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新编实用英语第二册unit3 练习答案

新编实用英语第二册unit3 练习答案
新编实用英语第二册unit3 练习答案

新编实用英语第二册unit3 练习答案


1 speak

2. where is he

3. might be with

4. leave a message

5. call me

6. 667-3452

7. welcome

P39- 2

1. Hello , May i speak to Mr. Smith please

2.Yes , please , tell hime to call the director's office , the number is 864-3509

3. It would be best if he cold call this afternoon , at about 2 o'clock

4. thanks a lot


1. Hello

2. i am sorry , but he is not in at the moment , would you like to leave

a message ?

3. i 'll tell her as soon as he is back

4. You're welcome .


1. a telephone message

2. a memo

3. phone

4. at home

5. personal

6. skills

7. a message

8. expect

9. who called

10. what was the message

11. friends and family

12. questions

13. when they called

14. the person calling

15. reach him


1- b 2- d


1. Because people stopped talking face to face to one another

2. Because his friends was busy talking on the phone , completely forgetting his present

3. Because they can be used anywhere and anytime

4. Without seeing or talking to one another and with voice mail , we can conduct entire poeple lose their inimacy of

interaction .

5. People lose their intimacy of interaction

6. He thinks it's great , but worries about its unintended consequences . P43-2

1. disconnected

2. set back

3. internet

4. talking

5. reaching

6. answer

7. contact

8. goes up

9. phone

10. automated


1. the communications revolution

2. their cell phones

3. electronic voice

4. e-mail

5. voice mail

6. Directory assistance

7. great


1. burden

2. advances

3. lonely

4. invisible

5. insert

6. attendents

7. pets

8. chain

9. preferable

10. deposit

11. interrupted

12. Evidently


1. Please dial home and tell them i am on the way to the company

2. Since then there was never been any setback in production

3. i saw him insert the key into the lock

4. i suggest that you make a deposit at the bank

5. Yesterday Mr.wang checked out from that hotel .

P44- 6

1. The hall was filled with students waiting for the interview .

The square of the village was filled with people waching the football match

2. We used to grow beautiful roses

Peter used to go to the small town

3. Why is it that this conclusion is wrong

why is it that she can sing better than i

4. As i knew him better , i discovered that my first impression of him was right .

We got wiser as we get older

5. Why use wood when you can use plastic ?

why ask me to do it when you can do it yourself ?

6. Pretty soon you won't have the burden of cooking breakfast for him

pretty soon you won't take the trouble to send her to go to school everymorning .


1-T 2- F 3-T 4-T 5- T 6-

F 7-T 8- T 9-F

10- T 11. T 12- T


1. 不管有时是字母与数字混合使用,所有电话号码都是7位数字。


3. 打由话务员转接的电话,在通话时间用完之前话务员会提示你再投币。

4. 公司企业和专业服务机构的电话号码则列在特别的分类电话簿黄页中。

5. 例如:纽约市有一个区号,但俄勒冈州全州也只有一个区号。

6. 这样您不必多付钱就可以重播电话号码,或您可以让电话公司给您邮一张与花费相当的信用卡优惠卷。


To Sam

Hour 3:15

From Mary Adams

Phone 396-8067

(v) Call back

Messge call back to tell her the repair cost shen can get her car at 4P.M

Signed Ben


Mr. Kathy

Mrs Ross wants to sign up for summer classed , call her at 426-1103 before 3 p.m


11 a.m


1. would accept

2. would be solved

3. would / might / should have been

4. would not have overcome

5. would have


7. had been sent

8. had taken

9. showed

10. (should ) know

11. (should ) be obeyed

12. (should ) be

13. learned

14. had made

15. didn't see


1. would buy → bought / shold buy / were to buy

2. smoke → shouldn't smoke / should not smoke

3. must → would / could / should

4.may → should

5.would have → had

6.was promoted → should be promoted

7. did't → hadn't left

8.could buy → could have bought

9.taught → had taught

10.work → worked


1. 我的想法是,在他们困难的时候要给他们以援助。






The United States is divided into telephone dialing areas.

Each area has an area code. It is a three-digit number. You use this number to dial long distance calls. For example, you want to call 555-2364 in South Carolina. But you live in Utah. You must dial 1 first and then the area code. It is 803. so you must dial 1-803-555-2364.

When you do not know an area code, you can use the area code map in the telephone book. The map divides the United States into time zones. Notice that when it is 1:00 in California, it is 4:00 in Michigan.

大学英语3Unit 3 课后练习答案

Vocabulary 1. 1) c 2) h 3) g 4) a 5) e 6) k 7) i 8) d 9) l 10) b 11) j 12) f 2. 1) constantly 2) impact 3) burden 4) Candidly 5) fulfillment 6) salaried 7) resentment 8) assistance 9) perfect 10) suppress 3. 1) successfully 2) resentment 3) security 4) necessity 5) advisable 6) access/accessibility 7) athletic 8) maturity 9) emotional 10) effectively Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets. 1) Because of an emergency, the doctor will not be available for several hours. 2) How will taxes affect people with low incomes? 3) My mother always told me that in the long run I would be glad I didn’t give up practicing the piano. 4) The books range in price from $10 to $20. 5) It seems to me that you don’t have much choice. 6) Given their inexperience, they have done quite a good job. 7) For such a big house the price is fairly cheap/low, but you’ve got to take into consideration the money you will spend on repairs. 8) Can we begin by discussing questions/problems arising from the last meeting? Part Three Further Development 1. Enriching Your Word Power Step One 1) A 2) B 3) A 4) A 5) A 6) C 7) C 8) A 9) C 10) B Step Two Directions: Work out the Criminal Crossword in groups (请参照第二版教师用书第三册第三课第56页上的图) Step Three Directions: Complete the following text with the appropriate word. 1) creates 2) individuals 3) makes 4) combination 5) however 6) fall 7) responsible 8) which 9) difference 10) that 11) tempted 12) used 13) lowest 14) died 15) reducing 16) quick 17) reason 18) principle 19) minor 20) message Part Four Translation and Writing 2. Translation Practice 1) 孩子最好离开毒品 一个电话报警者打来三个电话,报告毒品交易。他还对交易场所中小孩子的健康表示了忧虑。有两人被发现因吸入过量毒品而深度中毒,现场还发现大量被使用过的注射器。

Unit 3课后练习答案

ReadingⅠ: P44~46 Ex Ⅰ⒉ 1)F 2) T 3) T 4) F 5) T Ex Ⅲ. 1. 1) releasing 2) moderate 3) stress/stresses 4) recommended 5) routine 6) magical 7) dairy 8) obvious 9) reduction 10) emotionally 2. 1) are beneficial to 2) be cautious about talking 3) incorporate it into 4) except for 5) attended the meeting in place of him Ex Ⅳ 1) H 2) D 3) I 4) N 5) E 6) O 7) B 8) C 9) A 10) J Ex V. 1. Translate the sentences into English. 1) so many overweight people want to reduce calorie intake so as to lose weight. 2) I don’t think you have any magical power to deal with everything all at once. 3) A combination of healthy diet and moderate physical exercise can help her recover as soon as possible. 4) She didn’t get along well with her roommates, so she stayed away from them. 5) to make it a point to do some running for half an hour every morning so as to tone muscles and burn calories. 2. Translate the sentences into Chinese. 1) If you don’t have that much time all at once, the break up exercise into ten-minute routines spread out over the day. Incorporate exercise into your daily routine: take the stairs instead of an elevator, or park at a farther distance from your job or school and walk farther. 如果你很难一次抽出这么长的时间,那就把运动分解成每次10分钟在全天进行。把锻炼列入你每天的生活日程中:走楼梯代替电梯,或者把车停在一个离上班地点或学校较远的地方,然后走路去。 2) Most people have the hardest time making sure that they eat the correct number and variety of vegetable portions. Many doctors tell people that they should try to eat vegetables at every meal and in different colors to male sure that they get the correct nutrients. 但大多数人很难确定他们吃的蔬菜的数量和种类是否恰当。很多医生建议人们每顿饭都尽量多吃各种颜色的蔬菜,以确保他们能摄取适当的营养。 3) Exercise makes your body release chemicals called endorphins, which reduce stress and cause you to feel better emotionally. Exercise tones muscles, helps the body to support the spine, and produces healthier bones, lungs, and heart. 运动能让你的身体释放出被称为内啡肽的化学物质,它能减少压力并让你感觉心情愉快。运动强健了肌肉,锻炼了脊柱,使骨骼活络,心肺健康。


第三单元提升练习 时间 :90 分钟满分:100分得分: 一、读拼音 , 写词语。 (9 分) t ú sū()ji ù f ú()l ínɡhún() j ì l ù()bǎo cún()zhì huì() j īngyàn() shè j ì()chuàng zào()二、比一比 , 再组词。 (6 分) 三、给下列多音字组词。(6 分) 鲜笼 乘 四、按要求把正确的选项填在括号里。(2分 ) 1.下面词语书写完全正确的一项是() 。 A.爪子图案摇望 B.石栏才干减轻 C.阿拉柏冲击伟大

2. 下面的句子表述正确的一项是() 。 A.“雄伟”和“宏伟”是一对反义词 B.“龙爪”这个词中“爪”应读“ zhǎo” C.“所有的龙似乎都在游动 , 真像活了一样。”这是一个比喻句 五、按要求写词语。 (6 分 ) 1. 世界闻名 ( 形容名声大 ): 2.形态各异 ( 形容姿态多 ): 3.清清楚楚 (AABB式 ): 六、选词填空。(6 分) 研究研制精致精美智慧聪明 1.今天的会议 , 我们只 () 三个问题。 2.栏板上雕刻着 ()的图案。 3.我们必须不断地 () 新产品。 4.这些工艺品件件都很 () 。 5.赵州桥表现了劳动人民的() 和才干 , 是我国宝贵的历史文化遗产。 6. 老师们都夸奖小刚是个() 的孩子。 七、按要求完成句子练习。(5 分 )

1.造纸术是我国四大发明。 ( 修改病句 ) 2.画上的人形态各异 : 有的骑着马 , 有的挑着担 , 有的赶 ...... 着毛驴。 ( 用加点词语造句) 3.补充诗句。 (1), 春风送暖入屠苏。 (2)清明时节雨纷纷 ,。 (3)独在异乡为异客 ,。 八、按要求填空。(14 分 ) 1.在这个单元中 , 我们了解了丰富的传统文化 , 认识了 善于积累经验、改进造纸术的时代的( 人名)。(2 分) 2. 我们参观了位于河北省赵县的, 它是隋朝的石匠设计并参加建造的; 我们还欣赏了一幅名扬四 海的画《》, 它的作者是北宋的。(4分) 3. 我国的“文房四宝”是指; “雅人四好”是指; “花中君子”是指; “中医四诊”是指。(4 分 ) 4. 《元日》是朝写的有关传统节日 的诗 ; 《清明》是朝写的有关传统节日清明节


Unit 3 Born to Win Part 2 Reading-Centered Activities *Reading Comprehension 1.1) Introduction (Para.1) Each person has the potential to win in his own way. 2) The meaning of “winner” and “loser”(Para.2) A winter is one who responds genuinely by being trustworthy and responsive. A loser is one who fails to respond genuinely. 3) Few people are winners and losers all the time.(Para.3) 4) Winners (Para. 4-7) Characteristics of a winner: A. A winter is genuine. B. A winner is not afraid to do his own thinking and to use his own knowledge. C. A winner is flexible. D. A winner has a love for life. E. A winner cares about the world and its people. 5) Losers (Para. 8-10) Possible causes: Poor nutrition, cruelty, unhappy relationship, disease, continuing disappointments, and inadequate physical care. Characteristics of a loser: A. A loser lacks the ability to appropriately express himself through a full range of possible behavior. B. A loser has difficulty giving and receiving love. 2. 1) C 2) A 3) A 4) B 5) C *Vocabulary 1. 1) appreciate A.感激 B. 欣赏,赏识 2 ) capacity A. 容量,容积,容纳力 B. 能力,力量,才能

新标准大学英语综合教程3课后练习答案_Unit 3

Unit 3 Language points 1 For lack of a better terminology, one might name these: (1) the sensuous plane, (2) the expressive plane, (3) the sheerly musical plane. (Para 1) The expression for lack of a better terminology is used to introduce rather inexact terms. It means since we don’t have any exact terms, I’m going to use these rather rough terms. The word sensuous suggests physical pleasure which relates to your physical senses rather than to your emotions and thoughts. A plane is a level of thought, development or existence. The word sheer is used to emphasize the amount or degree of something. The sheerly musical plane refers to the level of the musical material, melodies, rhythms, harmonies etc. The sheer pleasure (Para 2, Line 2) means great or pure pleasure. 2 The only advantage to be gained from mechanically splitting up the listening process into these hypothetical planes is … (Para 1) The word hypothetical means to be based on situations or events that seem possible rather than on actual ones. Here, the planes are not real, they are just part of a model for analysis and discussion. 3 One turns on the radio while doing something else and absent-mindedly bathes in the sound. A kind of brainless but attractive state of mind is engendered by the mere sound appeal of the music. (Para 2)


Quiz 一、用一般现在时的被动语态填空。 1. The students ________ (tell) to take care of their desks and chairs. 2. Vegetables, eggs and fruits _______ (sell) in this shop. 3. Knives ________ (use) for cutting things. 4. Footballs _________ (play) by people. 5. The floor ________ (sweep) by my sister every day. 6. Trees and flowers ________ (plant) every year to make our country more beautiful. 7. We will fly a kite as soon as your homework ________ (finish). 8. It ________ (not allow) to drive after drinking wine. 9. —Can you tell me how ________ (make) apple juice? —Sure. Please watch carefully and you will see how it ________ (make). 10. —Those flowers look every beautiful. —Yes, they ________ (water) by the worker every day. 二、根据汉语意思完成英语句子(每空一词)。 1. 他不再玩电脑游戏了。 He doesn’t play computer games _____ ____. 2. 这里岔道儿很多,容易迷路。 There are many crossroads here, so people may _______ _______ easily. 3. 他自己写歌,也弹吉他。

新标准大学英语综合教程(第二版)Book3 Unit3课后答案

Unit 3 Active Reading (1) 2 1 b 2c 3b 4b 5b 6a 3 1 c 2a 3c 4a 5b 6b 4 1composer 2 constitutes 3capacity 4 qualified 5sufficiently 6rhythm 7 derived 5 1.proclaim 2.analogy (It’s quite easy to make an apology between poetry and music) 3.clarity 4.for the sake of 5.potent 6.costumes 6 1a 2b 3a 4a 5b 6a 7a 8a 7 1d 2d 8 1, 3, 5, 6 Active Reading (2) 4 1 scenario 2 pose 3 collapse 4 surrenders 5 marvels 6 prosperous 7 await 8 exceeds 5 1 prominent 2 obliging 3 perception 4 swaying 5 distracts 6 multiple 7 suspending 8 devises 6 1b 2b 3b 4a 5a 6a 7b 8a Language in use 1 1 songwriter 2 film director 3 headscarf 4 backpack 5 lipstick 6 shoelace 7 mail polish

2 1 Swooping in on a shorter woman, the sailor kissed her. 2 Acting impulsively and aiming accurately, he commanded that the camera’s shutter close at the most poignant moment. 3 Grabbing the viewer’s attention, the photo never seems to let go. 4 Closing her eyes, she was content to remain unaware of her pursuer’s identity. 5 Never knowing the truth, they glossed over the war’s miseries and romanticized life. 6 One assumes that the couple will live in a split-level home, driving big cars and producing lots of children. 3 1 Regardless of the task set by the magazine which employed him, the photographer always managed to get the best picture. 2 He kept looking for the photo, regardless of the crowds. 3 Regardless of how perfectly the pose of the sailor and the woman was arranged, he didn’t have to set up this shot. 4 Regardless of the facts, people know that life will be good from now on. 5 Regardless of what people still remember of photos in the past, this one reminds us that we felt better as a nation and as individuals. 5 1 marvel at 2 popular appeal 3 highly-/full- /well-qualified 4 perceived…as 5 exceeded…expectations Translation 6 《格尔尼卡》是西班牙艺术家巴勃罗·毕加索1937年为抗议轰炸西班牙北部一个小村庄而作的一幅巨型壁画。这幅大型壁画高3.49米,宽7.76米,展示了暴力和混乱给人和动物带来的苦难以及对建筑物的破坏。令人吃惊的是,整个壁画的色调由灰、黑、白组成,没有用鲜艳的红色来表现血腥的场面,但恐怖的景象却历历在目。画面上的人物并非用写实主义的画法来表现,而是采用立体派和抽象派的画法,但无辜平民惨遭屠杀的惨象却一目了然:一位母亲怀抱死婴,张嘴尖叫,她仰面朝天,伤心欲绝;一位士兵横尸地上,手里还紧握着一把断剑;另外三个人也都处于震惊和痛苦之中。画面中的动物——包括一匹受伤的马和一只哭泣的鸟——也都被描绘成这次屠杀的无辜受害者。毫无疑问,描绘这些扭曲变形的骇人慘象的目的就是让观众感到震惊。这种对人类悲苦惨状的描绘是对战争的残酷和荒谬的深刻控诉。 7 In the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang, the murals with “flying apsaras”are one of the most well-known artefacts. The flying apsaras in the Dunhuang Grotto Murals are a product of the intermixing of Indian and Chinese culture. In India, flying celestial beings called “flying apsaras” appear mostly in murals in Buddhist caves, while in the


Unit 8 Keeping Healthy and Seeing a Doctor Put in Use ①Imagine you are a doctor. An overseas student from Englandis suffering from a toothache. He is coming to you for help make a conversation with him by filling out the blanks. Key: (1). the matter (2). very well (3). have a look (4). worry (5). some medicine (6). stop the pain (7). Take the tablets (8) several times a day ②Role-play the following conversation with your partner by putting the Chinese version into English. Key: (1). What’s w rong? You look very pale. (2). Oh, your leg is bleeding. You’d better lie down. Does that feel better? (3). I have the first-aid kit here. Let’s stop the bleeding first. (4). You should go to see a doctor immediately. Want me to accompany you to the hospital? ③Tourists may suffer from different kinds of illness. Imagine you are a tour guide. You notice that one of the tourists doesn’t look very well. Talk with her and try to give her some help.


Comprehending 1 Read the passage carfully and answer the following questions. 1 What was Wang Kun and Wang Wei’s idea of a good trip? Their idea was to take a long bike trip. 2 Who planned the trip to the Mekong? Wang Wei planned the trip. 3 Where is the source of the Mekong and which sea does it enter? The source of the river is in Qinhai Province and it enters the South China Sea. 4 What can you see when you travel along the Mekong? You can see the source glacier, rapids, hills, valleys, waterfalls and plains. 5What difficulties did Wang Kun and Wang Wei find about their journey? The journey will begin at an altitude of more than 5,000 metres, where it is hard to breathe and very cold. 6 What do you think about Wang Kun and Wang Wei? Wang Kun’s character: enthusiastic, critical, sensible Wang Wei’s character: imaginative, organized, eager, persistent, stubborn, risk-taking 2 Look at the following sentences from the text and explain them in your own words. 1 She gave me a determined look – the kind that said that she would not

全新版大学英语unit3课后练习 答案

Vocabulary I. 1. 1)rude 2) physically 3)structure 4) made a difference 5) blurted (out) 6) chuckling 7) measurable 8) prospective 9) preparations 10) sparkled 11) took a crack at 12) partner 2. 1) go after 2) look back on/at 3) be put up 4)stood for 5) build in 6) follow up 7) be hooked up to (连接到) 8) closed up 3. 1) Mary’s parents grilled her about where she had been all night. 2) Before the appearance of her Fairy Godmother, it was beyond Cinderella’s wildest dreams that she could one day dance in the King’s palace. 3) The translation of the popular novel has just finished and a Chinese version will be in readers’ hands soon. 4) As with anything else, it is important to do your homework before going on an


Unit 1. Ex. 5 1.She shopped around till she got what she wanted at a price she could afford. 她一家商店一家商店地看,最后以她能付出的价格买了她所需要的东西。 2.He never speaks to me other than to ask for something. 除了向我要东西,他从不跟我说话。 3.Y ou should always aim at doing your job well. 你永远应该以搞好你的工作为目的。 4.She has been tied to the house for weeks looking after her invalid father. 几个星期来她一直呆在家中照顾有病的父亲。 5.The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion. 修建这条路是为了缓解交通拥挤。 6.Society is made up of a wide variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between. 社会是由形形色色的人组成的。有些人很好,有些人很坏,也有些人介乎两者之间。 Unit 3 Ex. 5 1.The thieves made off with a large sum of money from the bank. 盗贼从这家银行偷走了一大笔现金。 2.High blood pressure places millions of people at the risk of hear disease. 高血压使千百万人有患心脏病的危险。 3.Think twice before you make any important decisions. 在做任何重要决定之前都要慎重考虑。 4. A large part of the African continent is in danger of becoming a desert. 非洲大陆的一大片区域有变成沙漠的危险。 5.Not once has he suggested a good way to deal with any problem. 他从来没有给我提出过解决问题的好方法。 Unit 5 Ex.5 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/311786085.html,st semester, Wang Gang was awarded the title of An Outstanding Student for his excellent performance. 上学期王钢表现出色,被授予优秀学生的称号。 2.On Teachers’Day, the students made a greeting card for their teacher, which symbolized their appreciation of what the teacher had accomplished in the past year. 同学们在教师节给老师做了一张贺卡,以表示对老师过去一年工作的感谢。3.The children were amused by the story about the cat. 孩子们听了关于那只猫的故事都笑了起来。


一Unit 3单元测试题 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. —Bob, how about going swimming this weekend? —Go swimming in this weather? _____. A. Not likely B. Have a good trip C. OK D. I’m fond of that 2. _____,you have studied very hard; on the other (hand) you have not learned as much as you need. A. Instead B. On the one hand C. Though D. First of all 3. Mr. Smith is considering ______ a computer, which is considered ______ a great help in our work and study. A. to buy; to be B. buying; to be C. to buy; being D. buying; being 4. I _____ him carefully, because he was so angry. A. dealt B. did C. handled D. exchanged 5. Every possible means _____ to work out the problem, but it is too difficult for us. A. is used B. are used C. has been used D. have been used 6. The child should be punished. You shouldn’t let him ______ telling lies. A. keep away from B. keep away with C. get away from D. get away with 7. ______ England improve their game, they’re going to lose the match. A. If B. When C. Unless D. Whether 8. —______ for Beijing? —Yes, and I’ll come back in two months. A. Have you left B. Are you leaving C. Do you leave D. Did you leave


Words in use https://www.wendangku.net/doc/311786085.html,petitive 2.transform 3.typical 4.response 5.adopted 6.focused https://www.wendangku.net/doc/311786085.html,pensate 8.analyze 9.regulate 10.estimate Word building -ry scenery machinery -ive detect comparative explosive massive representative -ize modernize characterize specialize computerize summarize Fill in the blanks 1. scenery 2.machinery 3. summarize 4. specializes 5 massive 6 detect 7 representative(s) 8 characterize 9 comparative 10 modernize 11 explosive 12 computerized Banked cloze J H L N F I E A C O Expression in use 1 fired off 2 keep up with 3 set up 4 account for 5 stand out 6 add to 7 take the lead 8 at a disadvantage 9 in large part 10 visit with Translation 10.伦敦地铁是英国的一个快速交通运输系统,服务于大伦敦的大部分地区。地铁系统因其地铁隧道的典型性状也被称为地下管道。伦敦地铁始建于19世纪中期,是世界上最早的地下铁路系统。它的第一段地铁与1863年开始运营。自此,伦敦地铁不断延伸,发展成为一个包括12条线路、275个车站、铁轨总长超过250英里的地铁杰作,其中有45%在地下运行。就铁路长度而言,它是世界上第四大地铁系统,也是车站数量最多的地铁系统之一。作为一个走遍伦敦的经济便捷的途径,伦敦地铁一向是每天数百万通勤者以及在节假日游历伦敦的游客的首选。伦敦地铁已成为伦敦的一个国际标志。2013年伦敦举办了各种各样的活动,庆祝地铁运营150周年,纪念这一里程碑。 11. China’s space industry was launched in 1956. Over the past decades, China’s space industry has created one miracle after another. In 1970 China launched its first man-made earth satellite, ranking China the fifth country in the world to independently develop and launch man-made earth satellites. In 1992 China began to carry out the manned spaceflight program. In 2003 China launched Shenzgou-5, a manned spaceship. The successful launch made China the third country to launch manned spaceships. In 2007 Chang’e-1, the first lunar-orbiting man-made satellite, was sent to space. In 2013 Shenzhou-10, the fifth manned spaceship, was launched successfully, laying the foundation for building the Chinese Space Station.


第一单元 Put in use 1. Robert Thank you pleasure Here is this is How do you do call me journey the hotel very kind 2. Hi, are you Miss Mary Green? I’m Li hong from Foreign Languages School. How do you do, Miss Green? Nice to meet you. Did you have a good journey? Oh, yes. Let’s go to the hotel of our school. Everything is ready for you there. Well, Miss Green, here is my card. Please call me or email me if you need any help. 3. Excuse me How do you do, Mr. Smith Welcome to our company you are the general manager Here is my card Thank you My email address is Read and Think 1. It means a close and friendly relationship. 2. They find these terms too formal. 3. They want to show their friendliness. 4. They want to know more about you so that they can begin a conversation with you. 2 greet informal friendly formal wave perhaps leave 3 use Mr., Mrs. or Miss use first names call me Sally glad/happy informal/friendly 4. named has left prefer personal accept means Speaking of get to know acquainted with 5. It is my impression that a typical English gentleman often takes an umbrella with him. To the students, the introduction to the cultural background is the best part of the book. When we talk with a foreign lady, in most cases we should not ask such personal questions as her age. Many young people prefer pop songs to old songs. They think pop singers are very cool. This beautiful and clean city has left a deep impression upon the foreign tourists. Professor Lu Yang stood on the plane’s entrance and waved good-bye to us.

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