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Multiple choices:

1.Which of the following underlined parts is NOT an inflectional morpheme?

A. teeth

B. speaking

C. taken

D. chaos

2.Which of the following best describes the relations between “Alice?s brother is in UK.” and “Alice has a brother.”?

A. The former is synonymous with the latter.

B. The former is inconsistent with the latter.

C. The former entails the latter.

D. The former presupposes the latter.

3.The design features of human language include the following features EXCEPT____.

A. duality of structure

B. genetic feature

C. arbitrariness

D. displacement

4.Which of the following underlined parts is a free morpheme?

A. understandable

B. eastward

C. otherwise

D. without

5.The first consonants the child can make are made with the lips and they are ____.





6.Instances of mother tongue interference can be found at the level of ____.

A. pronunciation

B. syntax

C. vocabulary

D. all of the above

7. How many morphemes are there in the word “disorderly”?

A. Two

B. Three

C. Four

D. Five

8.Which of the following underlined parts is a derivational morpheme?

21.Noam Chomsky is an American linguist.

22.[k], [g] and [n] are velar sounds.

23.The word ' quake' is the result of back-formation.

24. The sounds [z] and [∫] are among the consonants that are supposed to be acquired with most difficulty by a child.

25.Displacement of language means language use in a far-away place. 26. The prefix a- in …a moral? means …without?.

27.Hyponymy is a relation of exclusion of meaning. 28.Arbitrariness of language means language can be used freely. 29.' The shooting of the man' is ambiguous.

30.Phonology studies how a sound is produced.

31.Semantics is the study of word meaning.


1-5 D D B D B

6-10 D B C B C

11 Free

12 Naming

13 Homograph

14 Stylistic

15 Dialectal

16 Collocational

17 Complementary

18 Reversal/ relational

19 Compounding

20 Bound / inflectional 21-25 T F T T F

26-31 T F F T F F


高级英语课件第三版E v e r y d a y U s e f o r Y o u r G r a n d m a m a Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】

Everyday Use for Your Grandmama In order to understand this passage better, we can watch a movie--- ”The Color of Purple” 故事发生于1909年美国南部。未受过教育的黑人女孩西莉被继父强奸后,又被迫嫁给了粗鲁,凶狠的黑人男子,西莉称其为“先生”。在惊恐和胆怯中她开始了奴仆一般的痛苦生活。幸而有亲姐妹南蒂与之相伴,泪水中才多了一些欢乐。不久,这短暂的幸福也从西莉身边消失了。因为“先生”强奸南蒂不成, 恼羞成怒地将南蒂赶了出去,姐妹二人被残酷的分开。年复一年,西莉在门口的邮筒中找寻南蒂的音讯,她始终期盼有一天能与南蒂再次重逢……(从中大家可 以看到当时的整个社会的缩影,以及黑人生活的社会环境和社会地位,黑人女性的崛起和黑人女性的反抗精神也从有深刻得展现) Everyday Use for Your Grandmama Characters: Maggie: a shy,young woman made even more self-concious by scars she got in a house fire years ago. She hasn` t has much formal education but has learned traditional skills, such as quilting, from her familiy. Mama(Mrs johnson): the narrator of the story. She is a middle-aged or even older African American woman living with her younger daugter, Maggie. Athough poor, she is strong and independent, and takes great pride in her way of life. Dee(Wangero):
