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1)fact 摆事实

2)statistics 列数字

3)witness/testimony 亲身经验/别人经验


5)example 贴切的例子

6)anecdote 黑色幽默的奇闻趣事

7)quotation 名人名言引用




口语黄金80题万能理由之二:Learn, learn, learn

2013-11-27 TPO小站

今天讲的第二条万能理由之所以用三个learn作为标题,是因为我们可以learn knowledge, learn skills, 也可以learnlessons或从某个experience里面去learn,成为某种learning experience.

很多情况下,knowledge和skills是不分家的:(第8题)Which of the following has more influence on you: newspaper, TV orteacher? 媒体类的newspaper或TV固然好讲,但teacher无疑是最佳的选择,因为teacher直接跟learning挂钩:

Teachers have more influence on me

Teach me knowledge and skills

attending class is the only effective way of learning

knowledge not found in textbooks can be acquired

learn practical skills in addition to academic knowledge

在这里,teach和learn是正反两面一体的概念,并通过后面的三条分支理由,把教师在学习方面的影响力分析出来,尤其是最后一条中的academic knowledge和practical skills 的结合,显得特别重要。

类似的解题思路还体现在:(第27题)People who attend college will be more successful in career thanthose who don’t. 显然,这是必须同意的命题:

Yes, it is generally true that attending college can increase the chance of career success

Learn a lot of vital skills

and knowledge

academic knowledge helps to lay a solid foundation

reading and writing skills are vital to career success

having good presentation skills ensures promotion

三条分支理由中比较好的表达有:laya solid foundation, be vital to career success, ensure promotion. 分支理由越详细越好,因此提到了reading, writing and presentation skills等重要的学术技能。

除了学校场景之外,一些抽象话题也能运用learnknowledge and/or skills的思路来拓展:(第30题)Which do you prefer: to be a leader or a follower?

I prefer to be a leader for two main reasons

As a leader, I can learn

many useful skills

presentation skills are absolutely necessary

organization skills are also critical

develop the ability to motivate and inspire

接下来讲一道典型的learn lessons的题目:(第79题)The most important lesson can’t be learned in class. 命题中就有lesson,该词有双重含义:一、某一节课;二、经验或教训。可谓正中我们的下怀:

Yes, the most important lessons are often learned outside the classroom

The lesson provided

by personal misfortunes

life is full of bumps and barriers

one can learn a lot in times of crisis and tragedy

discover the meaning of life

课堂里面学习的是书本知识,课堂外的人生是个更大的学校,而人生中的一些不幸(personal misfortunes)会成为我们学习的起点,尤其是第二条分支理由里写的:one can learn a lot in times of crisis and tragedy.

(第64题)When dealing with problems, 再举一道通过experience来进行learning的题目:

do you prefer to get advice fromfamily and friends or to learn through your personal experience? 我们毫不犹豫地选择后者:

Learning through personal experience is a better way to deal with problems Can learn much more

through personal experience

some problems must be experienced on a personal level

dealing with a crisis on your own forces you to think

it is satisfying to overcome difficulties in your own way

综上所述,learn或learning是一个非常强大的万能理由,无论话题有多奇特,只要能跟learn knowledge, learn skills, learn lessons, learn fromexperience搭上边,就有十足的理由和信心拓展下去。最后再顺带一下:

Byvisiting museums, young children can learn a lot of knowledge outside theclassroom.

Doing community serviceis a rewarding experience for young people who want to learn various work andsocial skills.

口语黄金80题万能理由之四:Relax, enjoy and have fun!

2013-12-15 TPO小站

今天的万能理由之四,主要是跟“快乐”、“幸福”、“休闲”、“放松”有关,关键词除了标题中的relax, enjoy, have fun之外,还有happy, pleasure,joy, satisfaction, recreation等等。



(第5题)What do you do in your spare time? 业余时间当然是快乐时光咯:

Well, I’d like to do various sports and recreational activities in my spare time.

I enjoy a lot of sports

doing sports regularly is good for my health

sports games such as basketball are fun

I can make a lot of new friends this way

Recreation is important for me

outdoor activities such as hiking are very relaxing

I can have a better balance between work and leisure

it is one of the best ways to improve my quality of life

以上答案中有黄色标记的地方,都直接出现了上述的“快乐”关键词。该题回答中的一个取巧思路是将sports和recreation分开说,构成了两大主干理由,并且在分支理由中把health, making friends, improving quality of life等逐一点到,缔造了一个极为强悍的答案。


(第12题)What place would you like to go when you are with your friends? 与朋友们一起消磨时光并且relax and have fun的地方应该有不少吧:

I think a public park nearby is a good place for my friends and I to spend time together.

A good place to

get relaxed

a lot of greenery is good for our eyes

enjoy fresh air and various flowers

walking around the park reduces our stress

“去附近的公园放松一下”,是个不错的选择。到公园里怎么放松呢?我们看到分支理由中的三条:绿树对眼睛有益、呼吸新鲜空气、散步减压。把这些东西记住了,relax就变得非常容易扩展啦!特别是要记得relax的反面:stress, 因为换个角度理解,relax = reduce stress.

“快乐”思路的最高境界莫过于satisfaction了,该词可用于learning, work, life等许多方面,构成的词组有:havea great sense of satisfaction, be satisfied with one’s family life, jobsatisfaction等。

(第33题)If you have a chance to choose your job freely, what kind of jobwill you choose? 我们选择一个job satisfaction比较高的职业吧:

I will choose a teaching job, probably teaching in a university

Teaching gives me

a lot of satisfaction

sharing knowledge with students is very enjoyable

happy to see students grow academically and personally

students often express their gratitude

该题答案娴熟运用了“快乐”思维,出现了satisfaction,enjoyable, happy等关键词,把做老师的满足感和成就感说得淋漓尽致。

新托福口语黄金80题万能理由之五:Let’s get emotional …

2013-12-22 TPO小站

今天我们的主题是emotion. 虽然中国是一个人情社会,但emotion的拓展思维却很难深入人心,以至于很多考生从来都不晓得可以拿“情感”来作为理由或论据。

从同义词和词性延伸的角度来说,我们还可以用feeling,mood, emotional等关键词进行替换,而如果构成词组,则一般会用emotional support, emotional need, emotional bond, emotionalproblems等。


(第8题)Which of the following has more influence on you: newspaper, TV orteacher?

Teachers have more influence on me

Probably become my mentor

tell me how to distinguish right from wrong

give me a lot of emotional support

help me establish my value and belief systems

(第13题)Do you like to eat at home or at a restaurant?

I prefer to eat at home

Eating at home is

more comfortable

one of the best ways to spend time with family

it is easy to create emotional bond between generations

can invite relatives, friends and neighbors

以上两例中分别运用了emotionalsupport和emotional bond这两个常用词组。

其实生活、工作、学习中的很多问题都跟emotion有直接或间接的关系,如果我们把这些理由点挖掘出来,可以形成一个强大的答题体系,而其中最基本的一个维度是把所有的emotion分成positive和negative两大类。举个简单的例子,pride, enthusiasm, calmness 是积极情感,而loneliness, isolation, depression则为消极情感。先看一个积极情绪:

(第9题)Describe a social celebration or political event in your culture.

National Holiday celebrations

A time to celebrate

across the country

there are parties, fireworks shows and gala performances

the purpose is to celebrate the birth of a new country

nationwide celebrations boost our national pride

该回答选择了nationalholidays(国庆)作为话题,通过celebrations来boost ournational pride(增进民族自豪感),而该思路还可以运用在international sports competitions 中:某国的运动员获胜了,该国民众的national pride就提升了。


(第17题)Do you prefer to live alone or share rooms with other people?

Sharing rooms with other people is a better choice

Having a roommate is fun

share personal stories and secrets

a good companion can relieve loneliness

a great opportunity to develop interpersonal skills

(第19题)Do you think computers have improved our lives or caused various problems? Computers have caused a variety of problems

Reduce the quality of

our relationships

less face to face communication

rely too much on email and the Internet

produce a strong sense of isolation



托福口语要点解析及答题技巧 托福口语一共有6个task,分为独立口语和综合口语两大部分,独立口语主要是根据题目表达自己的观点,综合口语是对听力内容的概述和总结,下面就和大家分享托福口语要点解析及答题技巧,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福口语要点解析及答题技巧 一. 托福口语要点解析 托福口语的6个task答题都有各自的要点,大家一定要注意。 在回答Task 1的时候要首先讲明主题句,然后列出三点理由,举一个例子论证即可,例子尽量具体。Task2要用主题句表明倾向,然后叙述两点理由,最后可以做一个总结句。Task3可以使用三段式模板,但是要注意把握时间,阅读段落和听力段落描述时间比例约为1:2。Task4先概括*段落大意,听力段落重点描述,如果阅读段落中有提到的内容,但在听力段落中没有提到,可以不说。Task5对于前半部分的问题描述可以使用模板快速回答,描述个人意见时可以选择一条或两条理由,只要描述足够充分就可以。Task6答题时最为重要的是描述清楚事情的起因和结果以及主要特征,描述过程中不要遗漏重点信息,也不要出现描述错误的情况。

二. 托福口语答题技巧 1. 语调轻松,不要像背书 托福口语考试是模仿交流的考试,所以一定不要给人一种你在背书的感觉。答题时要当成普通聊天,也可以加一些口头语,比如“you know”、“I mean”等等。这样的口头词语可以在你突然卡顿的时候,给你短暂的思考时间,也会让你的回答听起来更加流利和顺畅。回答期间尽量不要突然停住不说话,流利度很重要。 2. 内容丰满,自圆其说 口语答题时,一定要注意答案的丰满度,比如,举例论证的时候,一定要将例子表达完整。逻辑关系明确,如果分点回答,可以用“first,second,third”等词汇过渡,让自己的回答听起来条理清晰。答题时分论据一定要和自己的主题论据一致,能够自圆其说,切忌前后互不照应。 3. 平时多练习 托福口语的平时需要多练习,如果平时没有打好基础,那么考试中的技巧再好也是没有用的。另外,口语的练习离不开老师的指导,要及时根据老师的建议强化自己的薄弱环节。另外,平时多去用英语交流的场合练习口语。 托福口语素材之为什么我们爱看爱乐之城


https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3d2230616.html, 40个托福口语必备词语以及造句整理 天道留学

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3d2230616.html, 想要说好托福口语就必须要掌握一些必备的名词词汇,因为只有名词词汇才能成为整个句子的中中心。为大家总结了托福口语必备名词词汇集锦,供大家参考。 1.account I have an account with the bank. 我在银行开有户头。 He turned/put his knowledge of Spanish to good account. 他善加利用他对西班牙语文的知识。 Don‘t stay away on account of John. 为了约翰,不要离开。 2.act Don‘t take him seriously ——it’s just an act. 不要把他看得太认真——他只是假装那样而已。 In the act of (=while) picking up the ball, he slipped and fell. 正当其拾球之际,他失足跌倒。 3.addition They‘ve just had an addition to t he family. 他们家里刚又增加一口。 4.adjustment They do an adjustment on humance resources to achieve the goal. 为了达到目标,他们调整了人员。 5.advertisement Advertisement helps to sell goods. 广告有助于销路。 6.agreement I‘m quite in agreement with what you say. 我十分同意你所说的话。 7.air My plans are still quite in the air. 我的计划还未定案。


托福真题第一套 Q1: Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer. 解题思路一:重要性来自于书的内容 TS: General Introduction of the book (Name, author, time you read the book) Give a simple account of the book. Key Word: Important -Interesting: draws you in. -knowledge you have learnt -enlightenment you have gained Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE Sample Response: 3 months ago, I read a book called The Five People You Meet in Heaven written by Mitch Albom. It recounts the life and death of a simple yet dignified old man, Eddie. After dying in a accident trying to save a little girl in an amusement park, Eddie finds himself in heaven where he encounters five people who have significantly affected his life. The 5 lessons Eddie learnt about brotherhood, sacrifice, forgiveness, love and purpose of life have also enlightened me. That book changed my attitude towards life and death.


托福口语每道题的答题方法 不管是托福口语试题的哪部分,都有其内在的出题规律和答题技巧,今天给大家带来托福口语每道题的答题方法,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福口语每道题的答题方法 首先是第一题,preference 题或称之为“偏好题”,经过收集和研究,题型主要走人物题、地点题、事件题及物品题。由于不会出现雅思考试考官针对同一话题问两次到三次的情况,所以针对托福备考有个称之为“同一话题只需准备一个题材”的概念,也就是在备考前面对同一话题无需泛化去找另类话题,而是不断深化,思考可以囊括阐述其他人物、地点、事件或物品的通用理由。如果*开始表述,建议如同写作一样大体分为三段阐述,开题无需技巧,简单读题即可,把you 都改成me,比起I think……开头可以省去相对多的思维时间。内容一般找三个理由,为避免理由重复或累赘,建议就方便、经济、减压等常用理由进行练习,并结合不断问自己How 及Why 等问题来充实内容,完成example 的部分。最后用连词进行连接,这里有个技巧,就使用first, also, finally,因为三到六题综合题中这三个词常成为提示词出现,在前两题中使用可对其有一定敏感度。

再次是第二题,结合第一题,内容分布完全相同,并且这两题对时间把握尤其重要,要求考生进行“掐表”练习,对45s 有感性认识,当一定练习后,口语部分的考试不再是考内容的,而是考时间的,因此在考试过程中掐时间角度有很多技巧可言,比如:当阐述内容结束时时间为38s 或39s,则在最后可加句detail 或一句类似The person like me has no choice but to do sth.的长废话;当结束时时间为41s 或42s,则在最后可加一句短废话,如I find it’s cool. 最讨厌的是41s 说完这句短废话后变成42s,离perfect time 还是有3 秒钟,那么可以用一些装口吃或吞口水的考场技巧将时间掐到44s 或45s。(实践证明装口吃或吞口水不扣分)最后是三到六题的综合题部分。综合题由于会有听力和阅读,因此要求考生对信号词定位有所敏感,口语中涉及的技巧是即使不理解听力内容,结合简单的信号词如first, also, finally, but, yet, for the following reasons 等定位中心内容,遇到生疏单词、句子,记下读音,再完整地还给考官,一样得分。第三题听力内容中一男一女进行谈话,就他们对阅读内容的态度与否(支持还是反对),不可以从语气上进行判断,要根据记录内容的回推去确认,以免犯错。 第四题是普遍认为最难的一题,但记好一个技巧:“阅读找概念,听力找例子”,由于此学术题是由同一个人出的,听力内


托福口语练习法总结 根据2020年名校托福成绩要求中能够看出,很多学校对于托福口语成绩是有极大的要求的,整体来看,我们需要在托福口语考试中考到25分才能自由的选择自己理想的学校。在这样的形式下,考生就需要在平时更努力的练习托福口语!那么在练习托福口语的时候我们应该遵循哪些步骤呢?该怎样练习才能在托福口语考试中取得高分呢?前程百利小编认为,采用五步就能够解决了! 托福口语练习第一步:熟读OG ,了解托福口语题型 知己知彼,百战不殆。建议考生在备考之前熟读OG 。OG是大陆地区考生能够获得的由ETS发布的托福考试辅导书。书中对于考试形式,内容以及评分标准都做了全面清楚的解释。OG 能够为我们备考托福口语指引方向,提升备考的实力! 托福口语练习第二步:采用准确的材料练习 了解了托福口语考试到底怎么出题之后,接下来,我们就应该选择一些材料练习!但是自从托福考试进入中国以来,市场中的各种托福口语备考资料可谓是琳琅满目,并不是每一份资料都是能够有效协助大家备考,提升托福口语成绩的。建议考生选择血统纯正的由官方出版的一些资料,用以协助自己了解托福口语出题规律,掌握托福口语答题技巧。关于备考资料的选择详见托福口语备考资料对比 托福口语练习第三步:针对不同的题型总结答题方法和练习技巧 1.独立口语:针对托福独立口语部分重视考生使用具体的事例表达自己观点的特点,建议考生在练习独立口语的时候,把练习册中的独立口语部分按照话题实行归类,然后根据不同的话题准备相对应的万能理由和备考素材,并且训练自己在45秒的时间内充分表达自己观点的水平。点击托福黄金口语80题中的万能理由能够查看托福独立口语部分的万能理由,想要了解托福独立口语部分答题时间安排技巧请点击托福口语应该这样把握答题时间


托福常用口语900句语料中英文对照 汇总:1-250句 今天给大家带来托福常用口语900句语料中英文对照汇总:1-250句,希望可以帮助到大家在托福口中拿高分,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福常用口语900句语料中英文对照汇总:第1部分1-50句 托福常用口语900句语料对照汇总:1-50句 1. I see. 我明白了。 2. I quit! 我不干了! 3. Let go! 放手! 4. Me too. 我也是。 5. My god! 天哪! 6. No way! 不行! 7. Come on. 来吧(赶快) 8. Hold on. 等一等。

9. I agree。我同意。 10. Not bad. 还不错。 11. Not yet. 还没。 12. See you. 再见。 13. Shut up! 闭嘴! 14. So long. 再见。 15. Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?) 16. Allow me. 让我来。 17. Be quiet! 安静点! 18. Cheer up! 振作起来! 19. Good job! 做得好! 20. Have fun! 玩得开心! 21. How much? 多少钱? 22. Im full. 我饱了。 23. Im home. 我回来了。 24. Im lost. 我迷路了。

25. My treat. 我请客。 26. So do I. 我也一样。 27. This way。这边请。 28. After you. 您先。 29. Bless you! 祝福你! 30. Follow me. 跟我来。 31. Forget it! 休想! (算了!) 32. Good luck! 祝好运! 33. I decline! 我拒绝! 34. I promise. 我保证。 35. Of course! 当然了! 36. Slow down! 慢点! 37. Take care! 保重! 38. They hurt. (伤口)疼。 39. Try again. 再试试。 40. Watch out! 当心。


新托福口语难点及练习技巧解析 新托福口语难不难?难!很多托福考生整体成绩不高的一大 原因就是口语成绩拖了后腿。下面就和大家分享新托福口语难点及练习技巧解析,希望能帮助大家,来欣赏一下吧。 新托福口语难点及练习技巧解析 一. 新托福口语难点解析 新托福口语考试中不仅需要大家口语表达流利,还需要准备一些答题的素材,避免答案空洞无物。接下来,我们来具体分析一下新托福口语的难点。 1. 思考时间短,答题时间长 托福独立口语的思考时间仅有15秒,综合口语思考时间仅30秒。这么短的时间内组织出完整的答案非常困难。托福独立口语的答题时间为45秒,综合口语的答题时间为60秒,看似时间不长,但其实要45秒钟或60秒钟不停顿不磕巴地答完题并非易事。我们可以试着用中文回答托福考试中的问题,你会发现,即便是用中文,也会偶会停顿不连贯。所以不要小看45秒的答题时间,平时要做大量练习才能答好题目 2. 听力和速记能力

托福口语考试中综合口语考题需要大家听懂听力材料并且 能够记下要点。托福口语试题中不仅考察大家的口语表达能力,还要考察大家的英语听力能力和速记能力。这两点也是托福口语中的难点,大家只要把托福听力练好,做口语速记应该问题不大,归纳和复述能力则需要平时多加练习。另外,速记的时候一定要记下听力中的细节确保复述时不遗漏。 二. 新托福口语练习技巧 我们对托福口语的难点进行分析后,接下来我们要讨论一下,平时练习中如何练好托福口语。托福口语的练习应该首先从基础上做提升,把握英语答题时的节奏感,让自己的英语表达听起来很地道,然后要针对考试来练习,做对应的习题,适应考试的答题节奏和时间。 1. 如何练就地道口语表达 想要练就地道的表达,不仅要练好发音,还要练习英语表达的逻辑思维。我们生活学习的环境中讲英语的人很少,建议大家多听英语广播,多看英语电影,模仿播音主持和电影演员的发音和表达,让自己的口语听起来更地道,不会很生硬。模仿发音能够帮我们矫正发音,同时建议大家背一些经典台词和经典演讲,学习英文表达习惯。 2. 如何针对托福考试练口语


托福综合口语5大训练技巧分享 托福综合口语5大训练技巧分享, 应对综合口语要这么练,今天给大家带来托福综合口语5大训练技巧分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福综合口语备考训练技巧介绍 托福综合口语测试要求考生使用多种不同的英语技能:听、读和说。对于有些提问,考生需要在回答问题前阅读短文,然后听一段简要讨论或讲课摘录。其他问题将要求考生回应一段对话。以下是综合口语的备考训练技巧介绍: 1. 听懂态度 通过倾听语调、强调和选词,尽力听懂讲话人的态度。当考生回答问题时,它将帮助大家表述其中一个讲话人的观点。 2. 阅读文章 为了帮助考生准备回答阅读的问题,例如阅读一篇短文后提取包含文章要点的简要提纲。然后使用该提纲归纳信息,准备口头问答。

3. 对话交谈 考生需要经常练习自己的会话演讲技巧。尽可能与母语使用者交谈,或者参加用英语进行讨论话题的俱乐部。 4. 使用课本练习 基于学术内容练习回答问题,找一本每章结尾提出相关问题的课本。然后练习口头回答这些问题。 5. 做笔记 请注意:考生可以在综合口语测试的阅读和听资料过程中做笔记。练习做笔记将帮助大家准备考试,同时也是国外留学的一项重要技能! 托福口语题目:Talk about a subject you enjoy studying, explain why you enjoy this subject in details. 托福口语范文:The subject I enjoy learning the most is English. First, we do lots of fun activities in class. We are alway having class discussions, forming groups to

托福口语高分句型 – 表示原因的用法

托福口语高分句型–表示原因的用法 在托福独立口语Task 2中,通常会这样出题,Which one do you prefer, A or B? Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 我们一看到这样的题型,肯定要做出选择,那为什么你选择A而不选择B呢,这里就要讲到原因了。因此涉及原因的几种表达就显得很重要了。最简单的就用because,because of好了。例如: I prefer to study in the library because the study environment is quite pleasant- bright and airy. 我喜欢在图书馆学习,因为那里的学习环境很好-明亮、通风。 I prefer to study in the library because of the brightness and airiness. 我喜欢在图书馆学习,因为那里明亮、通风。 用because,because of显然很直接,也很易用。但是当你想表达多个原因,重复用because,就会显得你的词汇量和语法也太单调了。下面我来介绍常用的以下几个。 第一个句型就是the reason (that/why)….is that…, that/why可省略。例如: The reason (that/why) I hate listening to heavy metal is that It really irritates me and drives me?crazy when the singers scream, jump up and down on the stage. 我不喜欢重金属音乐的原因是因为每当我看到那些歌手们在舞台上尖叫,蹦来蹦去时,我就烦躁,简直把我逼疯了。 第二句型就是since/seeing/considering + 从句,例如: Nothing can stop the old people from receiving college education since having college degrees is their dreams. 没有什么能阻止老年人上大学,因为上大学就是他们的梦想。 Since we live in a global village, it’s beneficial to learn?a foreign language. 因为我们生活在一个地球村,学一门外语非常有益。 第二句型就是due to = owing to = thanks to = as a result of = on account of = because of, 等于号表明用法相同,后面都可接名词,动词的分词形式,但是意思稍有区别,都是表原因的意思,例如: Due to my personality, I prefer to take a variety of courses. 由于我性格的原因,我更喜欢选择很多课程。 Taking a part time job is due to lack of money. 兼职是因为我缺钱。 It’s thanks to Lucy that my math has improved dramatically. 多亏了Lucy,我的数学提升很大。 It’s easy for me to get distracted as a result of the constant noise. 我很容易分神,因为外面闹声不断。 He doesn’t keep pets on account of the poor sanitary conditions caused by the pets. 他没有养宠物,因为宠物会导致卫生条件很差。 掌握好以上句型就显得丰富多了,但是要想灵活运用,需要大家多多练习。


实例讲解托福独立口语高分方法 托福独立口语虽然时间很短,答题时间只有短短45秒,但是如果大家想要拿到高分,也需要尽可能将内容说的充实。下面就和大家分享实例讲解托福独立口语高分方法,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 口语高分攻略丨实例讲解托福独立口语高分方法 一.托福独立口语需要积累答题素材 一般学生讲口语的大脑活动是先用中文思考,其次是根据中文所想的意思翻译成英文单词,再把这些单词根据主谓宾等语法知识组装成句,最后考虑单词的发音、语音语调等连词成句。而口语比较好的同学往往直接想到的是英文表达,然后是chunks,就是我们常说的语块,因为已经是积累好的句子,不需要再考虑语法等因素,所以可以直接脱口而出。这就像电脑开机一样,程序越少,速度越快。在考试之前多积累地道的语料而不是一味的选择网上的模版,才能更加从容的面对考试来取得高分。 比如官方真题Official21 Task 1: Talk about an important news event that happened recently in your country. Describe the event and explain why it was important.很多学生看见“news event”就 大脑一片空白,不知从何说起,或者脑海里只有中文意思,对于

新闻类的话题难以在短时间内直接用英文表述出来。以中国首架自制民用飞机C919举例: China’s first home-made large passenger jet was scheduled to take off in Shanghai, the narrow-body passenger plane made by state-run Comac as a triumph of indigenous innovation. 也可以说“一带一路”政策,One Belt and One Road initiative. 二.实例讲解托福独立口语细节叙述方法 这种方法通常当作第二个supporting details,相当于“for example”,可以并列两个同类或异类的事物,描述其种类繁多。以“Do you prefer to eat at home or eat out”为例:As for me, I prefer to eat out in various of restaurants, cuz it has wide section of food, from authentic Chinese cuisine to western-style food, from savory dishes to bland snacks, hence loads of mouth-watering food can meet my appetite and leave lasting impression on me. 这里“authentic Chinese cuisine”指的是地道的中国菜,一般学生只会想到traditional Chinese food, 而好吃第一个想到的词就是“delicious”, 需要注意替换词的积累。而对于某事使我留下深刻印象会表述为“sth. leaves deep impression on me” 而对于native speaker来讲,”lasting”才是更加地道的表达方法。 再以20XX.08.27 Task 1一个经典三选一题型为例。


名师指导:新托福口语答题技巧 Useful tips: (suitable for all questions) l Make it NA TURAL, pauses, such as “well”, “urn”, and “you know”, are advisable, but don’t do it too much。 l CORRECT your mistakes as soon as you find out, for example, “... I really like sta nding in, I mean, ON the mountain,”(I know it’s a bad example. What I’m trying to clarify is that it is OK to make mistakes, but you gotta correct it once you made it。) so the examiner would not count down your score。 l There is NO NEED to use freaking words, like “exonerate”, which means absolve, and “flamboyant”, which means showy. But those words are good to use in your essay。 l “The FIRST way, the LAST way, the NEVER FAILING way to develop self-confidence in speaking is-TO SPEAK.” -Dale Carnegie Independent speaking (Question 1 & 2) In this section, you are asked to present your own opinion and provide examples to support your ideas。 Useful tips: l Your answer should he as SPECIFIC as possible. You need to stick to a point UNTIL you finish it, have done with it, and need never return to it again。 l The key to score high is to make each point WELL-DEVELOPED, and that DOES NOT mean you need to make as much points as you can, two would be great。 l Truth and REASONABLE LIES are totally acceptable。 l “DO NOT say “I have three (or whatever) reasons to support my idea”, or some thing like that after you state your opinion. There is no guarantee that you are able to finish your answer within 45 seconds. Instead, you can say “I have a couple of reasons to say.” Question 1 Your answer can go like this: ”Personally, I would have to say that, um, my favorite ... is .... And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that, you know,.... What’s more,.... So that’s why....” Question 2 Your answer can go like this: ”Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that, um,.... The first reason that I wanna say is that.... More importantly,.... So, uh, that’s why I choose ... for the two re asons listed above.” Integrated speaking (Question 3, 4, 5 & 6) In this part, you are asked to paraphrase the man/woman’s attitude first, and then list the reasons s/he gives. In QUESTION 3, you are NOT asked to present your opinion towards this problem. However, in QUESTION 5, you REALL Y need to make a choice between the solutions that the man/woman gives。 Question 3 Your answer could go like this: ”The school has implemented a new policy that... due to .... And the man/woman holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is that.... And the second one is based on the fact that....” Useful tips:


托福口语经典模板句型六个和经典连词 下面我们为大家收集整理了六句托福口语模板句,非常经典实用,大家可以背熟活用,提高复习效率。 Task 1 Personally, I would have to say that, um, the person that I admire most / a valuable possession I want to talk about / the place I would most like to go is ______________. And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that, you know, ____________________.What’s more, ____________________. So that’s why ____________________. Task 2 Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that, um, ____________________.The first reason that I wanna say is that____________________. More importantly, ____________________. So, uh, that’s why I choose ____________________ for the two reasons listed above. Task 3 The school has implemented a new policy that________________due to ____________________.


托福独立口语快速提炼观点技巧实 例讲解 今天给大家带来了托福独立口语快速提炼观点技巧实例讲解,希望能够帮助到大家在托福口语中拿高分,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福独立口语快速提炼观点技巧实例讲解 托福独立口语快速构造观点实例讲解 实例1:Watch a movie at theatre or watch the movie at home, which one do you prefer? 要在电影院看电影,还是在家看电影之间做选择。从个人感受来想,大家多数可能都会选择去电影院看电影,但是除了说big screen,或者永远也不知道怎么用英文表示的“热闹”之外,大家就不知道再怎么继续说下去了。其实,不妨从Time Money方面来考虑,我们是否能把话题说的更具逻辑性和更具体呢? Time - watch the movie at home. 在家看电影是最省时间的方式了。如果去电影院看电影,家住得远的还要大老远跑到市中心去看。为了看热门电影,还要排

长队买票,买完票后还要等好久才能看到电影。从这些经历来看,确实,在家看电影也不错。 I prefer to watch the movie at home because of the matter of time. I mean, watching movies at theatre is time-consuming. Once, when I planned to watch the movie at cinema, I have to reach there at least one hour in advance. What’s more, for those box office movies, I have to wait a long queue to get the ticket and wait until the beginning of the movie. Money - helps to save money. 在家看省钱。不出家门,就能看到电影。而去电影院看电影,路上要花钱pay for the transport,买票要花钱fees for tickets,看电影还要带着点零食和饮料money spend on snacks and beverages,这样一罗列,确实在家能省好多。 Another reason is the matter of cost. I mean, watching at theatre costs more than at home. To be more specific, I have to pay for the transport and there are fees for tickets. Sometimes, I have to spend money on snacks and beverages. So I think watching at home is a more cost-effective way. 通过以上两个段落,把时间和金钱两个观点整合起来,那我们就可以得到一个完整的独立题的逻辑表达了。


托福口语:Task3的解题技巧 Task 3 是公告/讨论题,也叫报告题(report)。它包含三个步骤: 首先是阅读电脑屏幕上的一个小段落(长度为75-100词,时间是40-45秒); 然后是听两个人(有时是一个人)讨论阅读中涉及的话题,其中一个人对阅读中的话题表达了强烈的看法; 根据阅读部分与听力部分回答问题:陈述对话中一个人的意见,并阐述这个人持这一意见的理由。 回答的准备时间是30秒,正式回答时间是60秒。阅读段落与听听力时必须做笔记。 准备阶段 与Task 1 和Task 2 (独立任务)有所不同,Task 3 (以及Task 4、Task 5 和Task 6---综合任务)的成败更加取决于笔记的质量。对于Task 3 而言,笔记内容包含阅读小段落的笔记与听力部分的笔记。阅读小段落(回答时不会再出现于屏幕上)的笔记需要边阅读边记,即在阅读时注意其中的要点: 1. 建议(计划或改变)是什么; 2. 建议包含什么内容; 3. 提出建议的两大理由。

对于听力部分,首先要注意的是哪个人对阅读中的建议发表了强烈的看法。如果无法确定,可以大致记一下男女,即记录哪个要点出自哪个人。其次,要记录这个人持这一看法的两大理由。这一点比较好判断,因为这两大理由与阅读中提出建议的两大理由直接相关。 其次,在准备回答时,要弄清楚到底是问对话中哪个人的看法。问男人的看法,还是问女人的看法。这一点马虎不得。 最后,可以在笔记上划出要讲的内容。因为时间关系,可能无法根据笔记另列提纲,可以在笔记上画出问题中所提出的那个人的看法与两大理由。 阅读部分原文: Housing Renovations Planned Over the last ten years, the number of Central College students living on campus in dormitories has decreased by twenty percent in an effort to counteract the trend, the college has announced a plan to renovate its on-campus housing. The renovation will take two years, and the will include improvement to the bathroom, lighting, and heating in the dormitories. “a lot of people are moving off campus because the dorms aren’t in great shape,”explained the college president. “By renovation the dorms, we can make them more appealing than off-campus housing, and more students will choose to remain campus.” 笔记(划线部分是考生要说的内容)

托福口语模板:好词好句 固定搭配

托福口语需不需要模板一直都是比较争议的话题,该不该用模板呢?怎么用模板呢?以下文章为大家提供的模板只是一些经常有的好词好句以及固定搭配,具体如下: Q1 Personally, I would like to say that my favorite is … And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that… What’s more… So that’s why Q2 Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that… The first reason I want to say is that… More importantly… So, that’s why I choose… for the two reasons listed above Personally speaking, I prefer… for several reasons. I think … is more appropriate for… for several reasons. Firstly, … Besides, in my experience Bur probably the most important reason for my preference is that… In a word, that’s the reason of my preference./ that’s why my preference is… I think it is important to …


托福独立和综合口语应该如何记笔 记 托福口语技巧解析,独立和综合口语应该如何记笔记?下面 就和大家分享托福口语技巧解析,希望能够帮助到大家,来学习一下吧。 托福口语技巧解析丨独立和综合口语应该如何记笔记? 托福口语技巧解析一口语考试总览 新托福的写作分为independent writing和integrated writing 一样,其实托福口语部分也可以分为independent task和integrated task。因为task1和task2基本属于personal reference,而task3-task6都不同程度上结合了listening, reading, speaking这三个方面,所以把这四道题归为integrated task. 因为新托福口语笔记是允许的,所以能否在自己的笔记中最大限度且全面地记录listening中的关键信息,就直接地关系到托友们的得分,因此托友们都十分头疼这个环节,我将在这里和大家分享一些相关的经验。 托福口语技巧解析二口语笔记误区解读 综合口语阅读部分笔记误区:

(1) 盲目地记录一些*细节,而忽略了对*整体架构和主要信息的把握。 (2) 缺乏对*内容进行归纳总结的能力,把握不住*的重点。 (3) 不能通过阅读短文从而找出接下来要陈述时所能扩展的点或者说是可以说的点。 综合口语听力部分笔记误区: (1) 在这部分中,大家好走两个极端路线,一是对主体解释的理论部分作了过多的陈述,二是对*举例部分描述太多,没有把这两个部分的比例合理安排好。 (2) 速记的能力有待提高,而且本身考试的时间也很有限。 (3) 考前没有做充足的准备,没有有计划地进行相关针对性练习,所以导致对题型不了解或者是做题速度上不去。 (4) 有的托友本身的听力、语法、词汇的基础就比较弱,缺乏听力的技巧,譬如对signal words所透露的关键信息的把握。 托福口语技巧解析三口语笔记怎么做 1.独立口语笔记

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