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AAIMS(An Analytical Information Management System)分析信息管理系统

Abacus 算盘

Access security 存取安全

Access time 存取时间

Active 有源的

Ada programming language Ada 程序设计语言

Adapter 适配器

Adapter card 转接卡

Add-on 外接式附件

Address 地址

ADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) 非对称数字客户线路

After-image record 残留影像记录

Algorithm 算法

Alpha testing ɑ测试


Alteration switch 变换开关

ALU(Arithmetic/Logic Unit)运算器

Amplitude 幅度

Analog data 模拟数据

Analog cellular 模拟移动电话

Analog signal 模拟信号

Analysis block 分析块

Animation 动画制作

ANSL(American National Standards Label)美国国家标准标号

Answerback memory 应答存储器

Anti-noise coding 反噪声编码

Antivirus software 反病毒软件

APL(A Programming Language) APL 语言

Application development cycle 应用开发周期

Application program 应用程序


Application software 应用软件

Arithmetic operation 算术运算

ARP(Automatic Receive Program)自动接受程序

Artificial network 仿真网络

ASCII(American standard Code for Information Interchange)美国信息交


Assembler 汇编程序

Assembly language 汇编语言

Asynchronous 异步的

Asynchronous transmission 异步传输

ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode) 异步传输模式ATM(Automated Teller Machine)自动出纳机Attribute 属性

Auctions on the web 网上拍卖

Audio board 声板


Audio file 声音文件

Audio input device 声音输入装置

Audio-player 播放

Audit program 审查程序

Auditing system 审查系统

Authoring system 写作系统



Backbone system 主干系统

Backup file 备份文件

Backward compatibility 反向兼容性

Backward recovery 向后恢复

Band printer 带式打印机

Bandwidth 带宽

Bandwidth limitation 带宽限制

Bar code 条形码

Bar-code reader 条形码读出器

Basic exchange format 基本交换格式

BASIC programming language BASIC 程序设计语言Batch processing 批处理

Beeper 传呼机


Beta testing β测试

Binary digit 二进制数字

Binary file 二进制文件

Binary number system 二进制数字系统

Binary system 二进制

BIOS(Basic Input/Output System)基本输入/输出系统Bit 量,位

Bit(binary digit)位,二进制位,比特

Bit-mapped display screen 位映像显示器

Block check 块检验

Blocking software 封锁软件

Bookmark 书签

Bootleg version 盗版

BPS(Business Professional System) 商业专用系统Bridge 网桥


Broadcast image 广播图象

Browser 浏览程序

Building blocks 组件

Built-in function 内部功能

Bus 总线

Bus network 总线网络

Bus slot 总线槽

Business terminal equipment 商务终端设备

Button 按扭

Byte 字节,位组



C programming language C 程序设计语言

C++ programming language C++程序设计语言

Cable length 电缆长度

Cable modem 电缆调制解调器

Cache memory 超高速缓冲存储器

CAD(Computer-Aided Design) 计算机辅助设计

CADD(Compute-Aided Design and Drafting) 计算机辅助设计与制图Call-back system 回叫系统

CAM(Computer-Aided Manufacturing) 计算机辅助生产

Capacity 容量

Carrier wave 载波

Cartridge tape 盒式磁带

CASE(Computer-Aided Software Engineering) 计算机辅助软件工程10

CBT(Computer-Based Training) 利用计算机的训练

CCD(Charge Coupled Device)电荷藕合器件

CD writer 刻录机

CDC(Code-Directing Character) 代码引导字符

CDP(Certified Data Processor)合格数据处理程序

Cell 单元,细胞,信元

Cell address 单元地址

Cell pointer 单元指示器

CEO(Chip Enable Output) 芯片启动输出

CERT(Character Error Rate Tester) 字符出错率测试程序

Chain printer 链式打印机

Channel command 通道命令

Character 字符

Character-recognition 字符识别

Chat room 聊天室


Check bit 校验位,检验位

Child record 子记录

Chip 芯片,晶片

Circuit switching 电路转接,线路交换

CIS(Communication Information System) 通信信息(情报)系统Clear entry 消除输入

Click 点击

Client 客户,委托程序,委托进程,客户机

Client-server 客户服务器

Clipboard 剪贴板

Clouds 云

Cluster 簇,束,线束,群集

Coaxial tree network 同轴树状网络

COBOL programming language COBOL 程序设计语言

Coding 编码,编程序


Collision 冲突

Color display screen 彩色显示屏

Communication 通信

Communication parties 传输单元

Communications channel 通信信道

Communications controller 通信控制器

Communications hardware 通信硬件

Communications network 通信网络

Communications satellites 通信卫星

Communications server 通信服务器

Communications service 通信业务

Communications software 通信软件

Communications technology 通信技术

Compatibility 兼容性,一致性,互换性

Compiler 编译程序


Component 分量,成分,元件,组件,部件

Compression 压缩

Computer 计算机

Computer-based information system 计算机信息系统Computer crime 计算机犯罪

Computer industry 计算机行业

Computer literacy 计算机扫盲

Computer online service 计算机联机服务

Computer professional 计算机专业人员

Computer programmer 计算机程序设计员

Concentration 集中

Concentrator 集中器,集线器

Concurrent-use license 并行使用许可证

Connection 连接

Connectivity 连通性,连接性


Connectivity diagram 连通图表

Contact 接触点

Control structure 控制结构

Control unit 控制器,控制部件

Controller card 控制器插件

Coprocessor 协同处理程序,协同处理机Copy command 复制命令

Copyright 版权

Copyright protection 版权保护Counterfeit software 盗版软件Courseware 课件

CPU(Central Processing Unit) 中央处理机Cracker 黑客

CRT(Cathode Ray Tube) 阴极射线管CTS(Clear To Send) 清除发送


Cursor 光标

Cursor-movement key 光标移动键Custom software 客户软件

Cut command 剪切命令

Cyberculture 计算机文化,控制论优化Cybernation 计算机控制化



Daisy chain 菊链

DAT(Data Acquisition Test) 数据采集测试Data access method 数据存取法

Data acquisition 数据采集

Data compression 数据压缩

Data dictionary 数据字典

Data file 数据文件

Data flow diagram 数据流程图

Data integrity 数据完整性

Data manipulation language 数据操纵语言Data mining 数据开采

Data recovery 数据恢复

Data redundancy 数据冗余

Data storage hierarchy 数据存储层次


Data transmission 数据传输

Data transmission factor 数据传输系数

Data warehouse 数据仓库

Database 数据库

Database server 数据库服务器

Database software 数据库软件

DBA(Data Base Administrator) 数据库管理程序

DBMS(Data Base Management System) 数据库管理系统

Debugging 调试

Decision making system 判定系统,决策系统

Decision table 判定表

Dedicated computer 专用计算机

Default value 缺省值,系统设定值

Delete 删除

Democratic network 共同控制网络


Design 设计

Desk checking 桌面检验

Desktop accessory 桌面附件

Desktop publication system 桌面出版系统

Developing information system 信息开发系统

Dialog box 对话框

Dial-up connection 拨号上网

Dial-up Internet communication 拨号网间通信

Digital 数码的

Digital camera 数码照相机

Digital cellular phone 数字移动电话

Digital signal 数字信号

Digital signal processor 数字信号处理器

Digital signature 数字签名

Digitized speech 数字化语音


DIMS(Data Information and Manufacturing system) 数据信息和制造系统Direct access storage 直接存取存储器,直接访问存储器

Direct file organization 直接文件组织

Direct implementation 直接实现

Direct synchronous multiplexing 直接同步复用

Directory 目录,号码表

Disk 磁盘

Disk drive 磁盘驱动器

Diskette 软磁盘,软盘

Display 显示

Display screen 显示屏幕

Disrupt 使混乱,破坏,分裂,瓦解

Distance learning 远程学习

Distributed database 分布式数据库

Disturbance 干扰


DM(Data Memory) 数据存储器

DNS(Domain Naming System) 域命名系统

Document 文件,资料,文献,文卷

Document file 资料文件

Documentation 文件编制,资料,文档

DOS(Disk Operating System) 磁盘操作系统

Dot 点

Dot-matrix printer 点阵打印机

Download 下载

Downsizing 规模缩小化

Downward compatibility 向下兼容性

Draft-quality 粗劣的印刷质量,草稿字体印刷质量

DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory) 动态随机存取存储器

Drawing program 绘图程序

Driver 驱动器


Drum printer 鼓式打印机

Drum scanner 鼓形扫描器

DSS(Decision Support System) 决策支援系统

DTP(Data Transmission Protocol) 数据传送协议

Dumb terminal 哑终端,简易终端

DVP(Data Validation Program) 数据验证程序

Dynamic linking 动态链接



EBCDIC(Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange) 扩充的二-十进制交换码

E-cash 电子货币

E-commerce 电子商务

EDI(Electronic Data Interchange) 电子数据交换

EEPROM(Electrically Erasable Read Only Memory) 电可擦只读存储器EIC(External Interface Control) 外部借口控制

EIS(External Interrupt Support) 外部中断支援

Electroluminescent display 电致发光显示屏

Electromagnetic spectrum 电磁光谱

Electronic conference 电子会议

Electronic image 电子图象

Electronic network 电子网络


Electronic secretary 电子秘书

Electronic ticketing machine 电子售票机

Electronic tutor 电子教学装置

Electrostatic plotter 静电绘图机

Elementary field 基本字段

ELF(Extensible Language Facility) 可扩充的语言功能

E-mail 电子邮件

Embedded computer 嵌入式计算机

Emulation 仿真,仿效

Encapsulation 封闭,封装,密封

Encryption 加密,编密码

End-to-end delay 端到端的时延

End-to-end digital connectivity 端到端的数字连接

End-user 终端用户

ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) 电子数字积分



Enter key 输入键

EPL(Encoder Programming Language) 编码器程序设计语言

EPROM(Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) 可擦可编程只读存储器EPSS(Error Processing Sub-system) 错误处理子系统

Ergonomics 人类工程学

Error correction 纠错法

ESS(Electronic Switching System) 电子交换系统

Evaluation system 评价系统

Even parity 偶数奇偶校验

Exchange service 交换业务

Executable 可执行文件

Execution cycle 执行周期

Execution program 执行程序

Expansion bus 扩展总线


Expansion card 扩充插件卡

Expansion slot 扩展槽

Expert system 专家系统

External hard disk drive 外部硬盘驱动器

External modem 外部调制解调器



FAT(File Allocation Table) 文件分配表

Fault freedom 容错性能

Fault tolerant system 容错系统

Fax 传真

Fax machine 传真机

FCB(File Control Block) 文件控制块

Feasibility study 可行性研究,可能性研究

FEC(Forward Error Correction) 向前纠错

Fiber-optic cable 光缆

Field 字段,场,域

Field protect 字段保护

Fifth-generation programming language 第五代程序设计语言

File 文件


File extension 文件扩充

File management system 文件管理系统

File name 文件名

File server 文件服务程序

File virus 文件病毒

Filter 过滤,滤波

Financial planning system 财务规划系统

Find command 查找命令

Finder 寻找程序,定位程序,录像器

Fingerprint security system 指纹安全系统

Firewall 防火墙

Firmware 固件

Fixed disk drive 固定磁盘驱动器

Flatbed plotter 平板绘图仪

Flatbed scanner 平板扫描仪


Flat-panel display 平面显示器

Flat-panel technique 平面技术

Flexible telecommunication networking 灵活的通信联网

Floppy disk 软磁盘

FLOPS(Floating-point Operations Per Second) 每秒浮点运算次数Flowchart 流程图

Font 字型,字体

Format selection 格式选择

Formatting 格式化,格式编排

Formula 公式

FORTH programming language FORTH 程序设计语言

Forward recovery 正向恢复

Fourth-generation programming language 第四代程序设计语言Fragmenting 分割


Frame grabber 帧接受器,帧捕获器

Free ware 免费软件

Frequency 频率

Front-end processor 前端处理机

FTP(File Transfer Protocol)文件传送协议

Full-duplex 全双工

Function 功能,函数,作用

Function key 功能键

Fuzzy logic 模糊逻辑



Game port 博弈端口

Garbage 无用信息

Gateway 关口,网间连接

GDS(Group Display System) 群显示系统

Genealogy 家谱学,系统

GES(General Edit System) 通用逻辑系统

GIS(Geographic Information System) 几何图形信息系统Global communication 全球通信

GPS(Global Positioning System) 全球定位系统Grammar checker 语法检验程序

Graphics 图形学,制图技术

Graphics accelerator 图形加速器

Graphics coprocessor 图形协同处理程序


Grid 网格,坐标网络

Gross index 粗索引

Groupware 群件

GUI(Graphical User Interface) 图形用户接口



Hacker 黑客

Half-duplex transmission 半双工传输

Handheld scanner 手持式扫描仪

Handshaking 信号交换,接续

Hard disk 硬磁盘

Hard return 硬回车

Hard-copy terminal 硬拷贝终端

Hardware 硬件

Hardware compatibility 硬件兼容性

HDTV(High Definition Television) 高分辨率电视

Help menu 求助菜单,求助项目单

Head-mounted display 头盔式显示器

Hidden computer 隐式计算机


Hierarchical database 分级数据库

Hierarchy 分级,分层,层次

Hierarchy chart 分级图表

High resolution 高分辨率

High-level programming language 高级程序设计语言Hold 握住


1.This electron beam sweeps across each line at a uniform rate,then flies back to scan another line directly below the previous one and so on,until the horizontal lines into which it is desired to break or split the picture have been scanned in the desired sequence. 电子束以均匀的速率扫描每一行,然后飞速返回去扫描下一行,直到把被扫描的图像按所希望的顺序分割成行。 2.The technical possibilities could well exist,therefore,of nation-wide integrated transmission network of high capacity,controlled by computers,interconnected globally by satellite and submarine cable,providing speedy and reliable communications throughout the word 因此,在技术上完全可能实现全国性的集成发送网络。这种网络容量大,由计算机控制,并能通过卫星和海底电缆实现全球互联,提供世界范围的高速、可靠的通信。 3.Transit time is the primary factor which limits the ability of a transistor to operate at high frequency. 渡越时间是限制晶体管高频工作能力的主要因素 4.The intensity of sound is inversely proportional to the square of the distance measured from the source of the sound. 声强与到声源的距离的平方成反比。 5.The attenuation of the filter is nearly constant to within 0.5 dB over the entire frequency band. 该滤波器的衰减近于恒定, 整个频带内的变化在0.5 dB以内。 6.At present, the state of most semiconductor device technology is such that the device design and process technology must be supplemented by screening and inspection procedures, if ultimate device reliability is to be obtained and controlled. 目前, 大多数半导体器件的技术尚未十分完善, 以至若要获得并控制器件最终的可靠性, 就必须辅以筛选和检验, 以弥补设计和工艺技术之不足 7.Bandwidth of transistor amplifiers vary from about 250 MHz in the L band to 1000 MHz in the X band. 晶体管放大器的带宽在L波段约为250 MHz, 在X波段为1000 MHz。 8.The output of the differential amplifier is fed to the circuit’s output stage via an offset-compensation network, which causes the op-amp’s output to center at zero volts. The output stage takes the form of a complementary emitter follower, and provides a low-impedance output. 差动放大级的输出通过一个失调补偿网络与输出级相连, 目的是使运放的输出以0 V为中心。输出级采用互补的射极跟随器的形式以使输出阻抗很低 9.Because of the very high open-loop voltage gain of the op-amp, the output is driven into positive saturation (close to +V) when the sample voltage goes slightly above the reference voltage, and driven into negative saturation (close to-V) when the sample voltage goes slightly below the reference voltage. 由于运放的开环电压增益很高, 当取样电压略高于参考电压时, 输出趋向于正向饱和状态(接近+V)。当取样电压低于参考电压时, 输出趋向于负向饱和状态(接近-V)。 10.If the signal source were direct connected instead of capacitor coupled, there would be a low resistance path from the base to the negative supply line, and this would affect the circuit bias conditions. 如果信号源和电路不是用电容耦合而是直接相连,从基极到负电源线就会一个低阻通路,并且这将影响到电路偏置状态 11.The differential amplifier has a high-impedance (constant-current)“tail”to give it a high input impedance and a high degree of common-mode signal rejection. It also has a high-impedance collector (or drain) load, to give it a large amount of signal-voltage gain (typically about 100 dB). 差动放大极有一个高阻抗的“尾巴”(恒流源)以提供高输入阻抗和对共模信号的深度抑制,同时,它还具有一个高阻抗和集电极或漏极负载以提供高的信号电压增益(典型的数据是100dB). 12.On the other hand, a DC negative-logic system, as in Figure 3.6(b), is one which designates the more negative voltage state of the bit as the 1 level and the more positive as the 0 level. 另一方面, 如图3.6(b)所示, 把比特的较低的电压状态记为1电平, 较高的电压状态记为0电平, 这样的系统称为直流负逻辑系统。 13.For example, to represent the 10 numerals (0, 1, 2, …, 9) and the 26 letters of the English alphabet would require 36


广告英语翻译常用词汇 产品远销英国、美国、日本、意大利和东南亚,深受消费者欢迎和好评Our products are sold in Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well appreciated by their purchasers. 畅销全球 selling well all over the world 典雅大方 elegant and graceful 定型耐久 durable modeling 方便顾客 making things convenient for customers 方便群众 making things convenient for the people; to suit the peo ple's convenience 方便商品 convenience goods 方便生活 bringing more convenience to the people in their daily life; prov iding amenities for the people; making life easier for the popula tion 各式俱全 wide selection; large assortment

顾客第一 Customers first 顾客是我们的皇帝 We take customers as our Gods. 规格齐全 a complete range of specifications; complete in specific ations 花样繁多 a wide selection of colours and designs 货色齐全 goods of every description are available. 客商第一,信誉第一 clients first, reputation first 款式多样 a great variety of models 款式活泼端庄 vivid and great in style 款式齐全 various styles 款式新颖 attractive designs; fashionable(in) style; novel (in) de sign; up-to-date styling 款式新颖众多 diversified latest designs 美观大方 elegant appearance 美观耐用 attractive and durable 品质优良,疗效显著,誉满全球,欢迎选购 excellent quality, evident effect, good reputation over the world, orders are welcome. 品种多样 numerous in variety 品种繁多 great varieties 品种齐全 complete range of articles; a great variety of goods


课一A Communications 通讯 1. equation n.相等, 平衡, 综合体, 2. communication n. 通信, 通讯, 交通communicate v.沟通, 通信, 3. triode n.三极管 4. storage n. 存储 5.transmission n. 传输, 传送, transmit v. 传输, 转送, 传达, 传导 6. amplifier n.放大器,扩音器 amplify v. 扩大,放大,增强amplification n. 扩大,放大 7. oscillator n.振荡器 8. correlate v. 是相互关联 correlation n.相互关系, 相关(性) 9. transmitter n.发射机 transmit receive transmission reception (发射) (接收) 10.subsequent adj.随后的 课一B Capacitors 电容 1.capacitor n. 电容器 2.capacitance n. 电容量(值) Resistor resistance capacitor capacitance inductor inductance 3. fixed adj. 固定的 variable adj. 可变的 4. dielectric n. 电介质,绝缘材料 adj. 绝缘的 5. relatively adv. 相对地 absolutely adv.绝对地 6. maximum adj. 最大的 n. 最大值 minimum adj. 最小的 n. 最小值 7. farad n. 法(拉) F ohm n. 欧姆Ω Henry n. 亨(利)H 8. trimmer n. 调整者, 整理者, 9. screwdriver n. 螺丝起子,改锥课二A Radio T ransmitter无线电发射机 1. radio transmitter 无线电发射机 radio n. 无线电,无线 2. telecommunication n.电信,电信学, 无线电通信 telephone n.电话,电话机 telegraph n.电报, 电报机, 电讯报 3. transmit v. 传输, 转送, 传达, 传导, 发射, 发报 transmit receive transmission reception transmitter receiv er (发射) (接收) 4. intelligence n.信息、情报、智能 information/message n.信息 5. potential adj.潜在的, 可能的, 势 的, n.潜能, 潜力, 电位 6. generate v.产生,发生 generation n.产生, 发生, 一代,7. frequency n.频 low frequency 几个Hz到几十kHz high frequency 几个MHz到几十 MHz radio frequency 几百MHz到几 个GHz 8. pulse signal 脉冲信号 9. wavelength n.波长用λ表示 10. output n.输出,产量 input n.输入 11. band n. 带,波段,频带 课二B Electromotive Force 电动势 1. electromotive adj.电动的,电动 势的 electromotive force 电动势 2.driving adj.驱动的 driving force n. 驱动力 driving unit 传动装置 3. volt n. 伏特 4. distinguish v.区分 5. potential difference 电位差 课三A Time Constant 时常数 1.nuclear adj.原子能的, n.核武器, 有核国 nuclear arms 核武 nuclear energy 核能 2.constant n.常数 adj.不断, 不断的, time constant 时间常数 3. instantaneously adv.瞬间地,即刻 instant n.瞬息, 一会儿, 时刻 4. dependent adj. 依赖的,依赖于,取决于 5. capacitiv e adj.电容的,容性的 capacitor n.电容器 capacitance n.电容值 6.discharge n.放电v.放电 charge n.电荷,充电v.充电 7.universal 普遍的, 全体的, 通用的, 课三B RL Time Constant RL时序常数 1.inductor n.电感器 inductance n.电感值(量) inductive adj.感应的; 电感的 2. function n.功能, 函数,作用, 3. Decay n.衰减v. 衰减 decay constant 衰减常数 decay factor 衰减因子 4. reverse adj.反向的, 相反, 逆转的 5. peak value 峰值


Resistor A resistor is a two-term inal electro nic comp onent that opposes an electric curre nt by produc ing a voltage drop betwee n its termi nals in proport ion to the curre nt, that is ,in accorda nee with Ohm ' s law :V=IR .The electrical resistance R is equal to the voltage drop V across the resistor divided by the current I through the resistor. Resistors are used as part of electrical networks and electronic circuits. 电阻器是一个二端口电子元件,电阻是阻止电流流动,通过按比例产生其端子之间的电压降的电流,也就是 说,根据欧姆定律:V = IR。电阻R等于电压降V除以通过电阻的电流I。电阻作为电子网络和电子电路的一部分。 Tran sistor In electro nics, a tran sistor is a semic on ductor device commo nly used to amplify or switch electro nic sig nals . A tran sistor is made of a solid piece of a semic on ductor material , with at least three term in als for connection to an exter nal circuit. A voltage or curre nt applied to one pair of the tran sistor ' s term in als cha nges the curre nt flow ing through ano ther pair of term in als. Because the con trolled curre nt can be much larger tha n the con trolli ng curre nt, the tran sistor provides amplificati on of a sig nal. The tran sistor is the fun dame ntal buildi ng block of moder n electro nic devices, and is used in radio, telepho ne, computer and other electr onic systems. Some tran sistors are packaged in dividually but most are found in in tegrated circuits. 在电子技术中,晶体管是一种,常用来放大或进行开关控制电子信号的半导体器。晶体管是 由一块固体半导体材料制成的,且至少有三个终端与外部电路连接。电压或电流适用于一双 晶体管的终端改变目前流经的另一对终端。因为受控电流可以远大于控制电流,晶体管提供 信号的放大。晶体管是构建现代电子设备的基本单元,并在收音机,电话,计算机和其它电子系统被使用。一些晶体管被单独包装,但大多数都在集成电路中。 Tran sformer A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to anther through in ductively coupled electrical con ductors . A cha nging curre nt in the first circuit creates a cha nging magn etic field; in turn, this magn etic field in duces a cha nging voltage in the sec ond circuit. By add ing a load to the sec on dary circuit, one can make curre nt flow in the tran sformer, thus tran sferri ng en ergy from one circuit to the other. 变压器是一种通过感应耦合将电能从一个电路传输到另一个电路的装置。在第一电路中的一 个变化的电流创建一个不断变化的磁场;反过来,这个磁场诱导第二个电路中的电压变化。 通过向二次回路中增加负载,使电流在变压器中流动,从而将能量从一个电路传递到另一个 电路中。 Relay A relay is an electrical switch that ope ns and closes un der the con trol of ano ther electrical circuit . In the origi nal form ,the switch is operated by an electromag net to ope n or close one or many sets of con tacts. It was inven ted by Joseph Henry in 1835. Because a relay is able to con trol an output circuit of higher power tha n the in put circuit ,it can be con sidered to be, in a broad sen se, a form of an electrical amplifier. 继电器是一种电子开关,控制另一个电路的打开和关闭。在原始形式中,该开关是由一个电磁铁操作,打开或关闭一个或多个触点。它是由约瑟夫亨利在1835年发明的。由于继电器 能够控制比输入电路功率更高的输出电路,广义上说,它可以被认为是电子放大器的一种形 式。 Types of circuits In any circuit where the on ly oppositi on to the flow of electr ons is resista nee , there is a defi nite relati on


1.素质教育:Quality Education 2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient 3. 保险业:the insurance industry 4. 保证重点指出:ensure funding for priority areas 5. 补发拖欠的养老金:clear up pension payments in arrears 6. 不良贷款:non-performing loan 7. 层层转包和违法分包:mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting 8. 城乡信用社:credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas 9. 城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum standard of living for city residents 10. 城镇职工医疗保障制度:the system of medical insurance for urban workers 11. 出口信贷:export credit 12. 贷款质量:loan quality 13. 贷款质量五级分类办法:the five-category assets classification for bank loans 14. 防范和化解金融风险:take precautions against and reduce financial risks 15. 防洪工程:flood-prevention project 16. 非法外汇交易:illegal foreign exchange transaction 17. 非贸易收汇:foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels 18. 非银行金融机构:non-bank financial institutions 19. 费改税:transform administrative fees into taxes 20. 跟踪审计:foolow-up auditing 21. 工程监理制度:the monitoring system for projects 22. 国有资产安全:the safety of state-owned assets 23. 过度开垦:excess reclamation 24. 合同管理制度:the contract system for governing projects 25. 积极的财政政策:pro-active fiscal policy 26. 基本生活费:basic allowance 27. 解除劳动关系:sever labor relation 28. 金融监管责任制:the responsibility system for financial supervision 29. 经济安全:economic security 30. 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设:to increase the deficit to spend more on development 31. 扩大国内需求:the expansion of domestic demand 32. 拉动经济增长:fuel economic growth 33. 粮食仓库:grain depot 34. 粮食收购企业:grain collection and storage enterprise 35. 粮食收购资金实行封闭运行:closed operation of grain purchase funds 36. 粮食销售市场:grain sales market 37. 劣质工程:shoddy engineering


外语英语英文专业词汇术语翻译:电器篇(electric equipment/electric appliance)字体大小:大| 中| 小2008-11-01 17:05 - 阅读:157 - 评论:0 1 GB/T 998-198 2 低压电器基本试验方法Basic testing method of low voltage apparatus 2 GB/T 1003-1980 三相插头插座型式、基本参数与尺寸Types, basic parameters and dimensions of three phase plugs and sockets 3 GB 1444-1987 防爆灯具专用螺口式灯座Edison screw lampholders specially used for explosion-proof luminaires 4 GB/T 1497-198 5 低压电器基本标准The basic standard for low-voltage apparatus 5 GB 2099-1980 单相、三相插头插座技术条件Technical requirements for single-phase and three- phase plugs and sockets 6 GB/T 2900.18-1992 电工术语低压电器Electrotechnical terminology—Low voltage apparatus 7 GB/T 3783-1994 船用低压电器基本要求General specification for low-voltage apparatus in ships 8 GB/T 3797-1989 电控设备第二部分: 装有电子器件的电控设备Electric-driving controlgear—Part 2: Electric-driving controlgear incorporating electronic devices 9 GB 3836.1-1983 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备通用要求Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres--General requirements 10 GB 3836.2-1983 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备隔爆型电气设备"d" Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres--Flameproof electrical apparatus "d" 11 GB 3836.3-1983 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备增安型电气设备"e" Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres--Increased safety electrical apparatus "e" 12 GB 3836.4-1983 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备本质安全型电路和电气设备"i" Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres--Intrinsically safe circuits and electrical apparatus"i"


基本电路 包括电路模型的元素被称为理想的电路元件。一个理想的电路元件是一个实际的电气元件的数学模型,就像一个电池或一个灯泡。重要的是为理想电路元件在电路模型用来表示实际的电气元件的行为可接受程度的准确性。电路分析,本单位的重点,这些工具,然后应用电路。电路分析基础上的数学方法,是用来预测行为的电路模型和其理想的电路元件。一个所期望的行为之间的比较,从设计规范,和预测的行为,形成电路分析,可能会导致电路模型的改进和理想的电路元件。一旦期望和预测的行为是一致的,可以构建物理原型。 物理原型是一个实际的电气系统,修建从实际电器元件。测量技术是用来确定实际的物理系统,定量的行为。实际的行为相比,从设计规范的行为,从电路分析预测的行为。比较可能会导致在物理样机,电路模型,或两者的改进。最终,这个反复的过程,模型,组件和系统的不断完善,可能会产生较准确地符合设计规范的设计,从而满足需要。 从这样的描述,它是明确的,在设计过程中,电路分析中起着一个非常重要的作用。由于电路分析应用电路模型,执业的工程师尝试使用成熟的电路模型,使设计满足在第一次迭代的设计规范。在这个单元,我们使用20至100年已测试通过机型,你可以认为他们是成熟的。能力模型与实际电力系统理想的电路元件,使电路理论的工程师非常有用的。 说理想电路元件的互连可用于定量预测系统的行为,意味着我们可以用数学方程描述的互连。对于数学方程是有用的,我们必须写他们在衡量的数量方面。在电路的情况下,这些数量是电压和电流。电路分析的研究,包括了解其电压和电流和理解上的电压施加的限制,目前互连的理想元素的每一个理想的电路元件的行为电路分析基础上的电压和电流的变量。电压是每单位电荷,电荷分离所造成的断电和SI单位伏V = DW / DQ。电流是电荷的流动速度和具有的安培SI单位(I= DQ/ DT)。理想的基本电路元件是两个终端组成部分,不能细分,也可以在其终端电压和电流的数学描述。被动签署公约涉及元素,当电流通过元素的参考方向是整个元素的参考电压降的方向端子的电压和电流的表达式使用一个积极的迹象。 功率是单位时间内的能量和平等的端电压和电流的乘积;瓦SI单位。权力的代数符号解释如下: 如果P> 0,电源被传递到电路或电路元件。 如果p<0,权力正在从电路或电路元件中提取。 在这一章中介绍的电路元素是电压源,电流源和电阻器。理想电压源保持一个规定的电压,不论当前的设备。理想电流源保持规定的电流不管了整个设备的电压。电压和电流源是独立的,也就是说,不是任何其他电路的电流或电压的影响;或依赖,就是由一些电路中的电流或电压。一个电阻制约了它的电压和电流成正比彼此。有关的比例常数电压和一个电阻值称为其电阻和欧姆测量。 欧姆定律建立相称的电压和电流的电阻。具体来说,V = IR电阻的电流流动,如果在它两端的电压下降,或V=_IR方向,如果在该电阻的电流流是在它两端的电压上升方向。 通过结合对权力的方程,P = VI,欧姆定律,我们可以判断一个电阻吸收的功率:P = I2R= U2/ R 电路节点和封闭路径。节点是一个点,两个或两个以上的电路元件加入。当只有两个元素连接,形成一个节点,他们表示将在系列。一个闭合的路径是通过连接元件追溯到一个循环,起点和终点在同一节点,只有一次每遇到中间节点。 电路是说,要解决时,两端的电压,并在每个元素的电流已经确定。欧姆定律是一个重要的方程,得出这样的解决方案。 在简单的电路结构,欧姆定律是足以解决两端的电压,目前在每一个元素。然而,对于更复杂的互连,我们需要使用两个更为重要的代数关系,被称为基尔霍夫定律,来解决所有的电压和电流。 基尔霍夫电流定律是: 在电路中的任何一个节点电流的代数和等于零。 基尔霍夫电压定律是: 电路中的任何封闭路径上的电压的代数和等于零。 1.2电路分析技术 到目前为止,我们已经分析应用结合欧姆定律基尔霍夫定律电阻电路相对简单。所有的电路,我们可以使用这种方法,但因为他们而变得结构更为复杂,涉及到越来越多的元素,这种直接的方法很快成为累赘。在这一课中,我们介绍两个电路分析的强大的技术援助:在复杂的电路结构的分析节点电压的方法,并网电流的方


翻译常用词汇 高枕无忧resting without worries 史无前例unprecedented in the history 不可一世a conquering hero 毫不示弱equally firmly 量体裁衣to act according to actual circumstances 一刀两断to cut it clean 与虎谋皮to ask a tiger for its skin 六亲不认to disown all one’s relatives and fri ends 英雄本色the true quality of a hero 英雄所见略同Great minds think alike. 每逢佳节倍思亲On festive occasions more than ever we think of our dear ones faraway. 上有好,下必有其焉。What the superior loves, his inferiors will be found to love exceedingly.大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。The Great River flows to the east: Its waves have washed away all the men of untrammeled spirit of a thousand ages. 上兵伐谋,其次伐交。What is supremely important in war is to attack the enemy’s strategy. Next best is to disrupt his alliances. 问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。I wonder how many sorrows you have. They are exactly like the Yangtze River unceasingly flowing eastward in spring. 千呼万唤始出来,犹抱琵琶半遮面。Only after a thousand entreaties does she appear. Her face half hidden behind the guitar (pipa) in her arms. 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。Only if you can stand the hardest of hardships can you hope to rise in society. 是非经过不知难You never know how hard a task is almost until you have done it yourself. 满招损Pride goes before a fall. / Pride spells failure. 适可而止Bind the sack before it be full. 好汉做事好汉当A true man has the courage to accept the consequences of his own actions.知己知彼,百战不殆。To know one’s and the enemy’s situation ensures victory. 牵扯之覆,后车之鉴。The overturned car ahead is a warning to the ones behind. 山雨欲来风满楼The wind sweeping through the tower heralds a rising storm in the mountains. 是故学然后知不足,教然后之困。Therefore, to learn makes us realize our deficiency, and to teach makes us know the difficulties. 人尽其才、地尽其利、物尽其利、货畅其流。Our human, land and material resources should be used to the best advantage, and our goods should be in good circulation. 父母有抚养教育未成年子女的义务,成年子女有赡养扶助父母的义务。Parents have the duty to rear and education their children who are minors, and children who have come of age have the duty to support and assist their parents. 中华人民共和国公民有劳动的权利和义务。Citizens of the P eople’s Republic of China have the right as well as the duty of work. 各民族公民都有用本民族语言文字进行诉讼的权利。Citizens of all nationalities have the right to use the spoken and written languages of their own nationalities in court proceedings.


分1. There can be no doubt the 1900s is remembered as the electronic century. A. which B. that C. what 2. Electrons, as one knows, are minute charge of electricity. A. negative B. positive C. reverse 3. A resistor is an electrical component that the flow of electrical current. A. increases B. changes C. resists 4. Frequency is the reciprocal of the period, if the period is 4ms, then the frequency would be . A. 4m/s B. C. 25Hz 5. The sixth power of two is . A. 12 B. 36 C. 64 6. A capacitor will block current, but appears to pass current by charging and discharging. A. DC …IC B. AC …DC C.

DC …. AC 7. For a 4-band resistor with “color code ”, the first band is the values. A. hundreds B. tens C. ten 8. An electronic device often used for amplifying voltage and current is _____________. A. transistor B. conductor C. diode 9. In a diode, current flows in ________ direction across the junction. A. only one B. two C. three 10. A __________ amplifier provides signal amplification with little or no distortion, so that the output is proportional to the input. A. nonlinear B. linear C. 1.电压有效值( ) 2. 微处理器( ) 3.电子元件( ) 4.公共端插孔( ) 5.外阻( ) 6.放大器( ) 7.脉冲直流( ) 8.电压源( ) 9.系统设计( ) 10.逻辑运 算( ) (1)internal resistance (2) pulsating DC (3)voltage sources (4)logic circuits (5)RMS voltage (6)logic operation (7)external resistance (8)number systems (9)Microprocessor (10)amplifier (11)common jack (12)digital logic circuits (13)system design (14)anode of diode (15)electrical 三、短语翻译(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 1. Passive electrical circuits 2. Assembler language 3. The address bus 4. Analog multimeter 5. Semiconductor material 6. chip holders 7. peak-to-peak voltage 8. dual-trace oscilloscope 9. Flowchart 10. Signal generator 四、句子翻译(每小题 5 分,共 201. The impact of digital integrated circuits on our modern society has been pervasive. Without them, the

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