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外文文献翻译---基于 Web 的分析系统
外文文献翻译---基于 Web 的分析系统


基于 Web 的分析系统



基于Web 的分析系统


1 摘要

在使用分析型数据库时,分析人员将数据归入公用组,并尝试确定条件变化时产生的结果。例如,提高产品价格会增加单位利润,但可能会减少销量????ù会产生较高还是较低的总利润?或者,联邦贴现率的下降会如何影响房地产贷款的收益?为了帮助分析人员根据历史趋势做出有根据的预测,Microsoft 在SQL Server 2000 中提供了分析服务,在SQL Server 7.0 中提供了OLAP 服务。这些服务都提供OLAP 功能,能够将存储在SQL Server(或任何其他OLE DB 兼容的数据源)上的数据处理成多维数据结构,称为多维数据集。多维数据集简化了趋势分析和建立实体间交互方式联系的过程。例如,房地产投资者采用现金流模型来区分一组具有共同特征(如:地产类型、地理位置和利率范围)的贷款,并预测各种事件的影响。如果贷款提前偿还或者借款人违约,后果将会如何?此类不可预测的事件会如何影响贷款所担保的债券的收益。

从包含几百笔贷款的清单中选择并区分具有分析特征的贷款是需要相当技巧的。分析服务和OLAP 服务有助于在各组贷款间建立联系,以便分析人员能够建立贷款假设模型。为了帮助客户的房地产分析人员预测商业抵押证券的业绩,我们的开发小组需要设计一个以各种方式(如:利率、到期期限或地产位置)来简化贷款分类的系统。其界面应易于学习和使用。而且,所开发的系统需要在Internet 上进行安全的部署。为了满足这些要求,开发小组选择了分析服务。

2 在Web上部署Office

在选定了后端技术后,开发小组开始制订实现前端界面的计划。多数金融分析人员使用Microsoft Excel,他们对其界面比较熟悉,感觉也很舒服。Excel 包括数据透视表服务,能够允许分析人员连接到分析服务数据库。Excel 的拖放界面提供了对多维数据

的简单和直观的访问,并不要求用户进行深入的培训。而且,通过使用Excel 的制图功能,用户能够以图和表的形式表示数据。所以,对于前端界面,小组的首选是Microsoft Office XP 中的Excel 2002。Excel 数据透视表服务浏览一个分析服务OLAP 多维数据集的情形。

2.1 使用OWC在Web上部署Office

如果所有的客户端用户在同一幢大楼内一起工作,并通过同一个局域网访问分析服务器,Excel 会是不错的选择。但用户需要和办公地点散布于世界各地的不同组织共享应用程序,因此开发小组需要一个用户可以通过Internet 访问且类似于Excel 的组件。该小组发现Office Web 组件(OWC) 能够满足这一需要。OWC 是一组能够在Web 页上使用并提供Office 功能的ActiveX 控件。OWC 数据透视表组件是Excel 中数据透视表服务的Web 版本;数据透视表使用数据透视表服务,并要求在运行前安装数据透视表服务。但没有Excel,OWC 数据透视表也能工作。

数据透视表能够从分析服务器上检索多维数据并将这些数据显示在一个交互的拖放界面上。已安装Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 4.01 或以上版本的用户可以使用OWC 对分析服务数据进行分析,而不必安装额外的组件软件。图2显示了外观和操作都类似于熟悉的Excel 界面的OWC 数据透视表客户端界面。OWC 数据透视表也提供了智能缓存,通过减少数据透视表从网络到服务器的往返行程次数而提高性能。所以,通过有效使用分析服务,数据透视表能够减少数据传输并提高效率。

虽然OWC 提供了我们开发小组的项目需要的全部东西,但当我们试图在Internet 上部署OWC 时,我们遇到了难题。首先是OWC 的运行平台问题。Office XP 版的OWC 要求使用Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.6 或以上版本。而许多服务订户使用Windows NT Workstation 4.0 作为其操作系统,如果要安装MDAC 2.6,还必须安装Service Pack 6 (SP6)。使用OWC 的一个主要吸引力在于我们认为它能够实现无缝的部署。我们发现虽然能够自动处理安装Service Pack,但该过程需要重新启动,非常麻烦。以后,Microsoft 提供了一个使用SP4 的OWC 组件修订版本,但我们同时也在开发自己的应用程序,在金融机构严格控制的客户端网络上部署Service Pack 是一个很大的困难。因此,需要在操作系统上使用特定Service Pack 的解决方案是不可行的。

其次,我们小组遇到了连接问题。OWC 要求直接连接分析服务数据源。OWC 使用默认的2725 端口直接和分析服务器通信,对于使用防火墙的机构来说,这是个问题。先,我们试图使用HTTP 连接和服务器通过80 端口进行连接以解决连接问题。该连接通过Web 浏览器使用的同一个端口来提供访问。对于额外的安全性,分析服务还能够使用安全套接字层(SSL),通过443 端口进行连接。大多数组织同时打开80 端口和443 端口以便用户访问Internet。(有关使用HTTP 的更多信息,参见位于https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d18938905.html,/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;q279489 的Microsoft 文章"INF: How to Connect to Analysis Service 2000 By Using HTTP Conection"。)说明了使用OWC 连接到分析服务器涉及的问题。

然而,HTTP 连接的执行产生了一些难以克服的困难。我们测试显示,通过80 端口进行连接要明显慢于直接连接。因为多维数据集需要向客户端提供大量的数据,性能的降低使OWC 的使用很不现实。

2.2 寻找替代方案

接下来,我们的小组考虑使用ADO-MD 和MDX 查询创建自定义界面。您可使用OPENROWSET 命令直接查询分析服务多维数据集。(有关查询分析服务的信息,参见位于https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d18938905.html,/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;q218592 的Microsoft 文章"HOWTO:SQL Server 7 Distributed Query with OLAP Server"。)OPENROWSET 允许您从包括分析服务在内的任何OLE DB 源上查询数据。这种灵活性能够让我们使用ADO 查询分析服务。分析服务使用的OLE DB 提供程序MSOLAP 将多维数据转换成ADO 能够用来同前端的应用程序进行数据通信的标准行集。这种自定义解决方案的问题在于创建具有OWC 和Excel 外观的直观而且互动的界面是一件非常复杂的工作。虽然开发小组能够创建这样的界面,但所花时间长、费用高,且需要不断进行维护,因此该解决方案不具备可行性。

开发小组也研究了几个第三方的解决方案。很多第三方解决方案是帮助用户生成一个查询,然后执行它来查看结果。这种方式虽然有效地利用了系统资源,但达不到Excel 和OWC 的拖放界面同样的交互式效果。所以,虽然这些解决方案各具优势,但没有一个能够完全满足本项目的要求。在我们小组将自定义开发成本加入第三方软件的总成本考虑时,我们决定重新寻找替代方案。

2.3 使用Web 瘦客户端访问多维数据

开发小组成员最后选用Microsoft SQL Server Resource Kit,为我们的难题找到了解决方案:分析服务Web 瘦客户端浏览器。(要在资源工具箱CD-ROM 上访问Web 瘦客户端,参见资源工具箱第39 章的参考信息,该信息位于https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d18938905.html,/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/technet/prodtechnol/sql/reskit/sq l2000/part11/c3961.asp。)Web 瘦客户端使用Active Server Page (ASP) 连接到分析服务器、将多维数据转换成HTML,并将数据传递给客户端。说明了Web 瘦客户端显示贷款数据子集的情况。

Web 瘦客户端需要IE 5.0 或以上版本。因为客户端不直接连接到分析服务计算机,所以客户端不需要MDAC 2.6。由于多数客户端订户具有IE 5.0,所以我们不必在订户的个人计算机上部署Service Pack。图5显示了Web 瘦客户端使用的结构。Web 瘦客户端使用ASP 从Microsoft IIS 服务器—而不是客户端—来查询多维数据集。Web 瘦客户端带有ASP 页,使得您能够在IIS 服务器上部署。因为只有运行ASP 的IIS 服务器才能够连接到分析服务数据库,所以,您能够使用一个连接来保证通过防火墙进行的多维数据集访问,并且可以将该连接局限于Web 服务器和数据库服务器。这种安排创建了一个高效和易于保护的连接。对客户端的唯一连接是标准的HTML 连接,这能够减少防火墙的影响。

Web 瘦客户端将查询的数据放到一个网格状的HTML 表结构中,并将数据发送到浏览器。用户通过JavaScript 和数据进行交互。通过使用透明层,用户可以将维拖到多维数据集中进行数据操作、通过维向下追溯并显示和分析其需要的数据。

如多数设计决策那样,使用Web 瘦客户端需要做出某些折衷。因为在Web 服务器域和后端域之间不存在信任关系。您不能在系统中扩展Active Directory (AD) 作为其验证服务。这样的信任关系会给入侵者提供一种破坏后端域安全的方法。因此,系统必须建立一个匿名用户来访问分析服务器上的数据。如果对数据的访问取决于用户,则不能使用基于分析服务的角色安全性来控制对数据的访问。然而,如果系统允许所有用户通过一个安全上下文进行数据访问,则使用Web 瘦客户端是安全的,而且容易部署。

Web 瘦客户端也有其他缺点。OWC 通过使用数据透视表的智能缓存把从Web 浏览器到OLAP Web 服务器的往返行程数减少到最小来获取更多的数据。但Web 瘦客户端是从服务器端提取数据的,因为数据在Web 浏览器中并不缓存,所以每次对数据

的更改都要求浏览器向Web 服务器提出新的请求。当处理的数据量很大时,这个进程会很缓慢。OWC 还具有丰富的对象模型,您可以对之编写自定义代码。而Web 瘦客户端使用JavaScript,很难自定义。因为Web 瘦客户端是资源工具箱内包含的“自由代码”,所以Microsoft 并不像支持Excel 或OWC 那样对Web 瘦客户端提供相同程度的支持。而且,Web 瘦客户端要求客户端脚本,如果Web 浏览器已经更新或更改,它会产生错误。此外,Web 瘦客户端不直接支持对服务器的回写。幸好,我们小组的应用程序不要求回写,所以,这个缺失的功能并不妨碍我们使用Web 瘦客户端。在对其优点和缺点进行评估后,我们决定部署Web 瘦客户端。这个解决方案在生产环境中使用效果不错,并得到了用户的广泛认可。

3 为任务选择合适的客户端

我们的开发小组在本项目中得到的经验教训能够为在企业中部署OLAP 解决方案提供有价值的指导。Excel 提供了功能强大而且熟悉的客户端,您可以在局域网中进行部署,但需要实时连接OLAP 服务器。在Intranet 内部署分析服务客户端时,OWC 的使用效果不错,因为您可以轻松控制客户端平台,并且能够在Intranet 内安全地打开端口。当存在防火墙,并且您希望尽可能减少对用户操作系统的影响时,Web 瘦客户端是一个很好的Internet 解决方案。对于任何开发项目,需要理解所开发产品的使用者的业务要求和需要。通过概括要求并权衡所有选择,可以发现能够满足客户要求的正确解决方案。

摘自:马克斯科特,约翰琳.基于Web 的分析系统[A].微软官方网站,2007.2


Overview of Jscript8.0 Arrays

James street

1 Summary

When working with analytical databases, analysts organize data into common groups and try to determine what would happen if things were different.

For example, would increasing a product's price?which would increase profit per unit but probably reduce number of units sold?yield a higher or lower overall profit? Or how would a drop in the federal discount rate affect the yield of real estate loans? To help analysts make educated projections based on historical trends, Microsoft provides Analysis Services in SQL Server 2000 and OLAP Services in SQL Server 7.0. These services provide OLAP capability and can process data stored in SQL Server (or any other OLE DB?compatible data source) into multidimensional data structures called cubes. Data cubes simplify the process of analyzing trends and correlating the way entities interact with one another.

For example, real estate investors use cash-flow modeling to isolate a group of loans that have common characteristics (e.g., types of properties, geographic area, range of interest rates) and project the effects of different kinds of events. What will happen if loans mature more rapidly than expected or if the borrowers default? And how might such unpredictable events affect the yield of bonds that the loans secure?

Selecting from lists that can include hundreds of loans and isolating the loans that have the characteristic that you're analyzing can be tricky. Analysis Services and OLAP Services can help correlate these groups of loans so that analysts can model loan assumptions. To help a client's real estate analysts project the performance of commercial mortgage-backed securities, our development team needed to devise a system that simplified the grouping of

loans in different ways?such as by their interest rate, term to maturity, or property location. The interface needed to be easy to learn and use. And the system we developed needed to be securely deployed through the Internet. To meet these criteria, the development team chose Analysis Services.

2Deploy Office OWC

Having settled on a back-end technology, the development team began working on a plan for implementing the front-end interface. Most financial analysts use Microsoft Excel and are familiar and comfortable with its interface. Excel includes PivotTable Service, which lets analysts connect to Analysis Services databases. Excel's drag-and-drop interface provides simple, intuitive access to multidimensional data without requiring users to have extensive training. And by using Excel's graphing capabilities, users can present data in graphs and charts. So for the front-end interface, the team's first choice was Excel 2002, which is part of Microsoft Office XP. Figure 1 shows Excel's PivotTable Service exploring an Analysis Services OLAP cube.

2.1Deploy Office OWC

Excel would have been a fine choice?if all the client's users worked together in the same building and could access the Analysis server through the same LAN. But because the users needed to share the application from a variety of organizations whose offices are scattered around the world, the team needed a component similar to Excel that users could access through the Internet. The team found the solution to this challenge in Office Web Components. OWC is a set of ActiveX controls that you can use on Web pages to provide Office functionality. The OWC PivotTable component is a Web version of Excel's PivotTable Service; PivotTable uses PivotTable Service and requires that PivotTable Service be installed before it will run. But the OWC PivotTable works without Excel.

PivotTable can retrieve multidimensional data from an Analysis server and present the data in an interactive, drag-and-drop interface. Users who have Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 4.01 or later can use OWC to analyze Analysis Services data without installing additional component software. Figure 2 shows the OWC PivotTable client interface, which looks and

works like the familiar Excel interface. The OWC PivotTable also provides intelligent caching, which improves performance by reducing the number of trips PivotTable makes through the network to the server. So by actively working with Analysis Services, PivotTable can reduce data transfer and work faster.

Although OWC provided everything our development team's project needed, we encountered problems when we tried to deploy OWC across the Internet. The first problem was the platform that OWC runs on. The Office XP version of OWC requires Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.6 or later. Many of the service subscribers use Windows NT Workstation 4.0 as their OS, and to install MDAC 2.6, they also had to install Service Pack 6 (SP6). One of the primary attractions of using OWC was that we thought deployment would be seamless. We discovered that although we could automate the process of installing service packs, the process requires reboots and is intrusive. Microsoft later provided a revised version of the OWC component that works with SP4, but at the time we were developing our application, the deployment of service packs in the tightly controlled client network of a financial institution was a significant barrier. Thus, a solution that required a specific service pack for the OS wasn't a viable option.

The second problem that our team encountered was connectivity. OWC requires a direct connection to the Analysis Services data source. OWC communicates directly with the Analysis server through the default port, 2725, which is a problem for organizations with firewalls. (For details about connecting to Analysis Services, see the Microsoft article "INF: TCP Ports Used by OLAP Services when Connecting Through a Firewall" at https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d18938905.html,/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;q301901.)

First, we tried to solve the connectivity problem by using an HTTP connection to connect to the server through port 80. This connection provides access through the same port that the Web browser uses. For added security, Analysis Services can alternatively connect through port 443 by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Most organizations open both port 80 and port 443 to let users access the Internet. (For more information about using HTTP, see the Microsoft article "INF: How to Connect to Analysis Services 2000 By Using HTTP Connection" at https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d18938905.html,/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;q279489.) Figure 3

illustrates the challenges involved in using OWC to connect to the Analysis server. However, the implementation of HTTP connectivity created some insurmountable obstacles. Connections through port 80 were significantly slower than direct connections in our tests. Because the multidimensional cube has to provide large amounts of data to the client, the performance degradation made using OWC impractical.

2.2Looking for Alternatives

Next, our team considered using ADO-MD and MDX queries to create a custom interface. You can query the Analysis Services cube directly through the OPENROWSET command. (For information about querying Analysis Services, see the Microsoft article "HOWTO: SQL Server 7 Distributed Query with OLAP Server" at https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d18938905.html,/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;q218592.) OPENROWSET lets you query data from any OLE DB source, including Analysis Services. This flexibility would let us use ADO to query Analysis Services. The OLE DB provider for Analysis Services, MSOLAP, converts the multidimensional data into a standard rowset that ADO can use to communicate the data to the front-end application. The problem with this custom solution was the complexity of creating an interface that provided the intuitive, interactive look and feel of OWC and Excel. Although the team was capable of creating such an interface, the time, expense, and ongoing maintenance of such a solution made it prohibitive.

The team also investigated several third-party solutions. Many third-party solutions help users build a query and execute it to see the results. Such an approach uses system resources efficiently but isn't as interactive as the Excel and OWC drag-and-drop interfaces. So although these solutions offered unique advantages, none met the exact requirements of the project. When our team added custom development costs to the overall cost of the third-party software, we decided to look elsewhere.

2.3Using the Thin Web Client to Access Multidimensional Data

The development team members finally went to the Microsoft SQL Server Resource Kit and found the solution to our dilemma: the Analysis Services Thin Web Client Browser. (To access the Thin Web Client on the resource kit CD-ROM, see the reference in chapter 39 of

The Thin Web Client uses Active Server Pages (ASP) to connect to the Analysis server, converts the multidimensional data to HTML, and passes the data to the client. Figure 4 shows the Thin Web Client displaying a subset of loan data.

The Thin Web Client requires IE 5.0 or later. Because the client doesn't connect directly to the Analysis Services computer, the client doesn't need MDAC 2.6. Most of our client's subscribers have IE 5.0, so we didn't have to deploy service packs to the subscribers' PCs. Figure 5 shows the architecture that the Thin Web Client uses. The Thin Web Client uses ASP to query the cube from the Microsoft IIS server rather than from the client. The Thin Web Client comes with ASP pages, which you can deploy on an IIS server. Only the IIS server that's running ASP can connect to the Analysis Services database. Thus, you can use one connection to secure cube access through the firewall, and you can limit that connection to just the Web servers and the database server. The arrangement creates a high-performance, easily secured connection. The only connection to the client is a standard HTML connection, which alleviates the firewall concerns.

The Thin Web Client puts the queried data in a gridlike HTML table structure and sends the data to the browser. The user interacts with the data through JavaScript. By using transparent layers, users can drag dimensions into the cube to manipulate the data, drill down through dimensions, and display and analyze the data they need.

Using the Thin Web Client requires some compromises, as most design decisions do. Because a trust relationship can't exist between the Web server domain and the back-end domain, you can't extend Active Directory (AD) as your authentication service through the system. Such a trust relationship could provide a means for an intruder to violate security on the back-end domain. So the system must set up one anonymous user to access the data on the Analysis server. If access to the data depends on the user, you can't use Analysis Services role-based security to control access to the data. In a system that lets all users access the data through one security context, however, this arrangement using the Thin Web Client is secure and easy to deploy.

The Thin Web Client also has other drawbacks. OWC uses PivotTable's intelligent caching to minimize trips from the Web browser to the OLAP Web server to get more data.

But the Thin Web Client draws data from the server side, and because data isn't cached at the Web browser, each change to the data requires the browser to make a new request from the Web server. When you're working with large amounts of data, this process can be sluggish. Also, OWC has a rich object model against which you can program custom code. The Thin Web Client uses JavaScript and can be more difficult to customize. Because the Thin Web Client is "free code" included in the resource kit, Microsoft doesn't provide the same level of support for the Thin Web Client as it does for Excel or OWC. And the Thin Web Client requires client-side scripting, which can produce errors if the Web browser is updated or changes. In addition, the Thin Web Client doesn't directly support write-back to the server. Fortunately, our team's application didn't require write-back, so this missing element didn't deter the team from using the Thin Web Client. After evaluating the advantages and drawbacks of the Thin Web Client, we decided to deploy it. The solution works well in the production environment and has been well received by subscribers.

2.4Using the Thin Web Client to Access Multidimensional Data

The development team members finally went to the Microsoft SQL Server Resource Kit and found the solution to our dilemma: the Analysis Services Thin Web Client Browser. (To access the Thin Web Client on the resource kit CD-ROM, see the reference in chapter 39 of The Thin Web Client uses Active Server Pages (ASP) to connect to the Analysis server, converts the multidimensional data to HTML, and passes the data to the client. Figure 4 shows the Thin Web Client displaying a subset of loan data.

The Thin Web Client requires IE 5.0 or later. Because the client doesn't connect directly to the Analysis Services computer, the client doesn't need MDAC 2.6. Most of our client's subscribers have IE 5.0, so we didn't have to deploy service packs to the subscribers' PCs. Figure 5 shows the architecture that the Thin Web Client uses. The Thin Web Client uses ASP to query the cube from the Microsoft IIS server rather than from the client. The Thin Web Client comes with ASP pages, which you can deploy on an IIS server. Only the IIS server that's running ASP can connect to the Analysis Services database. Thus, you can use one connection to secure cube access through the firewall, and you can limit that connection

to just the Web servers and the database server. The arrangement creates a high-performance, easily secured connection. The only connection to the client is a standard HTML connection, which alleviates the firewall concerns.

The Thin Web Client puts the queried data in a gridlike HTML table structure and sends the data to the browser. The user interacts with the data through JavaScript. By using transparent layers, users can drag dimensions into the cube to manipulate the data, drill down through dimensions, and display and analyze the data they need.

Using the Thin Web Client requires some compromises, as most design decisions do. Because a trust relationship can't exist between the Web server domain and the back-end domain, you can't extend Active Directory (AD) as your authentication service through the system. Such a trust relationship could provide a means for an intruder to violate security on the back-end domain. So the system must set up one anonymous user to access the data on the Analysis server. If access to the data depends on the user, you can't use Analysis Services role-based security to control access to the data. In a system that lets all users access the data through one security context, however, this arrangement using the Thin Web Client is secure and easy to deploy.

The Thin Web Client also has other drawbacks. OWC uses PivotTable's intelligent caching to minimize trips from the Web browser to the OLAP Web server to get more data. But the Thin Web Client draws data from the server side, and because data isn't cached at the Web browser, each change to the data requires the browser to make a new request from the Web server. When you're working with large amounts of data, this process can be sluggish. Also, OWC has a rich object model against which you can program custom code. The Thin Web Client uses JavaScript and can be more difficult to customize. Because the Thin Web Client is "free code" included in the resource kit, Microsoft doesn't provide the same level of support for the Thin Web Client as it does for Excel or OWC. And the Thin Web Client requires client-side scripting, which can produce errors if the Web browser is updated or changes. In addition, the Thin Web Client doesn't directly support write-back to the server. Fortunately, our team's application didn't require write-back, so this missing element didn't deter the team from using the Thin Web Client. After evaluating the advantages and

drawbacks of the Thin Web Client, we decided to deploy it. The solution works well in the production environment and has been well received by subscribers.

3Choosing the Right Client for the Task

The lessons our development team learned from this project can provide a valuable guide for deploying OLAP solutions in an enterprise. Excel provides a capable, familiar client that you can deploy in a LAN but requires realtime connectivity to the OLAP server. OWC works well for deploying an Analysis Services client in an intranet because you can easily control the client platform and open ports securely in an intranet. The Thin Web Client provides a good Internet solution when firewalls are in place and you want minimal impact on the user OS. For any development project, you need to understand the business requirements and needs of the people who will use the products you develop. By outlining requirements and weighing all the options, you can discover the right solution to satisfy your client's requirements.

From:Mark Scott, John Lynn. Overview of Jscript8.0 Arrays[A]. Microsoft's official site,2007.2.


毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 文献、资料中文题目:软件开发概念和设计方法文献、资料英文题目: 文献、资料来源: 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院(部): 专业: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2017.02.14

外文资料原文 Software Development Concepts and Design Methodologies During the 1960s, ma inframes and higher level programming languages were applied to man y problems including human resource s yste ms,reservation s yste ms, and manufacturing s yste ms. Computers and software were seen as the cure all for man y bu siness issues were some times applied blindly. S yste ms sometimes failed to solve the problem for which the y were designed for man y reasons including: ?Inability to sufficiently understand complex problems ?Not sufficiently taking into account end-u ser needs, the organizational environ ment, and performance tradeoffs ?Inability to accurately estimate development time and operational costs ?Lack of framework for consistent and regular customer communications At this time, the concept of structured programming, top-down design, stepwise refinement,and modularity e merged. Structured programming is still the most dominant approach to software engineering and is still evo lving. These failures led to the concept of "software engineering" based upon the idea that an engineering-like discipl ine could be applied to software design and develop ment. Software design is a process where the software designer applies techniques and principles to produce a conceptual model that de scribes and defines a solution to a problem. In the beginning, this des ign process has not been well structured and the model does not alwa ys accurately represent the problem of software development. However,design methodologies have been evolving to accommo date changes in technolog y coupled with our increased understanding of development processes. Whereas early desig n methods addressed specific aspects of the


南京航空航天大学金城学院 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 系部经济系 专业国际经济与贸易 学生姓名陈雅琼学号2011051115 指导教师邓晶职称副教授 2015年5月

Economic policy,tourism trade and productive diversification (Excerpt) Iza Lejárraga,Peter Walkenhorst The broad lesson that can be inferred from the analysis is that promoting tourism linkages with the productive capabilities of a host country is a multi-faceted approach influenced by a variety of country conditions.Among these,fixed or semi-fixed factors of production,such as land,labor,or capital,seem to have a relatively minor influence.Within the domain of natural endowments,only agricultural capital emerged as significant.This is a result that corresponds to expectations,given that foods and beverages are the primary source of demand in the tourism economy.Hence,investments in agricultural technology may foment linkages with the tourism market.It is also worth mentioning that for significant backward linkages to emerge with local agriculture,a larger scale of tourism may be important. According to the regression results,a strong tourism–agriculture nexus will not necessarily develop at a small scale of tourism demand. It appears that variables related to the entrepreneurial capital of the host economy are of notable explanatory significance.The human development index(HDI), which is used to measure a country's general level of development,is significantly and positively associated with tourism linkages.One plausible explanation for this is that international tourists,who often originate in high-income countries,may feel more comfortable and thus be inclined to consume more in a host country that has a life-style to which they can relate easily.Moreover,it is important to remember that the HDI also captures the relative achievements of countries in the level of health and education of the population.Therefore,a higher HDI reflects a healthier and more educated workforce,and thus,the quality of local entrepreneurship.Related to this point,it is important to underscore that the level of participation of women in the host economy also has a significantly positive effect on linkages.In sum, enhancing local entrepreneurial capital may expand the linkages between tourism and other sectors of the host country.


文献综述 建筑设计参考文献综述: [1]《房屋建筑学》,邢双军主编 建筑学作为一门内容广泛的综合性学科,它沙及到建筑功能、工程技术、建筑经济、建筑艺术以及环境规划等许多方面的问题。般说来,建筑物既是物质产品,又具有一定的艺术形象,它必然随着社会生产生活方式的发展变化而发展变化,并且总是受科学技术、政治经济和文化传统的深刻影响*建筑物—一作为人们亲手创造的人为环境的重要组成部分,需要耗用大量的人力和物力。它除了具行满足物质功能的使用要求外,其空间组合和建筑形象又常会赋予人们以精神上的感受。 [2]《建筑设计防火规范》(GB50016-2006) 1.0.1 为了防止和减少建筑火灾危害,保护人身和财产安全,制定本规范。 1.0.2 本规范适用于下列新建、扩建和改建的建筑: 1 9层及9层以下的居住建筑(包括设置商业服务网点的居住建筑); 2 建筑高度小于等于24.0m 的公共建筑; 3 建筑高度大于24.0m 的单层公共建筑; 4 地下、半地下建筑(包括建筑附属的地下室、半地下室); 5 厂房; 6 仓库; 7 甲、乙、丙类液体储罐(区); 8 可燃、助燃气体储罐(区); 9 可燃材料堆场; 10 城市交通隧道。 注:1 建筑高度的计算:当为坡屋面时,应为建筑物室外设计地面到其檐口的高度;当为平屋面(包括有女儿墙 的平屋面)时,应为建筑物室外设计地面到其屋面面层的高度;当同一座建筑物有多种屋面形式时,建筑 高度应按上述方法分别计算后取其中最大值。局部突出屋顶的瞭望塔、冷却塔、水箱间、微波天线间或设 施、电梯机房、排风和排烟机房以及楼梯出口小间等,可不计入建筑高度内。 2 建筑层数的计算:建筑的地下室、半地下室的顶板面高出室外设计地面的高度小于等 于 1.5m 者,建筑底部设置的高度不超过2.2m 的自行车库、储藏室、敞开空间,以及建筑屋顶上突出的局部设备用房、出屋面 的楼梯间等,可不计入建筑层数内。住宅顶部为两层一套的跃层,可按1 层计,其它部位的跃层以及顶部 多于2 层一套的跃层,应计入层数。 1.0.3 本规范不适用于炸药厂房(仓库)、花炮厂房(仓库)的建筑防火设计。 人民防空工程、石油和天然气工程、石油化工企业、火力发电厂与变电站等的建筑防火设计,当有专门的国家现行标准时,宜从其规定。 1.0.4 建筑防火设计应遵循国家的有关方针政策,从全局出发,统筹兼顾,做到安全适用、技术先进、经济合理。 1.0.5 建筑防火设计除应符合本规范的规定外,尚应符合国家现行有关标准的规定。


外文翻译 专业机械设计制造及其自动化学生姓名刘链柱 班级机制111 学号1110101102 指导教师葛友华

外文资料名称: Design and performance evaluation of vacuum cleaners using cyclone technology 外文资料出处:Korean J. Chem. Eng., 23(6), (用外文写) 925-930 (2006) 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文 2.外文原文

应用旋风技术真空吸尘器的设计和性能介绍 吉尔泰金,洪城铱昌,宰瑾李, 刘链柱译 摘要:旋风型分离器技术用于真空吸尘器 - 轴向进流旋风和切向进气道流旋风有效地收集粉尘和降低压力降已被实验研究。优化设计等因素作为集尘效率,压降,并切成尺寸被粒度对应于分级收集的50%的效率进行了研究。颗粒切成大小降低入口面积,体直径,减小涡取景器直径的旋风。切向入口的双流量气旋具有良好的性能考虑的350毫米汞柱的低压降和为1.5μm的质量中位直径在1米3的流量的截止尺寸。一使用切向入口的双流量旋风吸尘器示出了势是一种有效的方法,用于收集在家庭中产生的粉尘。 摘要及关键词:吸尘器; 粉尘; 旋风分离器 引言 我们这个时代的很大一部分都花在了房子,工作场所,或其他建筑,因此,室内空间应该是既舒适情绪和卫生。但室内空气中含有超过室外空气因气密性的二次污染物,毒物,食品气味。这是通过使用产生在建筑中的新材料和设备。真空吸尘器为代表的家电去除有害物质从地板到地毯所用的商用真空吸尘器房子由纸过滤,预过滤器和排气过滤器通过洁净的空气排放到大气中。虽然真空吸尘器是方便在使用中,吸入压力下降说唱空转成比例地清洗的时间,以及纸过滤器也应定期更换,由于压力下降,气味和细菌通过纸过滤器内的残留粉尘。 图1示出了大气气溶胶的粒度分布通常是双峰形,在粗颗粒(>2.0微米)模式为主要的外部来源,如风吹尘,海盐喷雾,火山,从工厂直接排放和车辆废气排放,以及那些在细颗粒模式包括燃烧或光化学反应。表1显示模式,典型的大气航空的直径和质量浓度溶胶被许多研究者测量。精细模式在0.18?0.36 在5.7到25微米尺寸范围微米尺寸范围。质量浓度为2?205微克,可直接在大气气溶胶和 3.85至36.3μg/m3柴油气溶胶。


五分钟搞定5000字-外文文献翻译 工具大全 建议收藏 在科研过程中阅读翻译外文文献是一个非常重要的环节,许多领域高水平的文献都是外文文献,借鉴一些外文文献翻译的经验是非常必要的。由于特殊原因我翻译外文文献的机会比较多,慢慢地就发现了外文文献翻译过程中的三大利器:G oogle“翻译”频道、金山词霸(完整版本)和CNKI“翻译助手"。 具体操作过程如下: 1.先打开金山词霸自动取词功能,然后阅读文献; 2.遇到无法理解的长句时,可以交给Google处理,处理后的结果猛一看,不堪入目,可是经过大脑的再处理后句子的意思基本就明了了; 3.如果通过Google仍然无法理解,感觉就是不同,那肯定是对其中某个“常用单词”理解有误,因为某些单词看似很简单,但是在文献中有特殊的意思,这时就可以通过CNKI的“翻译助手”来查询相关单词的意思,由于CNKI的单词意思都是来源与大量的文献,所以它的吻合率很高。 另外,在翻译过程中最好以“段落”或者“长句”作为翻译的基本单位,这样才不会造成“只见树木,不见森林”的误导。 注: 1、Google翻译: google,众所周知,谷歌里面的英文文献和资料还算是比较详实的。我利用它是这样的。一方面可以用它查询英文论文,当然这方面的帖子很多,大家可以搜索,在此不赘述。回到我自己说的翻译上来。下面给大家举个例子来说明如何用

吧 比如说“电磁感应透明效应”这个词汇你不知道他怎么翻译, 首先你可以在CNKI里查中文的,根据它们的关键词中英文对照来做,一般比较准确。 在此主要是说在google里怎么知道这个翻译意思。大家应该都有词典吧,按中国人的办法,把一个一个词分着查出来,敲到google里,你的这种翻译一般不太准,当然你需要验证是否准确了,这下看着吧,把你的那支离破碎的翻译在g oogle里搜索,你能看到许多相关的文献或资料,大家都不是笨蛋,看看,也就能找到最精确的翻译了,纯西式的!我就是这么用的。 2、CNKI翻译: CNKI翻译助手,这个网站不需要介绍太多,可能有些人也知道的。主要说说它的有点,你进去看看就能发现:搜索的肯定是专业词汇,而且它翻译结果下面有文章与之对应(因为它是CNKI检索提供的,它的翻译是从文献里抽出来的),很实用的一个网站。估计别的写文章的人不是傻子吧,它们的东西我们可以直接拿来用,当然省事了。网址告诉大家,有兴趣的进去看看,你们就会发现其乐无穷!还是很值得用的。 3、网路版金山词霸(不到1M): 翻译时的速度: 这里我谈的是电子版和打印版的翻译速度,按个人翻译速度看,打印版的快些,因为看电子版本一是费眼睛,二是如果我们用电脑,可能还经常时不时玩点游戏,或者整点别的,导致最终SPPEED变慢,再之电脑上一些词典(金山词霸等)在专业翻译方面也不是特别好,所以翻译效果不佳。在此本人建议大家购买清华


中英文对照外文翻译 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) Create and comprehensive technology in the structure global design of the building The 21st century will be the era that many kinds of disciplines technology coexists , it will form the enormous motive force of promoting the development of building , the building is more and more important too in global design, the architect must seize the opportunity , give full play to the architect's leading role, preside over every building engineering design well. Building there is the global design concept not new of architectural design,characteristic of it for in an all-round way each element not correlated with building- there aren't external environment condition, building , technical equipment,etc. work in coordination with, and create the premium building with the comprehensive new technology to combine together. The premium building is created, must consider sustainable development , namely future requirement , in other words, how save natural resources as much as possible, how about protect the environment that the mankind depends on for existence, how construct through high-quality between architectural design and building, in order to reduce building equipment use quantity and


毕业设计(论文) 外文翻译 题目西安市水源工程中的 水电站设计 专业水利水电工程 班级 学生 指导教师 2016年

研究钢弧形闸门的动态稳定性 牛志国 河海大学水利水电工程学院,中国南京,邮编210098 nzg_197901@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d18938905.html,,niuzhiguo@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d18938905.html, 李同春 河海大学水利水电工程学院,中国南京,邮编210098 ltchhu@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d18938905.html, 摘要 由于钢弧形闸门的结构特征和弹力,调查对参数共振的弧形闸门的臂一直是研究领域的热点话题弧形弧形闸门的动力稳定性。在这个论文中,简化空间框架作为分析模型,根据弹性体薄壁结构的扰动方程和梁单元模型和薄壁结构的梁单元模型,动态不稳定区域的弧形闸门可以通过有限元的方法,应用有限元的方法计算动态不稳定性的主要区域的弧形弧形闸门工作。此外,结合物理和数值模型,对识别新方法的参数共振钢弧形闸门提出了调查,本文不仅是重要的改进弧形闸门的参数振动的计算方法,但也为进一步研究弧形弧形闸门结构的动态稳定性打下了坚实的基础。 简介 低举升力,没有门槽,好流型,和操作方便等优点,使钢弧形闸门已经广泛应用于水工建筑物。弧形闸门的结构特点是液压完全作用于弧形闸门,通过门叶和主大梁,所以弧形闸门臂是主要的组件确保弧形闸门安全操作。如果周期性轴向载荷作用于手臂,手臂的不稳定是在一定条件下可能发生。调查指出:在弧形闸门的20次事故中,除了极特殊的破坏情况下,弧形闸门的破坏的原因是弧形闸门臂的不稳定;此外,明显的动态作用下发生破坏。例如:张山闸,位于中国的江苏省,包括36个弧形闸门。当一个弧形闸门打开放水时,门被破坏了,而其他弧形闸门则关闭,受到静态静水压力仍然是一样的,很明显,一个动态的加载是造成的弧形闸门破坏一个主要因素。因此弧形闸门臂的动态不稳定是造成弧形闸门(特别是低水头的弧形闸门)破坏的主要原是毫无疑问。


Optimum blank design of an automobile sub-frame Jong-Yop Kim a ,Naksoo Kim a,*,Man-Sung Huh b a Department of Mechanical Engineering,Sogang University,Shinsu-dong 1,Mapo-ku,Seoul 121-742,South Korea b Hwa-shin Corporation,Young-chun,Kyung-buk,770-140,South Korea Received 17July 1998 Abstract A roll-back method is proposed to predict the optimum initial blank shape in the sheet metal forming process.The method takes the difference between the ?nal deformed shape and the target contour shape into account.Based on the method,a computer program composed of a blank design module,an FE-analysis program and a mesh generation module is developed.The roll-back method is applied to the drawing of a square cup with the ˉange of uniform size around its periphery,to con?rm its validity.Good agreement is recognized between the numerical results and the published results for initial blank shape and thickness strain distribution.The optimum blank shapes for two parts of an automobile sub-frame are designed.Both the thickness distribution and the level of punch load are improved with the designed blank.Also,the method is applied to design the weld line in a tailor-welded blank.It is concluded that the roll-back method is an effective and convenient method for an optimum blank shape design.#2000Elsevier Science S.A.All rights reserved. Keywords:Blank design;Sheet metal forming;Finite element method;Roll-back method


五分钟搞定5000字-外文文献翻译 在科研过程中阅读翻译外文文献是一个非常重要的环节,许多领域高水平的文献都是外文文献,借鉴一些外文文献翻译的经验是非常必要的。由于特殊原因我翻译外文文献的机会比较多,慢慢地就发现了外文文献翻译过程中的三大利器:Google“翻译”频道、金山词霸(完整版本)和CNKI“翻译助手"。 具体操作过程如下: 1.先打开金山词霸自动取词功能,然后阅读文献; 2.遇到无法理解的长句时,可以交给Google处理,处理后的结果猛一看,不堪入目,可是经过大脑的再处理后句子的意思基本就明了了; 3.如果通过Google仍然无法理解,感觉就是不同,那肯定是对其中某个“常用单词”理解有误,因为某些单词看似很简单,但是在文献中有特殊的意思,这时就可以通过CNKI的“翻译助手”来查询相关单词的意思,由于CNKI的单词意思都是来源与大量的文献,所以它的吻合率很高。 另外,在翻译过程中最好以“段落”或者“长句”作为翻译的基本单位,这样才不会造成“只见树木,不见森林”的误导。 注: 1、Google翻译:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d18938905.html,/language_tools google,众所周知,谷歌里面的英文文献和资料还算是比较详实的。我利用它是这样的。一方面可以用它查询英文论文,当然这方面的帖子很多,大家可以搜索,在此不赘述。回到我自己说的翻译上来。下面给大家举个例子来说明如何用吧 比如说“电磁感应透明效应”这个词汇你不知道他怎么翻译, 首先你可以在CNKI里查中文的,根据它们的关键词中英文对照来做,一般比较准确。

在此主要是说在google里怎么知道这个翻译意思。大家应该都有词典吧,按中国人的办法,把一个一个词分着查出来,敲到google里,你的这种翻译一般不太准,当然你需要验证是否准确了,这下看着吧,把你的那支离破碎的翻译在google里搜索,你能看到许多相关的文献或资料,大家都不是笨蛋,看看,也就能找到最精确的翻译了,纯西式的!我就是这么用的。 2、CNKI翻译:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d18938905.html, CNKI翻译助手,这个网站不需要介绍太多,可能有些人也知道的。主要说说它的有点,你进去看看就能发现:搜索的肯定是专业词汇,而且它翻译结果下面有文章与之对应(因为它是CNKI检索提供的,它的翻译是从文献里抽出来的),很实用的一个网站。估计别的写文章的人不是傻子吧,它们的东西我们可以直接拿来用,当然省事了。网址告诉大家,有兴趣的进去看看,你们就会发现其乐无穷!还是很值得用的。https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d18938905.html, 3、网路版金山词霸(不到1M):https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d18938905.html,/6946901637944806 翻译时的速度: 这里我谈的是电子版和打印版的翻译速度,按个人翻译速度看,打印版的快些,因为看电子版本一是费眼睛,二是如果我们用电脑,可能还经常时不时玩点游戏,或者整点别的,导致最终SPPEED变慢,再之电脑上一些词典(金山词霸等)在专业翻译方面也不是特别好,所以翻译效果不佳。在此本人建议大家购买清华大学编写的好像是国防工业出版社的那本《英汉科学技术词典》,基本上挺好用。再加上网站如:google CNKI翻译助手,这样我们的翻译速度会提高不少。 具体翻译时的一些技巧(主要是写论文和看论文方面) 大家大概都应预先清楚明白自己专业方向的国内牛人,在这里我强烈建议大家仔



原文: Norway Romsdal Folk Museum Photograph from : Stiftelsen Romsdalsmuseet The Romsdal Folk Museum is an architectonic attraction and a treasured landmark that embodies the history and identity of the entire region. Our intention in this project was to let the structure signal its meaning and function through an architectural expression and the use of local materials. The scale of the building refers to the urbanity and morphology of the town. The overall layout of the museum grounds the connections to the town by linking different surrounding areas in an overall plan where all circulation is linked in a unified structure. The project conveys an open and progressive attitude that makes diverse utilization possible. The Museum design approach is rooted in rationality and sustainability. The plan geometry is deceptively simple, the characteristic angled shapes are limited to the roof and the external wall, making the circulation and internal organisation clear and flexible. The public areas are clearly separated from the administration wing, which is located on both the ground and first floor. Exhibition rooms, the auditorium and the library are all placed on the ground floor to increase flexibility and user experience. The transparency of the reception room permits supporting internal and external activities. Large sliding doors separate the permanent and temporary exhibition areas, giving the curators the ability to combine or separate the spaces. The archives and workshops are located on the basement level, with the vertical circulation of large items facilitated by a large goods lift.Pine is the primary building material of the museum. Exterior walls and roof are made of solid timber in combination of steel beam when required. The terrain entailed the use of concrete, however its use was reduce to the foundations. Exterior walls and ceilings covered with maintenance-pine relief tempered with bio-based oil.Different openings filter the daylight in such way that the internal space are enriched by gradations and translucency nuances. However, the main exhibition rooms are black boxes, giving the curators total control of artificial lightening in these areas. All the glazing units have high-energy performance glass, in some locations with silk printed colours and patterns. The impact on the Nordic society:The Romsdal Folk Museum is a great example of strategic use of low-tech building solutions. It embodies the national policy in Norway to aim for a more sustainable future. The museum is built using Norwegian timber technology and acts as a hub for


理工学院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 专业:热能与动力工程 姓名:赵海潮 学号:09L0504133 外文出处:Applied Acoustics, 2010(71):701~707 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 基于一维CFD模型下汽车排气消声器的实验研究与预测Takeshi Yasuda, Chaoqun Wua, Noritoshi Nakagawa, Kazuteru Nagamura 摘要目前,利用实验和数值分析法对商用汽车消声器在宽开口喉部加速状态下的排气噪声进行了研究。在加热工况下发动机转速从1000转/分钟加速到6000转/分钟需要30秒。假定其排气消声器的瞬时声学特性符合一维计算流体力学模型。为了验证模拟仿真的结果,我们在符合日本工业标准(JIS D 1616)的消声室内测量了排气消声器的瞬态声学特性,结果发现在二阶发动机转速频率下仿真结果和实验结果非常吻合。但在发动机高阶转速下(从5000到6000转每分钟的四阶转速,从4200到6000转每分钟的六阶转速这样的高转速范围内),计算结果和实验结果出现了较大差异。根据结果分析,差异的产生是由于在模拟仿真中忽略了流动噪声的影响。为了满足市场需求,研究者在一维计算流体力学模型的基础上提出了一个具有可靠准确度的简化模型,相对标准化模型而言该模型能节省超过90%的执行时间。 关键字消声器排气噪声优化设计瞬态声学性能 1 引言 汽车排气消声器广泛用于减小汽车发动机及汽车其他主要部位产生的噪声。一般而言,消声器的设计应该满足以下两个条件:(1)能够衰减高频噪声,这是消声器的最基本要求。排气消声器应该有特定的消声频率范围,尤其是低频率范围,因为我们都知道大部分的噪声被限制在发动机的转动频率和它的前几阶范围内。(2)最小背压,背压代表施加在发动机排气消声器上额外的静压力。最小背压应该保持在最低限度内,因为大的背压会降低容积效率和提高耗油量。对消声器而言,这两个重要的设计要求往往是互相冲突的。对于给定的消声器,利用实验的方法,根据距离尾管500毫米且与尾管轴向成45°处声压等级相近的排气噪声来评估其噪声衰减性能,利用压力传感器可以很容易地检测背压。 近几十年来,在预测排气噪声方面广泛应用的方法有:传递矩阵法、有限元法、边界元法和计算流体力学法。其中最常用的方法是传递矩阵法(也叫四端网络法)。该方


附件1:外文资料翻译译文 包装对食品发展的影响 一个消费者对某个产品的第一印象来说包装是至关重要的,包括沟通的可取性,可接受性,健康饮食形象等。食品能够提供广泛的产品和包装组合,传达自己加工的形象感知给消费者,例如新鲜包装/准备,冷藏,冷冻,超高温无菌,消毒(灭菌),烘干产品。 食物的最重要的质量属性之一,是它的味道,其影响人类的感官知觉,即味觉和嗅觉。味道可以很大程度作退化的处理和/或扩展存储。其他质量属性,也可能受到影响,包括颜色,质地和营养成分。食品质量不仅取决于原材料,添加剂,加工和包装的方法,而且其预期的货架寿命(保质期)过程中遇到的分布和储存条件的质量。越来越多的竞争当中,食品生产商,零售商和供应商;和质量审核供应商有显着提高食品质量以及急剧增加包装食品的选择。这些改进也得益于严格的冷藏链中的温度控制和越来越挑剔的消费者。 保质期的一个定义是:在食品加工和包装组合下,在食品的容器和条件,在销售点分布在特定系统的时间能保持令人满意的食味品质。保质期,可以用来作为一个新鲜的概念,促进营销的工具。延期或保质期长的产品,还提供产品的使用时间,方便以及减少浪费食物的风险,消费者和/或零售商。包装产品的质量和保质期的主题是在第3章中详细讨论。 包装为消费者提供有关产品的重要信息,在许多情况下,使用的包装和/或产品,包括事实信息如重量,体积,配料,制造商的细节,营养价值,烹饪和开放的指示,除了法律准则的最小尺寸的文字和数字,有定义的各类产品。消费者寻求更详细的产品信息,同时,许多标签已经成为多语种。标签的可读性是为视障人士的问题,这很可能成为一个对越来越多的老年人口越来越重要的问题。 食物的选择和包装创新的一个主要驱动力是为了方便消费者的需求。这里有许多方便的现代包装所提供的属性,这些措施包括易于接入和开放,处置和处理,产品的知名度,再密封性能,微波加热性,延长保质期等。在英国和其他发达经济体显示出生率下降和快速增长的一个相对富裕的老人人口趋势,伴随着更加苛


建筑和建筑材料28(2012)72 - 78 内容列表可以在SciVerse ScienceDirect里找到 期刊主页:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d18938905.html,/locate/conbuildmat 混凝土中的环氧/锌双涂层在海洋环境中的腐蚀行为 ShiGang董a,b,Bing赵一,ChangJian林a、c、RongGang a、胡格雷戈里Xiaoge张d a国家重点实验室的固体表面物理化学,厦门大学化学与化学工程学院, 中国厦门361005 b能源研究院,厦门大学,厦门361005,中国 c有关海洋腐蚀与防护科技的实验室、洛阳船舶材料研究所、青岛266101,中国 维泰克金属有限公司,产品技术中心,加拿大安大略省米西索加L5K 1 b4 文章信息 文章历史: 来自于2011年4月1日; 来自于2011年8月3日修订后; 来自于2011年8月4; 来自于2011年10月1日的头版;

关键词: 环氧树脂/锌双涂层;钢筋;腐蚀 摘要 钢筋混凝土中的环氧/锌双涂层腐蚀性与黑钢比较,环氧/锌双涂层钢筋混凝土能在海洋环境中保持更长的时间。机械损伤在环氧树脂涂料防腐性能方面的影响已经得以鉴定。环氧涂层和环氧树脂/锌双涂层钢筋,比其他类型的钢筋显示出更好的防腐性能。然而,一旦混凝土中的环氧涂料机械受损,受损区将发生更严重的腐蚀。但环氧/锌双涂层即使收到一些机械损失,在混凝土中也仍然会保持良好的防腐性能。 版权归2011爱思唯尔有限公司所有 1、说明 钢筋混凝土广泛应用于海洋环境中的各种基础设施。基于水泥的水化反应,将氢氧化钙填充在钢筋混凝土空隙中,因此混凝土空隙中溶液保持很强的碱性。在这种碱性环境中,钢筋表面形成了一个稳定的钝化膜表面,它对钢筋起到了良好的抗蚀作用。然而,由于混凝土的碳化和/或导入氯化物,钢筋的钝化膜变得不稳定并开始腐蚀。混凝土中的pH值和Cl浓度有一定的临界值,超过这个临界值,混凝土受腐蚀的机率就会很高。混凝土中钢筋的腐蚀,不仅能拆除钢筋与混凝土之间的结合力,而且会导致混凝土由于腐蚀产物体积的膨胀而产生裂缝。裂缝将进一步加快混凝土的腐蚀,腐蚀严重了就有可能破坏混凝土的结构[3]。 多种基本的因素已减轻钢筋在混凝土中的腐蚀,包括高质量的混凝土,低比率的水,水泥,厚度很薄的混凝土保护层,关键的施工监管等。此外,其他的附加措施也可以减少腐蚀的可能性,例如,混凝土表面的涂层,防腐剂,电化学去氯,阴极保护,高耐蚀钢材料和各种


冷冲模具使用寿命的影响及对策 冲压模具概述 冲压模具--在冷冲压加工中,将材料(金属或非金属)加工成零件(或半成品)的一种特殊工艺装备,称为冷冲压模具(俗称冷冲模)。冲压--是在室温下,利用安装在压力机上的模具对材料施加压力,使其产生分离或塑性变形,从而获得所需零件的一种压力加工方法。 冲压模具的形式很多,一般可按以下几个主要特征分类: 1.根据工艺性质分类 (1)冲裁模沿封闭或敞开的轮廓线使材料产生分离的模具。如落料模、冲孔模、切断模、切口模、切边模、剖切模等。 (2)弯曲模使板料毛坯或其他坯料沿着直线(弯曲线)产生弯曲变形,从而获得一定角度和形状的工件的模具。 (3)拉深模是把板料毛坯制成开口空心件,或使空心件进一步改变形状和尺寸的模具。 (4)成形模是将毛坯或半成品工件按图凸、凹模的形状直接复制成形,而材料本身仅产生局部塑性变形的模具。如胀形模、缩口模、扩口模、起伏成形模、翻边模、整形模等。 2.根据工序组合程度分类 (1)单工序模在压力机的一次行程中,只完成一道冲压工序的模具。 (2)复合模只有一个工位,在压力机的一次行程中,在同一工位上同时完成两道或两道以上冲压工序的模具。 (3)级进模(也称连续模)在毛坯的送进方向上,具有两个或更多的工位,在压力机的一次行程中,在不同的工位上逐次完成两道或两道以上冲压工序的模具。 冲冷冲模全称为冷冲压模具。 冷冲压模具是一种应用于模具行业冷冲压模具及其配件所需高性能结构陶瓷材料的制备方法,高性能陶瓷模具及其配件材料由氧化锆、氧化钇粉中加铝、镨元素构成,制备工艺是将氧化锆溶液、氧化钇溶液、氧化镨溶液、氧化铝溶液按一定比例混合配成母液,滴入碳酸氢铵,采用共沉淀方法合成模具及其配件陶瓷材料所需的原材料,反应生成的沉淀经滤水、干燥,煅烧得到高性能陶瓷模具及其配件材料超微粉,再经过成型、烧结、精加工,便得到高性能陶瓷模具及其配件材料。本发明的优点是本发明制成的冷冲压模具及其配件使用寿命长,在冲压过程中未出现模具及其配件与冲压件产生粘结现象,冲压件表面光滑、无毛刺,完全可以替代传统高速钢、钨钢材料。 冷冲模具主要零件 冷冲模具是冲压加工的主要工艺装备,冲压制件就是靠上、下模具的相对运动来完成的。加工时由于上、下模具之间不断地分合,如果操作工人的手指不断进入或停留在模具闭合区,便会对其人身安全带来严重威胁。

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