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( )1. —Do you know ________ woman in pink over there?

—Yes. She is ________office worker of Jingling Hotel.

A. the; an

B. a; /

C. a ; the

D. /; a

( )2. The March 11th earthquake and tsunami in Japan killed nearly _______ people.

A. ten thousand

B. ten thousands

C. ten thousand of

D. ten thousands of ( )3. —Wow! How cool the car looks! Is it really _______, Dad?

—Yes, it belongs to _______.

A. mine; you

B. my; your

C. me; you

D. mine; yours

( )4. —Money is very important for us.

—Maybe. But it doesn’t mean ________, I think.

A. nothing

B. something

C. everything

D. anything

( )5. —Would you like to go camping with us this weekend?

—Sure, ________ I’m busy.

A. since

B. until

C. if

D. unless

( )6. Before the show I practiced a lot _________ I could do well at the show.

A. so that

B. that

C. Because

D. in order to

( )7. —Her grandma’s never been to the Palace Museum, _________?

—__________. She went there in 1990 and 2005.

A. is she, Yes

B. has she, Yes

C. isn’t she, No

D. has she, No ( )8. Luckily, the big fire was _________ shortly after the firemen arrived.

A. put off

B. put away

C. put down

D. put out

( )9. —May I ____your dictionary? —Sorry. Li Lei ______ it for five days.

A. lend; borrowed

B.borrow; has kept

C.borrow;has borrowed

D. lend; has lent ( )10. —Listen! Somebody is singing in the next room. Who ___it be? Is it Amy?

— No. It _____ be her. She is at school now.

A. will; may not

B. must; mustn’t

C. can; can’t

D. may; mustn’t ( )11.—The cereal(麦片粥)_____nice.—Of course,it____well in that supermarket.

A. tastes, is sold

B. smells, sells

C. is smelt, sells

D. is tasted, is sold

( )12. —Could you tell me ____? —It’s twenty minutes by underground.

A. how far it was to get to your school

B. how much it costs to get to your school

C. how far it is from your home to your school

D. how long did it take me to get to your school

( )13. — It is kind _____the doctors to devote all the time he had to_____for the patients. — I think so, they are so great.

A. for, care

B. of, care

C. for, caring

D. of, caring

( )14. —How do you like Justin Bieber’s songs?

—I like them very much. __________ voice he has!

A. What attractive

B. How attractive

C. What an attractive

D. How an attractive

( )15. —It is reported that it will rain hard next Sunday.

—________. We’ re planning to go boating that day.

A.I don't think so

B. I hope so

C. I’m afraid not

D. I hope not


Last week Lu visited England. He stayed with my grandmother. He said it was a strange visit. “I don’t understand, but I 16 your grandmother a lot. When I arrived, I gave her a 17 from Suzhou. She looked in it and asked me to take it back. Then

I saw a red spider(蜘蛛) on the table so I killed it for her and she seemed very

18 . Do English people like spiders?”

“Later we went shopping. Someone was painting a shop 19 , so there was a ladder. Grandmother 20 me walking under it and said I must walk around it. I liked the shops and bought a smart 21 for my father a nd some new shoes for myself. When we got back, I put the shoes on the table and opened the umbrella to wonder 22 it was all right. Your grandmother came in and 23 !”

“Then I broke a small 24 in the bathroom. Your grandmother’s face went white. I felt very sorry. When I left I gave 25 grandmother some flowers. She counted and there were 13. She 26 it. I think she was happy I was going.”

I 27 to Lu, “My grandmother follows the old customs(习俗). You must not give someone an empty purse 28 they will have no money. You must not kill a “money spider” or the same will happen. It is very unlucky to walk under a ladder and to put new shoes on the table. A(n) 29 umbrella in a house means someone will die. Breaking a mirror brings seven years’ bad luck, and 13 is 30 a very unlucky number. You were really making my grandmother very afraid. ”

( )16. A. affected B. loved C. frightened D. encouraged

( )17. A. pen B. purse C. dress D. handbag

( )18. A. honest B. humorous C. happy D. unhappy

( )19. A. back B. right C. front D. left

( )20. A. stopped B. kept C. insisted D. suggested

( )21 A. wallet B. umbrella C. flower D. shirt

( )22. A. why B. that C. if D. where

( )23. A. laughed B. screamed C. clapped D. cheered

( )24. A. bowl B. bottle C. plate D. mirror

( )25. A. my B. your C. her D. our

( )26. A. didn’t like B. liked C. enjoyed D. smelt

( )27. A. shouted B. talked C. told D. explained

( )28. A. but B. for C. or D. so

( )29. A open B. closed C. new D. old

( )30. A. hardly B. never C. seldom D. also


What will the house of the future look like? Could it have gardens on its walls, or a pool with fish for dinner? Architects believe that

they are all possibilities. The only thing for sure is

that the houses will be as green as possible.

The tree house.

Many architects in the world would like to build a

“tree house.” Like a leaf, the surface of the house

collects sunlight during the day. The energy can be used

to heat water, produce electricity, and even create

fresh air for the home. The “root”(根)of the house

is deep under the ground. It uses the soil(土壤)to the home’s temperature.

The Lizard house

Like a lizard(蜥蜴),changing color with the weather is the most important design of a lizard house. When it’s in the bright sun, the cover of the house will turn dark to protect it from strong heat. During dark days, it turns white and takes in as much light and heat as possible to produce energy.

Meals at home

This design is perhaps as much about the future of food production as architecture(建筑风格). It has gardens on the outside wall of the house. People

can plant tomatoes, carrots and green tea on them. So every day in the morning, you just need to walk outside and collect your meals.

Learning from the past

Looking to the future isn’t the only way to be gree n. Sometimes, ancient techniques can also help cut down energy use. For example, a chimney(烟囱)can be a useful air conditioner because it is easier of hot air to flow out at the chimney. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

( )1. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Green house of the future. B The greener, the better.

C. How to build green houses.

D. Changes of the houses.

( )2. We can heat water, produce electricity or create fresh air for the home .

A. with the root of a leaf. B with the energy from sunlight.

C. with the soil under the ground

D. with gardens on its walls. ( )3. What will happen to the cover of the lizard house when it’s in the bright sun?

A. It will take in light. B It will produce energy.

C. It will turn dark.

D. It will turn white.

( )4. The passage seems to tell us that meals at home in the future .

A. will be more delicious. B need more cooks.

C. cost as much as possible.

D. will be greener.

( )5. A chimney can be a useful air conditioner but it used to cause .

A. pollution. b. accident. C. noise. D. techniques.


1. They’ve been away from home since 3 years ago.(对划线部分提问)

_____________ _____________ have they been away from home?

2. He has to look after his little sister. (改为否定句)

He _____________ _____________ to look after her little sister.

3. He bought me a funny book yesterday. (改为被动语态)

A funny book _________ bought _________ me yesterday.

4. John is too weak to lift the heavy box. (保持句意基本不变)

John isn’t ________ _________ to lift the heavy box.

5. I said to Daniel, “Do you often fly to Japan?” (改为间接引语)

I asked Daniel _________ he often__________ to Japan.


Some people prefer to make friends with people who are very like them.Others prefer friends who are very different. E __ of the two kinds of friendship has something better than the other. If a man chooses a friend s __ to himself, they will share many common interests. They also have similar goals in life. This m ____ that they will be able to help and encourage each other to make their goals come t _ . Moreover, two people who are very similar will feel happy with each other and may understand each other’s f ___ better. So their friendship may be deeper and last longer.

On the other hand, it is preferable (更可取的) to make friends with s ____ who is very different from you. In this kind of friendship, the two people complement (补充)each other. If one is w __ , the other is strong. While two people with similar goals may compete(竞争)with each other, those who want different things can always s _ each other. With different interests, they can let each other know new experiences and so widen their knowledge.

However, I find that I prefer the f __ kind of friendship, that of a person who is more like me than unlike me. A friend different from me is challenging (有挑战性的), b __ a similar friend is familiar and a friend for life.


初三英语寒假Challenge Seven Name Date Score__________ Richard, Ray, Jerry and Larry together bought 114 pounds of watermelo ns. Richard received 12 pounds more than Ray, 26 more than Jerry, an d 32 more than Larry. How many pounds of watermelons did Richard re ceive? ________________________ Starring Quiz 7 151. One or two days ____quite enough to complete the work. ___ you or he going to work with me? A. is; Is B. is; Are C. are; Is D. are; Are 152. Your new clothes fit you, but mine_____ me. A. don’t fit for B. doesn’t fit for C. don’t fit D. doesn’t fit 153. It is not I but you who ___ the first to run to the goal in the competition. A. was B. were C. are D. is 154. What he says and what he does ___ agree. A. does n’t B. don’t C. isn’t D. aren’t 155. Although the first part is easy the rest ____. A. is supposed difficult B. are difficult C. has proved difficult D. could have been difficult 156. Rain and freezing temperatures ____ to make snow. A. combined B. combine C. combine with D. combined with 157. The express No.12_____ at two pm. A. reaches B. gets in C. cuts in D. knocks 158. Our city has changed a lot; who can tell what it will be like in ___ ten years? A. other B. next C. more D. another 159. She fell and hit her head, but she ___ to be all right now. A. seemed B. appears C. has D. seems 160. ____ his telephone number, she had some difficulty getting in touch with Bill. A. Not knowing B. Knowing not C. Not having known D. Having not known 161. I don’t like the way____ she talks to her teacher. A. in that B. in what C. by which D. 不填


2020-2021江苏省淮安市第一中学八上元旦假期作业(二) 班级:___________姓名:___________得分:___________ 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,共30分) 1. 下列学习强国图标图案,成轴对称图形的是( ) A. B. C. D. 2. 如果y =√1?x +√x ?1+2,那么(?x)y 的值为( ) A. 1 B. ?1 C. ±1 D. 0 3. 已知点A(m +3,2)与点B(1,n ?1)关于x 轴对称,m =( ),n =( ) A. ?4,3 B. ?2,?1 C. 4,?3 D. 2,1 4. 如图,在直角三角形ABC 中,AC =8,BC =6,∠ACB =90°,点E 为AC 的中点, 点D 在AB 上,且DE ⊥AC 于E ,则CD =( ) A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 5. 用图象法解二元一次方程组{x +y =22x ?y =1 时,在同一平面直角坐标系中画出相应的两个一次函数的图象,如图所示,则该二元一次方程组的解是( )

A. {x =2,y =1 B. {x =1,y =?1 C. {x =2,y =2 D. {x =1, y =1 6. 若|a|=4,|b|=3,且点Q(a,b)在第二象限,则a +b 的值为( ) A. 1 B. 7 C. ?1 D. ?7 7. 如图所示,在△ABC 中,AB =AC ,D 、E 是△ABC 内两点,AD 平分∠BAC.∠EBC =∠E =60°,若BC =8,DE =2,则BE 的长 度是( ) A. 6 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10 8. 如图,正方形ABCD 是由9个边长为1的小正方形组成,每个小 正方形的顶点都叫格点,连接AE ,AF ,则∠EAF =( ) A. 30° B. 45° C. 60° D. 35° 9. 如图,在△ABC 中,∠ABC =50°,∠ACB =60°,点E 在BC 的延长线上,∠ABC 的 平分线BD 与∠ACE 的平分线CD 相交于点D ,连接AD ,下列结论中不正确的是( ) A. ∠BAC =70° B. ∠DOC =90° C. ∠BDC =35° D. ∠DAC =55° 10. 如图所示图象(折线ABCDE)描述了汽车沿笔直路线行驶过程中,汽车离出发地的距 离s(千米)和行驶时间t(小时)之间的变量关系,根据图中提供的信息,给出下列说


初三英语下册期末考试测试题 笔试部分 I.语言知识(共10小题,计10分) 本题共有10个小题,请从每个小题的四个选项中,选出答案。21.Aprofessorfrom_______universitysaidthathewould thinkout_______unusualwaytofacetheseriousproblem. A.a;the B.an;a C.a;an D.an;the 22.____HaveyoueverheardofXiaoShenyang _____Yeah._______funnypersonheis! A.How B.Howa C.What D.Whata 23.IfitwereSundaytoday,I________gotoschool. A.shan’t B.wouldnot C.can’t D.won’t 24.Thelittlechildwastoo________toheartheendofthelongstory. A.sleepy B.asleep C.sleep D.sleeping

25.Hewouldrather________athomethan________totheparkwithJenn y. A.stay;go B.tostay;togo B.stays:goesD.staying:going 26.Thereare________flowersinthesquareduringtheNationalDay. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d15352276.html,lionof https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d15352276.html,lionsof C.twomillions D.twomillionsof 27.______Whichbagdoyouprefer,thegreenoneorthepinkone ______Either.Ilikealightblueone. A.Either B.Both C.Any D.Neither. 28.Thereis________milkinthebottle.Let’sgoandbuysome. A.alittle B.little C.afew D.few 29.Idon’tknowwhenmyfather______back,butI’lltellyouwhenhe_ _____back. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d15352276.html,es;comes; https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d15352276.html,e;come https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d15352276.html,e;willcome D.willcome;comes


初一英语寒假作业设计 李卓玉 寒假即将来临,学生在放松娱乐的同时,也不应该忘记对英语的学习。下面就李卓玉为学生们精心计划的寒假英语作业,希望学生们完成作业,巩固所学知识和技能的同时,让学生们度过一个有意义的假期! 为了更好地贯彻减负精神,真正实现轻负高质,优化作业设计是其中的重要内容,然而作业形式单一、枯燥、效率低下等问题一直困扰着我。在新形势和新理念下,我们的假期作业设计该如何优化呢? 传统作业被视为“课堂教学的延伸和补充”,作业内容日趋封闭僵化,仅局限于学科知识范围,远离学生实际生活和社会生活。 作业方法、手段、技术日趋单一,注重作业程式规范统,强调死记硬背和机械训练,既削弱教师的主导作用,又忽视了学生的主体地位,更忽视了学生非智力因素的培养。作业目的与内容越来越注重学生死记硬背、机械训练,注重重复与模仿,而学生的困惑、情感、态度、价值观、创造能力、实践能力则被冷落了。而新课程作业的价值观要求作业应是具有学生鲜明的价值追求、理想、愿望的活动,作业应当成为学生课外、校外的一种生活过程和生活方式,学生对待作业的态度也就应该成为一种生活态度,让学生在作业过程中体验幸福和快乐、苦恼和辛劳。这样作业已不再是强加给学生的负担,而是学生成长的一种自觉的生活需要、人生需要、学习需要。 因此,我经过几天的思索,设计了以下的作业。 尊敬的家长,亲爱的同学们: 经过一个学期紧张的学习生活,同学们终于迎来了盼望已久的寒假。在与家长、朋友欢度寒假新年之际,大家每天也要抽出至少两个小时的时间学习英语,巩固已学,汲取新知。为了使同学们明确自己的任务,下面从听、说、读、写四个方面给大家布置了一些任务。同学们要独立、认真完成,并请家长给与监督和检查。 巩固已学: 七年级人教版上册、和下册前两个单元所学语法:1 一般现在时;2 一般疑问句,特殊疑问句;3 情态动词,be动词,实义动词(助动词do/does);4 词类(名词、冠词、数词、代词);5句子种类(陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句)。 本学期听力:对全英授课有初步的感知与认识。 本学期口语:1.课堂Free Talk,及report等活动有效结合,进行口语训练。2.用英语思维,完整句子回答问题。3.多种阅读材料与教材相配套的阅读材料同步听力并用,并且增强实效性。 本学期写作:加大写作训练根据单词造句, opening sentence, concluding sentence、以及每单元写作训练大量应用注重思维过程。 请利用假期查缺补漏,巩固所学,勿忘汲取新知。 一:听/说

2020-2021学年江苏省淮安市第一中学苏科版 数学九年级上元旦假期作业(二)(有答案)

2020-2021江苏省淮安市第一中学九上元旦假期作业(二) 班级:___________姓名:___________得分: ___________ 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,共30分) 1.在2020年支付宝的集五福活动中,小明的好友福卡榜中60%的好友福卡数量不少 于12张,下面一定不少于12张的是() A. 福卡数量的平均数 B. 福卡数量的众数 C. 福卡数量的中位数 D. 福卡数量的平均数和中位数 2.小明和小华玩“石头、剪子、布”的游戏,若随机出手一次,则小华获胜的概率是 () A. 2 3B. 1 2 C. 1 3 D. 2 9 3.下列圆的内接正多边形中,一条边所对的圆心角最大的图形是() A. 正三角形 B. 正方形 C. 正五边形 D. 正六边形 4.已知关于x的方程(k?1)x2?(k?1)x+1 4 =0有两个相等的实数根,则k的值() A. k=2 B. k=1 C. k=1或2 D. k=?2 5.如图,一个斜坡长130m,坡顶离水平地面的距离为50m,那么这个斜坡与水平地 面夹角的正切值等于() A. 5 13B. 12 13 C. 5 12 D. 13 12

6.如图,在△ABC中,BF平分∠ABC,AF⊥BF于点F,D为AB的中点,连接DF并 延长交AC于点E.若AB=10,BC=16,则线段EF的长为() A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 7.已知函数y=(x?a)(x?b)(其中a>b)的图象如图所示,则 函数y=ax+b的图象大致是() A. B. C. D. 8.如图,一块矩形木板ABCD斜靠在墙边(OC⊥OB,点A, B,C,D,O在同一平面内),已知AB=a,AD=b,∠BCO= x,则点A到OC的距离等于() A. asinx+bsinx B. acosx+bcosx C. asinx+bcosx D. acosx+bsinx 9.如图,D是等边三角形ABC的边AB上一点,且AD:DB=1:2,现将△ABC折叠, 使点C与点D重合,折痕为EF,点E、F分别在边AC和BC上,则CE:CF的值为


初三英语国庆假期作业(三) 编写:刘婵婷审核: 一、单项选择(15分) ( ) 1. I’m sorry. I won’t make __________ same mistake for __________ second time. A. a, the B. a, a C. the, the D. the, a ( ) 2. It is silly of you __________. A. giving up it B. giving it up C. to give up it D. to give it up ( ) 3. —Tell us something about Canada, OK? —I’m sorry. __________ Jack __________ I have ever been there. A. Either, or B. Not only, but also C. Both, and D. Neither, nor ( ) 4. —Jane looks so pretty __________ her pink dress. —Yes. Pink always looks beautiful __________ girls with nice skin. A. in, on B. on, in C. on, on D. in, in ( ) 5. —Same likes staying up late to study. He always feels __________ in the daytime. Now he has fallen __________ again. —It isn’t a good habit. A. sleeping, asleep B. sleepy, asleep C. sleepy, sleeping D. asleep, sleeping ( ) 6. You can ask Tom for advice when you have difficulty __________ English. A. learn B. learned C. learning D. learns ( ) 7. —Why not watch Hunan TV to kill time? —Well, I __________ Jiangsu TV __________ Hunan TV. A. prefer, to B. prefer, than C. would rather, to D. like, than ( ) 8. My parents were very strict __________ me when I was a little girl. A. to B. on C. in D. with ( ) 9. Helen was so excited at the news that she could __________ say a word. A. ever B. almost C. hardly D. always ( ) 10. —Is the washing machine you have used for a long time __________ repairing? —Yes. The washing machine is important for me. And I have no money to buy a new one. A. need B. require C. enjoy D. worth ( ) 11. You can make a ___ among those programmes after doing your chemistry exercises. A. choice B. excuse C. reason D. education ( ) 12. —Shall we listen to rock music now? —No. I hate it because the loud noise usually __________. A. makes me sleepy B. drives me mad C. keep me calm D. make me relaxed ( ) 13. I think that your advice is very __________ to me. It is worth well taking. A. useless B. boring C. possible D. valuable ( ) 14. —_____ the survey, many students were willing to work hard to achieve their aims. —That’s true. A. Because of B. According to C. Instead of D. In order to ( ) 15. Don’t __________ so often. It’s bad for your health. A. get up B. stay up C. look up D. come up 二、完形填空(15分) Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You will probably 16 they go to school to learn languages, geography, history, science and all 17 subjects. That is quite true, but 18 do they learn these things? We send our children to school to 19 them for their future work and life. Nearly 20 they study at school has some practical use 21 their life, but is that the 22 reason they go to school? There is 23 in education than just learning facts. We go to school above all (首先) to learn 24 to learn, so that when we leave school we can go on learning. If a man really 25 how to learn, He will be successful, because whenever he has to do 26 , he will quickly teach 27 how to do it in the best way. The uneducated (未受教育的) person, on the other hand (另一方面), is either unable to do it, or does 28 . So the purpose of school is not just 29 languages, geography, science etc, but to teach pupils the 30 to learn. Do you think so? ( ) 16. A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell ( ) 17. A. the B. another C. the other D. others ( ) 18. A. how B. where C. why D. what ( ) 19. A. stop B. ask C. ready D. prepare ( ) 20. A. nothing B. all things C. everyone D. everything ( ) 21. A. at B. in C. on D. with ( ) 22. A. best B. only C. just D. first ( ) 23. A. many B. much C. more D. most ( ) 24. A. how B. when C. what D. why ( ) 25. A. knows B. know C. knowing D. knew ( ) 26. A. nothing new B. something new C. new everything D. old nothing ( ) 27. A. he B. his C. him D. himself ( ) 28. A. bad B. badly C. good D. well ( ) 29. A. learn B. to learn C. teach D. to teach ( ) 30. A. subjects B. reasons C. ways D. knowledge 三、阅读理解(20分) A When someone walks into a room wearing bright colours, everyone seems to take notice (注意). Beautiful bright colours can easily draw our attention. Fresh roses can cheer us up when we’re feeling blue. Dressing up in colourful clothing can bring us into a more positive mood. What shall I wear today? What colour should I choose? Dressing yourself for the day is quite important whether you know it or not. Our moods often show what our bodies end up wearing. When you look in the mirror after you dress, train yourself to notice how you feel when you see yourself. Notice your mood. If you are not feeling yourself, could the colour of what you are wearing irritate (使不适) your nervous


2014---2015学年度上学期寒假作业(完型填空与阅读理解专练三) I. 完形填空 Do you have the habit of drinking a cup of tea every day? Tea is one of the 46 drinks around the world, second only to water. For over 4,000 years, people, especially Chinese, have enjoyed teas like green tea, black tea, flower tea and oolong tea. 47 do so many people like tea? As a national 48 in China, tea drinking has a longtime tradition. When people invite guests to their homes, they offer them a cup of tea. Young people show respect to elders 49 serving them tea. Tea has 50 health benefits. Tea can help to keep blood pressure low, 51 us from getting fat, and protect the heart. It can 52 keep our teeth healthy. Tea is rich in fluoride (氟化物). Fluoride makes the teeth brighter and 53 . Tea can also give us energy and help us to focus on our studies and other work. When we are tired after 54 of studying or hard work, drinking tea can lift our spirits and help us to relax. It 55 that tea can help us keep a good memory. So next time you study for a test, remember to drink tea. It might help you to remember the answers you’ll need. 46. A. popular B. more popular C. most popular 47. A. Why B. How C. What 48. A. food B. drink C. medicine 49. A. by B. with C. to 50. A. much B. many C. little 51. A. help B. prevent C. take 52. A. also B. either C. too 53. A. worse B. softer C. stronger 54. A. minutes B. hours C. seconds 55. A. reports B. is reporting C. is reported II. 阅读理解 The angry-looking deep sea anglerfish (琵琶鱼) is quite possible the ugliest animal on the earth, and it lives in the worst place, the lonely, lightless bottom of the sea. There are more than 200 kinds of anglerfish, most of which live in the dark depths of the Atlantic and Antarctic oceans, up to a mile below the surface, although some live in shallow, hot environments. They have huge heads and big moon-shaped mouths filled with sharp, bright teeth. Most anglerfish are very small, often less than a foot. Their most special feature is a piece of dorsal spine (脊椎骨) that sticks out above their mouths like fishing pole—as their name. Their mouths are big and their bodies so soft, they can actually swallow food up as twice as their own size. The male (雄性) is smaller than the female, instead of often looking for the rich food for a female, it has become into a parasitic (寄生的) partner. When a young, free-swimming male anglerfish meets a female, he catches her with his sharp teeth. Over time, the male together with the female, connecting to her skin and bloodstream and losing his eyes and almost all his internal organs (内部器官) . A female will carry six or more males on her body. 61. Anglerfish is a kind of beautiful animal living in the deep sea. 62. This anglerfish has a bad living environment. 63. Most of the anglerfish are quite small with big heads and mouths. 64. The male anglerfish often gives food to the female. 65. A female anglerfish can carry less than six males on her body.


七年级英语元旦假期作业(一) 一、选择填空。 ( )1.There will be a baseball game ____ Saturday afternoon. A. on B. in C. at D. / ( )2. -What can I do for you, sir? -I'd like two________. A. bowl of rice B. bowls of rices C. bowls of rice D. bowl of rices ( )3. My brother is clever, and he can make lanterns ______ an orange. A. from B. out C. for D. out of ( )4. Would you like ______ tea? A. some B. any C. every D. no ( )5. Our teacher often tells us _________ our homework first. A. do B. to do C. doing D. does ( )6. Every day, I spend two hours _______my homework. A. finishing to do B. finishing doing C. to finish to do D. to finish doing ( )7. There ________New Year parties this afternoon. A. are going to have B. is going to have C. are going to be D. is going to be ( )8. Don’t use _______ time to play computer games. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too ( ) 9. The news is really and everyone is in it. A. interesting; interesting B. interesting ; interested C interested; interesting D. interested; interested ( )10. This pair of trousers is ____. Can I ____. A enough cheap; try on them B cheap enough; try them on C enough cheap; try on it D cheap enough; try it on ( )11. Mrs. Green is ________ an old coat today. A. puting on B. wearing C. putting on D. wearing on ( )12. ---How much ____ this pair of shoes _________ ? --- Thirty yuan. A. does…take B. do…cost C. do…spend D. does…cost ( )13. --- He is never late for school. --- ______. His teacher is angry with him. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he isn’t. C. No, he isn’t. D. No, he is. ( )14.Tom seldom eats vegetables ____ fruit.


七年级下册英语期末测试卷 欧阳歌谷(2021.02.01) 听力部分(20分) 一. 听对话,选择正确答案。(5分) ( )1. Q: What food are they talking about? A. Mid-autumn Day B. Spring Day C. Children’s Day ( )2. What language(语言)can Linda speak? A. Chinese. B. English. C. French. ( )3. What’s Maria’s sister’s favorite festival? A. Spring Festival. B. Mid-autumn Festival. C. Christmas. ( )4. Q: What time does Helen’s brother get up on Sunday morning? A. 8:00 B. 8:30 C. 9:00 ( )5. Where were the two speakers? A. At the post office . B. In the shop. C. At home. 二.听句子,选择与其意思相同或相似的句子。(5分) A. What shape is your present? B. Which is your favorite season? C. At the age of twelve, I couldn’t swim. D. What’s wrong with you? E. What do you think of the weather in Beijing? 1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 三.听对话,根据其内容完成下面短文。(5分) One day I want to go to the East 1 , but I don’t know the way. So I ask a policeman. The policeman tells me to go along the street, and take the 2 turning on the 3 and walk on. He says the park is in 4 of me and it is about 5 minutes’ walk. I thank him for helping me and find the place easily. 1.__________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 四.听短文,选择正确答案。(5分)


英语寒假作业九年级答案 Keys 综合复习(一) Chapters 1-2基础知识归纳与练习Keys: I. (One possible version) 1. glanced 2. impression 3. promise 4. remind 5. disappointed 6. lifestyle 7. appearance 8. afterwards 9. suits 10. wise 11. part-time 12. gesture 13. show 14. rest 15. hairdryer 16. miss II. (One possible version) 1. beauty 2. invitation 3. communicate 4. advice 5. wonderful III. (One possible version) 1. make an appointment 2. Without hesitation 3. on top of the world 4. broke down 5. on average 6. depends on 7. made a good impression on 8. looking forward to 9. By the way 10. free of charge 11. works as 12. instead of IV. (One possible version) 1. What’s the matter with her grandmother? 2. I like this coat better than that one. 3. Simon made up his mind to make his body language better.


高三语文星期天作业(二) 12.31 考号姓名班级 家长评价: 审题有圈画,答题有依据(文本圈画,此为作业优差评价标准) 一、语言文字运用(19分) 2019年4月,巴黎圣母院起火的消息掀起了一阵波澜。一场大火来势汹汹,有800多年历史的巴黎圣母院遭严重损毁。2018年9月,一场持续整晩的大火使巴西国家博物馆几乎毀于一旦。这些的教训提醒我们,人类历史中的文化古迹有可能会消逝。文化保护是一场同时间的赛跑,因为随着时间推移,那些的文物都不可避免地日渐老化。保护,意味着老与新的巧妙结合。( ),使文化记忆得以传承,这是历史的使命,每一代人。文化保护工作要凝聚社会共识,让越来越多的人参与进来,形成合力。有些损毁或许无法避免,但有没有对保护工作,结果会大不一样。如果巴黎圣母院在翻新工程伊始,就对各种可能出现的火情有所警惕、建立预案,或许我们今天目睹的会是另一番场面。虽然文化保护并不追求绝对性,但可以最大限度地限制文物损毁和文物衰老,为文化延续活力注入源源不竭。 17.依次填入文中横线上的词语,全都恰当的一项是(3分) A.沉重留传义不容辞全力以赴 B.沉痛流传义不容辞全神贯注 C.沉重流传责无旁贷全神贯注 D.沉痛留传责无旁贷全力以赴 18.下列填入文中括号内的语句,衔接最恰当的一项是(3分) A.我们应最大可能地重新激活文物,在过去与未来的往复行进中 B.在未来与过去的往复行进中,文物应最大可能地被我们重新激活 C.在过去与未来的往复行进中,我们应最大可能地重新激活文物 D.文物应最大可能地被我们重新激活,在未来与过去的往复行进中 19.文中画横线的句子有语病,下列修改最恰当的一项是(3分) A.虽然文化保护并不追求绝对性,但可以最大限度地延缓文物损毁和文物衰老,为文化延续注入源源不竭的活力。 B.文化保护虽然并不追求绝对性,但可以最大限度地减少文物损毁和文物衰老,使文化延续的 源源不竭。 C.文化保护虽然并不追求绝对性,但可以最大限度地减少文物损毁和延缓文物衰老,为文化延续注入源源不竭的活力。 D.虽然文化保护并不追求绝对性,但可以最大限度地避免文物损毁和延缓文物衰老,为文化延续注入源源不竭的活力。 20.阅读下面一则消息,将其概括成一句话新闻,不超过20个字(含标点符号)。(5分) 日前,我国科学家发表了对液态金属研究的新成果。液态金属不同于常规环境下的固态金属,即使在室温下也能保持液态。中科院理化技术研究所与清华大学联合小组研究发现,溶液环境中的液态金属液滴,在受到电场或化学物质的作用时,会产生类似于细胞吞噬外界颗粒的胞吞效应,能高效地将周围的颗粒吞入体内。这一发现也开辟了一条构筑高性能纳米金属流体材料的新途径。这种神奇的吞噬现象并不是液态金属唯一的类生物学行为。研究小组还发现,当把金属液滴部分浸没于碱性溶液并部分暴露于空气中时,处于液态金属与空气交界面的溶液会出现规律性的振荡。研究人员将利用这一新发现开拓液态金属研究的新领域。 21.在下面一段文字横线处补写恰当的语句,使整段文字语意完整连贯,内容贴切,逻辑严密,每处不超过12个字。(5分) 说来有趣,21世纪最时髦的人工智能技术应用于现代医学,与中国几千年前流传至今的传统中医①。传统中医讲究“望闻问切”,据此积累下来千百万人的“医疗大数据”,再通过医生的人脑来存储、“加工”,进而开出药方;而今天的智能医疗,则是给医生加上了一个“超强大脑”,它能海量存储、超速计算、深度学习,给人类增添摆脱病魔的能力。尽管争议与困难重重,②,人工智能、大数据等现代技术在医疗领域的应用已成大势所趋。有学者这样描述,未来的医学影像中心好比飞机驾驶舱,是各种各样信息的综合体;③,需要做的是去处理各种各样的信息。二.文学类文本阅读(本题共3小题,13分) 骑桶者 [奥地利]卡夫卡煤全部烧光了;煤桶空了;火炉里透出寒气,灌得满屋冰凉。窗外的树呆立在严霜中;天空成了一块银灰色的盾牌,挡住向苍天求助的人。我得弄些煤来烧;我可不能活活冻死;我的背后是冷酷的火炉,我的面前是同样冷酷的天空,因此我必须快马加鞭,在它们之间奔驰,在它们之间向煤店老板要求帮助。可是煤店老板对于我的通常的请求已经麻木不仁;我必须向他清楚地证明,我连一星半点煤屑都没有了,而煤店老板对我来说不啻是天空中的太阳。我这回前去,必须像一个乞丐,由于饥饿难当,奄奄一息,快要倒毙在门槛上,女主人因此赶忙决定,把最后残剩的咖啡倒给我;同样,煤店老板虽说非常生气,但在十诫之一“不可杀人”的光辉照耀下,也将不得不把一铲煤投进我的煤桶。我怎么去法必将决定此行的结果;因此我骑着煤桶前去。骑桶者的我,两手握着桶把 ——最简单的挽具,费劲地从楼梯上滚下去;但是到了楼下,我的煤桶就向上升起来了,它以均匀的速度穿过冰凉的街道;我时常被升到二层楼那么高;但是我从未下降到齐房屋大门那么低。我极不寻常地高高飘浮在煤店老板的地窖穹顶前,而煤店老板正在这地窖里伏在小桌上写字;为了把多余的热气排出去,地窖的门是开着的。

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