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Unit 12


How ___________________________________?


I _____________________________________at the Natural History Museum.


I ___________________________________the butterflies and their living habits.

4.你周末过得好吗?Did you _________________________________________?


I’m ___________________________________________________a soccer game.


What did you do _____________? I ______________________________.


Who _________________________________________? _________________.


Where _______________________________________________? At our school.


__________________________________________________ a second language.


We ________________________________in a _______________________. 11.我们乘长途车去乡下。

We ______________________________________________the countryside. 12.我们在那儿搭起帐篷、生火做饭。

There we ________________________________________________________.


___________________, I was _______________________________________.


__________________, my friends and I ________________________________.


I _______________________________________________________________.


My dad started __________________________ in their tent to _____________.


Snakes don’t have ears but __________________________________________.


He told us _____________________________________________.


When we ________________our tent, we saw __________________________.


This was _________________________________________.


______________ often is __________ our health.


He was _______________./ He was ___________________.


完成句子专练——新人教八下英语期末复习我们才按 时完成了工作。, 幸亏有你的帮助1. your help, we finished the work on time. 我坚信你会很快走出困境。2. the difficult situation soon. I’m sure that you can我想我以同样的姿势一动不动地坐得太久了。3. .for too long without ________ I think I sat_________ ________ ________ ________ 作为一名登山者,阿伦习惯于冒险。4. As a mountain climber, Aron ________ ________ ________ ________ risks. 我想把我在动物医院工作的计 划推迟到明年夏天。5. my plan to work in an animal hospital ________ next summer. I want to________ ________ 6. me such a cute pet dog. Thank you 谢谢你送给我一只这么可爱的宠物狗。网络使我们在家里购物成为 可能。7. The Internet for us to buy things at home. 帮助别人使 我感到愉快。8. me feel happy. 约翰常去看望养老院里的老人并使 他们高兴起来。9. John often goes . ande’s homethe old people at the old peopl 我想把这些书捐赠给贫困山区的孩子们。10. I’d like to to the children in the poor mountain areas. these books ? 这个周末我可以和朋 友们一起去远足吗11. go hiking with my friends this weekend? 我得 整理床铺。, 每天早晨起床后12. after getting up every morning. I


九年级英语翻译(完成)句子专项练习(含参考答案) 一、根据所给汉语意思,完成下列句子。 1.同学们,请考马路右边走。 Boys and girls,please walk side of the road. 2.离开教室的时候记着关灯。 Remember to the lights when you leave the classroom. 3.马良想为那个孩子画一匹马。 Ma Liang wanted to for the child. 4.明天的大雨可能会阻碍我们外出。 The heavy rain may us from out tomorrow. 5.我想知道明天我们在哪里见面。 I wonder meet tomorrow. 6.我昨晚看的那场电影真搞笑! movie I saw last night! 7.下一站我得下车了。 I have to the bus at the next stop. 8.你应该学会礼貌地拒绝别人的邀请。 You are supposed to learn others` invitation politely. 9.当我们赶到书店时,他们已经卖光了《哈利·波特》这本书。 By the time we arrived at the bookstore,they Harry Potter. 10.志愿者们正在努力地为俄罗斯世界杯提供更好的服务。

The volunterrs to provide Russia World Cup with better service. 二、句子翻译 1.这个暑假你打算做什么? 2.我已经决定读一些书并游览一些名胜古迹。 3.养成一个良好的阅读习惯对我们来说很重要。 4.旅游被认为是放松的最好方式之一。 5.阅读和旅游能给我们打开一个全新的世界。 6.我们一到学校就会交作业。 7.制作风筝对你来说容易吗? 8.你最好不要在公园里采花。 9.我想知道你是怎样和汤姆保持联系的。 10.上周这家博物馆的一些艺术品被偷了。

五年级英语 按要求完成句子

五年级英语期末复习题 二、按要求完成下列各题。 1.This is our library. (否定句) 2. He often shows me ar偶年d the park. (一般疑问句) 3. We borrow books from the library. (否定句) 4. Ni才e to meet you. (同义句) 5. our / this / lab /science / is /. (连词成句) 6. We have four English lessons in a w饿ek. (一般疑问句) 7. I like English very much. (一般疑问句) 10. We have two science lessons in a week. (对划线部分提问) 11. well / Tom / very / speaks / English / . (连词成句) 12. we / it / all /like /. (连词成句) 13. our / this / club / music / is / . (连词成句) 14. We often have English lessons in the languange lab. (一般疑问句) 15. This is our meeting room. (否定句) 16. We have two music lessons in a week. (对划线部分提问) 17. well / Kate / very / speaks / English/ .(连词成句)

18. We can have a meeting here. (一般疑问句) 19. The book is ten yuan. (对划线部分提问) 20. I want the red bike. (对划线部分提问) 21. Can I help you? (同义句) 22. The sweater is 100 yuan. (对划线部分提问) 23. I Can have a mot哦r bike. (一般疑问句) 24. please / me / show / skirt / would / a / you /? (连词成句) 25. She lik饿s he basketball game. (否定句) 三、按要求完成下列各题。 1. Play on the street. (否定句) 2. Don’他ride to school. (肯定句) 3. school / are / to / riding / they / their / . (连词成句) 4. I should clean my bedroom. (一般疑问句) 5. We mustn’t do housework now. (肯定句) 6. The little boy can take care of himself. (同义句) 7. bird / is / as / she / little / as / happy / a. (连词成句) 8. Get up at seven in the morning. (否定句)


仁爱版英语七年级上册完成句子专练 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

完成句子综合练习1.欢迎来到中国。 _____________________ ______________ China. 2. 很高兴见到你。_______________ to ________________________ you. 3. 你好。 ______________ do you __________________. 4. 他来自加拿大。 He _______________ ________________ Canada. 5.你叫什么名字________________ your _________________________ 6. 7.打扰了,你的电话号码是多少?_______ ______, what’s your _________ _______ 8. 7、这是一个橘子吗是的。--- ________ __________ an orange --- Yes, _________ __________. 8、那是一辆小汽车吗不,不是。 --- _________ __________ a car --- No, _________ __________. 9、这些是什么他们是钢笔。 --- What _________ __________ --- ________ _______ pens. 10、那些是书吗不,不是。 --- Are __________ book --- No, ________ ___________. 11、Sally多大了 ___________ ______________ is Sally 12、这些用英语怎么说 What are these __________ ______________ 13、我们是好朋友。 We are _____________ _____________. 14、你在哪个班 ____________ _____________ are you ____________


八年级英语上册完成句子专练 Unit 1 Topic 1 1.我们打算去打篮球。 We _______ _______ _______ to play basketball. 2.我希望你能来为我们加油。 I hope you will come to ______ ______ ______. 3.在周日我们和三班将有一场篮球赛 ______ ______ ______ ______ ________a basketball game against Class Three on 4.和游泳相比我更喜欢滑冰。I ______ skating ______ swimming. 5我将会加入学校的足球队。 I ______ ______ the school football team. 6.你长大了将干什么? What is she going to be when she _____ ______? 7.他每天花半个小时在体育馆锻炼。 She ______ half an hour _______ in the gym every day. 8.篮球全世界流行。 Basketball is popular ______ _____ the world. 9.每天跑步是一种保持健康的好方式。 Running every day is a good way _____ _____ ______. 10他昨天和他的队友抵达了北京。 He ______ _____Beijing with his teammates yesterday. 11.如果明天下雨,我们将不去博物馆。 If it rains, we _______ ________ to the museum tomorrow. Topic 2 1.请你教我,好吗?Would you mind ______ ______ ? 2.你介意我开窗吗? Would you mind ______ ______ the window? 3..请你不要乱扔瓶子,好吗? Could you please not _______bottles _______. 4.康康,向Michael 道个歉怎样? Kangkang, what about ______ ______ _______ Michael. 5.我对我说的话感到很抱歉。 I ______ ______ _______what I said. 6.你们一定会玩得很开心。 You ______ ______ ______have more fun. 7.篮球是世界上最流行的运动之一。 Basketball is ______ ______ the most popular _______ around the world. 8.糟糕的天气可能会阻碍我们打篮球。 The bad weather may _______ us ______ ______ basketball. 9.我将参加学校的跳远和跳高。(三种表达) I'll ______ ______ the long jump and the high jump. (be) I'll ______ ______ the long jump and the high jump. (join) I'll ______ ______ ______ the long jump and the high jump. (take) 10.这是我第一次去北京。It's ______ ______ ______to go to Beijing.


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation. 1.The shop is in the ______(centre)part of the city. 2.I’d like to do something s_____ for you on your birthday. 3.--How was your summer vacation? ----It was __________(wonder) 4.Can you t_____pepper in the pudding? 5.This boy is e_______ in speaking and writing. 6.My mother works in Shanghai m_____ of the time. 7.I bought nothing for _____(I). 8.In my spare time ,I like to keep ______(dairy). 9.I didn’t go ________(somewhere)last weekend. 10.James,help _______(you ) to some salad.It’s just behind you . 11.There stands a house at the _____(顶部) of the hill. 12.There are many ______buildings in our city. 13.T____ your best to learn English.I’m sure you can learn it well. 14.There are many t_____ in the trade center. 15.I ______(想知道)where you went for vacation. 16.I heard a noise from the room b______. 17.What ________(活动)do you have in your school. 18.Do you feel like _______(take) a walk in the park. 19.It is not a___ good as you think. 20.Is there anything you _______(不喜欢)? Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 1.What is your favorite TV p_______? 2.Most teenagers like surfing the I_______. 3.The girl goes to the beach o_____ a month. 4.I watch TV t_____ a week. 5.The foods are expensive in that supermarket,so I n____ buy things there. 6.He often works late at night,so he h______ever goes to bed early.


中考英语高频完成句子专练 完成句子练习一 as soon as… (not) as/so…as… as… as possible/one can ask sb. for sth ask / tell sb (how) to do sth. ask / tell sb (not) to do sth. 1、昨天他一写完作业就去游泳了。 He went swimming __________________he finished his homework yesterday. 2、我妈妈总是叫我一放学就回家。 My mother is always telling me to go home___________________________. 3、我爸爸一到上海就去参观东方明珠。 My father will visit Oriental Pearl TV Tower ______________________________Shanghai. 4、我会尽快去看我妈妈的。 I will go to see my mother_______________________ . 5、昨天他尽早地洗完了衣服。 Yesterday, he finished doing the washing ______________ . 6、她会尽可能认真写作业的。 She will do her homework __________________________________. 7、你要尽可能努力地学习英语。 You should study English ___________________________________. 8、如果你有问题,请向警察求助。 If you have any questions, please _____the police_______________. 9、请不要再向你父母要钱了。 Please don’t _______your parents _____________. 10、如果你有问题,请向我求助。 If you have any questions, please___________________. 11、我可以向他要一本英语书吗? Can I __________________________English book? 12、她妈妈问她怎样玩游戏。 Her mother ______her___________________________. 13、他刚才问我怎样植树了。 He _______________________________trees just now. 14.你能告诉我如何与同学相处吗? Can you tell me ___________my classmates? 15、请你告诉我怎样学好英语,好吗? Could you please________________________________? 16. 妈妈要求我每天吃早饭。 Mother _____me _______________________every day. 17. 老师让我们坚持每天早晨大声朗读英语。 The teacher _____________________reading English aloud every morning. 18. 老师让我帮助Jim学功课 The teacher ______________________________ Jim with_his lessons. 19、我妹妹和我跑的一样快。


小学英语按要求写句子做题技巧 姓名:班级: 按要求写句子,一般可以分为以下几种类型: 一、对划线部分提问 二、改成一般疑问句 三、作肯定或否定回答 四、改成否定句 五、连词成句 对于以上的不同分类的题型,有不同的方法。 一、对划线部分提问做题方法: 1.划线部分用一个疑问词替代 疑问词: what 什么 where 哪里 when 什么时候 who 谁 whose 谁的 why 为什么 which 哪一个 how 怎样 疑问词词组: what colour 什么颜色 what time 什么时间(具体几点)what day 几号 how old 多少岁 how tall 多高 how heavy 多重 how long 多长 how big 体积多大 how many 数量多少 how much 价格多少 2.剩下部分变为一般疑问句(改为一般疑问句参考第二条做题方法) 练习: 1. The tiger is 88kg. 2.I can see five birds in the tree.

3. He is going to the bookstore next Sunday. 4. My mother stayed at home last weekend. 5. Mike is drawing pictures. 二、改成一般疑问句 1.找be动词,把be动词放在句首,其他照抄。 2.找情态动词,把情态动词(can、should、could、must、may…)放在句首,其他照抄。 3.以上情况都没有,在主语前面加一个助动词(do、does、did),其他照抄。 (注:提问I用you回答,提问my用your回答,some改用any) 练习: 1.She wants to go to the supermarket. 2.The keys are in the door. 3. Tom did housework last night. 4. You should see a doctor this morning. 5. There are some children in the classroom. 三、作肯定或否定回答 1.用什么提问用什么回答。 2.前后一致。


新目标七年级上册英语按要求完成句子专项训练及答案 Part1 61. Where is my __________ (钥匙)?I can't find it . 62. The two boys are my cousins .They are my uncle's ______________(儿子). 63.This term ____________ (结束)in January .Then the Spring Festival is coming . 64. I like _______________ [ gri:n ] . It's my favorite color . 65. Today is ______________[′wenzde?] . Are you free today ? 66. Alice has breakfast at 7:00 at home ________Monday_________ Friday(从...... 到......). 67. I want to buy _______________(两双) black socks . 68. Let's ______________ (考虑)the school trip . We need some help . 69. You can ___________the teacher_____________(向......要)the dictionary . 70. I think you can _____________________ (过得愉快)at the English party . Part2 73.Jenny can play the piano very well. (改为一般疑问句) Jenny the piano very well? 74. How is the weather? (同义句转换) _______ is the weather _______? 75. lot of students are running in the rain. (变否定句) A lot of students in the rain. 76.It takes me about 25 minutes to get to the shop by bus. (对画线部分提问) does it take you to get the shop by bus? 77.不要和你的同学打架。(完成译句) Don’t _______ _______your classmates. Part3 1. 这个黑色的钢笔是我的。 The black _______ is _________. 2. 我的书在图书馆里。


人教版八年级英语上册完成句子专项练习 1、—你去哪里度假了?—我去青岛海滩。 —__________ __________ you go on vacation ? —I went to Qing Dao Beach . 2、詹妮喜欢看书,昨晚好看了一本英语书。 Jenny likes __________ __________. She read an English book last night . 3、不少学生正在教室忙着做作业。 __________ a __________ students are busy doing their homework in the classroom . 4、你还想去某个有趣的地方吗? Do you want to go __________ __________? 5、上周末他们没去看望姑姑。 They __________ __________ their aunt last weekend . 6、杰克今天早上看上去似乎很焦虑。 It __________ __________ Jack was worried this morning . 7、昨天晚上人人都玩得很快乐吗? Did everyone __________ a __________ time last night ? 8、为什么不为你自己买点东西呢? __________ __________ you buy anything for yourself ? 9、你家的每个人都和你一起去了吗? __________ __________ in your family go with you ? 10、去年爸爸给我买了辆新自行车。 My father __________ a new bike __________ me last year . 11、因为糟糕的天气,我们没能去公园。 __________ __________ the bad weather , we didn’t go to the zoo . 12、昨天天气凉爽,所以我们决定去长城。 Yesterday the weather was cool , so we __________ __________ go to the Great Wall . 13、他没有足够的钱乘计程车,因此他步行回了家。 He didn’t have __________ money to take a taxi , so he __________ home . 14、昨天我们没有带雨伞,因此又湿又冷。 We __________ __________ an umbrella , so we were cold and wet . 15、我感觉自己像一只小鸟。 I __________ __________ I was a bird . 第二单元 1、汤姆经常使用网络。 Tom often __________ the __________ . 2、他每周看一次电影。 He __________ __________ see movies once a week . 3、你现在学什么种类的舞蹈? __________ __________ of dance are you learning ? 4、他每月看四次电视。 He watches TV __________ __________ a month . 5、下周我(时间)安排得十分满。


中考高频完成句子110题附答案及提示 完成句子练习一 as soon as … (not) as/so …as - -as … as possible ask sb. for sth ask / tell sb (how) to do sth. 1、昨天他一写完作业就去游泳了。 He went swim ming _________________ h e fini shed his homework yesterday. 2、我一到家就给你打电话。 I will call you ? ________________ I get home_. 3、我和她一样忙。I am _________________________ she is. 4、Lucy 不女口Lily 漂亮。ucy is not ___________ Lily. 5、我会尽快去看我妈妈的。I will go to see my mother ______________________ 6、昨天他尽早地洗完了衣服。 Yesterday, he fini shed doing the wash ing ____________ . 7、如果你有问题,请向警察求助。 If you have any questi ons, please ____ the police ___ __________ ___ . &请不要再向你父母要钱了。 Please don ' t ________ your parents ____________ . 9、她妈妈问她怎样玩游戏。 Her mother ______ h er ___________________________ -. 10、请你告诉我怎样解出这道题,好吗? Could you please ___________ how to solve this problem? 11、我妈妈总是叫我一放学就回家。 My mother is always telli ng me to go home ___________ . 12、我爸爸一到上海就去参观东方明珠。 My father will visit Orien tal Pearl TV Tower _________________ Sha nghai. 13、我妹妹和我跑的一样快。 My sister runs ______________ me. 14、Lucy不如Tom到校早。 Lucy doesn ' t get to school _______________________ . 15、她会尽可能认真写作业的。 She will do her homework ______________________ . 16、你要尽可能努力地学习英语。 You should study En glish ______________________ . 17、如果你有问题,请向我求助。 If you have any questi ons, please __________________ . 18、我可以向他要一本英语书吗? Can I _________________________ E n lish book ? 19、他刚才问我怎样植树了。 He ______________________________ t rees just now. 20、请你告诉我怎样学好英语,好吗?


按要求完成句子: 1. What’s the matter with you?(同义句转化) ______ _____ with you? 2. Ben is leaving for the mountain this morning.(变为一般疑问句) ___ Ben ____ for the mountain this morning? 3. He has to look after his mother at home.(变为一般疑问句) ____ he ____ to look after his mother at home? 4. Her name is Lucy Green.(对划线部分提问) 5. I am Lucy.(同义句) 6. This is a book.(改为复数句) 7. That is my parent.(改为复数句) 8. Yes, it is.(改为复数句) 9. What’s this?(改为复数句) 10. That’s my sister.(对划线部分提问) 11. Are they your brothers?(做否定回答) 12. That’ s his cousin.(改为复数句) 13. This is my mother and this is my father.(写出同义句) 14. This is Li Ming’s ___ _____(家谱) 15. Look! This is my ___ _____(全家福) 16. 这是他的父母吗? 17. 这些是你的照片吗? 18. 我的父母是医生。 19. This is a notebook.(改为复数句) 20. That is a dictionary.(改为复数句) 21. It is an orange.(改为复数句) 22. He is a teacher.(改为复数句) 23. She is a student.(改为复数句) 24. My English teacher is 25.(划线提问) 25. This is an eraser.(划线提问) 26. This is her family photo.(变为一般疑问句) 27. Tom is Mr Green’s son.(改为同义句) 28. Those are my friends.(划线提问) 29. They are orange backpacks.(改为单数句) 30. 这些是你的兄弟吗? 31. 照片里的那些女人是谁? 32. 这里有两本书。


1. 主+系+表 2. 主+情动+动原 3. welcome (sb.) to +地点欢迎到… 4. be from =come from 来自… 5. there be 句型某地有某物 6. in front of / behind / next to 7. have got 有8. thank you for sth. / doing sth.因为…而谢谢你 9. be bad for / be good for 对…有害/有益10. Would you like to do sth. 你愿意做某事吗? 11. Let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 二、练习巩固: (完成下列各句) 1. 李明和我是好朋友。Li Ming and I ________________________________________. 2. 玲玲是我的好朋友。她十二岁。 Lingling ___________________________. She ____________________________. 3. 我不是学生。我是教师。_________________ a student. I am a teacher. 4. 她叫王辉。我们是好朋友。_________________ Wang Hui. We __________ friends. 5. 那个男孩是大明吗?_______________________________________ Daming? 6. 我会说英语,但我不会说汉语。 I ____________________, but I __________________________. 7. --你会弹钢琴吗?--不,我不会。--____ you ____________? --No, ______________. 8. 托尼会骑马,但他不会骑自行车。Tony _________________, but he _______________. 9. 你父亲是一位音乐教师。他会唱歌。Your father is a music teacher. _____________ sing. 10. --她会说英语吗?--是的,她会。--______________ English? --Yes, __________. 11. 欢迎你来到我们的学校。_______________________________ our school. 12. 王东来自于上海。Wang Dong __________________ Shanghai. 13. 凯特来自于英国。他是英国人。Kate _____________ England. She ______________. 14. 我们班有23名同学。______________ 23 students in our class. 15. 冰箱里没有肉了。_________________ meat in the fridge. 16. --教室里有一些学生吗?--不,没有。 --______________ students in the classroom? --No, _____________. 17. --你们家有多少口人?--我们家有四口人。 --________________________ in your family. --__________________. 18. --房子前面有一条河吗?--是的,有一条。 --________________________ the house. –Yes, ____________. 19. 科学实验室在图书馆的前面。The science lab _________________ the library. 20. 餐厅在科学实验室的旁边。The dining hall _________________ the science lab. 21. 我的父亲有一个哥哥和一个妹妹。______________________________ a brother and a sister. 22. 我没有姐妹但有一个哥哥。_______________ any sisters but ____________ a brother. 23. --你有兄弟吗?--不,我没有。--____________ any brothers? --No, I _________. 24. 托尼有一个大家庭。Tony _______________________________________ family. 25. 海伦没有兄弟,她有一个姐姐。Helen ___________ any brothers. She ________ a sister. 26 谢谢你的邮件。Thank you for __________________. 27. 谢谢你在英语方面帮助我。Thank you ________________________________ my English. 28 汉堡和糖果不是健康食品。他们不是健康食品。 Hamburgers and candy _______________ food. They _________________ our health. 29. --你愿意和我一起去看电影吗?--好主意。--_____________________ me? --_______________ 30.—我们星期六去打篮球吧。--我很想去,但我很忙。 --______________________ on Saturday. –I’d love to, but I’m very busy.


姓名_________ 分数____________ 1.来吧,孩子们!该吃午饭了。 Come on, children. ___________________to have lunch. 2. 六点钟了,该吃晚饭了。 It’s six o’clock _______________________ supper. 3. 莉莉,七点了,该起床了。 It’s seven o’clock, . 4. 她遇到了很大的麻烦。让我们帮助她吧。 She is now in great trouble __________________________. 5. 都来了,咱们开会吧。 Everyone is here __________________________ a meeting. 6. 奥运会快来了。让我们为它做点什么吧! The Olympics are coming. ___________________ something for them. 7. 博物馆很近,为什么不走着去呢? The museum is quite near. ___________________________? 8. 干嘛不给他买本英文字典?他太需要了。 ________________ him an English dictionary? He is in great need of it. 9. 今天天气很热, 为什么不和我们一起去游泳呢? It's very hot today. __________________ swimming with us? 10. 我今天没有时间去看望他们。明天怎么样? I have no time to see them today _____________________? 姓名_________ 分数____________ 11. 明天是星期天,去参观“鸟巢”怎么样? Tomorrow is Sunday. _____________visiting the Bird Nest? 12. 我觉得数学和物理一样有趣。 I think math is _______________________ physics. 13.聚会一小时以后开始,孩子们正忙着打扫教室。 The party will begin in an hour. The children __________the classroom. 14.他正忙于备战中考。 He __________________the Senior High School Entrance Examination. 15.我国体育健儿正忙于准备2008年北京奥运会. The Chinese players __________________the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. 16. 我一到那儿就把这个MP4给他。 I’ll give him this MP4______________________I get there. 17. 你一到上海就给我打个电话好吗? Will you please call me_____________ you get to Shanghai? 18. 我很高兴他昨天一到那里就给我打电话了。 I’m glad that he called me up ______________ he got there yesterday. 19. 这架照相机太旧,不能用了。

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