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决策人Decision Maker




财务会计Financial Accounting

管理会计Management Accounting

成本会计Cost Accounting

私业会计Private Accounting

公众会计Public Accounting

注册会计师CPA Certified Public Accountant










会计目标Accounting Objectives

会计假设Accounting Assumptions

会计要素Accounting Elements

会计原则Accounting Principles

会计实务过程Accounting Procedures

财务报表Financial Statements

财务分析Financial Analysis

会计主体假设Separate-entity Assumption

货币计量假设Unit-of-measure Assumption



会计分期假设Time-period Assumption



业主权益Owner's Equity





历史成本原则Cost Principle

收入实现原则Revenue Principle

配比原则Matching Principle

全面披露原则Full-disclosure (Reporting) Principle

客观性原则Objective Principle

一致性原则Consistent Principle

可比性原则Comparability Principle

重大性原则Materiality Principle

稳健性原则Conservatism Principle

权责发生制Accrual Basis

现金收付制Cash Basis 财务报告Financial Report

流动资产Current assets

流动负债Current Liabilities

长期负债Long-term Liabilities

投入资本Contributed Capital

留存收益Retained Earning


会计循环Accounting Procedure/Cycle

会计信息系统Accounting information System 帐户Ledger


会计分录Journal entry

原始凭证Source Document


总分类帐General Ledger

明细分类帐Subsidiary Ledger

试算平衡Trial Balance

现金收款日记帐Cash receipt journal

现金付款日记帐Cash disbursements journal 销售日记帐Sales Journal

购货日记帐Purchase Journal

普通日记帐General Journal


调整分录Adjusting entries

结帐Closing entries



银行存款Cash in bank

库存现金Cash in hand

流动资产Current assets

偿债基金Sinking fund

定额备用金Imprest petty cash


银行对帐单Bank statement

银行存款调节表Bank reconciliation statement 在途存款Outstanding deposit

在途支票Outstanding check

应付凭单V ouchers payable

应收帐款Account receivable

应收票据Note receivable

起运点交货价F.O.B shipping point

目的地交货价F.O.B destination point

商业折扣Trade discount

现金折扣Cash discount

销售退回及折让Sales return and allowance

坏帐费用Bad debt expense

备抵法Allowance method

备抵坏帐Bad debt allowance

损益表法Income statement approach

资产负债表法Balance sheet approach

帐龄分析法Aging analysis method

直接冲销法Direct write-off method

带息票据Interest bearing note

不带息票据Non-interest bearing note




利息率Interest rate

到期日Maturity date

本票Promissory note



拒付费Protest fee com



商品存货Merchandise inventory

产成品存货Finished goods inventory

在产品存货Work in process inventory

原材料存货Raw materials inventory

起运地离岸价格F.O.B shipping point

目的地抵岸价格F.O.B destination




定期盘存Periodic inventory

永续盘存Perpetual inventory


购货折让和折扣Purchase allowance and discounts 存货盈余或短缺Inventory overages and shortages 分批认定法Specific identification

加权平均法Weighted average

先进先出法First-in, first-out or FIFO

后进先出法Lost-in, first-out or LIFO

移动平均法Moving average

成本或市价孰低法Lower of cost or market or LCM

市价Market value

重置成本Replacement cost

可变现净值Net realizable value

上限Upper limit

下限Lower limit

毛利法Gross margin method

零售价格法Retail method

成本率Cost ratio


长期投资Long-term investment

长期股票投资Investment on stocks

长期债券投资Investment on bonds

成本法Cost method

权益法Equity method 合并法Consolidation method

股利宣布日Declaration date

股权登记日Date of record

除息日Ex-dividend date

付息日Payment date

债券面值Face value, Par value

债券折价Discount on bonds

债券溢价Premium on bonds

票面利率Contract interest rate, stated rate

市场利率Market interest ratio, Effective rate

普通股Common Stock

优先股Preferred Stock

现金股利Cash dividends

股票股利Stock dividends

清算股利Liquidating dividends

到期日Maturity date

到期值Maturity value

直线摊销法Straight-Line method of amortization 实际利息摊销法Effective-interest method of amortization


固定资产Plant assets or Fixed assets

原值Original value

预计使用年限Expected useful life

预计残值Estimated residual value

折旧费用Depreciation expense

累计折旧Accumulated depreciation

帐面价值Carrying value

应提折旧成本Depreciation cost

净值Net value


磨损Wear and tear


直线法Straight-line method (SL)

工作量法Units-of-production method (UOP)

加速折旧法Accelerated depreciation method

双倍余额递减法Double-declining balance method (DDB)

年数总和法Sum-of-the-years-digits method (SYD) 以旧换新Trade in

经营租赁Operating lease

融资租赁Capital lease

廉价购买权Bargain purchase option (BPO)

资产负债表外筹资Off-balance-sheet financing

最低租赁付款额Minimum lease payments


无形资产Intangible assets


商标权Trademarks, Trade names




开办费Organization cost






流动负债Current liability

应付帐款Account payable

应付票据Notes payable

贴现票据Discount notes

长期负债一年内到期部分Current maturities of long-term liabilities

应付股利Dividends payable

预收收益Prepayments by customers

存入保证金Refundable deposits

应付费用Accrual expense

增值税value added tax

营业税Business tax

应付所得税Income tax payable

应付奖金Bonuses payable

产品质量担保负债Estimated liabilities under product warranties

赠品和兑换券Premiums, coupons and trading stamps



或有损失Loss contingencies

或有利得Gain contingencies

永久性差异Permanent difference

时间性差异Timing difference

应付税款法Taxes payable method

纳税影响会计法Tax effect accounting method

递延所得税负债法Deferred income tax liability method


长期负债Long-term Liabilities

应付公司债券Bonds payable

有担保品的公司债券Secured Bonds

抵押公司债券Mortgage Bonds

保证公司债券Guaranteed Bonds

信用公司债券Debenture Bonds

一次还本公司债券Term Bonds

分期还本公司债券Serial Bonds

可转换公司债券Convertible Bonds

可赎回公司债券Callable Bonds

可要求公司债券Redeemable Bonds

记名公司债券Registered Bonds

无记名公司债券Coupon Bonds

普通公司债券Ordinary Bonds

收益公司债券Income Bonds 名义利率,票面利率Nominal rate

实际利率Actual rate

有效利率Effective rate



面值Par value

直线法Straight-line method

实际利率法Effective interest method

到期直接偿付Repayment at maturity

提前偿付Repayment at advance

偿债基金Sinking fund

长期应付票据Long-term notes payable

抵押借款Mortgage loan



业主权益Owner's equity

股东权益Stockholder's equity

投入资本Contributed capital

缴入资本Paid-in capital

股本Capital stock

资本公积Capital surplus

留存收益Retained earnings

核定股本Authorized capital stock

实收资本Issued capital stock

发行在外股本Outstanding capital stock

库藏股Treasury stock

普通股Common stock

优先股Preferred stock

累积优先股Cumulative preferred stock

非累积优先股Noncumulative preferred stock

完全参加优先股Fully participating preferred stock 部分参加优先股Partially participating preferred stock

非部分参加优先股Nonpartially participating preferred stock

现金发行Issuance for cash

非现金发行Issuance for noncash consideration

股票的合并发行Lump-sum sales of stock

发行成本Issuance cost

成本法Cost method

面值法Par value method

捐赠资本Donated capital

盈余分配Distribution of earnings


股利政策Dividend policy

宣布日Date of declaration

股权登记日Date of record

除息日Ex-dividend date

股利支付日Date of payment

现金股利Cash dividend

股票股利Stock dividend



财务报表Financial Statement

资产负债表Balance Sheet

收益表Income Statement

帐户式Account Form

报告式Report Form






财务状况变动表中的现金基础SCFP.Cash Basis (现金流量表)

财务状况变动表中的营运资金基础SCFP.Working Capital Basis


营运资金Working Capital

全部资源概念All-resources concept

直接交换业务Direct exchanges

正常营业活动Normal operating activities

财务活动Financing activities

投资活动Investing activities


财务报表分析Analysis of financial statements

比较财务报表Comparative financial statements

趋势百分比Trend percentage


普通股每股收益Earnings per share of common stock

股利收益率Dividend yield ratio

价益比Price-earnings ratio

普通股每股帐面价值Book value per share of common stock

资本报酬率Return on investment

总资产报酬率Return on total asset

债券收益率Yield rate on bonds

已获利息倍数Number of times interest earned

债券比率Debt ratio

优先股收益率Yield rate on preferred stock

营运资本Working Capital


存货周转率Inventory turnover

应收帐款周转率Accounts receivable turnover

流动比率Current ratio

速动比率Quick ratio

酸性试验比率Acid test ratio


合并财务报表Consolidated financial statements



控股公司Parent company

附属公司Subsidiary company

少数股权Minority interest

权益联营合并Pooling of interest

购买合并Combination by purchase

权益法Equity method

成本法Cost method


物价变动之会计Price-level changes accounting

一般物价水平会计General price-level accounting

货币购买力会计Purchasing-power accounting

统一币值会计Constant dollar accounting

历史成本Historical cost

现行价值会计Current value accounting

现行成本Current cost

重置成本Replacement cost

物价指数Price-level index

国民生产总值物价指数Gross national product

implicit price deflator (or GNP deflator)

消费物价指数Consumer price index (or CPI)

批发物价指数Wholesale price index

货币性资产Monetary assets

货币性负债Monetary liabilities

货币购买力损益Purchasing-power gains or losses

资产持有损益Holding gains or losses

未实现的资产持有损益Unrealized holding gains

or losses

accountant genaral 会计主任

account balancde 结平的帐户

account bill 帐单

account books 帐

account classification 帐户分类

account current 往来帐

account form of balance sheet 帐户式资产负债表account form of profit and loss statement 帐户式损益表account payable 应付帐款

account receivable 应收帐款

account of payments 支出表

account of receipts 收入表

account title 帐户名称,会计科目

accounting year 或financial year 会计年度

accounts payable ledger 应付款分类帐

Accounting period(会计期间)

are related to specific time periods ,typically one year (通常是一年)

资产负债表:balance sheet 可以不大写b 利润表:income statements (or statements of income) 利润分配表:retained earnings

现金流量表:cash flows





文员clerk ,如会计文员为Accounting Clerk



总经理GM,General Manager






制造费用Manufacturing overhead


管理人员工资Executive Salaries


退职金Retirement allowance


外保劳务费Outsourcing fee

福利费Employee benefits/welfare


加班餐费Special duties

市内交通费Business traveling



水电取暖费Water and Steam

税费Taxes and dues



车辆维护费Vehicles maintenance

油料费Vehicles maintenance

培训费Education and training


图书、印刷费Books and printing


保险费Insurance premium


杂费Sundry charges

折旧费Depreciation expense

机物料消耗Article of consumption

劳动保护费Labor protection fees


总会计师Finance Controller

高级Senior 如高级经理为Senior Manager

营业费用Operating expenses

代销手续费Consignment commission charge 运杂费Transpotation

保险费Insurance premium

展览费Exhibition fees

广告费Advertising fees

管理费用Adminisstrative expenses

职工工资Staff Salaries

修理费Repair charge

低值易耗摊销Article of consumption

办公费Office allowance

差旅费Travelling expense

工会经费Labour union expenditure

研究与开发费Research and development expense

福利费Employee benefits/welfare

职工教育经费Personnel education

待业保险费Unemployment insurance

劳动保险费Labour insurance

医疗保险费Medical insurance


聘请中介机构费Intermediary organs

咨询费Consult fees

诉讼费Legal cost

业务招待费Business entertainment

技术转让费Technology transfer fees

矿产资源补偿费Mineral resources compensation fees

排污费Pollution discharge fees

房产税Housing property tax

车船使用税Vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax(VVULPT)

土地使用税Tenure tax

印花税Stamp tax

财务费用Finance charge

利息支出Interest exchange

汇兑损失Foreign exchange loss

各项手续费Charge for trouble

各项专门借款费用Special-borrowing cost



流动资产Current assets

货币资金Cash and cash equivalents


银行存款Cash in bank

其他货币资金Other cash and cash equivalents

外埠存款Other city Cash in bank

银行本票Cashier''s cheque

银行汇票Bank draft

信用卡Credit card

信用证保证金L/C Guarantee deposits

存出投资款Refundable deposits

短期投资Short-term investments

股票Short-term investments - stock

债券Short-term investments - corporate bonds

基金Short-term investments - corporate funds

其他Short-term investments - other

短期投资跌价准备Short-term investments falling

price reserves

应收款Account receivable

应收票据Note receivable

银行承兑汇票Bank acceptance

商业承兑汇票Trade acceptance

应收股利Dividend receivable

应收利息Interest receivable

应收账款Account receivable

其他应收款Other notes receivable

坏账准备Bad debt reserves

预付账款Advance money

应收补贴款Cover deficit by state subsidies of receivable 库存资产Inventories

物资采购Supplies purchasing

原材料Raw materials


低值易耗品Low-value consumption goods

材料成本差异Materials cost variance

自制半成品Semi-Finished goods

库存商品Finished goods

商品进销差价Differences between purchasing and selling price

委托加工物资Work in process - outsourced

委托代销商品Trust to and sell the goods on a commission basis

受托代销商品Commissioned and sell the goods on a commission basis

存货跌价准备Inventory falling price reserves

分期收款发出商品Collect money and send out the goods by stages

待摊费用Deferred and prepaid expenses

长期投资Long-term investment

长期股权投资Long-term investment on stocks

股票投资Investment on stocks

其他股权投资Other investment on stocks

长期债权投资Long-term investment on bonds

债券投资Investment on bonds

其他债权投资Other investment on bonds

长期投资减值准备Long-term investments depreciation reserves

股权投资减值准备Stock rights investment depreciation reserves

债权投资减值准备Bcreditor''s rights investment depreciation reserves

委托贷款Entrust loans



减值准备Depreciation reserves

固定资产Fixed assets



机器设备Machinery equipment

运输设备Transportation facilities

工具器具Instruments and implement

累计折旧Accumulated depreciation

固定资产减值准备Fixed assets depreciation reserves 房屋、建筑物减值准备Building/structure depreciation reserves

机器设备减值准备Machinery equipment depreciation reserves

工程物资Project goods and material

专用材料Special-purpose material

专用设备Special-purpose equipment

预付大型设备款Prepayments for equipment

为生产准备的工具及器具Preparative instruments and implement for fabricate


安装工程Erection works

在安装设备Erecting equipment-in-process

技术改造工程Technical innovation project

大修理工程General overhaul project

在建工程减值准备Construction-in-process depreciation reserves

固定资产清理Liquidation of fixed assets

无形资产Intangible assets



商标权Trademarks, Trade names




无形资产减值准备Intangible Assets depreciation reserves

专利权减值准备Patent rights depreciation reserves

商标权减值准备trademark rights depreciation reserves

未确认融资费用Unacknowledged financial charges

待处理财产损溢Wait deal assets loss or income

待处理财产损溢Wait deal assets loss or income

待处理流动资产损溢Wait deal intangible assets loss or income

待处理固定资产损溢Wait deal fixed assets loss or income


短期负债Current liability

短期借款Short-term borrowing

应付票据Notes payable

银行承兑汇票Bank acceptance

商业承兑汇票Trade acceptance

应付账款Account payable

预收账款Deposit received

代销商品款Proxy sale goods revenue

应付工资Accrued wages

应付福利费Accrued welfarism

应付股利Dividends payable

应交税金Tax payable

应交增值税value added tax payable

进项税额Withholdings on VAT

已交税金Paying tax

转出未交增值税Unpaid VAT changeover

减免税款Tax deduction

销项税额Substituted money on VAT

出口退税Tax reimbursement for export

进项税额转出Changeover withnoldings on VAT

出口抵减内销产品应纳税额Export deduct domestic sales goods tax

转出多交增值税Overpaid VAT changeover

未交增值税Unpaid VAT

应交营业税Business tax payable

应交消费税Consumption tax payable

应交资源税Resources tax payable

应交所得税Income tax payable

应交土地增值税Increment tax on land value payable 应交城市维护建设税Tax for maintaining and building cities


应交房产税Housing property tax payable

应交土地使用税Tenure tax payable

应交车船使用税Vehicle and vessel usage license plate

tax(VVULPT) payable

应交个人所得税Personal income tax payable

其他应交款Other fund in conformity with paying

其他应付款Other payables

预提费用Drawing expense in advance

其他负债Other liabilities

待转资产价值Pending changerover assets value

预计负债Anticipation liabilities

长期负债Long-term Liabilities

长期借款Long-term loans

一年内到期的长期借款Long-term loans due within one year

一年后到期的长期借款Long-term loans due over one year

应付债券Bonds payable

债券面值Face value, Par value

债券溢价Premium on bonds

债券折价Discount on bonds

应计利息Accrued interest

长期应付款Long-term account payable

应付融资租赁款Accrued financial lease outlay

一年内到期的长期应付Long-term account payable due within one year

一年后到期的长期应付Long-term account payable over one year

专项应付款Special payable

一年内到期的专项应付Long-term special payable due within one year

一年后到期的专项应付Long-term special payable over one year

递延税款Deferral taxes



实收资本(或股本) Paid-up capital(or stock)

实收资本Paicl-up capital

实收股本Paid-up stock

已归还投资Investment Returned


资本公积Capital reserve

资本(或股本)溢价Cpital(or Stock) premium

接受捐赠非现金资产准备Receive non-cash donate reserve

股权投资准备Stock right investment reserves

拨款转入Allocate sums changeover in

外币资本折算差额Foreign currency capital

其他资本公积Other capital reserve

盈余公积Surplus reserves

法定盈余公积Legal surplus

任意盈余公积Free surplus reserves

法定公益金Legal public welfare fund

储备基金Reserve fund

企业发展基金Enterprise expension fund

利润归还投资Profits capitalizad on return of investment


本年利润Current year profits

利润分配Profit distribution

其他转入Other chengeover in

提取法定盈余公积Withdrawal legal surplus

提取法定公益金Withdrawal legal public welfare funds

提取储备基金Withdrawal reserve fund

提取企业发展基金Withdrawal reserve for business expansion

提取职工奖励及福利基金Withdrawal staff and workers'' bonus and

welfare fund

利润归还投资Profits capitalizad on return of investment

应付优先股股利Preferred Stock dividends payable

提取任意盈余公积Withdrawal other common accumulation fund

应付普通股股利Common Stock dividends payable

转作资本(或股本)的普通股股利Common Stock dividends change to

assets(or stock)

未分配利润Undistributed profit


生产成本Cost of manufacture

基本生产成本Base cost of manufacture

辅助生产成本Auxiliary cost of manufacture

制造费用Manufacturing overhead


管理人员工资Executive Salaries


退职金Retirement allowance


外保劳务费Outsourcing fee

福利费Employee benefits/welfare


加班餐费Special duties

市内交通费Business traveling



水电取暖费Water and Steam

税费Taxes and dues



车辆维护费Vehicles maintenance

油料费Vehicles maintenance

培训费Education and training


图书、印刷费Books and printing


保险费Insurance premium


杂费Sundry charges

折旧费Depreciation expense

机物料消耗Article of consumption

劳动保护费Labor protection fees

季节性停工损失Loss on seasonality cessation

劳务成本Service costs

五、损益类Profit and loss



主营业务收入Prime operating revenue

产品销售收入Sales revenue

服务收入Service revenue

其他业务收入Other operating revenue

材料销售Sales materials


包装物出租Wrappage lease

出让资产使用权收入Remise right of assets revenue 返还所得税Reimbursement of income tax

其他收入Other revenue

投资收益Investment income

短期投资收益Current investment income

长期投资收益Long-term investment income

计提的委托贷款减值准备Withdrawal of entrust loans reserves

补贴收入Subsidize revenue

国家扶持补贴收入Subsidize revenue from country

其他补贴收入Other subsidize revenue


非货币性交易收益Non-cash deal income

现金溢余Cash overage

处置固定资产净收益Net income on disposal of fixed assets

出售无形资产收益Income on sales of intangible assets

固定资产盘盈Fixed assets inventory profit

罚款净收入Net amercement income


业务支出Revenue charges

主营业务成本Operating costs

产品销售成本Cost of goods sold

服务成本Cost of service

主营业务税金及附加Tax and associate charge

营业税Sales tax

消费税Consumption tax

城市维护建设税Tax for maintaining and building cities

资源税Resources tax

土地增值税Increment tax on land value

5405 其他业务支出Other business expense

销售其他材料成本Other cost of material sale

其他劳务成本Other cost of service

其他业务税金及附加费Other tax and associate charge


营业费用Operating expenses

代销手续费Consignment commission charge


保险费Insurance premium

展览费Exhibition fees

广告费Advertising fees

管理费用Adminisstrative expenses

职工工资Staff Salaries

修理费Repair charge

低值易耗摊销Article of consumption

办公费Office allowance

差旅费Travelling expense

工会经费Labour union expenditure

研究与开发费Research and development expense

福利费Employee benefits/welfare

职工教育经费Personnel education

待业保险费Unemployment insurance

劳动保险费Labour insurance

医疗保险费Medical insurance


聘请中介机构费Intermediary organs

咨询费Consult fees

诉讼费Legal cost

业务招待费Business entertainment

技术转让费Technology transfer fees

矿产资源补偿费Mineral resources compensation fees

排污费Pollution discharge fees

房产税Housing property tax

车船使用税Vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax(VVULPT)

土地使用税Tenure tax

印花税Stamp tax

财务费用Finance charge

利息支出Interest exchange

汇兑损失Foreign exchange loss

各项手续费Charge for trouble

各项专门借款费用Special-borrowing cost

营业外支出Nonbusiness expenditure

捐赠支出Donation outlay

减值准备金Depreciation reserves

非常损失Extraordinary loss

处理固定资产净损失Net loss on disposal of fixed assets

出售无形资产损失Loss on sales of intangible assets 固定资产盘亏Fixed assets inventory loss

债务重组损失Loss on arrangement

罚款支出Amercement outlay

所得税Income tax

以前年度损益调整Prior year income adjustment


1)会计与会计理论 会计 accounting 决策人 Decision Maker 投资人 Investor 股东 Shareholder 债权人 Creditor 财务会计 Financial Accounting 管理会计 Management Accounting 成本会计 Cost Accounting 私业会计 Private Accounting 公众会计 Public Accounting 注册会计师 CPA Certified Public Accountant 国际会计准则委员会 IASC 美国注册会计师协会 AICPA 财务会计准则委员会 FASB 管理会计协会 IMA 美国会计学会 AAA 税务稽核署 IRS 独资企业 Proprietorship 合伙人企业 Partnership 公司 Corporation 会计目标 Accounting Objectives 会计假设 Accounting Assumptions 会计要素 Accounting Elements 会计原则 Accounting Principles 会计实务过程 Accounting Procedures 财务报表 Financial Statements 财务分析Financial Analysis 会计主体假设 Separate-entity Assumption 货币计量假设 Unit-of-measure Assumption 持续经营假设 Continuity(Going-concern) Assumption

会计分期假设 Time-period Assumption 资产 Asset 负债 Liability 业主权益 Owner's Equity 收入 Revenue 费用 Expense 收益 Income 亏损 Loss 历史成本原则 Cost Principle 收入实现原则 Revenue Principle 配比原则 Matching Principle 全面披露原则 Full-disclosure (Reporting) Principle 客观性原则 Objective Principle 一致性原则 Consistent Principle 可比性原则 Comparability Principle 重大性原则 Materiality Principle 稳健性原则 Conservatism Principle 权责发生制 Accrual Basis 现金收付制 Cash Basis 财务报告 Financial Report 流动资产 Current assets 流动负债 Current Liabilities 长期负债 Long-term Liabilities 投入资本 Contributed Capital 留存收益 Retained Earning ------------------------------------------------------------ (2)会计循环 会计循环 Accounting Procedure/Cycle 会计信息系统 Accounting information System


会计专业专业术语中英文对照 一、会计与会计理论 会计 accounting 决策人 Decision Maker 投资人 Investor 股东 Shareholder 债权人 Creditor 财务会计 Financial Accounting 管理会计 Management Accounting 成本会计 Cost Accounting 私业会计 Private Accounting 公众会计 Public Accounting 注册会计师 CPA Certified Public Accountant 国际会计准则委员会 IASC 美国注册会计师协会 AICPA 财务会计准则委员会 FASB 管理会计协会 IMA 美国会计学会 AAA 税务稽核署 IRS 独资企业 Proprietorship 合伙人企业 Partnership 公司 Corporation

会计目标 Accounting Objectives 会计假设 Accounting Assumptions 会计要素 Accounting Elements 会计原则 Accounting Principles 会计实务过程 Accounting Procedures 财务报表 Financial Statements 财务分析Financial Analysis 会计主体假设 Separate-entity Assumption 货币计量假设 Unit-of-measure Assumption 持续经营假设 Continuity(Going-concern) Assumption 会计分期假设 Time-period Assumption 资产 Asset 负债 Liability 业主权益 Owner's Equity 收入 Revenue 费用 Expense 收益 Income 亏损 Loss 历史成本原则 Cost Principle 收入实现原则 Revenue Principle 配比原则 Matching Principle


财务专业术语中英文对照表 英文中文说明 Account Accounting system 会计系统 American Accounting Association 美国会计协会 American Institute of CPAs 美国注册会计师协会 Audit 审计 Balance sheet 资产负债表 Bookkeepking 簿记 Cash flow prospects 现金流量预测 Certificate in Internal Auditing 部审计证书 Certificate in Management Accounting 管理会计证书 Certificate Public Accountant注册会计师 Cost accounting 成本会计 External users 外部使用者 Financial accounting 财务会计 Financial Accounting Standards Board 财务会计准则委员会 Financial forecast 财务预测 Generally accepted accounting principles 公认会计原则 General-purpose information 通用目的信息 Government Accounting Office 政府会计办公室 Income statement 损益表 Institute of Internal Auditors 部审计师协会 Institute of Management Accountants 管理会计师协会 Integrity 整合性 Internal auditing 部审计 Internal control structure 部控制结构 Internal Revenue Service 国收入署 Internal users部使用者 Management accounting 管理会计 Return of investment 投资回报 Return on investment 投资报酬 Securities and Exchange Commission 证券交易委员会


财务术语的中英对比 a payment or serious payments 一次或多次付款 abatement 扣减 absolute and unconditional payments 绝对和无条件付款 accelerated payment 加速支付 acceptance date 同意日 acceptance 同意 accession 加入 accessories 附属设备 accountability 承担责任的程度 accounting benefits 会计利益 accounting period 会计期间 accounting policies 会计政策 accounting principle 会计准则 accounting treatment 会计处理 accounts receivables 应收账款 accounts 账项

accredited investors 经备案的投资人accumulated allowance 累计预备金acknowledgement requirement 对承认的要求acquisition of assets 资产的取得acquisitions 兼并 Act on Product Liability (德国)生产责任法action 诉讼 actual ownership 事实上的所有权 additional filings 补充备案 additional margin 附加利差 additional risk附加风险 additions (设备的)附件 adjusted tax basis 已调整税基 adjustment of yield 对收益的调整administrative fee治理费 Administrative Law(美国)行政法 advance notice 事先通知 advance 放款 adverse tax consequences 不利的税收后果


鞋业(类)常用术语中英文对照 ---欧维思品牌鞋业折扣店 --https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3f2683707.html, 目录 第一章:Stage 阶段………………………………P2-P10 第二章技术……………………………P7-P15 第三章鞋型转移……………………………P16-P17 欧维思品牌鞋业折扣店招商加盟网--https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3f2683707.html,- 1 -

第一章:Stage 阶段 ----欧维思品牌鞋业折扣店https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3f2683707.html, I.3.1. Two main sections in Dev. Division 开发的两大部分: 1. Development section: explain more in process of new models to make samples in order to introduce market to achieve qty. 开发部分:此部分着重于新型体的样品制作,以便可介绍给客户来争取一定数量的订单。 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3f2683707.html,mercialization section: explain more in process of technical after it was developed with Fitting test and Wear test to ensure that all products meet consumers’ expectations in terms of Fitting, Comfort and Performance. 技术部分:开发转移到技术部门,此阶段着重于在开发阶段完成试穿测试, 确保产品在试穿/舒适/功能方面可满足客户的要求后进行的技术工作。 I.3.2. Development Stages 开发阶段 I.3.2.1. PPR: Pre Prototype Review 初始线条评估 1st stage to review all sample products Internally by customer ( Marketing,designer,L.O) For performance shoes, we have Fitting and Wear Test Sample to be sent. * The topics of review are : 1. Material 2. Quality 3. Performance 4. Price 5. Color 6. Design 7. Forecast 客人内部(市场销售、设计师、本地客人)对于新鞋型第一阶段之评估。 对于功能性鞋型,我们要寄Fitting test &Wear test试穿样品。 此时检查要点如下: 1、材料 2、品质 3、功能 4、价格 5、颜色 6、设计 7、订单预测 I.3.2.2. PFR:Prototype Final Review 最后线条评估 Final stage to review all sample shoes before introducing the products to the customers. At this time, all key points should be finally decided (Pattern / Design, Color,Price, Material (should be released), etc.). The result of Fitting Test should be considered for PPR meeting as a basic. 在全部新鞋型介绍给客户前之最后检查阶段,此时所有要点均需做出最后确定,如:纸版、设计、颜色、价位、材料(必须是通过了测试)等等。 寄出试样鞋时需附上试穿报告。此时的试穿结果是PPR 会议之基本考量点。 I.3.2.3. SMS1:Salesman Sample 1 销样一 欧维思品牌鞋业折扣店招商加盟网--https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3f2683707.html,- 2 -


财务术语中英文大全 1会计与会计理论 会计accounting 决策人Decision Maker 投资人Investor 股东Shareholder 债权人Creditor 财务会计Financial Accounting 管理会计Management Accounting 成本会计Cost Accounting 私业会计Private Accounting 公众会计Public Accounting 注册会计师CPA Certified Public Accountant 国际会计准则委员会IASC 美国注册会计师协会AICPA 财务会计准则委员会FASB 管理会计协会IMA 美国会计学会AAA 税务稽核署IRS 独资企业Proprietorship 合伙人企业Partnership

公司Corporation 会计目标Accounting Objectives 会计假设Accounting Assumptions 会计要素Accounting Elements 会计原则Accounting Principles 会计实务过程Accounting Procedures 财务报表Financial Statements 财务分析Financial Analysis 会计主体假设Separate-entity Assumption 货币计量假设Unit-of-measure Assumption 持续经营假设Continuity(Going-concern) Assumption 会计分期假设Time-period Assumption 资产Asset 负债Liability 业主权益Owner's Equity 收入Revenue 费用Expense 收益Income 亏损Loss 历史成本原则Cost Principle 收入实现原则Revenue Principle 配比原则Matching Principle


A (1)ABC 作业基础成本计算 A (2)absorbed overhead 已吸收制造费用 A (3)absorption costing 吸收成本计算 A (4)account 帐户,报表 A (5)accounting postulate 会计假设 A (6)accounting series release 会计公告文件 A (7)accounting valuation 会计计价 A (8)account sale 承销清单 A (9)accountability concept 经营责任概念 A (10)accountancy 会计职业 A (11)accountant 会计师 A (12)accounting 会计 A (13)agency cost 代理成本 A (14)accounting bases 会计基础 A (15)accounting manual 会计手册 A (16)accounting period 会计期间 A (17)accounting policies 会计方针 A (18)accounting rate of return 会计报酬率 A (19)accounting reference date 会计参照日 A (20)accounting reference period 会计参照期间A (21)accrual concept 应计概念 A (22)accrual expenses 应计费用

A (23)acid test ration 速动比率(酸性测试比率) A (24)acquisition 购置 A (25)acquisition accounting 收购会计 A (26)activity based accounting 作业基础成本计算A (27)adjusting events 调整事项 A (28)administrative expenses 行政管理费 A (29)advice note 发货通知 A (30)amortization 摊销 A (31)analytical review 分析性检查 A (32)annual equivalent cost 年度等量成本法 A (33)annual report and accounts 年度报告和报表A (34)appraisal cost 检验成本 A (35)appropriation account 盈余分配帐户 A (36)articles of association 公司章程细则 A (37)assets 资产 A (38)assets cover 资产保障 A (39)asset value per share 每股资产价值 A (40)associated company 联营公司 A (41)attainable standard 可达标准 A (42)attributable profit 可归属利润 A (43)audit 审计 A (44)audit report 审计报告


财务管理术语表吸收成本法:Absorption costing 得出单位产品的固将某会计期间内发生的固定成本除以销售量,全部成本法: Total Cost Methods 定成本,再加上单位变动成本,算出单位产品的总成本。对企业活动的财务信息进行测量和综合,从而向股东、经理和员工提供企业Accounting 会计:活动的信息。请参看管理会计和财务会计。会计师在会计报表的处理中所遵循的原则或惯例。正因为有会计原 则:Accounting convention 了这些原则,不同企业的会计报表以及同一企业不同时期的会计报表才具有可比性。如果会计原则在实行中发生了一些变化,那么审计师就应该在年度报表附注中对此进行披露。Financial 这是英国的叫法,在美国,会计报表或财务报表叫做Accounts 会计报表和账簿: 是指企业对其财务活动的记录。Chief financial officer Statements,,是指公司从这是美国的叫法,在英国,应付账款叫做CreditorsAccounts payable应付账款: 供应商处购买货物、但尚未支付的货款。Accounts receivable 应收账款: 这是美国的叫法,在英国,应收账款叫做Debtors,是指客户从公司购买商品或服务,公司已经对其开具发票,但客户尚未支付的货款。 Accrual accounting 权责发生制会计: 这种方法在确认收入和费用时,不考虑交易发生时有没有现金流的变化。比如,公司购买一项机器设备,要等到好几个月才支付现金,但会计师却在购买当时就确认这项费用。如果不使用权责发生制会计,那么该会计系统称作“收付制”或“现金会计”。 Accumulated depreciation 累计折旧: 它显示截止到目前为止的折旧总额。将资产成本减去累计折旧,所得结果就是账面净值。 Acid test 酸性测试: 这是美国的叫法,请参看quick ratio速动比率(英国叫法)。 Activity ratio 活动比率: 资产周转率,即销售收入除以净资产(或总资产)。它表明企业在销售过程中利用资产的效率,而不考虑资本的来源。零售业和服务业的活动比率通常比较高。制造业通常是资本密集型的,固定资产的流动资产较多,因此其活动比率也就比较低。 Allcation of costs 成本的分配: 将成本分配给“拥有”它们的产品或分部,比如用某产品的广告成本抵减该产品的收入。 Amortization 摊销: 将资产或负债价值的逐渐减少记录在各期费用里。通常是指商誉、专利或其他无形资产,或者债券的发行费用。 Assets 资产: 企业所拥有的财产,可能包括固定资产、流动资产和无形资产。 Asset turnover: 资产周转率 Auditing 审计对公司账簿和会计系统进行检查,从而确认公司的会计报表是否真实、公正地披露其财务状况的过程。 Auditors' report审计报告: 根据法律规定,有限公司每年都应当公布一份会计报表,同时审计师应当出具意见,以确认公司是否对其商业活动进行了真实、公正的披露。为了确认这一点,审计师需要检查公司的会计报表。如果他们对报表不满意,他们就会出具“保留意见”,提了同报表中他们认为错误或不确定的项目。审计师出具的保留意见可能会对公司的公众形象和股票价格产生灾难性的影响。 Authorized capital 核定资本: 经过核定允许发行的实收资本额。在核定资本的时候,公司需要支专业资料


熟练掌握名目繁多金融术语除了是专业人士的必修课外,在金融渗透、人人参与投资的时代,了解一些常用的金融术语也对普通投资者们大有益处。本文就为你详细列举了一些常用的可中英文对照的金融术语,帮助你了解生活中的金融。 金融 资产组合(Portfolio):指投资者持有的一组资产。一个资产多元化的投资组合 通常会包含股票、债券、货币市场资产、现金以及实物资产如黄金等。 证券投资(Portfolio Investment) :国际收支中、资本帐下的一个项目,反映资 本跨国进行证券投资的情况,与直接投资不同,后者涉及在国外设立公司开展业务,直接参与公司的经营管理。证券投资则一般只是被动地持有股票或债券。 投资组合经理(Portfolio Manager):替投资者管理资产组合的人,通常获授权 在约定规范下自由运用资金。共同基金的投资组合经理负责执行投资策略,将资金投资在各类资产上。 头寸(Positio n):就证券投资而言,头寸是指在一项资产上做多(即拥有)或做空(即借入待还)的数量。 总资产收益率(ROTA):资产收益率是企业净利润与平均资产总额地百分比,也 叫资产回报率(ROA),它是用来衡量每单位资产创造多少净利润的指标。其计 算公式为:资产收益率二净利润/平均资产总额X 100% ;该指标越高,表明企业 资产利用效果越好,说明企业在增加收入和节约资金使用等方面取得了良好的效果,否则相反。 整批交易(Round Lot Trade):指按证券和商品在市场最普遍的交易单位(例如 100股为一单位)进行的交易。 交易回合(Round Turn):指在同一市场上通过对两种证券或合约一买一卖,或 一卖一买的交易两相抵消。通常在计算手续费时会提及交易回合。


财务术语中英文对照大全一、会计与会计理论 会计 accounting 决策人 Decision Maker 投资人 Investor 股东 Shareholder 债权人 Creditor 财务会计 Financial Accounting 管理会计 Management Accounting 成本会计 Cost Accounting 私业会计 Private Accounting 公众会计 Public Accounting 注册会计师 CPA Certified Public Accountant 国际会计准则委员会 IASC 美国注册会计师协会 AICPA 财务会计准则委员会 FASB 管理会计协会 IMA 美国会计学会 AAA 税务稽核署 IRS 独资企业 Proprietorship 合伙人企业 Partnership 公司 Corporation 会计目标 Accounting Objectives 会计假设 Accounting Assumptions 会计要素 Accounting Elements 会计原则 Accounting Principles 会计实务过程 Accounting Procedures 财务报表 Financial Statements 财务分析Financial Analysis 会计主体假设 Separate-entity Assumption 货币计量假设 Unit-of-measure Assumption 持续经营假设 Continuity(Going-concern) Assumption 会计分期假设 Time-period Assumption 资产 Asset 负债 Liability 业主权益 Owner's Equity 收入 Revenue 费用 Expense


一、会计与会计理论 会计accounting 决策人Decision Maker 投资人Investor 股东Shareholder 债权人Creditor 财务会计Financial Accounting 管理会计Management Accounting 成本会计Cost Accounting 私业会计Private Accounting 公众会计Public Accounting 注册会计师CPA Certified Public Accountant 国际会计准则委员会IASC 美国注册会计师协会AICPA 财务会计准则委员会FASB 管理会计协会IMA 美国会计学会AAA 税务稽核署IRS 独资企业Proprietorship 合伙人企业Partnership 公司Corporation 会计目标Accounting Objectives 会计假设Accounting Assumptions 会计要素Accounting Elements 会计原则Accounting Principles 会计实务过程Accounting Procedures 财务报表Financial Statements 财务分析Financial Analysis 会计主体假设Separate-entity Assumption 货币计量假设Unit-of-measure Assumption 持续经营假设Continuity(Going-concern) Assumption 会计分期假设Time-period Assumption 资产Asset 负债Liability 业主权益Owner's Equity 收入Revenue 费用Expense 收益Income 亏损Loss 历史成本原则Cost Principle 收入实现原则Revenue Principle 配比原则Matching Principle 全面披露原则Full-disclosure (Reporting) Principle 客观性原则Objective Principle 一致性原则Consistent Principle 可比性原则Comparability Principle 重大性原则Materiality Principle 稳健性原则Conservatism Principle 权责发生制Accrual Basis 现金收付制Cash Basis 财务报告Financial Report 流动资产Current assets 流动负债Current Liabilities 长期负债Long-term Liabilities 投入资本Contributed Capital 留存收益Retained Earning 二、会计循环 会计循环Accounting Procedure/Cycle 会计信息系统Accounting information System 帐户Ledger 会计科目Account 会计分录Journal entry 原始凭证Source Document 日记帐Journal 总分类帐General Ledger 明细分类帐Subsidiary Ledger 试算平衡Trial Balance 现金收款日记帐Cash receipt journal 现金付款日记帐Cash disbursements journal 销售日记帐Sales Journal 购货日记帐Purchase Journal 普通日记帐General Journal 工作底稿Worksheet 调整分录Adjusting entries 结帐Closing entries 三、现金与应收帐款 现金Cash 银行存款Cash in bank 库存现金Cash in hand 流动资产Current assets 偿债基金Sinking fund 定额备用金Imprest petty cash 支票Check(cheque) 银行对帐单Bank statement 银行存款调节表Bank reconciliation statement 在途存款Outstanding deposit 在途支票Outstanding check 应付凭单V ouchers payable 应收帐款Account receivable 应收票据Note receivable 起运点交货价F.O.B shipping point 目的地交货价F.O.B destination point 商业折扣Trade discount 现金折扣Cash discount 销售退回及折让Sales return and allowance 坏帐费用Bad debt expense 备抵法Allowance method 备抵坏帐Bad debt allowance 损益表法Income statement approach 资产负债表法Balance sheet approach


第一部分计算机算法常用术语中英对照 Data Structures 基本数据结构Dictionaries 字典Priority Queues 堆Graph Data Structures 图Set Data Structures 集合Kd-Trees 线段树Numerical Problems 数值问题Solving Linear Equations 线性方程组Fourier变换Bandwidth Reduction 带宽压缩Matrix Multiplication 矩阵乘法Satisfiability 可满足性Determinants and Permanents 行列式Linear Programming 线性规划Matching 匹配Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization 最值问题Clique 最大团Cryptography 密码Random Number Generation 随机数生成Shortest Path 最短路径recursion递归Factoring and Primality Testing 因子分解/质数判定Searching 查找Sorting 排序Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic 高精度计算Calendrical Calculations 日期 Discrete Fourier Transform 离散Combinatorial Problems 组合问题 Median and Selection 中位数Generating Permutations 排列生成 Generating Subsets 子集生成Generating Partitions 划分生成 Generating Graphs 图的生成Job Scheduling 工程安排 Graph Problems -- polynomial 图论-多项式算法Connected Components 连通分支Topological Sorting 拓扑排序Minimum Spanning Tree 最小生成树Transitive Closure and Reduction 传递闭包Network Flow 网络流 Eulerian Cycle / Chinese Postman Euler回路/中国邮路 Edge and Vertex Connectivity 割边/割点Independent Set 独立集 Drawing Graphs Nicely 图的描绘Drawing Trees 树的描绘 Planarity Detection and Embedding 平面性检测和嵌入Vertex Cover 点覆盖 Graph Problems -- hard 图论-NP问题Traveling Salesman Problem 旅行商问题Hamiltonian Cycle Hamilton回路Graph Partition 图的划分 Vertex Coloring 点染色Edge Coloring 边染色 Graph Isomorphism 同构Steiner Tree Steiner树 Feedback Edge/Vertex Set 最大无环子图Computational Geometry 计算几何 Convex Hull 凸包Triangulation 三角剖分 V oronoi Diagrams V oronoi图Nearest Neighbor Search 最近点对查询Range Search 范围查询Point Location 位置查询 Intersection Detection 碰撞测试Bin Packing 装箱问题 Medial-Axis Transformation 中轴变换Polygon Partitioning 多边形分割Simplifying Polygons 多边形化简Shape Similarity 相似多边形 Motion Planning 运动规划Maintaining Line Arrangements 平面分割Minkowski Sum Minkowski和Set and String Problems 集合与串的问题 Set Cover 集合覆盖Set Packing 集合配置 Approximate String Matching 模糊匹配Text Compression 压缩 DP—Dynamic Programming动态规划Longest Common Substring 最长公共子串Shortest Common Superstring 最短公共父串String Matching 模式匹配 Finite State Machine Minimization 有穷自动机简化


财务术语中英文对照大 全 Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT

财务术语中英文对照大全一、会计与会计理论 会计 accounting 决策人 Decision Maker 投资人 Investor 股东 Shareholder 债权人 Creditor 财务会计 Financial Accounting 管理会计 Management Accounting 成本会计 Cost Accounting 私业会计 Private Accounting 公众会计 Public Accounting 注册会计师 CPA Certified Public Accountant 国际会计准则委员会 IASC 美国注册会计师协会 AICPA 财务会计准则委员会 FASB 管理会计协会 IMA 美国会计学会 AAA 税务稽核署 IRS 独资企业 Proprietorship 合伙人企业 Partnership 公司 Corporation 会计目标 Accounting Objectives 会计假设 Accounting Assumptions 会计要素 Accounting Elements 会计原则 Accounting Principles 会计实务过程 Accounting Procedures 财务报表 Financial Statements 财务分析Financial Analysis 会计主体假设 Separate-entity Assumption 货币计量假设 Unit-of-measure Assumption 持续经营假设 Continuity(Going-concern) Assumption 会计分期假设 Time-period Assumption 资产 Asset 负债 Liability 业主权益 Owner's Equity 收入 Revenue


财务术语中英文对照大全,财务人必备!目录 一、会计与会计理论 二、会计循环 三、现金与应收账款 四、存货 五、长期投资 六、固定资产 七、无形资产 八、流动负债 九、长期负债 十、业主权益 十一、财务报表 十二、财务状况变动表 十三、财务报表分析 十四、合并财务报表 十五、物价变动中的会计计量 一、会计与会计理论 会计accounting 决策人Decision Maker 投资人Investor

股东Shareholder 债权人Creditor 财务会计Financial Accounting 管理会计Management Accounting 成本会计Cost Accounting 私业会计Private Accounting 公众会计Public Accounting 注册会计师CPA Certified Public Accountant 国际会计准则委员会IASC 美国注册会计师协会AICPA 财务会计准则委员会FASB 管理会计协会IMA 美国会计学会AAA 税务稽核署IRS 独资企业Proprietorship 合伙人企业Partnership 公司Corporation 会计目标Accounting Objectives 会计假设Accounting Assumptions 会计要素Accounting Elements 会计原则Accounting Principles 会计实务过程Accounting Procedures

财务报表Financial Statements 财务分析Financial Analysis 会计主体假设Separate-entity Assumption 货币计量假设Unit-of-measure Assumption 持续经营假设Continuity(Going-concern) Assumption 会计分期假设Time-period Assumption 资产Asset 负债Liability 业主权益Owner's Equity 收入Revenue 费用Expense 收益Income 亏损Loss 历史成本原则Cost Principle 收入实现原则Revenue Principle 配比原则Matching Principle 全面披露原则Full-disclosure (Reporting) Principle 客观性原则Objective Principle 一致性原则Consistent Principle 可比性原则Comparability Principle 重大性原则Materiality Principle 稳健性原则Conservatism Principle


常用保险术语 保险费率 premium rate 单位保险金额应该收取的保险费。 损失 loss 非故意的、非预期的和非计划的经济价值的减少或灭失。通常分为直接损失和间接损失。 损失程度 loss severity 保险标的可能遭受的损失的严重程度。 直接损失 direct loss 由风险事故导致的财产本身的损失。 间接损失 indirect loss 由直接损失引起的额外费用损失、收入损失和责任损失等无形损失。 保险 insurance 投保人根据合同约定,向保险人支付保险费,保险人对于合同约定的可能发生的事故因其发生所造成的财产损失承担赔偿保险金责任,或者当被保险人死亡、伤残、疾病或者达到合同约定的年龄、期限时承担给付保险金责任的商业保险行为。 财产保险 property insurance 以财产及其有关利益为保险标的的保险。 企业财产保险 commercial property insurance 以单位、团体所有或占有的在指定地点的财产及其有关利益为保险标的的财产保险。 营业中断保险 business interruption insurance 以单位因停产、停业或经营受影响而面临的预期利润的减少及必要的费用支出为保险标的的财产保险。 机器损坏保险 machinery breakdown insurance 以各类已安装完毕并投入运行的机器为保险标的财产保险。 货物运输保险 cargo insurance 以运输途中的货物为保险标的保险。 海上货物运输保险 ocean marine cargo insurance 以通过海上运输方式运输的货物作为保险标的的保险。 陆上货物运输保险 inland transit insurance 以通过陆上运输方式运输的货物为保险标的的保险。


初级会计 初级会计 会计术语名称英文名称 对账(checking) 对应账户(corresponding accounts) 定期清查(Periodic checking method) 定期盘存制(periodic inventory system) 订本式账簿(bound book) 调整账户(adjustment accounts) 调整分录(adjusting journal entry) 单式记账凭证(single account title voucher) 单式记账法(single-entry bookkeeping) 从属账户(Secondary accounts) 成本计算账户(costing accounts) 财产清查(physical inventory) 簿记(bookkeeping) 不定期清查(non-periodic checking method) 补充登记法(correction by extre recording) 表外账户(off-balance sheet accounts) 备抵账户(provision accounts) 备抵附加账户(provision and adjunct accounts) 备查账簿(memorandvn) 序时账簿(book of chronological entry) 一次凭证(single-record document)银行存款日记账(deposit journal) 永续盘存制(perpetual inventory system) 原始凭证(source document) 暂记账户(suspense accounts) 增减记账法(increase-decrease bookkeeping) 债权结算账户(accounts for settlement of claim)债权债务结算账户(accounts for settlement of claim and debt)债务结算账户(accounts for settlement of debt) 账户(account) 账户编号(Account number) 账户对应关系(debit-credit relationship) 账项调整(adjustment of account)

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