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I 以对话开头为目标设题
23. A) An employee in the city council at Birmingham.
B) Assistant Director of the Admissions Office.
C) Head of the Overseas Students Office.
D) Secretary of Birmingham Medical School.
M: Sarah, (23) you work in the Admissions Office, don’t you?
W: Yes, I’m… (23) I’ve been here ten years as an Assistant Director.
Q: What is the woman’s present position?

II 以对话结尾为目标设题
25. A) It will bring her potential into full play.
B) It will involve lots of train travel.
C) It will enable her to improve her Chinese.
D) It will give her more chances to visit Japan.

W: No, I haven’t. But I’ve traveled on the Glacial Express to Switzerland and I traveled across China by train about 8 years ago. I love train travel. That’s why I’m very interested in this job.
Q: Why is the woman applying for the new job?

III 以名词短语设选项问事件或主题
19. A) A notice by the electricity board.
B) Ads promoting electric appliances.
C) The description of a thief in disguise.
D) A new policy on pensioners’ welfare.
W: Gosh! Have you seen this, Richard?
M: See what?
W: In the paper, it says there is a man going around pretending he’s from the electricity board. He’s been calling at people’s homes, saying he is coming to check that all their appliances are safe. Then he gets around them to make him a cup of tea, and while they are out of their room he steals their money, handbag, whatever and makes off with it.
Q:What does the woman want the man to read in the newspaper?

IV 以动词原形或-ING形式设选项问动作
25. A) Changing her major.
B) Spending less of her parents’ money.
C) Getting transferred to the English Department.
D) Leaving the university.
W: Oh, they had my best interest at heart, of course, my parents. They always do, don’t they? They believe my job prospects would have been pretty limited with my degree in philosophy. Plus, they give me a really generous allowance, but I’m beginning to feel I am wasting my time and their money. They would be so disappointed, though if I told them I was quitting.
Q:What is Karen thinking of doing?

22. A) Demand compensation from the hotel.
B) Ask for an additional discount.
C) Complain to the hotel manager.
D) Find a cheaper room in another hotel.
M: I want to talk to the manager.
W: Wait, wait, wait…uh…Mr. Nelson, I think I can give you an additional 15% discount…
Q: What did the man imply he would do at the end of the conversation?

V 以动词不定式设选项问目的
19. A) To go boating on the St. Lawrence River.
B) To go sightseeing in Quebec Province.
C) To call on a friend in Quebec City.
D) To attend a wedding in Montreal.
W: Hey, Bob, guess what? I’m going to visit Quebec next summer. I’m invited to go to a friend’s wedding. But while I’m there I’d also like to do some sightseeing.
M: That’s nice, Shelly. But do you mean the province of Quebec, or Quebec City?
W: I mean

the province. My friend’s wedding is in Montreal, so I’m going there first. I’ll stay for five days. Is Montreal the capital city of the province?
Q: What’s the woman’s main purpose of visiting Quebec?

24. A) Karen’s friend.
B) Karen’s parents.
C) Karen’s lecturers.
D) Karen herself.
W: Oh, they had my best interest at heart, of course, my parents. They always do, don’t they? They believe my job prospects would have been pretty limited with my degree in philosophy. Plus, they give me a really generous allowance, but I’m beginning to feel I am wasting my time and their money. They would be so disappointed, though if I told them I was quitting.
Q: Who thinks Philosophy graduates have limited job opportunities?

22. A) At home.
B) In the man’s car.
C) At the airport.
D) By the side of a taxi.
M: Now, you’re taking just one case. Is that right?
W: No, there’s one in the hall as well.
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place.

三、 解题技巧
I 预览选项,预测对话范围
19. A) The hotel clerk had put his reservation under another name.
B) The hotel clerk insisted that he didn’t make any reservation.
C) The hotel clerk tried to take advantage of his inexperience.
D) The hotel clerk couldn’t find his reservation for that night.
预测判断:预览各选项,反复出现hotel clerk, reservation,由此可以推测对话应该是发生在顾客与宾馆职员之间,并且很有可能是围绕订房间展开。
M: Hello, I have a reservation for tonight.
W: Charles Nelson, a room for one for the 19th…
M: Wait, wait. It’s for tonight, not tomorrow night.
W: Em…Em…, I don’t think we have any rooms for tonight. ……
Q: What’s the man’s problem?

II 重点关注对话开头

23. A) Marketing consultancy.
B) Professional accountancy.
C) Luxury hotel management.
D) Business conference organization.
M: Miss Jones, could you tell me more about your first job with hotel marketing concept?
W: Yes, certainly. I was a marketing consultant responsible for marketing 10 UK hotels. They were all luxury hotels in a leisure sector, all of a very high standard.
Q: What did the woman do in her first job?
这是一篇关于求职面试的对话。本题的设题在对话开头第一轮对话处。通过男士提问关于这位女士第一份工作的情况,女士直接给出了明确答案“a marketing consultant”,所以选[A]。

19. A) To make a business report to the woman.
B) To be interviewed for a job in the woman’s company.
C) To resign from his position in the woman’s company.
D) To exchange stock market information with the woman.
W: Please have a seat, Mr. Thunders. (19) I received your resume last week and I was very impressed.
M: Thank you.
W: We’re a small financial company trading mostly stocks and bonds. May I ask why you are interested in working for us?
Q: What’s the purpose of Mr. Thunders’s visit?

25. A) She will have more contact with students.
B) It will bring her capability into fuller play.
C) She will be more involved in policy making.
D) It will be less demanding than her present job.
W: Oh, yeah, from October 1, I’ll be doing an entirely different job. There’s going to be more committee work. I mean, more policy work, and less dealing with students, unfortunately…I’ll miss my contact with students.
Q: What will the woman’s new job be like?
本题的设题处在对话的结尾。该篇最后一轮对话由男士提问女士今后的职业发展,女士就介绍了自己将要从事的工作的情况:There’s going to be more committee work. I mean, more policy work… 由此可以推断总结出该女士将要从事的新工作会更多涉及policy making,故答案为[C]。

IV 根据选项细节预测答题

20. A) A grand wedding was being held in the hotel.
B) There was a conference going on in the city.
C) The hotel was undergoing major repairs.
D) It was a busy season for holidaymakers.
预测判断:选项中的wedding, conference, repairs 和busy season都可以成为酒店没有空房的理由,因此可以预测该题可能会提问酒店没有空房间的原因。
W: Em…Em…, I don’t think we have any rooms for tonight. There’s a conference going on in town and… er, let’s see…yeah, no rooms.
Q: Why did the hotel clerk say they didn’t have any rooms for that night?

21. A) The plane is taking off soon.
B) The taxi is waiting for them.
C) There might be a traffic jam.
D) There is a lot of stuff to pack.
预测判断:预览四个选项差别很大,可以预测将要关注对话中的细节。听音时应特别注意plane, taxi, traffic jam, pack这几个特殊字眼。
W: Right, we’re ready. We’ve got the bags. I’m sure there’s no need to rush.
M: There is. (21) I asked the taxi driver to wait 2 minutes, not 20!
Q: Why does the man urge the woman to hurry?
本题问目的原因。首先明白题目中短语urge sb. to do意为“催促某人做某事”。女士认为不用赶时间,而男士催促的原因是出租车司机等了好久了,所以答案选[B]。

V 根据选项动词形式预测答题
例如 2008年12月第21题:
21. A) To cut down its production expenses.
B) To solve the problem of staff shortage.
C) To improve its administrative efficiency.
D) To utilize its retired employees resources.
W: I can see it’s good for you. What is your company get out of this?
M: Well, I still have all my old contacts at work, so I know who to contact to get something done. The company gets flexibility, too. Once the job’s over, that’s it. I’m not on their books any more.
Q: Why does the company adopt the phased retirement scheme?
该题各选项均以动词不定式开头,可推测该题考查做某事的目的原因或将要发生的动作。 题目问公司返聘退休人员的原因,从对话最后男士的话中可以看出退休员工有固有人脉,又熟悉工作流程,公司也有灵活变通性,可以推导出公司是想要充


22. A) Buy a tractor.
B) Fix a house.
C) See a piece of property.
D) Sign a business contract.
W: Oh, where are we going?
M: I want to show you something.
W: I know, but what is it?
M: A farm. It’s just down this road. It’s a small place, but at least it would be our own.
Q: What are the speakers going to do at the time of the conversation?
该题四个选项均为动词原形的开头,可推测该题考查将要发生的动作。题目问这两位说话者在谈话的时候正打算去做什么,对话开头女士问他们要去哪儿,男士回答要带她去看点东西,就表明了他们正在进行的事件了,而接下来男士又回答女士说去看a farm, 即a piece of property。 所以答案选[C]。

VI 留意语篇衔接词汇
长对话中经常会涉及到表示并列、转折、因果等逻辑关系的短语或句式,比如as well as, in addition, moreover, however, but, so, that’s why等等。这些地方也经常容易设置考点。
24. A) The characters.
B) The readers.
C) Her ideas.
D) Her life experiences.
M: Do you have any plans to write books for adults?
W: My first two novels were for adults. I suppose I might write another one. But I never really imagine a target audience when I’m writing. The ideas come first. So it really depends on the idea that grabs me next.
Q: 24.What dictates Ms. Rowling’s writing?

25. A) It will bring her potential into full play.
B) It will involve lots of train travel.
C) It will enable her to improve her Chinese.
D) It will give her more chances to visit Japan.
W: No, I haven’t. But I’ve traveled on the Glacial Express to Switzerland and I traveled across China by train about 8 years ago. I love train travel. That’s why I’m very interested in this job.
Q: Why is the woman applying for the new job?
本题考点在对话中的因果关系处。女士在对话结尾用that’s why….点明了她对该工作感兴趣的原因。而我们从前文可知that指的是“I love train travel”,由此可以推断新工作会涉及很多train travel,故答案选[B]。

VII 留意对话中的建议意见处
对话中一方给另一方的提出的建议或意见常常会被作为出题重点。因此,听音时要特别注意捕捉一些表达建议的句式,如You’d better…., Why not do…., if I were you….等。
20. A) Study the map of

Quebec Province.
B) Find more about Quebec City.
C) Brush up on her French.
D) Learn more about the local customs.
M: Well, people speak both French and English there. But you’ll hear French most of the time. And all the street signs are in French. In fact, Montreal is the third largest French-speaking city in the world. So you’d better practice your French before you go.
W: Good advice. ……
Q: What does the man advise the woman to do before the trip?
本题设题处在对话中的建议处。由男士说的you’d better…可知他建议该女士旅行前应该先练习一下法语。选项[C]中brush up on French意为practice French,故答案为[C]。

VIII 速记数字信息
21. A) It was free of charge on weekends.
B) It had a 15% discount on weekdays.
C) It was offered to frequent guests only.
D) It was 10% cheaper than in other hotels.
此题考查对话的数字信息处。四个选项全部都是it为主语,从选项中出现hotel,free of charge, 15% discount, 10%discount等信息可以推测是在谈论酒店某物或某服务的价格。在听音过程中就要重点关注数字信息,而且注意听清问题。
W: Well, the best I can give you is a 10% discount plus a ticket for a free continental breakfast.
M: Hey, isn’t the breakfast free anyway?
W: Well, only on weekends.
M: I want to talk to the manager.
W: Wait, wait, wait…uh…Mr. Nelson, I think I can give you an additional 15% discount…
Q: What did the clerk say about breakfast in the hotel?

IX 按逻辑常识解题
22. A) Their competitors have long been advertising on TV.
B) TV commercials are less expensive.
C) Advertising in newspapers alone is not sufficient.
D) TV commercials attract more investments.
M: TV? Isn’t that a bit too expensive for us? What’s wrong with advertising in

the papers, as usual?
W: Quite frankly, it’s just not enough anymore. We need to be more aggressive in order to keep ahead of our competitors.
Q: Why does the woman suggest advertising on TV?
本题为细节考查题。根据上下文可知女士说 it’s just not enough anymore中的it 指的是advertising in the papers, 由此可知女士的建议采用电视广告的原因是她认为是报纸广告已经不足以满足需要了。故答案选[C]。

X 异类选项排除法解题
22. A) She’s worried about the seminar.
B) The man keeps interrupting her.
C) She finds it too hard.
D) She lacks interest in it.
预测判断:该题ACD选项内容都是she为主语,而且由worried about, finds it too hard, lacks interest in it可以推知此题可能涉及she对某事的看法和感受。B选项“这位男士一直在打断她”与其他三项内容没有关系,可以初步排除该选项。
W: No, Jim. I suppose I haven’t. I need to get through it, but I keep drifting away.
M: So, it doesn’t really hold your interest?
W: No, not really. I wouldn’t bother with it, to be honest. But I have to read it for a seminar. I am at the university.
Q: Why can’t Karen concentrate on the book?
本题为推理判断题。女士说她不断地在走神(drift away),表明她对书本内容不感兴趣,而且紧接着男士问女士为什么不认真看书,是不是不感兴趣,女士回答说not really,可见是女士本人对该书不感兴趣,与男士无关,故答案选[D]。

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