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英文成绩单 - 自动化

英文成绩单 - 自动化


Certificate Number:2015——0623

Note:The results of examinations are given in hundred-mark system, the results of text are given in five ratings: A=90~100,B=80~89,C=70~79,D=60~69,E<60. Department check(signature/seal)Teaching Affairs check(seal)23,Jun,2015


自动化专业英文自我介绍 General Introduction* I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. Education background In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester, and my overall GPA(89.5/100) ranked No.1 among 113 students. In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test. I selected the Shanghai Jiao Tong University to continue my study for its best reputation on Combinatorial Optimization and Network Scheduling where my research interest lies. At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis. Research experience and academic activity


史上最全的英语缩写大全 任何语言都有它独特的缩写,熟练掌握一些常用、地道的英文缩写会让你对英文的识别力更敏锐,让你在听别人讲话或自己进行口头表达时更方便、更容易。 今天的内容分为两部分: 口语缩写+书面缩写 你在英文中能见到的比较常用且实用的缩写,基本都包括了。 【一】常见的口语缩写 在口语中我们经常碰到一些缩写,诸如wanna, gonna 之类,那么他们到底是怎么来的呢? 又是什么意思呢? 1.wanna (= want to) 【美国口语】 wanna 是"want to" 的缩写,意为“想要”“希望” eg: Wanna grab a drink tonight? 今晚喝一杯如何? wanna的使用范围极广,从日常口语到歌曲名称都有它的影子,有一首传唱度很高的歌想必大家都听过,歌名就是"B What U Wanna B" 2.gonna(= going to)

gonna 是"going to" 的缩写,用在将来时中,一般与be 动词连用成“be gonna”结构,但在口语中也有省略be 的情况出现。【美国口语】 eg: Who's gonna believe you? 谁会信你呢? 3.kinda (= kind of) kinda 是"kind of"的缩写,意为“有点”“有几分” eg: I'm kinda freaking out! 我快疯了! 4.sorta (=sort of)【美国口语】 sorta 是"sort of" 的缩写,意为“有几分”“可以说是” eg: I'm sorta excited. 我有点小兴奋! 5.gotta (=got to)【美国口语】 gotta是"got to"的缩写,意为“不得不”“必须”


电力系统 power system 发电机 generator 励磁 excitation 励磁器 excitor 电压 voltage 电流 current 升压变压器 step-up transformer 母线 bus 变压器 transformer 空载损耗 no-load loss 铁损 iron loss 铜损 copper loss 空载电流 no-load current 有功损耗 active loss 无功损耗reactive loss 输电系统 power transmission system 高压侧 high side 输电线 transmission line 高压 high voltage 低压 low voltage 中压 middle voltage 功角稳定 angle stability 稳定 stability 电压稳定 voltage stability 暂态稳定 transient stability 电厂 power plant 能量输送 power transfer 交流 AC 直流 DC 电网 power system 落点 drop point 开关站 switch station 调节 regulation 高抗 high voltage shunt reactor 并列的 apposable 裕度 margin 故障 fault 三相故障 three phase fault 分接头 tap 切机 generator triping 高顶值 high limited value 静态 static (state) 动态 dynamic (state) 机端电压控制 AVR 电抗 reactance 电阻 resistance 功角 power angle 有功(功率) active power 电容器 Capacitor 电抗器 Reactor 断路器 Breaker 电动机 motor 功率因数 power-factor 定子 stator 阻抗 impedance 功角 power-angle 电压等级 voltage grade 有功负载: active load PLoad 无功负载 reactive load 档位 tap position 电阻 resistor 电抗 reactance 电导 conductance 电纳 susceptance 上限 upper limit 下限 lower limit 正序阻抗 positive sequence impedance 负序阻抗 negative sequence impedance 零序阻抗 zero sequence impedance 无功(功率) reactive power 功率因数 power factor 无功电流 reactive current 斜率 slope 额定 rating 变比 ratio 参考值 reference value 电压互感器 PT 分接头 tap 仿真分析 simulation analysis 下降率 droop rate 传递函数 transfer function


路飞(Monkey.D.Ruffy) political:communist Birthdate:1987-5-5 Address:Roomxxx,No.xx building,west block,Guangdong University of Technology, Higher Education Mega Center,Guangzhou Postalcode:510006 Mobile:xxxxxxxxxx E-mail:xxxxxx1@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/344383376.html, Objective Education 2006.9-2010.7 Guangdong University of Technology Major: Automation Engineering Degree: Bachelor Specialized courses:Automatic Control Theory;Theory of Circuitry;Signal& Linear System; Principle of Microcomputer; C Language; Analogical Electronics; Digital Electronics; Pro- cedure Control and Auro-Measurement Technique ; Principle of Single-Chip Computer; Power Electronics Technology; Computer Control Technology; Electric Drive Control System; Electrical and Programmable Logic Controller Applied Technology(PLC);Motor Theory and Drive;Power Supply and Distribution Technology;Datebase(SQL) and so on. Personal expertise ?Master automatic control,computer control and process control,power technology; ?Skilled in the use of PLC ,SCM,C,assembler,matlab; ?Good use of Protel ,CAD,Photoshop,Word ,powerpoint and Excel; ?Master motor control,power electronics technology;good understanding of mechanical design principles,and mechanical analysis; ?Good rational thinking ability,Optimistic attitude towards life,adaptable;with good team spirit;responsible and honest;have a harmonious interpersonal relations with others. ?Language ability:Passed CET-4 446;Master automation professional English. Project Experience And Activities ?Two week of 2009/ 5 Temperature Control System Design Project Description: Design circuits, write procedures and control the temperature of Furnace at the required temperature which allow 1 to 2 C o error with SCM;This system must has the ability of refecting disturbance. ?2008/4 Attending Physics experiment Skills Competition of GDUT Project Description:I participate in the oscilloscope Group in this competition; The main requirement of the competition is to master the operation of oscilloscope and abilities to cope with some unexpected problems 2008.6-2009.6 Guangzhou ZhouHong Educational and Cultural Development Co., Ltd. Responsibilities: Part-time;The main task is making the courseware with PPT. Hobbies Reading,singing,outdoor activities,football,basketball,watching football games fishing and so on.


经济股市常用英文缩写大全 学习啦小编为大家整理了经济股市常用英文缩写大全,一起来学习吧! CRB是期货价格指数,反映期货价格的高低。路透商品研究局指数(CRB)是最早创立的商品指数,诞生于1957年,最早由28种商品组成,其中26种在美国和加拿大上市。1986年该指数在纽约商品交易所开始交易(现已并入到NYBOT)。路透社拥有该商品指数的所有权。CRB指数以一揽子的商品价格为组成成分,在此基础上计算而得到的商品指数,反映的是美国商品价格的总体波动,能使机构和个人投资者利用指数交易而获得商品价格综合变动带来的获利机会。CRB指数原来赋予了各构成商品同等权重,因此某一商品价格的反向变动不会导致CRB指数值出现异常巨大的变动。同时,在计算指数值时,CRB指数利用了合约延期和几何平均技术,这对指数价格的波动起到了平抑作用,从而创造了相对平滑的价格走势。ECI是就业成本指数。它是在受薪就业时对在美国所有州及255个地区超过500个行业所提供的工作数量的量度,就业估计是基于大企业的市场调整。而且把在国内企业及政府里全职或兼职的受薪员工数目计算起来。它反映的是就业的难易及其条件的好坏。CBD的全称是Central Business District,我国现有三种译法:中央商务区、商务中心

区或中央商业区,其概念最早产生于1923年的美国,当时定义为'商业会聚之处'。随后,CBD的内容不断发展丰富,成为一个城市、一个区域乃至一个国家的经济发展中枢。一般而言,CBD应该具备以下要素特征:它是城市的功能核心,城市的经济、科技、文化、商业等高度集中;它交通便利,人流、车流、物流巨大;它白天人口密度最高,昼夜间人口数量变化最大;它位于城市的黄金地带,地价最高;它高楼林立,土地利用率最高。NASDAQ,纳斯达克是英文缩写“NASDAQ”的音译名,全称是美国“全国证券交易商协会自动报价系统”。它建于1971年,是世界上第一个电子化证券市场。纳斯达克的发展与美国高技术产业的成长是相辅相成的,被奉为“美国新经济的摇篮”。股市中N、XD、XR、DR、G分别表示什么解释如下:当股票名称前出现了N字,表示这只股是当日新上市的股票,字母N是英语New(新)的缩写。看到带有N字头的股票时,投资者除了知道它是新股,还应认识到这只股票的股价当日在市场上是不受涨跌幅限 制的,涨幅可以高于10%,跌幅也可深于10%。这样就较容易控制风险和把握投资机会。当股票名称前出现XD 字样时,表示当日是这只股票的除息日,XD是英语Exclud(除去)Dividend(利息)的简写。在除息日的当天,股价的基准价比前一个交易日的收盘价要低,因为从中扣除了利息这一部分的差价。当股票名称前出现XR的字样时,表明当日


热工自动化常用英文缩写词 ABC Automatic boiler control 锅炉自动控制 ACC Automatic combustion control 燃烧自动控制 ACS Automatic control system 自动控制系统 A/D Analog /digital(conversion)模 /数(转换)AEH Analog electro- 模拟式电液调节 AGC Automatic generation control 自动发电量控制 A/M Automatic/manful 自动 / 手动 APC Automatic plant control 电厂自动控制 ARP Auxiliary relay panel 辅助继电器盘 ATC Automatic turbine startup or shutdown control s BF Boiler follow 锅炉跟踪 AC Alternating current 交流(电)ACP Auxiliary control panel 辅助控制盘 ACT actuator 执行机构 ADP Annunciation display panel 报警显示板 AFC Air flow co ntrol ' 送风控制 AI Analog input 模拟量输入 AO Analog output 模拟量输入 ASS Automatic synchronized system 自动同期系统 BCS Burner control system 燃烧器控制系 统汽轮机自启停系统 BFC Boiler fuel control 锅炉燃料控制 BPS By-pass control system 旁路控制系统CCR Central control room 单元(中央)控制室BTG Boiler turbine generator(panel)锅炉、汽轮机、发电机(控制盘) CHS Coal handing system 输煤控制系统CJC Cold junction compensator 冷端补偿器CPU Central processing unit 中央处理器CRT Cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管屏幕显示器 D/A Digital/analog(conversion)数/模(转换)DC Direct current 直流(电)DAS Data acquisition system 计算机监视系统或数据采集系统 DDC Direct digital control 直接数字控制 DCE Data circuit-terminating equipment 数据电路终端设备DMP Damper 挡板、风门 DCS Distributed control system 分散控制系统DDP Distributed data processing 分散数据处理 DEH Digital electro-hydraulic control system 数字式电液控制系统DI Digital input 数字量输入DO Digital output 数字量输出DSB Distributed switch-board 配电盘DTE Data terminal equipment 数据中端设备 EEPROM Electrically-erasable programmable read only memory 电可擦写只读存储器 E/P Electro/pneumatic(converter)电 /气(转换器)ES Expert system 专家系统EPROM Electrically programmable read only memory 电可编程只读存储器 ETS Emergency trip system 紧急停机系统EWS Engineer wok station 工程师工作站FA Full arc 全周进汽FSSS Furnace safeguard supervisory system 锅炉炉膛安全监控系统 FB Field bus 现场总线 FDC Furnace draft control 炉膛压力控制 GV Governor valve 调节阀门 I&C Instrumentation &control I/O Input/output 输入 /输出 KB Keyboard 键盘 LCD Liquid-crystal display 液晶显示器 LS Limit switch 限位开关 M/A Manual/automatic 手动 /自动 MCC Motor control center 电动机控制中心 MCS Modulating control system 模拟量控制系统MEH (BFTP)micro-electro-hydraulic control system MHC Mechanical hydraulic control 机械液压式控制MIS Management information system 管理信息系统FCB Fast cut back (机组)快速甩负荷 FSS Furnace safety system 炉膛安全系统 HBP High-pressure by-pass valve 高压旁路仪表与控制 INT Interlock 连锁 IDP Integrated data processing 集 中数据处理 LBP Low-pressure by-pass valve 低压旁 路 LED Light emitting diode 发光二极管 LS Level switch 液位开关 MAX Maximum 最大值 MCR Maximum continuous rating 最大连续运行负荷 MFT Master fuel trip 总燃料跳闸锅炉给水泵汽轮机)电液控制系统 MIN Minimum 最小值 NC Normally Closed 常闭 NO Normally open 常开 MTBF Mean time between failures 平均无故障工作时间


课程编号:070305 Code: 070305 课程名称:单片机及应用 Name: Principle and Application of Single Chip Microcomputer (SCM) 学时:44讲授学时,12实验学时 Hours : hrs lecture, hrs lab 学分:3 Credit: ` 课程简介:本课程介绍MCS-51单片机的功能结构、工作原理、指令系统、编程技术、接口技术和实际应用。通过该课程的学习,使学生初步具备简单的单片机应用系统的设计开发能力。 Brief introduction: This course shows the introductions to functional structure, principle, instructions, assemble language programming, interface and application of MCS-51single chip microcomputer. By the study of this course, the students can get the design and development ability of simple SCM application system. 课程编号:070306 Code : 070306 课程名称:计算机原理 Name: Principle of Microcomputer 学时:72讲授学时,16实验学时 , Hours : hrs lecture, hrs lab 学分:4 Credit: 课程简介:本课程是计算机科学技术专业的一门专业基础课;该课程介绍主流微机的结构、指令及汇编语言程序设计和常用的接口电路。 Brief introduction: Principle of Microcomputer is a basic course of Computer Science and Technology; The course introduces the structure of


医院各个科室里常用的英文缩写的分类对照 medical department/departmentof internal medicine:内科 surgical deparment;department of surgery:外科 pediatricsdepartment: 小儿科 obstetricsand gynecology department: 妇产科 ophtalmology department:眼科 dental department:牙科 ENT(ear-nose-throat)department: 耳鼻喉科 urologydepartment:泌尿科 dermatologydepartment; skin department:皮肤科 department of general surgery普通外科 orthopedic surgery department:矫形外科 traumatology department:创伤外科 plastic surgery: 整形外科 anesthesiologydepartment: 麻醉科 pathologydepartment:病理科 cardiology department:心脏病科 psychiatry department:精神病科 orthopedics department: 骨科 departmentof cardiac surgery:心脏外科 department of cerebral surgery: 胸外科 neurology department: 神经科 neurosurgery department: 神经外科 thoracicsurgery department:脑外科 department of anus &intestine surgery 肛肠外科 department of hepatobiliary surgery 肝胆外科 department of traditionalChinese medicine:中医科 departmentofinfectiousdiseases 传染病科 geriatrics department: 老人病专科 hematology department: 血液科 department ofrheumatism风湿科 department of endocrinology 内分泌科 departmentof plasticsurgery 医学整形科 hepatologydepartment: 肝病专科 nephrologydepartment:肾脏科 department ofvenereology 性病专科 departmentof physiotherapy理疗科 electrotherapy room 电疗科 heliotherapy room 光疗科 wax-therapyroom蜡疗科


热工自动化常用英文缩写字母含义:交流电流电量单点隔离输入模件 :模/数转换 :自动/手动 :锅炉自动控制 : :交流电 燃烧自动控制: :美国政府工业卫生联合会 :确认/否认 :辅助控制盘 :自动控制系统(变频控制系统) :执行机构或探头测量集电极接线 :报警显示板 :自动调节系统(电网总调遥控) :遥控减 ;遥控允许 :遥控增 :先进控制系统 :送风指令控制偏差 :模拟式电液控制系统 :送风控制系统

:自动发电量控制(电网总调) :模拟量输入 :美国电气工程师协会 :报警一览 :实际负荷指令 : :报警 :查询历史报警模块 :报警一览模块 ;数值量 ,:逻辑主模块 :模拟量主模件 :电量计量和自动秒表功能 :配电网地理信息系统 :及电路制造逻辑乘积的电路,即输入方面有一个是0时,输出也是0。 :美国国家标准化协会 :模拟量处理板 :模拟量输出 :光学检查仪 :模拟量输出模件 :应用处理机(多功能交流电单点隔离输入模件)

:常用电 :标准数据交换方式 :交流电量同期管理模件:辅助继电器区 :辅助继电器盘 Ⅱ:美国标准信息交换码:同期减 :挂闸 :模拟量子模件 :美国机械工程学会 :美国非破坏性实验学会:同期允许 :电气同期 :自动同期系统 :向导 :停机保护 :主汽门跳机电磁阀 :美国材料实验学会 电磁阀:停机电磁阀 :同期增 :汽轮机自起停控制系统

:自动 :电子文档 :自动 :自动同步 :交流电压电量单点隔离输入模件 :电压和电流单点隔离输入模件 :自动励磁调节系统(发动机自动电压调节装置):美国焊接协会 B C;通讯控制卡或基本控制器 :带宽 : ;通讯卡(基本控制器) :二十进制码 :网络型站控制卡 :燃烧器控制系统 :锅炉负荷指令 :炉额定负荷 :单片微机控制器 :锅炉跟踪 :炉跟踪自动 :锅炉燃烧控制


提供专业的word版文档,优质的服务,希望对您有帮助/双击去除 自动化岗位面试求职英文自我介绍范文generalIntroduction* IamathirdyearmastermajorinautomationatshanghaiJiaoT onguniversity,p.r.china. educationbackground In1995,IenteredtheNanjinguniversityofscience&Techno logy(NusT)--widelyconsideredoneofthechina’sbestengineeringschools.Duringthefollowingundergrad uatestudy,myacademicrecordskeptdistinguishedamongth ewholedepartment.IwasgrantedFirstclassprizeeverysem ester,andmyoverallgpA(89.5/100)rankedNo.1among113st udents.In1999,Igottheprivilegetoenterthegraduatepro

gramwaivedoftheadmissiontest.IselectedtheshanghaiJi aoTonguniversitytocontinuemystudyforitsbestreputati ononcombinatorialoptimizationandNetworkschedulingwh eremyresearchinterestlies. Attheperiodofmygraduatestudy,myoverallgpA(3.77/4.0) rankedtop5%inthedepartment.Inthesecondsemester,Ibec ameteacherassistantthatisgiventotalentedandmatureds tudentsonly.Thisyear,IwontheAcerscholarshipastheone andonlycandidateinmydepartment,whichistheultimateac coladefordistinguishedstudentsendowedbymyuniversity .presently,Iampreparingmygraduationthesisandtryingf orthehonorofexcellentgraduationThesis. researchexperienceandacademicactivity whenasophomore,IjoinedtheAssociationofAIenthusiasta ndbegantonarrowdownmyinterestformyfutureresearch.In 1997,Iparticipatedinsimulationtooldevelopmentforthe schedulingsysteminprof.wang’


企业各职位英文缩写: GM(General Manager)总经理 VP(Vice President)副总裁 FVP(First Vice President)第一副总裁 AVP(Assistant Vice President)副总裁助理 CEO(Chief Executive Officer)首席执行官,类似总经理、总裁,是企业的法人代表。 COO(Chief Operations Officer)首席运营官,类似常务总经理 CFO(Chief Financial Officer)首席财务官,类似财务总经理 CIO(Chief Information Officer)首席信息官,主管企业信息的收集和发布 CTO(Chief technology officer)首席技术官类似总工程师 HRD(Human Resource Director)人力资源总监 OD(Operations Director)运营总监 MD(Marketing Director)市场总监 OM(Operations Manager)运作经理 PM(Production Manager)生产经理 (Product Manager)产品经理 其他: CAO: Art 艺术总监 CBO: Business 商务总监 CCO: Content 内容总监 CDO: Development 开发总监 CGO: Gonverment 政府关系 CHO: Human resource 人事总监 CJO: Jet 把营运指标都加一个或多个零使公司市值像火箭般上升的人 CKO: Knowledge 知识总监 CLO: Labour 工会主席 CMO: Marketing 市场总监 CNO: Negotiation 首席谈判代表CPO: Public relation 公关总监 CQO: Quality control 质控总监 CRO: Research 研究总监 CSO: Sales 销售总监 CUO: User 客户总监 CVO: Valuation 评估总监 CWO: Women 妇联主席 CXO: 什么都可以管的不管部部长 CYO: Yes 什么都点头的老好人 CZO: 现在排最后,等待接班的太子 常用聊天英语缩写


电力系统power system 发电机generator 励磁excitation 励磁器excitor 电压voltage 电流current 升压变压器step-up transformer 母线bus 变压器transformer 空载损耗no-load loss 铁损iron loss 铜损copper loss 空载电流no-load current 有功损耗active loss 无功损耗reactive loss 输电系统power transmission system 高压侧high side 输电线transmission line 高压high voltage 低压low voltage 中压middle voltage 功角稳定angle stability 稳定stability 电压稳定voltage stability 暂态稳定transient stability 电厂power plant 能量输送power transfer 交流AC 直流DC 电网power system 落点drop point 开关站switch station 调节regulation 高抗high voltage shunt reactor 并列的apposable 裕度margin 故障fault 三相故障three phase fault 分接头tap 切机generator triping 高顶值high limited value 静态static (state) 动态dynamic (state) 机端电压控制AVR 电抗reactance 电阻resistance 功角power angle 有功(功率)active power 电容器Capacitor 电抗器Reactor 断路器Breaker 电动机motor 功率因数power-factor 定子stator 阻抗impedance 功角power-angle 电压等级voltage grade 有功负载: active load PLoad 无功负载reactive load 档位tap position 电阻resistor 电抗reactance 电导conductance 电纳susceptance 上限upper limit 下限lower limit 正序阻抗positive sequence impedance 负序阻抗negative sequence impedance 零序阻抗zero sequence impedance 无功(功率)reactive power 功率因数power factor 无功电流reactive current 斜率slope 额定rating 变比ratio 参考值reference value 电压互感器PT 分接头tap 仿真分析simulation analysis 下降率droop rate 传递函数transfer function 框图block diagram 受端receive-side


The electrical engineering fastens of automation profession introduction Automating the professional development can be engaged in electrical engineering and it automates related realm to work of, special feature fresh clear compound type deluxe engineering technique talented person, particularly for pay attention to a student to obtain to know the development of ability and overall character of knowing. The professional graduate student adapts to ability strong, employment noodles breadth, employment rate Gao, the three years employment rate attains 100%.Graduate student mainly in the electric power system Research, design, production, experiment, construction, management, education etc. unit employment, be engaged in establishing of electric power system, power plant and related industrial realm electrical engineering to account, circulate, install , Adjust to try, research teaching, technique development, technocracy etc. unit employment. The electrical engineering and its automation profession introduces The antenna of electrical engineering and its automation stretches toward every trade, small greatly arrive the research of astronautics airplane to the design of a switch, all have its figure. The professional student can Be engaged in electrical engineering- related system to circulate, the automatic control, electric power electronics technique, information handle, experiment technique, develop development, economy management and electronics and calculator technique Apply the work of waiting the realm, is the breadth caliber"compound type" deluxe engineering technique talented person.The need of realm to level talented person of Gao is very big.According to the estimate, get into along with the foreign big business enterprise , Will appear very big indentation in this professional realm, may appear the phenomenon of talented person's supply falls short of demand very much at that time.A, profession synthesize to introduce electrical engineering and it automation the profession is electricity letter A newly arisen academics of interest realm, but because of with people's daily life with and industry produce closely related, develop very quickly, also opposite more mature now.Have already become Gao Xin The importance of the technique industry constitutes part, extensively is applied to realms, such as industry, agriculture and national defense...etc., develop a more and more important function in the national economy. Control a theory and electric power net reason The theory is an electrical engineering and automates professional foundation, the electric power electronics technique, calculator technique is also then its main technique means, included system analysis, system design and system at the same time Development and system management and decision etc. grind to investigate realm. The

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