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当前位置:文档库 › 李阳疯狂英语1-60


1、How are you doing ,Jane? 你好吗?简
How is everything?一切都好吗?
How Is everything with you (going)?
How is the world aroud you?你周围的世界好吗?
How is life treating you?生活对你怎么样?
How have you been?你最近好吗?
How is your famliy?你的家人好吗?
How is your daughter doing ?你女儿好吗?

2、I’m really glad to see you! 能见到你真的很高兴
You did a good job 干的很好
I’m sorry I’m so late 对不起,我来晚了
I’m sorry I can’t help you 对不起,我不能帮助你
I’m sorry I can’t come对不起,我不能来
I’m sorry I overslept 对不起,我迟到了
I’m sorry I lost your book 对不起,把你的书丢了
I’m sorry I dialed the wrong number 对不起,我打错电话了
I’m sorry I took you for someone else 对不起,我认错人了
I’m sorry I forgot your name 对不起,我忘了你的名字了
That’s ok 没关系

Nice to meet you 默生人见面
It’s great(nice)to see you again 又见到你实在太好了
I’m so glad to see you again
3、Isn’t it a small world? 这个世界真小,不是吗?
Yes it is a small world?
Isn’t it a lovely place? 这个地方很好,不是吗?
Isn’t it a pleasant weather? 天气很好,不是吗?
Isn’t it a coincidence? 这是个巧合,不是吗?
Isn’t it an intreasting story?这个故事很有趣,不是吗?
Isn’t it a wonderful idea? 这是个好主意,不是吗?
Isn’t it a strange dream? 这个梦很怪,不是吗?
Isn’t it a silly question? 这不是一个愚蠢的问题吗?
Isn’t it a something?
Isn’t it a miracle? 这不是一个奇迹吗?
it’s really something 真了不起

4、How’s everything here?这里一切都好吗?
Everything is OK 一切都好
Everything is ready 一切都准备好了
Everything is going fine 一切都进行的很顺利
Thank you for everything 谢谢你为我做的一切
Do you live near here?你在这附近住吗?
Everything will be just fine 一切都会没有问题
You are everything to me 你是我的一切
Money is everything to him 钱是他的一切
Tell me everything about it 告诉我关于它的一切

5、You look so beautiful today! 你看上去真漂亮
You look nice/great/good
You look awesome 你看上去很害怕
You look like a million dollars!你看上去像一百万美元
How about a cup of coffee?来杯咖啡怎么样?(建议)
Let’s talk about America 让我们来谈谈美国吧
How about some beer? 来杯啤酒怎么样?
How about seeing a movie tonight? 今晚看场电影怎么样?
How about having a picnic this weekend? 这个周末去野餐怎么样?
How about eating out tonight? 今晚出去吃饭好吗?
Sure what would you like to do ?回答,

6、That’s a neat/good/great/nice/wonderful idea! 那个主意真不错
That’s a great suggestion 这是个好的建议

That sounds good/great /terrific/fabulous/fatastic 听起来太棒了
That sounds like a great idea! 听起来是个好主意
7、I’m afaid I must be going 我恐怕得走了
8、Don’t let me down 别让我失望
Don’t give up 不要放弃,坚持到底
Don’t be late 不要迟到
Don’t do that 不要那样做
Don’t mention it 不用谢,别提了
Don’t trick me 不要欺骗我
Don’t say a word 一句话都不要说
Don’t worry about it 不要担心
Don’t waste my time 不要浪费我的时间
Don’t get me wrong 不要误解我
Don’t miss the boat 不要错过那班船
Don’t take any chances 不要心存侥幸心理

9、I had a really bad day 我今天真倒霉
Really? I’m sorry to hear that
What’s happened?
I was late this morning
That’s awful
Try to be earlier next time
Ok,I will
I’m really sorry 我真对不起
You’re really something 你真了不起
The exam was really difficult 考试非常的难
The weather is really awful 天气真糟糕
His english is really good 他的英语真好
His chinese is really bad 他的汉语真的不好
Do you think so ? 你认为是这样吗?I know so 我知道是这样的了
You’re really lucky 你真幸运
He’s work really hard 他工作真的很努力
It was really not my fault 真的不是我的错
You really shoud’t say that about her你真的不应该那样说她
I really need you help 我需要你的帮助

10、May I use the phone 我可以用一下电话吗?
Sure,go ahead.
May I come in ?
May I use your bathroom? 我可以用一下洗手间吗
May I ask you a question?我可以问一个问题吗
May I ask you something?

11、I’m sure you’ll enjoy it 你一定会喜欢的
I’m sure I will.
I enjoy losing face
I enjoy yelling english 我喜欢喊英语
I enjoy working all of you 我喜欢和你们一起工作
I enjoy every day of my life 我喜欢生命里的每一天
I enjoy wathing TV 我喜欢看电视
I enjoy working with you very much 我喜欢和你一起工作
I enjoy traveling/teaching/helping people
Don’t give up 不要放弃

12、Are you kidding me? 你是在跟我开玩笑吗?
Are you trying to cheat me ? 你想骗我吗?
Are you trying to kill me ? 你想害我吗?
Are you challenging me? 你在挑战我吗?

13、why don’t you join us?为何不加入我们
Why don’t you try? 为何不试一试
Why don’t you work with me ?为何不和我一起工作呢?
Why don’t you join the English club?为什么不加入英语俱乐部呢?
We are going out tonight?
Why don’t you join us?
I’m really sorry I’m afraid I can’t, I’ve got a lot of work to do tonight
Oh ,that sounds too bad
I’m sorry about that

14、I felt the same way! 我也有同感

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