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2016 gmat OG新增阅读

2016 gmat OG新增阅读
2016 gmat OG新增阅读

Passage 1

5 10 15

Scientists long believed that two nerve clusters in the human hypothalamus, called suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCNs), were what controlled our circadian rhythms. Those rhythms are the biological cycles that recur approximately every 24 hours in synchronization with the cycle of sunlight and darkness caused by Earth’s rotation. Studies have demonstrated that in some animals, the SCNs control daily fluctuations in blood pressure, body temperature, activity level, and alertness, as well as the nighttime release of the sleep- promoting agent melatonin. Furthermore, cells in the human retina dedicated to transmitting information about light levels to the SCNs have recently been discovered.

Four critical genes governing circadian cycles have been found to be active in every tissue, however, not just the SCNs, of flies, mice, and humans. In addition, when laboratory rats that usually ate at will were fed only once a day, peak activity of a clock gene in their livers shifted by 12 hours, whereas the same clock gene in the SCNs remained synchronized with light cycles. While scientists do not dispute the role of the SCNs in controlling core functions such as the regulation of body temperature and blood pressure, scientists now believe that circadian clocks in other organs and tissues may respond to external cues other than light—including temperature changes—that recur regularly every 24 hours.

Questions 8–10 refer to the passage.

8. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) challenge recent findings that appear to contradict earlier findings

(B) present two sides of an ongoing scientific debate

(C) report answers to several questions that have long puzzled researchers

(D) discuss evidence that has caused a long-standing belief to be revised

(E) attempt to explain a commonly misunderstood biological phenomenon

9. The passage mentions each of the following as a function regulated by the SCNs in some animals EXCEPT

(A) activity level

(B) blood pressure

(C) alertness

(D) vision

(E) temperature

10. The author of the passage would probably agree with which of the following statements about the SCNs?

(A) The SCNs are found in other organs and tissues of the body besides the hypothalamus.

(B) The SCNs play a critical but not exclusive role in regulating circadian rhythms.

(C) The SCNs control clock genes in a number of tissues and organs throughout the body.

(D) The SCNs are a less significant factor in regulating blood pressure than scientists once believed.

(E) The SCNs are less strongly affected by changes in light levels than they are by other external cues.

Passage 2

5 10 15 20 25 30

A small number of the forest species of lepidoptera (moths and butterflies, which exist as caterpillars during most of their life cycle) exhibit regularly recurring patterns of population growth and decline—such fluctuations in population are known as population cycles. Although many different variables influence population levels, a regular pattern such as a population cycle seems to imply a dominant, driving force. Identification of that driving force, however, has proved surprisingly elusive despite considerable research. The common approach of studying causes of population cycles by measuring the mortality caused by different agents, such as predatory birds or parasites, has been unproductive in the case of lepidoptera. Moreover, population ecologists’ attempts to alter cycles by changing the caterpillars’ habitat and by reducing caterpillar populations have not succeeded. In short, the evidence implies that these insect populations, if not self-regulating, may at least be regulated by an agent more intimately connected with the insect than are predatory birds or parasites.

Recent work suggests that this agent may be a virus. For many years, viral disease had been reported in declining populations of caterpillars, but population ecologists had usually considered viral disease to have contributed to the decline once it was underway rather than to have initiated it. The recent work has been made possible by new techniques of molecular biology that allow viral DNA to be detected at low concentrations in the environment. Nuclear polyhedrosis viruses are hypothesized to be the driving force behind population cycles in lepidoptera in part because the viruses themselves follow an infectious cycle in which, if protected from direct sun light, they may remain virulent for many years in the environment, embedded in durable crystals of polyhedrin protein. Once ingested by a caterpillar, the crystals dissolve, releasing the virus to infect the insect’s cells. Late in the course of the infection, millions of new virus particles are formed and enclosed in polyhedron crystals. These crystals reenter the environment after the insect dies and decomposes, thus becoming available to infect other caterpillars.

One of the attractions of this hypothesis is its broad applicability. Remarkably, despite significant differences in habitat and behavior, many species of lepidoptera have population cycles of similar length, between eight and eleven years. Nuclear polyhedrosis viral infection is one factor these disparate species share.

Questions 42–47 refer to the passage.

42. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) describe the development of new techniques that may help to determine the driving force behind population cycles in Lepidoptera

(B) present evidence that refutes a particular theory about the driving force behind population cycles in Lepidoptera

(C) present a hypothesis about the driving force behind population cycles in Lepidoptera

(D) describe the fluctuating patterns of population cycles in Lepidoptera

(E) question the idea that a single driving force is behind population cycles in Lepidoptera

43. It can be inferred from the passage that the mortality caused by agents such as predatory birds or parasites was measured in an attempt to

(A) develop an explanation for the existence of lepidoptera population cycles

(B) identify behavioral factors in lepidoptera that affect survival rates

(C) identify possible methods for controlling lepidoptera population growth

(D) provide evidence that lepidoptera populations are self-regulating

(E) determine the life stages of lepidoptera at which mortality rates are highest

44. Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the author’s conclusion (In short..)?

(A) New research reveals that the number of species of birds and parasites that prey on lepidoptera has dropped significantly in recent years.

(B) New experiments in which the habitats of lepidoptera are altered in previously untried ways result in the shortening of lepidoptera population cycles.

(C) Recent experiments have revealed that the nuclear polyhedrosis virus is present in a number of predators and parasites of lepidoptera.

(D) Differences among the habitats of lepidoptera species make it difficult to assess the effects of weather on lepidoptera population cycles.

(E) Viral disease is typically observed in a large proportion of the lepidoptera population.

45. According to the passage, before the discovery of new techniques for detecting viral DNA, population ecologists believed that viral diseases

(A) were not widely prevalent among insect populations generally

(B) affected only the caterpillar life stage of lepidoptera

(C) were the driving force behind lepidoptera population cycles

(D) attacked already declining caterpillar populations

(D)infected birds and parasites that prey on various species of lepidoptera

46. According to the passage, nuclear polyhedrosis viruses can remain virulent in the environment only when

(A) the polyhedrin protein crystals dissolve

(B) caterpillar populations are in decline

(C) they are present in large numbers

(D) their concentration in a particular area remains low

(E) they are sheltered from direct sunlight

47. It can be inferred from the passage that while inside its polyhedrin protein crystals, the nuclear polyhedrosis virus

(A) is exposed to direct sunlight

(B) is attractive to predators

(C) cannot infect caterpillars’ cells

(D) cannot be ingested by caterpillars

(E) cannot be detected by new techniques of molecular biology

Passage 3

5 10 15 20 25

It is an odd but indisputable fact that the seventeenth-century English women who are generally regarded as among the forerunners of modern feminism are almost all identified with the Royalist side in the conflict between Royalists and Parliamentarians known as the English Civil Wars. Since Royalist ideology is often associated with the radical patriarchalism of seventeenth-century political theorist Robert Filmer—a patriarchalism that equates family and kingdom and asserts the divinely ordained absolute power of the king and, by analogy, of the male head of the household—historians have been understandably puzzled by the fact that Royalist women wrote the earliest extended criticisms of the absolute subordination of women in marriage and the earliest systematic assertions of women’s rational and moral equality with men. Some historians have questioned the facile equation of Royalist ideology with Filmerian patriarchalism; and indeed, there may have been no consistent differences between Royalists and Parliamentarians on issues of family organization and women’s political rights, but in that case one would expect early feminists to be equally divided between the two sides.

Catherine Gallagher argues that Royalism engendered feminism because the ideology of absolute monarchy provided a transition to an ideology of the absolute self. She cites the example of the notoriously eccentric author Margaret Cavendish (1626–1673), duchess of Newcastle. Cavendish claimed to (40) be as ambitious as any woman could be, but knowing that as a woman she was excluded from the pursuit of power in the real world, she resolved to be mistress of her own world, the “immaterial world” that any person can create within her own mind—and, as a writer, on paper. In proclaiming what she called her “singularity,” Cavendish insisted that she was a self-sufficient being within her mental empire, the center of her own subjective universe rather than a satellite orbiting a dominant male planet. In justifying this absolute singularity, Cavendish repeatedly invoked the model of the absolute monarch, a figure that became a metaphor for the self-enclosed, autonomous nature of the individual person. Cavendish’s successors among early feminists retained her notion of woman’s sovereign self, but they also sought to break free from the complete political and social isolation that her absolute singularity.

Questions 96–101 refer to the passage.

96. The author of the passage refers to Robert Filmer (see line 5) primarily in order to

(A) show that Royalist ideology was somewhat more radical than most historians appear to realize

(B) qualify the claim that patriarchalism formed the basis of Royalist ideology

(C) question the view that most early feminists were associated with the Royalist faction

(D) highlight an apparent tension between Royalist ideology and the ideas of early feminists

(E) argue that Royalists held conflicting opinions on issues of family organization and women’s political rights

97. The passage suggests which of the following about the seventeenth-century English women mentioned in line 1?

(A) Their status as forerunners of modern feminism is not entirely justified.

(B) They did not openly challenge the radical patriarchalism of Royalist Filmerian ideology.

(C) Cavendish was the first among these women to criticize women’s subordination in marriage and assert women’s equality with men.

(D) Their views on family organization and women’s political rights were diametrically opposed to those of both Royalist and Parliamentarian ideology.

(E) Historians would be less puzzled if more of them were identified with the Parliamentarian side in the English Civil Wars.

98. The passage suggests that Margaret Cavendish’s decision to become an author was motivated, at least in part, by a desire to

(A) justify her support for the Royalist cause

(B) encourage her readers to work toward eradicating Filmerian patriarchalism

(C) persuade other women to break free from their political and social isolation

(D) analyze the causes for women’s exclusion from the pursuit of power

(E) create a world over which she could exercise total control

99.The phrase “a satellite orbiting a dominant male planet” (line 23) refers most directly to

(A) Cavendish’s concept that each woman is a sovereign self

(B) the complete political and social isolation of absolute singularity

(C) the immaterial world that a writer can create on paper

(D) the absolute subordination of women in a patriarchal society

(E) the metaphorical figure of the absolute monarch

100 The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) trace the historical roots of a modern sociopolitical movement

(B) present one scholar’s explanation for a puzzling historical phenomenon

(C) contrast two interpretations of the ideological origins of a political conflict

(D) establish a link between the ideology of an influential political theorist and that of a notoriously eccentric writer

(E) call attention to some points of agreement between opposing sides in an ideological debate

101. Which of the following, if true, would most clearly undermine Gallagher’s explanation of the link between Royalism and feminism?

(A) Because of their privileged backgrounds, Royalist women were generally better educated than were their Parliamentarian counterparts.

(B) Filmer himself had read some of Cavendish’s early writings and was highly critical of her ideas.

(C) Cavendish’s views were highly individual and were not shared by the other Royalist women who wrote early feminist works.

(D) The Royalist and Parliamentarian ideologies were largely in agreement on issues of family organization and women’s political rights.

(E) The Royalist side included a sizable minority faction that was opposed to the more radical tendencies of Filmerian patriarchalism.

Passage 4

5 10 15 20 25

There are recent reports of apparently drastic declines in amphibian populations and of extinctions of a number of the world’s endangered amphibian species. These declines, if real, may be signs of a general trend toward extinction, and many environmentalists have claimed that immediate environmental action is necessary to remedy this “amphibian crisis,” which, in their view, is an indicator of general and catastrophic environmental degradation due to human activity.

To evaluate these claims, it is useful to make a preliminary distinction that is far too often ignored. A declining population should not be confused with an endangered one. An endangered population is always rare, almost always small, and, by definition, under constant threat of extinction even without a proximate cause in human activities. Its disappearance, however unfortunate, should come as no great surprise. Moreover, chance events—which may indicate nothing about the direction of trends in population size—may lead to its extinction. The probability of extinction due to such random factors depends on the population size and is independent of the prevailing direction of change in that size.

For biologists, population declines are potentially more worrisome than extinctions. Persistent declines, especially in large populations, indicate a changed ecological context. Even here, distinctions must again be made among declines that are only apparent (in the sense that they are part of habitual cycles or of normal fluctuations), declines that take a population to some lower but still acceptable level, and those that threaten extinction (e.g., by taking the number of individuals below the minimum viable population). Anecdotal reports of population decreases cannot distinguish among these possibilities, and some amphibian populations have shown strong fluctuations in the past.

It is indisputably true that there is simply not enough long-term scientific data on amphibian populations to enable researchers to identify real declines in amphibian populations. Many fairly common amphibian species declared all but extinct after severe declines in the 1950s and 1960s have subsequently recovered, and so might the apparently declining populations that have generated the current appearance of an amphibian crisis. Unfortunately, long- term data will not soon be forthcoming, and postponing environmental action while we wait for it may doom species and whole ecosystems to extinction.

Questions 107–112 refer to the passage.

107. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) assess the validity of a certain view

(B) distinguish between two phenomena

(C) identify the causes of a problem

(D) describe a disturbing trend

(E) allay concern about a particular phenomenon

108. It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes which of the following to be true of the environmentalists mentioned in line 3?

(A) They have wrongly chosen to focus on anecdotal reports rather than on the long-term data that are currently available concerning amphibians.

(B) Their recommendations are flawed because their research focuses too narrowly on a single category of animal species.

(C) Their certainty that population declines in general are caused by environmental degradation is not warranted.

(D) They have drawn premature conclusions concerning a crisis in amphibian populations from recent reports of declines.

(E) They have overestimated the effects of chance events on trends in amphibian populations.

109. It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes which of the following to be true of the amphibian extinctions that have recently been reported?

(A) They have resulted primarily from human activities causing environmental degradation.

(B) They could probably have been prevented if timely action had been taken to protect the habitats of amphibian species.

(C) They should not come as a surprise, because amphibian populations generally have been declining for a number of years.

(D) They have probably been caused by a combination of chance events.

(E) They do not clearly constitute evidence of general environmental degradation.

110. According to the passage, each of the following is true of endangered amphibian species EXCEPT:

(A) They are among the rarest kinds of amphibians.

(B) They generally have populations that are small in size.

(C) They are in constant danger of extinction.

(D) Those with decreasing populations are the most likely candidates for immediate extinction.

(E) They are in danger of extinction due to events that sometimes have nothing to do with human activities.

111. Which of the following most accurately describes the organization of the passage?

(A) A question is raised, a distinction regarding it is made, and the question is answered.

(B) An interpretation is presented, its soundness is examined, and a warning is given.

(C) A situation is described, its consequences are analyzed, and a prediction is made.

(D) Two interpretations of a phenomenon are described, and one of them is rejected as invalid.

(E) Two methods for analyzing a phenomenon are compared, and further study of the phenomenon is recommended.

112. Which of the following best describes the function of the sentence in lines 20–22?

(A) To give an example of a particular kind of study

(B) To cast doubt on an assertion made in the previous sentence

(C) To raise an objection to a view presented in the first paragraph

(D) To provide support for a view presented in the first paragraph

(E) To introduce an idea that will be countered in the following paragraph

Passage 5

5 10 15 20 25

Jacob Burckhardt’s view that Renaissance European women “stood on a footing of perfect equality” with Renaissance men has been repeatedly cited by feminist scholars as a prelude to their presentation of rich historical evidence of women’s inequality. In striking contrast to Burckhardt, Joan Kelly in her famous 1977 essay, “Did Women Have a Renaissance?” argued that the Renaissance was a period of economic and social decline for women relative both to Renaissance men and to medieval women. Recently, however, a significant trend among feminist scholars has entailed a rejection of both Kelly’s dark vision of the Renaissance and Burckhardt’s rosy one. Many recent works by these scholars stress the ways in which differences among Renaissance women—especially in terms of social status and religion—work to complicate the kinds of generalizations both Burckhardt and Kelly made on the basis of their observations about upper-class Italian women.

The trend is also evident, however, in works focusing on those middle- and upper-class European women whose ability to write gives them disproportionate representation in the historical record. Such women were, simply by virtue of their literacy, members of a tiny minority of the population, so it is risky to take their descriptions of their experiences as typical of “female experience” in any general sense. Tina Krontiris, for example, in her fascinating study of six Renaissance women writers, does tend at times to conflate “women” and “women writers,” assuming that women’s gender, irrespective of other social differences, including literacy, allows us to view women as a homogeneous social group and make that group an object of analysis. Nonetheless, Krontiris makes a significant contribution to the field and is representative of those authors who offer what might be called a cautiously optimistic assessment of Renaissance women’s achievements, although she also stresses the social obstacles Renaissance women faced when they sought to raise their “oppositional voices.” Krontiris is concerned to show women intentionally negotiating some power for themselves (at least in the realm of public discourse) against potentially constraining ideologies, but in her sober and thoughtful concluding remarks, she suggests that such verbal opposition to cultural stereotypes was highly circumscribed; women seldom attacked the basic assumptions in the ideologies that oppressed them

Questions 130–136 refer to the passage.

130. The author of the passage discusses Krontiris primarily to provide an example of a writer who

(A) is highly critical of the writings of certain Renaissance women

(B) supports Kelly’s view of women’s status during the Renaissance

(C) has misinterpreted the works of certain Renaissance women

(D) has rejected the views of both Burckhardt and Kelly

(E) has studied Renaissance women in a wide variety of social and religious contexts

131. According to the passage, Krontiris’s work differs from that of the scholars mentioned in line

7 in which of the following ways?

(A) Krontiris’s work stresses the achievements of Renaissance women rather than the obstacles to

their success.

(B) Krontiris’s work is based on a reinterpretation of the work of earlier scholars.

(C) Krontiris’s views are at odds with those of both Kelly and Burkhardt.

(D) Krontiris’s work focuses on the place of women in Renaissance society.

(E) Krontiris’s views are based exclusively on the study of a privileged group of women.

132. According to the passage, feminist scholars cite Burckhardt’s view of Renaissance women primarily for which of the following reasons?

(A) Burckhardt’s view forms the basis for most arguments refuting Kelly’s point of view.

(B) Burckhardt’s view has been discredited by Kelly.

(C) Burckhardt’s view is one that many feminist scholars wish to refute.

(D) Burckhardt’s work provides rich historical evidence of inequality between Renaissance women and men.

(E) Burckhardt’s work includes historical research supporting the arguments of the feminist scholars.

133. It can be inferred that both Burckhardt and Kelly have been criticized by the scholars mentioned in line 6 for which of the following?

(A) Assuming that women writers of the Renaissance are representative of Renaissance women in general

(B) Drawing conclusions that are based on the study of an atypical group of women

(C) Failing to describe clearly the relationship between social status and literacy among Renaissance women

(D) Failing to acknowledge the role played by Renaissance women in opposing cultural stereotypes

(E) Failing to acknowledge the ways in which social status affected the creative activities of Renaissance women

134. The author of the passage suggests that Krontiris incorrectly assumes that

(A) social differences among Renaissance women are less important than the fact that they were women

(B) literacy among Renaissance women was more prevalent than most scholars today acknowledge

(C) during the Renaissance, women were able to successfully oppose cultural stereotypes relating to gender

(D) Renaissance women did not face many difficult social obstacles relating to their gender

(E) in order to attain power, Renaissance women attacked basic assumptions in the ideologies that oppressed them

135. The last sentence in the passage serves primarily to

(A) suggest that Krontiris’s work is not representative of recent trends among feminist scholars

(B) undermine the argument that literate women of the Renaissance sought to oppose social constraints imposed on them

(C) show a way in which Krontiris’s work illustrates a “cautiously optimistic” assessment of Renaissance women’s achievements

(D) summarize Krontiris’s view of the effect of literacy on the lives of upper- and middle-class

Renaissance women

(E) illustrate the way in which Krontiris’s study differs from the studies done by Burckhardt and Kelly

136. The author of the passage implies that the women studied by Krontiris are unusual in which of the following ways?

(A) They faced obstacles less formidable than those faced by other Renaissance women.

(B) They have been seen by historians as more interesting than other Renaissance women.

(C) They were more concerned about recording history accurately than were other Renaissance women.

(D) Their perceptions are more likely to be accessible to historians than are those of most other Renaissance women.

(E) Their concerns are likely to be of greater interest to feminist scholars than are the ideas of most other Renaissance women.

Passage 6

5 10 15

Most attempts by physicists to send particles faster than the speed of light involve a remarkable phenomenon called quantum tunneling, in which particles travel through solid barriers that appear to be impenetrable. If you throw a ball at a wall, you expect it to bounce back, not to pass straight through it. Yet subatomic particles perform the equivalent feat. Quantum theory says that there is a distinct, albeit small, probability that such a particle will tunnel its way through a barrier; the probability declines exponentially as the thickness of the barrier increases. Though the extreme rapidity of quantum tunneling was noted as early as 1932, not until 1955 was it hypothesized—by Wigner and Eisenbud—that tunneling particles sometimes travel faster than light. Their grounds were calculations that suggested that the time it takes a particle to tunnel through a barrier increases with the thickness of the barrier until tunneling time reaches a maximum; beyond that maximum, tunneling time stays the same regardless of barrier thickness. This would imply that once maximum tunneling time is reached, tunneling speed will increase without limit as barrier thickness increases. Several recent experiments have supported this hypothesis that tunneling particles sometimes reach superluminal speed. According to measurements performed by Raymond Chiao and colleagues, for example, photons can pass through an optical filter at 1.7 times the speed of light.

Questions 137–139 refer to the passage.

137. The author of the passage mentions calculations about tunneling time and barrier thickness in order to (A) suggest that tunneling time is unrelated to barrier thickness

(B) explain the evidence by which Wigner and Eisenbud discovered the phenomenon of tunneling

(C) describe data recently challenged by Raymond Chiao and colleagues

(D) question why particles engaged in quantum tunneling rarely achieve extremely high speeds

(E) explain the basis for Wigner and Eisenbud’s hypothesis

138. The passage implies that if tunneling time reached no maximum in increasing with barrier thickness, then

(A) tunneling speed would increase with barrier thickness

(B) tunneling speed would decline with barrier thickness

(C) tunneling speed would vary with barrier thickness

(D) tunneling speed would not be expected to increase without limit

(E) successful tunneling would occur even less frequently than it does

139. Which of the following statements about the earliest scientific investigators of quantum tunneling can be inferred from the passage?

(A) They found it difficult to increase barrier thickness continually.

(B) They anticipated the later results of Chiao and his colleagues.

(C) They did not suppose that tunneling particles could travel faster than light.

(D) They were unable to observe instances of successful tunneling.

(E) They made use of photons to study the phenomenon of tunneling.


励志文章大全经典短文 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎您借鉴参考阅读和下载,侵删。您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来! 励志文章大全经典短文:只要游戏没结束文|李月亮 这是一个心理学游戏,但最初我们并不知道。 那时候马上要大学毕业,我们一众同学整日四散奔逃地找工作,各怀心事。有人找到了工作,但签的薪水不高;有人正在经历一次次的面试,前途未卜;有人一再碰壁,信心快碰光了----在就业率越来越低的大环境下,找到满意工作的同学很少。 毕业答辩前一天,班主任给我们开了个鼓舞士气的小会,之后她说,我们玩个有趣的游戏吧。 她先规定了游戏的四个角色:蛋----抱住双臂蹲下;鸟----站起来,扇翅膀;人----两手放到胸前作“人”字;神----攥拳举起前臂。 规则很简单,所有同学最初全部是“蛋”,大家随意找另一个“蛋”剪子包袱锤,赢了可以晋级为“鸟”,输的继续做蛋;然后鸟去找鸟,蛋去找蛋,剪子包袱锤;胜利的鸟成为人,胜利的人成为神;输掉的神再次成为人...... 大家就投入地玩这个游戏,叫嚷着,嬉笑着,非常开心,直到班主任喊停。停的时候,有的同学是“神”,有的是“人”,有“鸟”也有“蛋”。 然后我们围坐一圈,说自己的感受。

“无论做什么都很快乐,最快乐的时候就是找到同伴的时候。”“做蛋的时候是最不担心的,没什么可怕的。反正再输了也是蛋;但是成为神的时候,就有压力,输了就得降级......”“我觉得我老是做蛋,老在人家的腿缝里找同伴......”“做蛋的时候,最怕的就是要是一个蛋也找不到怎么办。” ...... 班主任笑着听我们讨论,之后做了总结。她说:“我是10分钟喊停的。试想如果20分钟喊停,结束的时候大家就又是另外一种状态了。可能从没做过神的同学也体验过做神了。人并不是在每一个时候都是神、是人、是蛋、是鸟......可能这一刻是神,下一刻就人了;这一刻是蛋,下一刻就是鸟了。” 我们纷纷点头。班主任又问:“如果你开始是个蛋,结束的时候还是个蛋,会是什么感受呢?”大家说:“那也正常,反正玩得非常开心!”“中间体验过神和人就行了嘛!” 听我们这么说,班主任很高兴,她说,前几天,有同学给我发短信,说自己找不到工作,很悲观,他认为人终究是个死,现在又为了生活这么烦恼,真没什么意思。现在,那位同学知道怎么做了吗? 很多同学一起回答:知道了。----虽然发短信的只有一个人,但大家的心情是一样的。 人活一世,道理其实很简单:此刻我是一无所有的蛋,但只要不断地接受挑战,你总会成为鸟、人,甚至神。而且就算最终你再次成为蛋,也没什么可懊丧的,毕竟,你做过人或者神。还有,只要游戏


开展“高效阅读”活动工作总结 语文是读出来的。在学生和文本之间架设阅读桥梁,激发学生的读书兴趣,以读为媒,以读为本,发展学生的语言和思维,培养学生的审美意识和审美情趣,是阅读教学的核心。国家《语文课程标准》关于阅读速度和课外阅读量的要求分别是:小学生阅读速度为每分钟300字,课外阅读量为145万字;初中生为每分钟500字,课外阅读量260万字;高中生每分钟600字,课外阅读量150万字。总课外阅读量为555万字。明确了阅读教学的重要性后,我校狠抓“阅读教学”,积极响应课改的要求,开展了高效阅读教学工作,在工作中有些许的经验与收获,特总结如下。 一、让每位学生熟悉高效阅读的流程 1、阅读前营造氛围,学生齐声喊出高效阅读口号:“一目十行不是梦,高效阅读我能行”,让学生在群情激昂的氛围中进入阅读学习。 2、进行眼脑机能训练,主要有坐姿纠正、定点凝视、视点左右移动、视点上下移动、视点蛇形移动、视野扩大训练等,让学生快速进入高效阅读的意识集中程序。 3、要求学生快速说出高效阅读文章的七个基本点,即: ①文章标题; ②作者; ③出处及出版时间; ④文章的基本内容; ⑤文章所涉及的重要事实; ⑥文章在写作上的特点;

⑦文中新思想及读后启示。 4、开始计时阅读,读完举手示意并记下自己的阅读时间。然后由学生轮流回答问题,互换试卷,订正答案,并对有争议的问题进行讨论纠正。 5、学生报告自己的阅读效果,不仅有每分钟的阅读字数,还有理解率、正确率等,这也是一个对学生诚实度的培养过程。 6、阅读效果好的学生介绍心得,差的学生寻找并分析不足的原因。 在整个学习期间,老师不断地用鼓励性的语言给学生以肯定性评价,比如“把掌声送给同学,把自信留给自己”,“知识改变命运,阅读成就人生,”他们有一个共同的名言:“高效阅读、高效学习、高效人生.” 二、高效阅读与“品读”结合。 “品读”注重基础知识的教学,从词句入手,将语言文字的训练落到实处。我们意识到词语教学是否有效直接决定着课堂教学质量的高低。书是读懂的,不是讲懂的,更不是问懂的。杜甫的“烂精文选理”,陆游的“万卷虽多当具眼”,说明读书使人受益无穷,但都必须在“烂精”、“具眼”(即独立思考能力)上下功夫。以读为本,让学生在读中感悟是落实《课标》要求的一种方法,也是提高阅读教学质量的有效途径。“以读为本”是当今阅读教学的要求,教学中要让学生以读为本,读中感悟,通过“品读”的教学经验,充分发挥阅读的理解、体会、感悟功能和表现功能,让学生把书读懂、读活、读美。因此,


Unit 2 Text A Smart Cars 1.Teaching Plan 1.1Objectives a. grasp the main idea-What can smart car do?; b. grasp the structure; c. employ a variety of techniques in expository writing (definition, quotes, a mixture of facts and opinions, etc.); d. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; e. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of this unit. 1.2 Time Allotment a. Pre-reading (1st period): activities (e.g. questions or dictations) to lead in to the text; PartⅠ; comprehension; text organization. b. While-reading (2nd period): language points and grammatical structures. c. While-reading (3rd period): text analysis. d. Post-reading (4th period): main idea, exercises, and importantly, Theme-related Language Learning Tasks (Part Ⅳ). e. Post-reading (5th period): check on Ss’ home assignments. 2. Cultural Notes a. Automobile industry: The automobile industry is one of the most important industries in the world, affecting not only economies but also cultures. It provides jobs for millions of people, generates billions of dollars in worldwide revenues, and provides the basis for a multitude of related service and support industries. Automobiles revolutionized transportation in the 20th century, changing forever the way people live, travel, and do business. Between 1886 and 1898, about 300 automobiles were built, but there was no real established industry. A century later, with automakers and auto buyers expanding globally, auto making became the world's largest manufacturing activity, with more than 53 million new vehicles built each year worldwide. Automobile manufacturers are among the largest companies in the world. These corporations are often multinational. These companies often share parts, or use parts made in foreign factories. The U.S. automobile industry produced 16.8 million vehicles in 1999. The three major automobile manufacturers in the United States--General Motors


好梦何必成真 周国平 ①好梦成真--这是现在流行的一句祝词,人们以此互相慷慨地表达友善之意。每当听见这话,我就不禁思忖:好梦都能成真,都非要成真吗? ②有两种不同的梦。 ③第一种梦,它的内容是实际的,譬如说,梦想升官发财,梦想娶一个倾国倾城的美人或嫁一个富甲天下的款哥,梦想得诺贝尔奖金,等等。对于这些梦,弗洛伊德的定义是适用的:梦是未实现的愿望的替代。未实现不等于不可能实现,世上的确有人升了官发了财,娶了美人或嫁了富翁,得了诺贝尔奖金。这种梦的价值取决于能否变成现实,如果不能,我们就说它是不切实际的梦想。 ④第二种梦,它的内容与实际无关,因而不能用能否变成现实来衡量它的价值。譬如说,陶渊明梦见桃花源,鲁迅梦见好的故事,但丁梦见天堂,或者作为普通人的我们梦见一片美丽的风景。这种梦不能实现也不需要实现,它的价值在其自身,做这样的梦本身就是享受,而记载了这类梦的《桃花源记》、《好的故事》、《神曲》本身便成了人类的精神财富。 ⑤所谓好梦成真往往是针对第一种梦发出的祝愿,我承认有其合理性。一则古代故事描绘了一个贫穷的樵夫,说他白天辛苦打柴,夜晚大做其富贵梦,奇异的是每晚的梦像连续剧一样向前推进,最后好像是当上了皇帝。这个樵夫因此过得十分快活,他的理由是:倘若把夜晚的梦当成现实,把白天的现实当成梦,他岂不就是天下最幸福的人。这种自欺的逻辑遭到了当时人的哄笑,我相信我们今天的人也多半会加入哄笑的行列。 ⑥可是,说到第二种梦,情形就很不同了。我想把这种梦的范围和含义扩大一些,举凡组成一个人的心灵生活的东西,包括生命的感悟,艺术的体验,哲学的沉思,宗教的信仰,都可归入其中。这样的梦永远不会变成看得见摸得着的直接现实,在此意义上不可能成真。但也不必在此意义上成真,因为它们有着与第一种梦完全不同的实现方式,不妨说,它们的存在本身就已经构成了一种内在的现实,这样的好梦本身就已经是一种真。对真的理解应该宽泛一些,你不能说只有外在的荣华富贵是真实的,内在的智慧教养是虚假的。一个内心生活丰富的人,与一个内心生活贫乏的人,他们是在实实在在的意义上过着截然不同的生活。 ⑦我把第一种梦称做物质的梦,把第二种梦称做精神的梦。不能说做第一种梦的人庸俗,但是,如果一个人只做物质的梦,从不做精神的梦,说他庸俗就不算冤枉。如果整个人类只梦见黄金而从不梦见天堂,则即使梦想成真,也只是生活在铺满金子的地狱里而已。 (选自周国平散文集《安静》,略有改动)


三块钱 他是一个军人,在战场上负伤,双腿高位截瘫。他的妻子没有工作,一家三口就靠着他的抚恤金生活。 为了能够养活自己的家庭,他安了假肢,买了一辆三轮车,靠拉人赚钱谋生。 那天傍晚,瓢泼大雨。在街道的拐角处,上来了两个西装革履的客人,客人说,快点啊,我们急着见人。没走多远,车在一个上坡的地方陷进泥坑。雨大路滑,怎么也上不去了。 他央求客人下来,先把车推过去,再上车。可是满地泥泞,客人怎么也不愿意下车。雨越下越大,他想等人来帮帮自己,可左等右等,也没有人影。 客人不耐烦了,要求退款坐到别人的车。可是他不愿意,这是今天的第一笔生意,也可能是唯一一笔,虽然只有三块钱,他不想放弃。 还是没有人来,他只好尝试着自己推。淋着大雨,站在泥坑里,他的双脚使劲蹬着地面,一手握着车龙头,一手用力推着车身。也许因为太用力,“啪”的一声,可怕的事情发生了,他的假肢断裂了! 鲜血,从他的创口慢慢渗出来,混着雨水,一直流到泥坑里。从不流泪的他,在大雨中一边绑着自己的假肢,一边默默地流泪。 当客人再次要求退钱的时候,他已经用布绑好了假肢。他的头发在雨水的冲刷下,紧紧地贴在脸上。他再一次要求客人下来,先让自己把车推过去,然后,再回来背他们过去,可还是被客人断然拒绝了。一个男人的尊严在雨中湿透了,为了三块钱。 他再一次上了车,继续往前蹬,希望能出现奇迹。一个没有双腿的男人就这样就这样在雨中弓着脊背,脊梁上托着他的家庭,他的责任。 故事的结局很简单——终于有人帮他把车推了上去。他揣着赚来的三块钱,跑到无人的地方,嚎啕大哭。然后,平静地回家。 两年后,他换了辆摩托车,五年后,他换了辆小汽车。 他还是以拉人为营生。开上汽车的那天晚上,他对妻子说,这个月我们终于可以有303块的收入了。 13.用简要的语言概括小说的故事情节: ①开端 ②发展: ③高潮: ④结局: 14.小说的主人公是,他的家庭情况,一家人靠他的和生活。 15.文章对人物描写的主要方法有:



散文的快速阅读及答题技巧 1.捕捉线索:散文的线索可以使散文由分散到聚合,由朦胧到明朗,可以 牵一发而动全身。时间与空间的转换、作者的思想感情、记叙内容的变化、事情发展的阶段、一定的语言标志、文章的题目等都是捕捉线索的主要切入点,另外,游记类散文一般以游踪为线索。 2. 2.注意文体特点:叙事散文讲求以小见大,形与神的关系是重点;写景 散文注意情景交融,情与景的契合是关键;咏物散文托物言志,尽可能体味象征手法。 3. 3.透析写作手法:写作手法是散文布局谋篇的外在形式,回答问题时通 常以托物言志、借物抒情、以物喻人、托物寓意、寓情于景、对比、联想和想象、欲扬先抑等作为鉴赏的术语。 4. 4.研读重点:对散文中精彩铺陈的段落,要感受形象、领悟内涵、捕捉 情感、揣摩语言;在结构上起重要作用的段落,位于开头的往往是总起全文,中间的往往是承上启下,结尾的往往是总结全文,首尾呼应,是主题的深化和感情的升华;记叙描写以外的议论段落,是散文明事析理的关键段落,是文章的中心主旨所在;环境描写段落往往是为烘托气氛、衬托人物心情的。 5. 5.揣摩关键:作者情感态度转化的语句、带有修辞手法的语句、文章的 主旨句是揣摩的关键。一定要字不离句、句不离段、段不离篇;要前后照应、整体观照;要紧扣语境来答题。 6.6.张扬个性和唤醒个性体验:散文的重点是引领学生进行个性化阅读, 要对其中的感情和观点进行评说和鉴别,写心得往往是考查的主要形式。它一般要从内容、语言、写法、作用等方面发表意见,观点明晰、论据充分,要紧扣散文的主旨内容。


一、阅读下面的文字,完成14-17题。 绵绵土牛汉 那是个不见落日和霞光的灰色的黄昏。天地灰得纯净,再没有别的颜色。 踏上塔克拉玛干大沙漠,我恍惚回到了失落多年的一个梦境。几十年来,我从来不会忘记,我是诞生在沙土上的。人们准不信,可这是千真万确的,我的第一首诗就是献给从没有看见过的沙漠的。 年轻时,有几年我在深深的陇山山沟里做着遥远而甜蜜的沙漠梦,不要以为沙漠是苍茫而干涩的,年轻的梦都是甜的。我的心灵从小就像有血缘关系似的向往着沙漠,我觉得沙漠是世界上最悲壮最不可制服的野地方。它空旷得没有边沿,而我向往这种陌生的境界。 此刻,我真的踏上了沙漠,无边无沿的沙漠,仿佛天也是沙的。全身心激荡着近乎重逢的狂喜。没有模仿谁,我情不自禁地五体投地,伏在热热的沙漠上。我汗湿的前额和手心,沾了一层细细的闪光的沙。 半个世纪以前,地处滹沱河上游苦寒的故乡,孩子都诞生在铺着厚厚的绵绵土炕上。我们那里把极细柔的沙土叫做绵绵土。“绵绵”是我一生中觉得最温柔的一个词,词典里查不到,即使查到也不是我说的意思。孩子必须诞生在绵绵土上的习俗是怎么形成的,祖祖辈辈的先人从没有解释过,甚至想都没有想过。它是圣洁的领域,谁也不敢亵渎。它是一个无法解释的活的神话。我的祖先们或许在想:人,不生在土里沙里,还能生在哪呢就像谷子是从土地里长出来一样的不可怀疑。 因此,我从母体降落到人间的那一瞬间,首先接触到的是沙土,沙土在热炕上焙得暖呼呼的。我的润湿的小小的身躯因沾满金黄的沙土而闪着晶亮的光芒,就像成熟的谷穗似的。接生的仙园老姑姑那双大而灵巧的手用绵绵土把我抚摸得干干净净,还凑到鼻子边闻了又闻,“只有土能洗掉血气。”她常常说这句话。 我们那里的老人们都说,人间是冷的,出世的婴儿当然要哭闹,但一经触到了与母里相似的温暖的绵绵土,生命就像又回到了母体里安生地睡去。我相信,老人们这些诗一样美好的话,并没有什么神秘。 我长到五六岁光景,成天在土里沙里厮混。有一天,祖母把我喊到身边,小声说:“限你两天扫一罐子绵绵土回来!”“做甚用”我真的不明白。 “这事不该你问。”祖母的眼神和声音异常庄严,就像除夕夜里求神时那种虔诚的神情。“可不能扫粗的脏的。”她叮咛我一定要扫聚在窗棂上的绵绵上,“那是从天上降下来的净土,别处的不要。” 我当然晓得。连麻雀都知道用窗棂上的绵绵土扑棱棱地清理它们的羽毛。 两三天之后我母亲生下了我的四弟。我看到他赤裸的身躯,红润润的,是绵绵土擦洗成那么红的。他的奶名就叫“红汉”。 绵绵上是天上降下来的净土。它是从远远的地方飘呀飘呀地落到我的故乡的。现在我终于找到了绵绵土的发祥地。 我久久地伏在塔克拉玛干长沙漠的又厚又软的沙上,百感交集,悠悠然梦到了我的故乡,梦到了与母体一样温暖的我诞生在上面的绵绵土。 我相信故乡现在还有绵绵土,但孩子们多半不会再降生在绵绵土上了。我祝福他们。我写的是半个世纪前的事,它是一个远古的梦。但是我这个有土性的人,忘不了对故乡绵绵土的眷恋之情。原谅我这个痴愚的游子吧。 1988年10月 14.本文描写的“绵绵土”有哪些特点(4分)


一个人在北极严寒 一天打碎了非常寒冷和灰色,当那个人偏离主要育空 试验和爬上斜坡,在那里的是一个朦胧而过去向东穿过了 踪迹松林之间。坡率陡峭,而且他停顿了一下喘不过气来 保持最佳的状态。没有太阳和缕阳光,尽管他天空无云。 这是一个晴朗的日子,但在那里似乎是一个蒙上了一层水 汽表面看来,把这天黑暗。这个事实不担心那个人。他被 用来缺乏阳光。 那人回头而且他已经来了。育空河打下英里宽藏起来 了以下英尺的冰。这个世界上的冰一样多英尺的积雪。这是连续的白色的,除了一个黑暗的发际线了痕迹,向南延伸达英里去的库特关口。 但是,整个神秘,深远的发际线跟踪,没有太阳从天空,巨大的冷的,陌生和怪异的没有什么印象上了的人。他是 新来的人在这地,这是他的第一个冬天。他的问题他是缺 乏想象力。他很快和警惕在生活的一切,但只有在去吧,而不是在意义。意思零下五十度学位霜。这样的事实了冷漠,而且不舒服,就这些。它并不带他去思考男人的一般是 脆弱,能够只活在确定的限度窄的热量和冷。零下五度代 表点冰霜伤害必须提防,利用厚,暖和的衣服。度以下零是他就精确度零度以下。应该有其他东西了可那是一个思想,从来没有进过他的头上。 当他转身要走,他吐不确定。就有一个陡坡、易爆裂 纹他的震惊。他吐了。又一次,空气里之前,这可能下降至雪吐口唾沫裂了。他知道五十岁的唾沫在雪地上闪现下面,但这吐口唾沫空气中闪现了。毫无疑问这个五十个更加寒 冷要冷得多了不知道。但是温度还显得无关紧要。他注定的老我的左边叉子汉德森的孩子们在小溪了。他们来了在山上从印度人小河的国家,虽然他来拐弯抹角看一看的可 能性走出木材来源于群岛的育空。他要在六营地点,有点天黑之后,这是真的,但男孩们会去,火灾的去,和热晚饭将为此做好准备。 他陷入水中在大松树。踪迹减弱了。他很高兴他没有雪橇、旅游的光。事实上,他带着什么都是用午餐手帕。 他很惊奇,然而,在寒冷。当然很冷,他总结道,他又揉麻木,鼻子和颧骨和他"握"手。 阿富汗的记忆 国家一场人道主义灾难的边缘的土地,充满了逃离难民,饥饿的人恐怖分子在训练营。电视画面告诉一个国家 的故事破坏和贫穷的国家,几乎完全摧毁了二十年的战争 和斗争。然而真是一个值得骄傲的那国,并有美丽的国家,还能存活下来,许多世纪的严酷的历史。不要太长前,它还是一个国家在和平,有丰富的文化遗产… 除了欧洲国家,很少有国家在这个世界上,从来没有在殖民至少从不在最近的几次,:阿富汗是其中之一。许多几个世纪以前,成吉思汗的那军队策马撞倒从蒙古、无情 地杀死了阿富汗的部落山敢于抵抗侵略者;但除此之外羞辱时期,在时间,其实是一种混合的三个独立的民族把头 抬得高高的面对的入侵。 现在在这个国家曾是世界的中心的注意是曾经是世 界上的最引以为傲的国家,国家,其它国家入侵在自身的 危险。在世纪大英帝国的军队知道阿富汗不是一个国家干 预的。 共二十年前年,英国士兵被然而驻阿富汗首都喀布 尔。他们在这里有两点原因,首先要阻止俄罗斯人侵入全 国各地,其次为保证方程有一个独立的缓冲俄罗斯帝国的 状态与向北,在印度和大英帝国(现代巴基斯坦)至东南亚。 维多利亚女王都愿意加入阿富汗到她的帝国,但她的士兵永远不会成功地这个使命,虽然他们试著,但失败了。在年,整个英国的使命 在喀布尔人员,包括侍者,是由一群屠杀了叛军阿富 汗士兵,雷霆,因为他们而尚未支付被他们自己的国王,穆罕默德。是友好的英国,所以英国得到的指责。喀布尔的 故事大屠杀是记得长期受到英国在印度,并记录由几个维多利亚女王时代的作家和诗人。 其他血腥事件之间的关系也标志着英国和阿富汗人 在世纪。年,在其声名狼藉觉得之战通过,一套完整的英军他们是由阿富汗屠杀了短回来袭击进入这个国家。只是一个人,医生,设法生存大屠杀发生,使他的方式回到印度,安全讲述故事的这一可怕的事件。 尽管这个世界已经发生了很大的改变,阿富汗当局自维多利亚时代以来,没有什么改变。在许多方面,塔利班甚至把国家回到过去,一个黑暗时代的无知,偏狭和压抑,但是,即使没有塔利班,阿富汗仍然,今天世界上最不发达的 国家。,除了最现代化的路线 沟通、的,长了霉了强大的兴都库什山脉和深受广大 沙漠,阿富汗,象“部落领土”,都始终巴基斯坦西北的加 剧独立于外界干扰,大力在它的传统方式。 在过去的年中,阿富汗人民饱受战争和摧毁:推翻帝制,然后入侵苏联在年,那么这场战争对苏联,然后争取控制的塔利班和国家之间一般的支持者萨尼,现在大量离开的边缘在饥饿、赶出自己的家园一样,被害怕塔利班的威 胁的军事入侵。 虽有这一切的事,尽管很大一部分的破坏他们的国家 阿富汗人仍然友善、好客。年长的阿富汗人回忆过去,当他们生活在平静和相对安全;年轻的阿富汗人,他从来不知道和平的时代期待着有一天,和平的新时代来。真希望 那崭新的黎明太遥远。 . 征服峰 那是营业。我的第一感觉是,长时间的攀登在峰会,已经具备在我们的氧气供应已经降到了一个至关重要的 水平;、救济,到后来,这座山被客气的对我们来说有一个 因其峰会锥圆形愉快而不是可怕而无与伦比的陡峭的悬崖上。但和莫名的赈灾是展现出惊愕的表情,我应该的幸运达到最大的心愿,那么多勇敢的和坚定的人。似乎难懂 掌握,我们已经到了。我太累了,太意识很长的一段路下来,获得了安全真的感觉到有什么巨大的乐趣。但这一事实我们的成功的推力本身更清楚我的心思,我觉得一个安静的


以阅读经典为话题作文 本文是关于阅读的话题作文文章,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 导语:阅读经典书籍能让你的精神升华,能让你的知识丰富,小编今天带来了关于阅读经典书籍带来的感悟,欢迎阅读。 第一篇:阅读经典 这学期,学校在开学典礼的赠书仪式上,给我们每一个人发了一本《阳光·经典·早读》。这本书收藏着有名的古诗词、成语,还有许多千古名句。 这本书在教会我们一些道理的同时,也让我们学会了一些英语、数学方面的知识,让我们对“经典”有了进一步的了解。 在书中,孔子的《论语》(节选)使我懂得了一些做人的道理。“弟子入则孝,出则悌,谨而信,泛爱众,而亲仁,行有余力,则以学文。”让我懂得,在父母跟前,就要孝顺父母;出门在外,要顺从师长,言行要谨慎,要诚实可信,寡言少语,要广泛的去爱众人,亲近那些有仁德的人。这样躬行实践之后,还有余力的话,就再去学习文献知识。 “诗圣”杜甫曾官为检校工部员外郎,世称杜工部。杜甫一生颠沛流离,历经磨难,他的诗广泛的记载了这时期的现实生活。 诗《江畔独步寻花》记载着诗人杜甫独自散步的情景。诗人走在黄四娘家的小径上,看见花儿拥满了小径,一团团一簇簇压弯了枝条,

留连忘返的彩蝶在花丛中翩翩起舞,自由的小黄莺不时发出婉转的鸣叫。瞧,多么美的景色,饱受磨难的诗人,终于在这么美的地方有了安居之地。 这学期读了《阳光·经典·早读》以后,我懂得了许多做人的道理。我希望大家也一起阅读经典,对我国乃至国外文化有进一步了解! 第二篇:阅读经典 在我的小小的天地里,有过难以细数的快乐,有过淡淡的忧伤,有过幻想……这一切都让我的生活变得丰富多彩,让我每天都可以畅游在自己的小“幻想”中。我感谢它们让我拥有过难忘的童年,让我拥有了如此色彩斑斓的一个童年……说到这一切,还得感谢陪伴我走过一路的朋友——书籍! 从小时候的白雪公主、灰姑娘、人鱼小姐,我学会了善良;从小学时的《西游记》、《格列佛游记》,我学会了勇敢;从初一时的《水浒传》、《钢铁是怎样炼成的》,我学会了忠义、坚强……渐渐地,我在读书中不断地收获成长。 纵然读了一本又一本的书,但最让我流连的始终只有一本、《钢铁是怎样炼成的》。至今,这本书还静静地躺在我的枕头边,每天万籁俱寂的时候,我枕着它入睡;早晨第一缕阳光射进来时,我总是不忘先向它打一声招呼。 人的一生当怎样度过才会有意义呢?保尔用实际行动一次次向我们证明了:“人最宝贵的是生命。生命对于每个人来说只有一次。人的一生应当这样度过:当他回首往事,不会因为虚度年华而悔恨,也


“快速阅读”,现大多叫做“全脑速读”。科学原理早已提示:人的大脑分为左右两部分,各自 分管并对不同的信息内容处理: 其中右脑主要是对图形和图像进行记忆和加工, 而左脑主要 是处理诸如逻辑、数字、文字等非形象化的信息。 目录 什么是快速阅读 人脑的优势 1 国际上关于快速阅读记忆的级别与段位标准1级别标准 1 2.段位标准 快速阅读的科学原理 快速阅读的科学依据 快速阅读将给人们一个全新的价值概念 杰出人物与快速阅读 中国古典文学名著对快速阅读的记载 快速阅读要坚持“十要” 快速阅读有五忌1、在阅读时忌边看边读 2、在阅读时忌视野狭窄 3、在阅读时忌反复浏览 4、在阅读时忌死板而无目的 5、在阅读时忌注意力不集中 快速阅读的四大特点 快速阅读的生理基础 图书信息 内容简介 作者简介 图书目录
编辑本段 什么是快速阅读
科学研究已经证明:人类进行传统阅读时,主要使用左脑的功能;而在采用“速 读”方式阅读时,则充分调动了是左右脑的功能作用,各自发挥左右脑的优势共同进 行 文 字 信 息 的 形 象 辨 识 、 意 义 记 忆 和 理 解 , 所 以 “速 读 ”又 被 称 之 为 “ 全 脑 速 读 ”。 从阅读方式来比较。我们一般可以把阅读分为两大类:一是传统阅读法(俗称为慢读), 即按照字、词等少数几个单字为单位逐个阅读;二是快速阅读或称“速读”。它是将被 阅读的文字以组或行、块为单位进行大小不一的整体阅读,而“组”或“块”内所包含的 往往可能是词组、半行、一行、多行甚至整页内容,它是一种让我们能够从文字材料 中迅速接收信息的阅读法。 在传统阅读法中,书面的文字信息对眼睛产生光学 刺激之后,视网膜要把这种物理过程转化为神经活动的生物过程,传送到大脑的视觉 中枢,由视觉中枢处理后再传达到语言中枢,语言中枢再传递到听觉中枢,最后由听 觉中枢传输到记忆中枢。这是一个自己读给自己听的过程,即使是高水平的默读也是 如此,只不过外部动作控制得比较好罢了。所以,一般人在(以传统阅读法)阅读时, 实际上是在“读书”,而不是在真正“看书”。
快速阅读则是一种“眼脑直映”式的阅读方法:“它是将书面的文字信息对眼睛产生光 学刺激之后所产生的整体文字图像,直接传送到右脑以图像的形式记忆住,之后再由 大脑将文字图像解析出来”的阅读方法。速读这种“眼脑直映”式的阅读的方法省略了 语言中枢和听觉中枢这两个可有可无的中间环节,即文字信号直接映入大脑记忆中枢 进行

阅读课文 鉴赏写法

阅读课文鉴赏写法 语文教材是学生学习语文的主要依据,教材中所选的课文是学生认识生活、反映生活的成功范例,如何从典型的例文中读到收获、总结出有创意的写作方法,供学生在阅读写作中参考借鉴升华创造,是每一个语文教师在教学过程中应该努力去带领学生实践的。 下面是我在多年的教学中和学生一起从初中语文篇目中总结出的一些写作方法。 一、人称错位法——《我儿子一家》 《伯子论文》说:“文章有众人不下手而我偏下手者,有众人下手而我不下手者。”舒婷的《我儿子一家》表现角度新颖奇特。作者巧妙地以儿子为叙述人称,从儿子的角度选择一个个的生活片段,把一家人各自的形象特点栩栩如生地表现出来,其中又以刻画母亲为主。写妈妈怀孕时反应厉害,爱看惊险小说,爱子情深,既要求严格又民主开放式的教育等。因为是写五岁儿子眼中的一家人,就显得情趣横生,遣词造句也可以“童言无忌”。往往使人读了忍俊不禁。因为妈妈“代替”了儿子,给人一种人称错位美,使文章新颖别致,充满情趣。 二、借物抒情法——《金盒子》 借物抒情是一些文章常用的手法。即作者把感情寄托在某种实物上,通过对物的叙写来抒发自己的感情。《金盒子》就是运用这种方法的典范。文章中作者失去亲人的痛悼之情是通过一只金盒子表现出来的。先是和哥哥的感情,后是和弟弟的感情。金盒子不仅是一样实物,更是一种象征。因为金盒子凝结着手足深情,正如文中所说:“金盒子对于我不仅是一种纪念,而是骨肉情爱之所系了。”围绕一个实物叙写抒情,思路明晰,感情凝重,易读易学。 三、哲理透视法——《秋魂》 《秋魂》不仅样式新颖,有题记,七个小标题分别展示七块不同的内容,而且在事物思考上透射着深刻的哲理:成熟的秋实谦逊地低下头,思考自己成熟的历程,不忘通力合作,不忘艰苦磨炼:缤纷的秋色五彩纷呈就像成熟者的心,成熟中不失单纯,火热中不失深沉,那是一颗有着丰富情感的心啊!秋味种种不同的滋味不正意味着走向成熟是一个历经酸甜苦辣的过程吗?表面冷酷的秋风实际有着慈母般的心肠,让我们体会到爱的方式有多种多样:秋叶不寻常的开头与不一般的结尾赞美了善始善终和无私奉献的可贵;诚实的秋土教会我们一份耕耘一份收获、遇事三思而后行:宽容的秋景告诉我们成熟者应该有博大的胸怀。秋实、秋色、秋味、秋风、秋叶、秋土、秋景都是秋天特有的景物,把这些景物综合在一起,就构成了秋的灵魂和神韵,那是一个成熟的大脑,智者的魂灵!自然界的许多事物、许多现象都蕴含着哲理。当我们在认识事物、欣赏风景、赞叹生活时,是否深入思考一下,从中发现其中的意蕴美呢?探索自然奥妙,透视人生哲理,


高效阅读培训心得体会 心得体会是指一种读书、实践后所写的感受性文字。为大家分享的高效阅读培训心得体会,希望大家喜欢。 学习了内蒙古紫蒙中学三位老师写的文章《开展高效阅读,做成功的语文教师》,我震惊了。没想到高效阅读会带来如此大的效益,更没想到他们的高校阅读实验如此成功。 一位教育家说过:“课堂不是磁,但是他能吸引学生;课堂不是蜜,但是他能粘住学生。”其实,高效阅读胜过磁,甜过蜜。说起紫蒙中学的高效阅读课堂,没有一个学生不喜欢;说起高效阅读带来的变化,没有一个学生不开颜;说起高效阅读训练,没有一个学生不投入;说起高效阅读课堂上的展示,没有一个学生不愿表现。一种教育方法对学生产生了强烈的吸引,一种教学方式为学生打开了智慧之门,这便是高效阅读,充满魅力的语文。 语文阅读能力的提高,必然会很自然地带动其他学科的学习,我想他们的教育一定是超前的、可喜的。温总理说过:“读书关系到一个人的思想境界和修养,关系到一个民族的素质,关系到一个国家的兴旺发达。一个不读书的人是没有前途的,一个不读书的民族是没有前途的。”这样看来,高效阅读担当着重大的使命,它的推

广对国民的终身学习和发展必将产生积极而深远的影响。于是,我迫切的希望它能迅速传播,它也能在我们学校进行推广。 参加精英特快速阅读训练已经大半年了,在这段日子里我从一个对快速阅读一问三不知的门外汉变得对快速阅读颇有研究,今天我只想跟大家分享一下我这半年来学习快速阅读的一些个人心得体会! 精英特速读记忆训练软件的设计可达15万字/分钟,我觉得通过训练基本上,只要在3—4千字的速度,就已经能够满足日常需要了。当然自身有一定基础或者潜力的人可以更快,这样对我们来说,也会更有信心,不用觉得那些荒诞不稽。 我主要是通过不断进行:视幅扩展、焦点移动、速读实战的基础训练来练习视野、速度,我参加快速阅读训练,我觉得这种办法很有用的,不过需要耐心,我中间有些中断,目前还没连上,准备还是要继续练习,直到达到一个自己认为比较理想的速度——平均水平提高到5000字每分钟。 集中注意力非常重要。很多人,之所以读书慢,是因为注意力不集中,在训练的.过程中容易分心,要么被外界环境打扰,要么是自己心烦意乱,在训练过程中,可能不时走动,或者喝水吃东西,最


经典励志文章阅读3篇 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎您借鉴参考阅读和下载,侵删。您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来! 经典励志文章阅读:执著孕育成功成功人士往往都有一个共同的特点,那就是:对目标的执着而体现出的强烈的企图心,这种企图心会帮助他们征服千难万苦,直至目标达成。 拥有成功的企图和强烈的欲望,你才可能受到成功的召唤,就像奔腾而出的激流、飞流而下的瀑布,能为你的生活创造一个孕育动力的巨大落差。它会时刻提醒你去奋斗,引导你去追求;时刻激励你充满激情地工作和生活,为你点燃希望的心灯,哪怕是万丈深渊,你也会奋然前行。 在美国西部的乡村,一位家境贫寒的15岁少年在幽暗的灯光下写下令人不可思议的《一生的志愿》:“要到尼罗河、亚马逊河和刚果河探险;要登上珠穆朗玛峰、乞力马扎罗山和麦金利峰;驾驭大象、骆驼、鸵鸟和野马;探访马可-;波罗和亚历山大一世走过的道路;主演一部《人猿泰山》那样的电影;驾驶飞行器起飞降落;读完莎士比亚、柏拉图和亚里士多德的著作;谱一部乐曲;写一本书;拥有一项发明专利;给非常的孩子筹集100万美元捐款......” 他放飞自己梦想的翅膀,一口气列举了127项自己人生的恢弘志愿。少年的心被自己那宏伟的目标激动得热血沸腾。从此,他跟随着心灵的呼唤,开始了将梦想转化为现实的漫漫征程。44年后,他终

于实现了《一生的志愿》中的106个愿望......他就是20世纪著名的探险家约翰-;戈达德。当有人惊讶地追问他是凭借着怎样的力量,把那许多注定的“不可能”都踩在了脚下,他微笑着回答:“很简单,我只是让心灵先到达那个地方,随后,周身就有了一股神奇的力量,接下来,就只需沿着心灵的召唤前进了。” 王钦峰从一个农民工成为企业技术的顶梁柱和发明大王,是与他的痴迷劲儿有着必然关系的。 1998年,为了站在世界轮胎技术的最前沿,提高轮胎模具专用电火花机床的性能,公司决定成立电加工组,善于钻研的王钦峰成为公司首批电加工操作工。有了多次攻关经验的王钦峰,对这次攻关充满了信心。用他自己的话说,那段时间,他对电火花的研究简直到了走火入魔的地步。 他不停地跑书店、查阅资料,买回大量的书籍研究、反复进行试验。有时候吃着饭,他想到一个问题就马上放下馒头跑走了;家里来了客人,他倒上水坐在那里不说话,对客人的问话也充耳不闻,脑子又去考虑电火花了;有一次在公司做试验晚了,骑着自行车回家的路上因为思考问题走了神,和别人撞了车,把胳膊撞伤了。父母害怕了,同事们也悄悄地嘀咕:“王钦峰是不是学傻了?”王钦峰当然明白自己没有傻,他只是太专注、太投入了。这一年,他不仅自学掌握了电火花机床电器柜全套电路的理论知识,更通过大量的试验积累了丰富的经验,为他的不断创新和发明打下了深厚的基础。 王钦峰认为,做事情就只想着做事情,才能心无旁骛。干工作你


快速阅读的主要方法介绍 快速阅读的方法介绍 1、浏览法 浏览法是指对一般不需要细致了解的书籍,只是从总体上粗略掌握书中大概内容的一种阅读方法。它可以在有限的时间内尽可能广 泛地了解信息,有助于开阔视野,是博览群书所常用的重要方法。 浏览阅读主要是重点注意文中的一些关键位置:一是篇名,包括文章的题目和书名,题目是文章的眼睛,往往集中概括了全文的主 要论点、主要论题或是主要内容等。通过研究题目,可以对文章或 书籍有一个总体的认识。二是目录、序言、提要、索引等,这些将 会帮助读者对文章或书籍大体框架、基本思路有所了解。三是正文,这一部分浏览的关键主要是开头、结尾以及中间各段落起首的中心句。将这些关键部分浏览完毕后,会对文章或书籍形成总的印象, 如果经回忆有不够完整的地方,或有值得深究之处,可再作必要的 重点补阅。 2、扫读法 扫读法是指对文章内容一目数行、一目十行地扫瞄,以大容量获取信息的一种快速阅读方法。 扫读法不像传统阅读方法那样逐字逐句地来读,而是将眼停的视域尽可能扩大,将几行文字、一段文字甚至整页文字作为每次眼停 的注视单位,在快速扫视中获得对文章或书籍的总体印象、整体理解。这种方法最快可以由数行扫读达到一页一页扫读,逐页扫读的 方法又称为面式阅读法。由于摆脱了个别字句上的语意纠缠,这种 方法不仅提高了阅读速度,而且并不像有些人担心的那样会影响理 解程度,很多时候甚至比逐字逐句阅读更能够把握文章内容的精髓。扫读法阅读的速度非常快,但要熟练掌握这种方法必须经常专门训

练,比如经常做一些视力扩展训练,在平时阅读时要注意克服逐字逐句阅读的习惯,有意识地扩大每次眼停的视野范围。利用舒尔特数字表等进行专门的视力扩展训练,也是非常有效的方法。 3、跳读法 跳读法是指跳过一些无关紧要的部分而直取读物的关键性内容的一种快速阅读方法。 4、寻读法 寻读法是指为得到急需的有关资料,在众多相关书籍资料中搜寻查找的一种快速阅读方法。 5、猜读法 猜读法是指在读书读文章时,以所了解的题目或已看的前文作为前提,对后面的内容预作猜想,然后将其与后文实际内容进行印证比较的一种阅读方法。 猜读法使读者角度转换为作者,为作者设身处地地考虑作品内容的安排,这就使阅读活动始终处于高度活跃的积极思维状态,有助于锻炼提高读者的认识判断能力、创造能力。随着猜读准确性的提高,读者在阅读中领会把握作品内容的时间就会大为减少,因而猜读的能力对提高快速阅读能力也会起到重要的促进作用。猜读法最常见于情节类的作品阅读中,如《老人与海》中在读到桑提亚哥刚遇到鲨鱼之时,读者便可以猜想作者会怎样写他与鲨鱼的较量?最后结局会是如何?其他类型的作品,也可用猜读法阅读。读议论性文体时,可以先由题目设想作者怎样提出论点,采用哪些论据,用什么方法来具体论证。


关于读书的文章(精选10篇)_美文欣赏 关于读书的文章篇一《享受读书的乐趣》 从孩提时代起,书就成为我的玩伴,每一天陪着我遨游在知识的海洋里。童年时代的我,因为需要上学,所以书便每一天跟随我奔波于学校和家之间。现如今,我已迈入中学的大门,走出天真烂漫的童话时代,一篇篇生动优美、清新质朴的美文如磁铁般吸引了我,看着它们,我领略了别人不一样的生活,足不出户却可纵观世界。读书给我带来了无尽的欢乐,更重要的是它教会了我如何热爱他人、热爱生命!书中的大千世界令人神往,它令我充满对未来的憧憬,助我鼓起挑战未来的勇气,我自信地向自己喊到:向前冲! 中学时代,《钢铁是怎样炼成的》《巴金选集》《上下五千年》闯进了我的生活,阅历的进一步扩大,让我学会了思考。“读一本好书就如在同一个高贵的人谈话”,一本本好书给我的心灵上了一堂堂非同寻常的课。对生活的赞美,对生命的热爱。对人生的感悟,让我真切地意识到,只有不断拼搏、不断奋斗的人生才最有价值。富国强民的神圣使命需要我们去完成,不容变更的人生目标让我感到每一天都很充实,而这一切都是读书带给我的。读书点燃我心中的激情,插上我青春的翅膀,推动我向未来奋飞。 我爱读书,因为读书能够扩大我的视野,让我的写作水平得到进一步提高;我爱读书,因为我喜欢书中那些优美的文章段落,它能够陶冶情操,让我的情绪愉快。 关于读书的文章篇二《谈读书》 古时有十年寒窗苦读得一功名,然后衣锦还乡。而如今读书贬值的如此之快,以至于大学生四处求职者比比皆是。读了10多年书,却从未真正系统的总结自己的读书感想,足见我一向是在被动的理解知识,使劲的往脑袋里塞那些所谓的:“知识”。于是越想越不对,觉得是在自欺欺人,为了揭示自己的无知,于是我决定再一次用文字来对抗自欺欺人……首先看看我们的前辈们是怎样读书的。 台湾学者李敖强调读书使人不惑,他强调无论读多少书,都不要迷信书本,要学会融会贯通,把书读的细腻。怎样来解释细腻这个词呢?我举个例子,一次台湾国民党的一个议员引用了一句名言:“我思故我在。”他说这是德国哲学家笛卡尔的名言。然后另一个民进党


小学生经典阅读文章 我打猎回来,走在林荫路上。猎狗跑在我前面。 突然,我的猎狗放慢脚步,悄悄地向前走,好像嗅到了前面有什么野物。 风猛烈地摇撼着路旁的梧桐树。我顺着林荫路望去,看见一只小麻雀呆呆地站在地上,无可奈何地拍打着小翅膀。它嘴角嫩黄,头上长着绒毛,分明是刚出生不久,从巢里掉下 俩的。 猎狗慢慢地走近小麻雀,嗅了嗅,张开大嘴,露出锋利的牙齿。突然,一支老麻雀从 一棵树上扑下来,像一块石头似的落在猎狗面前。它扎煞起全身的羽毛,绝望地尖叫着。 老麻雀用自己的身躯掩护着小麻雀,想拯救自己的幼儿。可是因为紧张,它浑身发抖了,发出嘶哑的声音。它呆立着不动,准备着一场搏斗。在它看来,猎狗是个多么庞大的 怪物啊!可是它不能安然地站在高高的没有危险的树枝上,一种强大的力量使它飞了下来。 猎狗愣住了,它可能没料到老麻雀会有这么大的勇气,慢慢地,慢慢地向后退。 我急忙唤回我的猎狗,带着它走开了。 猫的性格实在有些古怪。说它老实吧,它的确有时候很乖。它会找个暖和的地方,成 天睡大觉,无忧无虑,什么事也不过问。可是,它决定要出去玩玩,就会出走一天一夜, 任凭谁怎么呼唤,它也不肯回来。说它贪玩吧,的确是呀,要不怎么会一天一夜不回家呢?可是,它听到老鼠的一点响动,又是多么尽职。它屏息凝视,一连就几个钟头,非把老鼠 等出来不可! 它要是高兴,能比谁都温柔可亲:用身子蹭你的腿,把脖儿伸出来让你给它抓痒,或 是在你写作的时候,跳上桌来,在稿纸上踩印几多小梅花。它还会丰富多腔地叫唤,长短 不同,粗细各异,变化多端。在不叫的时候,它还会咕噜咕噜地给自己解闷。这可都凭它 的高兴。它若是不高兴啊,无论谁说多少好话,它一声也不出。 它什么都怕,总想藏起来。可是它又那么勇猛,不要说见着小虫和老鼠,就是遇上蛇 也敢斗一斗。 小猫满月的时候更加可爱,腿脚还不稳,可是已经学会淘气。一根鸡毛,一个线团, 都是它的好玩具,耍个没完没了。一玩起来,它不知要摔多少跟头,但是跌倒了马上起来,再跑再跌。它的头撞在门上,桌腿上,撞疼了也不哭。它的胆子越来越大,逐渐开辟新的 游戏场所。它到院子里来了。院中的花草可遭了殃。它在花盆里摔跤,抱着花枝打秋千, 所到之处,枝折花落。你见了,绝不会责打它,它是那样生气勃勃,天真可爱! 人们都说:“桂林山水甲天下。”我们乘着木船荡漾在漓江上,来观赏桂林的山水。
