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Abstract(三号Times New Roman、加粗、居中)

The purpose of this paper is to design an intelligence illumination controller which can save limited electric power. Currently the college classrooms and reading grooms and other indoor large area venues lighting energy wasted serious, So presents a new energy saving control method, which turn on/off the lamps according to the in—door light luminance and the number of pairs, realize lighting on demand to achieve energy efficiency.So ,in the term of economy profit and energy saving ,the system can resolve the issue of power usage in proper .Green lighting program in China can be realized really。It is worthy of researching. The principles of the number monitor using two-basic-type fever are explained in detail, Light / Frequency Converter TSL230BR Monitoring the principle of light, and the module design of the statistic analysis of the number going in and out of a classroom and the relay driving module have been accomplished. Measurement of the indoor illumination design, a number monitor module is designed to monitor the number of students in classroom. The use of optical frequency converters indoor illuminance measurements, the number of degrees with light transmission to the processing level, Energy-saving lighting control device by the sensor, signal processing circuit, controller, drive circuit and the implementation of institutions, Focusing on P2288-02 Type-based pyroelectric infrared sensor and light /Frequency Converter TSL230BR , the relay trigger circuit.(小四号Times New Roman、1.5倍行距)

Key words:(小四号Times New Roman、加粗)Light-to-frequency converters; Double element pyroelectric infrared sensor; Energy saving control device.小四号Times New Roman)


摘要(三号宋体、加粗、居中)......................................................................................I Abstract(三号Times New Roman、加粗、居中)..............................................................II 第一章绪论(一级标题,三号宋体、加粗、居中) . (1)

1.1 二级标题(四号宋体加粗,两端对齐) (1)

1.1.1 三级标题(小四号宋体加粗,两端对齐) (1)

第二章(一级标题,三号宋体、加粗、居中) (2)

2.1 二级标题(四号宋体加粗,两端对齐) (2)

2.1.1 三级标题(小四号宋体加粗,两端对齐) (2)

第三章(一级标题,三号宋体、加粗、居中) (3)

3.1 二级标题(四号宋体加粗,两端对齐) (3)

3.1.1 三级标题(小四号宋体加粗,两端对齐) (3)

第四章(一级标题,三号宋体、加粗、居中) (4)

4.1 二级标题(四号宋体加粗,两端对齐) (4)

4.1.1 三级标题(小四号宋体加粗,两端对齐) (4)

第五章(一级标题,三号宋体、加粗、居中) (5)

5.1 二级标题(四号宋体加粗,两端对齐) (5)

5.1.1 三级标题(小四号宋体加粗,两端对齐) (5)

致谢(一级标题,三号宋体、加粗、居中) (6)

参考文献(一级标题,三号宋体、加粗、居中) (7)

附录(一级标题,三号宋体、加粗、居中) (8)

第一章绪论(一级标题,三号宋体、加粗、居中)1.1 二级标题(四号宋体加粗,两端对齐)

1.1.1 三级标题(小四号宋体加粗,两端对齐)


图1.1系统总体框图(图每章统一编号,小四号楷体,居中)表1.1 TSL230BR管脚功能(表每章统一编号,小四号楷体,居中)

2.1 二级标题(四号宋体加粗,两端对齐)

2.1.1 三级标题(小四号宋体加粗,两端对齐)


3.1 二级标题(四号宋体加粗,两端对齐)

3.1.1 三级标题(小四号宋体加粗,两端对齐)


4.1 二级标题(四号宋体加粗,两端对齐)

4.1.1 三级标题(小四号宋体加粗,两端对齐)


5.1 二级标题(四号宋体加粗,两端对齐)

5.1.1 三级标题(小四号宋体加粗,两端对齐)




[1] 张志建.严复思想研究[M]. 桂林:广西师范大学出版社,1989.

[2] 马克思恩格斯全集:第1卷[M]. 北京:人民出版社,1956.

[3] [英]蔼理士.性心理学[M]. 潘光旦译注.北京:商务印书馆,1997. (小四号仿宋体、加粗、两端对齐)

