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Lessons 1-6 词汇选择练习

Lessons 1-6 词汇选择练习
Lessons 1-6 词汇选择练习

Lesson 1

1. They claim that ______ 1,000 factories closed down during the economic crisis. [CET-4:93. 1]

A. sufficiently

B. approximately

C. considerably

D. properly

2. The European Union countries were once worried that they would not have ______ supplies of petroleum. [CET-4:02. 6]

A. proficient

B. efficient

C. potential

D. sufficient

3. Writing is a slow process, requiring ______ thought, time, and effort. [CET-4:96. 6]

A. significant

B. considerable

C. enormous

D. numerous

4. She is a very ______ secretary: she never forgets anything or makes a mistake. [CET-4:94. 1]

A. anxious

B. effective

C. adequate

D. efficient

5. They took ______ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. [CET-4:9

6. 1]

A. fruitful

B. beneficial

C. valid

D. effective

6. By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have ______ opportunity to change his mind. [CET-4:00. 6]

A. accurate

B. urgent

C. excessive

D. adequate

7. The statistical figures in that report are not ______. You should not refer to them. [CET-4:02. 1]

A. accurate

B. fixed

C. delicate

D. rigid

8. Since the matter was extremely ______, we dealt with it immediately. [CET-4:98. 1]

A. tough

B. tense

C. urgent

D. instant

9. During the process, great care has to be taken to protect the ______ silk from damage. [CET-4:02. 6]

A. sensitive

B. tender

C. delicate

D. sensible

10. She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it ______ enough to eat. [CET-4:00. 1]

A. mild

B. slight

C. light

D. tender

11. Some plants are very ______ to light; they prefer the shade. [CET-4:04. 1]

A. sensible

B. flexible

C. objective

D. sensitive

12. The ______ behind our current advertising campaign is to increase sales overseas.

A. objection

B. obsession

C. observation

D. objective

13. We have arranged to go to the cinema on Friday, but we can be ______ and go another day. [CET-4:06. 1]

A. reliable

B. probable

C. feasible

D. flexible

14. We don’t know why so many people in that region like to wear dresses of such ______ colors. [CET-4:05. 6]

A. low

B. humble

C. mild

D. dull

15. I suffered from mental _____ because of stress from my job. [CET-4:03. 6]

A. damage

B. release

C. relief

D. fatigue

16. The energy _____ by the chain reaction is transformed into heat. [CET-4:02. 6]

A. transferred

B. released

C. delivered

D. conveyed

17. To our _____, Geoffrey’s illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared. [CET-4:02. 6]

A. anxiety

B. relief

C. view

D. judgment

18. He hoped the firm would ______ him to the Paris branch. [CET-4:98. 1]

A. exchange

B. transmit

C. transfer

D. remove

19. His tone ______ an unmistakable warning.

A. spoke

B. communicated

C. said

D. conveyed

20. Although I like the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful _____ through the window. [CET-4:96. 1]

A. vision

B. look

C. picture

D. view

21. Some diseases are ______ by certain water animals. [CET-4:00. 1]

A. transplanted

B. transformed

C. transported

D. transmitted

22. The coming of the railways in the 1830s ______ our society and economic life. [CET-4:95. 1]

A. transformed

B. transported

C. transferred

D. transmitted

23. American football and baseball are becoming known to the British public through televised ______ from the United States. [CET-4:01. 1]

A. deliveries

B. transmissions

C. transfer

D. transportation

24. At first, the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country, but halfway in her speech, she suddenly ______ to another subject. [CET-4:96. 1]

A. committed

B. switched

C. favored

D. transmitted

25. He couldn’t bear the pain caused by cancer and ______ suicide.

A. conducted

B. sweated

C. deliberated

D. committed

26. Mr. Smith was the only witness who said that the fire was ______. [CET-4:03. 6]

A. mature

B. deliberate

C. meaningful

D. innocent

27. The hopes, goals, fears and desires widely ______ between men and women, between the rich and the poor. [CET-4:00. 1]

A. alter

B. shift

C. transfer

D. vary

28. Features such as height, weight, and skin color ______ from individual to individual and from face to face. [CET-4:96. 6]

A. change

B. vary

C. alter

D. convert


1. [B] 他们称在经济危机期间大约有1000家工厂倒闭。

2. [D] 欧洲共同体的国家曾经担心他们没有足够的石油供给。

3. [B] 写作是一个缓慢的过程,需要大量的思考、时间和努力。

4. [D] 她是个能干的秘书。她从来不犯错,从来不会忘记要干的事情。

5. [D] 他们采取了有效措施防止有毒气体泄漏。

6. [D] 依照法律,当一个人购买许多东西时,他应该有足够的机会可以改变主意。

7. [A] 那份报告的统计数据不准确,你不应该以它们为参考。

8. [C] 由于事情非常紧急,我们立即处理了它。

9. [C] 在这个过程中,一定要十分小心,以免精美柔滑的丝绸受到损坏。

10. [D] 她把肉煮了很长时间,这样才会嚼得动。

11. [D] 有些植物对光很敏感;它们喜欢在阴凉处生长。

12. [D] 我们当前做广告的目的是为了增加海外销售额。

13. [D] 我们已经安排周五去看电影,但是也可以灵活一点改天去。

14. [D] 我们不知道为什么在那个地区有如此多的人喜欢穿颜色这么老气的衣服。

15. [D] 因为工作有压力,我精神疲惫不堪。

16. [B] 连锁反应所释放出的能量已转换成热能。

17. [B] 让我们感到宽慰的是,杰夫雷的病经证实不像我们担心的那么严重。

18. [C] 他希望公司能将他调到巴黎的分公司。

19. [D] 他的语气表达出一种明显的警告。

20. [D] 虽然我喜欢这房子的外观,但真正让我决定买下它的是窗外美丽的风景。

21. [D] 一些疾病是通过某些水生动物传播的。

22. [A] 19世纪30年代,铁路时代的到来改变了我们的社会和经济生活。

23. [B] 美式足球和棒球随着美国电视的传播而渐渐为英国大众所熟知。

24. [B] 演讲人开始讲的是该国的污染问题,但讲到一半时她突然转到另外一个话题上。

25. [D] 他不能忍受癌症带来的痛苦,自杀了。

26. [B] Smith先生是唯一一个说有人故意酿成那场火灾的证人。

27. [D] 希望、目标、恐惧、愿望在男人与女人、穷人与富人之间是不同的。

28. [B] 诸如身高、体重、肤色等特征是因人而异的。

Lesson 2

1. Mass advertising helped to ______ the emphasis from the production of goods to their consumption. [CET-4:05. 6]

A. vary

B. shift

C. lay

D. moderate

2. Only a few people have _____ to the full facts of the incident. [CET-4:04. 1]

A. access

B. resort

C. contact

D. path

3. Over a third of the population was estimated to have no ______ to the health service. [CET-4:98. 6]

A. assessment

B. assignment

C. exception

D. access

4. There is no ______ to the house from the main road. [CET-4:02. 1]

A. access

B. avenue

C. exposure

D. edge

5. It is obvious that this new rule is applicable to everyone without ______. [CET-4:05. 1]

A. exception

B. exclusion

C. modification

D. substitution

6. The doctor told Penny that too much ______ to the sun is bad for the skin. [CET-4:95. 1]

A. exposure

B. extension

C. exhibition

D. expansion

7. Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to, ______ the color of his skin. [CET-4:97. 6]

A. with the exception of

B. in the light of

C. by virtue of

D. regardless of

8. The manager spoke highly of such ______ as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees. [CET-4:98. 1]

A. virtues

B. features

C. properties

D. characteristics

9. A peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial ______. [CET-4:98. 6]

A. mark

B. feature

C. trace

D. appearance

10. Last night he saw two dark ______ enter the building, and then there was the explosion. [CET-4:05. 1]

A. features

B. figures

C. sketches

D. images

11. He always did well at school ______ having to do part-time jobs every now and then. [CET-4:01. 1]

A. in case of

B. in spite of

C. regardless of

D. on account of

12. It does not alter the fact that he was the man ______ for the death of the little girl. [CET-4:95. 1]

A. accounting

B. guilty

C. responsible

D. obliged

13. Cancellation of the flight ______ many passengers to spend the night at the airport. [CET-4:01. 1]

A. obliged

B. demanded

C. resulted

D. recommended

14. Because of his excellent administration, people lived in peace and ______ and all previously neglected matters were taken care of. [CET-4:05. 6]

A. conviction

B. contest

C. consent

D. content

15. Young people are not ______ to stand and look at works of art; they want art they can participate in. [CET-4:00. 6]

A. conservative

B. content

C. confident

D. generous

16. He made such a ______ contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new buildings after him. [CET-4:93. 6]

A. genuine

B. minimum

C. modest

D. generous

17. Because these lines are taken out of ______ they do not convey the message the author intended.

A. content

B. contact

C. context

D. contract

18. Franklin’s ability to learn from observations and experience ______ greatly to his success in public life. [CET-4:93. 1]

A. contributed

B. owed

C. attached

D. related

19. Eating too much fat can ______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. [CET-4:01. 6]

A. attribute to

B. attend to

C. contribute to

D. devote to

20. Science and technology have ______ in important ways to the improvement of agricultural production. [CET-4:05. 1]

A. attached

B. assisted

C. contributed

D. witnessed

21. As a mother, she is too ______ towards her daughter. She should let her see more of the world. [CET-4:93. 1]

A. hopeful

B. protective

C. modest

D. confident

22. This is the nurse who _____ to me when I was ill in hospital. [CET-4:03. 6]

A. accompanied

B. attended

C. entertained

D. shielded

23. He asked us to ______ them in carrying through their plan. [CET-4:04. 1]

A. provide

B. arouse

C. assist

D. persist

24. Tomorrow the mayor is to ______ a group of Canadian businessmen on a tour of the city. [CET-4:05. 1]

A. coordinate

B. cooperate

C. accompany

D. associate

25. There is a fully ______ health center on the ground floor of the main office building. [CET-4:04. 6]

A. installed

B. equipped

C. provided

D. projected


1. [B] 大众广告有助于将重点从生产转移到消费。

2. [A] 只有少数人能够了解到事件的全部事实。

3. [D] 据估计,有超过三分之一的人口无法获得保健服务。

4. [A] 从大路没有通向这所房子的路。

5. [A] 很显然,这项新条例对每个人都毫无例外地适用。

6. [A] 医生告诉潘妮晒得过多会对皮肤有坏处。

7. [D] 在这个国家里,每一个公民,不论他是什么肤色,都有权居住在他想居住的地方。

8. [A] 这位经理高度评价了他的员工所表现出的忠诚、勇敢、守信等美德。

9. [B] 他最令人难忘的面部特征是他那特别尖的下巴。

10. [B] 昨晚他看到两条黑影进入了大楼,接着就传来了爆炸声。

11. [B] 尽管他不时要去做一些兼职工作,他的功课仍然很好。

12. [C] 这并未改变他应为小女孩的死负责的事实。

13. [A] 航班的取消迫使许多乘客在机场过夜。

14. [D] 由于他的出色管理,人们安居乐业,百废俱兴。

15. [B] 年轻人们不满足于站在那里观看艺术品,他们希望自己能参与艺术。

16. [D] 他对这所大学的捐款非常慷慨,所以学校里的一栋新建大楼将以他的名字命名。

17. [C] 这几行文字属断章取义,所以没能表达作者的原意。

18. [A] 富兰克林能通过观察和经验学习,这一能力对他在公众生活中的成功起了很大作用。

19. [C] 摄入太多的脂肪会引起心脏病并导致高血压。

20. [C] 科学技术在许多方面对提高农业产量做出了重要的贡献。

21. [B] 作为母亲,她太护着孩子了,应该让孩子多见见世面。

22. [B] 这就是那位在我生病住院时照顾我的护士。

23. [C] 他让我们辅助他们执行其计划。

24. [C] 明天市长将陪同一个加拿大商团参观市容。

25. [B] 在主办公楼的底楼有一家设备齐全的健身中心。

Lesson 3

1. Before you buy a new electrical ______, talk to someone who owns one. [CET-4:05. 1]

A. appliance

B. equipment

C. utility

D. facility

2. The author was required to submit an _____ of about 200 words together with his research paper. [CET-4:04. 1]

A. edition

B. editorial

C. article

D. abstract

3. A word processor is much better than a typewriter in that it enables you to enter and ______ your text more easily. [CET-4:05. 6]

A. register

B. edit

C. propose

D. discharge

4. Within two weeks of arrival, all foreigners had to ______ with the local police. [CET-4:0

5. 1]

A. inquire

B. consult

C. register

D. resolve

5. Her arrival did little to ______ the problem.

A. deal

B. inspire

C. prescribe

D. resolve

6. The leader of the expedition ______ everyone to follow his example. [CET-4:02. 6]

A. promoted

B. reinforced

C. sparked

D. inspired

7. The same factors push wages and prices up together, the one ______ the other. [CET-4:01. 1]

A. increasing

B. emphasizing

C. reinforcing

D. multiplying

8. He was ______ after one year of hard work.

A. accelerated

B. promoted

C. hastened

D. advanced

9. The work was almost complete when we received orders to ______ no further with it. [CET-4:03. 6]

A. progress

B. proceed

C. march

D. promote

10. With the development of industry, this region will surely ______.

A. promote

B. profit

C. succeed

D. thrive

11. They don’t care whom they sell weapons to. All they are interested in is ______.

A. benefit

B. profit

C. advantage

D. priority

12. All the key words in the article are printed in _____ type so as to attract readers’ attention. [CET-4:01. 1]

A. dark

B. bold

C. dense

D. black

13. When carbon is added to iron in proper ______ the result is steel. [CET-4:04. 6]

A. rates

B. thicknesses

C. proportions

D. densities

14. Britain has the highest _____ of road traffic in the world—over 60 cars for every mile of road. [CET-4:02. 6]

A. popularity

B. density

C. intensity

D. prosperity

15. Owing to _____ competition among the airlines, travel expenses have been reduced considerably. [CET-4:03. 1]

A. fierce

B. strained

C. eager

D. critical

16. The ______ that exists among nations could certainly be lessened if misunderstanding and mistrust were removed. [CET-4:05. 6]

A. tension

B. strain

C. stress

D. intensity

17. Our country ______ the importance of education.

A. strains

B. stirs

C. stresses

D. aware

18. I’m ______ enough to know it is going to be a very difficult situation to compete against three strong teams. [CET-4:05. 1]

A. realistic

B. conscious

C. aware

D. radical

19. She is ______ in her opinions.

A. essential

B. racial

C. radical

D. principal

20. These goods are ______ for export, though a few of them may be sold on the home market. [CET-4:98. 6]

A. essentially

B. completely

C. necessarily

D. remarkably

21. Once the ______ contradiction is grasped, all problems will be readily solved.

A. prime

B. principle

C. principal

D. principled

22. There were beautiful clothes ______ in the shop windows. [CET-4:93. 1]

A. spread

B. displayed

C. exposed

D. located

23. The more a nation’s companies ______ factories abroad, the smaller that country’s recorded exports will be. [CET-4:06. 1]

A. lie

B. spot

C. stand

D. locate


1. [A] 在购买新家电之前,跟拥有这种家电的人谈一谈。

2. [D] 作者被要求随着研究论文提交一篇大约200词的摘要。

3. [B] 文字信息处理机比打字机好得多,因为它能使你更容易地输入和编辑文本。

4. [C] 所有的外国人必须在到达之后的两周内到当地警局注册。

5. [D] 她的到来对解决问题几乎没什么帮助。

6. [D] 探险队的领导激励每一个人以他为榜样。

7. [C] 相同的因素推动工资和价格上扬,二者互相增强。

8. [B] 他勤奋工作一年后得到晋升。

9. [B] 工作都快做完了,我们突然接到命令说不要再继续进行下去。

10. [D] 随着工业的发展,这一地区必将繁荣。

11. [B] 他们不在意武器的买家,只关心销售利润。

12. [B] 文章中所有的关键词都用粗体字印刷,以便吸引读者的注意。

13. [C] 往铁里增加适量的碳就成了钢。

14. [B] 英国的道路交通密度世界最高——每一英里的道路上有60多辆车。

15. [A] 由于航空公司间激烈的竞争,旅游的花费大幅度下降了。

16. [A] 如果消除了误解和不信任,国家之间存在的紧张气氛肯定能得到缓解。

17. [C] 我国强调教育的重要性。

18. [A] 我非常实际地认识到与三支强队抗衡是极其困难的。

19. [C] 她的观点十分偏激。

20. [A] 这些商品基本上用于出口,尽管其中一部分也可以在国内市场销售。

21. [C] 一旦抓住了主要矛盾,一切问题就迎刃而解。

22. [B] 橱窗里陈列着漂亮的衣服。

23. [D] 一个国家,其公司在国外建厂越多,那么它所记录的出口量就越小。

Lesson 4

1. Please be careful when you are drinking coffee in case you ______ the new carpet. [CET-4:97. 1]

A. crash

B. pollute

C. spot

D. stain

2. They are trying to ______ the waste discharged by the factory for profit. [CET-4:04. 1]

A. expose

B. exhaust

C. exhibit

D. exploit

3. Operations which left patients _____ and in need of long periods of recovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable. [CET-4:01. 1]

A. injured

B. exhausted

C. deserted

D. abandoned

4. The strong storm did a lot of damage to the coastal villages: several fishing boats were ______ and many houses collapsed. [CET-4:97. 1]

A. wrecked

B. spoiled

C. torn

D. injured

5. In Britain people _____ four million tons of potatoes every year. [CET-4:00. 1]

A. swallow

B. dispose

C. consume

D. exhaust

6. The rest of the day was entirely at his ______ for reading or recreation. [CET-4:03. 6]

A. dismissal

B. survival

C. disposal

D. arrival

7. Don’t let the opportunity ______ away from you.

A. disappear

B. go

C. slip

D. glide

8. Many difficulties have ______ as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel. [CET-4:93. 6]

A. risen

B. arisen

C. raised

D. arrived

9. Though ______ in a big city, Peter always prefers to paint the primitive scenes of country life. [CET-4:03. 1]

A. grown

B. raised

C. tended

D. cultivated

10. It took him several months to ______ the wild horse. [CET-4:95. 6]

A. tend

B. cultivate

C. breed

D. tame

11. ______ elephants are different from wild elephants in many aspects, including their tempers. [CET-4:05. 1]

A. Cultivated

B. Regulated

C. Civil

D. Tame

12. A season ticket ______ the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes within the stated period of time. [CET-4:01. 6]

A. entitles

B. grants

C. presents

D. promises

13. Everyone should be ______ to a decent standard of living and an opportunity to be educated. [CET-4:03. 1]

A. attributed

B. entitled

C. identified

D. justified

14. The belief that women may give up work to have children is repeatedly used to ______ giving a job to a man and not to a woman.

A. forgive

B. justify

C. clarify

D. witness

15. These teachers try to be objective when they ______ the integrated ability of their students. [CET-4:05. 1]

A. justify

B. evaluate

C. indicate

D. reckon

16. A culture in which the citizens share similar religious beliefs and values is more likely to have laws that represent the wishes of its people than is a culture where citizens come from _____ backgrounds. [CET-4:03. 6]

A. extensive

B. influential

C. diverse

D. identical

17. It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and ______ knowledge. [CET-4:96. 1]

A. extensive

B. expansive

C. intensive

D. expensive

18. The relationship between employers and employees has been studied _____. [CET-4:98. 1]

A. originally

B. extremely

C. violently

D. intensively

19. We welcome rain, but a(n) ______ large amount of rainfall will cause floods. [CET-4:94. 1]

A. extensively

B. extremely

C. specially

D. constantly


1. [D] 请你喝咖啡时小心一点,以免弄脏了新地毯。

2. [D] 他们正试图利用工厂废物赚钱。

3. [B] 以前让病人精疲力竭、需要很长的恢复时间的手术,现在却让病人感到轻松而舒适。

4. [A] 大风暴对沿海村庄的破坏非常大:一些渔船被毁坏了,许多房屋也倒塌了。

5. [C] 在英国,人们每年要消耗400万吨土豆。

6. [C] 那天剩下的时间完全任凭他支配——读书也好,娱乐也行。

7. [C] 别让机会从你身边溜走。

8. [B] 改用新型燃料后出现了许多困难。

9. [B] 尽管在大城市长大,彼得还是喜欢画乡村生活的质朴景象。

10. [D] 驯服这匹马花费他几个月的时间。

11. [D] 驯养的大象在许多方面都与野生大象不同,包括它们的脾气。

12. [A] 季票持有者可以在规定的时间内随意乘车。

13. [B] 每个人都应享有一定的生活水准并拥有受教育的机会。

14. [B] 那种认为妇女会因生孩子而放弃工作的想法在过去常常成为把工作交给男人而不是


15. [B] 这些老师在评价学生们的综合能力时尽量做到客观。

16. [C] 一个其国民拥有相似的宗教信仰和价值观的国家比一个其国民背景不同的国家更有


17. [A] 一位称职的教师必须行为端正,知识渊博。

18. [D] 对雇主和雇员之间的关系已经做了深入的研究。

19. [B] 下雨好,但雨量过多会造成水灾。

Lesson 5

1. He found the ______ media attention intolerable and decided to go abroad. [CET-4:05. 1]

A. sufficient

B. constant

C. steady

D. plenty

2. Politically these nations tend to be _______, with very high birth rates but poor education and very low levels of literacy. [CET-4:06. 1]

A. unstable

B. reluctant

C. rational

D. unsteady

3. The _____ goal of the book is to help bridge the gap between research and teaching, particularly between researchers and teachers. [CET-4:02. 6]

A. intensive

B. concise

C. joint

D. overall

4. You shouldn’t have written in the ______ since the book belongs to the library. [CET-4:03. 6]

A. interval

B. border

C. margin

D. edge

5. Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular ______. [CET-4:97. 1]

A. gaps

B. rate

C. length

D. intervals

6. It may be necessary to stop ______ in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons. [CET-4:06. 1]

A. at a distance

B. at intervals

C. at ease

D. at length

7. All human beings have a comfortable zone regulating the ______ they keep from someone they talk with. [CET-4:03. 1]

A. distance

B. scope

C. range

D. boundary

8. When she was criticized, she claimed that it was outside her ______ of responsibility. [CET-4:94. 1]

A. field

B. limit

C. extent

D. range

9. The price of beer ______ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season. [CET-4:99. 6]

A. altered

B. ranged

C. separated

D. differed

10. According to the American federal government, residents of Hawaii have the longest life _______: 77.2 years. [CET-4:01. 6]

A. rank

B. span

C. scale

D. scope

11. New York _______ second in the production of apples, producing 850,000,000 pounds this year. [CET-4:96. 6]

A. ranked

B. occupied

C. arranged

D. classified

12. His temper and personality show that he can become a soldier of the top ______. [CET-4:05. 1]

A. circle

B. rank

C. category

D. grade

13. Animals can become unusually ______ when they are upset by a sudden environmental change.

A. puzzled

B. vigorous

C. aggressive

D. excited

14. The president made a ______ speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting, which encouraged the sportsmen greatly. [CET-4:97. 1]

A. vigorous

B. tedious

C. flat

D. harsh

15. William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, ______ defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion. [CET-4:99. 6]

A. peculiarly

B. indifferently

C. vigorously

D. inevitably

16. The lecture which lasted about three hours was so ______ that the audience couldn’t help yawning. [CET-4:04. 6]

A. tedious

B. bored

C. clumsy

D. tired

17. The machine looked like a large, ______, old-fashioned typewriter. [CET-4:05. 1]

A. forceful

B. clumsy

C. intense

D. tricky

18. First published in 1927, the charts remain an ______ source for researchers. [CET-4:04. 6]

A. identical

B. indispensable

C. intelligent

D. inevitable

19. In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives play ______ roles in raising children. [CET-4:02. 1]

A. incapable

B. indispensable

C. insensible

D. infinite

20. The computer revolution may well change society as ______ as did the Industrial Revolution. [CET-4:00. 1]

A. certainly

B. insignificantly

C. fundamentally

D. comparatively

21. There is a ______ rise this year in the number of babies born.

A. comparable

B. comparative

C. compatible

D. commentary

22. Some old people don’t like pop songs because they can’t ______ so much noise. [CET-4:97. 1]

A. resist

B. sustain

C. tolerate

D. undergo

23. Our company decided to ______ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met. [CET-4:93. 6]

A. destroy

B. resist

C. assume

D. cancel

24. As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to ______ it. [CET-4:00. 6]

A. postpone

B. refuse

C. delay

D. cancel

25. Some research workers completely ______ all those facts as though they never existed. [CET-4:05. 6]

A. ignore

B. leave

C. refuse

D. miss

26. The manager urged his staff not to ______ the splendid opportunity. [CET-4:04. 1]

A. drop

B. miss

C. escape

D. slide


1. [B] 媒体对他的不断关注使他无法忍受,因此他决定出国。

2. [A] 这些国家出生率很高而教育和文化水平低下,所以政治上不稳定。

3. [D] 这本书总的目标就是有助于搭起研究和教学之间的桥梁,特别是研究者和教师之间的


4. [C] 你不该在书的页边空白处乱写乱画,这本书是图书馆的。

5. [D] 每隔一段时间,老师或学生们都可以到美丽的环岛海滨去集体旅游。

6. [B] 在学习过程中也许有必要每隔一段时间停下来,再回头复习一下课文中的难点。

7. [A] 所有的人都有一个感到自在的空间,在和别人交谈时都会保持一定的距离。

8. [D] 受批评时她宣称那不是她分内的责任。

9. [B] 在夏季期间每升啤酒的价格从50美分到4美元不等。

10. [B] 美国联邦政府的调查表明,夏威夷居民的人均寿命最长,为77.2岁。

11. [A] 纽约的苹果产量排名第二,今年产量是8.5亿磅。

12. [B] 他的脾气和个性说明他能够成为顶尖的士兵。

13. [C] 当动物对环境的突然改变感到不安时,它们会变得异常有攻击性。

14. [A] 总统在运动会开幕式上作了强有力的演讲,极大地鼓舞了运动员。

15. [C] 宾夕法尼亚州的开创者威廉?彭有力地捍卫了每个公民的宗教信仰自由权力。

16. [A] 持续了大约三个小时的讲座实在无聊,听众都禁不住打哈欠了。

17. [B] 这台机器看起来像一台又大又笨的老式打字机。

18. [B] 这些于1927年首次发表的图表依然是研究者必不可少的资料。

19. [B] 在中国的家庭当中,祖父母和其他的亲戚在养育孩子方面起着不可缺少的作用。

20. [C] 计算机革命和工业革命一样,将会使社会产生根本性的变革。

21. [B] 今年新生婴儿的出生率相对有所上升。

22. [C] 一些老人不喜欢流行歌曲,因为他们不能忍受这么吵闹的声音。

23. [D] 由于合同中有几项条款未能兑现,我们公司决定废止合同。

24. [D] 我们订的货迟迟没有送来,我们再也等不下去了,只好把它取消。

25. [A] 有些研究人员完全忽视所有这些事实,仿佛它们从不存在。

26. [B] 经理敦促员工不要错过大好的机会。

Lesson 6

1. She keeps a supply of candles in the house in case of power ______. [CET-4:04. 6]

A. failure

B. lack

C. absence

D. drop

2. What caused the Rome Empire to ______?

A. lag

B. fail

C. decade

D. decay

3. The soil was tested to make sure that it was free from ammonia or any other nitrogen ______.

A. solution

B. combination

C. compound

D. blend

4. The color green is a ______ of yellow and blue.

A. combination

B. collection

C. unity

D. joint

5. Husband and wife should know how to live together in ______.

A. union

B. unit

C. community

D. unity

6. Some people believe that since oil is scarce, the ______ of the motor industry is uncertain. [CET-4:06. 1]

A. terminal

B. benefit

C. fate

D. estimate

7. Not only the professionals but also the amateurs will ______ from the new training facilities. [CET-4:03. 6]

A. derive

B. acquire

C. benefit

D. reward

8. If people feel hopeless, they don’t bother to ______ the skills they need to succeed. [CET-4:03. 1]

A. adopt

B. acquire

C. accumulate

D. assemble

9. I suggested he should ______ himself to his new conditions. [CET-4:01. 1]

A. adopt

B. regulate

C. suit

D. adapt

10. Extensive reporting on television has helped to ______ interest in a wide variety of sports and activities. [CET-4:01. 6]

A. assemble

B. generate

C. yield

D. gather

11. He was punished ______ he should make the same mistake again. [CET-4:01. 6]

A. unless

B. provided

C. if

D. lest

12. I was advised to arrange for insurance ______ I needed medical treatment. [CET-4:99. 1]

A. nevertheless

B. although

C. in case

D. so that

13. The London Marathon is a difficult race. ______, thousands of runners participate every year. [CET-4:06. 1]

A. Therefore

B. Furthermore

C. Accordingly

D. Nevertheless

14. Arriving home, the boy told his parents about all the ______ which occurred in his dormitory. [CET-4:04. 1]

A. occasions

B. matters

C. incidents

D. issues

15. Only hotel guests have the ______ of using the beach.

A. privilege

B. occasion

C. right

D. award

16. Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply ______. [CET-4:99. 6]

A. appreciated

B. approved

C. appealed

D. applied

17. Being ignorant of the law is not accepted as an ______ for breaking the law. [CET-4:06. 1]

A. excuse

B. intention

C. option

D. approval

18. You have the ______ of leaving or staying.

A. choice

B. option

C. alternative

D. selection

19. He is ______ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year. [CET-4:00. 1]

A. optimistic

B. optional

C. outstanding

D. obvious

20. Salaries for ______ positions seem to be higher than for permanent ones. [CET-4:05. 1]

A. legal

B. optional

C. voluntary

D. temporary

21. The country’s economy must be ______ to wartime requirement.

A. qualified

B. associated

C. fit

D. geared

22. He does not ______ as a teacher of English as his pronunciation is terrible.

A. fulfill

B. qualify

C. accomplish

D. fit


1. [A] 她屋里存了一些蜡烛,以防停电。

2. [D] 是什么导致罗马帝国的衰退?

3. [C] 对该土壤进行化验以确定其不含有氨或氮化物。

4. [A] 绿色是黄蓝两色混合而产生的一种颜色。

5. [D] 丈夫和妻子应当知道如何和睦地相处。

6. [C] 一些人认为,既然石油资源短缺,那么汽车行业的命运就不确定。

7. [C] 专业运动员和业余选手都将受益于新的训练设施。

8. [B] 人们感到绝望时,就不愿费神去掌握成功所需要的技能。

9. [D] 我建议他应该使自己适应新的环境。

10. [B] 大量的电视报道激起人们对各种各样的体育活动的兴趣。

11. [D] 为使他不再犯同样的错误,他受到了惩罚。

12. [C] 我被劝告购买医疗保险,以防我需要医疗。

13. [D] 伦敦马拉松是一项艰苦的比赛。尽管如此,每年还是有成千上万的人参加。

14. [C] 回到家,男孩把宿舍里发生的一切都告诉了父母。

15. [A] 只有入住酒店的客人才有特权享用海滩。

16. [A] 那些作为礼物送给我们的珍贵图书深受我们重视。

17. [B] 不懂法律不能作为违犯法律的借口。

18. [B] 你有选择去留的自由。

19. [A] 他对自己明年在奥运会上赢得金牌十分乐观。

20. [D] 做临时性的工作拿到的工资好像比固定工作要高。

21. [D] 国家的经济必须与战时的需要相适应。

22. [B] 他不够格做一名英语教师,因为他的发音糟透了。


学位英语考试词汇语法选择练习题及答案 1._____ you were busy, I wouldn’t have bothered you with my questions. A. If I realized B. Had I realized C. Did I have realized that D. As I realized 答案解析:B 【句意】如果知道你忙,我就不会问问题打扰你了。 【解析】此题为省略if的虚拟条件状语从句,其结构为had+主语+过去分词+句子其它,主句结构为:主语+ would had done. 2.Tom said that he wouldn’t mind _____. A. to wait for us B. waiting for us C. wait for us D. for waiting us 答案解析:B 【句意】汤姆说他不介意等我们。 【解析】mind,avoid,admit,enjoy,escape,finish,can’t help,postpone,practise,risk,suggest等动词后要求用动名词doing做宾语。 3.They do not have to pay for expensive seats at the theater, the

cinema or the opera, _____, perhaps, that show is disappointing. A. only to discover B. only discovering C. only so as to discover D. only for discovering Best Answer: A 详解:应选A项。only to do sth意为“结果只是……”,其逻辑主语是they. 4.For a child to give up his less mature idea for a more mature one, it requires that the child _____ psychologically really for the new idea. A. would be B. were C. be D. is Best Answer: C 详解:应选C项。require要求从句的谓语省略should +动词原形。 5.The current political _____ of our country is favorable for foreign investments. A. climate B. weather C. temperature D. state


Name & No.: Exercises for Business English Translation 练习之词义选择(1) 1. Thank you for your letter reference DT/Zi No. 102, of 29th, March. 2. We have had only one order from ABC Co., Ltd., so we regret we cannot give you a reference from long experience. 3. Reference is made to your Sales Confirmation No. 1529. 4. The Buyer asks for credit and has given the Bank of China, Beijing as a reference. 5. The Sales Company is given the same power with reference to apportioning the commission. 6. A reference to your records will show that we have more than once asked you to establish L/C against S/C No. 2523. 7. The time limit for inspection and claim is 60 days after discharge of the cargo at the port of destination. 8. Party B agrees that the expiration of this license shall not discharge party B from its obligation. 9. Routine duties of the Joint Venture Company are to be discharged by the general manager appointed by the Board of Directors. 10. Party B shall check the quality of each discharge in accordance with the Contract. 11. Just as in that year, when those catastrophes were followed by substantial increases in insurance premiums, insurers are already lobbying for rate relief. 12. During the 1980’s the large premiums paid in acquisition often resulted in prices that greatly exceeded the value of tangible assets. 练习之词类引申(2) 1.Vietnam was his entrée to the new Administration, his third incarnation as a foreign policy consultant. 2.There was no provocation for such an angry letter.


词语 1、下列词语中,字形错得最多的一项是() A.杀戳制裁云霄昏厥 B.灸疮疤琐屑取缔噩耗C.推祟连声喏喏滞笨霹雳D.名副其实月明风青风晨苦旅烦燥 答案:D 2、下列词语书写完全正确的一项是() A由然而生人声鼎沸翻来覆去咄咄逼人 B惊慌失措沉默寡言莫不关心麻木不仁 C见异思迁威风凛凛众目睽睽人迹罕至 D 饥肠鹿鹿煞有介事刨根问底拈轻怕重 答案:C 3、请选出下列词语中字形全对的一项() A. 转弯摸角别具匠心巧妙绝伦惟妙惟肖 B.重峦叠嶂锐不可挡张惶失错月明风清 C.豁然开朗晓风残月名副其实荡然无存 D.因地治宜宏大壮丽怡然自乐雅俗之别 答案:C 4、选择关联词语填空,正确的是() ()我是向来不爱放风筝的,()不爱,()嫌恶他,()我以为这是没出息孩子所做的玩艺。 A、因为不但而且所以 B、虽然不但而且但是 C、但不但并且因为 D、因为不但并且所以 答案:C 5、下列句子中加点词语使用不正确的一项是() A. 我们千万不要轻敌,不要低估敌人负隅顽抗的决心。 B.恒大队锐不可当,尤其是几位年轻中国小将的表现,让我们看到了中国足球的未来。 C.国人对洋品牌所引领的潮流趋之若鹜,源于精神饥荒。 D.在2016年的社会实践活动中,同学们既体验到合作之趣,又享受了天伦之乐。 答案:D 6、下列词语中书写完全正确的一项是() A.绥靖伎俩奢靡锐不可当 B.横渡依稀斑白语无论次 C.负隅顽抗苦心经营劫后余身振惊中外 D.世外桃园豁然开朗怡然自乐阡陌交通 答案:A 7、下列句子中加点词语使用不恰当的一项是() A.我想一个两全的办法,找不出;我想拆散一家人,分成两路,各得其所,终不愿意。B.这么贵重的东西不像一块点心一盒糖,怎么能自作主张呢? C.这里是荒园,人迹罕至,所以好多鸟都在这里安家筑巢。 D.《欢乐颂》这部电视剧吸引了各地观众,人声鼎沸,创下了收视率新高。 1


词汇测试100题 I. 单项选择 1. With the _______of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party. A. exhibition B. exception C. except D. reception 2. Although the traffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a _______ speed. A. spare B. fast C. moderate D. moral 3. All the memories of his childhood had _______ from his mind by the time he was 65. A. faded B. illustrated C. confined D. concerned 4. This river is so big that it is impossible to build a _______ under it without modern technology. A. canal B. tunnel C. channel D. cable 5. The _______ is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again. A. bean B. beam C. bake D. battery 6. When making modern cameras , people began to _______ plastics for metal. A. surround B. substance C. stretch D. substitute 7. With the help of the government, a large number of people ---_______ after the flood in 1991. A. survived B. suspended C. suffered D. subjected 8. He always has a lot of _______ ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinking about. A. novel B. spoil C. acceptable D. additional 9. Please be serious. I am not _______. You should consider it carefully A. sorting B. joking C. counting D. comparing 10. We do not have a _______ school in our institute. The highest degree we provide for the students is a B. A. and a B. S. . A. continue B. bay C. assistance D. graduate 11. In the United States, the foreign policy is decided by the ________ government, not by each state. A. federal B. figure C. scientific D. service 12. He works in our university as a visiting _______, not as a formal faculty member. A. traditional B. scholar C. nurse D. pilot 13. When you fill in the application form, please use your _______ address so that we can contact you easily later. A. policy B. plain C. permanent D. principal 14. John _______ to be a polite man. But in fact he is very rude. A. pretends B. assures C. affords D. melts 15. We can not trust him any more because he often ________ his duty. A. owes B. spoils C. deserts D. neglects 16. In order to increase our output, we need to import more production _______. A. facilities B. hens C. votes D. artists 17. When a spacecraft travels, on e of the major problems is reentry into the Earth’s _______. A. surface B. atmosphere C. attitude D. bent 18. This river forms a natural _______ between China and Korea. A. boundary B. string C. spot D. zone 19. She is already 16 years old. But she _______as if she were still a little girl.


万文倩& No.:2016000151 Exercises for English Translation 练习之词义选择(1) 1 . Thank you for your letter reference DT/Zi No. 102, of 29th, March. 感谢贵方 3 月 29 日编号为 DT/Zi,No.102 的来信 2 . We have had only one order from ABC Co., Ltd., so we regret we cannot give you a reference from long experience. 我们仅接受 ABC 有限公司的一笔定货 ,很遗憾我们不能提供具有长期交往经历的资信情况 3 . Reference is made to your Sales Confirmation No. 1529. 现谈到贵方的第 1529 号销售确认书 4 . The Buyer asks for credit and has given the Bank of China, Beijing as a reference. 买方要求记账交易 ,并提出中国银行北京分行作为资信备询人 5 . The Sales Company is given the same power with reference to apportioning the commission. 关于佣金的分配问题 ,应授予销售公司同样的权利 6 . A reference to your records will show that we have more than once asked you to establish L/C against S/C No. 2523. 查阅你方记录可以看出 , 我方已多次催促 ,要求你方对第 2523 号销售确认书开立信用 证 7.The time limit for inspection and claim is 60 days after discharge of the cargo at the port of destination. 检验与索赔的期限为货物卸至目的港后 60 天 8.Party B agrees that the expiration of this license shall not discharge party B from its obligation. 乙方同意在许可证到期时并不免除乙方应尽的义务


一、选择题 1.--- Alice’s room is tidy, isn't it? ---Yes. She always _____ her toys after playing with them. A.looks for B.puts away C.sweeps away D.pays for 2.People often make a wish before candles when they celebrate birthday. A.bringing out B.laying out C.finding out D.blowing out 3.—The fire was finally____ in Jilin on June 3. Unfortunately, 119 people lost their lives. —I hope the accident like this won’t happen again. A.put down B.put away C.put out D.put up 4.He drove at such a high speed at the turning that the car almost went ______the road. A.on B.along C.from D.off 5.--All right. I’ll take it. But I tell you, it is the last time I will ______ this kind of work. ---Come on, buddy! Don’t be so serious. A.take out B.take up C.take on D.take off 6.-What do you think of this story? -It's interesting, but Miss Lin asked us to __________ a story by ourselves, not to find one on the Internet. A.make up B.look up C.listen to D.take away 7.As the road to the airport is under repair, we will have to _______ early to get there in time. A.turn off B.take off C.put off D.set off 8.—What are you doing? —I’m looking ________ the Internet for some information for my article. A.for B.at C.up D.through 9.High technology is used in EURO 2016 to the matches are fair enough in France. A.make up B.make sure C.come out D.come over 10.My cousin is heavy because he often eats fast food. A.too much;too many B.too many;too much C.much too;too much D.too much;much too 11.When you come across new words in reading, it is not a good idea to in a dictionary at once. A.make up them B.look up them C.make them up D.look them up 12.---___________ is it from here to his home? ---Not far. You can arrive on foot ______________.


It was already midnight. At one end of the big house, on a sort of a raised platform, Major was already sitting in comfort on his bed of straw. He was twelve years old and had __1__ grown rather fat, but he was still a majestic-looking (威武的) pig, with a wise and kind appearance. Before long the other animals began to arrive and make themselves __2_ _ after their different fashions. First came the three dogs, Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher, and then the pigs, who settled down in the straw immediately in front of the platform. The hens rested themselves beside the window. The pigeons flew up to the rafters(房梁). The sheep and cows lay down behind the pigs. The two cart-horses, Boxer and Clover, came in together, walking very slowly and setting down their vast hairy hoofs (马蹄) with great care in case there should be some small animal __3_ in the straw. Clover was a motherly horse ___4___ middle life, who had never quite got her figure back after her fourth baby. Boxer was an enormous beast, nearly eighteen hands high, and as strong as any two ordinary horses ___5____ __ together. A white stripe down his nose gave him a somewhat stupid appearance, and in fact he was not of first-rate ___6__ __, but he was ___7__ __ respected for his steadiness of character and ___8___ powers of work. After the horses came Muriel, the white goat, and Benjamin, the donkey. Benjamin was the oldest animal on the farm, and the worst ___9___ __. He seldom talked, and when he did, it was usually to make some ironical __10__ _----for instance, he would say that God had given him a tail to keep the flies off, but that he would rather have had no tail and no flies. Alone among the animals on the farm he never laughed. If asked why, he would say that he saw nothing to laugh at. BJGHEKCDAI When Minnesota Bank and Trust opened in 2008, CEO Kate Kelly was determined to make it a place people wanted to work. So she __1__ three volunteers to the employee event committee and waited to see what would happen. Soon, there was lawn bowling, miniature golf, blue-jean Fridays and a(n) __2__ _ holiday trip to Wal-mart where each worker got $ 10 to buy a Secret Santa gift. ‘It is nice every once in a while to just laugh,’ Kelly said. ‘There is a(n) ___3__ _ difference in the mood here after an event. Everyone is chatting and laughing. You d on’t have to spend a lot of money.’ Yet the __4_ __ is significant: people want to work there. And that’s important, according to a report __5__ __ by the Society of Human Resources Management. If employers don’t want their best talent to slip out the door for good, they need to develop the programs aimed at keeping their employees. Some executives say they are determined to keep their best talent and to spend the time and money necessary to __6 __ that all workers have a fun, engaging workplace where they feel ___7_ _. Kelly said her bank grew from 20 employees to 33 in four years. At the same time, she’s lost just three workers since 2008. It takes 12 to 18 months of training to replace a person who leaves. So her ___8_ __ in fun makes a lot of sense. Jessica Pecoraro is a member of the Women President Organisation. Every leader in that group ‘is looking for _9__ methods other than salary to motivate people, one, so they perform and two, so th ey stay.’ Beyond money, they look for ways to have fun. Other _10__ on investments come in all sizes of smiles and in all manner of nuttiness(疯狂) that often have little to do with the job at hand.

中考练习 选择 词汇

( , 学习必备 欢迎下载 中考练习 选择 词汇 V . 单项选择(共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,计 20 分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 26. --- ______honest boy is ______friend of Mary ’s brother’s. A. A,a B.An,an C. the, a D.An, a ( ) 27. --- What did you do yesterday,Lily? ---I went to the shop and bought a pair of . --- I’d like to, you don’t want to go alone. A.shoe ’s, sport shoes B. shoe ’s, sports shoes C.shoe,spouting shoes D. shoe, sport shoes ( ) 28. A lot of trees and flowers are on of the river ang the number of them is growing . A.both side,greater B.each sides,more C.both sides,larger D each side,more ( ) 29.He is good maths.But he is a little weak English. A.at,at B. in,in C. in,at D. at,in ( ) 30. Boys and girls,your dream will come true as long as you don ’t . A. stay up B.take up C.get up D. give up ( ) 31. In the exam,the .you are, mistakes you ’ll make. Acareful,little B.more careful,less C.careful,few D .more careful,the fewer ( ) 32. Have a glass of water ,please.Y ou _______be thirsty after a long walk. A. should B. mu st C. can D .have to ( ) 33.I will never forget the unforgettable time _______we spent t ogether last month. A.when B.whom C.what D .that ( ) 34- .. exciting news we’ve got! A.How B.What an C.What D .How an ( ) 35.Today’s weather isn’t as it was yesterday ,_______? A. wasn’t it B. is it C. was it D. isn’t it ( ) 36.When did you become a League member ? I______ the League Union for 3 years. A. have joined in B. have been to C. joined D. have been in ( ) 37.There are _____new words in this book . W e have already learned two ______of them . A. hundred ; hundred B. hundr eds of; hundr eds C. hund r eds of ;hundred D. hundreds; hund r eds ( ) 38.You’d better ______them the terrible news right now ,tell them later ,please ! A.not to tell B.don’t tell C.not tell D. to tell ( ) 39._______the story is short and there are no new words in it ,it is difficult to understand . A. Because B. Although C. Since D..While ( ) 40.Did you notice your mum come in ? A. had watched B. watched C. was watching D. watch ( ) 41.From the space ,the astronaut can see more the n 70 percent of the earth _____by water . A. are covered B. is covered C. covering D. cover ( ) 42. --- _______or you’ll have a bad cold. A. If you put on your sweater B. Put on your sweater C. Putting on your sweater D. T o put on your sweater ( ) 43.--Lucy’s got good grades.______ A.So she is B. So is she C.So she has D. So has she ( ) 44.I did’it know _____to the cinema when I first came here. A. which is the nearest way B. which the nearest way is C. which was the nearest way D. which the nearest way was ( ) 45. ______have you been to Hainan Island?---Never . A. How long B. How far C. How o ften D. How many times X .词语运用(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分) 根据下列句子的意思及所给的汉语提示,写出空缺处单词、固定短语或固定搭配的正确形式。 81. After the (两个月)holiday,I will be a Senior student. 82. Simon,hurry up.Don’t keep us (等待)you too long . 83. T om (穿上) his coat and went outside. 84. W e should listen to our teacher___________________ 认真)in class. 85. I____________ (感兴趣) collecting coins when I was seven years old . XI .基础写作 (包括 A 、B 两部分,A 部分 5 分,B 部分 10 分,共计 15 分) A. 连词成句 (每小题 1 分,计 5 分)根据所给单词或词语 完成句子。要求符合语法,语言通顺, 大小写及标点等正确。 86. I , see , hope , you , soon 87. there, that , can , is , for , anything, do 88. we, scientist, the, visit, will , week ,next ? 89.father , yesterday , his ,bought ,the , him , MP4 ,an , day , before . 90. it, to , healthy , he , important, finds, k eep . B. 书面表达 (共计 10 分) 环境保护部负责人宣布 2009 年“六· 五”世界环境日的中国主题是“减少污染——行动起来”,作 为中学生的我们应该做些什么呢?请以 Protect the environment ,our duty! 为题,写一篇文 章,鼓励热爱我们的地球,保护我们的环境。 提示: 1, The importance of protecting the environment . 2.What do you think is the most serious pollution? 3 What should we do to protect the environment ? Protect the environment ,our duty


现代汉语词汇练习 一、填空题 1、词最重要特点在于:它是_________的语言单位。 2、语言中最小的音义结合的单位是___,如按音节划分,可分为_____、_____和_____;按构词功能和构词位置,可分为____、_____和_______。 3、成词语素的特点在于它本身就能____、又能_________,而不成词语素则只能_________。 4、“北京猿人究竟多少人一群呢?”这句话中共有__个语素__个词。 5、“小孩儿喜欢吃吐鲁番的葡萄”中包含了__个语素__个词。 6、“流连”是单纯词中的__词,“妯娌”是______词,“丁宁”是__词。 7、词是构成__或__的要素,语素是构成__的要素。 8、由一个语素构成的词叫做___。合成词是由_______语素构成的词。 9、单纯词的特点是:不管它有多少音节,但只有__个语素。 10、双音节单纯词主要包括___、___、___三种。 11、由词根加词根组成的合成词有___和___两种形式。 12、复合式合成词是由____结合在一起组成的合成词;重叠式合成词是由____构成的合成词;附加式合成词是由_____组合而成的。 13、复合式合成词有_种类型,它们是___、___、___、___、___。 14、一种语言里所有的词语的总和叫做__。这里的“词语”指__和各种性质作用大致相当于词的__,在现代汉语中就是指成语、___、___、___等。 15、_____是词的物质外壳,____是词的内容。 16、词义是对客观事物的__反映,它包含着人们对客观事物的认识。 17、“鬼”、“神仙”等词的意义是对客观世界的_______反映。 18、___是词义中的主要部分,词还有附属的___,也可称作___。 19 、义项是词的_________。只有一个义项的词是___,具有两个或两个以上义项的词是___。 20、词的本义是词的__意义,基本义是词的____的意义,引申义是_________的意义,比喻义是__________的意义。 21 、同音词是指在现代汉语普通话中__、__、__都相同词,它可以分为____ _和_____两大类。 22、义素是构成词义的______,也就是词义的____,所以又叫____或____。 23、语义场就是通过_____的对比,根据它们词义的____或__划分出来的类。 24、同义词主要有两种类型。一是___。二是___。 25、同义词的辨析可以从三个方面进行,一是______,二是_____,三是_____。 26、反义词是指_______的词。从意义关系上区分,反义词有两类:一类是 ______,另一类是______。 27、“呆板”在“不聪明、反应慢”的意义上同__一词构成反义关系。 28、基本词汇是词汇的__部分,它长期存在着,并且为____提供基础。


根据具体的语境选择字词的含义的专题训练 姓名: 一、选择 1、“益”字典中的意思有:A、好处 B、有好处C、增加,更加 (1)我们要保护有益.的动物。(B) (2)读好书,受益.匪浅。(A) (3)我们为人民的利益.坚持好的。(A) (4)注意饮食,加强锻炼,可以延年益.寿。(C) 2、“精”在字典里的意思: A经提炼或挑选的。 B完美,最好。 C细,少。 D机灵,心细。 E精通。 F精神,精力。 (1)精.明能干(D) (2)精.疲力竭(F) (3)精.兵简政(C) (4)精.益求精(B) 3、“简单”的意思很多,选择恰当解释的序号填在括号里。A结构单纯,头绪少,容易理解。 B(经历、能力)平凡。C草率 (1)你把这件事的经过简单地说一说。(A) (2)你做事能持之以恒,真不简单啊。(B). (3)处理事情可不能简单从事。(C)

(4)这道题实在太简单了。(A) 4、给带点的子选择正确的解释。 (1)人声鼎.沸A古代煮东西用的器物,有两耳三条腿。 B、大C、正当,正在。(B) (2)卓.有成效A、优秀,出色,超出一般B、高而直C姓(A) (3)肃然起敬A、恭敬B、庄重,认真 C、肃 清(A) (4)盛名 A、兴旺,繁荣 B、很高的,深厚的 C、 规模大,隆重(B) 5、“绝”的意思很多,请选择正确的解释的序号填在括号里。 A、断绝 B、完全没有了,穷尽 C、气息中止 D、独一 无二的 E、绝对 (1)他说“猫猬兽”这种动物因不能适应自然条件的变化 而绝.种了。(B) (2)他俩竟由一件小事绝.交了。(A) (3)这一手绝.技,谁能比得上。(D) (4)我绝.不干这样的事!(E) (5)听了这个消息,他悲痛欲绝.。(C) 6、“端”的意思很多,选择正确的解释。 端:A、(东西的)头 B、事情的开头 C、平举着拿 D、 正 E、项目


Vocabulary 1. He was ______ as the best model football player of 200 2. A. designated B. asserted C. named D. rejected 2. The government is ______ about what should be done to solve the problem. A. regulating B. diagnosing C. deliberating D. wandering 3. You must ______ your paper by the end of this month. A. draft B. submit C. modify D. revise 4. Now in China many large stores use discount coupons as ______ to attract customers. A. motives B. incentives C. awards D. rewards 5. He was regarded as a great ______ to the committee. A. asset B. profit C. prosperity D. interest 6. According to psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom comes from the ______ of maturity. A. achievements B. fulfillment C. establishment D. accomplishment 7. The fight could have been avoided if both of you had been able to ______ your anger. A. hold back B. hold on C. hold out D. hold up 8. In speaking, the choice of words is of the utmost importance. But too often careless use of words ______ a meeting of the minds of the speakers and the listener. A. prevents B. stirs C. destroys D. offers 9. He always acts on his own ______. A. initiative B. creative C. infinitive D. aggressive 10. Football, baseball and basketball are ______ sports --- that is, only a few people actually take part in them while many more only watch them. A. spectator B. spectacle C. spectrum D. spectacular 11. Sally wanted to go to Florida for the holiday, but her husband thought ______, saying that they would go to New York to join his parents for Christmas. A. likely B. likewise C. meanwhile D. otherwise 12. We are trying to make people more ______ to the difficulties faced by the laid-off workers. A. sensible B. sensational C. sentimental D. sensitive 13. Several international events in the early 1990s seem likely to ______ or at least weaken, the trends that emerged in the 1980s. A. revolve B. revolt C. revive D. reverse 14. Traditional Chinese medicine is famous for using herbs with healing ______. A. possessions B. estate C. purpose D. attributes 15. To a first-year student, the doctoral degree is a distant ______. A. aspect B. respect C. spectacle D. prospect 16. The strong wind with sand comes from the ______ hill in front of their house. A. empty B. isolated C. remote D. bare 17. At the meeting, John argued ______ in favor of the proposal. A. warmly B. severely C. heavily D. forcefully 18. He gave a brief ______ of the history of the university before the opening of the conference. A. reference B. statement C. comment D. account 19. The picturesque scenery of his hometown has often ______ him to write poems. A. excited B. induced C. attracted D. inspired 20. Please come and help me with this form because I don’t know how to ______ it. A. set off B. set aside C. set up D. set about 21. The engine has more than 300 ______, made of a number of different materials.
