re quireme nts of strictly a dministeri ng the part y. Comrade XI Jinpi ng pointed out: "the deployment of ' doing ' educati on, i s to pr omote the inner-party educati on from ' critical few ' their expansion into t he vast num ber of party members, extendi ng from the concentrated e ducation to regular e ducation. "After 18, Central Committee of the party must handle part y, strictly a dministeri ng the part y, and has carried out the party's mass li ne education pra ctice a nd" three-thre e "spe cial educati on, but focus on the l eadi ng cadre s abov e the county level. The "two" study a nd e ducation, is carrie d out in the w hol e party and all the party members. T his is im plemented strictly admi nistering the party, an important measur e to10










<40 18 12

40~80 15 10










confused. Flag of the CPC Ce ntral Committee and the Committee's requirement s into De partment's re que st, to a holistic a nd concerte d efforts, subject t o the overall situation. Se cond, ca dres a nd strive to play an exemplary r ole of party members a nd cadres of hardw orking a nd clean, empha sizes l ead, sh ift, led. Lea d is to a dhere to set a n example, to lea d by example, deal with t he relationship betwee n indivi duals and partie s, real lead r ole shift is in order to strengt hen the sense of responsi bility, creating a fighting for ce; lea d is to a dhere t o strict requirements, strict manageme nt and strict supe rvision. T hree catch ba sis and strive to e nha nce t he combat effectivene ss of t he party organizati on. T o a ccordi ng to Constituti on on grass-roots party of re quirement s, to impleme ntation g ood basi c system, for members for, regardle ss of party positi ons has more high, a dministrative terms ha more big, any w hen ar e to has Organizati on conce pt, active participate i n organi zation activities, consciously acce pt party of supervisi on; to do base d sex work, management g ood mem bers, service good mem bers, grass-roots party to using members organization re ceive d turne d, and members t hought reported, a nd party of Confere nce a nd due s pay, opportunities, master members of ba sic sit uation, care members life. Four to focus and work har d to resolve. Comrades, t he above is w hat I give you g uida nce i n the new Constit ution. Hope every Member of the party to pa ss the t utor, dee pen our under standi ng of the Constitution in t he party's g uidi ng ide ology adva nci ng with t he times, consci ously li nk their own t hinki ng and practi ce, after careful st udy, read and carefully understa nd, thi nk, relate, a pply w hat they have le arne d. Not only r uns t hroug h the mass line of the party Constit ution t o learn t he new e ducational pra ctice all t he time, but also to harvest as a g ood starting point to lear n, study and work to do better in the fut ure, and strive to cre ate a new sit uation for school educati on contri bute their
















≤C30210 180

>C30 180 150




hank you very much. ----T he Constit ution Party rules a ddre ss the series really i s a qua lified party members earlier this yea r, all party members to the Central "serie s of party rules, an d addre ss of the party Constituti on, be qualified party members" learn e ducation i s an important decisi on. XI Jinpi ng, Secret ary Ge neral chaire d a Polit buro meeti ng in Febr uary, were dev oted to e ducational programmes a nd made a n important speech rece ntly personally approved spe cific pr ogrammes, many importa nt instructions. On A pril 6, 13t h, 15t h, the Central and aut onomous regional party Committee, the muni cipal party Committee hel d educati onal sym posi um, and related matters For specific deployment, w e hel d on March 4, Hongshan district party w orking Confere nce al so propose d to carry out thi s activity. All together t his forum to day, main pur pose is to st udy a nd impleme nt in depth General Secretary XI Jinping on "two" important instr ucti ons for lear ning e ducation, studying a nd impleme nting the Central a nd a utonomous region Party Committee and munici pal party Committee "two" spiritual education Symposium,

arrangements for distri ct-wi de lear ning e ducation. The foll owing, I would like t o stress four poi nts, mainly talk a bout "learning" and "doi ng" issue, and strive to make pe opl e really figure out w hy, w hat to lear n and how they lear n, what to do, how to do it, eve ntually rea che d little succe ss, is a lso le ading a lesson in party le cture. After both leaders and the cadres, regardless of Bra nch Secretary or a n ordi nary party membe r, to impl ement certai n boundarie s education "give a Party lect ure" requireme nt, practi ce speaking, speak much fanfare, innovation way, dow n to Earth, e nsuring e ducati onal success. First, you know, pay spe cial attenti on to e ducation a nd t o resol utely overcome sl uggish t hinki ng, and boredom "two" study and educati on, possi bly quite a few comrades, saying "educati on every year, almost every year" fool fool, I feel that with this in mind who m ay be many. If carr ying this idea in mind, what doe s that tell, how the politi cal consciousness i s not strong a nd not see t he pulse of the situati on, no, the "Rip van Winkle", l ost or confused i n the e nd do not know what's g oing on. To realize "two a" lear ning practice a ctivities a nd e ducation i s the e ducation of the party's mass line, "thre e-t hree" spe cial educati on wa s another important pra ctice i n impleme nting the re quireme nts of strictly a dministeri ng the part y. Comrade XI Jinpi ng pointed out: "the deployment of ' doing ' educati on, i s to pr omote the inner-party educati on from ' critical few ' their expansion into t he vast num ber of party members, extendi ng from the concentrated e ducation to regular e ducation. "After 18, Central Committee of the party must handle part y, strictly a dministeri ng the part y, and has carried out the party's mass li ne education pra ctice a nd" three-thre e "spe cial educati on, but focus on the l eadi ng cadre s abov e the county level. The "two" study a nd e ducation, is carrie d out in the w hol e party and all the party members. T his is im plemented strictly admi nistering the party, an important measur e to12








②基面为岩石时,应加以润湿,铺一层厚20~30mm 的水泥砂浆,然后于水泥砂浆凝结前浇筑第一层混凝土。














confused. Flag of the CPC Ce ntral Committee and the Committee's requirement s into De partment's re que st, to a holistic a nd concerte d efforts, subject t o the overall situation. Se cond, ca dres a nd strive to play an exemplary r ole of party members a nd cadres of hardw orking a nd clean, empha sizes l ead, sh ift, led. Lea d is to a dhere to set a n example, to lea d by example, deal with t he relationship betwee n indivi duals and partie s, real lead r ole shift is in order to strengt hen the sense of responsi bility, creating a fighting for ce; lea d is to a dhere t o strict requirements, strict manageme nt and strict supe rvision. T hree catch ba sis and strive to e nha nce t he combat effectivene ss of t he party organizati on. T o a ccordi ng to Constituti on on grass-roots party of re quirement s, to impleme ntation g ood basi c system, for members for, regardle ss of party positi ons has more high, a dministrative terms ha more big, any w hen ar e to has Organizati on conce pt, active participate i n organi zation activities, consciously acce pt party of supervisi on; to do base d sex work, management g ood mem bers, service good mem bers, grass-roots party to using members organization re ceive d turne d, and members t hought reported, a nd party of Confere nce a nd due s pay, opportunities, master members of ba sic sit uation, care members life. Four to focus and work har d to resolve. Comrades, t he above is w hat I give you g uida nce i n the new Constit ution. Hope every Member of the party to pa ss the t utor, dee pen our under standi ng of the Constitution in t he party's g uidi ng ide ology adva nci ng with t he times, consci ously li nk their own t hinki ng and practi ce, after careful st udy, read and carefully understa nd, thi nk, relate, a pply w hat they have le arne d. Not only r uns t hroug h the mass line of the party Constit ution t o learn t he new e ducational pra ctice all t he time, but also to harvest as a g ood starting point to lear n, study and work to do better in the fut ure, and strive to cre ate a new sit uation for school educati on contri bute their (5)在滑升中须防止千斤顶或油管接头在混凝土或钢筋处漏油。




















hank you very much. ----T he Constit ution Party rules a ddre ss the series really i s a qua lified party members earlier this yea r, all party members to the Central "serie s of party rules, an d addre ss of the party Constituti on, be qualified party members" learn e ducation i s an important decisi on. XI Jinpi ng, Secret ary Ge neral chaire d a Polit buro meeti ng in Febr uary, were dev oted to e ducational programmes a nd made a n important speech rece ntly personally approved spe cific pr ogrammes, many importa nt instructions. On A pril 6, 13t h, 15t h, the Central and aut onomous regional party Committee, the muni cipal party Committee hel d educati onal sym posi um, and related matters For specific deployment, w e hel d on March 4, Hongshan district party w orking Confere nce al so propose d to carry out thi s activity. All together t his forum to day, main pur pose is to st udy a nd impleme nt in depth General Secretary XI Jinping on "two" important instr ucti ons for lear ning e ducation, studying a nd impleme nting the Central a nd a utonomous region Party Committee and munici pal party Committee "two" spiritual education Symposium,

arrangements for distri ct-wi de lear ning e ducation. The foll owing, I would like t o stress four poi nts, mainly talk a bout "learning" and "doi ng" issue, and strive to make pe opl e really figure out w hy, w hat to lear n and how they lear n, what to do, how to do it, eve ntually rea che d little succe ss, is a lso le ading a lesson in party le cture. After both leaders and the cadres, regardless of Bra nch Secretary or a n ordi nary party membe r, to impl ement certai n boundarie s education "give a Party lect ure" requireme nt, practi ce speaking, speak much fanfare, innovation way, dow n to Earth, e nsuring e ducati onal success. First, you know, pay spe cial attenti on to e ducation a nd t o resol utely overcome sl uggish t hinki ng, and boredom "two" study and educati on, possi bly quite a few comrades, saying "educati on every year, almost every year" fool fool, I feel that with this in mind who m ay be many. If carr ying this idea in mind, what doe s that tell, how the politi cal consciousness i s not strong a nd not see t he pulse of the situati on, no, the "Rip van Winkle", l ost or confused i n the e nd do not know what's g oing on. To realize "two a" lear ning practice a ctivities a nd e ducation i s the e ducation of the party's mass line, "thre e-t hree" spe cial educati on wa s another important pra ctice i n impleme nting the re quireme nts of strictly a dministeri ng the part y. Comrade XI Jinpi ng pointed out: "the deployment of ' doing ' educati on, i s to pr omote the inner-party educati on from ' critical few ' their expansion into t he vast num ber of party members, extendi ng from the concentrated e ducation to regular e ducation. "After 18, Central Committee of the party must handle part y, strictly a dministeri ng the part y, and has carried out the party's mass li ne education pra ctice a nd" three-thre e "spe cial educati on, but focus on the l eadi ng cadre s abov e the county level. The "two" study a nd e ducation, is carrie d out in the w hol e party and all the party members. T his is im plemented strictly admi nistering the party, an important measur e to14















confused. Flag of the CPC Ce ntral Committee and the Committee's requirement s into De partment's re que st, to a holistic a nd concerte d efforts, subject t o the overall situation. Se cond, ca dres a nd strive to play an exemplary r ole of party members a nd cadres of hardw orking a nd clean, empha sizes l ead, sh ift, led. Lea d is to a dhere to set a n example, to lea d by example, deal with t he relationship betwee n indivi duals and partie s, real lead r ole shift is in order to strengt hen the sense of responsi bility, creating a fighting for ce; lea d is to a dhere t o strict requirements, strict manageme nt and strict supe rvision. T hree catch ba sis and strive to e nha nce t he combat effectivene ss of t he party organizati on. T o a ccordi ng to Constituti on on grass-roots party of re quirement s, to impleme ntation g ood basi c system, for members for, regardle ss of party positi ons has more high, a dministrative terms ha more big, any w hen ar e to has Organizati on conce pt, active participate i n organi zation activities, consciously acce pt party of supervisi on; to do base d sex work, management g ood mem bers, service good mem bers, grass-roots party to using members organization re ceive d turne d, and members t hought reported, a nd party of Confere nce a nd due s pay, opportunities, master members of ba sic sit uation, care members life. Four to focus and work har d to resolve. Comrades, t he above is w hat I give you g uida nce i n the new Constit ution. Hope every Member of the party to pa ss the t utor, dee pen our under standi ng of the Constitution in t he party's g uidi ng ide ology adva nci ng with t he times, consci ously li nk their own t hinki ng and practi ce, after careful st udy, read and carefully understa nd, thi nk, relate, a pply w hat they have le arne d. Not only r uns t hroug h the mass line of the party Constit ution t o learn t he new e ducational pra ctice all t he time, but also to harvest as a g ood starting point to lear n, study and work to do better in the fut ure, and strive to cre ate a new sit uation for school educati on contri bute their
















hank you very much. ----T he Constit ution Party rules a ddre ss the series really i s a qua lified party members earlier this yea r, all party members to the Central "serie s of party rules, an d addre ss of the party Constituti on, be qualified party members" learn e ducation i s an important decisi on. XI Jinpi ng, Secret ary Ge neral chaire d a Polit buro meeti ng in Febr uary, were dev oted to e ducational programmes a nd made a n important speech rece ntly personally approved spe cific pr ogrammes, many importa nt instructions. On A pril 6, 13t h, 15t h, the Central and aut onomous regional party Committee, the muni cipal party Committee hel d educati onal sym posi um, and related matters For specific deployment, w e hel d on March 4, Hongshan district party w orking Confere nce al so propose d to carry out thi s activity. All together t his forum to day, main pur pose is to st udy a nd impleme nt in depth General Secretary XI Jinping on "two" important instr ucti ons for lear ning e ducation, studying a nd impleme nting the Central a nd a utonomous region Party Committee and munici pal party Committee "two" spiritual education Symposium,

arrangements for distri ct-wi de lear ning e ducation. The foll owing, I would like t o stress four poi nts, mainly talk a bout "learning" and "doi ng" issue, and strive to make pe opl e really figure out w hy, w hat to lear n and how they lear n, what to do, how to do it, eve ntually rea che d little succe ss, is a lso le ading a lesson in party le cture. After both leaders and the cadres, regardless of Bra nch Secretary or a n ordi nary party membe r, to impl ement certai n boundarie s education "give a Party lect ure" requireme nt, practi ce speaking, speak much fanfare, innovation way, dow n to Earth, e nsuring e ducati onal success. First, you know, pay spe cial attenti on to e ducation a nd t o resol utely overcome sl uggish t hinki ng, and boredom "two" study and educati on, possi bly quite a few comrades, saying "educati on every year, almost every year" fool fool, I feel that with this in mind who m ay be many. If carr ying this idea in mind, what doe s that tell, how the politi cal consciousness i s not strong a nd not see t he pulse of the situati on, no, the "Rip van Winkle", l ost or confused i n the e nd do not know what's g oing on. To realize "two a" lear ning practice a ctivities a nd e ducation i s the e ducation of the party's mass line, "thre e-t hree" spe cial educati on wa s another important pra ctice i n impleme nting the re quireme nts of strictly a dministeri ng the part y. Comrade XI Jinpi ng pointed out: "the deployment of ' doing ' educati on, i s to pr omote the inner-party educati on from ' critical few ' their expansion into t he vast num ber of party members, extendi ng from the concentrated e ducation to regular e ducation. "After 18, Central Committee of the party must handle part y, strictly a dministeri ng the part y, and has carried out the party's mass li ne education pra ctice a nd" three-thre e "spe cial educati on, but focus on the l eadi ng cadre s abov e the county level. The "two" study a nd e ducation, is carrie d out in the w hol e party and all the party members. T his is im plemented strictly admi nistering the party, an important measur e to16














confused. Flag of the CPC Ce ntral Committee and the Committee's requirement s into De partment's re que st, to a holistic a nd concerte d efforts, subject t o the overall situation. Se cond, ca dres a nd strive to play an exemplary r ole of party members a nd cadres of hardw orking a nd clean, empha sizes l ead, sh ift, led. Lea d is to a dhere to set a n example, to lea d by example, deal with t he relationship betwee n indivi duals and partie s, real lead r ole shift is in order to strengt hen the sense of responsi bility, creating a fighting for ce; lea d is to a dhere t o strict requirements, strict manageme nt and strict supe rvision. T hree catch ba sis and strive to e nha nce t he combat effectivene ss of t he party organizati on. T o a ccordi ng to Constituti on on grass-roots party of re quirement s, to impleme ntation g ood basi c system, for members for, regardle ss of party positi ons has more high, a dministrative terms ha more big, any w hen ar e to has Organizati on conce pt, active participate i n organi zation activities, consciously acce pt party of supervisi on; to do base d sex work , management g ood mem bers, service good mem bers, grass -roots party to using

members organization re ceive d turne d, and members t hought reported, a nd party of Confere nce a nd due s pay, opportunities, master members of ba sic sit uation, care members life. Four to focus and work har d to resolve. Comrades, t he above is w hat I give you g uida nce i n the new Constit ution. Hope every Member of the party to pa ss the t utor, dee pen our under standi ng of the Constitution in t he party's g uidi ng ide ology adva nci ng with t he times, consci ously li nk their own t hinki ng and practi ce, after careful st udy, read and carefully understa nd, thi nk, relate, a pply w hat they have le arne d. Not only r uns t hroug h the mass line of the party Constit ution t o learn t he new e ducational pra ctice all t he time, but also to harvest as a g ood starting point to lear n, study and work to do better in the fut ure, and strive to cre ate a new sit uation for school educati on contri bute their hank you very much. ----T he Constit ution Party rules a ddre ss the series really i s a qua lified party members earlier this yea r, all party members to the Central "serie s of party rules, an d addre ss of the party Constituti on, be qualified party members" learn e ducation i s an important decisi on. XI Jinpi ng, Secret ary Ge neral chaire d a Polit buro meeti ng in Febr uary, were dev oted to e ducational programmes a nd made a n important speech rece ntly personally approved spe cific pr ogrammes, many importa nt instructions. On A pril 6, 13t h, 15t h, the Central and aut onomous regional party Committee, the muni cipal party Committee hel d educati onal sym posi um, and related matters For specific deployment, w e hel d on March 4, Hongshan district party w orking Confere nce al so propose d to carry out thi s activity. All together t his forum to day, main pur pose is to st udy a nd impleme nt in depth General Secretary XI Jinping on "two" important instr ucti ons for lear ning e ducation, studying a nd impleme nting the Central a nd a utonomous region Party Committee and munici pal party Committee "two" spiritual education Symposium,

arrangements for distri ct-wi de lear ning e ducation. The foll owing, I would like t o stress four poi nts, mainly talk a bout "learning" and "doi ng" issue, and strive to make pe opl e really figure out w hy, w hat to lear n and how they lear n, what to do, how to do it, eve ntually rea che d little succe ss, is a lso le ading a lesson in party le cture. After both leaders and the cadres, regardless of Bra nch Secretary or a n ordi nary party membe r, to impl ement certai n boundarie s education "give a Party lect ure" requireme nt, practi ce speaking, speak much fanfare, innovation way, dow n to Earth, e nsuring e ducati onal success. First, you know, pay spe cial attenti on to e ducation a nd t o resol utely overcome sl uggish t hinki ng, and boredom "two" study and educati on, possi bly quite a few comrades, saying "educati on every year, almost every year" fool fool , I feel that with this in mind who m ay be many. If carr ying this idea in mind, what doe s that tell, how the politi cal consciousness i s not strong a nd not see t he pulse of the situati on, no, the "Rip van Winkle", l ost or confused i n the e nd do not know what's g oing on. To realize "two a" lear ning

practice a ctivities a nd e ducation i s the e ducation of the party's mass line, "thre e-t hree" spe cial educati on wa s another important pra ctice i n impleme nting the re quireme nts of strictly a dministeri ng the part y. Comrade XI Jinpi ng pointed out: "the deployment of ' doing ' educati on, i s to pr omote the inner -party educati on from ' critical few ' their expansion into t he vast num ber of party members, extendi ng from the concentrated e ducation to regular e ducation. "After 18, Central Committee of the party must handle part y, strictly a dministeri ng the part y, and has carried out the party's mass li ne education pra ctice a nd" three -thre e "spe cial educati on, but focus on the l eadi ng cadre s abov e the county level. The "two" study a nd e ducation, is carrie d out in the w hol e party and all the party members. T his is im plemented strictly admi nistering the party, an important measur e to 18

①简易临时性混凝土标准养护室,采用以下措施:a 、多洒水,若用温度较低的地下水

更佳;b 、用排风扇强制通风,排出热气。养护室顶部在室外的,距顶部约30cm ~50cm 处,加防晒隔层,防止太阳直晒养护室顶部。防晒层采用木板、瓦楞板、席子等均可,且不必










②取出试件,检查其尺寸及形状,相对两面应平行。量出棱边长度,精确至lmm 。试




④强度等级小于30C 的混凝土取0.3MPa/s~0.5MPa/s 的加荷速度;强度等级大于30C 小

于60C 时,则取0.5MPa/s~0.8MPa/s 的加荷速度;强度等级大于60C 的混凝土取

0.8MPa/s~1.0MPa/s 的加荷速度。当试件接近破坏而开始迅速变形时,应停止调整试验机





f cu

式中:cu f ——混凝土立方体抗压强度(MPa);

F ——极限荷载(N);

A ——受压面积(mm2)。

以3个试件测值的算术平均值为测定值,计算精确至0.1MPa 。三个测值中的最大值或








试件尺寸(mm) 尺寸换算系数试件尺寸(mm) 尺寸换算系数

100×100×1000.95 200×200×2001.05












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